The Wingham Times, 1896-04-10, Page 8t. --••••••- THE WINGHAM TIMES, APRIL 10 1890. WATCH THE OFFINC tr LUC zee Tuesday eveningthe youug folks event a very enjoyable time at Mr. ,leicti Faleoner's. l ' Some of the fate ones are co -atom - a trip to Windsor and Detroit in 810380148. quest of employment forhe tconning 1 I simmer. CLEllrLAINtIne. ierytteles We sell only the best Mr. Angus neKenzie W110 has -- i been laid up for sometime is not re - would likltes. speedily as bie friends PERFECT, WATC3 OR DRESS COODSle""i144 DEPARTMENT DEVELOP. Since a week' past we have been DOMINION !experiencing some very severe 9 weather giving some of us a slight No lack of interest Imre No 1 attack of the blues. GARDEN CITY mLast week Mr. Jos.atter when you come. These are . • , Welwood re- cerved information or the death in ._ golden days all over the store with Michigan of his sister Kate, relict of Dew nut attractive goods. We can't the late Jno. Clow. • afford to rest content. Every day The cattle must succutnb t) the show improvement. Displays 1 inevitable and lose their horns. Mr. -,11ape and surprising things A. Goble last week got all his de - horned. The cruelty of the oper- ation is over looked in conformation to the fashion. Mr. Gordon who was teaching in No. 3 is recovering very slowly. The trustees have in the meantime engaged Mr, Bradwin a young man from Willett= to run the sehool un- til Mr. Gordon's recovery. must are in are promised this month. $' BRA! -::0 NEW CARPETS. 117e have a perfectly neW stock in very handsome designs and, prices are as low as second quality. These 0.re the kind we like to sell most of. Axminister and Borders to Match. Brae- els,in newest shade. Tapesti y at all' rices. Wools, Unions, and Uemps at lover prices. Great variety in LACE CURTAINS and: AUGS. SPRING SUITS, OVE4POATS and HATS for Men and Boys'. All kinds and styles in abundance. Suits in Fine Iinported and Canadian Tweed3 and Worsteds. Hats for Spring in newest Amere can and English styles in black and popular colors. Prices the lowest. Special for Saturday Night. Gents' Hats worth $2 and $2.25 for .$1,75; Gents' Hats worth $1,25 for 05e.; Gents' Pine Cashmere Hose, 40e. kw 2.5c.; Ladies' Fine Cashmere Hose, 59c. for 35c.; Eathroderies at 8c. for 5e.; Laces, 8c. for 5c.; Silk Handkerchiefs, 5e. for 24c., at M. H. McINDOO'S. Aiass Meeting. UACDONALD, TICE 'AMMER FOR EAST Helm, 'AND lItt. FLINT, M. P., DISCUSS THU POLITICAL OURSTION. • A mass maetiug was held in the Town Hall on Saturday night in the interests of Dr. Macdonald, M. P., the Liberal nominee for the approaching oontest. There were present al4e to assist thedoctor, Mr.. Thos. 33. Flint, At P. of Yarmouth, N. S., who delivered a powerful address in support of the Liberal policy. As the roads were in an almost impassable condition, not many from the country were able to get in. It being Saturday night a great many of tho merehrts also were unable to attend. Notwithstanding this the large hall was -comfortably filled, some of the leading Consetve.tives being present. Mr. W. A. Morton, President of the Bast Huron Liberal Association, took the chair, and palled upon Mr. Flint, who spoke on some the leading questions of the day. What moat interested the audience was the ship- ping industry. He showed that, notwith- standing the many glowing promises of Sir • Charles Tupper in 1878, the trade bad anormonc-ly decreaaed. He shoWed the absurdity of persons saying the Liberal -party had no policy, and, stated clearly what the Liberals would do if elected to pewee He enumerated some of the promises of the promotors of the Na- tional Policy, and pointed out how these promises had not been fulfilled. He show- ed the evil effect of the high tariff on the commercial standing of the country. The present Parliament had not passed one single important act, Dr. Maeclonald pointed out that the National Policy had not helped Wingham. rrern 1873 to 1878 the population of Wing - ham had grown from 750 to 2,010. To- day, after eighteen years of protection, the population waa only 2,247, notwithstand- big the advantages we now have as a rail- way centre. dkl not believe the state- TURNBERRY. Minutes of Council meeting held in McDonald's Hall, Bluevale. on Fire destroyed the Vulcan Foundry in Luean on Sunday afternoon. It was owned. by