HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-03, Page 1IMHIA
VOL. XXV . --.N O. 1262.
Ther eat'.
& ogles
.4 Windham Orchestral C!ab
Under the leadership of 5. A.
Morton, Esq., will be in attend-
The store will be closed at
•6 o'clock and be re -opened at
8 o'clock.
And her assistants will be
pleased to show you the latest
styles and the largest stock
ever shown in town.
it0:11751 EINLLZ,
r Cheapest.
The Only importers.
Marrtago Licenses —Read S. Grace 's new act.
Issued by F1tANK PAmaasoN, No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses —.Do net fait read Belden's ad, in
required. this week's issue,
') (.43/44-
Spring Term opens TaesdayA,ril 7th.— The boet
time of the year to enter fur a business or short.
hand education.
Our tnitior, rates will he increased after the next
tern,. Get your training now and be ready for the
situations that will be open in the fall,
Proprietors Principal.
--Spring !
—Spring robin !
—Spring moving
—Spring freshet 1
—Spring house° ening!
—Timothy See $1.70 a bushel at T. A.
—Postmaster Fi ler has been Laid up for
some days.
—Regular meetit of Town Council on
Monday evening ne t.
—Mr. Duncan
load of hogs to Colli
ti —lilt. Sam Merry
and all hope of his r
i3eldon's Phot
Good Friday.
tewart shipped a car-
gwood on Monday.
�' e' dangerously i11
cry is dispaired
xallary will be open
—It is reported t at 40 families will
move next week, we i11 not vouch for the
truth of this statomen .
—Mr. Rollie Gordon is in Blnevab this
week, assisting Mr. C more to,taktistock
of the goods purohase from Mr. Pew.
—Every person int •ested in fruit should
read the article cn or bard pruning in this
issue, written by a reader of the TIMES.
—A. dwelling house to rent. --Apply to
P. Fisher.
—las. Louttit the opular salesman in
Clegg's hardware sto a is laid up with
sickness, Hurry up d go better Jimmie,
you are greatly misse around the corner.
---Rev. Mr. Perri g ve his interesting
lecture on Scotland, Tee water on Tues.
day night of last we c, and Miss Chisholm
was present and se several choice selec-
—Beware or you i11 miss the barge.ins
in dishes, that are going so fast at N. A.
—Mr. Wm. Mart' who went to British
Columbia a few eeks. ago, has written
home saying that 1 had arrived safely and
had been successf 1 in securing employ-
ment in the car wo ks there.
—For sale at a bargain a fine parlor
square piano—(Mason Rich.) This
instrument is a very good one in capital
condition and will be offered at a figure
little more than that of a good organ.
Apply at,Cnuus Office.
—Mr. Wm. Pelta 's sale on Wednesday,
in East Wawanosl was largely attended
and good prices r alized, especially on
the stock. It pa s to advertise at au
office where the n tice in the paper is
worth something.
I1.—Mr. Wm, Gri son bad an accident
which might hav proved very serious.
While out drivin , the horse, which was
feeling in good irits, kinked over the
shafts, and upse the occupants Mrs.
Grierson received sprained armee"
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.23 a. in. and 11.20 a.
in., via W. G. dl. B.; 6.85 a. in. .and 3.26
p, m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con -
motions by all trains.
—Frank Stockt 's new story, "Mrs.
Cliff's Yacht," whit begins in the April
Cosmopolitan, pro see to bo one of the
most interesting 6 written by that fas-
o?inating story -tell , Readers of "The
Adventures of Cap in horn" will find in
"ttlrs, Cliff's Yacht' something that they
have been waiting r.
I•leathileld's Healing Balsam is a
sure eure for the worst cold. At
Williams' Drug Store.
