HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-03-20, Page 1VOL. XXV.---NO. 1260.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by Irnesue PATEz,.sorr, No 33, Vic-
toria street,Wingham, Onb, No witnesses
We are all the time findiug
reasons for selling cheap. The
main reason is, we sell for cash
or. trade and we buy for cash.
Our goods are bought from
the best manufactures.
Above everything else this
is a Dry Goods Store and be-
yond everything else, Dress
Goods led in interest for weeks
past. The new styles for spring
have been dropping in and
we're ready now with such an
array of novelties as this town
seldom seen.
The .stock grows. The new
designs are,.a strong temptation 1 Black worsted suits from 015 up, at
to buyers.'...It is. no wonder Geo. H, Iames, City Tailor.
cYG. Mclnt
we are clipping o blouse and ,at—Mr. y
dress lei chs Social value t house on Catharine
ing it overhauled
Bertha -Tone opens Tuesday, April 7th, The bost
time of the year to enter fur a business or short.
hand education.
Our tuition rates will be increased after the next
term. Get your training now and be ready for the
situations that will be open in the fall. -
Proprietore Principal.
—Mrs. Thos. Hof s is recovering.
—Timothy Se 02 pbushel at T. A..
—A. dwelling hoto rent.—Apply to
—If you have a fa n to rent or sell and
want the people t know it advertise in
the TInn s,
—Beware or you wi nes the bargains
in dishes, that are ng so fast at N. A.
FAI QuresoN's.
—R. Addition has purchased a very
desirable brick residence on Francis st.,
and intends removing to town i the near
future. Price about 0775.
—Good, large, strong 1 es for 5oents a
piece, and cups and se, rs to correspond.
--This week we ar
special illustrated editiol
Reporter, an edition the,
able to the editor. Mr, S•
—On Tuesday tight,
of fire -water made a
who is generally a law-
men, by setting loose]
in receipt of a
of the Palmerston
is indeed credit-
awful fool of one
biding respectable
that little member
that is so difficult to cobtrol.
New Timothy and Clover Seed by the
car load at G. E. Knees.
— The collections take
terian chnrch and Babb
day last, in aid of the sl
amounted in all to $
the school contributed
n up in the Presby-
th School on Sun-
ffering Armenians
.83 of this amount
New Dress Trimmings,
New Capes, New Laces,
1 New.Mnsl,ins, New Prints,
New Embroideries,
New Cottons,
New Flannelettes,
New • Cottonades,
New Shirtings, Eto.
spring. The brick
the ground this wee.
Fieathfleld's 1??3aling Balsam is a
sure eure for the worst cold. At
Williams' Drug Store.
•e has purchased a
t., and purposes hay-
nd brick elad this
are being placed on
— The curlers went
Monday to play wit
"Roaring game" of t
interviewed several
club but they do not
over to Brussels on
the lovers of the
at town. We have
the members of our
.emembor the score.
Why pay 03.50 per bushel for Timothy
in April, when you can buy it now for
02.26 2 G. E. KING.
—Farmers should
date of the horse fa
Hotel is Tuesday,
Holmes, the English
be present. Any per
dispose of will do we
of forget that the
r at the Exchange
March 24tb. Mr.
oyer and others will
on having horses to
1 to attend this fair.
For Sale.—We have a quantity of Cedar
and Black Ash Rails and Cedar Posts for
sale. MoIi&t & Sole, Wingham.
—The lecture in til
on "The man for the
Dr. Gifford was la
As the shop has always been I subject was disposed
held the close attonti of any in town in these g :hien
noted for doing twice the busi- more than an hon
flow o auguage ane
lines, we are able this spri g to
putting his thought
give you better valuethai ever. form that well quail
Take a look through r d you
will be convinced. Just open-
ed up to -day, the latest styles
the spring trade,
P. S.----W'e are busy prepar-
ing for our Millinery Opening.
Look for announcenlet later on.
Fedora and Stiff Hats for
Always r htcapcst.
The Only timet Importers.
