HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-02-28, Page 3•
. !Aa lryGY Ci 'J7 r
sea,sitoOThlt Itx,T1IN WRatt»Asr AnaxCl/,
•fr'.,t1•rlitta;td,,aiaar,alt4 .1 afire 1.014
1%e .,::ill ,h,• ut+ngtion, of the mothers sod craters
to tine )thst • he at,ci !I'•1,intenteets •tiro tt irdtr.fonday Utero lettontla
a4 berth, otiluelt <Itarp, for one hone, at Slre idohu's
residence, l#,atr•tok btreot. All ladies are endo ;1o! -
As tno)rklttor has,kindly irivos its putt est rtis
sptttat,doroaravork, wu ask friends of the caaseto
sena itattts Of interest on all moral questions • if the
day tu.uuyof•otu+auuntber..
'tPwnon,lon •army oafternoon and ali lat,�
And :afternoon and night ;—forenooan
.and - what?
TA's sleety -soot} repeats itself. No more?
Yes,, that 'is •life : smite this forersoea
This :iifiternoon a psalm, this fright ,a
Ansi tinle,iaconquered, and thy crown is
Ilt!f;ileminate wise lesson who learns
that :a +willingness to lose with the'.
right ,isltho only sure way to pernittn- i
cnt groin,
?N1tIGtt.A,ND IN it895, AND
•EP7rt +,CTIONs T. .EBZ QN.
i'i11'd•?12 Mill MR, RIC II 1?Rip a(.'IC.t+()N,
FORE TTIL•' 1)UlltIil'() l Slltin'I'1iQXi3i
IhXi '1 illili i' ,a8SOLUNl()?r':i AN-
NLIAL .airsr•.1'EN-0 SN TORONTO,
TIM Shorthorn lntel'eilt ort England
is seldom allowed to lag, for Sts soon
Os the Christtnas fat sto k shows are
over the spring ii.ul.l seesaw -annexe,
At Pe/settle Feb..38th, il) were sold
at an average ()Lf $126 each. Birm-
iligllam followed, Marcia •Gth to 8th,
There were ala..a ,entries, including
Bows .and heifers., and 441 passed
through the .auctioneer's ring; 205
bulls were solei at an average of
$1ti3 each, not ineluding the prize
stoney; with that, W. Atkinson
averaged $1,010 ; Earl Stanhope,
$360; J: Deane Willis, $3403 J, W,
$300; etc. It may sena gnat-
ter• of dnteitest to some to know the t
system upon which these sales
"`raga htave the dicta of some of the conducted. `There is a class
;e, months, ane
THE WIN {a' . t ' TIMES, FEB WTA RY 28, 1896.
Price hits not stood In the way
prnviding ttie animal. was guild
enough. The numbers exported
have been enormous.
I take much pleasure in stating
that I have been using South dmeri.
scan Kidney Cure, and found re-
lief in six hours after the first dose
was taken. I became sick in Janis.
• ary, 1898, when I employed several•
Of the local physicians, and was
treated by them until the fall of 1893
, without receiving much benefit, I
', then began using South American
!Kidney Cure, and have found great
benefit, and am almost, if not quite,
eared: Have not been taking any
! of the anediciae for six weeks, and
feel as well as ever.
Alas. A. E. Youxo, Baraston 1', O
tunity to dig out the less profita
without consulting fruit dealers, ry
are very likely to advise grafting
suck sort that is a short crop thto
' In a year when one of these vara,
etios is scarce, that one will gencr-
ally sell for n.ore than the other, and
when one be:Irs well, and the other
not, the owner is glad he lias the
one that bears the crop.
I. The owner of the orchard planted
as above has taken out all the North-
ern Spies and Tompkins County
1. Kings from the Baldwins, and where
I the intermediate tree was Greening
he leaves about three-fourths of the
orchard to Baldwin and one-fourth to
ale i Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug
fol, I Store, Wingham.
ablest Judges bulls exceeding 0 then
it „es in Canada that the exceeding 21 months not exceed- '
power to ptoltihit lies solely with the, ing ;30, do. 10 do. ?1, do, 15 do. ?l, ORC73$RDS.
