HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-03, Page 8THE WINGHAM TIMES, APRIL 3, 1896. RITZ' EASTER NIRS, absent who will undoubtedly . join the church, The Epworth Lo lgue has received a large addition to its membership having now 37 Active 18 .lssciate and several Honorary members.. Spring Styles in Men's Hats Are Row Ready. The early spring styles in Soft Hats are shown entirely new shapes and colors and will be much worn. High Grade Hats on Saturday night worth v2.25 and $2 for $1.75, Satur- day only. EASTER CLOVES. Ladies' and Gents' hid . Gloves, Fine Frenclt hid Lacing Gloves in black, tan and brown. Fancy sketching, regular ;-,•°1,26 for 1 on Saturday. • Elegance in Dress Goods Why People Buy Goods by Lail. The enormous business of mail order houses. is not founded on an inherent snobbishes to peefer to buy away from home. The system in force in these great houses make it eas'er cfeen to buy by mail than to go and make personal selections in local stores. Goods are all catalog- ued and the descriptions are clear and accurate. How many clerks tell the story as well as the cata- logue? The greatest variety is shown in the catalogue, which is perused in the evening at one's leisure and in consultation with other members of the family. The catalogues are usually correct arbiters of fashion and can always be depended upon to list the latest things. The managers for mail order houses are men of great ability. They keep in touch with the people and know what they want. The patron of a mail order house can get the exact style and shade and quality wanted. The system in vogue in these houses makes shipments prompt and the correspondents are usually men of business who can read human nature in the letters they receive and play upon the same according- ly. Prices are usually low. Above all, the business is advertised, and advertised well. The mail order house wins because the local dealer is not • equal to his opportunity. I%Iany retailers buy good things and wait for the people to come in and ask for them. The mail order'. man uses the best descriptive talent in advertisements and in catalogue to tell the people exactly what his good, are. Many retailers meet a. customer's call for a certain thing with the statement, "We haven't it," and let it go at that. The mail order man will get things not shown in his catalogue and say he is glad to do it. I told a shrewd mail order man some time ago that if I was a retailer in a country town, I could kill all his trade in a radius of twenty miles .around, and he re- marked that there would' always be enough of the other kind of retailers to give him a chance to do business. The retailer who watches the things- advertised in' the -great monthlies and weeklies by mail order houses and advertises in his own local papers the same goods, need fear nothing from this competi- tion. Most people would rather see a thing before they buy it, or would rather let the retailer order it than do it themselves. The mail order man, to win, must make large pro- fits on a good many of his things, because his method is expensive, and the shrewd retailer who isn't Is here in abundance. Many flatter- ing"things are said about the stock and prices—and most of it is said atter ter a. purchase has been completed. NEW SPRING CAPES. A great variety of the handsomest shades, pretty patterns and low prices. EASTER SHOES. We have the best astortment we ever had and our past record is hard to beat, as for quality, you know the kind J. D. King & Co. and John McPherson make. ORDERED AND - READY-MADE CLOTHING.. Special prices all through April. We have opened out our Spring Stock of Tweeds, that will win trade at sight. All at money saving prices. GROCERIES. The best of everything is none to good for the trade we're after and the increase in sales is encourage- ment enough for the present. M. H. McINDOO'S. icyfeles• Maple syrup is selling at $1.20 per gallon, in London. Hon. Thos. Ballantyne will leave for Liverpool on Saturday. We sell only the best CLEVELAND, PERFECT, DOMINION GARD WIIITECHURCH. Mr. E. Phillips and Mr. J. Stalker 'report the walking good on Sunday last. Miss Nellie 13. Stalker, who has been visiting here, left for her home at