HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-03, Page 241'4 a
• v
Cy A, Conan Doyle,
+•':) el Ix 'I:D.1
see by his drawn brow allot Ins. vacant
eye that lie was thinking intently.
.kiss Morstan. and I chatted in an
undertone about our present expedition
and its possible outcome. but our come
°panan,.l i intained his =pen 'treble re-
, KAP until the end of our journey.
It \Vial? a September Pvcning. and nee
yet seven o'clock, but the day had,
had been a dreary one, and a dense,
dxizzliuw fog lay low upon the great
city. Mud -colored cloud: drooped seO-
ly over the muddy streets. Down the
Strum 1 the lamps were but misty
splotelus of a:!iused light which threw
a feebl': c'ircul::tr glimmer upon the
slimy p,•a:vem+'ut, Tho yellow glare
from t Il.' shop win:lows streamed out
into t . steamy, vaporous air, and
threw a murky, shifting radiance
ac•reia the crowded thoroughfare.
Thereto my Mind somethingeerie
and .stlike }u the oodles:4 proeesei011
of fa'- te•'bk•h flitted : ero,is these nar-
row t),: of light -sad faces and gla'i,
hageta•a end merry. Like all human
kind. they flitted from the gloom into
the light and sohrek into the gloom mute
more. 1 eat not F111)jert to i111pre"sions,
but tho dull, heavy evening, w,th the ..
rubbed o -,•' her as he . Bartholomew. He is very angry weth !read tund slnlloa. I le,L. 1 a ,
strap business upon which \ve lcere i •t•)l.d his haul, t ,., ,
i ,:' and his features were hi a per- me for t tl.ing; Ale,
coarse which has 'Sahib," said he. I heard you quarrel,
enga el, combined to male me per- I c' •1v1_ seenlr+! :•i ;ht to Tile, [had quite high and I heart the )low. But my lips aro
ons fuel d( pressed, I could. see from i etteu •ger'::, new smiling„ now •. words with him Ale,t .I hilig.at You van- 'eared. rd are asleep in the house.
lliss',lolstail's manner that she
suffti ing from t1u' .:One f)',mit. g, I Is 11 1(•n he 1, ane \ \vas enou,h to books ane. If my own trakhan collar and cuffs. This he
Holmes alone could rise superior to au ::d too visible line of yellow and ir- ? if w; c aro to rep t,) Norlrood it would '
his o )an re,:_it tr1.t111 which he struvd: feebly
, servant ('()lila not my innocence, buttoned tightly up, spite of the Px-
nott . iutiuences, He held } to , rt:, ra! L1 constant!\ 1as.iu; his P^rl:u]).; be u.; \cell to start at once.' 1 holy corlldl I hope +Ki make it geed be: Heine closeness of the night, and fin -
note -book afoul ll:sl:n P, and from time 1 yelltit ed 10 Rinserk. fore twelve foolish tradesmen all a jury ,
otime he jotted down tisurc: and bum over rife lower part o' his face. ishcclhis attire by putting on a rtabbit-
t J l ,).re ui i)is obtrusive baldness, 110 He lenc•hed until leis ears were elute hos? Lal Cho\q(lar and I dispoliedl of slain ca}, with Banging lappets which
lant tl:Oula in the light of his pocket- • eta the impression of youth. In rm .. `',el1 \veul't hardly cio,• ho the body that night, ane. \vithilr•a foto c,ol,er cltlie ears, so that no part of him
lantern. "Pent 0i fay til ( had
just tnrnti his cried. " I don't 1:1101 whet he would ;lays ulna Londuxr papers were full of \vas visible save his mobilo and peaky
At the Lyceum Theater the crowds 7 I say 1f I. bro13 1i you in that sn•121^n the mysterious disappearance of Cap- face. "DIy heii,lth is somewhat #ra-
were all 'adv thiels at this side -en- • t••'1':_c•:lt y. ar.
•1 our sorwant, :dies Morstan," he ; \say. :tin •: l must 1,, •pale t you by •tam ..Imetan, Nola will f oo from \what Ri}e,,, he remarked, as he loci the way
1Iou, s front coawna ler stream • kept rt• )easing in a thin, hilt voice. ? silo\wi1121 You ho\\• \we all stIell'' to ..,. h I say that 1 ran hardly be blamed 141 down the passage. I tum compelled
ofa hing up, and rteing their e were • l 1 1 n 2 ; other. In the mat )la0(?, 1 11331st tell to be a e passage.
a,, i " 1))ll ' :;t•r, : :List, gentlemen. Pray step , 1 the matter'. li3? fault lies 111 the fact
rattling up, diti::harging their cargoes , -t. sarcttnll, A small place, ' you t11:•t• !peva age eeveral 1pu:•t e ill tiro that 11•e. concealed, not only the: fly, ,•,' • "
• of shier -f ail:te a Men anti beslui\\•led, he- ; 1. , ..it little , (.1 •to. \ ) f 1lh is h I and mys:11 ignorant. Cur cab was (malting sting lis outside, and
liar furnished to my liking:. All ,but also the treasure, and that I have our progral as ( was evidently e, and
roan' .l'd, d women. 1\ c had hardly ! ,f ing in the howling deeert. of : i c:tn'i,ly lay the facts before you its clung to Morstait's s112L1'0 as well as to our incl, for the driver stented off r-
xeac l:ctl the third pillar, which was ot.r r' d „r.,,!u11 7!