Pa:1iialsnant •of Canada." --T. 13,'cio. 72 do. 1,� do, 3 pie. 1a W't
I"`lir t > <
irizes are given in the three first I led,<;e of many who are actively en -
The Snow apple is a very rife
Cantata apple (Fatneuse), but doe
not succeed so well in the States; i
very mach inclined toseab. rl'otnp
kins County King is a large showy
apple, of good quality, quite liable to
be "rvater core," wormy, and to
blow efl', and the tree does not seem
to be as rlardy and durable as some
others. The Spitzenburg is a super,
for apple, though the tree does not
do as well as forme:'ly, and cannot
be grown at a profit,
Roxbury Russet is simply a good
ceeper, and forty or fifty years ago
was a luxury about t•he 4th of July,
when strawbet'ries trete not found in
ur markets and seldom in our gar -
ens, Since our markets are well
applied with berries, no one cares
or apples at that season.
ee, i4I, Y.. J . Z twee 1 hl.n the recollection and know
'� * k asses and six in the three latter. gaged in business pursuits, people
Ne WOR01`icon help holding one of I The first prizes run from $100 to j who desired to plant orchards had a
the leas. ;fallowing relationships to ;1250. The is an upset price in very limited idea of what quality or d
the saloons 'in'hie communit}r that of each class ranging from $100 to varieties of apples it would be best
lgnor. nee, Apathy, complicity or
protest. His neighbors eolild tell
him wileieilaof!the four he holds, with
but with little hesitation. • "Oh, wad
some power 'the.giftie gee us, to see alit farmers for steer getting. We
oursels as;i!tilaers see us."—F. E. Wit -I may ask, can these tenants afford to
lard..* I pay such prices for that purpose?
The reply is, he cannot afford to use
"Theile is the old ,constitutional I a poor bull because he can be bought
method, time /old British method, that/at a low prise. The; know ral`
, if o
we emples to settle every questionsteer breeders have not found it out ping a g fruit with a view of ship.
that conies lap, Ghat is by an eleetet:u yet, that the only saltnation for thele ping apples to market, as is now so
every four or dime years, when theIs to breed nothing but the best. common and in such vast quantities.
people are Balled upon to pronounce The world at large, the American It was a common custom forty or
their judgment. There is force, and Australasian- continents will It
years ago for a marc wanting to
certainly, in 'the remark of the f supply the cheap meats for the "til- plaint an orchard to give his order
honorable gc ratleman, that if to-daiy 1 lions. But to compete with these at for twenty-five, fifty or one hundred
public opinion was seriously in favor p trees, more or less, with instructions
only to give him a good assortment
for family use, Such orders were
only desirable for the nurseryman.
lib could fill them to the letter, and
would never be complained of for
the trees not being true to naives
given, for they are nameless, no
labels being required. •
This manner of purchasing trees
for the early orchards of the country
very clearly accounts for the great
variety of apples in most of them.
People had not Iearned at that time
what the needs of the present day
would require.
willing to bravo adverse comment make no difference. We have got As a result of such planting and
and even abuse, for the comment,' to do away with this idea that it is the experience of succeeding years,
good off matter of prejudice on the part of many of the old orchards Ileac been
others, is not so eolnnlon that it
top -grafted to the popular varieties
of later years, thus greatly increas-
ing their value.
While it is not prudent to plant
many varieties in an orchard, it is
not always possible to tell in advance
that any one variety or any parti-
cular soil will prove more profitable
than any other; and it aswoll-known
that of. two or three most popular
sorts, say Baldwin and it. I. Green -
$2o0, so Haat an exhibitor Tis not
obliged to sacrifice his stock.
But you ask, wile baysthese bull;?
Ninety per eent. are bought by ten•
to plant. Some thought it would be
most profitable to plant largely of
sweet apples for the purpose of feed-
ing to swine and sheep that would
be pastured in the orchard and con-
sume 1 G
the'fruit as it matured and
fell to the ground. Others anticipat-
ed most profit from an orchard by ill
having the fruit made into cider; T
and comparatively few contemplated hi
It will probably' be safe for Afr. '
AIcretriclgc to let his Pahl wins and
reenings to remain such, and per-
the Kings; but such 'other sorts
s do not give satisfaction we should
ink well to graft to Baldwin.l
here are new kinds offered and
ghly recommended every year,
id some of them prubailily have i
ocl qualities, but the apple has t'otl
be shown that. has so many desir-
le qualities as this. The tree is a
od grower, fortes at nice top, and
e apple has a desirable color, and
tidies remarkably Well. --Countr y-
of Prohibition, it is probable that the
voice of the people would make itself
felt to that effect by sending to
Parliament a majority of members
ready to vote fbr it."--Ilon, Mr.
yr •* *
Ex -Alderman Morris, of' Hamilton,
has received the following letter from
the officers of the Ontario W, C. T.