—Lieutenant Col Lindsay, of London,
was here on Fri ay and inspected the
armory of No. 2 Company, Ire found
everything in a Eta sfaotory condition and
complemented C
highly for the exec
the accoutrement
the best he has sec
ing ti Apply to W. B.ted to learn r3elden.he
--Mrs. Dr. Mac oriald entertained a
number of young p pie on Tuesday even-
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
—Miss Bella Gi dennin
Wingham, now of 13 andon
be in very poor heal
Go to Belden'
Friday and sit fo
ormerly of
s reported to
y in the day Good
our photo.
—Mr. Gavin Da idson, shipped three
fine imported Scots colies to a purchaser
in $arriston, this ek.
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
—A number of Leung people attended
the Presbyterian sial at PL D, Hender-
sons on Thursday a ning last.
—T. A. Mills annot be undersold,
choice American lover seed $4.50 per
' ,/—Jas. Neterfiol and family of Lower
Wingham and Ja H. Neterfield, and
family have reenov to N. Dakota. (/
Get a free sample of Williams' Little
Dandelion Pills and be convinced.
There is nothing like them,
Q -It is reported that Dr. Chisholm has
purchased the fa i of Wm. Baird on the
town line west of ingham, price 03000.,•-/
' —Good, large, st ong plates for Scents a
piece, and cups an saneers to correspond.
N. A. FARQUnAnsoN.
—It would oblig us greatly and insure
publication, if our local correspondents
would send in their udget not later than
Wednesday noon.
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
eure:.headache. Try them.
—Wm Casemerehipped another car-
load of stock this w k, In the lot were a
half dozed fine ani ale from the herd of
Gavin Davidson.
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
cure headache. Try them.
-„ —Mr. Geo. Good s away this week on a
business trip.S,'He ill visit the leading
shoe factories and der the latest styles of
goods for his new re.
—Why pay $2. for your Timothy
Seed when you can uy it for $1.70 e• bushel
at T. A. Mills.
—New ads.—Gr cey's, furniture, etc.;
McIndoo's, men's 1 ts, dress goods, etc.;
Toes ; Clogg's, bicyles ;
b lot ; Belden's, photos;
Stone d ellington,
Good's, boots and
Herr's, stationery,
Hogate's, horses ;
The union factor running full time
and furniture is o er than ever at Ire-
land's furniture store, Wingham.
—Our inside pal
able reading ma
read the article
and paste it in yo
glass. Don't throe
you have read th
s always contam read-
er. Everyone should
n Protection, cut it out
r hat or on the I.. ing-
down the T .. as when
first page.
Overcoats from S12 to 5; cannot be
beaten in the Dominic., at GEO. H. Invites,
City Tailor.
—At the recent aminations in connec-
tion with the Ont io Veterinary College
Mr. Wm. Agne , of Belgrave, and J. A.
Campbell, of Tee water, were successful
candidates in the eniorclass. Mr. Agnew
obtained First cla s honors in Eutozoa and
Get your art canvas and academy boards
at Ireland's furniture store, Wingham.
—Mr. ,L 13. H gate, of Omaha, Ne-
braska, bas arrived 'n town with six fine
Shiro Perchon nd German Coach
Stallions, which e is offering for sale.
Farmers and oth s who are in need of a
stalion should c I on Mr. Hagate . t the
Exchange hotel. See his adv- isement
in another column.
Just arrived—Bar riages at Ireland's
Furniture Store, 'ti . lam.
—We have rec
pen of ltobt. Dottg}
with the Direct
regret that we have
its pages and therei
• tion to speak as t
is a question of gro
creasing populariti
for everyone intere
of our Country t�
has to say.
ptain Williams very
d a pamphlet from the
e, of Wroseter, dealing
aeation question. We
not had time to puruse
re we are not in a posi-
its.merite, but as this
ing interest and iri-
it would not be amiss
d in the government
see what Mr, Douglas
lent manner in wlrtait r. Jas. McXelvie still leads the town
are NIA* the being for choice fruits. He has a choice lot of
r , Y g apples, also, a supply of oranges and
1. lemons, selling from 13 cents a dozen up,
--Remember the beral mass meeting tiful shades. You
in the Town Pall, 00�aturday evening. 'poke' bonnet.
