The Wingham Times, 1896-03-13, Page 7:alt her, when she awakes anythi11 erso than her own words and the admonitory ehirpings of the other instrnnaent, Hence, all Ir1y effect Insist be 1ty u tempt- lese1,v made that no study tt- , rra )1,' . 3 ie more suggestion. I shouldhesitate at at A Plea for a Closer Study f of Life. rental While the assertion may be fa. THE WIN(fIIAM TIMES, MARCH 18, 1896. et PAR•KE3:URST ON COLLEGE ATHLETICS. ing such an extraordinary tele; feat, if I were not Us:inre(1 Of the rapport between us. Bute lln(1 oxhilting eoltclitions, it will be a ing and, I am tine, successful me11t. And new= -to business!„ He started bath phonographs, Himself hear to iilaaarne Girard, steadily, upon her, and waited. Pea ly the little shrill voice of Ine(:i: in(luisitii•enees dclmvucle(l: - Wetl, what (10 yen see`? Tell 1 Being, as site was under the powerful control of a living hypn the soa1n1n11xbule could not have that soulel except by itis direction as he willed it, she was conscious .summons andafter a little hesit replied: 'I see Anatole. He is sitting in his rooms, going over a book e counts. He closes it with a gr. expression and says to himself: does not turn out badly. Fifty .sand francs are a neat profit o transaction. Ali! The love of that Madame Girard is tardy a mase me. She makes me happier, b richer.'" Anatole grinned and softly rubbe hands together in an ecstasy of went, Doctor Perkins made an peratnot t tract ih hve is attention. Theesture of widow on: slippkes off his ersaand looks s apoboots, suts on his table for something to read, sighing as ho does so: 'All, it is lonesome away from my dear Madame Girard—my sweet Na- talie! What a delicie)us little name! So musical! The very sound of it is a •caress,' " "What do you see now? Tell1 questioned the instrument of clock • authority, sharply, She .continued without seelnin hear .it : "He takes 'the Moral Duties,' toowhich 11e "Treatise his attention. He says to 11im elf a father, I shall be w11 man, marryNa- talie.' His valet brings to IIiui a card. The name upon it is that of 'M. Claude Berthillot,' The visitor enters and is •cordially received by him, They c] about things of indifference—the w ther—the new minister. Monsi B erthillot asks Anatole if he is not ing out, Ho replies that he is Monsieur Berthillot insists that he shall participate in a jolly supper with two of their friends and four girls of the opera ballet. Anatole refuses. He says: have, definitely and forever, niy d Claude, abandoned such frivoliti They never were to me anything me than the distractions of idle hours, ,b even so much they cannot be to me a thellittleBNainsays i, who will ex'how abo pect ct to s you?' 'You know very well, my frim replies Anatole, that my friendship respondsMot sieuryBerthillot, 'but is very jolly. And what aro you going to do with yourself—turn Inonkt' No; :something infinitely better,' answers Anatole, with enthusiasm," "Well, continue! What else do you :see?" interrupted tho speaking cylinder. " amt I :hope I am—the best and to lmostaHart m ng woman in the world, whom I love with all my soul and in whom I hope to find all my future happiness. The pare af- de 1 u faeinating than that of entomology perfe`'�t it would not be difficult to show the or the charm. immense pecuniary benefit which ('1(jleri• would flow from its prosecution, pla(sOd The toll which is being Constantly levied 0n our products by this in- nutuberablc host of' insect enemies is 1 so appalling, that, once realized, ! apathy becomes impossible. • It has 1 been calculated by careful statisti- cians that' the yearly loss to tiro United States is not short of two hundred millions of dollars. In 1857 one-third of the whole wheat crop of Canada was destroyed by the wheat midge. In 1882 the hop - aphis in England injured that crop to the extent of thirteen millions of dollars. But endless quotations of this sort alight be