The Wingham Times, 1896-04-10, Page 6THS WINGRAM TIMES APRIL 10, 1896. `"a t he mentioned, as all the kinds to be. v t tdajjt 4 1111C c t;.;.;etl are those which have uo11P t>xenntiunatty well at the trial },lute at the College. The area of land required for' the different ex. 111tIDA1' APRIL 111, 1890 periiu iit3 varies from four to ten rods. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS ICOR 1890. CO-OPERATIVE AGRICUL-;;o, ot.• EXPIIUMENTs. TURE. 1. Testing ihltrltte of soda, super- phosphato, muriate of potash, COUPAItATIVF. TESr:r or OVER ONEi tiliXture, Bluer no manure with TIIO YSkND VARII;TII.S OF Filo[ oats, CROPS, V:'tiu.tuLP: R PORTA I 2. („Ilnpeeing the advantage of Aron (awe -1;w FAR;.tnas,-- S nitrilte of soda over no fertilizer EXPERIrtn' I s IN n GRIMM- with Nape. TIIP.F. FOR 18911. I 3. Ascertaining the relative value _ i of four varieties of :Millet. A prominent feats re of the work 4. Growing three fodder crops. of the Experimental I)e;l:trttuetft at 5, Growing” Lucerne as a crop for the Ontario Agricultural C&Elige, racers fodder. Guelph, ie. the testing of differentB, (;rowing Crimson Clover as a Varieties of farm crops. Within the I erop for hay. past ten years, upwards of 1,00() 7, 'Testing six leading varieties of kinds have been grown un sluts situ- fodder corn. . ilar in size and shape, and situated 8. resting five leading varieties of side by side. Fully 1100 of this turnips, number have been grown from four 9. Testing five leading varieties to seven years in Succession. Net of I ange]s. only have all the available varieties 10. Testing five leading varieties from twenty-one foreign countries. of carrots. A. few imported varieties in nearly 11. 'Testing five leading varieties all classes of farts crops have given of spring wheat. better results than the best Outariu 12. Testing five leading varieties kinds in the averge° seven years' of barley. ' experiments. 13. 'resting five leading varieties After the varieties have been very of oats. carefully tested at the college for 14. Testing tour leading varieties about five year's, the hest are select- of peas. ed for testing in a co-operative wait' All material will be furnished free throughout Ontario. These co- of charge to each applicant, and the operative experiments are carried on chiefly throu,li the medium of the ex -stud ents' Experimental Union; hut any farmer in Ontario stay loin in the work, provided he applies for the seed early, and agrees to make a careful test and to report the results according to specified instruetions. Within the last five years we have SEAFORTII. The following is the result of the enumeration at the post affiee daring during the past week --Letters for Canada 3016 ; letter's for oatsicie of Canada, 868; cards for Canada 1.091; 'Cards for outside of Canada 390 ; lc for'- 4oz. packages 911; le for 2oz. packages 158 ; 6e fur 4oz paclta es 32 ; e, for loz, 40; registered letters 44, free letters 73. Total. enumer- ation, $151.66, Dir. Angus AleLeod, who sold bis farm in AleKillop a few weeks ago, has purchased the fare] of Mr. Ed, Christie, of Exeter. This farm is situated on the 2nd concession of Usborne, near Exeter. It contains 100 acres, has first elass buildings, and is one of the very best films in the county, The price paid for it is $0,000. 111r. McLeod gets possession this month, and iv1.11 move to Us - borne as soon as the roads get good. Ur. Will Kerr, of A1eKillop, who has beet. attending Trinity Medical school, Toronto, and who has just completed his first year's study, has succeeded in carrying off the first scholarship, valued at X50, for the highest standing in all subjects, and Dr. Sheard's scholarship, valued at $25, for the highest standing in physiology, In securing such high honors in a large class of students Mr. Kerr has proved himself to be a clever young man, and a good student. We congratulate him on his success, and hope that this is only at forerunner of a most successful and honorable career. Heavy Lees in English Faxen Values, Farms in England are Much de- preciated. though the low prices of produce, and many .holders of estates are disposing of their property, not infrequently at auction sales. An estate of 1,200 acres located near Winchester sold. recently at a price equal to $75.78 per acre, 2,700 acres and mansion located on the River Rule have changed hends at $71.15 per acre. As an instance of the depreciation it is noted that a Southern Lincolnshire auctioneer has just sold under the hammer 130 acres at Weston, Notts, in shall parcels, for a!3,794, equal to $142 per acre, a property which twenty years ago cost £10,000, Among other properties to be sold at auction this season are the Somer- set and Dorset estate, of Viscount Bridport, which