HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-17, Page 2ts, .
vriTz Si -Yr)
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* f tber
By A. Conan Doyle.
[u 1a rI' eettal
+• i Huta 1
• MTrliu.dc,
The ex -prize-fight 1
1 ,. • cd4. oty
found, been, arrest cl as jilll ,L
., Sholtohad been
a 1
I .
, I d, h._1t1, 1
and both t
ul 1
mareInel01E to th station, Two con-
stabl s guarded. tt i marrow gate, but
they allowed
rtes with the doe
on lily mcntionigg the detective's
r door-
' deo
r•• cn do the •, teal 7
Holmes vas ti
� g
t e k t s
: in di• a 4 ,
• uls1 a
v , with his 1L,11
"?, h. y itt have hien there !" said he.
(co"l r. ,,;, then ! Athelue y Jotios lou
gone. We have hacl an immense dis-
play o; ( twisty sines. you left. Ha has
arreatc• ; u•nt only friend Thaddeus, but
the ga'• •l.•.cp. r, the housekeeper, and
the liesse-:n ;errant, We have the
,,,,iel tb"t t" t • mute to ]Ves ,but for a sergeant
upstairs. L :aye the dog here and coxae
We t' +dl Toby to ;the hall table, incl
red:: ee, .d+il the stairs. The room rviLS
act • 1 +ft it ti'Lve that a Sheet had
"No;it is clear and concise."
"`Wel, now, let us put ourselves in
. the place of Jonathan Small. Let us
look atit from his point of view.He
comes to England with the doublidea
of regaining what he would consider to
Ile his right and of having his revenge
• upon the man who hacl wronged. him..
. li.e found out where Sholto lived, and
very poseibly he established commui-
cations with some 0'cinsidethe11o
There is this but1Cr, LallaO whom we
Mrs. 1
�0 •.notCl 1 't 011e gives h t,e a �,J alas
far from a good ellaractee, Small could
not find out, however, where the treas-
ure was hid, for no one ever knew, Faye
the major aiicl ono faithful servant who
had died. Suddenly Small learns that
the major is on his death -bed. In a
frenzy lest the dseeret of the treasure
die with him, 11 •• runs the gauntlet of
the guards, mak s his way to the dy-
ing man's lost,en1 is only deterred
from entering by the presence of his
a most comical c ld, to its'head,like
ling the bouquet
011e connoisseur all 1
a C to
s then
t Holmes 1famous vin @.
a E a ,,
f pl•chief to a
stout cord to the
id led lam to the foot
The creature in -
a succession loll o high,
11(1, with his nose 011
s tail in the air, pat -
trail at a pace which
and. kept t usatthe
threw the hand
twice, fastened
mongrel's collar,
of the water-barr
t,aatt1broke. int
tremulous yelps,
the ground, and 1-
tered off upon the,
strained his
slea •1
, s
topof our speed. it
The east had ben gradually whiten-
ing, and we caul now see some dis-
tance in the co 1, gray light. The
square, massive onse, with its black,
empty windows . 1r.1 high, Dare walls,
towered up. sad alai forlorn, behind us.
Our course led rigit across the grounds,
in and out among Vie trenches and pits
-with which they were scarred and in-
terseoted. The chole place, with its
s=•attercd dirt ]Yaps and ill -grown
shrubs, had a bli'' ]ted, ill-omened look
p l
1 ,t { over
beau C.
which ha
moniz d with lth tho
over lt.
i • winch he
rsergeantg 3 g
.,•reclined d
weary to ,icing po.lto 1 e On reaching the boundary wall Toby
lu"t!tH testier. , n " ran along, whisking eagerly, under -
said toy companion. "`]row tie this bit • neath its shadow and stopped finally
sohang it nett corner scree' ed by a young beech.
of care ltltlllC� r tg+
c r.
„rr Cl.
• IS joined, " rAl-+>' two tel.
here the
- Now I
in fa - t of me. Thank you
mist kick off me- hoots and stockings. ],ricks llacl beet loosened, and the
.Tust you carry them clown with you, ' crevices left were worn down and
Wet:on. I alp going to do a little i rounded upon theQ" lower side, as though
• climb ti;. Anel elfin any handkerchief • they had frequently been usecd as a
into the creosote: That will do. Now ! ladder. Holme clambered up, and,
come tip into the. garret with me for a taking the dog rola me, he dropped it
mom. nt." over upon the of ter side.
