HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-03-20, Page 6f 6 FRIDAY MARCH 13, 1896. MORRIS. he Council met according to ad- rninent in the town hatl,on March p. Members all present. The ?eve in the chair. Minutes of last seting read and adopted. t.The Heave reported having met ie Warden's Committee re settle- 'ent of bridge claims, and that a ttlement had been made, the Town- lp receiving the sere of $1098.50. Tenders were received from a giber of contractors for the build. g• of ltnttan's and Ard's bridges. Moved by (leo. Kirkby, seconded Thos. Code, that the tender of 1Z. • rulieson for the building of Mitten's •lags for the suns of e595 be cepted, the same being the lowest. he contractor to furnish satisfactory r„ui•ity for the completion of the WASHINGTON LETTER. TEE WING -RAM TIMES,. MARCH 20, 1896. full swing, Patent No. 314,990 percentage of crime is among the shows an engine equipped with a greatest. The criminal may be W'ONDEIi,T'i,TL R3IL1tOADS. long lazy tongs prod, operated by a high or low, he still is the criminal ; - T - lever extending into the cab, If the and, reasoned about broadly, there CORIoug PATENTS RELATING TO whistling does not scare the invading are as many offenses among the RAILROADING, AERIAL RAiewAYS cow away. the e'ugineer• can stop the sociably exalted •as the socially ex - AND HttinI SPEED TRAINS. TII.E train and punch the "critter" with- xalted debased.' --.Presbyterian Ite- I'Ronsassa SOLXED Or MAKING TWO out leaving his post of duty, thereby view. TRAINM PASS UI'uN A sINGLr'• saving considerable valuable time. TRACK. , Another patent for the same object, ' Cooking Feed, No, 64,783, shows a engine having ! 11i r. Stokes, Secretary E. Hastings' From our own Correspondent. a steam gun to throw a shower of Institutes In these days when English and stones or gravel, and still others t considered to boil potatoes for ra it much hotter all classes ofstoek, with eanbi other in trying to make of water or steam. except perhaps dairy cows We the best record for speed, it may be had always thought that horses ; objected to cooked potatoes, bat Mr. of interest to learn t.f a plan propos.' , 1 p p RESCUED FROM INSANITY. pokes had not found this the case. ed and patened in 1838, in the very _ The results of many experiments at infancy of steam railroads, which ; ( T'EN•rL[:MEN,—To say all I ought to in ' different stations show that cooking could (if it would work) give a ; favor of 13. B. B. would bo impossible. ' or steaming does not usually effect higher speed than that attained by ; it has been a great health restorer to the digestibility of roots and tubers. the famous No. 9:)J, of one mile ]n i me and I do swear by it. I ate „ars r' 1113 seconds, or at the rate of li1 t.; ant men to what I was ten years ago In some cases they are made more when it was aspected 1' would be in the ,palatable. The potato, being very miles per hour. I asylum, but now I ate in perfect robust rich in starch, is generally consider - The plan was to construct a very ! ii• sutYereclealth and it 4for las ive o xlye re fr u . ed greatly improved by boiling. It long train of platform cars having a i constipation, sometimes so severely that : is an open question if this slight track its whole length. Upon this I went out of my mind. increase in digestibility compensates was mounted a second train similarly 1 tried various doctors, both in the' for the exAense of cool • g n 5 American railroads are viewing shoot round bans or throw streams r > ark, according to plans and speeifi- constructed, but somewhat shorter, cines county toand in the city, and o numerous to menttook imedi-, on, but times. e heard of boiled turnips ,tions..—Carried. upon this a third, and so on until everything failed to have the desired ; beiwe fed'to hogs with good results. the trains were five or more deep. Each train was to have its own loco- motive, and all were to be started together, say at a speed of 25 miles per hour. It is obvious that each train would have a speed of its own locomotive in addition to the speed of all below it. Thus, the train running upon the i round would have a speed of 25 miles per hour, and others of 50, 75, 100 and 125, respectively. The speed of the uppermost train would be far ahead of anything achieved since this plan do me any good, but three dollars' worth ` slimy mixture is poured into two was patented. The patent bears of B. B. B. made a permanent cure that l barrels—two pails in each ; several •••• Moved by Geo. Kirkby, seconded T Wm. Isbister, that the tender of uff & Stewart for the building of rd's bridge for the suns of $699 be :eepted, the contractors to furnish .tisfacto,iy seeurity for the comple- an of the work according to plans ld specifications—Carried. Moved by Geo. Kirkby, seconded •;f Thos. Code, that Wm. Isbister be )pointed. Inspector for Ard's bridge id Jas, Bowman for Rut tan's bridge Carried. The following accounts were order- l to bepaid, viz : John Oakley, •aver, $1 7 ; D. Farquharson, do., • l.50. Pathmasters were then appointed follows : North Boundary—C. Henderson, Fowler, J. McCracken, T. Coultes, Patton, R. Shaw and A. Miller. lst Line --Wm. Martin, D. Camp- , !II, R. Maguire, A. Hughes, M. Bence, J. Robb, Wm. Rebb, W. J. ihnston and A. Forrest. . 2nd Line—Wm. Casemore, T. :att, F. Garness, I. Ferrand, D. gar, Geo. Caldbiek, Wm. Forrest id M. Wilson. 3rd Line --Wm, Wray, Geo. Anna, Wm. Geddes; John Garrtess, Brewer, Jas. Moffatt, J. H. Sellars, `m. Cachrane and Geo. Henderson. • 4th Line—John Proctor, William •yens, Geo. Proctor, J. Wheeler, A. )sir, S. Kerney, R. Cardiff, N. : ack and Wm. Bryans. 5th Line—Geo. Proctor, A. Cloaky, 'm, Watson, A. Clark, R. Miller, Clark, Wm. Wilson, N. Flatt, M trdiff and J. Manning. (ith Line—J. Grasby, J. Kelly, In. Michie, J. Cook, J. Douglas, •Thuell, J. Smith, 1?. McCutcheon • d J. Robb. 7th Line --Wm. Taylor, P. Phelan, he Wallace, Wm. Thuell, Jas. sly, A. Howlett, A. McCall, D. :Donald and T. Maunders. 8th Line—A. Smith, J. Laidlaw, White, Joe McElroy, R. Skelton, m. Jackson, A. Button, Geo. Kelly d Geo. McCall. Jth Line—R. Taylor. J. Gibson, .T. :hmond, R. Brown, j. Jackson, D. `idlaw, John Shortreed, 'Vill]a.m oldiee, J. Shortreed, jr., Geo. igg, John Roland. West gravel road --J. Genes-, R. :cling,. J. L. Geddes, T. (Rosman • .1 (;neo. Brachling. East gravel road—A. L'ryans, A. Myth, Win. Oakley, Jas. Bulger line conditions has very little to do Wm. Smith. abstract theorist alone, for numerous) with making these unhappy beings ,":.an motion of Jas. Bowmen, second- I actual experiments have been made, I what they are; on the contrary, it is effect. When T used Burdock Blood —1 armors Advoeato's convention Bitters it succeeded beyond all expecte- 1'epot ts. tions, requiring only two bottles to cure' me. To make it still more certain that 13. B. B. is the real cure for oonstipation,' Feeding straw. I may say that some two years after- wards I felt the symptoms returning and ` Mr. A. E. Bailey, Campbellfot•d, took one bottle more and from. that time I gave the following unique plan for to this present day foyer eight years) 1 iutilizing straw profitably. Usually have never had any returns of the I there is more or less waste in feeding disease. it. Ile heats about four I never knew any medicine to work so I pails of well. It does not seem to be a mere' water to boiling, add two quarts reliever but a sure and certain cure as I flaxseed, and after stirring allows can testify to, for hundreds of dollars': the mixture to cool, Then the thick worth of medicine and advice failed to the number 690, and was granted f rtgaven me yYois, of hl alrh and cum- ipails of cold water are then added April 13, 1838. The numbers of this and all other patents reterred to in this article are given in order that skeptical readers may, if they choose, 0. L. KmnlEit, Toronto. t to each barrel. He then tills a large box with silage and cut straw in the Crime and Evironment. ' proportion of two to three, adding enough of his flax mixture to It bas long been one of the com- I thoroughly moisten the mass as it is verify the statements made. Copies monplaees of a certain class of , Infixed u i may be obtained from the Patent p. This is left for twenty - Office upon ordering by number at social reformers that vice is the con -:four hours when the whole is moist the established price of ten cents sequence rather than the cause of and warm. Two boxes are used, each. poverty and other unfavorable con- keeping one filled ahead. Mr. Bailey ditions. They insist that the im- thinks veryhighly of his mixture Another device for attaining a provement of thesephysical circum- great g it.