The Wingham Times, 1896-04-10, Page 4E. WILLIAMS,
oppa Rrunswitt Douse.
Wiugham, ,. ., Out
Ektrdiug am dimes
FRIDAY APRIL 10, 1693.
As citizens of Wingham, we are
humiliated y six of our number
being in -the cells with the awful
,,,, ,,� -.,rte„”'
charge._ of tmurder hanging , over
their heath, and the name of our
towns passed from piaea to place and
from mouth to mouth, as synony-
mous with. immorality, mob -law,
and lewd indifference on the part- of
the citizens, nay, worse than indif-
ference, far we are charged with
trying to .cover up the crime and
protect the guilty parties. We
have gained amostunenvitible notori-
ty anti anything we, as citizens,
may say will have but llCtle effect
either to increase or diminish the
opprobrium which is being heaped
upon us. Taking it in this light it
will do no harm to our reputation,
and will probably do us good if we
stop for a moment and see where we
stand. As citizens of the town we
are bound to do justice to it. to pre-
serve its reputation and interest our-
selves in the welfare of those whore we
may eall.friend or neighbor ; but as
Canadians, as British subjects, we
have a greater duty to perform ; we
have a falter name to protect; and
when one duty, seems to conflict
with the other, when our PC ympathies
would seem to interfere with our better
judgment, it is necessary to take a
• strong and Erni position, sacrificing
even closer bonds than neighbor,
that British law may not be impugn-
ed and that. British justice and
British liberty .may continue to be
proverbial. This is the position in
which many of • us stand to -day.
We all deplore the unforlunn•(`
circumstances that have placed these
men in such a terrible position. We
sympathize with them but more with
their wives and families; bat these
inen took the law into their own
bands, recklessly and with a clear
iknowledge that they were breaketir
British lrj.w, wiiile,'professing to vitt•lf-
cateit they must therefore bear the
These men have been charged
witb the awful crime of murder. Wt•
cl.x not think that such a charge can
be proven, but that is for a jury to
d'eeide and while we do not condone
the art, we would be recreant to our
.. citizenship were we to refuse to use
such means as we have in our power,
le to . give these helpless, misguided.
Much, an impartial trial, and to
place at their disposat some one who 1
will properly look after their inter-
* •if
It is argued by some, and they 1
are nbt a few, its mitigation of tee
offenee, that' Field Was everything
;i. that Was brutish and vile: I do net
•krataw slnything about;that, exeepting
't" vtn hearsay but 1 do know that if
''' i'a>e.was half as bad as some say he
w as, that he was a most inhux ate
e monster to whom punishment should -
long ago, have been meted out. As .1 t,rsomparative stranger I say 1 do no
'`',ltnow this to be a factand immediately
I am tnet with half a dozen voices
declaring they know he was guilty
of all that is said of him. Then
,•fie question comes why did the; not
liong ago affirm this and ask for
ash justice. Every man or
woman who knew of this thing and
pt discreetly dumb is in a measure
responsible .for 'ehe state of aiTairs
things are itt today. Granting that
Field was hell he has been painted,
we anust remember that two wrong
never make a right and We
deplore the fact that it is argue.
with all seriousness tit the law
must be violated to 'clear up a
cesspool of immorality.. To sum
up iuy position I 'deplore th
feet that these nett, 'through pervert
ed idents of propriety and jt stiee
were lead to take 'the law in thei.
own hands. They as British sub
jeers are entitled to able cannel
but whatever punishment is in
flieted upon titetn they have theist
selves to blame for it.
:sF je- *
To one Who knows Wingleu
only by what 'he has read in th
Toronto papers, it must appear
sehni-barbarotts hamlet; but wha
must be the ideas regarding es, o
those who 'have access to only sense
tional American papers. Eycn a
respectable citizens travel ou tet
a engaged. We also pledge ourselves
blatant ,conductor as being fro
"Lyneh town." Some of
these papers would leave th
impression that nearly every ion
in the town was woefully warped i
their ideas of propriety and justice
This •ot .course is all the veries
nonsenee and only goes to show th.
the country is posses.ed of a goo
• proportion of ignoramuses and sensa
tion lovers and that the city papers
instead of using their influcne
against this sort of a thing, eneour
aged and pander to it for the sak
of gaining for themselves a doubtiu
reputation. But to be candid with out
selves it must be adlnitted tha
there is an element here, a small on
let tt be hopeed, who have no respec
for anything or anybody, who prid
themselves on their rowdyism an
who, because they Are crave
cowards at heart, go just as far a
they possibly can in order to escap
from the clutches of the Iaw. Thi
class, is wielding a greater infinene
in the town than most people at
willing to recognize, and it these acts
a rowdyism are Winked at, if they
are tolerated even, they are going to
increase in influence and power,
until they sap the life blood out of
society, or end in another tragedy.