Methodist church
times" by the pastor
gely attended. The
of in a manner that
,n of the audience for
The Dr. has an easy
the happy knack of
in the most forcible
s hire for a public
Overcoats from 012 to 025; cannot be
beaten in the Dominion, at Gno. H. InvXN's,
City Tailor.
—For some reason le Lucknow Sons of
Scotland who were to have paid our local
brethren a visit, did not materialize on
Monday night.
—Why pay $2.:
Seed when you can(uy it for 02 a bushel
at T. A. Mills,
—Elliott Bros„ of he Wingham brick-
yard, was in town to ay looking up plans
for a magnificent esidence they intend
building in the spell r.
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.23 a. m. and 11.20 a.
m., via W. G. & B.; 6.35 a. m. and 3.25
p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con-
nections by all trains.
for your Timothy
s. —Mrs. McCraoke
who has been ill sine
has recovered sufi
again and was in to
first time since last
, of Bluevale road,
before Christmas,
'ently to be around
n on Tuesday for the
—Miss MacPhers n is opening up the
latest designs in 1 rench and American
stylus for new s ring hats, Notice of
opening in due ti
—A large num r of the =stool young
People of the town re being trained by Mr.
Manley Morden, le der of St. Paul's choir,
and will give a acred concert in that
church after Easte
—A. Statiscan sal
half million Jews on
of which 6,415,000 r
000 in Asia, 350,001
America, and 12,000
ei there are six and a
the face of the earth,
ide in Europe, 310, -
in Africa, 25 ,000 in
—Sugars aro still advancin but D. M.
Goreon secured his su re before the
advance. Groceries of all k' ids, pare and 1
fresh, are a leading featur of this trade.
Being Direct Importers of fine Teas, they
glue better value than others can do.
—In 1894 Engle, id imported 23,106
horses 5,424 being rom Canada; in 1895
her impoit was 34,14 , Canada contribut-
ing 12,908, head. retty od for our
—For the latest novo ies in Dress
Goods and Dress Trim ins be sure to go
to D. M. Gordon's, who took is unusual-
ly large, carefully sale d and up-to•date
in every particular, hey are leaders in!
fashionable Dress Goods.
—One day last week Mr. Jas. McEwing
called at the manse Queen Hill, and en
behalf of the congrega ion presented Itev.
H. McQ uarrie with a fine fur cap. and
overcoat. At the c se of the service on
Sunday, Mr, i±lcQua rie suitably thanked i
the people for their 'nd appr cation and
good will.—Port Elg n Times
—Miss Boyd, with her nal business
enterprise, is making el orate prepar-
ations for the spring i may opening.
Her new stock will be o ed up and ready
for inspection during the coming week
when further announcement will be made.
%—The carnival Mon ay night was well
attended considering he lateness of the
season. A large numb r of skaters in cos-
tume were present, nd a good time was
spent. The prize win lers were: Ladies
best costume, Mise arker, the Flower
Girl; Gents best cost me, M. Park, King
Geo. XII; Comic cost me, Frank Kling;
Girls' character cost e, Ella Deans,
Mexican Girls comic, and Flouty; Boys
conic, W. Lamont.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one door south of
R. A. Graham's grocery store.
message was re ived Here on Wed-
nesday morning from t e London authori-
ties, saying that J. G Field, the Lower
e by a
is abused ' gram butcher, wh w,
mob a week ago last uesday night, had
died in the London ospital from acute
` that
pneumonia. .It is un erstood
been irinkin
g hard a or
here e and
that he had suffered f om doled= tremens
after going to the 1 ospital. An inquest
was held on his body n Thursday.
Villlllams' Little.Dandelion Pills
cure headaehe. Try them.
—With next week's is
ginning our new story,
Four," by Conan Doyle.
eating London story and
adventure. Doyle is
popular men of this age
His stories are always ft
sure to take the public•
get his works in book
lose an opportunity of
lished by the MIES.
about it and watch for
— An apprentice wanted to Learn the
photographing. Apply to W. R. Belden.