We elambercd up through the holo. "There's the print of wooden -leg a
Holm, s turned his light once more hand," he remar ted, as I hnouuted up
upon footsteps the footsteps in the dust. beside him. ".You sec the slight
"1 wish yon particularly to notice smudge of blood upon the plaster.
tl f t l: " l L'cl Da you V...1 ett a lucky thing it. is that we have
two eons. Mao..with ]late, however,
g• i st the dea man he enters the
.t n
a ,
- 1 his private
thatnight, searches os
papers in the hope of discovering wino
memorandum Noting to the treasure,
to nto of his
a memento finally leave.. to
and ix t
upon visit in the short- inscription ] r
doubtlessla tt 1
batt 1 1
card. He
1 .
slay the
d 10 . La
that shell] l
beforehand t a
bof Y
major he would.]cove some such record
upon the body as a sign that.it was not
a common murder, but, from the pont
of view of the four associates, some-
thing in the nattue. of an act of jus -
lice. Whimsical
of this kind are cot
annals of crime,
valuable indicatio
id bizarre conceits
mon enough in the
and usually afford
as to the criminal.
Do you follow all tUis ?"
"Very "
a t
"Nov,Jonathan Small
•otuld , of a -na
NoryWhat c T
do? He could. only continue to keep
a secret watch upon the efforts made
to find the treasure. Possibly he leaves
England and. only comes back at inter-
i ••o h
G ft
c 7e discovery o
one.. tl
vel.. J.hen c �
garret, 1ul(1lieis inset a'i l; informed of
it. We again tra e the presence of
some confederate
Jonathan, with ii
utterly unable to re,
of Bartholomew Sh
the foot of`Kenninggton Trane they hail
edged away to the left through ]pond
street and Miles street, Where the
latter street turns into Knight's place,
ma It ] h o
advance,b l le a' t,
ceased to
with 1. e
run backward and fortvaa•d o 1
ear cocked and the other drooping, the
very pieture of canine indecision,
'l'1!: n he waddled. round in circles, looks
le e up to us from time to time,. its if to
ask tor sympathy in his embarrass-
l l ] t.
"What the deuce is the platter with
the dog ?" growler] Holmes. "They
surel • would not tate a cab, or go off
in a balloon."
"Perhaps they stood Here for some
time," 1 suggested.
"Alt ! it's ell right. Bo's off again,"
said my companion in a tone cf relief.
ito was, indeed, oil : for, after sniff-
ing round. again, ii0 sadaellly made up
his ]pilo], dal . darted away an
energy and d termination such as ho
o n cent ap-
t rt s
Ihitd not e
peared to yet
m ch hotter than before,
for lie had. not Oven to put his nose on
the ground, b t tugged at his leash,
and tried to br L1: into a run. I could.
1 e that
in Holmes' eyes see
Uv theglee.H
he thought we ere nearing the end of
our journey.
ran Nine Elms
•coarse] mew down
Our t
Broderick and Nei.
•an '•o al
until we c ] e /,
son's large timber yard, just past the
White Eagle tivern. ere the dog,
frantic with exoltement, turned dowel
through the side gate into the judos -
tire, where the sa vyers were already at
work. On the d a. raced through saw-
dust and shavin s, down an alley,
round a 11passage,.. between two wood-
piles, aliit ilnatlly;"with a triumphant
yelp, sprang upon large barrel, whale
still stood upon lie handl-trolley en
1 brought. "With
which loci be h
linkingg e
lolling tongtiee and eyes, Toby
stood] upon th(3 ,cask, looking from one
to the other of 'tuafor some sign of an-
i predation. The 'tataves of the barrel
and the wheels df the trolley were
smeared] with a dark liquid, and the
whole air was heavy with the smell of
1 the ]household. , creosote.
wooden leg, is' SIMI:lock Holmes anal I looked
ch the lofty room ' blank]\ gat each other, and then burst
Ito. He takes with s!multalteously into an uncontrollable
him, however, a rtther curious asso- fi't of tauvlit'4 • f
c•iate, who gets over this difficulty, but ° •CIIAP:C ;R VIII:
dips his naked foot into creosote, . ``
whence. come 'Toby, and a six -mile THE LAKER STREET IRREGU-
limp for a ]telt-pay officer with a dam- • n LA S.
