HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-03-20, Page 8e*v TilE W U 11AM TEviEs, MARCH 0 1896, 4w: • . t Geo. Do Witt of Guelph was Jpint siarditter an employee in W. ' Thursday of last week Catharine, YELLow— Vuhronn.—At the Meth° . h h • t diet parsonage, . ondon, on t it Ins .. FARM TO RENT. Pat:tontlary on Tuesday for liana tilinost sex-ered from he of Corbett, Stephen township, !Exeter, formerly of Tuckersmith, and A.200 acre farm to rent, well watered •• a: al ring yonng girl. wrist last Motal:tv. . ;Huron. county, and mother and iirst-class buildings. Apply to box of Mrs. !Emma Vulford, Chicago. of corn having attained her Oth , Mr. R. (.1.reensides, to Lucy, youngest olaIi,"4/40a.4)./WW14/4•46/stAtAtAtv44; sentetweci to five years in the IL Tliompsona Teeswater, had reliet of the late Henry Hunsicker by Rev. Dr. Daniel, Tiros. Yeilow, of nui t 11 • •I t 4:: St • V V V Rolm Anderson, Brussels, passed • •• 4 1- • 1...uti.NDSEDEs --SitEr IITIRIL—In Clinton " 14 1.11 uns. • The Underwriters' Association have out ol 1 t Ilt u«, lulu a • • •c1.11 • Wingharn, Ont. , N to her iewat i re a iipe $ ioe a , ou the Otti inst., by Rev, W. J. Ford, — ----- • raised the rates 10 cents per $100 vention in the town hall Mildinay, on . am -I- . r 1 Chnton: 134Se11 it at Dress Gooda prices. That .0 ' ears ago aged 90 years. The old watch -man in Ridgetown. Patron candidate. eve -ted in Clothing, we can inter- is announced. It is 33 years since --Esseomiy last year, at present i energetic person. Her funeral took Fields, ot Wingham, k,./ • the arrest of some graceless thief I -7----- -------------------- MoMounay.—In Edmouclville, on the sonN. 9th inst., Mrs. NAlm. MoMurray, aged 76 years, 10 months. 1 owing to the absence of a, night Tuesday last in the interestNrf the cliapahter ut Mr. J. 1,. Shepherd, all of ! year, M. liunsicker died about 80 DIED. Tim resi(rnation, of Mr. W. J. Me- It is estimated that 1,250,000 lady enjoyed remarkable good , ear.4 small profits. If you are Farland. as postmaster of Markdale, bushels of corn were raised 1health and was a very active Irrnins.—In London Hospital, J. G. il still more. A man can walk be received his a.ppointmet. price worth $350,000. !place on Saturday from the residence LAUThAW.---In Morris, on Monday, cyf her.son. 16th inst., Robert Laidlaw. this Clothing Store and lmy John Wieltett, was struck and Ten dollars reward is offered for bttter Clothing for the money than killed by an engine, at Bowroanvil e nh.y station, while watching the privatel Nvho broke into Christ church, Lion raar— •• • of Uncle Tom's Cabin troop. ' Head, and stole all the lamp wicks! iw Min,In Wingham, on the 1.7th .ttone since Clothing was first la., st the wife of Peter Miller; a (laugh - A. made; The same man can do the 0iii•with Hats, Shirt, Shoes and S. Allen, of Norwich, has offered e. Ties. The same an can walk into ' $300 reward for sueh information as will secure conviction of the person 11**this store, where wo sell all these rt an! who set lire to his vinegar factory. A( thing,. d save enough on the Suit rm to buy a new Hat. We make this Hammond, a Gravenhurst drug clerk-, is t.nder arrest, eharged with 7 1 assertion because we're now opening; poisoning Katie Tough, to whom ;tiff .,rd, OUR HEW SPERM TWEEDS'I ihe was previously secretly married. 'Inc Stratford School Board has mime Men's Dark Tweed Suits at accommodation. Two cottages areiParker at $5 per cubic yard. IVLARD.IND. '.)11 P. J. Waters assumed control of , te„r' ':7 • the Ridgetown Standard last week, i \:'' Coarrie.—In East Wawanosh, on the ilStli inst., the wife of Andrew Currie; and converted this well known ' and daughter. s;.