U, in accinowledgelp eat of• his •ser-
vices in exposing the systematic
- violatiot, of law in the matter of the
sale of cigarettes :
"Dear Sir, ---The spirit that is
all, it behooves them, the tenants, to
put a superior article upon the mar.
ket, to do which they recognize the
value of good bulls. Our platform
speakers may tell -you, with a wise
wag of the head, that there is no
choice between Scotch and Cana-
dian. I tell you there is. English-
men care little whence an artielc
comes, providiug it pleases their
If Patagonia produced better beef
than could be found in England,
they would import it; and even if it
came from Timbnctoo that would
should be passed without notlec. As
women, engaged in the thankless
task of directing public attention to
the evils that threaten our social
life, gild peculiarly the childhood of
this land, we feel that we owe you
a debt of gratitncle for your timely
the Englishman. When we take
the same methods to produce the
rcaialts that he does, then we may
ery, Prejudice! but don't let us hug
ourselves with the delusion that with
our rough shod system and cheap
hulls, that we are on the right road
assIstunee. That you have really toattproduce superior steers. Good
succeeded in accomplishing some.,
ils halve been going ,begging for
thing is plainly evidenced by the'' the last two or three years herewith
venom with which you. have I the result that the breeding
been „Industry
attacked. I has been paralyzed. 'I1he Govern.
In one other city another brave' meat propose org enizing what is cal -
man set himself a similar task toled a "dead meat" trade, Where
y ottr own, and succeeded, just as you I are our steers to e0lne from that will
have, done, in proving that theorttinnously do us credit? The
cigarette law was a dead letter. We first step will be by using better
can but hope that these .exposures I bulls. How can the Canadian farm -
will arouse the conscience of our er expect'to raise steers, got by bulls
people, and engender a sentiment so, for' which lie grudges x;50 or $G0, to
strong that further and more drastic i compete with the English farmer who
legal measures will be the result. does not hesitate to pay four or five
times that much. Don't let our peo-
ple try to economise at that end of
the steer; and when your calf arrives
don't economise in the manger, but
feed from start to finish, and plenty
Very sincerely yours, I of money can be made even in these
(Signed) Mar R. Txonsanv, times. As an illustration, a neighbor
President, the other day sold a steer fourteen
i months old, weighing 1,100 pounds,
A Parody Suffe rs for Want of a I at five cents, realizing the nice sum
lt4other's Care. of $5l"), but as Strafford used to say,
Mr. Neil Morrison, St. John, N. 13.l
�eclle,was well got and well deeend
"My daughter, Mrs. Gregory, has , The next feature to which I would
had rbuematism so bad for the past draw your attention is the attitude I
year that she was unable to help her of South American buyers in the
children, lilt
n craft, attend cid to her
household ,us to
We believe the da,y will come when
any man who profits by the degener-
acy of child life will be looked upon
as an inhuman monster. On behalf
of the Ontario sub -executive.
Flet' i!Y
Ai1r9e j n lyse
What is
Castoria, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, ll,iorphiue noir
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Caster Oil.
It is PIeasant. Its guarantees is thirty years' sed h�•
=ions ofl Jothers. Castoria destroys Wornhls and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures IDiarrhaea and 'mind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency'.
Castoria assimilates $ho food, regulates the stoznsch,
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cassa
toric is' the Children's Panacea—the Mother'4'yriewi •
C�istorls fs an execltent medicine for chil-
dren. Mothers bare repeatedly told me of its
goad effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. Ocoee",
Lowen!, Maas.
" Materials the beat remedy for eitildres e
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is rot
far distant when mothers will consider thereat
interest of their children, and use Caatoria in-
stead of the various quack nostrums which aro
destroying thetr loved ones, byrereingoplum,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents dozen their throats, thereby sanding
them to premature graves."
'Oa, 3. P. xr.:cantoa,
Conway, Ark.
<"CIeatoriaissowell adapted so d,, that
I recorrtmoad it assupetiortotsnyprescription
known to me,""
H. A. Ammon, I L D.,
111 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, 11.7.