agt.cl Achilles tendo. i
'Tut it was titan associate, and not w ,••;ii• now I skec1. "Toby has
(lisappoT lied voles, "I and sorry for weary, llelogged in lain', :.iii 2aligued
that, for I wanted to speak to M.
in body. I had not the professional
"He's been away since yesterday
anoanin', sir, and truth to tell, 1 am be-
ginning to feel frightened about him•
sir,maybe. 1
Ll L Ott
'i lir was be-
c'oLlltl serve as well,"
"1 wanted to ]lire his steam launch,"
"Why. bless you, sir, it is in the
steam launch that the has gone, That's
what puzzles me; for I know there
ain't more collie 111 her than would tit, e
her to about Woolwich and back. If
he'd been away in the barge I'd Ila'
thought nothin ; for many e time a
job has taken ]Lim as far es Gravesend,
and then if there was much doin' there
Ile might ha' stayed over, But what
good is a steam launch without coals?"
"He might have bought some at a
wharf down the river." ,
might, sir, but it weren't t s
beard him
way. Many a time I've
] ea
call out at the prices they charge for a
few odd bags. Besides, I dont like
that wooden -legged man, wi' his ugly
face and outlandish talk. What did he
' ' here fol
want always ]cnocl,lal about
"A wooden -legged. man?" stud
Holmes, with bland surprise.
Lope 1
c'•.brown,'n 11
u a3
' ' 7
]nolo 11 once
• calledmy
chap t
't that
roused. • m t a o.
old. man. It was ]p
till yesternight,. fond,. what's more, `Lay
man knew he was corrin', for he had
steam up in the launch. I tell you
straight, sir, I don't feel easy in my
mince about it."
"But, my dear Mrs. Smith," said
Holmes, shrugging his shoulders, "you
are frightening yourself abolitnotlhing.
How could you possibly tell that it was
- the wooden -legged man who came in
the night ? I don't quite understand
you canoe so me.
how 3 ous
"His voice, til I knew his voice,
which is kind o' tick and foggy. He
tapped at the winder—about three it
world. be. 'Show :L leg, matey,' says
he ; 'time to turn ojtt guard.' My old
- tt s eldes
'1n— lti
man woke np Ja i
and away they went; without so much.
as a' word to ine. s I could hear the
wooden leg clackin' n the stones."
"And was this w odon-legged man
alone ?"
"Couldn't say, I am sure, sir. I
• didn't hear no one el e." trained. and experienced faculties were
"I am, sorry, Mrs. mith, for Iwanted at once directed toward the detection
a steam launch, n id I have heard of the - criminals, with the gratifying
good reports of the—Let me see, what result that the brother, Thaddeus
is her name?" Slloito, has alreiuly been arrested, to -
"The Aurora, sir," gether with the housekeeper, Mrs.
"'Alt ! She's not that old green Bernstone, an Indian butler named
enthltsiasm w11ic1L'carried my cotnpan
ion on, nor could I look at the :natter
as it mere abstract iutellcetllill problem
a h of 1. a joie
let me
• as the w
far a
heard lift] good
leaf 0f
Rohm went,
loan, and could feel no intense anti-
pathy to his murderers, The treasure,
however, was a different platter. That,
or part of it, belonged rightfully to
Miss Moreton, While there was a
it,lrvasciul t
'111 : 0
p e '
t eC tY
chance 0 1 7z
devote my life to the one object• tJ.rue,
if I found it, it would probably put her
forever beyollcl lay reach, Yet , it
would. be a petty alai selfish love which
would be hilluenced. by such a thought
as that. If Holmes could work to find
the criminals, 1 ]lad a tenfold stronger
reason to urge ale on to find the yeas-.
let a com-
and m
freshened Incwonder--
change up
toour room.
• m down
, o
I found the breakfast laid and Holmes
pouring out the coffee.
"Here it is," said he, laughing, and
newspaper. P e
' ill to
pointing a1
energetic Jones and. the ubiquitous re-
porter have fixed it up between them.
But you have had enough of the case.
lieggs i11St.
t Ilam ill
have your
r 11 a
Bct c 1
hint and read.
from 1 d
paper i
took the a
1 p
the short notice, which was headed.