given. When we come to fruit the devastation is equally terrible. Prof. Forbes, of Illinois, computed the annual loss to the apple -growers of that state from the attacks of the codlin moth at from three to f'our millions of dollars. The plum curculio, too, is a hardy and fearfully persistent pest. It not only attacks plums,. but freely' deposits its eggs in the peach, cherry, peat' and apple, and the consequent financial loss to the fruit grower is enormous. When' in addition to these two insects we reflect on the teeming millions of cut worms 111'!" more otizer, heard but, of the aucy, alone f ac- titified That thou - 11 the dear of to otter, d his enjoy- im- o dis- went work borers, lice, wire -worms, and so on, that are cheerfully and incessantly g to devouring or injuring the produce of n otes the skeptical farmer his sweat and urnus s thought, the t ' this is a science well worthy of his husband, earnest attention.—Froin Fanning f'or March. Shiloh's Cure is sold on aguarantee. ea- It cures Incipient Consumption. It is oto• the best Cough Cure Only one cent a utdose 25cts,, 50ots., and el. Sold at Cbis- . ' holtn's Corner Drug Store. Audacity will conquer where bravery fails. es. I1'fl ut ny ut CO d, for c son silo inspires causes me to loo with disgust upon the follies of the past, in which, indeed, any heart never wit ,engaged. I ane done forever with th ,club, the race -course, Nanon and all th .rest,' 'You mean that you are don frivoling if this charming woman ac 'copal you?' 'In any event, any reform 'tion is complete. Tho eyes of my sou have been opened by nay love. If sho ;should plunge nae in despair by her re jection, I would probably go far away— / Egypt—the north pole—Chicago—some- where—and die in solitude of a broken heart. That is all.' 'And who,' in- quires Monsieur Bertllillot, 'if I clay bo permitted to ask, is the woman for whom you contemplate such sacrifices?' 'None other than Mine. Natalie Girard, the loveliest of her sex, of whose white soul I aspire to make myself worthy and whose affection would be to me the greatest earthly biessii g.' " , She was silent. Doctor Perkins looked inquiringly at Anatole, who nodded his emphatic ap- proval of that as a good point to stop at. In vain the phonograph insisted: On well, me all!ou ave Younot must see and t ll .the 1" The somnambule slid not hear it. "In teas minutes you will awake, re- membering nothing," was Doctor Per- kins's final mental command to the .Sleeper. The two gentlemen went together up to the rooms of Monsieur Dupree, who Vas in high spirits, . "How well you covered every point 1" Le exclaimed delightedly. the doctor, American lwhatever one under.' takes, he should `do his level best.' " so- x s :a :e* 'That afternoon, when M. Anatole Du-' -Fez called pilon Mme. Natalie Girard, for her promised enswer to his proposal of yesterday, she said to him, with both seniles and tears in her eyes: "You have been, I fear, rather a wild boy in the past; but I believe you love zne—and—yes." [Tilt nxn.] A man's best friends are his ten fingers.—Robert Collyer. A CLOSE SHAVE A TALK WITH THE MAN WHO EX- PERIENCED IT. People really do not lcnow how often the angel of death hovers over them. Mr. R. P. Watkins, I73 Bay st„ is a barber by trade, and gave our representative this short history of his escape from the dis- order which was rapidly carrying him to hie grave. Mr. 