HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-02-28, Page 1"VOL. XXV.---NO. 1257. 0 1 WTI\ U•IIAM, ONTARI , FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1896. s 7 A YEAR . r ADVA rn 0 Marriage Licenses Issued by FRA1V1c PATERSON. Wo 23, Vic- toria rtreet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. ✓i . '(Tfi'E Once more at IL Invigorated by a couple of weeks rest. Gladdened by the sight of many new foods, Down to hard work for another year. Perhaps you thought of a course but could not got here on the opening day. Remember we are open for the resell• tion of students the year round. Come when. you can, New students will be entering every week. In the meantime write ns for free catalogue, It is no trouble to us to gi,oinforntation. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD', ONT. SHAW & ELLIOTT, P. McINTOSH, Proprietors Principal. LOCAL NEWS. son r same. -Council meet in Monday night. —There will b a grand carnival to- night (Friday), at a rink. —Mr. Geo. Crui cshank shipped another load,of hogs on Th rsday. Black worsted suits from 1615 up, at Gso. H. Iiwn's, City Tailor. —Mr. Mo. Moeser assistant in Gordan & Co's. drug store is ff duty with grip. Overcoats from $12 to $25 ; canna be beaten in the Dominion, at Gi,o. H. Innes, City Tailor. —We are please to notice Mr. Colin Campbell, is around again after a week's illness. —On Friday las Scott street, receive from which he is not —Plans and specs fine brick residence s Turnberry, is €;oing oto build in the sum- mer. ;:' ` —Woos Fon Sie—We have a quantity of green hardwood, (beech and maple) for sale at the lowest price - Magus & Sox, Wingham. —Mr. Jos. Bullar has moved intq Mr. Friendship's house in Ward 2, and Mr. Thos. Manuel will move into the house vacated by Mr. Bull rd.Z —Mr. Lye, of Lye & Son,Toronto, tuned the pipe organ in St. auls church on Tues- day and in tho eve ng Mr. Manley Mor- den gave an organ i cital to an appreci- ative audience. —G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.23 a. m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. & B.; 6.35 a. m. and 8.25 p. in., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains. Mr. Alex. Fergie, a paralytic stroke ikely to recovers" cations are out for a hich Mr. Sutton, of —On Sunday las, interesting address day School ou the day a collection w school in aid of the A meeting of iii. al Society will be chamber, Wingba 29th at 2 o'clock a matter will come —A. good genera s• vent girl wanted, —Chief Vannorm in has pro eft the apply at the Emilia Hotel. residence ea Minnie street, owed by Jos, Kincaid, ---Auction sale o hou -s •ld furniture on the Market square on turday next at 2 • o'clock. —Dr. Wilson, V., „ read an interesting --If the tveath r tightens up our local paper before the Hun Veterinary Medical curlers will go over to Wroxeter on Fri day Association held at Linton. to do them up. —A number of attendance at the sk evening. mine people were in ting rink on Tnesd.ay —For first-class tailoring and cbeap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Williams' Little Dandelion Pills Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery stoic. — This year the pototo celebrates the 300th anniversary o its introduction into England. In 1590 it Walter Raleigh first brought potatoes oto • America to Eng- land, and for some imo they wore a lux- ury of the rich alon costing two shillings being compelled to per pound. Thursday morning. — Parties who require printing of any Heathfleld's Healing Balsam is a kind, should not forget that the Times sure cure for the worst cold. At office is the place to have it done right and Williams' Drug Store. at prices consistent with good work and —The Young Libe els met in their hall last Monday night d run through con- -The Educational ournal of Toronto, sidorable business. The next regular says: "Owing to th shortness of time , meeting will be Me ay evening, March 9, since the new regulati ns were adopted, we : when a good attend en is again request - understand that there vill be no examin- ; ed. Mum this year for th commercial diploma (form II.). The exat ination in form I. A Prominent Lawyer says: takes the place of the former commercial "I have eight children, every one in good examination." , health, not one of whops but has taken C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. Scott's Emulsion, in which my wife has Satisfaction guaranteed. boundless confidence.' —Chatham Planet: tad in Dresden i P. B. Ex inations. on Friday, Feby. 21, T B. Anderson, aged The promotion xaminations in the 37 years and 17 days. 