The Wingham Times, 1896-03-13, Page 5THE WIN GHA.M TIMES, S, VIARGII 1.3, 18VG. Death of a Prominent Goderich 82.50; Francis Clelland, breaking merchants of Clinton will retire from Man. i gravel road, $2 ; Albert Rocs and buisness. Goderich, Ont,, March 8th.---Mat-1 John Sharp, fixing pitch holes. $1; Goo. Kramer, assistance, $L: Gillies Chesley, s• Mechanics Band has re - thew Hutchison, member of the firm ! orgnized with S. Brugrman for cots-. of Ogilvie & Hutchison, and manager; & Martin, grayel screen, $3.50. duetor of the Goderieh branch of the busi- Moved by Welwood—Johnson, , n4:ss, died to -day after a lingering ! that this Council do now adjourn to The Presbyterians of Glammis illness. Deceased was born in Ayr -meet again on the first Monday in will build a church this coining shire, Scotland, in 1827; came to this • April. CnAs. BuTRON, Clerk. summer. countrywith Iris 1 ! 1 BOARD OF HEALTH. parents in 18 3.1,1 At the first meeting of Council; in who settled near Montreal. He was' educated atle. Dr. Black's school in 1 the Town Hall, Teeswater, Jan. 20thI. Spence's Drug store in I+Drord. wi J. 0. Bell's hardware and, that city. His mother was a sister 1806, a Board of Health was appoint- were burned. of James Miller, founder of the Allan C ed as per Statute. With the requir- Stratford's assessed value is$3,9.18,- Line of Steamships. He was mar - ed number of members as follows:730. G. T. R. property is assessed ried in 1854 to Helen Ogilvie, sister . Henry MacKay for three years, for over '8500,000. of the Messrs. Ogilvie. He for years Peter Kuntz, two years and Joseph I acted as flour inspector for the port I Johnson one year from this elate 1 Andrew Wilson, Fordwicb, had a of Montreal, succeeding Mr. Youngi with the ]reeve and Clerk, Henry narrow escape from death in the in the officeand on relinquishing 1 Secretary Dr Gillies, MtedicalButton, mill on Monday last. came to Goderich in 1874. When y' Galt Public Schools are estimated ! the bigmill was completed he entered Officer. A by-law was • passed by partnrship with Messrs. Ogilvie his Municipal Council eonfirming their to cost 1°?,973 this year, Over appointment. X10,000 goes into salaries. brotheron-law s. For several years The Board of Health met accord -he was a member of the town coon-lYln. Park of Eld, precentor of ell and of the county council as one ing to notice on the 2nd of March, Salem Presbyterian church for 30 of the reeves for the town. He 1896, when it was moved by Joseph years was presented with an easy leaves a widow and five children— Johnston, seconded by Henry Mac- chair. two sons and three daughters—Dr. Kay, that the Secretary at each J. A. Ilutchison, chief medical officer meeting of the Board of Health The circular saw in W. Thompson's report on any cases of infectious mill Teeswater went to pieces in a of the pe T. Mrs. W. Hutchison, of big maple log. Fortunately they Winnipeg; Jas. Thom, of Mont- diseases of which he has got any real; Miss Hutchison and Miss Fannie notice of in the Township, and also did not fly. Hutchison, to lament the loss of the any deaths that occur and from what It is reported that James Bryan, kindest of husbands and fathers. cause—Carried, of Lucknow, has been appointed Moved by Johnston, seconded. by Licensee Inspector for S. Bruce in the adjourn to meet. agaithat thisn tat the call d. do sof w place of'$he late Angus Stewart. CULROSS. the Chairman—Carried. Rev. E. McKenzie,pastor of Geneva Mr. Alex. Gordon, teacher in No. HENRY MACKAY, Chairman. church Teeswater,has been granted a 3, is seriously indisposed with infia- nation of the ankle joint and the in- dications are that it • will be some time before he will be able to be around again. Miss Lizzie McKay, from near London, is . vistiting at Mr, A. consequence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Tue d Blood Purifier and nerve tonic. I A bold robbery was committed in FIooe's Preee be;ow' e the favorite a Fordwieh hotel by which a man ' cathartic with all who se them. x111named Watson come out $64.00 druggists. 