• Conservative paper into a Liberal , twin9' sen i. Bacwziwnt.L.—In Seaforth on the 5th Journal. " ' inst. the wife of Mr. Joseph Brov0nwell 1 • ' of a eon and daughter. The contract for the erection of , the steel bridge at Tara has been ! Ginnov.In Clinton on the Oth lust , , the wife of Mr. S. 0. Gilroy, of a son, awarded to the Stratford Bridge Co., ''''MAsox.—In East Wawanosh, on the for $1285 and railing $145. The 1 Sth inst., the wife of Mr. John Mason of tie decided to enlarge the kindergarten stone work was given to George son.sfJ $4.50 : Boys' Heavy Dark Tweedsto be drected in different parts of the Ready -Made Clothing. We com- I st I Councillor Leatherdale, of Brussels, MoINTOSIT—ABRAHMV.—At St. Paul's city. has just completed a crokinole board ' rectory, on the lith inst., by the Rev. Wm, Lowe, assisted by Rev. 0. R. Gar n ne 7 'I London Board of Edu.cation will !that is well worthy of mention. It wf. ,a... of Gerrie Mr. Peter McIntosh, of 3d Just a little better. Just a little 1with a star in the centre. It is made , of Wawanosh.‹;', thousand dollars worth of debentures M at $2.25. HEW DRESSES ask the Council to issue forty-eight contains 114 pieces of inlaid wood, ; Turnberry, to kiss Margery Abraham, I to provide better school accomoda- 1up of mahogany, walnut, inaple,1 McQuiLux—Harabs.—On the 11th inst , at tbs residence of the bride's '-Ci• TE more character. Just a little more tioncherry and whitewood. The work- , t Buncle, Edward Haines, by Rev. 0. Miles, tote. Just a wee IT more choice, A:number of farmers in Minto, I manship is first class. )3 A of Lu (Arnow, Wir, McQuiilin to 'av and not any more money is the Annie Haines, all of 'West Wawanosh. 1month. Maaaw.—In Goderich on the Oth inst., Henry Martin, aged 69 years. Panon.—In Goderich. on the $th inst., Mabel Vanora, eldest daughter of Mr. Mr. Jas. Price, aged 133, ears. Et.DRINGT021.—In Usborne, near Lum- ley, on the 5th inst,, the wife of Mr. T. Eldrington. RorTLEncr.—In Clinton, on the Oth inst., Maggie, wife of E. J. 'Routledge, aged 27 years. A.CHESON.—In Gotierich, on the Oth inst., Sarah, wife of Mr. Geo. Acheson, aged 83 years and 2 months. DENN1SON.—At Glencar, Ireland, on the 21st ult., Mrs. :Jane Dennison, eldest sister of Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Clinton, aged 70 years. FINE TAILORING. Gis-a•GS•••0,4) SPRING GOODS ANI) FASH- IONS have arrived. You will soon want your new Suit, and by leaving your order now, we can afford to give you a little more attention than you would expect when the full rush of Spring Trade is on. QUALITY AND WORKMAN- SHIP UNEQUALLED. We'll warrant to please you. GEO. CARR MAnsnALL.—In Clinton, on the lth inst., Jas. Marshall, of Blyth, aged '70 Tailor and Gents' Furnisher. years and 11. months. Opposite- Chisholm's Drug MoLEon.—In Walton, on 9th inst., Store, Wingham. Hugh 'McLeod, aged 73 years and 6 I have formed themselves into a beef- The Irishmen of Walkerton held , themselves with beef during the have appointed the following officers ; summer. i of the society for the following year; Eufrene J. Pelletier, son of a well-1President H. Cargill,. M. P. ; first , reason why we do the Dress Goods ring for the purpose of supplying pk; a grand supper on the 17th, and. business. • fo N; SikTURDAY NIGHT. Toweling Linen, Husk Toweling, to-do farmer in Sandwich, west, was vice-president, II. P. onn , is worth 20e. for 12.4,c.; Embroideries, accidentally shot and killed by second vice-president, W. R. Telford; Ernest Troyand, the brother of his seeretary-treasurer, M. McNamara. a great variety, worth 121.c. for 8c.; ien Lace Handk7 erchiefs fancy, worth 2n 10e. for 5c.; Ladies' Fine Cashmere :ott Bose, 50c. for 35c.; Gents' Cashmere Pi Black Hose, 40e. for 25e.; Gents' Id : Fancy Colored Shirts, 75c. for 50c.; 3r • . Ladies' Fine Laced. .Shoes $1.35 for /1111 13, $1.05 ; Tea, Black and. Japan, worth 'm. 50e. for, 35c.,.. for Saturday night . . 