HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-17, Page 3W. T. U. COLUMN.
(coNl,17c?rltlt asY *YS WINeHAY macaw
Fur God and Home and Native Lan "
We call the attention, of the mothers and staters
to the rase, that the Woman's Christian Temper.
ante Union meets the third Monday every month
at three O'clock sharp, for one hour, at Mrs Nelm's
roeidenee, Patrick street. AU ladies are made wel-
As toe Editor has kindly given, us part of hie
apace, for our work, we ask friends of the cause to
rend Items el interest on all moral questions of the
day to any of our members.
"We live in deeds, not years; in
thoughts, not breaths ;
la feelings, not, in figures en the dial,
We should count time by heart throbs,
He most lives
Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts
the best,"
For Boys to Remember,
Many young persons begin the
babit of using alcoholic drinks
under the impression that they may
bo useful to them, or at least that.
they will do them no harm. Surely
no one in his right mind would use
poison unless he believed that in
Colne way it would be good for him,
and he would refuse to use it if he
was donvinced that it would injure
and 'finally kill him. Alcohol is
1i:nown to bo a poison, and from
the testimony of men who understand
its effects upon the human system,
it injures and shortens the clays of
those who use it.
Mr. Nelson, the most distinguished
of American actuaries, after long
and careful investigations and com-
parisons, ascertains by actual experi-
ence the following astounding fasts;
torates you were instrumental in the
conversion of sinners and in the
edification of saints. You commenc-
ed your ministry as a gospel preaeb
er of the most evangelical type and
you have continued true to your key
note till the present time, You. were
not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
In your former charges its well aa in
that in which you now labor, you
have been loved and esteemed in no
ordinary degree for your exceptional
qualifications as a preacher and pas-
tor. Your wisdom in counsel, faith-
fulness in discipline, sympathy for the
suffering and sorrowful, liberality to
those who were in need, and untir-
ing devotion to the temporal and
spiritual interests of your flock have
secured for you their enthusiastic
admiration, gratitude and love.
We, your co -presbyters have
always found you genial, considerate
and brotherly in Your intercourse
with us, faithful in friendship, zeal-
ous in expressing your convictions,
punctual in your attendance on
church courts, and self-denying, as
well as eminently efficient in the per-
formance of your full share of the
public duties of the church. On
this our jubilee, we, your fellow
laborers in the gospel, assure you of
our high appreciation of your gifts
and graces, your 'character and your
life work, and we assure yoaalso of
otir'desire that you may be soared for
ninny more years to figure as a son-
spict•rous standar() hearer in the
ranks or the Great Captain of our
salvation. Signed
1). PERNIK, dod•
Between the ages of fifteen and J. L. fiionstav, )
twenty where fifteen total abstainers J.ts. MALLa
cot, Committee.
die, -thirty-one moderate drinkers
Between the ages of twenty-five
and thirty, where ten total abstain-
ers die, thirty -ono moderate drinkers. Internally used Burdock Blood Bitters
die. cleanses, purities and tones every organ
of the system. In all cases where sores,
Between the ages of thirty and ulcers, blotches, scrofula, eta, appear on
forty whore ten total abstainers die, the surface an outward application oxen -
forty moderate drinkers die. Gists wonderful curative power over the
. skin and Rosh, healing thein enmplet•,ly
----" without even leaving a sear. Here is a
The Crown of a Noble Life.. case in point:
"Man is esselitial.ly T a moral being; Ater having used Burdock 13.00d
g; , Bitters for'scrofula in the blood I feel it
and he who fails to become so, fails t my duty to make known the results. 1
to become truly human. Individuals' was treated by ttskilled physician but he
and nations are brought to ruin not I failed to cure me. I had three running
by lack of knowledge, but by lack ; soroA on my neat rvbarb could n.ot be
of conduct. "Now that the world4, healed until I trite B. ti 1which
healed them completely, leaving the skin
is filled with learned men,' said I and flesh sound and whole.