Itis time for such persons to take
warning and it is equally opportune
for those who are in authority to
cotyle down with the strong arra of
ju5tit;e on those who are given to
rowdyism of any kind.
* ;r
No matter what a man's position
may be, financially, what his occu-
pation, what his creed, to me, that
MGR is entitled to respect so long a
he keeps the law of the land and ha
eqnal consideration and respect fo
my position and creed. ; but when a
main violates the law, he becomes
law breaker, and forfeits that con-
sideration to which he is otherwise
entitled. Now it must be known to
nine -tenths of the population here,
that certain of our laws are contig=
uallr violated, and, to use an expres-
sion more literal than poetic::,], we
can truly say they are broken
"every clay •in the week and twice
on Srtndays" I have not lived in
the town as long as some other, but
I know that this sort ofthin, is going
on, Men who violate certain Jaws inay
think there is no harm in it; neither
did these men, now in Goderich jail,
think they were doing much harm,
but they must reap the fruits of mis-
conception, and foolhardiness and se
must every than do the saute, sooner
or later. An unjust law, if such
exist, should be repealed but neve
wilfully broken.
THE WIN AM TIM,4;: S, APRIL 10, t890,
(e(ai, i 4 k ROM' Ilene 3,)
Dr. 1lfaodettald bad just begun to
speak when We had to leave to catch
d the train. Unfortunately we have
been unable to get a report of it.
The following resoletions were
unanimously passed,
e Moved by G. F. Blair, seconded
• by Alegi;, Gardiner that, We, the
e, Liberals of Nast. Huron in Colwell-
. tion assembled, desire to express our
▪ contineed confidence in our Federal
1 representative, Dr, Macdonald, in
the stand he has taken on all clues-
_ tions that have occupied the atten-
tion of the Dominion Parliament dur-
ing the present and former sessions,
u and desire to assure him that in the
e grand fight that he and his fellow
a members of' the Liberal party are
t making for unity, harmony and
f !good government, that he and they
n. have our sympathy and best wishes
s for a triumphant conclusion of the
e severe fight in which they are now
train they have been taunted by
J �l l
1' O4 C�
`1,t We have just received C
tl a " Job Lot" of Envelopes
rt and Note Paper, which
[a will be,sold at ridiculously
low prices.
is 5 quires for 20c.
J 3 pads for Ioc. rte?
ni to aid by all right means the return 1 ENVELOPES, FINE QUALITY.
of Dr, Macdonald at the coming '' ,�P1
e election by a large majority. 2 packages for 5c. $oc.
e Moved by J. S. McKinnon. second- a thousand.
ii ed by Robt. Armstrong•, That this
. Convention desires to place on
t record its undottbteti confidence in
at the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, Leader of
d Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in
- the House of Commons. During the
, present Parliament circumstances
e have transpired that have almost
• shaken the foundation of Confedera-
tion, and we believe all true Cana-
dians are looking to Hon. Wilfrid
Laurier as the Hope of Canada. To
him and his colleagues belongs much
of the honor of the 'exalted position
occupied by the Liberal party at the
e present time. In hien is to be found
d a Statesman of the English school
it and we feel confident that after the
s forthcoming elections he will occupy
e the position, Premier of Canada.
e News Notes.
e Mrs. Peter Smith, of Saugeen,
died on Sunday*. She was an
invalid for a number years and this
week succumbed to la grippe. She
was the mother of Mr. Alex, Smith,'
Reform organizer of the party, who
came up for the funeral which took
place. on Wednesday.
Paisley has same clever clicker
champions, but they were alldowned
by ler. Campbell, of Parkhill,
General agent for the Noxon Co.
?line hest Dosan, of the Hanna
House, holds a gold :medal which he
won in Guelph for his proficiency in
the game but he had to go under
s before the Parkhill man. Ed. Steven-
s son, too, the ambitious news -vendor
r t was ronted horse. foot and artillery
and his proud plume is trailed in the
z dust.