: far a 1 knoll them )nyself. xny- 01111 I \wish you, therefore, to Duca at a rapid pace. Thaddeus Sholto
rendezvous, before:a. small, dart., brise: ; to 1z Iastonished by the a - i "\ly f:(thrr was, as you may have make restitution. Put your ears clown 01100 talked incessantly, in a voice which
man, in the dress of a coachman, ac- i \\ r were all a, ton
i pearance of the up:ertment lute which i- gel"ss•e•t., _augur John a lotto, once of the to my mouth. The trerisure is hidden rose high above the rattle of the
costed us. + , ! Inthen artily. He retired sonic eleven •fn-" At this instant a horrible change
`"Are you the parties who come With i +t,• iaVit•''tl U,. Ill that nf'1't• hOlt.c It , wheels.
Ir„t?:e=1 us out of place as a itiamoud of p 3'ears It'o, and came to live in I'ondi- Dame over his expression; Itis eyes "Bartholomew is a clever fellow,”
Miss.1 _iorsf:L'. he asked. i t,c.b.r. y sal,.. 111 is 1 1 2,01\\ 00(1 Hu 3 J I ,iiia he. "Holy do you thiel: he found
n • beet wati'r in a setting of brass. p': stared wildly, tale drop ped, and he ,•
t am bliss Morstan, and these two ; „ i h11d 3(5',e]•ed. in bubo, and browgltt yelled, in a voice which t call never
entiemen are m\ friends," said ,he, l:„' lelu>.t anal glossiest of curtains • • : 1' ' •'.
a i •.1•,t (ll•aperit•d draped the walls, looped ' l,ilc•lt left.. hitn a CO11t;lClCl11.ble stun of forget, ”"Beep hint out ! For Christ's
He bent a ]pall' wonderfully pe11e- :get le lure anti the ie to expose some , 1'.1"'-1•'y' t linen cwl' ctlen of valuable sake, keep hien fiat !' We both stared
tracing and questioning1leyes upon us. i. painting of oriental + c•urie,sn;c.., and a. staff of native ser- round at the w"nclo\v behind ns upon
""Y•ou will e :cuss; rte, miss," he said, illy motuur 1 1. 1 ,. t f advantages which his gaze incl fixed. A face \vas
c' •ped manner, ,"but 1 v''•:c'• 'tin+ earilec was o :ember and van... With theie advanta es Ito
with aask certain to< . ,r- • , •a thick that the foot ; bought himself :l' house and lived in looking in at us out of the darkness.
was to ass: you're give me your word . jack, , o 5. _. ,1_11 . t y( , g1((1 ]usury. :lir twin-htuthei Bctitllo- g of the nose
that neither of .your companions is a s„u>. pb asautli into it, as into a bed of 1 We could see the whitening
„ •, 1 , boss. Two great tiger skins. tl:rotwn , Renew and 1 W01'e't 1 only children. where it was pressed against the glass.
police o#fice1. „ c: i:lyart it increased the eu,gg;est.i".,u of 1 I •1•:•, y 1\ ell 10 0 1)zber fill( 50a(ilttion It .was a beartlecl, ]miry face, with
I aied you my word on that, she .,c,1 tern lu:;ur :as did a hu !1 hookah ; 11`iiia 11 •leas canoed by tn('thsappea ca111 wild, cruel eye,,f and an expression of
answered. •*o ci upon a mat ill tit.' ('urger. ; of Cele -in 11oeseen \Vc react the de- concentrated malevolence. My brother
Ile gave a sail whistle, on which a N....2.11 • • u 1 kn011I21g that
' four -wheeler, -\ jam}) in the fashion of a salver ('.eve , )ails iu the papers. land, ,• anal I rllshecl to and the window, but
street _arab le( across a to , , almost inci':ib}e ! II” hod been 21 1rlenl e, e1u ,atlier s, u e the man was gel When We retained
rt ' door. The man who was hour from au ) ,: lee see tilt• case freely inhl. 1rue:elec. • hi, head had dropped. and
and opened the ,.. u. t i ( 1 to any father, I1
u!t:041 wire in the outer of the room. ,
hadc: -' speculations as Y110 ) <. rl 11
a to r t.l
• •';a enure...r '- , r.' 1 z our 1 s to beat.