the IIallora.n Bros, The loss was about $2000. No in- surance. If you wish to be up-to-clat in 1896 RIDE THE LATEST IMPROVED. When buying you may as well have the best that is going. J. CLEGG & CO.! Hardware Merchants Sneeessms to J. A. Cline & Co. caTALLIMIS FOR SALE Monday April 6th 1896, Members of Council all present. The Reeve R HOG in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read approved and signed. All correspondence filed. Moved by Mr, Diment, seconded by Mr. Mosgrove, that the Clerk be instructed to write to the Township Connell of Morris, re -payment ot: aceouut rendered about two years ago for payment of money spent on boundary line -Carried. Moved by Mr. Dintent, seconded by Mr. Mosgrove that by-law No. 7 1896, be passed appointing John Rutherford, Thos. Aitken, John W. Walker, John Robinson, James Elliott, John MeNaughton, Peter Scott, William Homuth and Robert Leathorn, fence -viewers for the current year. Carried. By-law read three times and pass- ed. Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded EXCHANGE HOTEL STABLE by Mr. Cruickshanks, that by-lawr And we invite inspection. No. 8, 1896, be passed appointing John Little, George Bremner, Geo. J. B. HOGATE. NOTICE TO.CHEDITCHS. IN TILE SUTTEE OF T. H. EMMA'S. AN SOLVENT. Notice is hereby given that T. H. Roberts, of the Town ei Winghum, in the County of Huron, earry- log on business as a dealer in ready.mutic clothing and genfd ts' rnishr, gs in the saidn Towof Wirmlittm, has made an assignment under R. 8 C. eer, C. 124 A and emending acts, of all his estate, credits und TE) WE STILL LEAD IN • ------1111WATCHES, HELLO!! HELLON 1 rgt Have you tried CAPMBELL'S HEADACHE WAFERS yet ? If you had you would not suffer headache very long, 5 [11-tlEWELERY, ir] MPRILL'S Sim SILVERWARE. Of Omaha, Nebraska, has arrived here with SI X STALLINS Shire Perchons and German Coachers Of the highest quality and! wishes the farmers of this vicinity to call and see them as! they are for sale and if not sold WILL MAKE THE SEASON OF 1896 IN THIS VICINITY. They are now at B. Scott, Thomas Gilmour, Geo. Nicholson, -.Henry Wheeler, James Stewart, Peter Scott, Robert King William Deyell, William Netterfield and Robert Maxwell, pound 'kederris fur the terrbut-year'Currred: e" • Moved by MI% Diment, seconded by Mr. Cruickshank that by-law No. 9, 1896 be passed appointing the kir,„,,,x mete; 13th . eto 141;17Znr his jt°ttniclit°r8. N, o. 1, John Abram, itwii}ititt:6ilt:1,:ktttet1“:1.1fe;r.r:tthaittgril!'lleo':„:71,benefit: sr nts.1":terrl'' 1 following Petlrasters in the road Division nem' , 4, The iwe, e and stead �rtesgauesktfilvb(istsit.umteedffee 2, James Fraser,e3, Wm. Atkinsrequire:,:)etil:otz ipreefe end t.0fileclaims I Alex.- Cameron 5 Edward Jenkins swhieh (41, ces: will 1)fore theLrsietthgyeotii 51, John Goy, 6%, 'John McKinnon 7- t•iglt1e8::;aetst" 1., John Copeland, 11 .ebtor annlitir:ser t° dis• Win. Hoironuth, 8, Leo Orvis, 9, Th'os. seed therg,sil'efv", ° etlaCeiltgadllanist i O5 Stokes,Aitken, 2, Will. Robinson 13' 14, Joseph jam Casemore, 15,, weer shall not the2li.aer had Thoes csIoiwad.rliish;-rliiit:::ceelisahhellel ftehirell: rheag,a. srd orscaly part thereof, , HOBSON ted, to en I arson melee. s of whhonsst the cur been ft;iov Linklater,August Homuth 161.rohn Willis, 7 °71 trr John Fortune S'r olicitore2fronal"' °te.' n4164'3;1. A. Assiz.nee, • Assignee Inge, • 8, Peter Hese, Carruth 21 au -h, 20, Frank' • Winghain, ers, , Peter Deans, Sr - 22, ill H er Majesty's S George Wa.de, 23, Charles Homuth, of the County of uron urrorte Court 24, George Nicholson, 25, James Wylie, 26, Ilegh McDougall, 27, IN TILE MATTEN. OF TIM EMIT OF ALEXANDER Robt. Eagleson, 30, John Kirton, 81, FOUSIE, LATE or TUE TOWN OP WINO - RM, GONTLEXAN, DECEASED. James Elliott, 32, Thos. Walker, 33, Notice is hereby given pu Arthur Magee, 34, Robert Hamilion, d ag,TIcatoAllas8. (tIliarfli I 35, Wm. Douglass, 36, John Me CpehrasPonsTa%.81(Tel 316' " peet prep% ...t1)0,,,iirg; 1:0 reqnired to Sttt1:1 dig, Scott, 39, Chris. Moffatt, 40, Robert entozsAolft thosaiddeceased, tO'tOrtgiggioTilargaci Black, 41, Robe King. lot 31, corner, welptoeu:.ti,o,,:a0,,r,es,,e,r,,7,31,r,s4 sus day of Apra, 42, John Diment, Sr., 43, Hebry A'n„1 NtourIllatlitiletecTetiiiit of par tieulaearsaonid tteuRfrPrigars • Diluent, 44, Robert