" Our physicians in the children's depart -
meat have spoken highly" of their expori-
caoo in their outside practice with Castor1e,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is know, as molar
products, yet we aro free to confess that tbe,
merits of Castor/a bas won us to loon with
favor arms it,"
Y SITZ. Dooms:. .t.XD Dtepr:,$•,,{y�,r,
Bet es, :ss.
Atr C. Satre, ?ren.,
'.I' Conte Company, 77 ikrttr: Ne,
l'f u$ro®tt w o s 4nlsr ,
_ ��^;V°L:f;:Y;�s^ +�`*g'.'-^at..T :'.e`�:t•s+�-t+c ,.-..,.,+rein,^ .. .
No one tau read the daily papers
without being seriously impressed
with the fact that a large number of
people in the present age have with-
in their system the evidence of apo
lexy. This is seen and often felt
a trembling and uncertainty of t
limbs, and frequently in an unple
ant dizziness and Iightness of t
head. He is a very unwise In
who, knowing. these symptoms t
exist, does not take measures to hay
them removed, We know of n
remedy that has been so remarks
ly successful in this particular a
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart
Primarily it is a Heart cure, bat i
is equally effective in what Is
some extent a parallel disease, apo
lectic symptoms. In a season whe
unusual heat nrevailsand exciteme
al � �'�t't1"la�,!("u•�.^kt, i��Y^""xltd �y.^��,,'t>�°A�;.'�.^-'�q�i�r*.s<,. `IJ'�•�°.�..t•�
Put --
� "4 •'}•-
But it IN dello so quickly, and at til(.., same
time so neatly, that all ire pleased with it.
Bring along your Job Work to : iio TIMES'
Office and see them do it. Prices right,
0 Csme:, for Parti3a.
These should :11 Wo ht, arra" ged
b_ long bef,t:'(, rile :'t,it�:t•;
art ive.
$ When you have invited 1 'tem& you
should nlaake sere of' plea$ing then. i
t Some of the old games are stili the
to hest. I).) yon know rumor? It is
R. played 111 Mils tiny. Let the com-
e pally 1s, Sa:lta't1 in ,a.'ern i^ei'•el, , A. !
et person at the end li liispers into the i
_ ear of the onr sitting on his lett a
short story, which is s 't down ill
n• '
t1Gii ,
I f r Moire •o •
it ut .
, second n•Iii;:Imrs to the thtild, the
third to the fourth and so all to the
last, ivh., 7elaties it net held, after
which tho original 1; read, to the
great aamlise810111 or tile',' .fl1IpalEly,
for the ii:•a to vcrrsioii )rregcmrally ;
very diflereut,
often runs high, we are doing•akind
ing, it frequently happens that in , ness to men and women by letting
any year one will bear a more full them know of this r i-
or general crop than the other; so cine. remarkable ornei
that it' Sold at Chfsholtn's Gornel
would seem to I
)e safer
not torr
depend on any one sort; and it is now
generally agreed that Baldwin and ! M —
Karl's Clover Root, the area BIond
(areenings are the two most saleable purifier gives freshness and clearness to
varieties for profit in western New l the Complexion and cures Constipation,
York, 25 tits., 50 its., a31. Sold at Chisholtn's
A man of sueh practical experi-
ence in that section who has planted
orchards extensively for more than
Cultivating the Palm i>Ydoors.
forty years, with a view of p•ovid-' Eben E. Rexford in a practical
ing for what time and experience article in February Ladies' Home
would teach, adopted this plan, so Journal, explains in detail how the
that be would get the benefit ot'the palm can be successfully cultivated
lesson, I, planting a large orchard, in the house. In summarizing the
he planted first Baldwins 40 feet essential points to be observed he
apart each way, and in the centre of say's: "The hot dry air of the liv-
the four Baldwin trees thus set, he ing room lacks that vital principle
planted a R. L Greening, which which the air of the green -house had
gave about 50 trees to the acre, half in it, and encourages the develop- !'
of each variety 40 feet apart tnent of insect enemies which rapid -1
without reference to the others, ly sap the impoverished life -blood of
This arrangement provides that after the palm. It will be understand 1
fifteen or twenty years, when the from this that it is necessary to mod-
owner had learned by actual test ify the conditions characteristic of
English market, ---not • only to the ground, he could tale out either one The air must be moistened by the i
quantities they have taken, but to � leaving the other forty f t evaporation f b
which r 1 sortliving-
room most profitable on the the living room as Inuch as possible.