c -us mto _ 'S c.a cl
ac dl ,.el.•,- .r used < , pulse hada e
1 c)J 111 is
- burned it filled t
-'A ', 1t)lIe
1 1
. I
\\eNever ' des inside. hap s, )I c.. \
while we tool. our places magic- and 2O•olnatic o:lor, ' to ;cru:t r ott:.l have 1. ° 1 1,. \\ e sraic'hea he garden that night,
had hardly c lie so before the driver
' , ) ' ;Lica the ' hoe 1'11 install.: slid 1\-e su'.1)l•1t that he but found no sig of the intruder, save
whipped up i . horse, and lir plumed -.I.. Thaddeus , Lcl..c , 5
- littlenuul still jerking ail(. siu}Iiilg.. i1:Ld ths> whole ::et\1rt h?d(I(n in his own that just moles -the window: a single
alcor 1:t a f4txlons .,ace through the •27i Lt is my inure. You lust. Mies : b"('21st-- that of all rlc'u hr, friable knew footznart was viible in the flower -bed.
foggy stmetet ,. t the fat; of .\rth01 Moreton.
TII,' eituatfon was a curious one. 'We - -'-'rst.ln, of course. And t.lose ;gentle- .But for that One trace, Iwo might have
on n:r•ll--" , " 4\ e (lid know, however, that some thought that our imag.inatiolls had
Were driving to an ttukno\vlot place,
ilvit L- ",.'his is .lir. Sher10ek Holmes, and my;ct(:1;\•-ran1P p05)111•e (labia -r1• --over- con; tired up that: wild, tierce face. We
an unknown errand. Yet t' i:, Iir IN atom. htulg.ou1 father. He 1c::, very fearful soon, however, hail another -and a mor
tion was (titdlcr a complete h hoax, which „ of "oi)1g; out ctio:u;, 11111 ale 11Wa4S em- g 1
was an inconceivable hypothesis, or A elector, eh: cried he, rough ex- R *iters to act: as striking. proof that there were serr0t
else \\-.• had, good reason to think that ('.tad. "'11 1.11 you your stctllo; supe ? ploy tall two prize if,} agencies at work all around us. The
..tc; ht I net: \ ou-1\ null you have the ])041(rs at Pondicherry Lal. e. Wil. Wiulow of any father's rocen was found
important issues might n'e lemon nor ,, 1 r,. • 1}:ems, \x110 chole ;;o.t r. u1.,ht, wee 0110 open in the morning, , his cupboards and
kindness c ubrs ah .0 g
, . have
1 . dlU1
st e: demeanorh \\ c 1 ht
Miss liol. av)•; ucr a 11
'ourllevf thcetn. He \ , ,- , • upon his
0 tr ,. l
, rifled, and £ c b 11
7b ..ch had ,.
c beso
you would
•'1• if 1
my mitral valve, \•e
cas as resolute and collected as ever. very good.The aortic I may rely upon, champion of England,, ()uh• fcLthrr silos, was fig -„<L co torn piece of .paper,
1 endeaiOred to cheer and amuse her y would. never tell lt8 what it was ]tri 'lull the, words, The lig 11 Of the foil.'' we all stared at 0310 another Ol)ell eyCd.
by reminiscences of my adventures In but 1 huonl(t value your opinion upon feared, but alt; had 1L most marked
g talustan • but,to tell the truth, I
the mitral." e ,; , , t1 1th \c001 1 to<;.. 011 sc•rawlecl across 1t. Whet the phrase Missrights, would cl change from alinee 01
Af„1v1 listened to 111$ heart its 1',.<litetite(1, t.v 1. ,C.1 ( Ill) 1 \\ meant, Or W110 our secret visitor mayry-
Wa i myself so excited at our situationobut was unable to find anything :3111155 one ('(25103) he 31t01:L11 S' flrecl his rt' have been, we never knew. As far governess to the richest heiress ill Thin
and so Cit obi as t0. our destination save indeed that he Wag n 81.11 01 Stas - 1o1v(•1 at a wooden-Irg;;e(1 -mato w11.0 as 0 call jit(lg;(?,+1;11U0e of my father's land. Surely it was tho place of a
that my stories worries slightly involved, her ` , shivered from head to proved. to be a harmless tradesman earl- property head been. actually stolen, loyal friend. to rejoice at such news ,
on this day she declares that I told her of bear, for he c
• to how a frnp"• "It appears to be norma}," I vassulg for orclrrs. \\'(t had to pay a though everything. had been turned yet I am ashamed 'to say that selfish -
one moving anecdote as said. "you have no cause for uneasi_ large sum to hush, the matter u},. My
out, My brother and I naturlly assn- . Mess tool: me by.the soul, and that my
musket looked into m • tent at the dead „ brother and I osed to think this a mere c•.1. 1 this oth(1 peculiar incident with the }.kart turned as ;heavy as lead Within
o .night, and how I fired a, double- mss.
