HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-03, Page 5i BAST WAWANOSI. Mr. G. Rey is hired et Mr, D Robertson for the spring. Mr. and Mrs. G, Walker were visiting in Grey last week - Mr. r. Skinn has rented Mr. Junes Rey's farm for the coming year, We are pleased to learn that Mrs. R. Mci3 vney, is slowly recovering Trona her sickness, The new Union Sehool house No. 16 East Wawanosh was opened Fri- day March lath by a gland concert. Monday morning of last week a resident of this locality passed away to a better home in the person of Mr, Jas, Bey jr., as he took his departure for the house of refuge. Gloom, was east over this neighbor- hood on Friday Iast by the anneanee- meat of the death of Mr, Wm, Elliott, of the 12th eon., he was one of the oldest pioneers of the town- ship. He was a man of retiring dis- position and unobtrusivein hie ways, kind hearted, honorable anct obliging to all he carne in contact with. The deceased was in his 96th year. FORDWICH, Mr. Wrn. Sotheran has made ex- tensive preparations for the erection of a large brick dwelling next sum- mer. The Fisk jubilee Singers will give a service of song in the Method's church here on Friday evening April ard. "' Rev, T. W. Cosens is conducting; revival services at Newbridge, and 'it is said a great cleat of good is being done. The Telephone, our local paper, which collapsed a week or so ago, is missed as a weekly visitor in many of our homes. Rev. A, 13. Dobson anti several of bis falnily are on the sick list this week. We hope to see them around in our midst very soon. Mr. J. Donaghy has made prepa - ations fur the completion of his brick block, of which the foundation was built last fbtll. The work will be; resumed -as soon as the weather will permit. The promotion and review exam- ination was held throughout Huron county on Thursday mad Friday of last week. Fifteen wrote Here for promotion to fourth class, of which twelve were successful. Our. new miller, -lir. R. Gibson Of Wroxeter, is doing a rushing business these days. He is giving gesera' Satisfaetion and farmers are corning from far and near to get their chop- ping and geisting done here. Mr. Wm. Fleet will erect a. new dwellings this season, on tare site. of the old one, which wrs destroyed by .ire last fall. It is rumored that some more building wit: h„ done this year. There is a demand. fir. more dwellings. iI lit RISTOt. The past few days have been tell- ing on the snowy. We see several rigs with wheels ort already. The i+'ilk? Jubilee Singers are bill- ed to give an entertainment in the Methodist cijurch on Monthly April 6th, Thomas Copeland, agent for GWIlnes & Martin, of Teeswater, was in this section last week and reports business fair. Grieves Bro3., finished scutchina in thou it;t.c mill on 'Tuesday of this week. 'Their stock though large did not yield as good a return as other years. The students of' the different departments of uric Iligh school, are busy this week, writing en the test examinations which are always look- ed on by those taking part as severe ordeal as the flint(. There is ease for those far gone in consumption -.-.not recovery --ease. There is awe for those not far gone. There is prevention for those who are threatened, of Codliver Oil is for yotti even if you are only a lit. tie thin. score's 1111UJLS1ON sus been endorsed by the medicalprotession for twenty } years,(.isk durdoe1O,',) Thi,sbecauseltisAlways riatatabtwa1rwa srrujorr—Alwayscoar9.41 purest NInsistron 3 "sc ttl r Mita ilIlke with ttade-usury of elan and tisk. Master Raymond Strong, who went to the Guelph hospital, some tittle ago for treatment for a deceased bone in his ankle, has so far recover- ed that he can now put on kiss boot but is unable to put any weight on it. Mr. and Mrs. ducks and family, recently out from Gifford, England, and who bought out Mr. A, Yule's business last fall, have got fairly eettled down to business and are bnsily engaged carteing to the wants of the public, A colored citizen of our town, hav- ing indulged too much in old rye or something as good, imagined be was sole possessor of the town on Tues- day, and as a result the air was very blue around hila for a while but no one was hurt. During the great ,snow blockade, tour town did not fare as bad as some of the other towns. The travellers say they like to get to Herriston before a storm as there is always a way of getting out some place. Our railway accomodation is unsurpassed in Western Ontario, Tho Brown Base Ball Club have again re -organized for the season and no doubt before the season is past, the boys will have given as good account of themselves as last year, They will have .a strong rival this year in the Dowling Leighton aggregation of the town, where a a club has been organized. •Go 1 buys and win. Last Thursday was fair day in t town. Quite a few cattle were 1 offered for sale but as prices were low not many sales were made. o Quite a number of horse buyers were l present and as this is one of the best a sections for good horses they were in d great humor. Quite a few