'len of the stamp Public Schools of he County of Huron of the late Mr. Ande son are too few in will bo held on the 2( th and 27th of March, this world to make his loss anything less and teachers are he by requested to send than a public calatnit He possessed a to the undersigned f r the requisite number true and undefiled hear he never deserted of examination pape s for the respective a friend; he was ever villing to lend a schools• helping hand to the pool nd distressed; be was honest and upright. , C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. —On Friday Feb. Satisfaction guaranteed. mond died in her' ° —If we are to jn• ;e from the report relict of the late sent to the Fres Pre.., the meeting in has lived here for 1� Meyer's Hall on Frill y night in the Con- time she had bee servative interest w. s a hugs success. ; was confined to Wo are at a loss to k ow in what way it is only. She leaves a regarded as a sucees•. The speakers from Manitoba and ttto 1 London were presen it is true but wo are ! who formerly ca informed from a rsable source that the business here an speeches were so pr sy that good Conserv• same business in, salves left in disg st-sbefore the meeting was over. It tout scarcely have been a success' from a mis onary standpoint as the died-in-the-ivo• Grit sinners were not invited to be prase t and those whohad the temerity to , ,pear, were, wo under- stand, requested t, retire. Dr. Towler gave an at the Methodist Sun- rmenians. Next Sun - I1 bo taken up by the yrnienian sufferers. Turnberry Agricultur- held in the Council i, on Saturday Feby. which an itnportaut for consideration. euro headache. Try them. ision Court as held iu the Coen- ciiThamber on Th rsday. ;Judge Doyle being in charge. T e docket was light and was got through ear in the day. —Mr. R. McI 's favorite hound, "Speed" has gon le way of all flesh; pass in its checks fair profits. —.We notice that Mr. Alex. Ross is mak- a slaughter in his Novels, 25 cent books selling for 10 and 15 cents. ices will be conducted church on Sunday oratory services will ay at 2 o'clook, by Rev. —Sacramental se: in the Presbyteria morning. The pre be preached on Fri McLeod of Ripley. —The members connection with th were entertained a evening. Music an in and a very enjoy fthe Y. P. S. C. E. in Presbyterian church the manse on Tuesday games were indulged able time was spent. —If you are in iieod of a hand sleigh you should call at Ross' Book Store and see his splendid lines selling at a great reduction. —Did you ever could help the e week would bring what a newsy p Reader try it. ---Rev. John Scot church, and forret' been appointed prig and will cuter up present conference; Two more Bale Factory Cotton wl a yard. will be here not get any t more quick if you want quality cotton at 6e --The team atta station, without a and started dow furious rate. For ped before they b think how muco you tor? If 100 persons a send us one item each her wo ooald snake. , of Berlin 1lfethodiet rly of Wingham, has iipal of Tokio College, n his duties after the bar. Trade at Mr. M. Gordon's moves along with wonder al regularity; the reason is that they sell rod goods cheaper than othera, and alwa s aim at doing exactly what they adve ise. This indication of growing confide ce is, we may he assured, highly appreeia d by this popular house. f that extraordinary oh we are selling at 50 this week bat we can. at tbe price. Come a piece of this high ). M. Gonnoi . bed to the left the hue RoBB, 1. P. S. Clinton, Ont. 21, Mrs, Jane Dretn- 59th year. She was hos. Drummond, and ,any years. For some in failing health, but ier bed for two weeks daughter who lives in �ons, Thos. and John, ied on a butchering re now engaged in the alkertoneel" Get a free sample of Williams' Little Dandelion Pills and be convinced. There is nothing like them. i Dassath of a Forma V On Friday, Fe illness of some week at his home in Dreg a son of Mr. W. S. and had learned his Mr. A. Dawson o wards went to Drea branch gents Turn Smith Bros, and o Anderson parches since carried on furnishing busine —Out of 520 co victs in Kingston Peni- tentiary there is of w printer. Tho only department of th press represented in the institution is the undry, one stereotyper being incarcerate There are 173 labor- ers among the onvicts. These figures illustrate in a stri ing way the influence of education r• acing criminality— Even our aldermen might be better nen had they been train.. in printing offices.