'Watkins is a skillful and experienced man, and is now enabled to exercise his skill from morning till night, where before he vias unable to regularly k I 'o1low his chosen calling. This is Mr. Watkins' story as related by himself. e "Icor over three years I have been e I troubled with what the doctors said was O Bright's Disease, was getting rapidly worse, and could scarcely attend to my a_ bu,iness. My ankles were swollen, the pain and heat in my back were almost unbearable, the urine was of a dark wine color, and it used to dribble away continu- ally. I had to rise g or 10 times each night to vo:d the urine, and consequently lost nearly all my sleep. The scalding heat and pain in passing the urine were painful and distressing beyond my feeble power - r r d<:scribe. People who did not know my trouble used to laugh at my frequent viiia to the urinal. My hands and feet: w ire always cold and clammy, and I suf- n•n1 severely front palpitation, shortness '.f breath, and was, in fact, almost a total! wreck. I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. front Messrs. E. Hooper & Co., and im- proved at once, I have. used two boxes. end feel like a new man ; can now work t•!;; tl t along and at 12 p.m. feel like working • ri_ht ahead. H'dd I not got those pills I fedi that I would not have been working to -da r. My words only faintly express the dreadful condition I was in, and the wonderful cure made by Doan's Kidney Pills." n Lively bide, A kitten became lodged in the fly wheel of an engine in Portland, bre. i " The wheel ran for six hours anti a half. The cat was taken out nearly lifeless,' glair roeoverecl, The fly -wheel makes 250 revolutions per minute, and everyl CU= pussy traveled seventeen feet. The eelgine Was in motion 800 minutes, and' during that time the kitten traveled al llo+tarwe of Bis, luile s. i f'C .,...aa ..it 100,1:. ''.,.e@ a) .) .Srr •t' I '' most prompt pleasant and per- ' euro for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, -'0 t1ronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, 1' Croup, Whooping Coug:t, Quinsy, ''' ronchlaland Lug and all 1tc healing anti -consumptive virtues L tlto Norway pine are combined in is n.e<riclne with Wild Cherry and her pectoral Herbs and balsams to ake a true ,peeif,o for all forms of , ease originating from collas. Price sac. and 15nc. CoI.I,E(li; INTI NrioN I> D1:I•'I.ATED PHYHI( Al. ExI'Y:1rrti AItI•. TIAI)I:. Dr. Parkhurst, in his article to Il'' young men in March Ladies' dome Journal, writee very forcibly 111)08 the necessity of physical (leveIop- nlcnt as a requisite tar proper men- tal growth—the development of the body and mind ---and says relative to college athletics: ` •: It is, therefore a' g CY1ClIu1'Ii�,lrt;, that our schools and colleges are waking physical culture obligatory; and the encouragement lies less in what such institutions have already done in the way of cultivating the body than it does in snaking it part of' acaclewic conf'essioll of faith that a man cannot altogether get over being an animal that there is no inconsistency between intelligence and dust, and that the more that a man wants to make of himself in the upper strata of human possibility the more careful he must be to keep lin wholesome condition of repair the platform of tissue and blood corpus- cle, into which, as so much bud into so much stock, later unfoldins are inseparably knit. I should be sorry to have this interpreted as an appro- val of nearly all of what passes under the name of college athletics. It is one thing to train the body for the sake of the body. I regret that there is so much tendency among college authorities to shape the physical curriculum to the end of producing' physical experts—foot- ball, base -ball, rowing -match profes- sionals. That kind of thing is a craze at present, and it is a pity that among our college presidents and professors so many have so far suc- cumbed to the mania as to be willing, to endorse it as a form of advertise- ment and as a drawing card." Michael Adams, M. P. for Nor- thumberland, N. B., is Another Who Has Used Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder and Been Cured. It does not seem to matter where one looks for good resnits from that wonderful medicine, Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, they are to be found. Every one in his own pro- vince, and every member of the Commons knows Michael Adams, the popular member for Northumber- land, N. B. When he says to the world, as he has done over his own signature; that Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is productive of most saris• factory results for cold in the head if you woulddpalways be healthy, keep and other catarrhal troubles, they pa illa,ur lthe OnetTr with Pander. know it means milds. The medicine makes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least labor. PINI813 IN SINGING. IT aa liLtR iii TUE DISTINCTION BETWEEN Mane, Apr:l, I.,, Ars the months ill whir:h to give naf,r.