changed T a b Tau WI? GU.AM TIMES APRIL 3, 1896, residence of G. Barton and notified the tartrates of the peril of his com- rade and soon glen and horseswere rescued from the merciless elements. and were contented to acknowledge the Sterns too lnn,ekl for them and re. mailed at Barton's for the night. LUCKNOW. We regret to have to announce the death of Mrs. AIexender McKay, of this place, whleh oeeared at 4 p. m, on Monday, after an extended illness of dropsy. The funarel took place on Wednesday afternoon, and was largely attended, The sympathy of `this community is extended to Mr, McKay and family in their sad bereavement. The Lodge of I, 0, G. Ts in this place held an open meeting on Tuesday evening this week, when excellent addresses were delivered by Rev, Mr. Wallwin, Lueknow, Rey. Mr. McLennan, Kinloss, and Rev. Mr. McLeod, Ripley, besides an excellent programme of choruses, solos, duets, readings and reeitatione by the members, Mr. R. D. Camey- on occupied the chair, and very ably idled the position. A very serious accident occurred here on Monday 30th to Mr. W. A. Wilson, in Air. Walter Treleaven's flour mill. While oiling a shaft his leather jacket caught in the gearing nd in an instant it was a matter of ife or death to him. By a tre- nendeous. effort be succeeded in earing himself free, but not before ils right arm was nearly torn off and terribly mangled, besides vari- us, other minor injuries on various carts of the body. Mr. Wilson • was t once conveyed to his home where oeters D. Gordon, and J. S. ennant attended to his injuries, nd he is now doing. as well as could e expected. bands at very good figures. Never in the history of the town has there been such a movement in building as there will be during the copying season. No less than five kine buildings will be put up on grain street. Itis with great pleasure we note that Mr. Fred. Beck, of your town is among those who purpose building here. Plans and specifica- tions are out and tenders asked for. He already has the material on the ground as have also Al:essi's. Bradley, Montgomery, Aieiklejohn and 'the Oddfellows. DELMORE. -Mrs. :Mulvey has returned from a lengthy visit among friends in Mt. Forest. The heavy rain on Saturday night considerably diinished the depth of. snow. Mr, John Hartley, of Toronto Normal, is spending his Easter holi- days at home, ' Severe colds seem very prevalent in this locality especially among the younger people. Mr. Reiter, of Lakelet, has moved onto Air. Marshall's farm, having rented it for a term of years. Mr. John Copeland is able to be out with the aid of crutch. At Present he has gone to visit his father, who is very seriously Owing to • the blockade of the railroad, on Sunday week, Rev. A. Stewart was unable to be with bis congregation. Three of the mem- ber's of the church tools charge of the service, The fare- stock and implements of Mr. A IL Marshall are advertised to be sold on Thursday next, by ,lir, G. Barton. .Mr. Marshall is a ,bout to take up his abode in Muskoka. where he has an interest in n SA w -mill. One of the most successful wood beets of this season took • place on the farm of Mr. Win. Merkiey, on i Saturday week. Over 40 cords ot'. wood were sawed. Several other fanners are intionding to try this means of getting their wood eut. The Belmore cheese fitctory will begin about May 4th. All the factory requires after start'ng is plenty ct milk of the sauce quality as last year, and we predict for the patrons, one of the most successful seas( ms in the history of the factory. Otos of the severest storms of the seiison occurred a week ago last 'i'hnrsday. Tho east and west mates were completely blocked, some of which have, not yet been operied.- Messrs. Geo. Inglis and John Johnson had a rather unpleasant experience on that evening. They wore returning from Wingiiain, and when driving east pest 0, Barton's aria, the horses• ;ave, out, as xt his point the roads were almost l,ni,rrssabin, and the wind was blow- ing al llirrr'ieatnu. vire of the two inert with great diiiieulty reached the G LENANNANT Air. D. L. Tracy left for Manitoba on Friday of last week. Mr. Jas. Ferguson has returned home from—Algoma where he spent the winter. Mr. Isaac Metcalf delivered in Seaforth the other day a valuable horse which he sold recently. Trade and commerce is almost at a stand stilt in onr village at present owing to the condition •of the roads. Mr. Jas. Wallace has rented the farm belonging to Mr. Geo. McKay and will take possession in the course of another week. We are glad to learn that Mr. Couplatnd is. recovering from the hurt which he received some time ago and is able to be around again. n number of our farmers are ore &#e41oinal value lo a bottle or Hood's Balla- pari/la than In any other preparation. Mere skill is required, more care taken, snore expense Incurred in its manufacture. It costs the proprietor and the dealer More but It eosts the Consumer fess, as he gets inoro doses Por his money. Moro curative power issecured by its peculiar combination, proportion and process, which