- -'The Cheese nd Bntter-Makers' Con- • Ee vention will bo held at the Dairy School , Guelph, on Frid y March Gtb, under the: Ladies Ta- _ "Notice" auspices of the ' rovin.cial Dairy School,1 And separate the etters N-O-T-I.O-E, tbe Ontario Cress eries' Association, and' transposing them so s to make as many the Dairymen's ssociation of Western small words as poss,.le. It is said that Ontario. An inter° ting program has been twenty-five words cabe made; for ex- provided for both th afternoon and oven- ample, note, tone, one got, it, on, etc. If ing sessions and no d ubt those who attend you aro bright enough • make fifteen or will find the tirno p •fitably spent. This ; more you can be sure of receiving an ele- convention will be a .ecially beneficial to , gent reward. The La. les' Every Satur- butter and cheese- fakers, who should day will pay 1110.00 in gold the the person leave no stone unt ned in fitting them- i able to make the bes list of words from selves to make the est article in the letters contained in 1 otioe, $9 for the m arket. The addre:.es will be given by • second best, ab for th • thfid best, V for practical men and n. •', before the season ; the fourth best, a ladi 's nickel watch with opens is the time o get all the inforna- ' fine American move ent;lad well worth tion possible. Speal railway .rates have $5 foe each of the ne t bet lits, and one' been arranged and may be obtained by ' hundred valuable re and inoril'f±t of merit applying to the lo• 1 station agent. for the next best on huhdrediata, should that number be re ei _ d, 'iicii person Or more is b. As the iiThout any con- tra t attention 'Of it page weekly it is its: scary foyou Ian tltioo-coat etalups on, four numbers, ecu - and letters from those y received valuable letter enclosing trial ived promptly, you will ion to iii! of the above bice flower seeds, tett beautiful varieties, also. b'-, engravings entitled its companion "The of csollars are being es this poplar weekly. .sed in every case oil Write today and ad ry Saturday, "C," 91(1+ did%ng, In the riti detplritt, Pa. Livingstone wa river,Saturday evening Josephine street at a mately they were stop• done much tiatnage. tsieen ea' Wingham. uary 21. After an i'. 13. Anderson died n Ontario. He was derson of Tnrnterry, trade as tailor with this place. He after - en to take charge of a shing store owned by failure of this firm Mr. i their stock and has. a tailoring and gents for himself. lifielctut wi .•egreatly mi .ed in the P•byterian• chum •, emg a elder d au ardent worker ind•,. • `ination. kir. Ander son was t'" fp llEi kind and generous disp on and the•oor o ie tmrutrfbge flierhaceelosG 'I ""Eifelez $e was in his 86th ye(t'r an leaves a wife and two children. to, mourn . s loss. V, —ibis a matter 0 of otee townspeople privileges afford'd- Mechanics' Inst tains books that ed and on the tat magazines. No unto his family t h sible for them afforded by thisii parents wholly nes solves in the where during the evenings go where they choo anyone they wish, and perplexed if th or grows up' indole had a bey growi would be over-exa haunts and his ass think it would be i request him to sp of the week at bo that it is necessary have popular outdo as. neceseary at t proper mental exerc school, in order tha own in the world en 1 be a credit to them- selves and their cou, try. surprise, that so few ke advantage of the by the library at the to e. The library con- ey been carefully select• e: are the best and latest. p ent is doing his duty does not make it hos- tenjoy the privileges stitution. Too many et to interest them - outs of their children They allow them to and to assodiate with nd then are surprised W ITECHURCIL • son gets into trouble t or debauched. If I s , Ails J. St lker visited Wing tam, ,; g up, I don't nI n da ins if I knew thiall k itisI o IvliSsSaturS: 1Cy w, who has beep 4 ifs" elates, and I do not able to be a .und agtiin. ,1-::'. holly out of place to Mrs. E. • lillips, of this pli'ice ' d two or three nights visiting frien. s at Auburn. e reading, Wo know Mr. Found hipped a • car.load of r oar boys and girls to wood from th s place, last week. sports, but it is just The school attendance was sinall_ is age that they have last; Week