—The planet Lille to run into us on
Saturday last ham be n detained.
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
cure headache. Try them.
Mr. Jas. Angus so d an excellent caddle
horse to Mr. McGee of Morris, for a 1 and -
some sum..
— Parties who re ire printing of any
kind, should not fo et that the Thies
office is the place to . ave it done right and
at prices consistent with good work and
fair profits.
Sale Register.
Auction sale of farm stook and imple-
ments belonging to Wm. Pelton, lot 35
con. 14, fast Wawanosh, on Tuesday,
March 31, at 1 o'clock. Everything to be
sold. See large bills. John Currie auc-
—For fale at a ba •gain a fine parlor
square piano—(M so & Rich.) This
instrument is a or good one in capital
condition and w 1 e offered at a figure
little more than that of a good organ.
Apply at Throe, Ofee.
What Shall th • Record Bee
At the last annual . eeting of the Wing -
ham branch of the Upper Canada Bible
Society, which was h ld in the Congrega-
tional church in 1894 the lack of interest
was so manifest that .no who was present
wrote wrote in hi • pocket diary, "Very
Sick." The truthful oss of this recordhas
been demonstrated • y the fact that three
meetings of the Exe tivo has been called,
two last winter and .ne this, to which the
pastors of the town, nd two of the pillars
of each of the churel es were invited, • and
out of the lot a quor m of five could not be
obtained. It has no been decided to call
a public meeting, fo the election of officers
and the presentation of the claims of the
Society, to be held i • the Baptist church on
Thursday evening, M rch 26th, at 8 o'clock.
Addresses will (D. V. 'be given by Itev'ds.
Perrie, Gifford, Hami on,iand Lowe. Let
us have a grand rally t this meeting and
an enthusiasm wor by of the cause of
printing and distrib ing the word of God
through the world.
Getafree samp : of Williams' Little
Dandelion Pills and be convinced.
There is nothing like them.
• A Noble Object.
In order to contribute towards the relief
of the much oppressed and long-suffe 'ng
Armenians, the members of Court ait-
land, C. •O. F. have decided to rise the
requisite amount through the 'edium of
an entertainment to be given .. the even-
• ing of Monday, March 23rd, the famous
Fisk Jubilee Singers. Thes •orld-renown-
visited Canada
ng just returned
and Australia, to
inset they are now on
•ore. This will bo the
o we purpose be -
The Sign of the
This is an inter-
s full of thrilling
e of the most
as a story teller.
sh and something
It is difficult to
rm yet, so do not
reading it a pub -
Tell your friends
s next innouncemk ntt
ed negro singers have no
for over seven years hay
from a tour of Eu op
which latter con
their way once
last opportunity of hearing them in their
i delightful, instructive and amusing Plan-
tation choruses, typical Negro songs and
Stump Speeches.
1 In order that all may have a fair chance
of enjoying the best entertainmet of the
Iseason, and of contributing their mite to a
1 most praiseworthy, charitable object, the
1 price of admission has been placed at the
low figure of 25 cents for reserved seats,
and 20 cents for general admission, child-
ren under 12 years of age, 15 cents. Plan
of hall at 1J. M. Gordon's store.
IC. Gillespie made
Bervle and adjoining v
Miss Baxter of town
Brussels, left for Mani
H. D. Hen Terson.
church, wasin town
y`Mr. A. Taylor3•as r
a prolonged visit to tri
the Forest City, ':e
Mr. Bert Hiscocks,
Sunday in town wi
Mies Powell, of Win
the residence of Mr, 0
er Messrs. Geo. Arde, 7
Messer and Sim Olegt
toba last week. ,se,
Murdock Fleming,
Listowel, was the guest
Thomas Leslie on Sabi
Mr. D. D. B,eid, V. S
Mr. H. Day's horses to
a professional capacity,
—Mr. Jas. McKelvie still a s the town
for choice fruits. He has choice lot of
apples, ales, a supply oranges and
lemons, selling from 15 cents a dozen np.
