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The Wingham Times, 1896-03-13, Page 6
111 •°iii. a 1111 Or tgx r Variatiui ;IIt►i IL AM' eXceI t's())as the rule inning filriilera. 'I'ileacsult is that many fowl (lie annually from diseitete Years ago the cholera was dreaded as :L most fearful plague among the Manan fatltily. Tit wile and eitiee were devastaared by its ravages; but or late years by clean- ing; out this cesspools ot filth in the cities, and by proper sanitary measures it has to a great eXte nt EAR SIR -----In complying; with ]est its terrors. Here lies the great r request to contribute to your panacea for deswise. Cleanliness 1)le paper, I thought a short and proper care. This will do more cle on my pet hobby ini. ht to rid the country of desease than rest your nntnet•,,ns readers• • all the patent nostrums in existence.. ]try care; and profit. The sue- With a very little outlay of money ftil management of poultry for,and time you Cuu build a good coin - tit Is much like otherpr.Ir,nitS; infortable house for your fbwi. Let er to make it remunerative the 'it face the south with large windows on must of raecessiry beeotne to give light and warmth when the •oughly intere3ted hi the cuter SIM shines. Spend an hour at inter- vals each day in feeding, watering lien first be sure you have a plan, and caring for your fowl. Remove Ami haunts a plane for all thing; all the droppings at least once a Rei c,e lrtflate i our ways anti means., month, preserve thorn carefully, and ...1 er• arge things and for small things they will amply repay you fur your or those who have have no plan, care and labor. Ke p your houseA:4lte caicula,ion; ill neither work their fortune out, and well ventilated, and you will Nur work out tbeir salvation. have a plentiful supply of eggs in winter, as in summer, and the tithe you spend in tate care of your fowl tt'B1D.AY 1AROti 13, 1800. JiAX PTO N. Editor of the wt m:I:ruu TIDES. -nd if write to you today Some truths that are of value; I course you'll inwardly digest, It The things I have to toll you. will pay you larger per cent. than any time you spend on the farm The floor of the poultry house should be earth, and raised several inches above the outside surface in order that the house may be kept perfectly dry, as dampness is very injurious to the health of the poultry. The fowl should be fed at least twice a day; rt ; for the morning meal. c. 1. barley , or corn meal, mixed with wheat bran , and shorts, scalded and feel hot En dealing with this very interest- ; subject I feel that 1 will labor Viler some disadvantage, as a large ]portion of the inhabitants, especi- y in rural districts, do not fully preciate its importance. Agricul- d•aiists in general, do not give this Fajecsnffcient attention to make t ma eager for information. 1 • time bat a serail � l(, tor�s percentage a of 1 {, er readers have ever spent $10 in answers well. If you desire to get re bred poultry for the purpose of eggs in large quantities, add about 'proving their stock; while many a pound of meat scraps to each two them annually expend large :gallons of feed as animal diet is the .ns of money in pure bred horses, best food to stimulate laying, to an tie, sheep or swine according to eselaiderablth extent. When feeding it particular .hobby, while the animal•food acid two tablespoonfuls F'titry yard receives little or no of cayenne pepper to two gallons of' ention. The to;magetnent of " feed one morning the same quantity ?;e flock of poultry pegnit•es a good r" tl of care, close attention and good figment; it is rather bard to hire p who will exercise these needful .litres, but ani- person IN 1,0 IS SW '1'F1E 'WINGIIAM TIMES, MARCH 13, 1806. securing healthful, regular growth and stall pork too, is made at less cost. 1t these things are true it seems strange that there is need for a plea for neatness and comfort in or to make every English consumer hear in every pound of cheese and butter sent across the Atlantic. The highest quality in our dairy