"Pott will excuse my anxiety, bliss whim of my father's, but events have fear which haunted my father during trio. I stammer (i out some few halt -
ed tiger to the d. ti first I had " • ,.l • "I am since led us to (1111ge our opinion. his life • but it .*,still a complete rays- Inge Words of coi°in')'atulation, and then
some idea' as direction in which _,iorstan, 110 remarked, airily. . long , , , , y
g • soon, what with :t great sufferer, and I have had. l "Ey-11Y in i.''•." 1uy fI 1u recellrcl a tory to us." sat downcast, *all my hexa drooped,
we vp100 driving , but h s t ill I am de- .of t(1 from India which was a shock to The little plan.stop fed to relight his deaf to the belittle of our new acquault-
our pace, the fog and my own limited lr. picions as to that v re,hills IiP nearly fuil'trl at the :reale- e
knowlea a of Lonaon, I lost my bear- a ]ltecl to hear t} it hoorah and puffed thoughtfully htfully fora ante. He eva;j clearly a confirmed
smoke, to the mild. balsamic odor of the am go1ie. After all, melt 'Stave been; e,s
Eastern tobacco. I a11) to little nervous, bad as this a11(1 have recovered.
1 and I find my hookah all invaluable " "1 will tell you flow Morstan died,'
sedative." Ile applied a taper to the he continued.. "lie had suffered for
great bt'wl, and the t<moke bubbled years from a weals heart, but he con-
! merrily though the rosewatee. We totaled it from everyone, I alone knew
} sat all three in a semi -circle, with our it, ‘1, hen in India, he and 1, through
heals advanced, and our Chills upon a remarkable chain of circumstances,
I car hands, while the strnn+,'e, jerky c111ne into possession of a considerable
little fellow, with his high, shining treasure. 1 brought it over to Eng -
head, puffed uneasily in the center. L:uul, mid on the night of Morotan's o,r-
• "' t\•11111 1 ti1'$t determined to mak rival he carne straight over here to
over from
1•• 1 you,"hill 11 ]
walked 1
r1: iI11
`'St'L i0r Y( t l
this (C,Illelltll+t , L 1 •
"1 might hero given you my addreas, the station, and was admitted 1)y buys
i but 1 f eared that you .night disregard faithful old L1L1 Chowder, who hi now
my regtl'st anti • bring unpleasant dead. Morstan 1111(1 1 had is difference
people with you. I took the liberty, of Opinion 110 to the division ' of the
therefore, of smelting an ilppe ntment treasure, and Wo cam0 to heated words.
i11 such a IN't y that ply man '5\ 1111ams ILiorst:ut had sprang out of his chair
•night be ably to see you first. I have i11 it paroxysm Of anger, when ho su(1-
c,', and that at w11;t a we stoppe(1 was i cutnl)lcte confidence to his diseget2011, tlenly pressed. 111s hand to Ins sale, los
as dark as its neighbors, save for a !and 11e had orders, if he were clisstitis face turned it dusky hue, and he fell
s ugh, glimmer in the kitchen. window. , tied, to proceed no further in the backward, cutting his head against the
Uri our kuot'king, however, the floor ''eatter. You will excuse these precan- cornua of the treasure chest, When I
was instantly thrown open by a 1I111:loo ; tions, but I lull a man of somewhat stooped over brim 1 1ouudl, to my hor-
eervllllt clad in a yellow turban, white, ; retiring, and I might even say refined, L'ol, that he was dead.
loose -fitting clothes, and la yellow sash. `tastes, end there is notating more un- ," 'For a long time I sat half distract -
There wa.0 aometiuitg' strang,'1y iuc0n- ; ceethetic Sohl it policeman, I have a ed, wondering (what I should do. My
;roans in this oriental figure framed in !natural shrinking; from all forms Of first impulse was, of course, to,call for
1 ite rommonpl:tce doorway of a thirds- I rough materialism. I seldom come m assistance ; but I could not but re-
lat suburban dwelling; -house. 1 colttact with tslto rough crowd. I live, ^ognizo that there was every chance
as you see, w' It some little atmosphere that I would be accused of his murder.
of Ede:ranee i round ane. I may call Elis death at the moment of a quarrel,
+ • is m •'ould. be
• s It his heal w
lin , of the Y the ah,l,
e a,l 'L31t1 t
tyeltlneses. 'I'lhe landscape is a genuine black against n1e. Again, an official in-
),LLI•ot, anti though a connoisseur might .airy could not be made without bring -
perhaps throwa doubt upon that Sal- ing out sonic facts about the treasure,
"Tile Sahib awaits you." said he.
end. even as he spoke there came a high
piping voice. from some moor room.
":•:em• them its to mc, ken'tnlutxar," it
Cried. Show thein straight i11 to me."