25e. short, the money having been found +--- I in his trunk. months leave of absence to take a Blood means sound health. with pure, rich, healthy blood, the stomach and di- gestive organs will be vigorous, and there will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and Neuralgia will be unknown. Scrofula and Salt Rheum will disappear. With pure Your nerves will bo strong, and your sleep sound, sweet and refreshing. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood. That is why it cures so many diseases. That is why so many thousands take it to cure disease, retain good health, pre- vent sickness and suffering. Remember Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle. cure Liver Ills; easy to Hood's Pills txake,easy tooperate. 26e. One night last week at Clinton, Mr. J. Chapple, aged 91 years, got out of bed and fell, striking his head against the window with such force as to break out a pain and cut the top off his nose and a couple of cuts in his head.- He got hack into bed and did not alarm the other inmates of the house. When he got up in the morning he was a sorry looking est graduates eotrse at llieGill's. epcctacle, but was not seriously hurt. 'Phe Time for Dodding post Up the system is at that season. Tho GeorgSwan the Kincardine David Rudy has bought the D. L. cold weather has made unusual drains " 'Lehr farm lot 35 con. 1(i upon the vital forces. The blood has tailor, who shot himself while in East become impoverished and impure, and Toronto bas since died. His remains Zorra, for $11,320. Thisfarni—one of the best in Oxford—contains 175 all the functions of the body suffer in were brought to Kincardine on Gobel's. great builder,because it is the Uno True ' say' • .Miss Elizabeth Philips, from Kin- loss, was visiting at Mr. Geo. Cas - lick's, last week. Mr. Watt Marshall is recover- ing from a severe attack of pleurisy pncl Mr `t: McIntyre is right side up agalt1, after.' sen al eiiCoiiliter's with La Grippe. Some of the young men in this locality, have the Rainy -River fever, and are devising ways and means for going west in the spring. The country at present, is overrun • with hunters,. hounds and foxes ; reynard generally wins the race. Mr. Joe. Welwood, wife, and Mrs. J. Holmes are visiting this week. in Kinlos3 and Wawanosh. The Council met in the Town Hall, Teeswater, March 2nci, 1806, as per motion of adjournment. Members all present. Joseph Welwood, Reeve, in the chair. The minutes of last meeting of Council, were read and approved. A communication from the City Clerk, of Toronto re Muni- cipal Insurance was read, ordered to be filed. Moved by 11MacKay—Reid, that as the trees on road allowances cannot be sold by auction unless by a licensed auctioneer. That any road commissiouer being authorized by the Council to sell trees may accept tenders and give to the highest tenderer and take a note for the amount—Carried. Moved by Mackay—Johnston, that as Robert Strutton, of lot 28 in concession 6, of Culross, is desirous of putting up a fence along purchas- ed road, in front of his lot, and has nothing to guide him showing hint the boundaries of said road. The Reeve is hereby authorized to get the Township Survcyer, jointly with Me. Struthers and have the boundar- ies of said road defined, and the Reeve is also authorized to purchase any land he may think necessary so as to make the road safe for public travel—Carried. Moved by iMlacKay---Kuntz, that the Clerk at next meeting of Council, • have a by-law prepared for the appointment of Pathn'asters, Fence - viewers and Poundkeepers, as per list made oat at this meeting— Carried. Moved by Mackay—Kcid, that Joseph Johnson have the ice at the Orange Bridge cut so as to preserve the bridge in ease of a thaw-- Carried.last weer., suffering from symptons Moved. by Johnston--Welwood, The office of the Riply Express ; that Mr. Kuntz have the bridge pre- nearly went up in smoke I of thydrophobia. As a result the eoancils in all the surrounding paired on sideroad at lot 8, concession Mildmay had a Fitzsimmons- : municipalities have ordered that the 10•—Carried. Maher exhibition last week. I dogs be muzzled until further Moved by MacKay—Johnston, that notice. Vie Reeve and Deputy -Reeve inspect Wm. Blashill, Brawls will cele - Me roll before the Assessor makes a brats their silver wedding. I A Paisley coorrespondeut says return of it to the Clerk, and that fodder is not likely to reach the high the Clerk notify the Assessor to that Palmerston expects a building' price that was at one thue anticipated. effect—Carried. boon this coming summer. I Coarse grains are plentiful and Moved by Welwood.