—Parties who require printing of any 1 Mass
kind, should not forget that the MacsTAY friend and I
office is the place to have it done right and as to whether the
at prices consistent with good work and
fair roils lace and velvets, wi
p e.
ones) dangling dang
—So far Wingha has escaped any , or the natty turban
very serious dams s resulting from! and dresden ribb.
the spring floods. 0 Tuesday the water , But we were at one
of the town until
rose fast, but did not ross the road south Leghorn with black
The racecourse ani
sheet of wafer. The
ature Tuesday nigh
the water will have
away before tho st
Vedneeday morning. laid with sprays of
the prairie are one foliage was decide
bange in the temper- bat of black fancy
was providential as l pies and a bonnet
0 opportunity to get j &tones were very
I remaining snow is' neatness charact,
could not fail to
Biaok worsted suits from 015, up,
GEo, 11. IRVIN'S, City Tailor.
—There is a new
worked with success
ties. A well dres
farm house With a I
he represents the
in the nearest city.
for Easter busint
farmer to take gro
ment. He allows
and gives the f
The farmer gives
and the salesman
and drives off. T
at the bank and tl
Drop in at D. M. Gordon's and see their !gazed at the window
beautiful display of new Spring Capes and
Wraps. As they import these goods ; dainty baskets of floc
direct, big bargains are ready for their cos- , to get just a peep.
tamers. ( everywhere. Everyb
—The inquest a London in connection !With Mile green ribbon
with the death of .. G. Field was resumed I, ]ace with a Iovely pin
on 'Tuesday. Ther were no witnesses pre. I each side, and if
sent from Wingha i and those examined describe fully, hats
told what they kne of Field's after reach-
jauntily turned elf at
ing ,London and w at took place at the , with sprays of roses. Black and gold
hospital. The inq st was again adjourn- i combinations and filling,, white hats that
ed until Monday ev frig. Bailiff Gundry,: fairly made one feel 41 to look at them.
of Goderich, arriv in town on the noon i We also noticed some ery pretty mantles
train, Wednesday nd arrested Robt. Hare iin black velvet and bio n cloth,
risen, Jerry Flann gan, Thos. Montgomery, ' This article would n. be complete with -
Geo. Phippen an Chas. Manser and took' out mentioning Pilch doe's grand display.
them to Goceric t. Detective Rogers is Prices were high but e don't mind that
still in town wor ing on the case. The when styles are 'e to date.' But the
ndietment of thos arrested was murder, other window cause us to linger azid.
1 admire and wish, 00 or and quality corn-
-For firet-class tailoring and cheap biped with variety ma ing a grand choice
gents' furnishings, try Webster et Co.
Remember the Mace, one door south of , of dress goods,
R. A. Graham's grocery store. , D. M. Gordon's silk
faucy striped Goode i
Openings. and they are not behi
ver interspersed with sories, such as gimp,
not prevent numbers of mings, buttons, lace,
]lying out on Wednes- i G. McIntyre she ed us pretty sheer
thevery latest 'in "ye silks quite new an • modish and he has
ments were numerous specialities in crepot's, also stilish wraps
direction, and even if , made to order.
re "What a mixture 1" it The last that we n
pliment for a becoming As usual this firm w
ly made. Thetendency and had their wind()
be either the very large to catch the eye of t
ue or turban; all trim.' Then we wended
back. Tam crowns in sorry we had venin
e, Dresden and Paisley Charlie and .lack
in all trimmings, is picked on for it
g. Plumes, flowers, prices are all right
display was tasteful„
to surpass even by city
A Promin:.t Lawyer says;
AND n(eWLas. I "I have eight cl ildren, every one in good
s store was a lively health, not one of as taken
minter display as 3 ou Scott's Emulsion, inwhom whichbut r yhwife has
r end so artistically boundless confider
aces and bunting caught i —
flowers. Mere mention P .remits.