CHAPTER IV. rotor Ito: a, there cannot be the boast wh1c11 I was )a1t14L11a11y auxlo
- THE .r .t. I' P had toll me
that us o
THE ; TOR. 01' .IIT: BALD- i question about (the Pou' UOleau. I ani keep secret. bno
. HEADED MAN. ' partial to the modern 1?renclt school." soul upon earth knew where he had
\1 r followed the Indian down the i "Von will excuse me,. `•Il•. .tholto, (. ,one. There seemed to bo 110 necessity
i) • passage, ill lit and said )1 Eos Marston, but I cull hereat why any soul egor should. knout the
sordid ,end shed, u i. it ,. ., , , to a your re)1Llc: t to learn something which " "I was still pondering over
a ..,: •` 1.01'11 the d, ht, ht maw
,; .,,' .:(.al th1. right, 1vhlell he threw i you desire to tell mc. 1.t is very late, matter, when, looking up, I saw m}.
1 n • Hein and I should desire the interview to be ;errant, Lal Chowder, in the doorway.
cp i:. blaze ut ca.0\\ ,0(111 sutra... 1 bio stole in, and bolted the door behind
e+. our upon 05, and Ill the senor of the as short :t. possible."
' stoodal mall with a I `"At til:' beet it must take some time," 111111, "Do 110t"C fear, SaL}lib. he said.
sego hig'r(atl,a tl of 1e,1 hair all ;11e ans\veved : "for we sltall certainly ''No one need ;know that you have
sego b1111head, abs e
+ 1 1 Brattier .11P1 slim Let u•; hide him away ane
wit el the fringe of it, and a bald sal}n- 1 ho 1 the whet I diel not kill
f ear scalp, which. shot out from clulong
it tile` a mountain. peak from fir trees.
have to go to -, cr'1\•ou( and see ro per i . ?"
Bartholomew. • \\ e shall all go nuc try `4 „iS•shoo]: his
if we can get the better of Brother ,um, said. I. Lal Cllowdal
1 a •t. 11
•was ill„ ion 0."oi for an iu.ttUtt in repos... •"
2; 112 ',• 11.t-tl :;!1.01111.141 a peudulcu, lip, not imagine \yli.. l t terrible 11.11011 he Get us put lion away together," That
Mendel, my 'brother was Himself a llttye
inclined to my father's • fault. He
thought, too, that if we parte(. with
the chaplet it might give rise to gossip,
a11(1 finally bring. us into trouble. It
was 1(11 1 (.001(1. (10 to persuade him to
let me find out Miss Morstan's address
and send 1101 a detached pearl at fixed
intervals, so that, at least, she might
never feel destitute."
was a kindly thought," sai(1 our
companion, earnestly. "It was ex-
tremely good of you,"
'1'hl' man wave.. his bland deprecat-
ingly. \\-e• \1 ere our trustees," he
light upon our way.
Pondicherry Lodge stood in its own;
grounds, and was girt round with a,
very hi ;h stone wall topped with hrok• •
en glass. A single narrow iron -clamp-
ed. door formed. the only 11011115 of en-
tranee.. On this our guide knocked
with a peculiar postman -like rat -tat,
"`Who 1:; there e" cried a gruff voices tfe
from within.
"It is 1. McMurdo, You surely know`
my knock by this time."
There w1(5 1a gralllhling sound, and a
,r . e r
<• and of hers.
The (100.
claul:in,, J
s\1•ang heavily hark, and` 1L short, deep- •.
saki. "'That was the view winch I ('.hosted man stood in the opening, with
took of it, though Brother Bartholomew the yellow light of tho lantern shining,
could not alt(1i ether see it hi that light. upon his protruded face and twinkling
We had plenty of money ourselves. I distrustful eyes,
desired no more. Besides, it would "That you, Dir. Thaddeus'? But
have been such bad taste to have treat- who are the others? I had no orders
ed a young lady in so scurvy afashion. about them from the master."
'Le mituvais gout 1410110 an crime.' The "No, McMurdo ? You surprise me!
French have a Very neat way of putting I told my brother last night that I
these things, Our difference of opinion should bring some friends."
on this subject went so far that 1 "He ltain't been eat o' his room to -
thought it best to set up rooms for my- day, Mr. Thaddeus, and I have no.
self; so I left Poudicherr'y Lodge,-tak- ordors. You know very well that I
ing the old khitnlutgar and Williams must etick to regulations. I can let
with me. Yesterday, however, I learn- you in; but your friends they must
ed that an event of extreme importance just stop where they are."
has occurred. The treasure has been This was an unexpected) obstacle !
