The Wingham Times, 1896-04-10, Page 5WING "i►` 'S REPROACH,
The preliminary examination of
the five men arrested an the charge
of causing the death ei J. G. Field
tcc•k tlz.ce to I"l:d 1 r, 1 ,
Magistrate Seager, of Goderich. A
great number sought admittance but
the greater part of the crowd. was
kept out- ,As it was the court room
was well filled. The feet witness
Call was Geo. Morrison who told -of
the attempted attack on Field on the
might of March 9th, when the prison-
ers wez'e all present. A note, pur-
porting to be from Mrs. Lloyd, was
sent in to Field, asking. him to come
up to her place, but the ruse failed
as Tommy went instead of field.
Had. Field eolne out they were pre-
pared to give him a coat of shellac.
The next night the witness came to
town and met IarrIston, who told
hien to go to Wilson's stable; here
witness met Manser, Finlay, Harris -
son, Jas. Netterfield, Martin. Michael
and.Jerry Flannigan, Tom Walker
and Montgomery. Harrison black-
ed his face and torci the others to du
of so, Witness. Manser and Finley,
1 obeyed Harrison but the Flannigans
and Montgomery would not. They
had whiskey, a revolver, a whip and
a rope. Harrison called on Manser,
Netterfield and witness to follow
him. Alanser treated at Swartz's
hotel, and all started for Field's. On
the way they got Phippen, who ztiso
blackened his face. Harrison, Flip-
pen, Netterfeld, Alanser and witness,
went into Field's house after the
door was broken in. Harrison plac-
ed his revolver to Tom Field's head,
ordering him to produce his father
and threatening to blow his brains
out if he did not. The girls were
sereamiug upstairs and witness.,
Harrison, Phippen, and Netterfieid
went upstairs. Harrison went into
the girls'.bedroom. The girls Plead-
ed with witness to put Harrison out,
witness ordered Harrison oat but
Harrison brandished the revolver in
his face and would not go. Finally
they all went down stairs excepting
witness, who stayed with the girls.
He heard the crowd shout "Taike hhi1
out" and. Phippen incl Manse)• carne
for a lamp, and told the girls they
would not let the mob kill the oil!
Phippen told witness next dray that.
Pteld had sworn he was not the
father of the child. The night
Field was taken out was stormy .,aid
wintry and there was a good deal
of snow on the ground, 'witness
thought Harrison was the leader at
first but Phippen had taken it out
of his hn;tclk**.:
Toni, ]i`:ld1 tele! of the note ficin,*
brow iia on the Monday night and if
going himself' to All's. Lloyd. lie
saw the crowd ori!Laweron's corner.
SUMO 000 tihonted te) him to send Ont
the old man. On Tuesday night her
• 'went to bed ;•. leaving his farther
downstairs :; Vhen • Harrison enter-
ed the room. he put as revolver to
witness' head threatening to hlow
out hie bra in 11.' he clivi not produce
his father, 1laarriwan used more
threats and ordered•witness to light a
lamp and take him to the girl's
marl. Other's e.'Uno in, witness
recognized Morrison. A number of
them went up stairs. There wa{ •no
light upstairs. They went into
Rosie's roost and asked for matches.
garrison seemed to he the ring.
t11iU . CSS
leader. He did not see Jerry Flan-
nigan there. They all went down
stairs except Morrison. Witness
followed thew, They had found his
father and began dragging him out.
Harrison was giving orders. gars
rison had a revolver. Some one
threatened to knock witness' head oft
if he didn't peep quiet. They had
taken his father out. Ile went to
the front part of the house and Stay-
ed about fifteen minutes, IIe then
went out. The crowd was in the
lane bringing his father back; Hie
father had only his shirt on. Ills
limbs and head were bare. gang -
son Manser• and Phippen threw a
wire around his father. The three
began to fight among themselves,
and witness succeeded in getting
his father away from them. He
took hint into the house and hid hills
in the cellar,
Daisy Field, daughter of deceased
was next witness. Fier evidence
was much the same in many respects
as that of her brother, and brought
outf nothing new,
John Clegg testified that the
prrisoner Harrison, had got lamp-
black and blank cartridges at his
John Dunnage said that prisoner,
Harrison, had come to' him for whis-
key, saying they were going to give
Field a turn over. Witness told him
he had better go home and attend to
his own family. Prisoner showed
witness three flasks of whiskey, a
revolver and a whip and went away.