The annual meeting, of the Do-
minion Cattle Breeders association,
will convene in Toronto on April.
17th wheal questions of national im-
portance will be debated on naively:
"Railway freight rates and "Quartile
tine." The persons chosen to speak
on these questions are among the
best known, the most experienced
and the most successful agriculturists
on the continent. Farmers are
urgently invited to attend this
meeting, which has no political si„ ni-
ficance,b'ut is gotten up in. the hope
that by united action serious griev-
ances to stock raisers may be over-
come. The Canadian horse show
will be in progress during the abo\'e
date and following day.
t 1 Bots.
XloCoor-1n Wingham on Aprii 6th
the wife of iii. .l`ohn tloCool ; a
e.fotnivro:;—Io Turnbury on April MI
the wire of Mr. john J. .Johneum : a
daughter. Pegg
rrington—In Turnbury on April 1th
the infant soar of David Erringttl;i,, aged
6 months.t,f""
The following is the tehoot report
for S. S. No. 9 East Wawanosh, for
the month of March. The names
are arranged in order of merit aseer-
tained by daily markings, deductions
being made for bad conduct, lateness,
&c.: Public School Leaving: Phenix
Deacon. IV class: Lina Deacon,
Mabel Mason, Mary- Shoebottoln. III
Class Junior:.Tennie Rintoul, Gar-
field Gray, Mabel Shiell, Maggie Mc-
Dougall, Leslie Deacon, Jennie
Shiell, AIex, McDougall. II class:
Alfred Hodgson, Frank Shoebottom,
Alberta. Bintoul. Part II: Joseph
Dobson, Frank Mills, Willie Elliott,
Roy beacon, Andrew Casernore.
Class 1: George Crawley, A, Herbert
Shiell, Bella M:eDougatl, Alex. Rin-
toul. Lours B. Dune, Teacher,
A boiler in the Iarge mills at
Itidgetown, owned by Watson
brothers, etploded, Vowing the
building to pieces, killing two men
atcd fatally injuring others.
I Ia Tire: Mi::rrrit or Inn Gn. , Yorste �.
SPAT T :it; CoSIPA\Y, LntITRft, . �n or Tett
.Toe. S'Eoct Wit Ili\Ci T"1' 'A` 11. 8. O.
CIItPTEft 183.
{ Notice is hereby given th Tiro (tal, 'roam- t;
1 Sperling;Conirar.y of 44 Aria. 1.itrtttd, has l`y a
Cpeciai resoiutton stw by the Shareholders of tire
nmpsny, reaolva1�:
a rstribeto ani tl.e asset- of the
said tion»pang at» K m V. (rray, N. }t vounu
t anrh rr, 0. Spare, roe of the sharehorderg of the
Cotupany,in the troporfinna set eta in detail in stf,l
ceeohttion, said snarehoiders , ,,, nn, x,tiato
d '
nrsun tri i
ing the liabilities of the said Company in the manner
an proportions also set out hr the said resolution
and to wind up tho said Company accordingly.
x'he Company will net upon the said resolution
upon the Elst day of July next.
Ali creditors of the Company are hereby rrrp iced
to Erie their claims attalhst the Company forthtt ith,
Whether or riot snbh claims are now titre..
Dated this 9th day of April, A. D., hacks,
P. C. SPAhf.INC,
r fir. Ting rem P. O. e"16r 411 *, ,,11101 � 111
5c. a package. IL
s� rii
t L
Wiinghom, - 011t. tri
Mr. Andrew Montgomery of
Orange Neill has a cow whteh a few
days ago gave birth to three calves.
Mr. Montgomery says they are all
wyiugham, April 0, 1506.
Corrected by P. ra.sns, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs 2 00 to 3 10
Fall Wheat. 0 73 to 0 75
Spring Wheat 0 '73 to 0 75
Oats, 0 23 to 023
Barley..., 0 30 to 0 35
Peas 0 48 to 0 50
Butter,.... 0 1.4 to 0 14
Eggs per dozen 0 10 to 0 10
Wood per cord.... 1 25 to 1 50
ten 00 told 00
Potatoes, per bushel0 15 to 0 20
Tallow, per lb 0 5 to 0 5
Dried Apples, per Ib 0 ee to 0 05
Chickens._ 0 20 to 0 25
Ducks 0 40 to 0 60
Geese 0 5 to 0 5
Turkeys. 0 7 to 0 8
Dressed Hogs 4 75 to 4 80
For :�lnri;,ag
Invites inspection of the nicest stock of
Shoes ever opened out in Wingbam.