discovered. I instantly communicated Thaddeus Sholto looked about slim in a
with Hiss Morstan, a11c1 it only re- perplexed and helpless manner, "This
mains for us to drive out to Norwood is too bac. of you, McMurdo !" he said.,
and demand our share, I explained ""If I guarantee them, that is enouglx
my views last night to Brother Bartho- for you. There is a voting lady. too.
lomew, so 'We shall be expected, if not She cannot wait on the public road at
welcome, visitors," this flour,"
Mr. Thaddeus Shelfo ceased., and sat "Very sorry, Mr. Thaddeus," said
twitchin ; on his luxurious settee. We the porter, inexorably. "Folk may be
all remained silent, with our thoughts friends o yours, and yet 110 friends o'
mien tho new development which the the master's. He pays 110 well to do
mysterious business had taken. Holmes any duty, a11 1 my duty I'lldo. I don't ,..
was the first to spring to his feet, know none o your friends."P•:
"You have done well, sir, from first "Cls, yes, yon (!o, McMurdo," erica.
to last," said he. ""It is possible that Sherlock Holmes, genially. "I don't
11.0 may be able to make you some . think you can have forgot to e11e.
shall return by throwing some light Don't yell remember the amateur who
upon that which is still dark to you. fought three rounds with you at
But, as Miss Marston remarked just Alison's rooms. on they light of your
nolo, it is late, a11(1. we lead best put the beefit four years back? )t
matter through without delay. "Not :lir, Sherlock Holmes . ' roared
Our new acquaintance very deliber- tho prize-fighter. "God's truth ! hotly
ately coiled up the tube of his hookah, could I have mistook you ? If, instead
and produced from behind a curtain a o" staaldln' there so quiet, you lead just
very long befogged top -coat with as- stepped up and given ale that cross -hit
of yours under the jaw, l'(l aha' known
you without a question. Ah, you're
one that has wasted yot•Lr gifts, von
have ! You ]night have :Ernes. high, ii: .
you hada joined the fancy.
else fails
'f all e.
"You 114(, ,
me I have still one of the scientific pro-
fessions open to me," said Holmes,
laughingly. "Cur friend won't keep
1114 ottt hi the cold, now, I am sure.",
"In you come, sir, in you coma -you
and your friends," he answered. ""\ cry
sorry, Mr. Thaddeus, but orders' are
very strict. Had to be certain of your
friends before I let them in."
Inside a gravel path wound through
desolate grounds to a huge clump of e. .
house,' square 1(11dl prosaic, all plunged
in shadow save where a moonbeam
struck ono corner and glimmered in a
garret window. The vast size of the
building, with its gloom incl its deathly
silence, struck a chill to the heart.
Even Thaddeus Sholto seemed ill at
ease, and the lantern quivered and
rattled ill this 111allil.
""I cannot understand it," 11e said.
""There hoot be some mistake. I clis-, .c
tinetly told Bartholomew that we 41
should be here, and yet there is leo
light in ll]s Wincl10lw. 1 do not know
what to make of it."
"Does he always guard the premises
hi this \ray?:" asked Holmes,
"Yes; rte has followed my father's
custom. He was the favorite son, you
know. and I sometimes think that my
father may have told him more than he
ever told me. That is .Bartholomew's
window upthere where the moonshine
strikes. 1t is quite bright, but there is
no light from within, I think."
out where the treasure was? }Ie had
comp to the ('Onclusion that it WES
somewhere in -doors ; so lie worked. out
all the cabin space of the house, and.
made nleasuremcrits everywhere, so
that not one inch should be unaccount-
ed for. Among other things he found
that the height of the building was
seventy-four feet, but on adding to-
gether the heights of all the separate
rooms, and making every allowance
for the space between, which he aseer-
tainecl by borings, he could not bring
the total more than seventy feet.
• feet
he 1 e fou c
There we
cot1)0 a
t the top of
c only
building. He ltnocke(1 a hole, there-
fore, in the latli$an(1-}aster ceiling of
the highest room, and there, sure
enough, ho came upon another little
garret above it, which had been scaled
up and was kno\'n to no one. In the
center stood the &%treasure -chest, resting
upon two raft'rs. He lowered it
through the hole . and there it lies. He
computes the val - e of the jewels at not
'l ion sterling."
•a t•}fan half a ill
At themention of this gigantic sum
n ,,g
that they are tlnlvar- hookah,
f.ther bliss .for- fast. table when he. opened it, and from
few momenta \1'e had. all sat absor:- liyparh0nclriac,, and I was dreamily
ings, and;;knew nothing, save that we -In t0cl. Mad J oui
seemed to be going a very long way. stan, r. fraiued from throwing a. strain
Sherlock Holmes was never at fault, veep). Ills heart, he might have been
however, and he muttered the names 8.14(0 11011."