Christopher Jobb said lie was at
Cameron's career, on the night in
question, where he met the prisoner,
ilont;omery. He also saw Charles
Stuart and others, there. Stuart said
it was a shame to take the olcl. Iran
out such a night. Witness saw
Stuart step towards.' the crowd and
ask who was the ringleader, Phippen
stepped oat and said he was the man.
Geo. Newton swore that Harrison
had come to lum for a whip and that
witness Iwd left a 25 cent buggy
whip in the shed for him.
Daniel Showers swore tita.t Harrison
had asked for time loan of his whip
which he gave him.
Thos. Walker swore that on the
night of Mauch 10th he had met • a.I
man, whom he has since learned was
Harrison, who asked hilt to subscribe
money to buy whiskey, saying they
were going to do up Field.
John Swarts gave some of the
erowd a drink: on the night in ques-
tion charging it to Montgomery.
Dr. Tamlyn said he kept the re-
cond of the weather and that it was
4 below zero at 10 o'clock on the
night in question. The thermometer
was self -registering and, believed it
The diseases of thinness
are scrofula in children,
consumption in grown
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Everybody knows cod-liver
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puts 1 add flab On It-- you Car
Ursse cents Ind $1.00
• Way & hammy Choral*, Soitevlli.r Oat.
Jerry IFlannagan, who had been
discharged during the day at the
instance of Detective Rogers, gave
evidence as to who were present and
took part in the assault an Fields.
He heard Fields swear that he was
innocent. He saw Harrison with a
whip in his hand.
Dr. Waugh, of London, who per-
foi•nhed the autopsy on the body of
Field, said that deceased had diet.
from exposure. His feet and legs
below• the knees were covered with
sears, partially healed. The scars
had not been deep. Death was the
direct result of cold and exposure
contracted within:a period of at least
two weeks before death.
S. Grncey proved the identity of
the body. Mr. Lewis appeared for
the crown. Mr. Vanstone for the
pisoners. The Aragis'rair3 summed
up the evidence,• and stated what it
was his duty to do in such a
case. He said that; no moral con-
sideration would justify aproceed-
iiig that would bo so danger -
one as this. The case should be
made an example .of. Moral reform
stimulated with whiskey was not to
be tolerated. He would have to
remand the prisoners for trial on a
charge of manslaughter.
The Cor oner'.s Inquest at London,
Vrns resumed, :Monday evening.
Only two witnecces were examined,
viz. 'ibrnihha.1'teld and Geo. Morrison.
't'he evidence given by these was
the same' in :+rhl),tnnee as given by
then] in 1Vina,hanz on Friday.
Juryman ) ' gan risked Morrison,
if lmr� (Morrison) were such a friend
of the; family's, why he bad not
warned thein of the mob's intended
sand asked witness when he
trul rcr.nivod t'a pray Jades Iseariot
towards the family. After about
half nu hour's deliberation the jury
returnees the following verdict:. r
"We,. the jury empannelled to in)
vestigate±, the death of J. G. Field, do*
find that his death was the re'suit %f
exposure to the cold and the treat-
ment he received at the hands of
George I'hippen, Charles Manser,
Robert garrison, James, Netterfield,
Albert Martin, Thomas Montgomery
and others, and we consider thein
guilty of murder."
Mrs. A Deaton was away visiting
friends during the Easter holidays.
An enjoyable time in the way of
a dance was spent at Mr. J. Nixon's
on Monday eve.
Mr. FFouiid's mill is now running
at full blast and he is turning out
good lumber as usual.
Mrs, A Campbell who. has been.
visiting friends at Kincardine
arrived home on Saturday.
Mr. E. S. Coults who is at present
attending the Toronto Normal spent
his holidays visiting friendsin this
Quite a number of our people
went over to Wingham last week
to hear the trial in connection with
the ],Field case.
Miss Agnew of Belgrave is visit-
ing her brother here this week.
Mr. R. l3righam of Clinton was
visiting friends in the village this
Mrs. Pinkney of Seaforth was
visiting hes sister Geo. Snell here
last week.
Miss Mable 13e11 who has been on
the sick list is,we are pleased to near
getting better.
Mr. Juo. Garret has purchased the
farm on the Gravel road lately own-
ed by Geo. Saunders.
The Rev. W. Millson attended the
wedding of Mr. Sealy and Miss
Johns of Tuckersmith on Wednesnay. .