— high degree of speed was patented and claims things for stancesmust be the first real step Farmers Advocate. in 1885, by a citizen of Buffalo, N. Y. towards the permanent moral eleva- It was an elevated cable railway tion of the masses. A writer in the system in which the car was suspend- Popular Science Monthly disposes of' ed beneath a cable held far above this in the following fashion : the earth by enormous balloons. The It has been conclusively proved road was a gravity road altogether, and it was operated upon a principle which every boy who is fond of coasting has often wished could be applied to the hill down which he has just sped with such exhilarating swiftness and which must be toiled up again before the experience can be repeated. The track is always a a down -hill one, for as soon as you have been hoisted up towards the' one would naturally think that men Cure for Roup. Gob '7'0 ----- FRANK SCELI'S, wiva',li Y011 GET 12 eix.tYES AND 1 HAIR OUT von $1. Opposite Korntu is hotel, WINGRAIV[, - - ONTARIO, Agana). for Parisian Steam Laundry. PrOlingballt egirg A --IS PUfL SERB) EVERY FRIDAY MORNING E. MI --AT THE--. A. . SI f 6 rtM sWINOHA 2, ONTARIO.E, JOSEPHINE STREET subscription prlao, $r 14or your, In advanon ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr. 10 010, I a mc. 1 1 mor • One Column 000 00 540 00 1 520 00 S 00 Sueeessor to HALSTED & SCOTT, kuarter`" 40 00 20 00 12 00 0 00 one tech E0 00 12 00 7 00 1 9 00 _ __ 6 JO 3 00 d 00 I 100 Legal and other casual advertisements, 8c. per line Street f - ijII'iir + ,,t for first insertion, and Se. per lino for each subsequent ilaill, '3,r , insortion. Measured by nonpareil eeal,p. Local notices 10e. par lino for first insertion, and 5o, per line for oaeh subsequent insertier.. e Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations, 0 R and Bushtoss Marines Wanted, not exceeding $lines e r r 3 W q L i nonpareil, 51 for first month, and 50o, for each 9i Ff iidd ®®®® r ©. subsequout month, Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding S 1ine4 TIJv VCT 1 N G 1-1 .A M . $1 for arst Iuonth, 60a, pun subsequent month. Largay achro1ilsvc cuts in preportlon. L'hese Hermes wt11 be strictly adhered to Capital, 51, 50,000. Ro>t, $5030,000 Spacial rates for ]angor advertisements, o'r !o loSper aerrads. President—JOHN ETUAaT. Advortlseuents and local notices without epooi0o VIre•President—A. G. RAMSAY. J dtreattous, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Trar.artery advertisements muss bo th paid iu advance D21x EC'rOR' Changes for contract advertisements must be in Jens PROCTOR., Orta, Roiott, Wu Glaxo 1, AI P, A. T. that wont; by Wednesday moan, in order to appear 4Voon, A. B. Les (Toronto).• S. G. BROWN, PROPRIRTOR AND Ptr$LIeR$a Josephine flee Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank—Hours, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed Special Deposits also received at Durrant rates of ia.rrost. Drafts et. Great Britain and tho United Status bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOHN FELTON Jlanufacturcr of all kinds of 7 WOODEN PUMPS, which can be supplied on short notice. IRON AND FORCE PUMPS supplied to order. REPAIRING promptly attended to. Prices reasonable. Agent for the Brantford All Steel Pumping Mill. If you require anything in the above lines, give Mr. Pelton a call. SHOP—Diagonal street, nearly opposite Beattie's Livery, Wingham. JOHN PELTON. sa , , of the chickens in Lookad Talks e Take two large bags or short 4 9 t eks•put8or10 that destitution, that spectre which one; take it to some place where yo frightened the hearts of men, which can sit down ; fasten the tops of th covers and obscures with its sodden two sacks together, so you can reach wings every wrong doing in human into either one. Put them on either life, is not in any way the real side of your lap. ' Now mix bora cause of crime ; it is true it is often acid with soft water to the thicknes the excuse. But it is only the excuse of sweet cream. Take one of the and even in that capacity it serves hens under the left arm; open the for the want of some thing better. mouth with left hand, and pour a However, relying upon this excuse teaspoonful of the mixture down the • ELLIOTT BROS.. of the Wingbam Brickyard, have lots of BRICK and DRAIN TILE on band. It is said that x other parties are sealing at reduced s prices, but we cannot be undersold, and our brick and tile are as good as any made in the province. We can sell by the ear load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a great quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale. J. R E. ELLIOTT. 