asthe cab rattled through squares and I could. have struck the man across
in Ned out by tortuous by -streets. the facie, so hot was •I at this callous
"Rochester Row," said he. "Now and off -handl reference to so delicate a
Vincent' Square. Now we come out matter. bliss Morstan. sat down, and
on the Vauxhall Bridge Road. We are 1141• face grew white to the lips. I
making for the Surrey side apparents*, knew 111 my heart that he was dead.,
Yes, 1 thought so. Now we are on the strict she.
bridge. You can catch glimpses of the 1•1. can give you every information,"
river," seed he, "and wheat is more, I can do
We did indeed get a fleeting view of yen justice; and I will, too, whatever
a, stretch of the Thames, with the brother Bartholomew .may say. I am
1ampe shining, upon the broad, silent s:, g:lacl to have your friends here, not
water; but our cab da81101 on, and wales o111y as an e2C01't to you, but also as
soon involved in a labyrinth •rinth of streets witnesses to what I tum about to do
stud say. The three of 11S can show a
upon the erlltoaa" said m com- bold front to Brother Bartholomew.
"Wordsworth, 1 1' t•1•• 1,
Lanion. "`Priory Road. Lark Hall '
ane. Stoekwell Place. Robert
street. Cold Harbor Lane. Our quest
does not appear toy take us to very
fashionable regions.
vVe had, indeed, reached a, question.
able and forbidding neighborhood.
Long lines of dull brick .lotuses were
only relieved by the coarse glare and
tawdry brilliancy of public 1iouses at
talo Corder, 1,, Then carne rows of two.
storied villas, each with a froutiu•.; of
miniature garden, awl then again he
terruinable lines of new staring bride
buildings -the monster tentacles which
'the giant city was throwing out into
the country. At last the cab drew up
at the third house in a new terrace.
Toile of the other ]irpnscs were inliabit-
liut et Os 1at, 110 out sial rs-no police,
or ollittials. We earl settle everything 'wiled' weighs upon my mind at this and then continued between the puffs CH P'l'PlI2 V.
f t 't out •elveK with. supreme moinelit. It is naw treatment ; of his overgro\1•fi pipe:
that day he sickened to his death. eel, listening to lit extraordinary nar- conscious that rte was pouring fort) 111
\\ hat was 111 111e letter we could never i•ative. At the s bort account of her temtinable traeSis of symptoms, and
(Useover, but I could see as he held it father's death MIS I\Iorstan had turned, imploring information as to the corn-
. that it was short and written 141 a deacllsewhite. incl for a moment I fear- position and a tion of innumerable
scrawliii hand. Ire had suffered for ed that sale was about to faint. She [meek nostrums, ere of which ho born
yeah( from an enlarged spleen, but ha drinking skin a glass
dhow: in a leather case i1113is pocket. 1
p railidr(1, however, on 1 11 g „
now b11 111)0 rtlpiclly waive, and toward. of •Lvlt.tt>1• which. fignietly poured out for trust that he uitt ! not remem )rr any of
the end of A11121 we lccreinformed that her from a Venetian carafe upon the the auSWers 1vl1ic11 I gave him that
110 tragi beyond alillinp(), and he wished ciao noble. ' Shulrlock Holmes leaned night. Holmes declares that he over.
to make :1 last communication to its, b11011 in his 014 with all abstracted heard me caution him against the great
"' \\•IWI]. we. entered. his room he was (_.x ,r( s::}041 alkd the lids drawn low over danger of taking more than two drops
1)reppPd up with pi!lews and breathing hitt glittering ee es. As I gleamed at of castor til, while I recommended
JO- think flow oil that strychnine 111 large (loses as a sedative,
aomplaino(1 bitterly of However that may be, I was certainly
less of life. Here, at relieved when our cab pulled upa with
era which would tax jerk and the coachman sprang down
u.avily. lie besought 00 to lock t}le lr;g1 I coalcl not
door audto come ui,on either side of the very rlay he hall
bed. '.'ben, grit sl, stone; our hands; he ' the (-oulutonl)l0e
made Et ren)arkabb._a.tetement to us, he least, 1\•:1s a pro,).
a void„ 1111111') was 'broken as much by Ins ea:rarity to the uhnoet. Mr. Thad -
emotion the as by ):ail), I shall try anti (lime :Amit) lookad from one to the "T]tia, Miss Morstan, is Pondicherry
1 ," to as( '1i •. Thaddeus slue.
to • fier Lodge," c., said . ii e ,
;iv '1 havi' 2)11x1(31s 1 thing," he. said, effect/1111011 With
eatstoryl lut(111produced, ho handedgher oitt.
oat. ars orl.y 21,11011;; :s , The
- .-t
out any interference. Nothing would. of poor Mere:tau s orplutio I he cursed '"\f y brattier alio I," said he, ""were, THE TII,ACl4:DY OF PONDI-
o' } 1 ' 1 has. been. x. env besetting '
1 Iexcited •
annoy Brother Bartholomew mein than g;r<'('(, \1 uc r ):. ( ,, as you may 1141 g311P, much
u v nl 1' ."tee " He sat dowel upon al sill through life, luta withheld from her to the treaSilIT *W1111.11 Inv father had
"None," said Holmes. "hut I see
the glint of :: light in that little window
beside the door."