e of a few of the many k Messrs. Colin G mpbell and Geo. Hanna
et dream' was a toque spent Sunday las at St. Helene. t; e'
e with here and there a Mr. Jas. Slather and, hardware merchant
ne buckle. A Tarte of Walkerton, s; ent Sunday with his
hat of chiffon lace and brother; D. Salle land.
f yellow straw trimmed , The Misses \ .ston, of Parkdale, who
avorites with us all. The have been visitin their sister, Mrs, W. T
s good in every roved.' Y,ytes, have rettrrm'ed hone.
artistically draped with y,Doesey Tracey left here via C. P. B
nor rcileoting a terfect Friday morning enreute for Brandon
Manitoba. ;/
ate ems
C Here we noticed
lI in brown, a large h
udic which is being ,
in the Western coon- med jauntily with
d man appears at a i of pink veiled with
ties and rig and says : pink rose, A toque
11 -known grocery firm I daiutink y turba no ion n He wants fresh eggs; noticeably pretty.
s, but he wants the i notice how stencil)ries from him in pay
• 1 everywhere the sate
good price for the eggs beneath them loo
mer bis note for them. 1 eisewere we erne
is note for the groceries +hidden beauties, spa
uts the eggs in his cart ' details you must see
farmers note turns up
swindler is gone. 'ss
'Sweetly prettyy' w
'oust see that genuine
ere divided in opi
large black bat
thistles (real Sc
rously near one's
itis crown of fo
, deserved first p
in thinking the w
chiffon rushing, o
Jeep crimson roses
ly 'chic.' A mourn
straw, ribbon and
itb violets and rb
becoming. Taste
ized everything
ease the many visit
rtieularly a'sympbo
t of fancy straw tr
-own tips a tam oro
et and hero and the
h pointed front of q
sementerie lace an
to shot effects w
]3y the way ,lid e
feathers are put
no wonder the fa
'real perk.' Here
fly give limits of t
•e will not allow mo
to believe.
s the comment as
with its drapes a
er,'; or crowded insi
'lowers and drag
.y admired a tog
rushing and bla
rose peeping out
cle only had space
of chiffon and wi
ne side and filled
re a
in, evening.
ces Mr. James Th
da e R &fetes.
Auction sale of 'trm stock and implee
ments on lot 10, co messier;r Turnberry�
on Friday, April 10ti . Everything will be
sold, as the propri tor has sold his farm,
Sale at 10 o'clock harp, Jas. Ander
proprietor, J. Currin. Auction
tO' i T'ER,
Mr. B. }laze wood is home for
Mr, W. R.
water, is in tow
Mr. Thomas
Teeswater at pr
Mrs. Ilawth
visiting friends
The water in
high and the ga
R. ]Biller is i
the Council of ti
M. R. Ritehi
Blain, of Toi
The Epworth
]age gave an at
hompson, of Tees -
Gibson, Jr., is ini
'n, of Michigan, is
ere ill town. •
he dam here is very
es are out.
Goderich, visiting
e Royal Arcanium,
representing Eby -
to, was in town,
League of this vii -
home on Monday
mpson has secured
as a position in the :tore of Mr. James
re Boss, Brussels.
Mr. Thomas ibson is moving into
the house on th farm lately bought
by him,
�, Wm. Robins. i is also moving into
lid the house late] purchased from Mr. "
de T. Gibson. .
es The Gospel
17e lists closed a v
ek work here, ane
at Valley for ano
to Thes Rx
re orn
were on eth
in window thisit
are from
father and
winners at tiltA
F '
The April sh
flurries of unow di
the fair sex from
day evening to vie
head gear." Co
but all in the righ
someone did vents
was really a co
mixture is not ea
in shapes seems t
hat or the small f
med towards th
fancy straw or 1
ribbons, shot effect
new and refresh
buckles, in fact tl
modern and her
This commodio
sight with its fine
entered and the r
draped with silks,
up with bunches
can only to ma
novelties, A 'per
of white and mail
sparkling chines
blank and white
poppies, another
With green, were
general effect w
The window was
curtains, the In
flower -bed.