products can only be maintained by the pig -pens and feeding lots where every one connected with the trade there le an ahurdance of excellent 'livery his very best. The patron or food. It 'Is a fact that there are the man who supplies the milk roust many generous feeders, who fail to recognize the important duties he has secure the hest results as to product to perform in caring for his cows and or price, simply because they have in preserving tiro milk in the best not given due weight to the very im- possible condition for cheese or portant relation of sanitary conditions butter making. There are diflieul- and comfort to the animals that are ties during tide summer, due to eonsninin,; their .grain, The major- scarcity of good water and succulent ity of breeders and feeders do not foods, which militate against the neglect to give •enough of feed and production of a fine article, which (drink, but they holy wholly on the can be largely overcome by a little feed and neglect to secure that care and forotought. degree of comfort that should supple- Then there must be uniformity of ment their feeding. It is more quality throughout, and every cheese difficult to keep the pig -pens and lots and package of butter sent to Great BANK HAIVIILTA '{ in good sanitary and orderly condi- Britain from here should be of such tions, than the stables and lots of a quality as will improve our present W i N G H A M . other farm stock. The porker may high reputasion and cause an increas Capital, ?31 >50 000. Rest, ,$0ii0 000 have jewels in his nose and buttons, ed demand for our goods. This uni- p ' irr his ears, but he is the' groveling formity in quality can only be President—Jong STuac. hogstill, which is never satisfied brought about by a concentrated Vtee•President—A. tx, RArtsAY,. until ne has turned over every , effort on the part of every dairyman. DIrl r,t;•rons par g, t, e reach. No man ever arrainged a adopted, and the most skilled in - bed in a pen to suit an old sow or structors employed to teach the very her family; hence, many despair of best methods of butter and cheese keeping the hog -lots and pig -pens in making. Let the maker, the patron, decent order and let things go. and everyone connected, do their If the weather is favorable not too best in carrying out their parts of dry or too wet, their stock does fairly our co-operative 4iry system, and well, and they are satisfied with she we may rest assured that our dairy growth from the feed continued. interests will. lap]; Pilfer through Clean, dry, warm beds are essen- inferior goods. tial to the highest. health and com- G-0 ' EV FRANK SCELI'S, wu m ROU gar 12 BHAYES AND 1 HAIR CGT non Si. Opposite 9orman's Rotel, WINGHAM, - ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Stento Laundry. A. E. ITH Successor to HALSTED & SCOTT, Josephine Street • - Whgham, Ont. of title of feeding• floor within T.niform methods of ma must b fort and profits. i o i a. ]. tilldo pigs)}Ili little good, unless they have better' Retiat jn six Ilo;3rs. .)istressfdihC Ri care than is usually given to the sows noy and fla3tIOI disersos relieved th a1 hours by the Great• south American ,Kiel- and older hogs. The hogs of our .11ey Cure." This great remedy is a great boyhood days, that never were surprise and delight to physieiaus on ao- unrler a roof, but found shelter in count of its exceeding promptness in relief- lug pain in the bla(lder, kidneys, book a:.1 the woods, were tenfold more corn- ; every part of the urinary passages iu male fortable than the pigs now kept in'•. and female. It rolioves retention of wator small muddy lots, with open shreds' and pain' iu passing it almost immediately. and dirty beds or none. It you want quick relief and cure this is We cannot have the shelter of'tlle y ore remc(it . Sold at Chisholm's drug dense thickets fur our hogs now. %'e of salt next morning, about a- gill of are compelled to provide beds, clean Wasting Manlir3. pulverized champ' the neat morn- and comfortable as the leav�b and Experience has thoroughly d ing. During set,aspe cold wrath- shelter of the forest,• er to •:i e.o,I r evening, (lE'9 gtivt! b�'; i , ' AA f€llm alt► G t Y f 1 �..