"Mysterious Business et Upper Nor-
"About twelve o'clock last night,"
said the Standard, "Mr. Bartholomew
Shope, of :Pondicherry Lodge, Upper
Norwood, was found doad•in his room
.hinder eirCumstaneen which poialt to
foul play. As far as we can learn, no
traces of violence were found upon Mr.
Sllolto's person, but a valuable collec-
•1 h( decease
ion ofgems,
inherited from , t
i b a 1 s
had n e
eel gentleman
fater has been carried off. The dis-
covery was first made by Mr. Sherlock
Holmes and I)r, Watson, who had
called at the house with Mr. Thaddeus
the deceased. B a.
brother Y
Sholto, bio c
alp a 1
singular piece of good fortune, Mfr;
Athelney Jones, the well-known mem-
ber of the detective police force, hap-
pened to be at the Norwood police
station, anal was on the ground. within
half an ]tour of the first alarm. Hie
lege oo mar in Le st 1
• -r anything g rote vert]] ' about had no very 11e�avy rale since yester- Jonathan, who committed the cru11<'•" I�,,.: ,pr:racCer f,. � ittfallfbility," launch with It ye]IiSty line, very broad Lal Rao, and a porter, or gatekeeper,
observe any t mg 1 t 3 clay ! Tlie scent will lie upon the road "Quite so. And r. they to Ja;tathan's 'e ��, eel araorr 'ng to his lights." in the beam ?" named McMurdo. It is quite certain that
them :.
"They U lolls " I said "to a child or ill spite of their eight -incl -twenty disgust to fudge by the way he a r(` ]'olmec 1 iftin lira <lorvniroxn the "1�(o indeed. Sl e's as •trim a little the thief or thieve4ryeretvell acquainted
e ,
,, stamped about rv,1. he got into e , >+r,rl end tr alln him out of the thing .La any on th levet e with e t ,
a ll - 77 hours' start."
saga woman."
'th x." g . . She's been i h the house for Mr: Jones' well -
;mit size, though. Is I confess t11at I lied try doubts myself the room. He bele to grudge against timber yard. "If you consider how • known teclluical knowledge and his
I ,)apt from t s a I I g 7 ion the great trafficfresh painted, bla k with two red. powers of minute observation have en=
Bartholomew •Shop , and] would have much n:•oclsote, is carried about London
ther • le thillt else :1"
"T11ey appear to be much as other
".Not at all. Look heee ! This is the
N. len re et. e....
which had passed along the London pheferred if he. could,lutve been simply in on@ .-c
a d,it is no great wonder that st>;eal.a him abled lato prove conclusively that
road in the inter% al. :fly fears were bound a.nd eters eel• Be did not wish our trail should leave been crossed. It' I'lmanks• I ]lope that you will ]hear the miscreants could not have entered
soon appeased, •ed ho ,ever. • Toby never to put his head in it halter. Tltei•0 wassoon from Mr. Smith: I am gots clown
. 0 1 a p e s t is ]alai] used now,. especially for the _ B by the door or by the tvinclorrr, Dntmust
M the dust. Now hesitated or Sryet'. ed, but waddled. On 110 hell) for it, however ; the savage in sut'.onin,, of wood. _Poor Tony is not the river : and if I',1+l1011hl Fee 1Lllything, have made their way across the roof of
dint of. a lir 1lt foot in h „ of the Aurora I sll 11 let him ].nory that
I Make 0110 with my naked foot beside m ibis peculiar Tolima fashion. Clear- sheets of his companion had broken to=]plane. file Uuilcling, and so through a trap
it, What is the chief difference?" ly, the pungent smell of the creosote , out, and the poison had done its work , "We mast ge on the main scent yon are uneasy. black funnel, you floor into a, room which. communicated
""Your toes are all cramped together. rose thigh above all other contending e so Jonathan Small left his record, again; I suppose.r say* ? ,, with that in which the body was fo,ind.