Doers '.orth of Post Office, Winghant. •
we understand interested parties are spreading
the report that we are not likely to be lorg in the
business. We bei to assure thepPeople of Winghenr
that we have embarked in the Milk business to stay,
that we are increasing oar business daily. that our
milk is clean and pure. Our customers are our best
Do you need anything in the
Furniture line this spring?
Bed fioom'•Suites,
Parlor Suites, Chairs,
• Sideboards, Lounges,
Spring Beds or Matresses
If to don't buy until you see
what you can do at S. GnACEY'$.
Everybody wants Carpets (more
or less). Call and see what S.
GRAM' cau furnish Carpets in A11
Wools, extra line and latest designs.
(36 inches wide) and if necessary
woven specially to fit your rooms,
sewed and already to lay down.
Folded Paper for Carpet lining and
Stair Pads is the best thine out for
putting under Carpets. Wilt last for
years. For sale at S. Gtt Sen 's.
A Wee line of these most useful
articles at S. Gnecl:•r's. Call and
fee them.
1 urniture, when bought in quan-
tities, delivered free 10 mailes from
t3: inghant.
New Spring Goods!
.A 1- BIG- "22"
The Greatest Clothing and Gents'
Furnishing Establishment
West of Toronto.
Our new Spring Goods are arriving daily, A11 the latest novel-
ties of the season can bo found in our stock. In Scotch, English and
Canadian Tweeds, French and English Worsteds. and Spring Over.
We make it our business to dress gentlemen in the latest styles.
Keep nothing but the best goods, and all our Clothing is warranted to
fit lir no sale. Our Suits, made to order always give an artistic ap-
pearance to the wearer. Give us your order for.your Spring Suit and.
we are bound to please you. We are the cheapest Clothing House40
the Dominion. Cash is our Motto, You can save from 10 to 16 .;r'.'^
cent. by dealing with John Ruettel & Sons, the Cash Clothin ` onse,
Our Gents' Furnishings must be seen and examined to be ap-
preciated. Our new Hats at d Caps are the latest. We have a Iarge
stock to choose from, to suit all customers. Our Shirts are made to
our own order. They are warranted to fit and are spade of the best
material. In Neck wear we pride ourselves in having the finest and
best seleeted.stock to be found anywhere. All new goods.
Our Ready -Made Clothing Department receives our best attention,
with the view to give our customers the best of value. We study our
customers interests in all our dealings with then, believing this the
only way to succeed in working up a permanent business.
Gentlemen's Snits at all prices. Boys' Suits at all prices. ' In
Bicycle Suits we have a fine selection. Will be glad to see one and
all. No trouble, to show goods.
Macdonald .Block. WIl\ GRAM.
3C,itiv4 Arm
.a�D Tkilf 9
• In raking our announcement to the public for the Spring -
Trade, we do so, feeling satisfied we can turn out just the class.
of work that is desired. Having secured
IFtw ..14,1C1 XVI
Late of Toronto and Stouffville, who comes with highest,,,,; •e
commends and whose method of printing and finishing is' he
same as in use by Simpson, of Toronto, we assure our pat-
rons and others, who have not yet become our customers, that
our Photos will show an irprovementoverwhat we have already
done and nothing will be left undone- that goes to
stylish and complete Photo. make a
We have just finished the last of the many orders from
old negatives and at the same time been crowded with other
work, which sonnetilnes has caused delay in filling orders, but ..
we have now caught up with our work and with an improved,
system, we are able to do our work much more rapidly than
While others are. lamenting the hardness of the times, we in-
tend to do an enormous trade.and in order to, have our Photos .
thoroughly well-known, both in town and an unlimited distance
in the country, we will make the very best
From now until May 1st
We assure you there is no j.irofit at this small price, but as
we do not advertise, we take this means of showing our work
to people wl-o do not have Photos taken when times are as
hard as they are at present. Remember you must pay $2 when
you sit, otherwise you will be charged $3, as at this reduction -
'we cannot afford to loose an order. Do not postpone, sitting
until near the end or April, but avoid a rush by coming at an,
early date. •