}�a e. air] and we are to have • � monstrate.cl the fact t1.aC , . 1 g' Rs l althy. and thrifty , ) ,_ . retreat die next cYcninn and oats stock 1nt1ttC1 hors clef] ilio 'suit, will £j"ro�14 ,+uI in other branches d ag'ricui- g' t tills'ctthars had. + lie mai goon eggs]) themselves in! the next. When the fowl o'er stn ( ;eel' lire Lett a shelter is provided , eyed enS pa ilght along without lid r'al men feed a fewv coGulc ' supplies of manure. On the mlajorit ],120. I•�' ' ed ],stator.,' the beddrne; °Cleaves or straw. must ,• ,.$ rttip, ct 1' ti all 1� l c tddect tl greatest of farms the part of the feed o'' it sew\' lif t1(1l3 f1P suffice to dump in l lot of damp phrase among ;armors. wrcc . tl t riV g 5 ' ' RTry �t, , YY , a R$ ,l � udt ashes a liberal supply of ing of bedding is not too often If • sr vel h fresh Lhr> -weather is dry and the ground n 1 , , -a r to to in, iu.ng bo freclue• ttly •renewed. It will not , Lii :..;.;bat nit Gilt; fat i,l S6 xrC. r , stock are given the run of the pas- tures during what may be termed • neglected as that of poultry, It raw cabbage - a given Ellett] + straw c r other beddin occassionall •. <. common lu tt e a.l t "-,s o o. nee til es a t "chickens can scratch for a lav - !or ,�;' barge boxful of road dust, ee .IV eleaninn of pens and renew - ,is. °^^,•,rises ^ 2e l: ashes -..-s'""" - ; r,.ti ,,iiuy flee YC, stiff lei ,t+ :t androle, as wellasreg or stfnshinc Cold o" `�t ( pure water should be kept within is , frozen, a bed. -will last much iter, raint - hot, , their reach at all times. And if, longer than i f the weather is rainy all kindsIof wleAthrir, „hey are i treated in this way no live stock on i and muddy. Certainly shelter and t to rake care of themselves I fining h reei)t'€offs ;Lying, roosting the farm will be more profitable comfort area necessity to secure, trees, f�tic,=,ggit�s, mangers or than a choice variety of poultry I pay for feed consumed, If one will :h! properly cared for. Try it for a not furnish clean bedding and dry eke in The sables etc,, they are i year' and be convinced. i shelter for pigs in winter, he wastes: `rely suffered as a nuisance rather � I L. Ti. 1 his feed, invites disease, and lowers n eared for as they should be. In l ' the grade of boos and quality of eold winter months for want of! r oil:. - ,7. G. 1i'. i Iter, combs and wattles are frozen 1 SAVED HER LIFE. p i the growing season so that there is not a very large amount of manure made that needs handling. But as soon as it becomes necessary to com- mence feeding the stock the oppor- tunity for making and saving manure is improved. In order to snake the most out of it some planning ot work ahead is necessary. It is as impor- tant to plan to save the liquid void - as well as the solids and plenty of bedding that can be used all through die winter is necessary to this. Then feed lots or places where the. stock can be fed together and the droppings be gathered up,is essential, otherwise a eonsiderable portion will be, wasted. A good plan now is to save up everything that can be used to an advantage for bedding, and if rightly managed will help materially to increase the quantity of manure. One thing should be remembered, that while it is quite an item to make and save all the manure possible it is of no advantage to increase the quantity at the expense of quality. Another item is to arrange good feed lots with racks or mangers where the rough feed can be used and at the same time the manure all be saved. The only safe plan is to treat the manure the same as a. crop and plan to make the most out of it, making all that can be done said then serving a11(1. hauling out Land applying to the land whenever the other farm work will permit.—N. ,r. Shepherd, in F'armer's Voice. ;,roar, 'Disease Ltetievea in 30 Is inutos.