---Tho "Wingltan curies went to Clinton
last Friday and played Goderich beating
them with the following scorn:
e}enlSlttOit. WINGIIAnt.
It. W. Logan L Hanson
C. H. Humber Jit. Macdonald
S. Wakeman . i'anetone
C. Humber skip 11 Inglis skip 11.
J. Clark . Sutherland
D. McCormick
W. J
J. Strachan n sltip 8 ]
Majority for Winghan
Winghatn also play
evening and were clefc
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. I Bros. Kincardii
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
business trip to
lla les on Mac'ay
nd Miss Parrie of
ba Tuesday n orn-
merohar,t, Wl,ite-
!ednesday on lusi-
turne.l to town after
Ids and relatives in
f Teeswater, spent
h his brother, J. H.
ham, is visiting at
e. Powell.—Blyth
s. Burgess, Jchn
rn, left for Mani-
erchant tailor, of
>t his father-in-law,
nth last.
who accompanied
lie Old Country in
bas returned.
A Prominent Lawyer says:
"I have eight children, every one in good
health, not one of whom but has taken
Soott's Emulsion, in which my wife has
boundless confidence:
Impressions b
The flower for M.
and so everything
violet's myth stor,
wood -nymphs slop•
spring so they char
to waken them ear
So the violet is on
"spring's beauties"
myth story is int
for it is certainly
awakening, and thi
tired humanity eve
long since abandon
the process was be
by fairy -fingers. t{
days of unsuspie
youth !
There is no on
heralds the signs
more joy than t
mother. Very car
last few weeks has
fast thinning flannc
another hole in the
pet; wishing with al
warm weather were
and their big boo
themselves to the ou
Mothers; there are
niud stained floors a
and some day when
have come and gone
are far away, you'll
back again from
Many a regret for lo
when you might hav
close to your boy by
course, you were wor
"spots and boles" uuti
and went away, and
kept him right beside
that very same ev:
fluence was brought t
his character that t
Pe senate.
Miss Tena MoE toy is visiting in Blyth
hirs. John Pelto is visitingher daughter
in Brussels.
Mr. H. P. Cb man, of Ripley, was in
town this week.
Mr, Moses Bric er, of Listowel, was in
town this week.
Miss Cline am i1r. Geo. Cline are visit-
ing at Brussels.
Miss Lizzie ' leuty is visiting Miss
Sample of Brits els. $r'
Milton Black
ituba Tuesday
Mr. Will, ,
last for Brit's'
, Neelands Miss McCo
Patterson skip 26. guest of her at
Lucknow in the of Mrs. F. Kor'
ted, 1 Bobt. Bunt
the 'Way.
oh is the violet
as its myth the
is this. The
too late one
..red the violet
y by blooming.
of the first of
and the little
rpreted yearly
t sign of natures
is refreshing to
though we have
the idea that
g manipulated
h for the happy
us fairy-rovini9
perhaps who
of spying with
-e hard -worked
illy during the
he mended the
or darned yet
i fining -room car -
her heart that
here so the boys
might betake
orse evils than
d worn carpets
many springs
and your boys
ish the holes
ery loneliness.
t opportunities
been drawn
mutual inter-
'ing over the
he grew tired
on might have
ou. Perhaps
ling some in -
bear upon
inted it ever
ell, of town, left feir Man
[artin left town on Friday
wick, of Goderich, is the
L. Hanson.
of Guelph, was the guest
ann last week.
of the firm of hunter
e was in town on•'Wednes-
Satisfaetion guaranteed. day.
Mr. George Linkl.
came from Manitoba
past few months bee
to his father, return
province Monday n
Mr. Wm. Under
50 -acre farm, in t
and who has rete
a term of 5 years
belonging to Mrs.
concession, has let
Mr.' )eunis, jr., wl
lst of March and
to reside.
A few friends
residence of Mr.