Blyth, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stalker, were visiting their brother, Mr. Wm. Taylor of St. Helens, who is very 111, Miss Sarah Henderson arrived home on Saturday from visiting friends in the neighborhood of Kincardine. Owing to the Promotion examina- • tions in our Public School, the majority of the children had holidays on Monday and Tuesday. Asocial in aid of the Presbyteri- an Church Building fund, was held at the residence of H. D. IIender•son, ..,on Thursday evening March 26th. Quite a number from Wingham was afraid to use his local papers, to tell present. what he bas and what he can do, The "pretended" Fisk Singers and that he will furnish quickly at Maid a visit to this place on Monday the same or lower prices anything •;;vening. The crowd was indeed offered by mail order houses, is not small, but we can assure them it will going to lose in the game. He has :be a great deal smaller when they got to have the same snap, the visit us again. The audience was same push and the same energy ; heartily . disgusted with their pro- but with these you can count on the gramme. After their exhibit a retailer as the winner every time. constable and livery man of Luck - now, took them in "tow" for a bill News Notes. they had not settled in that village. London West is suffering great dis- „u__•-� aster caused by floods. CITY If you wish to be up-to-date in 1896 RIDE THE LATEST IMPROVED. NILE. An Easter song service will be held in the Methodist church next Sabbath night, The roads etre almost in an impass- able condition here at present on account of the depth of the snow in Some places, while other places are zlearly bare;, Last week J. W. Pring was in St, Thomas attending the conference Convention III the Methodist Young ,Jseopie to which he had been sent as delegatr• from Nile Epworth. League, The revivA 1 meetings that have been carried ty 'n in the Methodist church hero sins 'e Feb. 4th were con- eluded last wet 'k. They were largely successful i as the church has been stimulated, ant, 1' many - nda experienceshavepro fessed the principles A sof the new life. On "unday night >r ,p gave an March 29th, the Past( wished n opportunity for any who standing o ,loin the chureh to do so by , iv while their names were tai titaken, liateen names were recorded, ghat represents only ;s, fraction i' tan been done,. As, ort' Ircco•t o. Is 'tate of the rte, sofilo When buying you may as well have the best that is going. J. CLECC & CO., Hardware Merchants Successors to J. A. Cline & Co. David Aiken. a prominent resi- dent of Unionville, Co. York. was drowned in the millpond nt that place on Saturday. The late Robt. Anderson of Montreal left $115,000 to be divided among the different departments .of th Presbyterian Church. A. J. Conover, formerly of Wing - ham, who is said to. be a notorious bank draft forger and ex -convict, has been arrested in Peru, Inct., charged with fraud by the American l3ankers' AssoeiationV Miss Nettie Ewhig of Teeswater won the Demorest gold medal in Teeswater last Thursday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Gifford of Wingham and Miss Pentland of Ottawa were th judges. Mr. D. B. McKenzie, of Lucknow. pump -maker, met with a bad acci- dent on Saturday last while work- ing in a well on the premises of Mrs. MCI)airntid on the 2nd con. of Kinloss, The bucket that was being used to haul up the dirt slipped off the wind- lass and falling into the well, struck Mr. Mckenzie on the head, inflicting creep and painful wotinda STALLIONS FOR SALE. J. B. HOGATE, Of Omaha, Nebraska, has arrived here with SIX STAL SNS Shire Perchons a man Coachers Of the hi est quality and wishes the farmers of this vicinity to call and see them as they are for sale and if not sold WILL MAKE THE SEASON OF 1 896 IN THS VICINITY. They are now at EXCHANGE. HOTEL STABLE And we invite inspection. .. B. HOGATE. If it has been your to sufferfrom nervous or bilious headachF, you will appreciate the fact that it NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN TOE MATTER or T. H. 12oEEl1Ts. AN IN- SOLVENT. no longer a necessity, as Camp- bell's Headache Wafers, two for five cents, are a specific Notice is hereby given that T. H. Roberts, of the Town of t1'ingham, in the County of Huron, carry fns on business as a dealer in ready-made clothing aid gents' furnish, gs in the said Town of Wiughann, has made an assignment under R. S. 0. 