The friends of Mrs. S. Woodman
will e pleased to,know that she is
able to, be out again after her long
Rev. W. E. Wilson spent his
Easter holidays with friends in
Camlachie. Mrs. Jeffrey and Miss
People often wonder why their nerves arc
No weak; why they get tired so easily;
Why they start at every slight but
sudden sound; why they do not sleep
naturally; why they have frequent
headaches, indigestion and nervous
The explanation is simple. It is found in
that impure blood which is contin-
ually feeding the nerves upon refuse
instead of the elements of strength and
vigor, In such condition opiate and
nerve compounds simply deaden and
do not pure. Hood's Sarsaparilla feeds
the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives
natural sleep, perfect digestion, is the
true remedy for all nervous troubles.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. $1 per 13ott2e,
Prepared only by C.1. Hood & Co., LQ ve]l, Mass,
else liver itis; easy to
Hoods Pills tc, e,EasytoopPrute. 280.
Johnson with friends at Wingham.
Mrs. Fair with her sister at Stratford,
There will be a service of Welcome
held next Sunday evening after the
regular service in the Methodist
church for the new members. The
League was largely attended last
week. Miss Carrie Howson taking
the meeting.
A most- exciting runaway took
place in Exeter on Friday last; It
appears Mr. James Pickard's horse
was frightened by the shafts becom-
ing detached from the carriage and
the cross -bar striking its heels,
causing the animal to runaway and
in its frightened career made a bold
dash in Mr. IV. G. Bisset's show
roma, ;jumping over ploughs and
making a general scattering of things
but was finally caught making its
way up stairs. Luekilly no damage,
was done save one broken plough.
I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring m
a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and Make to run as well as,
or better than ever.
Opposite Macdonald Block.
Josephine St., Wingham.
.. CI INT 1111 I11
--AND Tiff,–
Are now on the hone stretch of the second year, with a good
lead, and
We have just finished stock -taking, and find that we have come
out handsomely 00 top. We are now entering; upon our third
year, and in a better position than ever to place goods before ,1
you at prices that ars: right
Your approval and your cash. We have much pleasure in thank-. .
ing our customers and o.hers who patronized us during the
year, and helped us along so heartily in
Our Dress Making Department, as usual, is up to date,
and ahead of the times. Nothing but first-class work turned
out here. All heavy goods bought here cut free of charge.
Thanks her many frien
Wednesday evening of
so crowded all that ev
tation to leave thei -
everyone is suit
times. Style
shades and
If yo
S fo
orders e
, as our prices
are fresh and pretty.
mbinations and delight in
want city styles come to
their patronage and presence on
week, and as the showroom was
he extends to all a hearty invi-
ly. Orders are rushing in and
e right and made to suit the
We have all the latest
wing goods.
M : Herdsman's Old Stand, Wingham.
ring is Conal
It m• take a long time to get here, but it wsurely come
and just as re as it does come, you will need a new Hat or
Bonnet, and a can always suit you in
Our Stock is both new and complete and our
styles are the latest. Our aim is to build up
trade on merit. Call and see us.
3 �
S and . . NES
In last week's TIMES, we announced the arrival
of our spring stock of Boots and Shoes, Trunks and
uses. Since then we have leased for a number of
years, those central and commodious premises known
as Geo. E. King's old stanch.
We intend to open out an entirely new stock of
solid, reliable Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises,
and in order to carry out this plan, we will clear out
the whole of our present stock at our present stand,
(two doors north of P. O.), including the new Spring
Goods just opened out, at greatly reduced prices.
Everything reduced in price. Everything must go.
This affords a grand opportunity of securing your
/Spring and Summer Shoes at a decidedreduction in
prices, Also Truttks and Valises, Mens and Boys
Felt and Straw Hats.
Yours Respectfully,
The'Eltbod` Store.
We take this opportunii of thanking our friends who
have already favored us vi 'eir orders. We will trouble
you for one favor more presen It is often said that one
good turn deserves at er. We 've given you satisfactory
work. Tell your •'ends about us an ell them that we have
in stock also, a ► e inber of
That are selling fast.
AY latClicltr
Has just received a large consignment of
TE (r- ec" o 1010
In every Department and has marked them to suit the Hard
In every design. A full range of the BEST PRINTS .
MADE. Call and inspect.
I2 Cases of Ladies' and Gents'
I ' 1E --31(01•1,..S4:494 9
The latest styles and marked closer.
Three cases of the finest
In every design. Call and 1,!ave your order for your Spring
just arrived!, one car o' strictly prime
1-10 MP, G -I O W Z\T_
All kinds of Finney Grass Seeds kept in stock.