The other print has each toe distinctly scents. 4 lowered. the treasure -bot to the ground, ='Yes. Aiid, fortunately, we 1.1.ve no , • `N0, sir. Blaekirvith a white inane]: This fact, which. has been very clearly
77 "Do not imagine " said Holmes, • and followed it himself. That wits the distance to go. Pviclently what puzz- All, of course. It was the sides made out, proves conclusively that it
"Quite so. That is the point. Bear "that I depend for r
that in mind. Now, would you kindly case upon the mere
step over to that flap -window and these fellows havin-
to r
I ] r
smell the edge of lube wood -work? I chemical.
shall stay over 1t/ere as I have this which would enitli
many different
- " hand." .
handkerchief dl:.rc]iief in my
a1 c '
I did as he directed. and was in- ever, is the readies
stantly consciousi of a strong tarry has put it into me
smell. culpable if T negl(
"Thin is where, he put his foot ill ever. prevented t
S, success in this train of events as far as I can decipher led the doggy at th
chance of one of ' thein: Of course mete his personal ap- Place was that tl
put his foot in the ' peartnce lie must b middle-agOcl,yalnd trails running i
knowledge now ; must be sunburnrt after serving. We took the wr
pie to trace them i time in such an over as the Andaman. main; to follow ti
rns hov- Hta 1c'• r Ldicticltd fiemT cv, 10
nal, since fortune j the lenth of his set• de, and weknots• On leading Toby
s hair}nesss hould be ' ar( d H1.nds .[ ,1 h wap be that e
, committed It
ted it. It has, how- i wee tho one point had co
e case from becom- ! itself neon Thaddeu
corner of Knight's which were black. • Good morning, was leo facie haphazard. burglary. 'Phe
ire were two different lsrs. Smith. 'Ther: is a boatman ]lore prompt and energetic action of the
with a •wllelr • atson. «' e shall lot • the ,teat ad=
opposite directions. v 3 , � officers of the lata "shows t s €,
ng ane. It c+•re- take it and cross tl river." vantage of the presence on such •oc-
i7S r-
. and lna. to
f thatsingle 1 oloti5
4 other. The main thin with people o h rasions of a s ng vigorous
iiif77culty about tales. sort," said Hohn • as we sat in the ful mind: We cannot but think that it
;o the *,lace where the sheets of the where , "is never to let supplies, an urgu,nent to those. Who
fault, he cast about them think that th it information can would wish to see our detectives more
which impressed ill a wide circle, duel finally clashed off be of the slightest •'mportanee to you. decentralized, and so Drought into
in a fresh direction. If 3-ou do, they wit
"We must tape caro that lie does not like an oyster. If
now bring us to the place where the under protest, as it,
creosote barrel cab e from," I observed. likely to get what 3!
"I had thought of that. But you "Our course now
notice that he keeps on the pavement, said I.
whereas the barn pitssed down the "What would yo'
roadway. No, we tre on the true scent "`I would engag
Sholto tt•Ileli Ito
ettini out. If you can trace him, 1 iiia- the saw It le intellectual prob- � sahili] et the wine w. I don't know
should think that; Toby will have no len which it at' one time promised to ; that there is anythin� else."
difficulty. Now run down stairs and, ape- There mi it have been some i "The atsoeiitte?" ,
loose the dog, and look out for Bien- credit to be gain 1 out of it, but for this ! "Alt, well, there isdno great mystery
din." •too palpable clue ' t in that. But ydti $rel know all about
By the time that I got out into the ` "There is credi and to spare," said. : it soon enough. Hoy sweet the morn -
grounds, Sherlock Holmes was on the ; 1. "I assure a u, Holmes, that I' ing air is !• Seo bo,;G that one little
roof, raid I could See him like an enor- ! marvel at the 1- eans by which you ! cloud floats like a pink feather from
mous glow-worm.crawling very slowly obtain your resul in this case even : some gigantic flamingo. Now the red
along the ridge. I lost sight of him more than I did is the Jefferson Hope ° rim of the" sun pushes itself over the
seems to me to Ise • London,:'eloud-bank,' It shines on te
behind a stack of ncllimneys, but he murder. The thing
*presently reappeared, and thele vanish- ' deeper and more Ii]1explicable. How, I good. navy folk. but- on none, I dare
ed once more upon the opposite side. i for example, couldl1you describe with , bee, who are on a o-tr.,ng er errand than
When I made my way round there 1 ; such confidence tiyie wooden -legged s`• you and I. Hew -entail . we feel with?"• our petty" funbitions;jand strivings in
boy ! it was siin- the presence of tit q. great elemental
>u t wish to be : forces of nature! Ate you well up in.
patent and above I your Jean Paul?" r?