covers nearly 6,000 acres, and includes, besides the mansion, two old manor hooses of the sixteenth century; Glever'inee Hall, the beautiful Suffolk seat of Lady Huntingtield ; a 2,000 -acre estate in Dorset; a portion of Lady Shelly's picturesque estate at Bourne- mouth. In most instances these properties will be offered . in small lots, enabling tenants to bid. produce of the plots will he the pro- perty of the person who conducts the ( HE WANTS OTHERS TO I experiment, In return, we ask -that KNOW.. each experimenter be accurate in his Dear Editor : work and that he forward to the Please state in your valued journal, I Director a complete report of the that if any sufferer from Nervous Debi- t S i W k L f I; ity, emina oa nese, acts o I oergy results obtained by the test, as soon and Ambition Lost Manhood, Night as possible after the plots are ear -1 Losses, etc., will write me in confidence, Vested. I 1 will inform him by sealed letter, free of distributed to experimenters upward < C. A. ZAVIT7, charge, how to obtain a perfect cure. I of 32,000 packages of choice seeds trek for no money, .laving nothing to sell. Director. with very gratifying results. Ontario Agricultural College, LENDING VARIETIES. Guelph, March 27th, 1806. For a detailed >iccoant of the: t'a r - ions tests conducted in 1895, the reader is referred to the report er the Experimental Union, which is published in an appendix to the Agricultural College report for the same year. This report is now being distributed by the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, to those who reported the results of their co-oper- ative experiments in 1895, and to the members of the Farmers' Insti- tutes of Ontario. Our Agricultural College has im- - ported into Ontario some foreis'n varieties of farm crops, which have wade high records both at the Col- lege and throughout the province, and which are becoming quite pop- ular for general cultivation. Tense which we will mention in this brief article are as follows: Siberian Oats, Russia; Joanette Oats, France; Pol- and White Oats, France; Mincl- scheari Barley, Russia; Ilerison Spring Wheat, France; Mammoth Cuban Corn, U. S.; Wisconsin Eau'1- Reliel in six hours.—,)istressing Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by trio "Great South American Kid- ney Cure," This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on an- Effects of New Bullets. count of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing pain hi the bladder, kidneys, back and The most remarkable fact in every part of the urinary passages its male connection with the new steel coated anct female. It relieves retention of water rifle bullets as projected from the and pain in passing it almost imm:diittely. modem mgt a,itle rifle appears to be If yen want quick relief and cure this is your renieay. Sold at Cbisholm's drug that they cause very little pain to I know bow to sympathize with these sufferers and fim only too glad to be able to assist them, I promise every one absolute secrecy and as I do not, of course, wish to expose myself either. I do not give my name. If you desire to get well, send stamp and address simply: P. O. Box 388, LONDON, ONT. store• those who are struck by them. During a riot in France one man was wounded so badly that he after- ward suffered from paralysis, yet he pet he did not even suspect he was shot until he saw the blood stains on his clothes. Another man who was shot through the leg, said all he felt was a slight quivering coming over. Another, who was shot, through the couple of datys ; this will purge them arm, could only remember that his of any blood that may remain. elbo twitched, and that involuntarily Then take enough spring water he closed his fist. Dr. Delorme, the to cover the meat completely, and surgeon -]Ii -chief of the French army, for each one hundred pounds of who has been investigating the meat talk° three pounds of coarse subject, finds that when3 the bullets meet with an obstacle at a short dis- tance, say ft' en 1)) to 15) yard, ' they are very apt to explode and the scattered pieces of metal are capable of doing serious mischief. Sugar •Carey Hams and B::, c in One of the best Itlethods of sugar - curing hams and bacon that we know of for home use is as follows ; After cutting up the pig piece the pieces in a tub, or vat, shaking a shall quantity of salt over eaeb piece, and allow them to stand foe a brown sugar, one-quarter of apound fest White Dent Corn, L. S.; Salzer's of saltpetre,. and one ounce each of North Dakota Corn, U. S.; Jersey alum and soda. Dissolve these •iIh Navet Turnip, U. S.; Selzer's Dakota Afflict, IJ. S.; etc. Along the leading varieties of farm crops, the seed of which we obtained in Ontario, the following