•t:,1 P AND 1Ii:LItr (, attention t t Its remark- able lasting . - r and cleansing properties make SURPRISE most economical and fest for•__ 40 - Every Day REAL I;S('ELI,EX LE RI I'S.. physical health. If yell pass n:fjlVt,ve ng:11ti 13300iinIn'I 1111.1 ynor1etfae"Itis amazing; how few good voices sti(and vigorous, on the lark's i ofever reie!l the matut'ity of their Whinier ', Other. r on rimy reasol,:(lay ; powers, and especiallyexpsct thatj;;;',3 frill be w+'i ir] su,uiner.' J how few Now is the to lei a H(,nr1's :a 130 American voices are ever given or patina, because pow is the time t+hon; realize their proper opportunity," the blood inust bap:n•iiied. enriched) and writes Charles R. Adams, the yeller- vitalized, and because able and famous teacher of Sinai CausO Hnr,(1's saran. , partite is the only t�nra 1 1 l ,.n g', prominently in the public: opur!tt3�r tI Hood's S• I eye tn•rl+,v • In Match Ladles' Home .Journt , 1 .1rsa �in•1,1 t hire "The habit of set usually exists, is Idleness i5 lire burial of a man. --,Jeremy( Taylor. f Utz CO singing, as it you healthy` and !'ower t guard your system I iL pe1'll!C10uS one, a_amst disease. and one which should be discour•1 d ---•-- Wrier- 'Ashy was ski; w, a gave her Castoria. 'When rile was a Child, ed for 0.u.toria. 11 lien she became :1:ia, shee clung to Cas or:a. \hvn t:h,; had Children, she gave them Caztorfs„ e make: ,86 until instruction is made to acCorU- pang it Children will force their vol ces beyond their registers and beyond their volume by singing, or more properly screaming, in a chorus. One of the special evils of chorus r a Does Four Ilusba,S or Son mink, IC your Husband rrr S'm is addihte(1 to the use of Liquor, :tif(rr1>hinv nr'foha00n,i >urchase of voor rlru�•r=tat 1 1'v ids t s16 re singing arises from the depend<,,,<� upon other' voices for note and tune. a bath-) n 's Chloride of Goll Tablete, The. Ire guaranteed to cure• Dr looney will b fuucled. 'Tablets miry ha i jt' secret• v in tea or coffee and the fres use of @ i� stimulants showed until vol nnt •1 aur dlucrglst cle;;11 ev tort (333'9, theca, Beall irect to :Che (ThOhe,t,tl!a! t�'orks, irna, Ohio. •S8o•!c of partienlar•e and pronunciation o• { estianonials free: "Finish , phrasing, , t ]i that is tlaC ;lett � y 40, ,Just spend his Four The voice needs individual depend- ence as much as any other faculty." ' Mr. Adams, after touching upon the a value of chorus singing, under pro- per conditions, repose, the specific j-� value of operatic training, enuncia- t tion and etc., asserts • tics v iven un, Prier, fu•1.00 p,,' package. Jr Quarters for a bottle of 3 Burdock Blood Bitters '' 1 � as all sensibil people do; be- cause it cures Dyspepsia, Conrgit - a stipation, Biiiousness, S 1 c k eadache, Bad Blood, avid all 4s Diseases 02 the Stomach, Liver, 4t,1a Kidneys, Bowels: and Blood from <` a common Pitilgle to the worst . it Scrofulous Sere. est factor in public success. Finish he concludes, "has been said to mal' the distinction between exeellenc t Don't wait to. be. happy to laugh; 1` get used to it and it will grow on 1 you. s unless stopped by Dr. Wnod's Norway COUGHING, LEADS TO COFFIN eet (lure e Pr e Coughs, Colds ea nrlsi'Lu,ng al 1Troubles. e Price 25u., all druggisttx 0 The shorteel; way to glory is to be guided by conaeience.