4t1 only at .ya ie14 M. H. McINDOO'S , eel 5t1 MORRIS. Mrs. „Archibald McDonald bas rrd returned 'home after an extended 6a visit to friends in Blyth. . Mr. John Duckett has leased his Ti farm in Wawanosh and intends moving onto his other place on the 7tt first line this. spring. lin" BLUEVALE. Mr. joseph Pugh is selling off his 8th w stock before leaving the store. rn Mr, and Mrs. Wu:T.-Reid, of Turn - berry have moved into the village. d ,b t is doing a.s weR as could be expected. sweetheart. Mr George Leask, of Greenock, It is doubtful whether the heirs of died on Sunday after a long illness. J. A. Strathy, the murdered banker, :He was well known throu.ghout, not of Barrie, will be able to collect the ' only his own township, but in $15000 accident life insurance, which : neighboring municipalities as a he carried. li suecessfull stock raiser and farmer. Brown and Lohr, who were con- i He was besides, a man of marked probity, respected from one end of vide(' at Whitby, of attempted :Pr criminal assault on a child, were sentenced to 2 years and 45 lashes the township to the other. At Wiarton Friday, Mar. 13 the and 18 months and 45 lashes,respect- Rh Mr. John Gardiner's injured hand idt Mr. and Mre. Fred McCracken, of lirussels, spent Sunday at Mr. John Gardiner's, Master Eddie Coad, nf Trow - ;,4 - bridge, was visiting his sisters at Mr. Joseph Leach's last week. f, eveviivivittritAtvwevrivaewiteitiD losomeasessor death occurred of Mrs. Violet ively. 1Patterson, widow of the late Fred. James Agnew of Lindsay was i W. Patterson, who was the eldest shot while working in his stable . son of the late Rev. Canon Patterson, Tuesday night and his pockets i M. A., of Stratford. She was a rifled. A lad named Kearney, 16 ; daughter of the late Dixie Watson years of age has been arrested on ;barrister, of Goderich and niece of suspicion. i the late Judge Arikland, also of !, Huron,s county town. She was an What caused the death of little ' an accomplished musician. Her John Forest, of Ingersoll still !husband died Aug. 12. Since that remains a mystery with . which the i time she has continued to reside in medical men are wrestling. Per- 1Wiarton, where her sister Mrs Scott mission has been granted the parents lives ' She will be buried in Strat- ford of poison could be found. 1 Joseph Grenville the young man 1 who was shot while attempting to ! SALESMEN 'WANTED gain entrance to a store in. Kings- i Pushing, trustworthy le of our Choice Nuristery" tgtorecte essocinie,t.I.LaslisioeinIss ;tat. ville, was tried before Judge Horne ' sale nyher Salary or el if° 'Afj'ad e"c4- ‘tveo 1 idy by at Windsor on Friday. He pleaded ' tl:ATr7, ti;rz arlanrrolinscl. Ont• fit free • exo7usive guilty and. was sentenced to two sari, • big pas, assured workers t spectairifTsr nee"; lliCoOnterl- I to be'ginnors. write at once for particulars years in Kingston • Penitentiary. I 1 His leg is healing slowly a Messrs. George Arde, John Messer, Eat .James Burgess and SimPson Cleg- MY 4 1 horn started for Manitoba on Tues. A - day morning. 