hta:ve made high records: Dawson's Golden Chaff Winter Wheat, Bavar- ian Oats, Red Fern Spring Wheat, Prussian Blue Peas, Canadian Beauty Peas, Egyptian Mammy Peas. Hart- ley's Bronze Top Swede Turnip, Im- proved Short \Vhite Cerra, Improved Mammoth Saw Log Manger, Empire State Potato, etc. There are other varieties both foreign and Canadian which have given excellent results, saint: ,t1 which have not heen toed in co- operative experiments. EXPERIMENTS OF 1.i1;'. Any person wishing to ,i'fl 1 ill the work, should solett nor, of toe expel•- inlents far 1896, and inform the Director of his choice. As applicat- ions for several[ tnurl7:rni il,.,;t::t:r•, have already been rect:ivell, noel the supply is limited, 1.1)<):+t: w lit, apply first will be the sorest to obtain the desired outfit. It might be well for each applicant to make a, sceond choice for fear the first conic( not be granted. A sheet containing instructions far conducting the ex- perinlent selected, and tate blank form which report1 on I Ice tt)the result the work, will he sent to each ex• perilnenter, at the time the t'crtitlzt:rs , 1 , t , iL or seeds are forwarded r.rt'do 1 .. i c . ll t for No. 1 experiment4 wits be sent by etpress and for each of theother•s by ialltil. Particular varieties need not Works, Liana, Ohio. the water, and enough to float an egg; pour this over the creat, which must he weighted with stones to keep it under the pickle, and let it stand for thirty days when it may be hung up to dry and smoke for three weeks. We understand that the Ashland harts, once fatuous in the American markets, were cured in this way, being smoked for four weeks with green walnut wood. For those who desire to cure their hangs without using brine, the following recipe is given in Coburn's "Swine husbandry" :.fake twelve pounds of fine salt, two quarts of knoll:uses (Porto Rico preferred), and half a pound of powdered saltpetre. Mix these well together till they have about the consistency and appearance of damp brown sugar. Rab the hunts and shoulders thor- oughly with the mixture, and Iay singly on a flat form in a cool, dry place. At. the end of the first and of the second week rub them again as at first, and then expose them con- tinuously to smoke for ten days. Ttrese quantities will do for 150 pounds of meat. Easily Cured. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco habit are easily eared by the use of Frill's Chloride of Gold Tablets. No ef- fort required o d f the at'en t t who p ) w n is al- lowed the use of stintulents until he vol. untar)ly quits their use. May be given secretly in tea or coffee and a cure guar- anteed in every v ry case. 1:'or sale by all first-class druggists at $1.00 per package. Poe full particulars and book of testi- t Ioials address The Ohio Chemical Spring Requires That the impurities which have aecufu- ulated in your blood during the winter shall be promptly and thoroughly ex- pelled if good health is expected. When the warmer weather comes these impur- ities are liable to manifest themselves in various ways and oftou lead to serious illness. Unless the blood is rich and pure that tired teethe?: Will inflict you, your appetite will fail and you will find yourself "all run down." Hood's Sarsa- parilla tones and strengthens the system Rud drives out all impurities and makes pure, rich, healthy blood. Hood's Sar- saparilla is the ono true brood purifier and the nest spr ug 'medicine. Be sure to get ou,y Hoods. • 0.0 FRANK SCELI'S, wuxs xou a11T 12 si8AvEs AND 1 wait cult vox $1, Opposite Ii;orntan'o Rotel, WINGRANI, - .- 'ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. A. E. SMITH, 'DA1\1-1<in:E,_ Successor to HAUTE)) & SCOTT, Josephine Street • - Wingham, Ont. Drones Touched by Mating. .Jennie Atehcy of Texas has this to say in The American Bee ,Journal on a subject of interest to queen breeders: Being a queen breeder and inter ested in a sure and safe means to mate my queens, I have this yea. experimenting as to what I could do to determine whether or not the drones were touched by the mating as well as the workers, etc. I had some fine Italians queens mated with black drones. 1 ureal) queens that were yellow all over. 