Harris, last Monda
their stay Mr. fila
of the assembled
presented to Mr.'1
razor and a pair o
heartily •til thanked
A. C. Patters() , of Huron, has
purchased from ( argils Sr, Son, of
Brant„ the thoro ghbred short horn
bull, Oriole, whi• won first pl;i t
four leading fas in the co tty
last fall.
On Sunday evtning while 11'r. and,
Mrs. Proctor web attending church,
some parties ente ed their dwelling
and stole about, fifteen dollars in
money, lady's go watch and other
jewelry, in all ab gut $50 in value.
Miss Ida Reid 'as visiting in town
last week.
Mr. H. Snell,w s visiting at Mr. N.
Walker's over S day.
Bert J. Reid t..k a flying visit to
Langside, the fir of the week,
Miss Lizzie • ' agleson, of the
boundary, spent .unday at Mr. J.
Mrs. J. Willia s, of the 4th, was
visiting a few da last week with
her mother, Mrs. 1 indsay, in Wing -
A few of the laes of this vicinity,
assembled at Mrs. ohn Reids Tues-
day afternoon, to enjoy a sociable'
time. They retur ed to their home
in the eve, well ;.leased with the
way in which ti e afternoon was.
er, who lately
and has for the
1 paying a visit
• to the prairie
.od, who owns aIiowick, had the
s neighborhood b?r„y jammed b
tly hired on a while working in
100 -acre farm day of this week
otter, of the 8th struck the stab,
is own farm to caught Mr. Gautbl
took possession
ill shortly come
The other d, y Richard Baker
delivered to J. L. Doherty two loads
of green wood t hieh measured 71
Mr. Arthur Co eh has rented his
excellent and wel -kept farm to Mr.
George White, o 'Tnckersmith, for a,
term of years, at fair rental. Mr.
Couch purposes Ira' ing an extensive
auction sale of all is farrn stock and
implements on the '4th inst.
Last week Mr. Thomas Walker
was called to Tot .nto through the
sudden death of M ss Clara Taylor,
his aunt. The la v was on a visit
to Toronto friends and appeared to
be in her usual h lth, While sit-
ting inehair she suddenly raised
her hams and exp red, the cause be-
ing heart trouble The deceased
was an estimable 1 d * and was on a
visit to Clinton a couple of years
since. The funerl took place from.
her late home at t.lton on Wednes-
day last. Mr. Walker returned
home last Tuesda evening.
The mild weat er is reducing the
snow and it is pi liable that two
weeks more, ivill fi ish our sleighing.
Thespring will. b welcomed by a
great many farrier- in this section,
who are short of fe d.
The creditors of i fir. David Sander-
son, insolvent h rdware merchant
meets in Brown's hall to -day. It is
not yet known hat the estate is
likely to pay as statement of the
assets and liabili ies have not yet
been handed in.
It is reported. th It The Fordwich
Telephone, under he management of
Mr. D. Saunders,• has ceased to exist.
Livery stable, b el business and
printing offices don't seemingly,
work well tbgethe . The Telephone
was a good newsy paper and has
proven itself too good to last.
Mr. Willie Gamble, 4th concession,
wisfortune to get
a falling stub
is bush on Mon -
A falling tree
which in Wittig
in the small of
the back slightly 1 ijuring his spine
but it is not thong t seriously. It is
ted he wit
expected ,l with careful
nursing be around] again in a short
The horse fair
proved fairly sue
animals chart
of atl g
ranging from $
fairs should be
farmers and stool
them a convenj
disposing of ti
which should be
year on accottn
ssembled at the
nd Mrs. Russell
evening, during
liday, on behalf
ests and
rris, all excellent
seissors, which ho
em for and seem-
• .tate 1 e might
ed ht„h,
irly to appr ' „
add that Mr. llarri well rnerited the
gifts from his kind and genial
ntann;irs and his thoughtful attention
to the wants of his neighbors.
old here last week
essful. A number
.Snb bands at figures
Cc' $100. These
patronized by the
raisers ser s as it gives
i .
stilt tunit of
ops or
ir• sutplus stock,
yeluite at, item this
of the vanity of