board. Two oineersle who ai., in con ,,• I airly s o. I worked back to him
mond of a convict 4uard )kern an im', through Carlyle," ',
portent secret as to wied`treasure. A ; "That was like following the brook
ma/, is drawn for th m by an English- ! to the parent lake. He makes one etui-
man named Sonat an Small. You ' ous but profound remark. It is that,
''then,'(G, of man's real
1� that we �tt thehl f proof remember p e 1
Tie chart in Ca tain;:`lorstan s posses- lies in his perception `elf his awl] small -
slim. He had signed. -
:self and his associat(
four, as he somew
called it. Aided by fghis chart, the of- is much food for tho*ght in Richter.
fivers—Or one of theme -gets the treasure ' you have riot a pb tnllf have you ?"
and brings it to England, Ieaving, we i •'I have my stick,"•.
tc ition under "' ct •a'
will SunpOsn, some condi It is jtl.. possible at we may need
if we get to their
'11 leave to you, jetty. tihel acl.•�
`s nasty I !;hall routed, and his f ce assumed an omni- cave is sure to pushitself into the daily
rrtook out his re- ons euppresslon• )ress, and the runaways will think that
- M"This" 1 ,
d harm loadedc ' "These,
]oaks 13 a ,. tel h .
, a e
wrong + isoff on tho �tio scent:
er rpna,
le put itback into fellows are shatj�per than I expected. eV'\'1iutt aro we to do then?" I asked,
of his jacket. They seem to hadp covered their tracks, • d :near . illban c Penitenti-
r,77 been pteconcerted air Ivo landed . 4 l
this tleer , .drive home, ha
Icling the door of the some breakfast, and et an hour's sleep.
opened, and a little, It is quite medic cart • that we maybe
f ° ` - Stop atn the tele -
\N o will ]:eel)
yt)E rise to US yet."
` W all d u 1 itt 1Ile Creat Peter
olives die nLtelh-
r 1
• 1 n ao oto think that
inning, allclroilglh- voting imp; for;lf your father comes d h1�s7yvlre., 1� leio yon , •
emerging, rubbing home and fields nv'ou like that, he'll let •s to . he aslcecl, as we resumed out
their beards after us hear of it." !"
journey. 7. 17
it. Strange dogs "I.am sure I don't ].now.
s g 1 � Dear little ••'aha.psaid Holmes, "You ,tared wondering 3 strategically. "tWllat a dos checked �•ou remember the Baker street di -
but our inimitable young rascal 1 `+ ow ,Tack • there vision of the detective polka force whom
y gN 1 •e(1 fn tljp Jefferson Hope
found him seated, at one of the corner i man
eaves. "Pshaw, my dea
"That you, Watson 2" he cried. plieity itself. I
"Yes.' theatrical. It is al.
"This is the place. What is that
black thing down there ?"
„ "
A water -barrel."
r e
"Top on it ?"
"No sign of a ladder?"
"Confound the, fellow ! It's a most
break -neck place. I ought to be able
to colpo down where ho could climb
u The water -pipe feels pretty firm,
Here goes. anyhow."
There was a scuffling of the feet, and
the lantern began to come steadily
down the side of the wall. Then wit
a light spring he came on to the barrel,
and from there to the earth.
"It was easy to follow him," he said,
drawing on his stockings acid boots.
"Tiles were loosened the whole way
along, and in his hurry lie had dropped
•1" as you
diagnosis, b
this. It confirms „
doctors express it."
The object which he held up to me
• all pocket o
r pouch, woven
was sm k ,
with a few
p •a s and. out of colored grasses
tawdry beadsstrunground it. In
shape and size it was not unlike a
cigarette -case. Inside were half a
dozen spines of dark wood, sharp at
one end and rounded at the other, like
that whieh had struck Bartholomew
"nay are hellish things," said he
"Look out that you 'don't prick your-
self. I'm delighted to have thein, for
the chances are that they are all he
has. There is the less fear of you or
Vie finding one in our ;Skin before long.
I would sooner face "a Martini bullet
myself. Are you, game for a six -mile
trudge, Watson , 1`
Certainly," I answ red. ?"