'Then I had a sister to such queen mated with a drone yellow all over, 1 also clipped the wing of a third virgin sister and mated a thorough black queen with an Italian drone. Now for results : The yellow all over queen mated to a black drone shows a part of her I drones black or nearly so, some one and some two banded and some yellow all over. The black queen mated to an Italian drone shows nearly all black drones, but occas- sionally one with a slight yellow band. The drones from the clipped virgin are all solid yellow ; also those frotn the yellow queen mated to the yellow drone produce all yellow drones. Now I am fast coming to a conclusion that drones also are touched by the mating. Dont Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away, the truthful, startling title of book about No•To- Bac, the harmless, guaranteed obacco habit aur° that braces tip nicotlnizcd no yes, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, rigor and manhood. You run no physical or frnan• ciai risk, as No To•Bae is sold under guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co„ 37-, St. Paul St„ Montreal. Sold by, C. E. Williams, \Vingha,n. Dr. Sherman, of rcw York, re- ports satisfactory employment of commercial kerosene oil as an appli- • cation to wounds and ulcers. Fle claims that it has sorne curative effect and that its advantages are rapidity of action, economy of' cost and free- dom of poisonous effects. For QVer Fifty Yea*l. AN OLD AND WELL. -TRIED Rratpuy.—Airs, lvins- loa^s St.othing Syrup has been used for over ilfty years by millions of mothers for their chilaren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the chile, sotfens the Willis, allays all pain, eure9 wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the worlo. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is Indalculablc. Be sure anti ask for Mts. 1Vinslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The brightest blaze of intcligence i8 inealculably of less value than the smallest spark of virtue. Irresolution is a heavy stone rolled up a hill by a weak child, and moved a little up just to fall back again.—.abet'. How inconsistent to ask God for anything when we are withholding that which b Io belongs c II � to someone 0 one else. When we ask God to bless others we should also pray that he will do it in his own way. Do Not do This. Do net be induced to buy any other if you have made up your mind to take Hood's Sarsaparilla cured when all others fail. Do not give up in despair because other medicines have failed to help you. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla faithfully and you may reasonably expect to be cured. HOOD'S PILLS are purely vegetable, carefully i repared from the best ingredients. • 2a`c BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, 5650,000 President—Jona 81085'3', Viee•Preeident—A. O. RAMSAY.' I DIRECTORS Jowl PROOTOR, Ono. ROACH, Wm GIBSON, bI P, A. T. WOOD, A. B. Lan (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank—Ilours, 10 to 8; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of in.ueSt. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold I3. WILLSON, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOB PRINTING INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Reads, Circuiars, &c., &c., executed in the beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address S. G. BROWN, TtMos Olfice, Wingham. BOOKBINDING■ ting am Cinits _ IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MOANING --AT rex— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Subsoriptionprlce, Sl per year, to adv a c.. ADVERTISING RATES; Spec 11 yr, 1 0 mo, 13 mo. 11 mot One Column S00 00 $40 00 1 $20 00 8 00 Bait " 40 00 20 00 12 00 E 00 Quarter ., 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 200, One loch 0 00 3 00 2 00 100 Legal and other casual advertisements, 80, per lint tor first insertion, and 30. per lino foreaeh subsequent insertion, Measured by nonpareil reale. Leon! notices 100, per line for first insertion, rnd• le. per lino for each auticuquent insertiu:, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations. and Business Chandos Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 01 for first month, and 50e. for oaoh; subsequent month, .rondos and Farms for Sale, riot exceeding 8 lines 51 for test month, 00c. per subsequent month_ Larger advertisements in proportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertiscmente, or fo reneger periods. Advertisements and local notices without speelas directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Traositury advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be In tea otfiee by Wednesday noon, In order to appear I that week S. G. BROWN, PROPRIETOR AND PURLHIHMS DR MACDONALD, we are pleased to announce that any Rooks or Magazines lett with us for }finding, will have our prompt attention. l9•i.es for Binding in any Style, will be given on application to the TiMns Otlioe. 