11 Wingbam, May 16, 1895. clouds, and shot with breathless with the greatest burdens would be the most liable to law breaking, and that times of profound destitution would be those most deeply marked with crime. As a matter of fact, both of these suppositions are false, so that we find criminals, as a rule, to be those persons having almost no responsible burdens, and, strangest of all, the times of prosperity show speed down the inclined cable to the second balloon, a mile or two away, that baloon raises you up again, and the baloon you have just left, or the one on ahead, is drawn down by a stationary engine, so that you can slide back to the starting point or continue on in your journey to the next station. This patent is No. 3•)8 899 the greatest flourishing of crime. A problem in railroading that has Therefore, Morrison, a reliable received considerable attention from writer, says: "It is a melancholy a certain class of inventors has been fact that the moment wages begin to to devise a scheme whereby two rise, the statistics of crime, alinost gives me one dollar profit each year. trains may pass each other, going in immediately follows suit, and at no How car I estimate her at 25 cets :? the same or opposite direction, upon 1 period are there more offences of all I have pullets hatched in Septenibcr a single track, and thus save half laying in January, and they are dunghills. But I am a crank—that is what makes them lay.—Henry Bodey, in County Gentleman. throat. If head is swelled or sore dip fingers in the medicine and was the head, and put her in the othe sack. One application will general] do, if not, repeat in 48 hours or later. I lost 200 , doctoring • with turpetine and coal oil ; haven't .lost one now in five years. Is it an wonder that most people doctor their hens with the ax when they can't cure more than two in ten? The great trouble with roup is the ignorance of the people as to what the disease is, and the small value set on a ben. Every hen I have r y y kinds against the person than when prosperity is at its height." Again : "It is found that the stress of econo- the expense now necessary to lay a double track. The solution of this problem has not been left to the by Thos. Code, the Council ad- both in this country and abroad, but • trncd to meet again on the 28th of I chiefly on this side of the water, to '.ss for Court of Revision and other I accomplish this feat. The press has siness. announred the results in flanging CLARK, Clerk. "Cxtrus," which have been eagerly scanned by a horror stricken public. Less than a year ago, patent No. 535,360 was granted to cover a way 1 Innocent or merely accidental. Thus, of accomplishing this result without I climate is said by sonic to be a the usual heart rending and sanguin- guilty factor ; but we all know how ary attendant circumstance, and now easy it is to show that there is no that the plan is made known, we are part of the world untainted, Sastsons all wondering why we never thought are responsible say* others Ilere Ninety Por Cent. Hill the people need to take a course Mood's Sarsaparilla at this season to event that rundown and debilitated *clition which invites disease. The ey invested in half a dozen bottles t:i Iood's Sarsaparilla will come back large returns in the health and th • t ) „ of nu hl he said r of hod n a•a d "Pat y and strength of nerves Y,you are run in periods of prosperity that they sink to the lowest depths." Tri like manner it can be fully and plainly proved that the other fortu- itous and external conditions which are usually blamed for the wrong. doing in the world are either quite A full fledged young doctor had an Irishman working fol• him halt- ing after the horses and keeping the carriages and harness iri good condi- tion. Iie was not feeling well one day and applied to the doctor to know what was the matter. After the doctor had asked about the symptoms—looked at his tongue, run his thumb nearly through the walls of the stomach, in search a tumors, felt the pulse, in fact had gone over hien as medical men sax' RINGS! GOLD RINGS! I am the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who can and does make rings on the premises. I make and finish all work in the beat possible manner, and guarantee satisfac- tion in every instance. Where gold is found, I always return the same gold, manufactured as per order. By leaving your order with me, you can save from • 25o to 52, according to style, weight and quality of ring. We also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pins, etc., etc., at SOCIETY MEETINGS. Moderate Prices. Court Maitland, No. 2B, Canadian DR AIACDUNALL, CENTRE STREET. wrsouAM, R. VANSTONE, ONTARIO, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at loWOat rate intorost. No commission charged. Mortgagee, took and farm proporti bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Blocic Wiseman J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c„ Whtgham, Ont. L / o L. DICKINSON', BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANS Or HAMILTON. MONEY TO LOAN. Oflice—Meyer Block, 44'ingham. 