—.all wises of s,rganin er sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly mired, by 1». Ag- new''s Cure. gold at Clli:tllohn'e Drug store, Wingham. When ignorance knows it knows, it knows more than anybody else kneWe. , t .t,...a.a_tvm t. t C ed in a day. ---South American Rheumatic Cure of Rhumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onto the ause c of the disease immediately disappears. The first (lose greatly benefits. 75 cents. «rarrauteecl at ('ltislwlu'sdrug store. 'Prte virtuous hone is the basis of all national property. --ninon. 'Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, (Ihattanoogan , , . Tenn, says, "5fnloh'a Vitalizer `save(] my Wen 1 consider it tl•e best remedy for a debilitated system I Aver used." for Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it Aiieels, Price 75 eta. t'jO1d at Cltisholm's Corner Drug Store. toes are often lost from the i WIIAT ONE BOTTLE OF DR. AGNEW'S SEVERE KIDNEY TROUBLE l Cts of the estrcme cold. If we , CURE FOR TIIF,' HEART DiD FOR MRS. CO,'ULE rELY CURED. ''re to accuse our farmer friends of J. L. HILLIER, OF ww'IIITI;waov, N. __ amity, they would open their eyes w, T. TWO BOTTLES OF SOUTH AMERICAN ; wide surprise. But it is not down E— KIDNEY CURE DID IT. j ht cruelty to let your fowl gni ()nay those .who have so suffered' -_ ! ough our long cold winters with- '1' he idea that disease of the kid- ' '' know the distressing feelings that 1 proper care and shelter. How follow an cffecthou of tits: heart. Let 'l(,ys'cannot be curet] is a mistake. . -erely do the poor buds sutler one who has been afflicted speak, True, many so-called kidney cures fore they lose their conchs, wattles 1 can not cure, but in that great and tell of the remedy which will feet? The trouble is not tint.; diseovery, South American IZ.rclney are intentionally cure. Says Mrs. J. L. Hillier, of y guilty of : Whitewood '� W. T.: "For surae Cure, there is found an unfailing Vie*. But the old "scratch for time I was mucic affietl•d with he,ert 1'eillrcly, Thai is what 'fr. David mselves" adage has been so long failure; in fact I conk' not sle('c) or 11,g, of Sua'attymend, N•lir. l., d persistently taught their men: lie drawn for fear of suffeeatiun. I rays : • I was grciatly afflicted with Neve 111 it and act atcurclingly.! tried all the doctors in this section or Severe kidney. trouble., suffering the • e titre of fowl is a thing but little'country, bot they failed to give nus many annoyances and pilin that u;')t of and the idea of providing relief. �� .dotal drugs' >> follow this disease. There was hard-; l,t recounuend- aAifortable qu,lrtet•s for them is �" Iy any remedy that I did not use, in ed a bottle of Dr. Agnew's Curl: for S t tirely out of the question. Then !the Heart; I tried it and with the hopes of securing relief, but it was le Isere the complaint "We get no result that I immediately secured not until I hought el. bottle of Blonds �e t here are forty hens eating' ease that 1 (lfct not know before, and American Kidney- Cure that relief sole than they are worth and wedo' after er ,carne, The ole bottle immediately et get eggs enough to keep us g0 tal�tnn• further l dust l of the. l; '' �"' g,,, 1 r. ' medicine, the: trouble altogether lett relieved ntc, and two bitttld+s procllte- ag111 then house. This may all be me. The foci; is, knowing how ed. a complete, mire." Sci.�1 n t::iris•, Met but think for a 11101Xnt of the seaioua was my condition, this remedy holm's Corner Drug Store, Winghaln, • ure you give them. They .Ire saved my lite. ]Sold at (ln',l ultn's -}-" -- iply paying you 1n your own (Critic!' 1)' er c Wingham. Quality Important. • Drug Store, 1' rn haul. Jin and even then the; are doing saa-.