Seneca, 'good "len are wanting.' He I As long as I live I shall speak or the
virtues of B. B. B. and I tool gr..teful to
was \tlru s preceptor, and saw plain- •Prov
ly how powerless intellectual culture
was to save Rome from the degener-
acy which undermined its civiliza-
tion and finally brought on its down-
fall. If in college the youth dues
�., - not learn to govern and control hinl-
self—to obey and do right in alt
things, not because he has not. the
power to disobey and do wrong, but
because. he has not the will—nothing
else he may learn will be of great
service. It seems to me I perceive
in our young men a lack of moral
purpose, of sturdiness, of downright
obstinate ea.rna,,ness, in everything
—except perhaps in money -getting
pursuit's, fur even lit these they are
tempted to trust to speculation and
cunning crevices rather than persist-
ent work and honesty, which becomes
. a -roan more than crowns and all the
'gifts of fortune. Without truthful-
ness, honesty, honor, fidelity, cour-
age, integrity, reverence, purity and as farmers' day, x111(1 so on that day a
self-respect, nu worthy or noble life molter of breeding classes, and
earl be led. And unless 'we can yet
into our colleges youths who can be
made to . drink into their inmost
being this vital truth, little good can
;deuce that such a medicine 13 pro-
vided for sufferers. •
Mao. W. BENNJ'rT.
Acton P. 0., Ont.
Canadian Horse Shoe.
The spring show to be held in
Toronto from the 15th to the 13th of
this month should, with favorable
weather, prove a. greater success than
the excellent one held last yea. The
prize list is very largely increased,
and a number of new classes have
been added, including three or four
standard bred roadster stallions,
mares, and fillies, the 'prize: fur
which are given by 11r. Henry Webb
Toronto. second prize has also
been 'added for the best combin-
ation saddle anti harness horse, and
a second for the best uniform team.
'1'hrotl»h the instrumentality of
.lir. Henry Wade, it has been resolv-
ed to set. apart Thursday, the 16th
others of speeial interest to farriers,
will be judged. The tickets of ad-
mi;sion on that day will be 50 cents
for the morning and afternoon tick-
be accotnplisiled there. --slight Rev. ets, and ono dollar fur an all -day
J. L. Spalding. ticket. Our friends from the conn-
�,�;,�. try would, thct'efore, do well to ar-
tango to he prose: t,on turf Thursday
..111BILE2 ADDa) ss. anti, in order to secure the best rates
Ripley, March 1Uth, 18:)tl. thuv would leave home on Wednes-
Acldress front the Presbytery of day, as on that day alone can tickets
Maitland to the Rev. Alexander good to return until the encu of the
Sutherland, of Ripley. week be secured froth the railway
Reverend and beloved brother, companies at, single fare, while on
we, the mentbcrs of the Presbytery all other days those travelling by
of Maitland have pleasure in offering rail will have to pay a fare and a
to you one hearty congratulations on third. Another attraction on Wed -
this, the jnbilee of your active work ne:irlay is the fact that Lord Aber -
in the ministry. In the good provi• 'leen, the Governor-General, will. be
deuce of Gorr yon have been privil- present at 2 p. tn. to open the exhi-
w eged to spend a full hail century in bition,
the sacred office to which yott wore
called. Your superior and mental Batist in tart h•,',re.--y)iatressiug .Gad•
endowments were early consecrated trey and Bladder diseases relieved iti elle
to the Lord. In tate tstltiittsblslu of henry by tit, ` Great South American Kid-
ney Cure.' `.this great remedy is a great
youth you entered upon your duties surprise and delight to physicians on ac-
us a. preacher of the Gospel and you count of its exceeding promptness in reliev
have continued to the present with in,t pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
of the uriuttty pasvng•os in male
Sage of salvtltinll, l ` n e, it relieves retention of water
g •inti pain in glassing it almost immediately.
