HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-03, Page 7"I'ho Ilibernatron of Beed, Several years ago, the Rev Wm, '. Clarke of Canada advanced the Idea that bees can pass the winter succesetully only in a state .of Where nation, The idea was vigorously opposed. Probably most of the op- position came from an improper understanding of the exact moaning of the word ''hibernation," or rather the idea that there are different stages or degrees of hibernation. Most bee -keepers looked upon hiber- Dation as a perfectly dormant state ---such as the bear or the woodchuck may be found in reinter, Ants and' anany other insects pass the winter in an absolutely dormant state. When. splitting rails in the early Spring, I have often found ants sue- . rounded by frost in the crevices of large oak logs. The warm sunshine would soon arouse these apparently 'if eless creatures. It is certain that be es enter no such state as this in winter, although it is true that they may .have become chilled and remain apparently lifeless two or three.days and yet be revived. It is also true that when they are wintering in the best possible way they are so quiet, that it is probably correct to say that they are in the first stages of hiber- nation. Bees in winter seem to have these periods of quietness, interspers- ed with shorter • ones of greater activity. It would seem that, hav- ing supplied themselves with food, they clustered and become quiet— hibernated. When the food supply is exhausted, then there is an arous- ing for the purpose of securing more. The more quiet the bees can be kept the better will be their hiber- nation, and the better will they winter. The proper temperature has much to do with !seeping pees quiet. If it is too high, the cluster is broken and all seiublancd of hiber- nation disappears. If it is toe. low the bees resort to exercise to raise the temperature. Food also has its bearings. If it is of a character that soon overloads the intestines, or in any way produces discomfort, there in no more hibernation. This profound state of rest, or semi-hibernationis very desirable in fact, indispensable in the fore part of winter. The longer it continues the better, but in some instances the cluster is broken, and brood rearing begun before the bees are taken from the cellar, W. Z.•HuTcml tsoN. ONE FACT OUT WEIGHS A THOUSAND It is facts we give you backed up by Winghtam proof. Facts are what you want. You have a backache. , Priem's tell you to use Blasters or liniment. You do so, But, tate you cured? We think not? Tho aobe perhaps leaves for a time. But it comes back. You don't reach the canoe. Go for the kidneys and the backache goes. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid- neys, That is why they cure backache. Winghatn people say so. Fiero is one : Mrs. William Armour, wife of the well known produce dealer, speaks as follows: "I have been racked with severe head- ache pains in my back and side over shite I can remember. 1 have used a great many medicines with little or no result, until I got a bot of Doan's Kid- ney Pills at Williams' drugstore. "Since taking theta the pains have Ieft me. My bead, side and back ar free from those terrible pains which formerly allleted mo. My friends say that I look like another person, land I certainly feel like one. 1.can recom- mend Doan's Pills very highly indeed. They seem to attack the scat of the trouble, and I believe kidney troubles are responsible for many of the head• aches eto., that people attribute to Other causes." Farmers! Leos at This, ELLIOTT BROS.. of the Winghnnr Brickyard, have lots of BRICK and DRAIN TILE on band. It is said that other parties are selling at reduced prices, but we cannot bo undersold, and our brick and tele are as good as any made in the province. We cart sell by the +'"- load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully i. rw .as can be pur- chased any wlter % V*" have also a great quantity ter all arse of lumber for sale.' • + D. ELLIOTT, UODERICII. The firm shipment of bicycles on order from the Henderson bicycle faetory was made on Saturday, A meeting of the executive com- mittee of' the Synod of Huron was held in London -last week at which f a large amount of business from var. ! ions parts of the diocese was trans- I acted. The train by which Mrs, James 1 Robinson and daughter were travel 1 ling to .Chicago, collided with a freight when within twelve miles of that city. The accident did not I result in death, though a lady close beside Mrs. Robinson was seriously injured. Mrs. Robinson and child escaped unhurt. St. Peter's church is now back within twenty feet of the position where it will rest for the summer. at once the men will be started digging out the foundation, and it is expected that at the end of April or beginning of May the ceremony of laying the corner stone will take place. A collection was taken up in Knox chum hrlast Sunday on behalf of the Armenian Relief Fund, which amounted o $108.60, Tiiis was over and above the ordinary Sab- bath collection. To this amount was added. $9.48 from the Sabbath school, which made a total contribu- tion of $118,08 to the suffering Armenians. At the salve time $18.70 was