� ' `' ' The. keynote strnek at nearly all etter by far than you have done by _ ,_ -�. . the daily conventions held ill Ontario I1efn. Perhaps fowl in the barn-' Profltn of ti1C Pen Vr'a 1t0i1. ' tide winter was quality. Such a tard:sttfafer more from, the want at' '1'ilare has been much study Of ahoy( should, and doubtless will, ure water in the wint('r than from feeding rations and many trials and meet with a hearty response f'o're sty other cause. In the sinnlr1e1' combinations in reareh of that which our dairymen. This age of keen ley usually get plenty and do well will give tine. hound (i1 pork at least, competition necessitates that only the rr n II'y • on but in this. ••t> • � � gone „t cold dinette, cost. the study has „ul,c fnrtlaer highest quality of „;cool:t can hope to ,' r n springs and brooks are frozen • and. progress has Leen made in fixing obtain and retain a place in the when tank and 141 ll pails are the rations I,ltett would not only pro- markets inthe w ' l world. �1. £h is will rr > • available, 1 t U " • daily , ,• • o Ir, tthen tltt, ;duce the pound of pork at 11 tls,nn• 1 artplr especially to our cheer. and owa.nee is entirely cut off, and able cost but also seem an article I.l hatter trade. We cannot hope to n fir day.; and even for weeks, the highest quality. i retail] our pre:sent strong ]tole] upon y get not a drop of wal.er. They eat' The public has learned that there the cheese markets of (great Britain w when it is to be had, and they is a ;;rent difference 'between p.,rk unless we keep til) and continue to do nothing worse. fur this lust.' front pits. fed on whole oine sound improve the quality of our cheese, _singular duality of making them feed in good pastures and clean (dry nor can we hope to develop our 1 € ar, acrid they should never be 'Pena and that feet in filthy 1 ots and. butter trade without giving particu- ptowed to eat it. If a hey are sup- stifling /yea. tar :attention to finality. (Quality is ited with water they will not cat The highest quaiity of pork, as a. indeed, the keynote which all our Q1 '. Tilde treatment, with a,1i little rote, is that made under eunditiohs dairymen should Soutici, and endeav Jona PROCTOR. Oxo. R0.toi, Wu GIBBON, M P, A. T. WOOD, A, B. Liu (Toronto). Cashier—.1. TUILNBULL. Savings Hank -Bows, 10 to di Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of el and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of is. -,rest. Drafts ob Creat Britain and tho United State• bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOHN PELTON Manufacturer of all kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, MPS, wIli'l) no, be supplied 00 shoat notice, IRON AaD pO1U1E PUMPS supplied to order. REPAIRING promptly attended ion Prices reasonable. Agent for this Bradford All Steel Pumping Mi11, It �%i30 i•t'10,Lire anything in the above lint3s, gf4•tw Mr. Pelton a call. Sil©l?—Diagonal street, nearly opposite Beattie's Livery, Wingham. JOHN PELTON. • t. t r 141)d/11i . t les —18 i't:BLrf'11h1, I:;y nti,Y FRIUAY :Y1U111tiIRc --AT Tial:-- TIMES OFFICE, JO PHINI: STREET WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. • Subscription price, $1 per yenr.ln advance, AUV1a1Tainio 11ATES: d Ono Column 840 00 dill On I rt ,10 8 00 Half " 40 o0 yu 00 19 00 0 00 quarter " 20 00 12 On I+7 00 2 00, Una Inch I h .,U I :1 0(+ I , __- - .-- e be 1 Oo Legal and other OlSttal1UI,-t;rtirunu'ots, 8e, pe,r floe for hist h,sertiou, and:3t+, per )intfory ie. subsequent. 1 insertion, Measured by huuparcjj so.dc, Local notices 10e. per Imo for tir'f i•.sertion, and. lo. per line for each unhswl•rent ittnrrtit r, Advertisements 6t Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Watlted, not ex:ma ling 8 lines nonpareil, 811 for first m)ata, a id GJc. for each subsctlumnt onth ar es! Look at Viso ELLIOTT BROS., of the Wingham Brickyard, !owe lots of BRICK and DRAIN TILE on hand. It is said that other parties are selling at reduced prices, but we cannot be undersold, and our brick and tile are as good as any made in the province. Wo can sell by the car load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a groat quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale. J. & E. ELLIOTT. Wingham, May 16, 1895. RINGS! GOLi ►' RINGS! Houses and Foram for Salo, not e'Icseding 8 lines 81 for first month, 9(e. per ,gt.Jsr:iaent month. Larger advertiseu,e,,te h+ i„oportion. 