"Your leg will stan4 it
.,lel], yes, 7i
Here you are, do gy? Good old
Woby Smell it, 'Toby smell it!" Ile
pushed the ere n ::n to plan lkerehief under
the dog's nosh-.,, filet th creature stood
with atslege sep &tecl,.and with
t in behalf of him- nese. It argues, you. see, a power of
--the sign of the cornpari:sOn and of ineweciation, which
at dramatically is in itself a. proof of" nobility. There
which he received it unfulfilled. Now, something of the sort
then, whyldid. not Joiiiat hap Small get lair. Jonat'lia.n I shy
the treasure himself ?g The answer 7s but if the other turn
obvious. The chart f elated at a time shoot flim dead," H.
when Morstau eras' h roan - into close volved as he spoke, a
association with c i Jonathan two of the chambers,
Small did not get the treasure because the right-hand pocket
ammo themselves
i and his assoetlttcs o
convicts and cottld no get away."
"But this is mere speculation." said
"It is more than the . It is the only
si•s the facts, Let
which cove 1c t
Il • lothe,ls c v
us sen how it fits in -with the sequel.
Major S11olto remains tt peace for some
years, happy in the 'possession of his
• r i •e.• a letter
treasure. Then he 7 e u• s
from India which git es him a great
fright. What Was th t?"
"A letter to sae- the the hell whom
he had wronged. trail bjen set free.
"Or had escaped,
more likely, for lie w
what their term of it
It would not have
]lien.. What does
guards himself again
mart ---a White man,' mark you, for he
mistakes a white tr desman for him,
and actually fires a istol at him. Now,
onlyone white mai s name is on the
chat, The others are Hindoos or'
;liohatninedans. T ere is no other
white man. There re we may say
with confidence that lie wooden- egged
man is identical wit ,Jonathan Small,.
Does the reasoning
That is much
nld have known
prisalhment was,
ecu it surprise to
c do then? He
a wooden -legged
instantly slut up ;down and more effective touch with
on listen to thein the cases which it is their slut to ihi-
`vere, you are very , y
u want." vestigi�te. ' ��
"Isn't it gorgeous ! said Holmes,
eems pretty clear,"grinning over }tis coffee cup. " What
I do you think of it ?"
do then ?" ""I think that we have had a close
a launch and: and 00 shave ourselves of being arrested for
down the track oft Aurora•
It tended down t ward. the riverside, "My dear fellow,it would be a co -
running through elmont Place and lossal task. She ]ny have touched. at `So do I. I wouldn't answer for our
Prince's street. . the encs of Broad any wharf on either side of the stream safety now, if he should happen to
street it ran clown o the water's edge, between here and C preenwich, Below have another of his attacks of energy."
where there was it 1
Toby Ied us to tl
and there stood r=
etc in
1 you a idt 1
7 voice :cur beyond. . them if or set 1 t
on fire dull mere
" ,
•a](1 eines. o • t )otic tl 11.
Z • . o t of ucL- s, H elm Il etc e e
i e ale u 1 3 1 =,By heaven, Holhnes," I said, half -
"'['hey have talo ' to a boat here." "No. I shall probably call Atllelney !rising, "I. believe they are really after
Several small pie is and skiffs were Jones in at the last moment. He is isisus'i
lying about in the water and on the not a bad fellow, an I should. not like ,
edge of the wharf. We took Toby to do anything whit: would injure liim •, o, it's not quite so bad as that.
t unofficial for e—the Baker
round to each in turn, but, though he professionally. But have a fancy for' It is the " c
sniffed earnestly, he made no sign. working it out my s f• now that we street irregulars.
Close to the me o landing stage was have gone so ftir." As heM spoke, there • came a swift
pattering of naked feet upon the stairs,
a clatter of high voices, and in rushed
a dozen dirty and ragged little street
Arabs. There was some show of c1ie-
011111ne among them, despite their
tumultuous entry, for they instantly
drew up in line and stood facing us
with expectant faces. One of their
number, taller and older than they
others, stood forward. with an air of
lounging superiority whieh. was very
funny in such a disreputable little
"Got your message, sir," said he,
"and brought'om on sharp. Time ce bob
and a tanner tickets,"
n 1 et far ti , to s.
"Here you aro," said Holmes, 7pro-
ducing Some silver. "In future they
call report to you, Wiggins, and. you
to 1 e, I cannot have the 11
n V house invaded
in this tray. However, it is just it's
well that yeti should. all hear the in- •
structions. I want to final the where-
abouts of a steam lahulu•11 called the i
Aurora owner Mordecai al Smht t lack
14I ec 1 U
with two red streaks, funnel' black
with a white band. She is down the
river somewhere. I want o710 boy to
be at Moldova' Smith's landing stage,
opposite Millbank, to see if the boat
comes back, You must divide it out
amog yourselves, diad do both banks
thoroughly. Let tee know the moment
you. have news. Is that all clear?"