1881, c. 124 and amending sets, of nil his estate, credits and effects, on the 13th of January, 1800, to W. S. Heffernan, for the general benefit of his creditors, and that afterwards, to wit, on the 21st of January, 1406, the undersigned was substituted ns Assixuee in the place and stead of said W. S. Iieffernan. Thu creditors are requested to file their claims with ane, with the proofs and particulars thereof, required by the said Acts, on or before the let day of May, 1800, after which date I will proceed to dis• tribute the aseeis of the debtor amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wbieh ,notice shall then have been given, and that I will not be liable for the assets or any pert thereof, so distributed, to ally person or persons of whose claim I shall not then have had notice. SCOTT, LEES ' HOBSON, J. A. CLINE, Barristers, etc., Hamilton. Assignee, Solicitors for said Assignee, Winglmm, In Her Majesty.s Surrogate Court of the County of Duron. such troubles. If you try them once they will convince IN Tult MATTED, OF THE ESTATE &FALEXANBEE ronnIE, LATE OF T1FE TOWN of W1NfO- n. oi, .G1:NTLESfV, DE6EASEE. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R, 8. 0.0387, Chap. 110, Sec. 80, and amending Acts, that all persons having elehns against theest,te of the said Alexander Fon eie,who died on or about the 2ytft day of February. A. O., 1800, are required to send by post prepaid or to doliver to the nndereignnd, Exe- cutors of t•ho eaid deccased, or to runout Solicitor at Wingham P. 0„ on or before the 24th day of Apir, A. 0., 1&''P0, thei• names, addressee and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the netusre of the security (if any) held by then duly certified, and that atter the. said day, the Executors wd2 proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shill then hate passe. SAMUEL YOIJHILT,. Y Eaccuters. CROMBIE DALLAS, h It. VANSTONK. Solicitor for the Exeeutors, Dated this 26th day of March, A. I:, x800. •QD that they are the very thing you have been looking for and have last jouncl. Know What You Chew T AMLL'S Ocug aorl, 2 Doors South of Post Office, WINGHAM, ONT. , u k EYE SIGHT TESTED FREE Lei A • OF CHARGE. rIlr 1' al j^tu�C mviaM1 WE STILL LEAD IN WATCHES, C CLOCKS, JEWELERY, SILVERWARE. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. ISI U NSHAW, THE OPTICIAN. FARM TO RENT. A 200 aura farm to milt, ttieU: watered and lirst•ulass buildings. Apply to box 125, Wingham, Ont. FINE TAILORING. • oca..oaa�o SPRING k-TOODS ANI) �i ASI -i - IONS have arrived. You will soon ~sant your new Suit, and by leaving your order now, we can afford to give you a little more attention than you would expect when the full rush of Spring Trade is on. QUALITY AND WORKMAN- SHIP UNEQUALLED. We'll warrant to please GEO. CARR, 1.1 Tailor and Gents' Furnisher. '21k. Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store, Wingham. • you. 4.55 1?i'? Ifs free front the injurious coloring. The more you use of it the better you like it. *HS GEO. E. 'rtlCKETT & SOltI CO., tTD I fAIVIII.TOH, OOT. f s�41 I�3 ta9G lc a sr s YOU CAN E "SUITE GEO. 11. IRVIN "THE" TAILOR. OTT:a Are made to order. That's why they always fit, perfectly, admirably, and to a T. There's more in our suits than a perfect fit ; there's first-class material, which it is always easy to select from our superb aggregation of the finest goods ever brought into Wingham. Our suitings are unequalled. So is our high class tailoring, and in clothing, the tailoring is everything. Material, even the best, counts for nothing if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for you in order to fit you. Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains : FRIEZE MELTON AND OVERCOATS IN LATEST STYLES, FROM $9 to $35. BEAVER OVERCOATS IN ALL SHADES, FROM $12 to $24. BLACK OR BLUE SERGE SUITS FROM $8 to $26. BLACK WORSTED TROUSERS FROM $2.50 to $6 Per Pair. -CCTM CANNOT ?3 `CJ N'D1P 601.1. .. GEO. H. IRVIN, " THE" TAILOR, WINGHAM, ONT, OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON. LcilLSSIMEMESSISIENErsimms •