We reeognize with grailtnde to Tf you want gniok relief and ogre this is
God the marker succe S which 11;13 your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drag
attended your labors in your tli(Y,ir- ,etrnd.
lent latstura:tcla, in the Maritime pro- Mute. Corneul was the original'
1, 1
vineds and in the, iTtaiti►tl States, ei author' of the phrase. No loan is a,
Well as in fur t iris. In au Masts lilts. hero to hit var•letl
unflarrin zeal to proclaim the lues- ttv'ry part
m g' p., i rl female,
gorse Notes,
The hares National, of Quebee,
recently sold ten stallions by auction.
They brought $3.110. The price
varied frt�m $110 to $075.
% *
Elland, the fastest trotting stallion
ever exported froth IMOrlea, died at
sea on his way to Germany. His
record was 2,091.
i * *
An agent from Germany has been
instructed to purchase 6,000 horses
in the United States for the use of
the German Government,
* * is
During the past year-1895—it is
reported that Mr. Leopold de Roths-
child won, on the turf, $101,525,
while Lord Rosebery got about $60,-
000, The Duke of Wellington was
also a very large winner.
* * *
Irish horses came well to the front
on the English race tracks during
year. Laodataia in the Derby Cup,
Ii,oekdove in the Cesarowiteh, Gazet-
teer, Kilsallaghan, Hebron, Lesterlin
and Red Heart, havo all done very
* at
Fidol, the noted pacing stallion,
with a record of 2.04•k, died recently
at Cedar Falls, Iowa. He won.last
season a lot of money for his owners,
A. Rivenburg & Son. . Ie was a
level headed, reliable horse, and
alisssys game. llis death, at nine.
years old was a heavy loss to his
* •IF * .
The leading winner amongst
English jockeys is again Mr. Morn-
ington Cannon. He has 184 wins to
his credit with 712 mounts.T.
Loates is seeond with 761 mounts'
and 166 wins; and F. Allsopp third
with 751 mounts and 112 wins.
These jockeys are paid large salaries
and often become very wealthy when
they can take care of the large sums
paid thein for their services.
x* *
Breed to the best, and only from
good; likely mares.' Never use a
stallion unless his breeding be good
and pure.. The same is true of all
male animals. It never pays to use
anything but a pure bred male.
Witte care. in breeding, there ought
to be as much money to -day in horse
breeding as its any other branch of
at a *
Anthrax rarely attacks the horse,
but recently in London, England,
fifteen horses died from this disease.
The outbreak was traced to some
Turkish oats used in the stables.
Theseloats had been shipped Ioose'ih
the hold of the vessel, and upon them
were placee a lot of hides, from
which the microbes were, no doubt,
derived. The seller of the oats had
to pay the datuages, which were as-
sessed at $1,650.
The British returns under the
Diseases of Animals Act, have been
published. There has been no
pleuropneumonia nor foot-and-
mouth disease in Great. Britain dur-
ing the year. Swine fever has been
common, 10,017 annuals have died
from this disease. Glanders showed
975 eases, about the same number as
,previous year. r.C'te report is a
favorable one, and lows a steady
decrease in losses suffered by this
cause by British breeders.
* ,t•*
Prices are very slowly tending
upwards. The writer recently saw
a let of forty young mares and geld-
ings that averaged a fraction over a
$100 a head. These were good
chunky Clyde grades and crosses.
Other lots brought rather under
that figure, but heavy, desirable
ani'malsVlare becoming scarce, and
the prices are tending upwards.
Farmers should secure the best
young breeding glares, as every
prospect points to better prices in
the future for good draft horses.
* >f *
Where skim milk is available, it
makes good food for foals. It should
be fed sweet and warmed, and it is
is much improved by adding a quan-
tity tit of linseed `ell The linseed is
Y jelly.
first boiled hi from six to ten times
its bulk of water, and then strained
for very young animals. At first
only use a couple of spoonfuls for
each meal, but gradually increase
the quantity. This is the best known
substance fior butter -fat in the milk.
The skim -milk thus fed is almost
equal to new milk. The same food
may be used for strengthening old or
weak horses.
ht)\recently the railways in Canada
e doubled the rates for the trans,
portation of horses in small lots.