0 by: -, .rni . Snap Shots. _ :y f drai ditalT Io, ev is r Watford churches have sent $75 to the suffering Armenians. nd he will i ALLEN NURSERY CO., rAion be removed to Kingston. One ' ; ROCHESTER, N. Y. hundred and five grains of shot Toronto and East 6:3 a.m. :37 p.m. ntr.trer ron rims Huron and Bruce. Mr. Moore, of Orilla, had a Jersey Cow valued at $100, gored to death. Ed. Hall, of Bosangimt, died sud. clergy in Forest, on Monday, of last week. Engineer, John Shaving, of Petro- lia, died suddenly of heart failure, on Saturday. too Richard IsTakes, track inspeetor fit 10, et the W., & B, died suddenly= the train, Thursday. Woodstock Sentinel Review offers •a reward for detection of parties " Sending that paper a bogus marriage hotiee. nit Circuses will henceforth be taxed nearly taken. off last week. rte. $80 per day by the Provincial Me. Robt. Hughes of Morris has authorities while they are in the disposed of his farm stock and imple- )Ip' were taken out of his leg. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 11:20 " 10:07 " 1 Seaforth Sun is agitating for a . 3:25 p. bicycle clubPalmerston Mixed 7:20 " 10:40 a,m. . London and South 0:35 a.m. 11:10 " Fred Fortune's house at Vista was 3:25 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Kincardine 11:so a.m. 0:23 a.m. 8:37 p in, 11:20 " 10:07 " 6:50 p.m. burned last week. Mrs. 'Wm. MacMurry, of Egrnond- ville, died in her 77th year. ,Win. Flood, of Paisley, had several ribs broken by a kick from a horse. The Fordwich Telephone bas taken a final adieu of its subscribers. We undsrstand interested parties are spreading the report that wo aro not likely to bo Torg in the business. Wo beg to Assam the ito of Wingham that we have embarked in the ml k business to stay, that we are increasing our business daily, that our milk is clean and pure. Our customers aro our best recommendation. HOLSTEIN DAIRY IS MERE TO STAY. • Teeswater people are comdermg the advisability of purchasing a park, John McMillan Jr. of Blyth had his arra badly injured in his father's The home of 1talph Keddy 3rd con. Usborne was totally destroyed by fire. Alex. Mel3eath, head sawyer in Fisher's mill, Paisley, had his hand do 4 ; province. The: MenasMr Manufacturing ontablishment, Orangeville, was total- ly destroyed by fire at four &dock last Saturday. It is tiaid that the peach crop for blot earning season has been ruined the scvere weather in the Peninsula. niet and will remove to Blyth. An old man named Blue, of Paisley, had his fingers so badly frozen that they had to be amputat- ed. Know What You Chew PIu tk of Monhoim hag re. is free from the injurious coloring L. Pardo, i calved large orders for staves to be The more you use of t the betted like ft. shipped to Monte Video, South , , Hz onto. E. TtICX r.vi• & SON CO4, L. America. HAMMTON.ONTg ..•&Sr•o••• Itt 6 6 0 "T --BY— 9 9 HE" MILO SUITS Are made to order. That's why they always fit, perfectly, admirably, and to a T. There's more in our suits than a perfect fit ;-here's first-clms material, which it is always easy to select from our superb aggregation .of the finest goods ever brought into Wingham. Our suitings are unequalled. So is our high class tailoring,. and in clothing, the tailoring is everything. Material, even the. best, counts for nothing if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for you in order to fit you. Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains : RIEZE OVERCOATS MELTON AND .11.) IN LATEST STYLES, FROM $9 to $35. iaria..43&11,1bAlVekillit"Wb., EAVER OVERCOATS IN ALL SHADES, FROM Abiaas/13401,40titairfraVval)", $2 to $24. BLACK OR BLUE SERGE SUITS FRONI $8 to M. "itivibelytoilb4tAvilieitnreAtivilw BLACK WORSTED TROUSERS FROM $2.50 to $6 Per Pair. lvvtAbAblowiwv Cl..A.INTaN-CYT 3EM "C.TINTnni naomaD., OPPOSITE BANIC OE HAMILTON. Affirk.rra GEO. H. IRVIN, eZ?..W.KASSSKIS2 SIMVS11 SISSMSC " THE" TAILOR, WINGHAIVI, ONT, SSRP.ZA•s' 1