--.Iohnston, Did any one see Mrs. Cody, ot chetheplace aof dthese largely taking o i that the finance report as just read Chicago? She is worth finding. hay and straw, s be adopted -Carried a John iCantp- " . " the latter is in a fair supply, and bell and others breaking gravel road, MeCash & Jeffery dry goods can be bought, at moderato prices. WROXET'ER, Miss Annie Sanderson is very ill1 ! The Directors of the Public 3 Library Brussels give free monthly at present. membership tickets to pupils of each iliessrs, Adams and Barnard are I department in the Public School teaming lumber to Wingham. taking 1st. 2nd and 3rdp laces in the . Misses Lang and Lennox have , monthly examination. e started a dress making and millinery shop, in T. Ilemphill's block. I The Ripley Express has a farmer Mrs. B. Young, wh his been very I reader who pays for his paper in low for some time, we are pleased to , advance and devotes one paragraph say is now mending and hopes are , to telling about it. Farmers around now entertained of her complete,here all pay in advance—nearly all recovery. —well quite a few any how. • Gibson Bros. are putting in a large stock of ice, over six hundred blocks are now in their buildings Ontario West. L. Moore of the 0. T.1Z., Mildmay, I Rev. S. 13. Waliwin has been un - will occupy the pulpit of the Presby- I animously invited back to Lucknow terian church here, next Sabbath. i Methodist church for another year my„terious. It re;nnvc e nt nr!r a the r,,nse 2d.. L. Brown has moved into the and accepted. of the disease immediately ciisarpeers. The first nose greatly hencfits. 75 cents. Mrs. Petty, an old lady, fell on the warrauteecl at Chishom'sdrug store. icy walk in Simcoe the other clay acres, and brought $16,000 at a sale eleven years ago. It is just a few rods north of \Ir. ilud y's present home, and he intends to move to his new property shortly. The well- known auctioneer now owns about 300 acres o1' ?and in Past Zorra CASH SYSTEM Are now on the home stretch of the second year, with a lead, and UNNING STRON We have just finished stock -taking, and find that we have col out handsomely on top. We are now entering; upon our th year, and in a better position than ever to place goods bei you at prices that are right AND SURE TO Wii Your approval and you' cash. We have much pleasure in thai ing our customers and others who patronized us during t year, and helped us along so heartily in THE GREAT RAC Our Dress Making Department, as usual, is up to da and ahead of the times. Nothing but first-class work turn out here. All heavy goods bought here cut free of charge. CUTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. MACDONALD BLOCK. I-Ias just received a large consignment of T-1. II In every Department and has marked them to suit the Har Times. NEW DRESS GOODS ili every design. A full range of the BEST PRINT MADE. Call and inspect. 12 Cases of Ladies' and Gents' The latest styles and marked dos Three cases of the finest The Police Magistrate :'t O;' e 7 . CANADIAN AND SCOTCH TWEED Sound has convicted three per&,n� for selling meat that was not fit to 1 In every design. Call eller leave your order for your Sprin eat. The Pro inial Board cf Health I Suit. will investigate thematter immediate ; ” ly. Another letter to the Board fror�l Just arrived, one car of strictly prime the Mayor of Sc•aforth, urges that the introducea billthe present E g• ITi �, T Y SEE Government prevailed1u r ffent session of the Legislature providing H�� ?rl� c - Y� J -_ for the establishment of slaughter All kinds of Fancy Grass Seeds kept in stock. houses and tthb;Choir's in different differ sections of Ontario. Itheumn.thnm C1;r..1 •u a clay.