This is unjust to the farther who
may wish to send a single horse or
team by train The reason assigned
is that a single horse will occupy a
$.'hale ear, but this is the fault of
the railways and not of the farmer,
Movable partitions could be cheaply
made that would answer every
purpose, and make the transport of
the animal safer. Every farmer
who reads this should write to his
representative at Ottawa to have
this glaring injustice remedied, The
doubling of the rates also applies to
cattle shipped in small lots. --Farm-
The captain of the Hurons of
Goderich, W. W. MacVicar has been
elected one of the Huron district re-
presentatives on the board of direc-
tors of the Canadian Wheelmen,
Messrs, A, McD, Arlin and W. T.
Murney are canvassing for subscrip-
tions by merchants and others to
raise the sum of $600, whicn will
secure the removal of the old Mait-
land Hotel from its present site near i
the G. T. R, station to the lakeside, I
wheke it will be remodelled and fitted I
up -as a good summer hotel.
A. J. Moore of the Collegiate staff I
had a pretty close call on Saturday.
It appears that the gentleman was
reading in a closed room while rest- I
ing on a sofa, and that gas escaped
from the stove in such volume as to
render the reader insensible. For-'
tunately the mishap was discovered I
and a doctor sent for. The M. D., I
who soon had his patient on the mend, i
stated that another hour with the.:
gas would certainly have meant!
'1'he masons at work on the new
Albion hotel had a narrow and
thrilling escape from a horrible death
yesterday. The south wall of the!
old building, about 40 feet long and! two stories high, was still standing, !ii "1"'ity
and the "len had just left .its base
where the had been laying .the ..:
foundation for one of the partition
walls, when the‘
high wind which
was prevailing sb, rted the whole line
of the old wall. \alar. A. M. Polley i
was standing watching the men, and
seeing the wall swahe, shouted to But it is done so" quickly, and at the same
the workmen. Two of Mem jumped .
out of the sellar on to the sidewalk, # time so neatly, that all are pleased with it.
but three others had only time to
rush into a, coal hole under the South.
street sidewalk' when the wall fell I
with a tremendous crash. • When the
clouds of dust cleared away it was
found no one was injured and theOffice and see them do it. Prices right.
workmen and crowd. of spectators i
gathered were able to realize that 1
the timely warning of Mr. • Polley i o
had averted what would have been '
the worst accidenttin the, history of —
the town.
for infants anis Children,
1-nars' ribenrvatlo:a of Cnts4n'•3.t •r••q+la the patronage of
millions o!ysmons, ,nrztit pi to mineof it without guessing.
It is unquestionably the beat remedy for Infants and Children
the world has ever knew n. ft in harmless. Children like it. It
gives them health. It will save their livers. In it Mothers have
something which is absolutely eai'o and practically perfect as
child's medicine,
Castoria destroys Worms.
Castoria allays I'e•verie:mess.
Castor-, prevents vnztt'ting Sear Curd.
Castoria cures Diarrhoea and 'vant1 Collo,
Castoria relives Teething Troubles.
Castoria cures Constipation and l:'latulene y.
Castoria nnu+ralizes the effects of carbonic ecoid gas or poisonous air..
Castoria floes not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels,
giving healthy and natural sleep.
Castoria in put up in on. -size bottles only. It is net sold fn balk.
. Don't allow any one to sell yon anything .else on the plea or promise
that it is "jest as good" and will answer every purpose."
Noe that you get C-A-S-T-O-R..I-A.
The fan -simile
signature of
is on every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Bringut up Job
along g your Job Work to the TIMES
Dear Editor :
Please state in your valued journal,
that if any sufferer from Nervous Debi-
lity, Seminal Weakness, Laok of Energy
and Ambition. Lost Manhood, Night
Losses, etc., will write me in coofidenee,
I will inform hit" by sealed letter, free of
charge, how to obtain a perfect euro. I
ask for no money, having nothing to sell.