put on the collection plate for the Upper Canada Tract Society, This is good work. P. M. Seager had two eases before him the past week. One was a charge against a young lean named Thomas Green, of Port Albert, who 1 in a dispute with his mother shoved her out of doors, when she fell and broke her. arm. The unfllial son escaped deserved punishment by the case being settled out of court, On Wednesday a young girl about 14 year of age was arrested for steal- ing a skirt. Her name is Isabella Park, of Durham, she confessed the theft and from her own admission has begun a downward lifeeven at her early years. The magistrate gave her three months in jail which is hoped may benefit her. THE WIN(,xII- .M TIMES, APRIL 3, 1896. HOWICK . The council met to -day in the Township Ball Gerrie pursuant to `adjourtltnenti. Mem hers all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and those were amended by adding there, to the following niotlon. Moved by Messrs. Sotheran and. Doig that a bylaw be passed revok- ing the appointment of Louls Bolton P, L. S. as engineer for the Town, ship of Ilowick and that a by-law be passed appointing J:rules i'Varren P. L. S.. of Walkerton as engineer for this township. --Carried. Moved by Messrs. Stewart and Dow that statute labor of the Police Village of Gerrie comprising those parts of the township of Hawick known as lots nuinber 5 and ( in the 8th concession of the said township be commuted at 75e. per day 'and that a by-law be prepared for sub- missien to the Council at its next regular meeting.—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Sotheran and Stewart that $3 be left in the bands of. the Reeve for the purpose of pur- provisions for Isaae Wilson, he being in need.—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Sotheran and Finlay that theclaini of Mr, Andrew Montgomery' for damages be left over until the Connell examine the premises.—Carried. • Moved by Messrs. Sotheran and. Doig that the sum of $27 be paid the Executors of the late Win. Dane as his portion of salary as Clerk for 1895.—Carried. . . It was decided that the Council pay Matthew Dane $10 for acting as Returning Officer at the election of 895. • Moved by !Messrs. Sotheran and Doig that by-law number 5 1809 be .amended by adding the following clause'thereto :—And be enacted that; each Pat'hmaster shall at the con- clusion of the performance of the statute labor in his division brake or remove from the centre of, the road for a space of not less than , twenty feet, all stones too Large to be classed as gravel and shall hold in reserve baton sufficient for the breaking or reniov tl of- all stones as previously mentioned' in this clause and that a by-law be passed accordingly.— Carried. 13y -law No. 9 revoking the appoint- ment of L. Bolton P. L. S. being read the 3rd time was passed: By-law No. 10 appointing James Warren as engineer of this. tp. being read the third • time and passed. A motion to appoint pathmasters, fence -viewers and pound keepers for the ensuing year was passed.. Moved by Messrs. Finlay and Doig that the Council dei now adjourn to meet in the Albion Hotel, Fordwich, on the 3rd Wednesday. in April.— Carried. Perfect Wisdom. Would give us perfect health. Because mac and women are not perfectly wise, they must take Medicines to keep them- selves perfectly bot}lthy. Pure, rick blood is Chit basic of good health. Hood's Sar- saparilla is the Ono True Blood .Purifier. It gives good health because it builds upon the true foundation—pure blood. Hoov's Pn.ns are purely vegetable, perfecly harmless, always reliable anct beneficial. SEAFORTH. The Refomers met last •---Friday evening for the purpose of organizing and getting into shape for the corning elections. At a meeting of Laeross enthuiasts on Tuesday evening'. the Beaver Lacrosse club was re -organized for the coming season. Business in the inttests of the club were transacted, and the following officers were elected: Honorary president, Dr. C. Mckay; honorary vice president, John Smith; captain, T. Johnston; secretary treasurer, W. II. Willis ; committee, J. Bell, P. Mulcahy, W. Payne, G. Boyd. The. Beavers will support Harry O'Loughlin, of St. Catharines, for president of the C. L. A. • The dispersion sale on Mr E. C . Coleman's farm, on Tuesday :was fairly well attended. The imple- ments and vehicles sold fairly well, as did also the cattle, but the prices of horses were low, considering the breeding at the animals offered. They'were in poor shape however and buyers were apparently more ready to bid for good looks than for good breeding, and at the bresent time people generals think twice before purchasing fancy stock. The sale would total up to about $1,500. Mr, Coleman will remove into town at once. Vett Don't Savo to Swear O$ says the St. Louts Journal of Agriculture I editorial about No.To-ciao tho famous tobacco In cure. "We know of many cases cared by No•To. Bac, one, a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured him se that oven the smell of tobacco stakes hint sick." No.To•:3ac sold awl guaranteed no cure no pay, nook Imo. Sterling Iteinady Co„ 374 S. Pool St,, Montreal. Sold by C. S. Williams 1Vingham. I sotnotinles wonder, said an nglishman to a pretty American girl sitting next to him at ginner, what becomes of all your peaches in America. Oh, was the reply, we eat what what we can and cast what we can't Vhngharn, May 1J, ie05. eat. L. DANE, Tp. Cle:'lr. GOOD ADVICE. ABOUT DYSPEPSIA. The best advice about dyspepsia is, —cure it with Burdock Blood Bitters, and as surely as you follow the advioe and take the medicine the cure will follow in every cause. Mr. Wm. Day, of FortWilliam, Out. says in speaking of 13. 