make It peculiar to Itself. More people are employed and more s,,aee oc- cupied in its Laboratory than any other, More wonderful cures effected and more tes• timnnlaJs received than by any other. Moresales and more increase year by year are reporteu by druggists, More people tr taking more in Hood' nd Sarsaparilla taking today than ever before. More and sTrta. molts reasons night be given why you should take ood's Sarsaparilla the one Tree »loud Purifier, til, per bottle. Hood's Pills elck]ieae dacbe, 25 canr Ins t$, ensiling as they have never smiled since last fall, Why so ? It is because the snow is fast disappear- ing and signs of spring are again at hand. Another very successful wood -bee took place on Friday last at Mr. Arthur Lincoln's. There has been a number of wood -bees in this viein, ity but this has been the greatest success of the season only that it dirt not end with a "hop" at night. It is reported that Arthur is about do enter into the holybonds of "padlock" and the boys were satisfied with the promise. of a big time on that occas- ion. Don't be long Arthur. Hay is cheaper in Mount Foresip now than a month ago. Ur. r. Thomas Worth, of' Mitchell, who is over eighty years of age, and one of the first settlers of this neigh- borhood, had a close call on Wednes- day evening. He had not been feeling well, and took a powder which he had in the house for over thirty years. There were strong symptoms of' .poisoning, and he hurriedly sent for Dr. Wood, who applied the usual remedies, but for hours they seemed of little avail, for violent . convulsions followed each ether in rapid succession, and con- tinued at intervals nntil 2 a. m, At one time he was thought to be dead, but he railied, and is now on a fair way to recovery, The Dr. is posi- tive that strycchine was inixecl with the powder, STING SALE Oh' OPS an S SPECIAL NOTICE: .. .1+ In last week's TIMES, we announced the arrival of our spring stock of Boas and oes, Trunks and Valises. Since then we have lea d for a number of years, those central and comino• ous premises known as Geo. E. King's old stand, We intend to open o t . entirely new stock of solid, reliable Boots and 'd .es, Trunks and Valises, and in order to carry out its plan, we will clear out the whole of our present stock at our present stand, two doors north of P. O,), including the new Spring Goods just opened out, at greatly reduced prices. Everything reduced in price. Everything must go. This affords a grand opportunity of securing your Spring and Summer Shoes at a decided reduction in prices. Also Trunks and Valises, Men's and Boys' Felt and Straw Hats. Yours Respectfully, -� G'- 3C7_ C -0CJD, l'he Shoe Store. 103 11 1.11 t !Wednesday W paEhmoi E1N'. —AND ITN— CASH SYSTEM Are now on the home stretch of the second year, with a goo lead, and RUNNING STRONG We have just finished stock -taking, and find that we have come out handsomely on tole, kVe are now entering upon our third year, and in a better position than ever to place goods before: you at prices that are right .D SURE TO WIC Your approval and > our cash, We have much pleasure in thank:. ing aur customers and o.hers who patronized us during the year, and helped us along so heartily in THE GRACE.. Our Dress M..kicg Pepartment, as usual, is up to date, and ahead of the tines. Nothing but first-class work turned out here. All heavy goods bought here cut free of charge, CUTTING AND PI .; TING A SPECIALTY. . "INTYR ,. MACDONALD BLOCK, ik:I GHAM. _ . _ .... .� , ..-_....... ,., J I1inert Everybody is talking Millinery and everybody who udder stands such things arc b:,und to admit that we LEAD T In latest styles, artistic display and direful attention to the. needs of our customers. ALL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 And following days is the date of our • ir I lig e t And.we give a cordial invitation to all to conte and inspect our stock. We are determined to give you the kind of bargains that will please you. We are expecting a call from you. Do notdisappoint us, �► ��• MASON BLOCK, WINGHAIi. 1 LINEBY 0 ON Wednesday, pril 1 Ani the balance of the week. ISS HUTT Of Toronto, and her assistants have excelled themselves this season and have about too of the latest FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN NOVELTIES , For your inspection. Also the daintiest of CHIFPONS AND FLOWERS MfS8 M. MACPHERSON. Mrs. Herdsman's Old Stand, Wingham. WEI:LIDS Has just received a large consignment of In every Department and has marked them to suit the Hard. Times. NEW DRESS GOODS In every design. A full range of the BEST PRINTS MADE, Call and inspect. 12 Cases oofv Ladies' and Gents' 0 The latest styles and marked close. "Three cases of the finest OANAIDIAN AND SCOTCH TWEEDS In every design. Call and lt.a,ve your order for your Spring . o Suit, �d rrIItt 1'o11Io wing' boys. Will be pleased to receive callers to inspect stock. MRS. GEO. GREEN. ,dist arrived, one car of strict:y prime CLOVER,ALSIzK�AND TIMOTHY SEED � a <saowN All kinds of Faney ("crass Seeds kept in stock. T , MILLS.