I know how to sympathize with these
sufferers and am only too glad to be able
to assist them, i promise every one
absolute secrecy and as I do not, of
course, wish to expose myself either, I
do not give my name. If you desire to Opposite Macdonald Block.
get well, send stamp and address simply: ,
P. 0. Box 388, LONDON, ONT.
50 REW Rte.
I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me
a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as,
or better than ever.
Josephine Sr., Wingham.
For the sixth time in its 40 years
history Trull's block, at Orono, was
burned. down, Wednesday. The fire
started in the store occupied by
Nash & Lowrie, drygoods and
groceries. The printing office of the
Orono News over the store was also
destroyed, and the building occupied
by N. F..Hall, merchant tailor, and
Wm. Holland, barber, was burned.
Total loss estimated at $20,000,
insurance $11,000.
Out of weakness comes strength when
the blood has been purified, enriched and
vitalized by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
To live in hearts we leave behind,
is not to clic.---Campbell.
QUICK RELIIBI' and Sure cure follow
the use of Norway Pine Syrup in all
diseases of the Throat and Lungs,
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, etc. Price
25e., all 'druggists.
The heart that has truly loved never
forgets. ---Toni. Moore.
Yon Don't Saye to Swear Ott
Bays the St. Louis ,formal of Agriculture in an
editorial abetit 1o•To-nag the famous tobacco habit
cure, "We knew of many cases Mired by Ne.To•
Bac, one, a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked '
anti elictred for twenty years; two boxes cured him
so that eveh the smell nt tobacco tnakett hint sick "
No•To•dec rota tad guaranteed no cure no pay.
Book fret•. Sterling itetuedy f'o., 373 St, Foul St.,
%areal. Sold br C. E. wtlliatne ltiinghote.
Caveats and Trade•. larks obtained and all patent
business conducted for )n)DE[i' TM. t?5511. My
office is in theimmedi.ta vicinity of the Patent Ofce
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model. sketch or photograph of invention with
description and statement as to advantages claimed.
hgr•Xo Marge soot „rade for an optttfora.es to
patentability, and my, fee for prosecuting the
application wilt not. be called for until the
patentdaallotnod. "lave.voas' Gurne,' con-
taining full information sent free. An Cotlltilint.
cations Considered es Ntrietly ConlhleeNai.
Sari l* Strcue.. VS'ASEIIX:TGToli.Met
Farmers! Look at This.
ELLIOTT BROS., of the Wins:hem
Brickyard, have lots of 1,1:1('I. aur
DRAIN TILE on hand. 11is r.oil thai
other parties are selling ttt. i•e:lacutl It you tbink that a Tweed Suit cannot
prices, btit we eaneot be undersold, be properly made for $4 Spot Cosh, call
and our brink and tete are a,. goud
as any made in the province. We and see our work. Our terms are cash.
can Bell by the car load or 10,000 or
12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- W ;`BSTER & CO.,
chased anywhere. We havo also ft great
quantity of all krncls of lumber for tile,
..:t. 11 ELLIOTT.
Pushing, trustworthy men to represent ne in r.he
Cain of our Choice Nursery Stock. tipect lttee con-
trolled by ns. Blithest Salary or Couuuissiwt
weekly. Steady einplot "tent the year round. Iatt-
at free • oxclitaire territory ; expel hot nen. s.
sari ; big pal :mitred workers' speeinl Inducement
toabeginnere. Write atonae for particuttus to
For Suits that suit,
give comfort to the
wearer and satisfy
yourfriends,you had
OVERCOATS, better try UR. Our
garment mftkera
TROUSERS' work • dont think
there �are any better
and yet we charge no more than others
do for inferior work. Hundreds of new
fall and winter samples to choose from,
at prices about half what you have to
pay for old goods. Work done for l,artiee
furnishing their own cloth.
Opposite the Macdonald Blank,
:'''• ;Yfis ettstitM
1'4inghaal. May 16,1585. Wiwt'haltt,Ont,