13. B.: -.Two years ago my wife was very ill with dyspepsia: No remedy that she could find gave any relief; finally she tried Burdock Blood Bitters, and after taking six bottles was entirely cured. That is now more than two years ago and she bas had no return of the malady. I also have bad occasion to use B. B. B. and 1 cannot speak too highly in its favor. I always recommend -it to my friends and in every ease with good results. Hoping this may be of use to you, I am, Yours very truly. WILLAM DAIi. 13y nature's laws, immutable and just enjoyment stops when indolence begins.—Pollok. NORWAY PINE SYRUP cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, rlrottp, Asth- ma, Sore Throat and all Lung Troubles. Willie --"I knew you 'recce corning to -night. Castleton --"Why, Willie." —"Sister has been asleep all the afternoon." ROAST is the old Scotch name for a nongh. The English natne for the best euro for Coughs, s Colds,Sore Throat, Asthma and Bronchitis ter is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. In everything give thanks. Let it become a chronic habit to be grate, fut.-Rites Horn, WHY SLl`i+'1 111, from Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma or. Bronchitis when perfect tare is so easy with Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 22c., all druggists. llmigr,er. +nw ,s,r.rw:rr. est for,,.". - ash 1,1ary :r makes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the ]east labor. f - Snap Shots. Collingwaod and Barrie had a sparrow -shooting contest last week. Andrew Macdonald, formerly of Barrie, who has been missing fur 17 years has been declared legally dead. Midland i5 trying to sconce a pulp mill, f A. Miscampbell, Barrie, father of A. Miscampbell, M. P. P., is dead aged 87. London street ears killed five dogs in one day last week. One case of scarlet fever has been reported to the Board of Health, London. A epidemic has broken oat among the dogs of Petrolia and many of there have gone mad. • Samuel 'T`rxa,, an old. resident of Paris, was founts dead in bed Friday morning. Matthew Sweethani, ex -Warden of Wellington, died, suddenly last week, Natural gas has been struck at Lynden; Ont. W, r. Macdonald, of Montreal, has given half a million dollars to Mc- Gill University. Mr. Samuel Hodgins, •for many years a resident of I3lyt1 , died in the hospital Cleveland, Oh1e, on Tues- day morning. . He had been laid up for ,some time suffering fem. gan- grene. ' When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castor/a. The Mayor of Walkerton, has called a plass meeting of the citizens to con- sider the advisability of holding a a minister celebrating some time during the coming summer. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complextou, regulate your Bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25e., 50e., and $1. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Dreg Store. McKinnon & Co.,ofBlyth liavepur- chased the bankrupt stoelc of Mrs. Rowed of Auburn. Captain Sweeney, C.J. S. A„ San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine 1 have ever found that would do me any good." Price 503. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. • Dougal McKellar, of Blyth' -is around again after his recent illness. Thousands have • tested the great building -up power of flood's Sarsapuril- ia and have found renewed strongtn, vigor and vitality in its use, Air. Geo. Putter, of E. Wawanosb, and. Miss Lizzie Watson were married on Wednesday Iast, A call from the Presbyterian con- gregation of Port Elgin, to Rev. A. II. Drumm of Avonton, has been sus- tained by the Bruce Presbytery. 1 .A. Prominent Lawyer says: "I :have eight children, every one in good health, not one of whom but has taken Scott's Emulsion, in which my wife has boundless confidence,' After a short illness, James Me - Beath t of Walkerton ton died at his family residence. In early life you may lay the foundation of poverty or riches, industry or idleness, goud or evil, by the habits to which you train your ehildren. Teach them right habits then, and their fatare life is safe. --- Anon. Xe All our actions take their hue from one room to another, nor from. the complexion of the heart, as land- upstairs to the lower part of the stapes their variety- from 'light. ---+house. Always take it up in each Bacon. froom. vol. sweep dust and dirt from Bond , thio 0..,.er. •This week we pob'ish the first install- ment of the story, The bigu of t . Four by Conan .Hoyle, who is one of tici m yet talked of writers of the present flay.lrt might as well be nut of the fashion with your spring bonnet as not to have read some work of this renowned anther. It is often not convenient to get his works 10 bo•;,k