1 • G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o, Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew stro eta. opposite Colborne Hotel. GOnERICnn, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY.—J.;,) JEI2U31E,L. D. S.,WINGRA1O. lrJ Is manutnetarrng first-olase sets of Heath as cheap as they can b d in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pair., by his new process, guaranteed perk:.tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvani Dental College. OFFIOE---MAODONALD BLOCK. Norm -44 visit Blyth every Wednesday. JOHN RITCHIE, JOHN GPNERAL INSURANCE AGENT W INGn AM, ONTARIO p. DEANS, Ja., WHaounm, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Aloales aSttended in any part of the Co. °bargee JOHN CUItItIL+', `vIN,.— ariAM, ONT., c LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a specialty. All Orders loft at the Tire offlee promptly attend• ed to. Terms reasonable. jewelery Repairing and En- C. ®. F.—Order Porester4,,neetsthesecond graving Neatly and Prompt- and Inst I'niday evening of etory month, in Gro- i ]Cry's Block Visions brethren esteems. T. J. ly Executed. McLean, 0, R. II. B. Elliott, R. 8. AL ;•: ;, PARK, Wineham L. O. 1,., No. 704, meets L. O. W...7.— ` first Friday in every month in JEWELER, the Ora'Orange Illettt visitors ltelC tee. .1. C. Stewart, Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham, Do you know a man in Canada that repairs watches any bettor than Halsey f' Park,Watchmaker and Jeweler, Winghain? cn of it ourselves—et seems so simple. again, a strange fact confronts us teACh' d f • 10 of the trains is a for it is in the pleasant seasons of the down a bit, what you need is animai- HOOD'S PILLS are easy to buy, easy to long Inc llned I 1 e -al and upon year, when 1 food • ae •1 afore to cotatend with, when they well satisfied. A few days subse- 1 an , r r " I'at departed apparently when people have least , easy to °perste, Cure all Iiver ills. tlgese inclined cars and along tl oofs of the other cars, is laid an are most abroad ad mingling ordinary track of standard guage. together, that crime is commonest. Some well-intentioned men say that certain foods, especially "strong" and animal foods, so inflame the tendency to viciousness that evil instincts flare up, and as a result we have the criminal. It is quite un- necessary to s 1 t' itevery herd knows its leader's bell. When a second train desires to pass e follow the crowd we'll dangle this, all it has to do is to crowd on heels of everybadyr, i stearal and climb over it. This it there aro men who never owned can do with equal facility headed in pit till it was cut on their tomb 1 Hillier direction, and whether the; t'1t first train is stationary or moving at iea highspeed. i)iplornacy consists largely in back - down with dignity when you to gone too far. . quently the Doctor saw Pat and asked .lint how he was getting on with the treatment. "Oh sure Sir" said Pat, "I manage all right with the grain and the oats but; I can't get along very well with the hay." Tor Twenty -Six Years THECOOK"S BE aT FRIEND LARGEST :1:5A IX I ri CANADA. If WO must accept fate, we are not gene time In expos ng less competent to assert liberty, the ingcattle from the track, the pro- only refer to the Italians whose food) grandeur t f d t the power of In the line t'f appliances fol' sear- this fallacy in physiology, me need significance of' the individual, the , i 1 u "y , verbial Yanked ingenuity has had is very largely vegetable, and whose character. ---Emerson. itisris Valuable urn„ tlr n n•, l to n br tt, ur n, lle)nn sent tree to istnneonrzaioneiiontitimmnny Hnftorar. I11vn E. prose and iost ti(n,. address. 1. A. 8000)10 C.ItEAnCU l.D 11,1..7nrontn. 0f:. _ JOB PRINTING ', L I\ D .Cs (. U Books, Pamphlets, plat s P 1. Hand circulars, p Posters , 13111 Heade, L ensues der.. , me., • Ct'le of the art, at moderate pri008, andron Short notice. Apply or address 8. 0. II1aoWN, Miss Office, Wingham. OO®ItII OIC'al0. Murso neares pleased luft with ua11forrtBinding will has-).soor ur prompt attention. pries for Binding in any style will be given on applieatiou to the Times Office. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REA.SoNABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5,i per eentwith prIvilcuo of paying at the end of any year. Notes and 000th pts collected. ROM. NtaXN»OO. licaver Meek WIneham, Ont,