—iIome. HARSH COUGHS, Heavy ()olds,l e Hoe rseness, Asthma and Bronchitis are i mired by Dr, Wooers Norway Pine Byrum The beet lung remedy in the world. I ; The.hypocrite who poses fora saint steak his halo freta the devil, and mediocrity, and who that live and strives in art with any real lov for his mistress but would prefer th honor and glory of the former to th self-confessed inferiority of the later The times change, and our standard for the singer, as for the individual advances with them. The advanc is steadily along all lines—toward perfection, toward completion, to ward excellence—and although the goal in art, as in humanity, is stir distant, yet each personal advance increases the possibilities and hastens the time for the entire race of man- kind," is one possessed of peculiar virtues : Whlteombo Riley's Tribute. and never fails to- effect a cure. Jaynes Whitcomb Riley, when in- ea,y s death, said: through the Blower supplied with "Especially favored, as fol• years I each bottle of 1)r. Agnew's Catarrhal have been, with close personal ac - Powder diffuses this powder over quaintance and association with Mr. c the surface of the nasal passages. Nye, his going fills me with aselfish- Painless and delightful to use, it Hess of. grief that finds a must re - relieves in ten minutes, and perms- buke in my every memory of him. One short puff of the brth formed of .lit Nye pent y cures catarrh, hay fever, He was unselfish -wholly; and I ani •.•. and deafness. GO cents. Sold at •patient strength and gentleness of I1 NO RE.MEDy el, res Coughs, Colds, Group, Hoarseness, Asth ma. Bronchitis. Sore Threat, etc., so weil as Dr. Wood's 'Norway Pine ;syrup. It heals, soothes and strengthens the lungs and throat. iI')lshion must be forever new, or she becomes insi picl.--•Lowell. fes � Grip i'L"Srlati'eTr 71 aMe• colds, headache sore throat, '1A x tonsilltls disheartened, recalling the always 1 Chisholm' Corner Drug Store Wing- this true man—the unfailing hope ham. Chish and cheer and faith of . this child- I" heart—his noble and heroic life and r; nothing but labor and — is diligence.— sanctity of love—mother, brothers I know no such thing as genius; it pure devotion to his Ihome—itsits a Hogarth. wife, children, friends—his deep There is no genius in life like the affec genius of energy and industry.—D. and G. Mitchell. actin bdoa A Marvelous Statement b y a Pro-. wher minent Canadian—A Rheumatic exec Remedy Which is Curing the snarl. World. pato Mr. E. W. Sherman, proprietor of geniu the Sherman House, Morrisburg, In Ont., is known by thousands of follo Canadians, hence the following statement from Mr, Sherman will be O, ..W read with great interest and plea - tions, constant-- dreams plans realizations—all in happiest n and development. So I cannot t but that—Somehow, solve - e he continues on the unbroken 1 rise of these same capacities—as K- -ed an endowment of his spirit 'e as was his particular gift of !i s intellectual." one of Mr. Riley's books th ving is printed: ,ci(et•�,�„ 1`k:'13i:1.;�'rS .S;jtr,umq Jo silt Sep-ktana tIOWWOa SD.1110 : QUID AIiures pre -ptrels =pour Du, S•I�T•jd•d•I.2T O 81`I821 SSA tier ie, eta. ea' a. sac. EAK-} >�r h STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VEO s IML. &Z. -CU RES GL SAl RANTES > OR' No PAYI �aoy Nervone and despondent; weak or debilitated;.lured molvings: nooyt_ g bitten—lifeless; memory poor: easilyfetignod oxcitablsandirrit(,h' eyes sunken, red and blurred; pkmples 0n ince; dreams ((n(I 11 :gilt _losses; restless;, haggard lookingr weak back; bone pains; hair. loose; ulcers; sore t!:to» t• var,c?.c'e.r,; deposit in urine and drains at stool; distrustfel; want of confidence; lack oil •enerr•, and strength—WE CAN CURE YOU I,: RESTORED TO MANHOOD' BY DRS. ir, crc: K. JOHN A. etANLIN. JOHN A..MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWERS. 5" :>, .. ,Cir' 1:11:501.1d 21n:ATMENT, ArrEis '1'1t1,ATAlE\T. I3EI'et(}: TREATA(k13T. .'1.13411 Tnteai.a.