form, so that their canning thr men the paper will be appreciated by our rt•+id ers. We want to give as many an possihte the privilege that is not enjoyed by those Who are regular subscribers. We wilt ar xi 1 the nuns to a new snbecriber 8 months for 20 cents. A club of 3 new subscribers for .50 cents or a club of 5 new subseribars for 75 cents. In every case it antist he new subscriptions in order to get these rates Now this is an offer you canuot affard to lose. If yon are taking the Tiatt:s already, send it tr, a friend who is away Prone l:om Yon t'culd nor give 'hint ,i i,reaant lie !would. appreciate tnrre. This offer is op•,n Mr two weeks only kinns•'t ib.i at encu. Its r remark- • able lasting and cleansing propertietzralcc SI RPRISEwaxit economical and Best, for'_,.e0. B'ver: DaY fTOM 7:11.'l1's. .l'i'h:t+' n:' rnoa 13roavil,s Schooldays and Tont Brown v n :t Oxford, I t t.fc r 1, is dead. ONE GIMES RELIEF. B BC g 8 13. B. Turns 0 lata Spring Time get Peace Rued by lasing B.B.S. No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores, ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken inter- nally .it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action. In this way the sick become well, the weak strong, and those who have that tired, worn out feeling receive new vigor, and buoyant health and spirits, so that they feel like work. If your 5 . appetite is poor, your energy 'gone, your ambition lost, B.B.B. will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous life 4.4...- stotesstssesisectoesseeeessesasseezessasveussessesssesessaresitessreweess, The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. Bad ° food Rich Into ed food. LATER EXCESSES iN MANHOC MAKE NERVOUS, OISEASED MEN KINE1p ti ioef dgnorncanad deroyirne athovarrtleywiornecoknidnehs a:d suristr ',ehoppiness a thousands of promising young men, Some tadaand wither at an enrly .rigc..4 gat: flip blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, sruitiese a: u'" melancholy existence, Others reach matrimony bat find no solace or comfort thero. Thet victims are found in all stations of life The farm, the oince, the workshop, the polis:t, la,tfithe trades and the professions. 3 Fc E$TORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. a ''f, 6V u 47;.:. A. WALKER, Wu, A. WALKER. MRS. CHAS. FERRY, OHAS3.1nurls• a 1 �lPti4. 3•+ 47 b y�Ib s {, . -:g 0 ://r .w-• '`• . �� - a • '�,/ ,� iii•„ R$ tf Jr..„ . 4r31.1tu THrr nagNT Divorced but united c„^,8.''.= yNnzxonn Tn8ATM8NT .71 7 �l , r17140 NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.z ' wit. A. Walker of 16th Street says:—"I have su cerod8 untold agonies for my "gay Iife." I was indiscreet when& young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" 1 'ontraetc4j Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the month and throat, bone pains, hair loose, pimples o:, _ face, linger nails came off, emissions, became thin anUrrs, despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mereur,• Pl Potash, eto. They helped me but could not cure me. Finally afriendinduceft me to try Drs.Kennedy &Korgau. `>r in it New Method Treatment cured me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonrierfnl, Toa feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to euro in a single, care," „CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDEDIn til e CrlI . (Chas, Perry says:—"I owe my life to Drs. K. & K. 1;tAt 141 learned a bad habit, At 21 1 had all the o mptoms '�t, f ',,ietnimd Weakness and Spermatorrhoea, Emissions , 1i i .S, r, train ng and weakening m vitality. married at 11,24 tinder advice of my family ydoctor,ybat it was a i01snd tgpnrience• In of htec••f. months we were divorced. I ,there consulted Drs. K. & K., who restored me to manhood ""'bytheir .eVew,AMethod 7'reat»tcat. Ifelta new life thrill through ' •tmy l.,erves. We were united again and are happ ; This was i7sr• SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED iMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISS10'S CURED $ rat ,roars ago. Drs. 11, & IC, are seientilc spoeaalists midi heartily recommend them." 'i d We e treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, New ns DeLili ' t g31 i r okness, Gleet, Stricture, Syfikilis, Unnatural Discharges, Srlf .Abtssa' X id,' y and . ladder Diseases. 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200.000 CURED. NO RISKS Apk-y, ^"'eaa Aro yowl. victim? bike you lost hops? Aro you contemplatirr:t v' :..Cd 91 RY • tinge? Blas your Blood been diseased? Have you any wenkne.,sf In. thf :v Method Preatmentwill cure you. Whatit has done for others it will do .. ,, i ':r, r:a,,t1LX °lON FREE. No matter who has treated yyour write for an lionettop,airi , • ;'a; C`rierf c, charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE --"Tae holden Monitor" (ziinstrat-_:l, ca + • ooS of Um inclose postage. Shoats. Sealed. ypj ,"r-7 J.10 NAMES USEO WITHOUT WRITTEN cc NSENt. PRI«k'Tf; P40 tnedtotrae seht C.O. D. Norranfee on box,ets or r..raV'vl ;Ls tla..yh,,. Rverythiheeont1dentiai. Quesetion list tartd COet of y'r'C.a`. , g• •rrtt,TtREE. °..^d .,KENNEDY ENNEDY Ui fEGG#HNo.148 SHELBY �,'r I DETROIT, AC t ,it LtiDz.0r ! • "' ,.