"Yes, guv'elor," said Wiggins.
The old scale of pay, and it guinea
to the boy who finds the boat. Here're
a day in advance. Now off you go t'
He handed them a shilling each, and
away they buzzed down the stairs, and }}•
saw then_ iL moment later streaming
mall wooddenwharf. the bridge there is t
;t very edge of this, of landing -places fo
lining, looking out take you days out
perfect labyrinth
At this momentthere was it loud
• miles: ' It would ring at the bell, and I could hear Mrs.
clays to exhaust Hudson, our landlady, raising her
I•t at one. a wail of expostulation and
a shall brick house, with a wooden "Could. we adverts , then, asking for
placard slung outf through the second information from wharfingers ?"
window. "Mordecai Smith" was print- "Worse and worse ! Our wren would
ed across it in large letters, and, auulee- know that the chat was hot itt their
Beath, "Boats to hire by the hour or heels, and theywoild he off out of the
day." A second inscription above the cotnttry. As t 1
door informed us that c1 steam launch enough to leave, bl,
wits kept --a statement which was eon- think they are Pellc
finned by a great gtile of coke upon the be in no hurry. ,lo
ollnes looked slowly of use to tum there
, they are likely
t so long' as they
•tly safe they will
es'energy t be
r his view of the
during g - ft
O >
.m 11 t lis time .peen f 1
t -e had, < 1 �
� fi.
!here has, I i
I e
lowing the guidane of Toby downthe management 11e1
half -rural, villa -line' roads whieh lead Ho was appro
Or' however, -e
t 1 t ver w
to the. metropolis.
•hen it
house, tt
were bel inning to •ono alnong con- curly -headed la o nl:,. came Lumling , ,
•- ne a nt.
LdOOt to -mane agent.
leer rt fere laborersd � ..
t]nuou�r streets, s,out, followed by a stoutish, reel -faced bra >h off!ce, cabby
doekmen were dire Cly astir, and slat- woman, •with al ltarge sponge in her i
ternly women were" taking down shut- handl:
Toby, for he, may be
ter"s and brushing" doorsteps. At the "'y fi k 1 b ashed e pulled 1
"You dome l) .c and
1 w ,
square -topped col er public houses deal; " ehe Shouted ""Colne back you strut pest ofhce, find
�` as just business us ht"
looking leen were
their sleevee items
their horning as
sauntered up, and;
at us its we passed;,
Toby looked licitly:
the left, but trot
loose to the ground
eager whine, whi
We had traverse
ton, Camberwell, f expect
selves ill Kennington Lane, luxvmg fills chile], Mrs, Sivit11." that lie
and h!s, ga � iiis, a I withusborne away through the side streets to "Ler' bless you, sir, he is that, and
the east of the Oval. file men whom forward, He gets: 'most too mttelt for , before we have finis led our breakfast."
we pursttecl :seemed to have taken a pie to mann a pec}ail when my It was between ei ht and nine o'clock
�' Hort,
kept to the main road if a parallel slate „ ""Away, is lie said Holmes, in a
- to the right nor to anything; you ti4iuld life 2" I eini; 03
1 onward with his rj,l. youth rendered for moment case?;
and. an occasional , 1e out �1��10 ; 77' 1 a r "Well," said I, 1
I cl like a slxilli said he. "This ,
,i - Iles is just tl i
11 spoke of a ]Lot "Nothing; you would like better?
"'I'd like two, shillin' better,,' the might 1)e invalur(
[ Streatham, Brix- prodigy answered, after some thought have other lesourc(
Ied now f tart] our- tlleln first. That tt'
4 "Hereyou al. then ! Catch !—
p1 til 1`etttcnaitt �•
lghing .
ease where they
o. 11 they fail, I
; but I shall try
re was to my dirty
curiously zi,zitg road: They had never man is away n.ys t a time•" I
rike 3rott as being streea Would serve they tura. At
and I was a 1Sci0t1S of ft strong
reaction after the sttecessiVe 'eiteite-
ments of the -nigh ; 7 was limp and