"Ah, that is the hot: is}(eel.)er's room.
That is where old Mrs. Eernstono sits.
' t P1
But b. it. I 1
s all •Jilt
She can tell ll1
h s sou would o
mind ( yaitlll
for a minute of two. for if WO all go in
together. incl sho has bad no word of
our coining,, she may he alarmed. But
hush ! what is that ?"
He held up the lantern, and his hand
shook until the circles of light flickered
and wavered all round us. Miss
Morstan seized my .wrist, and W0 all
stood with thumping hearts, straining
our ears. From the great black house
there sounded through the silent night
tate saddest and. most pitiful sounds -
the shrill, broken whimpering of a
frightened woman.
"It is Mrs. Bcrustane," said Sholto.
"She is the only woman in the house.
Wait Isere. I shall be back in a mo-
ment." He hurried for the door, 1111(1
knocked in his peculiar way. We
could see a tall old 103111/11 admit him ,
and. swawith pleasure at the very
sight of 'him.
"011, Mr. Thaddeus, sir, I tun so glad
you have come ! 1 am so glad you have
come, lir. Thaddeus, sir !" \\'o heard
her reiterated rejoicings until the door
closed and her voice died away into a
muffled monotone.
Our guide had left us the lanterns i,
Holmes swung it slowly round, and
peered .keenly at the house and at the
great rubbish heaps which cumbered the
grounds. Miss Morstan and I stood
together, and her hand was in mine.
A wondrous subtle thing is love, for
here Were we two had never seen melt
other before that day, Between -chola
no word or even look of affection had
p , ever passed; and yet now in an hour of
.1 •inquiringly t.11e ties:lam•e. half, at least, of which s ,(ikon of. 1.'01%M -tyke anis for months It was nears eleven o'clock when
trouble our }rands instinctively sought
low 111-'- (• :uid blml.._.- at u , r• hould h1a11, been 11,118. And yet have 1 ,w y for each other. I stave marveled at it
• rll lu • wr•tl• \v'Ltc•rc .slue c y rw we car and deh (d ill every part of the reacher the final stage of our night's.
"her 1.1y part," :wail Ilohne:l,"what- gra (lc no rm. of 11 meieelf•-°.,e blind and ";ard,•ti, without' disc everitig its where- adventures. We had left the damp fog
•o 11 • (110ose to sa • will '*o 110 foolish a thin.,, is at%a)•Irrt. The mere shouts. It uitt•4e 111 tddening to think of the great city behind us, ani. the
11rth1 I:1 may b '" feeling, of porse551(111 t:t5 been. 80 (102(1. to that the 111(1.21.,{ T'11aCe was out his very night was fairly.' fine. A warm wind
r to shoe Inv aero' osget me that r could. no heal to share It lips at the monfo11t that he died. \\ o blew from the westward, and .heavy
1 i)02 '1 that
t', 411111. IOwthel. 8.'P that chaplet tlt)Ig`(1
could judge tate splendor of the missing clouds moved s6owly across the sky,
"That is 11111 1 nett 18 we 11. said. with peir•ls bc',ile the quinine bottle. rirlu 8 by the chaplet which 110 had with half a 1410017 peeping occasionallyy
he. "'\Iay I offer y2,tt ca 6lns. of (,lis Even that I colild not bear to p21rt taken out. ()ver this silo})let my tllroltg,lt the rift. It was clear enough
anti, 'Miss Morstan . or of 1 ul.ay . I 111±11, althoueh I head (ser it out lcltll brother Ittttihe10m0W aura 111x(180231)' to see for some .stance, but Thaddeus
keep n other wrncs. Shall 1 alien a .1((11 11of seti,111)" it to 13(tr. Yuu, little di:ogl :dole 'Cllr. pearls were evi- S1,olto'took dow one of the sidle -lamps
fie- ? "'No?\Nell, then, I t1 that .-1-111.,.,; X0115, will gi1e5 her a 11tH• sllarr. of ct(•tltlt of meat value, and he w•as from tlzo rarl'ia t0 give tis a:fitter
w li
3021 have 110 0l)1(:ctxur to tobacco•the Agra treasure. i3ut sand 1111 fryer::• (0 )11tt W1( 11 th03at, for, bctw(Irn
nothing -1101 Ewea,tilIt' 21laldet_-.until. I
since, but at the tima it ee0lned the
most natural thing that I should go
out to her so, and, as she has often told
"rife, there WAS in her also the instiller
to turn to me for comfort and protec-(4
tion, So we stood stand in hand, like
two children, and there Was peace i11
our hearts for all the dark things that