Here again it as necessary to stand ! ._..Primo Timotl v $I.00 per bushel. ---
your ground if y u wished to e,tamine the Dutch S tts 4c. per pound. --Copyists follow
many beauties
We all fell in love with i nest weals. G. L. Dint.
the tinted stn w hat with low crown, a I ----At the close of the regular meeting on
dainty bunch .1 crocuses nodding on one i Tuesday night, t 0 members of Court
side and a nett bow of shot ribbon on theHuron, A. 13. P. epaire 1 to McKolvie's
other. A ladie bonnet of steel passemen- I restaurant where oysters were served in
terie and bia.k keg was richness itself, honer of Orgaiti• er West, who after a
while a whit chip with pointed crown, month of successf work in town,'in the
heliotrope blo soros, white plunges and interests of the A. 0. P. is leaving for
ribbon made fl. enviable sunnner combin. I Brussels where e will organize a coml.atien. Other .ogees wore of flowers, the ( After the oyste s had been lai,l to rest.high effect n tuned bye loops of fancy Brother Nash w , voted to the chair, and
straw. Ne pa zs had been spared in the speeches were Made, containing many
artistic decorati g of both window and flattering refers ces to the Nnest of the
interior, everytl ',galas a marvel of bean. evening,
warp u}sters and
•e novel and rich,
d in all the acces-
passewenterie trirL-
iced was T. A. Mills'.
equal to the occasion
tastefully arranged
e passers-by.
ur way homeward not
eel out and hoping that
ould like what we had
only cost --Well the:
Oso IxrasrsTED,
A pleasant an happy event took
place at the resh mice of Mr, Edward
Watson, Blyth, Wednesday, when
his eldest dau hter, Lizzie, was
united in,marria e to Geo. Potter, of
East Wawanosh
waS tigan performec by the Rev. T.
thirty-fivei paired to the
tbiligsVrovided.! he' bride was•
dreSsed fa, Swis4 in lin with. lace
The bridesmaid, !her er, Miss Flora
was dressed."' SWiss Mnslin
butter color, trimming the .groona
being supPorte& by Mr td.
attest the esteem in wh the‘,young•
couple' are held by their really &fends
nets. They left on tl four train
f'or London and 5.1oront
emperanee Evange.
ry successful week's
have gone to Grand
hei. week.
's Great' Dane , u`ps
bition in his store
The above pups
• Ancestors, both
her :, being prize
'tette bench show.
SPARLING—In Wingha . on March
30th, the wife of Mr. R. Sperling; a
tO'''BunKnotnER--In Wing annoeft Muth.
30111, tbe wife el Mr. A. urknoiner; a
HAMMONn—In Blyth, on March 22nd,
the bride's father, Blyth, March 2,5tb.
of East Wawanosh, to Mi 8 LiZzis, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
C4P TAMAN—In East Waw nosh, on March
'2..0th, Anna Mary, daugl tor of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Taman, ag d years and
Homers—In ()level rid, Ohio, ott
March 24th, Mr. Satnu I Hodgins, for.
molly of Blytb, aged 61 ears.
denee of hot son-in.larN Mr. Alm Me.,
Kay, on March 14th, ary Matheson,
widOW tbe late ..7oh ?apple, aged 67
years. and 5 months.
MAeRAY.—In Lock ow on the.30th.
ult., Mrs. Maarten w fe of Alexa`nder
StIANNON.—In Clint.. tin the 30th ult4
Wm. Shannon, aged 1.1 years,