111, .i! terms wnli 1,,•rt.,ittl) adhered to Special rates for larger advertisenento, or fO' 'Niger periods, A directions, sill he inserted tilt, forbidwithout f specific accordingly. Tras,tu;y advertisements must be' 0.61 in advance (ltolottiecsl,�or woduesttay ad; neon,Ginlctit order to appea ' that week S. G. ltrlax•,N, PRerAIETVIt AND PUHLIRCION DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET. 'A•isonam, - • ONTARIO. vANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc„ Private funds to at rele interest. NoconpmisYsion charged. Mo Mortgages, took and farm property bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block ll•tzun, J. A. 3IORTON, VA1;;4S E", a„ i3'inghun,, taut_ E. L. DIC11.INSON, 73ARItIS1'PP., I3TC. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF H.LIIA.TON. 3I0NET TO LOAN. 0111co—Moyer Block, q'htgltam• lit. G. CAMERON, fr,ARr.USTER, SOLICiT011, CONVEYANCER, et 0, Oaice-Corner Hamilton and :it. Andrew streets,. opposite Colborne Hotel. Goaltrtou, ONTAttm,. J)ENTISTltY.-J. „; JEi 0,li,-•, L. U. S•,lrlsoltsa, Is manutactur•n;; first•elass sets off 4 w N toeth es cheap an l hey ran be made. . .: in tl•c Demi» ie,, Teeth extracted, absolutely without pelt., by his now' process, guaranteed petle.tly hate. OFFICE: In tho Beaver Block, 011,ocite this Brunswick Irouse. ARTItr:R J. IRwIN, 1), 1) L. D, S., Dental Doctor ofCollege, Dental Surgery cf the Pennsylvanii OFFICE-••MACDONALD CLOCk. N0',t._YYi11 visit01)th every 'Wotansdsy,_ CIIN RITCHIE, GENERAL f\1 i:J:A: CS AUENT I am the only Jeweler north of Lon- . don who can and does make rings on the ea . DEANS, J,1., unser,-,,,, promises. I malts and finial] all work in the beat LICENSED AUCTIONEER WI; THE COUNTY OF HURON. ONTARIO possible manner, and guarantee satisfac- sates attended to any part of the Go, Chatgee tion in every instance. moderate Where gold is found, I always return the same gold, manufactured as por order. I3y ]oaring your order with me, you can save from 25c to if 2, according to style, weight and quality of ring. We also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pius, e1(., etc., at Moderate Prices. Jewelery Repairing and En- graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. HALSEY PARK .) H.Yti"1)L1iit. Opposite Macdonald block, Wiughatn. Do you know ,w ratan in Canada that repairs watches any better than ltalsey Park,Watohmakcr and Jeweler, \Vinglaam?' For Twenty -Sidi- Years DUNN'S THE COCKS BEST FRIEND LAn GRT IALu Iry CANADA. 0115 mptionn (3,1uable ,(cath, Red the bon -s n r, tste7 Rnlrer.+r 01%a 8 7(ere nnd�Pent omtcolndareosFtT. A. swim( CHEMICAi, ro.. Ltd., Tam*, gar.. • �UFIN CUP.1tIE, \Y ISull.11I. ONT., LICENSED .17 :I: =ER,. Salem of Farm Sit 11; rt d r,:r,n 11..p:011190 s A specialty, All orders left at the T,aW.,> farce promptly attend- ed to, Tonus reasonable. • SOCIETY 1t1:EETINGS. ��l'yg I{�� Court )714.1 d, Nn. '8, ennadinu C. YJ ■ Y r Ortlt r 1'at, ste:.,tneets the second and last Friday ,'veelnt( or (1('1•)' (131311th, is Gre• • or1 s trlock Yisialt e int NI an udeome, T. J. Sfcl.eau, C. 11.. Ii. R. Mint:, n, S. 0 Willi: nn, d, ,e• 1... No. 704, meets ,, addle L,5 tint. lt,i't er i:, overt/ month in flea Oramie clad] ; ri itmx,r it, me J. Cl. Stewart, JOB PIs;► h W, 1 1 "{ NCLI' )INt. 80.,i.S41. , P,tnl,h',•ta. poptors, 8315;1 d. [leads, Ci,'Curan , t, 5.• , • '11'utrd in the beet t.r_,lnofthc ort, at :MO.:,I .• pones, And un short u.,tioe, Apply tilt aeleirrnv S, tl 1 11(. t ) rtNtra.3111:co, Winghyln, KIMONO,. We arc pleased to nonu,nie,(t,,,1 env Seeks or • t + ..t,,,;n::ince left with v..1 for t.iuda,Vvi i?I boyo .our • prompt attention. 1'r'.. fu.' Pi dint( in any style , I will be given 011 split , ,tt.ien. tri Om Tins% Chine. Money to Lon.n ctrl Notes. I Notes Discounted AT RI' ASONJI Mill RATES i Money tulvanctd nn Merhda.rtn at$'s pc) contrrilh privilege of paving zit the end of nny,year. Notts and accounts collected. Itoir7r, IrtkXNDQO, 012:1ier Block WV)fl,lnn, tint.