—South --- Americall Rhenmatic Cure of Rheumatism Airavqoqt.W.l.-^ZA. and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 flays. Its action on the system is remarkable ;Ind house on Mr. T. Evans farm. Ile intends working the same farm for T. Walker. The carnival at the rink here last twice, and in each case broke one of week was a grand success and some ' her erns just above the waist. fine costumes apbeared. The boys Four of the children of Rev. Mr. race was won by H. Brown. Godwin,of1Vac�ve lkill , .are down -- -- ; with diphtheria, and two of them, Eva, and Lloyd, are critically ill. A plan named Keedy, of Middle. march, had his right hand caught in a buzz saw Wednesday morning, and Catarrh relieved 1n 10 to (30 minutes.= One short putt of the breath through the Blower, supplied w'th each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently the first finger was badly injured. cures Oatarrh, Hay Fever, (.Colds, Head - ,Frank rank J. Brown, of Simcoe, has ache, Sore Throat, i onsilitis nod Deaf- ness. CO cents. At Chisholm's Drug offered his creditsrs 25 cents on the Store. dollar, and they will meet on Wed- nesday next to decide what they will Snap Shots. do. Wiarton has a Young Liberal's I. Mr. W. Rubidge, high court clerk, Club. I of Brantford, has been informed of the death of his brother, John Rub - Walkerton Hign School has 170 ; idge, in Peterboro. He was 81 pupils. years old. Wm. Taylor, Morris, sold a horse S. 13 Mories, of Wingham, was in for 8130 in Brussels I Brussels 011 Thursdny, attending the I funeral of his brother-in-law the late The 'Monthly fairs at I3russelsare i B. Frrlick. Mr, Mories is over 80 largly attended. 1 yetu•s of age. The Ripley Express will get out an 1 Col., Fred. ' W. Benwell, whose illustrated edition. !son was murdered by Rex. Birchall Blyth woollen mills have begun nearWoodstock six years ago,is dead. Ile was an officer of the one operations for the season. !Hundredth Regiment. Mrs R. 13. Laidlaw, of Morris died A child in Arkona, was bitten by on Wednesday, Mar. •4. a do„ about a month ago, and died Lump jaw among Wattle appears to be becoming mors: prevalent every week in the northern and - western counties of the province. Dr. Bryce of the Provincial 'Medical Health Department received a long connnunication from Owen Sound in which it is stated that the butchers there are being offered more cattle affected with lump ,jaw than pare animals. The farmers keep the cattle that are not diseased and dis- pose of the others. At Chesley, the ame letter states, three people recently contracted cancer; ono has since died and the other two cannot possibly recover. It is generally believed in the neighborhood that the cancerous diease was contracted through eating diseased pleat which was sold to the landlord of the victim by a farmer. scietac Science is " knowing how." The only secret about Scott's Emulsion is years ot science. When macre in large quantities and by im- proving methods, an emul- sion must be more perfect than when made in the old- time way with mortar and pestle a few ounces at a time. This is why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil never separates, keeps sweet for years, and -why every spoonful is equal to every other spoonful. An. even product throughout. In other emul.toM you fro liable to get an uneven beneflt--either an over or under doge, Get Scott's. denulno has a sabnon•colored 'trapper. M!..ou Re mare riteL Stationery? We are in a position to turn BILL HEADS, LETTER! HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, Etc At a lower price than ever before, ENVELOPES ELOPES . We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we can print and supply then as cheap as the cheapest. MOP SALE BILLS._ Printed on the shortest notice and the prize in keeping with the times. Give us a call when you are in need of anything In the Printing line and we will use you right. THE 'I'IMES, Wingbain. SUBSCRIBE FOR TUE,„ V V INGA J..M1 TIMES.