Maxwell, 45, ulv ertified, and l'initratiteT tro4s1:11113;,till Amos Tipling, 46, James C .Ander- tei'e let the d'ecerass:t;Ililocced to distribute the aaaktstiolf son, 47, Geo. Moffat, 48, Joseph Yec, having regard ntirg the parties entitled thereto, then have iimieili! to the chime of which they shril 49, N. Kersvrell, 50, George Walker 51, John Mulvey, 52, Robert Man! n. VANSTON R. CSItifiZO SAMtlflf. Yrnalltf,t 1 c?ritorpeede..ctecutors. tosh, 53, Ilugh Thompson, 54, Wm. Dated this S5th day of Match, A. D., 1.84 Mitchell, 55, Robert Miller, 56, David Moffatt, Sr. W. T. Piot. No. y" &now What You Chew 1, Thomas Netterfield, 2, John Ansley, 3, Peter Murdoch, 4, A., Swiederhurst, 5, James Netterfield, 6, Iiiriam Smith. Ewen, 37. Thos. Pope, 38, Peter /,,Vetel,utorstr?'011-sts,„1190711:1":1(t)t`;,VVO:!'e gam itent made by some Conservatives, that if By-law read three times and pass - it were not for the National Policy we ed. would not have our present factories. A Thefoliowing aeeourits were pass - leading imanufacturer had told him that ed and. orders on Treasurer issued t if,,they had no duty to pay on one, varnish, S. G. Brown, $1.25 printing ; Wm. etc., they could. coropete 'with the World. Holmes, 50 eents, removing tree off The census eport gave Wingbarn 57 factories. He would dike to see them This is a sample of the reliability of the report. lie read a number of extractsfrorn -Conservative journals to show what they -thought of the leaders of the Government. Ito then dealt in a masterly way with the aid's Hall, Illuevale, n Monday 25th history of the school question, and showed at 10 *leek tt,, ln. as a court of *bore he steed regareleg it. The meeting Revision aud for general business - was most orderly and attentive. Carried. 3. loss, Clerk. 13 Line; Peter Dearts, $4 charity ; James Deyell, $3 charity; Edward Farley, $1.16 charity. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank second- ed by Mr. Getumill that this meeting da now adjourn to meet in McDon, IS OM* from the inhalant catering. the more you use of it the better )'OU like it. trot GEO. E. Iticitt'vr & tdtt co., tap. OXT‘ Is the right place to go. He sells Pure Drugs at rock bottom prices and he has the largest stock of RUBBER GOODS. I11 TAL EYE SIGHT TESTED FREE OF CHARGE FARM TO RENT. l' A 200 acre farm to rent, well watcprett RI_ and lirst•olass buildings. Apply to box 1 125, \Vinghatn, Ont. ici .3441101sAbei41•AterkAkeSt4We.471,140" 04, al . FINE TAILORING. 1. Id Outside the cities. Syringes t, of all kinds, Water Bottles, , B Tubina ice ags, Atomizers, rrai Tubing, Sprays, in fact anything in this ;11,1 line. Call and see him, 2 Doors South of Post Office, WINGHAM, ONT. fl WE LEAD OTHERS 1FOLLOW. MUNSHAW THE OPTICIAN. t_FSFI,t5E.b.,1/47r.14-riFth.97.!'-r=1-971-90.50-1,9-F, g<s..9c:4•4io•Q SPRING GOODS AND FAsU- ION14 have arrived. You will soon want your new Suit, and by leaving your order now, we can afford to give you a little more attention than you would expect when the full rush of Spring Trade is .0n. QUALITY AND WORKMAN- SHIP UNEQUALLED. 'We'll 1;1/arrant to please you. GEO.' CARR, Tailor and Gents' Furnisher. Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store, Winghani. leateeeetieemeeteettekeeeebeieweeiteeac • ggEN:ffigtltErmg, UCANB " S GE.() --BY E VIT "THE" TAILOR. IsAbeiletelielbetitedelletebelle, STTIT'S Are made to order. That's why they always fit, perfectly, admirably, and to a T. There's more in our suits than a perfect fit ; there's first-class material, which it is always easy to select from our superb aggregation of the finest goods ever brought into Wingham. Our suitings are unequalled. So is our high class tailoring, and in clothing, the tailoring is- everything. Material, 'even the best, counts for nothing if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for you in order to fit you. Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains : FRIEZE MELTON AND OVERCOATS IN LATEST STYLES, FROM $9 to $35. oesebelteteeleAbeleeblVitelbille BEAVER OVERCOATS IN ALL SHADES, FROM $12 to $24. lit.WreitelbWItvittAbribt BLACK OR BLUE SERGE SUITS FROM $8 to $26. BLACK WORSTED TROUSERS PROM $2.50 to $6 Per Pair. wviii",4,44/44 wj c_a_1\1-1TOT1 Itsomin OPPOSITE BANK OF HAStiLTON. EO.H. IRVIN, S'8 S47 11L' THE" TAILOR, WINGHAM, ONT. b.S9.74,,h,S4 se) „