duties. Everything imaginable was
tried, but to no purpose. I was at ,. by forty ec ,o water about the plant
last recommended to get South Am- the quality of their purchase also. which on good soil is a proper lis- or by the application of it to its
erfean Kidney Cute. One bottle o of ing has been too good for them tante. foliage. Fresh air roust be admitted
cured my daughter within four days, 1 prices es too high For fnstance,the The salve man planted to take the
p d another , place of that whose vital -
and I take much pleasure in giving purellaaser• of Sir Lionel Studley, a orchard on the same plan, only usin t fry has been burned out of it bytoo;
this recommendation.” Sold at booth bull, for $.8,500; and whenever the Baldwin first and the Northern intense heat. The plant must tw
Chisholm', Corner D a * yt they could see or hear an extra fine Spv for the center third a
V.lueblo treatUo .nd te(tin rot tStnllnine sunt tree to asy 1'
a`urrer.r. <tivrt F.xptes..nd tort tldice .d,lrc.i. f
If yon have friend, Who are good
fat rhyming,'•, the game 01' poetry is 1
excellent, here is at r.''•'Itititte im-
promptu rhyme cormto-'.1 1!ti a 110y
only 1)10(3 years nkl, ri I,,t eels phis,-
ing the game with 71 large company.
The words given to him were Russia
Prussia and armchair; after the time I
limit, five minutes, was tip, 00 read
First 1't! go to f:us,irt•
inti 1,11'71 an :,r.m•h•,ir;
'1'h.'n I'd go to Pen.,,h,1.
And do similarly ttt•r,.
The sante gams, may h0 played by
patting three W''7 ds into at sentanhee,
without reuniting rhymes..
�.... _
c ;, ,oro, � tree, anda t lr place near the window where - b
4'Vfnghatlr. animal, the agents of the breeders in orchard with Baldwins and Tompkin direct light can exert its beneficial a
Buenos Ayres or the Argentine were County King for center The trees effeet on the soil Care must b
1[C„ i.50 \t�ect rtdetnide �trrrt.'rr ,nM..unt, ._
Caveats ane Trada.i"?aria obtain -„d all Intent
business conducted for RIDDRfl;?r, ams. My
mace is in the imnterli ,te: vicinityofthc Patent Office,}
and n. j £,pilules tors<•e,r id, pntcnts are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, with
description and stateMentas t...;•.'. •mage,clnirned,
•L"'.�'.t,o (harp:J:1. fa..•1., j.,,, <,;, ,4)i8aart res.Eo.
prrter<rral,ititt; and !m, ,r fur prosecuting tho
armiication gents e1 L; x.al:-.7 ars until MO
potent do olloured. -aininr t:,l inforn,rt! Gianni," con.
ca O" ,, n, Ail Qtsmmuar.
't 1 , .,a'tl;ticn4XAI,025 rases; 14T. ts. SCL.
%S0 Fol?•^A CASZ•
Sold by b uggi Laxative oo yRMal rt5c�., 60ee.,
and 51.00 per package, Samples free.
KO0 Tho Favorite TOOTH PDWDEfI
�L for th9 Teeth and Exoath, 260,
Sold at Chivnolnt'.s Corner Drug Store.
PorSuits that snit,
give comfort to the
your fweareriends,youand thaad
OVERCOATS , ,.cotter try r. . Our
garment naakere,
TROUSERS. knowhowtodetheir'
avork; don't think
there a V
are any .better
and yet, we charge no more than others
lo for interior nark. hundreds of new
all and winter samples to choose from,
rraEwiTsut prices about half what you have to
ay for old goods. Workdonefor parties
urnishing their own cloth,
The body must be well nourished now
to prevent sioknoss, if your appetite is 1 sh, -coltish or Irish, that could be and will have borne fruit many keep the soil Moist. Good dr.'Llnage
after him. The very best of Eng- planted thus will become quite large, taken to give only enough Water to
peer take .hood's Sarsaparilla. bought have been expatriated.
e +
years, so that the owner has opporr must be provided also,"
abet Cough Syrup, wastes hood. Dee
its time, fiord b drug • tate.
If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot
e properly made for a1 Spot Cash, call
nd see our work. Our terms are cash.
W -{ BSTEI St CO.,
Opposite the Maedonld Block,
Whh"rham, Ont.