•AT. ° NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. e i ( �' ' —e. a e(•�OC E John A. Manlin says "I was one of the count less vie. �; tI hs t i 16 LY t i t ; Q E tims of early ignorance commenced at 1;, years of ttgv. I tried seven medical firms and spent $;100 without avail. [F -t , MISS g O N S A. I gave up, in dospzur, The draane on my cyst• m xer() F.9 weakening my intellect ae well as my sexual and physical n do `' POTENCY life. My brother advised me as a last resort to consult V� p Drs. Kennedy &Kergan. I commenced their New Method x CURED, Treatment and in a few weeks was a naw man, with new et #2;'i '- life and ambition. This was four years ago, and now 1 s.0 ant married and happy. I recommend these reliable 1241 eLae'raliots to all my afflicted fellowmen." 1 6 CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.—CONFIDENTAL, °'he vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of my s , n t n. J.ntrr on a gay life and exposure to blood di.. (' I, - - t1 +a (ses completed the wreck. I had 3111 the symptoms of Sypll�1�ss X1111 Q3 011' i Ntryin19 Dehilitt••--stxnkeneyee emissions, drain in urine, • a nervousness, weak back, c,c. . yphins caused my hair to h ti Q Ce fall (int, bone pains ulcers in month and on tongue, �_____ (,�Gq Cured. h'ntchra on body, etc. I thank God I tried Drs. Kennedy 0 At l(ergan. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWBIis, ocedc, Emissions, U TO r . EDGAR 1vIL$O\ '—in ship hat liberty is mine—what ewe release rom clamorous strife, and ye what boisterous peace! ! it is thy fancy's fuer-tip dints the dimple now and kink the lip That scarce may sin in all this gra increase ' Of merriment! So, pray thee, d not cease To cheer me thus -far underneath th Of thy droll quip the wrangling fre Of all distress is sl ill—no syllable Of sorrow voxeth we—no teardrops we My teaming lids save those tha Thee thou'sleap a gu attelthat ocerweepeth et Only beeauee thou joketh overwell. Jas. Whitcomb Riley. illtam' thy blithe oe Inpanto sure : "I have been cured of rhea- W matism of ten year's standing in three days. One bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure performed Ho! be this most remarkable cure. I had That suffered from this disease, as I say, for ton years, and I did not ever expect to be entirely cured. The effects of the first dose of South American Rheumatic Cure were truly wonderful. nave only taken one bottle of the remedy, and now haven't any sign of rheumatism in my system. It did mo more good than all the doctoring I ever did in all my' life. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store, Wingham, Many an old sheeplays lamb to fool the lambs. Yt. e ;::" r`Lige treat and cure Varie ons, -Nepvous Debility, Seminal t Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, natural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Madder Diseases. t S 7 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. t HEADER! Are yon a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contempla • tinge? Rae your Blood been diseased? .have you any weekne!s� Mar.. Now Mrthod Treatment will cure yon, what it has done for others it will do for von, CONSULTATION FREE. Ne) matter who has treated you, writ() for nnhettesttrpiaitntl~''ree 31('harge Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE— "The Golden Monitor" (illnstrtitod), en nisrnsrs of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Healed tO' NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONST NT. PRi.. VATR.. No •reedicin(e sr nt C. O. D. No names on boxes or +bnv(Bl•. or+es. Everything confidential. Question hilt and cost of Trost;•. r°,o.:t, T REh. Sari's 125e purifier "Everybody' says so," is the tax o° that labels many an irresponsibility. Corner lover Root, the groat Blood gives freshness and olsainess to mpletioh and cures Conatipanon, 50 tits., $1. Sold tit Chisholal's Drug Store. D S ' ENNEDY & KERGAN, N rtR ELAY e„1.