1 Money tet Loan on Notes Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanord on Mortgages at 53- pet eentwiih privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not, s and accounts collected. ROBT. AIcINDOO, l Beaver Block Wingham, Out. LOWER WINGHAM. The foilowing is the report of Lower \Vino'li n. Public School for the month of March. Names appear in ereer of merit. Senior IV : (aeo, Ansley, Benson Cruickshank and Geo. Johnson. Junior IV: Il'anny Green, Rosie, Johnson, Nellie Gra- ham. III : Eaniee Peddle, Verona Phippen, John Loekeridge. II: Wesley Ansley, Robt. DeycIt, James Finley. II Part Senior : Ameda Ansley, Gertie Masser, Alaggie Currie. II Part Janie::: Gertie Cruickshank, Archie Kennedy and Etlenor Mitchell. I Part : Pearl Lockeridge, Georgina ?liippen and ivy Mainprize. School will not open tilt Monday 13th inst, as 11:fr1 J. W. Ilogarth, the teacher, goes to "L'oroe- to to attend the Provincial 'smelter's Association. WIRY S13147E11 from troughs, Cold. t Hoarseness, Asthma ur Droeichitie whet* perfect euro is to easy with Dr. Wood''t- Norway Pine Syrup. Price 22e., all, druggists, JOHN PELTON blanufacturer of all kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, which can be supplied on short notice, IRON AND FORCE PUMPS supplied to order. REPAIRING promptly attended to. Prices reasonable. • Agent for the Brantford All Steel Pumping Mill. If you require anything in the above lines, give Mr. Pelton a call. SHOP— Diagonal street, nearly opposite Beattie's Livery, Wingham. JOHN PELTON. ,JOHN RITCHIE. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT W IVOHAL ONTARIO• CENTILE STREET, W INaMAr, ONTARIO, „ilk -r)VANSTONE, 114 BAttRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eta., 'Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate - intend. No commiseion charged. Mortgagee, tdOia and farm propert% bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver WINCa1AIt - J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, Ac., Wingham, Ont, E. L. D1CKfNSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO EAXIt OF IrAMILTON. MONEY TO. LOAS. Wee—Meyer Block. 1Yf'tgham, O. CAMERON, .I s BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, kc,. Othce—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets. opposite Colborne Hotel, Comma, - ONTARIO, DENTISTRY,—J. cti JEROME, L. D. S.,i iNeuar. •w Is manufacturing f1rst•cless sets o4+ t '"'>' teeth ne ohuap as they con be mode in the Domino,,. Tooth extracte,i ebsolntoly without pain, by his new process, guaranteed pert:, tly safe. OFFICE : In the Beaver Bloch, opposite the, Brunswick Rohse, ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. ,,, L. D. s., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvant u Dental College. OFFICE---MACDONALD $LOOK. NOIR— 1V i11 Visit Blyth every 1Vednesd ay. RINGS! GOLD RINGS pDEANS, JR., u7xannM, I am the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who can and does snake rings on the premises. 1 make and finish all work in the best possible manner. and guarantee •satisfac- tion in every instance. Where gold is found, I always return the same gold, manufactured as per order. By leaving. your order with me, you can save tram 2.5c to 62, according to style, weight and quality of ring. We also mnlre to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bougie .Pius, etc., etc., at Moderate Prices. Jewelery Repairing and En- graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. HALEY PARK, JEWELER. Opposite Macdonald Bloch, Wiughate. Do you know a man in Canada that repairs watches any better than Halsey Park,Watohinaker and Jeweler, Wingham? For Twenty -Six Years DUNN'S SAKI.. POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LAncs r SALE 111 f�ANADA. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Skies attended in any part of the Co. ChargeS Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WINOIIAII, OST., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements :M. specialty, All orders left at the TIMES °dice promptly attend. ed•to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. (t F. _ Court Maitland, Ido. 25, Canadian C. O. 1- Order Foreatorsoneetethe second. and Inst Friday evening of every Month, in Oro. gory's Mock Visiting brethren welcome, T. J. Nc .ean, C. R. II. B. Elliott, It. S. �p A IVingham L, 0. 1,., No. 704, meets - Ls Os L■ -- first Fridny in every month in the Orange IIall; visitors welcome. J. G. Stewart,. W. 51.; W. J. Plenty, Rea•See, YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Y. P. S. C. R. ---Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. Subject for April 10th : "Will our excuses stand ?" Acts 25 : 10.29,—Miss Carruthers, EPWORTII LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evehin" in the Methodist church. Subject for April 1(]tli: "Influence of the world."Rom. xii 2; 1 John ii. 15,—John Dey. B. D. test. in every evening in the Baptist ch�arcb. Subject for April 14th: "From death to life," Eph. 2: k 1.10. And you hath be quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins. V. I,