Owl to bad roads and -e after they have left stormy weathe they may hold their Mr. and M •s. Ohas. Taylor, of Fordyce, were isiting at Rev. Mir,._ Burton's one e. • last week, A number •• our youngg•people enjoyed themse ves at a gathering near Wingham. •ne eve, last weeks,; One would thi 1k that the people :- of this place, were . exempt fr. oro _r. "de„ tax" seeing he number of dogs that .are around. Our popular ha ness maker, Mr. T. Kew, who <ilvt tys turns out •l. first class article 1- very busy at presen G. Mr. P. Troy is on he sick list this week. The horning trips to school with the children ci• not seem to agree with him. We hope to hear ;tion of his complete r ioncry'.. Miss Anderson, siste of Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Godcrieh, who Nits beoo visiting at 11Ir.. 11. D Henderson's left on Saturday f. r Tiverton, accompanied by her friend, Miss Williams' Li tie Dandelion Pills euro headache. Try them. sending a list of lift guaranteed a beaut —The Ganadia Official Post Office above rewards are Guide for Januar contains the following sideration, simply instructions wit! regard to addresses of this most ebarrnin letters intended f r any part of the United for ladies and girl - States: "Postm tors will do well to im- to send eight Cana press upon the pt lie that the address of a for trial subscript letter intended 1 r the United States is not tainingparticular• complete unless he words"United States," wlro have sire or at least th initial letters "CI. S."- rewards. I1 you carefully writte so as not to be mistaken subscription is rec for N. 5.—foci part thereof. A great reeeive fres in add many post oft es in the United States a collection of bear names et itch also belong to post different rare and offices in Can a, and a simple indi- l two beautiful colo cation by an ab aviation such as Me., 0., I ,, Doctor" Y The and Pa , etc., of the tate in which the place is I Rribe.,, Monsen nomention of tc may ' there is t situated, • Y,expended to introd the county soffi to prevent letters being Satisfa°tion ]{ttarat sent to a Caned n office of the sante name!money money refunded, as the one in th United States for which dress, Ladies' 11 the letter is tate dod." 'Walnut street, X'li ven 0 af, sixt Q coupling pin from bo the whole train wa He had to move alo pin, when he sudde snow in the cattle-gu. the fatal car following The body was badly Although the ecoid the eve ing it was no rooming th arrived here in char companions. by,iktilaintaiaasear 1®exR+ n ,i before it; Deceased -•was ai years of ager g0 if mother, Iibr• and ljI Francis street, wh moved here on his wee ear rades rind a peaty .with vleora seven years. It shorteeinee 1,e wot rkl�iti4rn. The funeral ne8,was 1, vice , as conduot De.,, -..sed was a oil No. 75.0.0 Brotherhood ntihiber of ;repro orders Were pre een two Carl wbb' ing slowly sbuuted g while polling y sank in the dei d. In an Inst had done its woy ogled. at occurred early in until about 4 o'cloo t the mangled bo of his grief-stricken 40X* 4L io send,tq--E f ono rte. unt•iarrile man 31.^ d.wt his father and' Jsmes Liviagatone, nob lquy, since had accoun . -ii-g at9 i1 cori►- h -° tib rn- h engaged for qsi in likely , tin a d ''`�, ve received _ r,. l;e]y attended. 'be ser - 1 by the lte�v,Ylr.Perr'il ember of Louden Coo It...and Lodge lv'o-; of 11t41 wa Trainni.en:: ntativeefroin both thes ne and assisted the local •i Council of Cho =en Friends in arranging' the funeral of d condocting the burial , service of the 0 der at the :grave, Per Miss Snell is visi Mr. John Bell ba to. Miss Flo Balms Mrs. Roe. ,' Mr: II. A. gtewart of -St• Thomas, was in town an ,Seturdey. 1 onals, ng friends in Clinton. returned from Toren - is visiting her aut.t, Mr. Thos. Mc:Laugl lin, of Gotrie, was in town On Monday. Miss Aclams, Wier uncle. Jos. Adams, Di Miss Cunningham, visiting in town during on is visiting Jur oval street. of Brussels, was the week. Mr. H. W. C. Meyer, of Calgary, N. W. T., is the guest of Mr.'os. Bell. . Miss McPherson 1ttten -ed the millinery opening in Toronto this eek. Mr. Jas. Beldon, of L poivel, has been renewing acquaintances i town this week. Sarah Henderson, Of' til 8 place. Mr. and Mrs. John Wil: au were visiting The Methodist Con ; rt atlt7n intend. repairing the parsons e. Tenders. in Clinton ]sat week. will be received by Mt. ,i<ts. Fo d, • Mr. Walter Deck, of the Kincardine St. IlolenS, Or 'i,ll'. C Elle,, t11' tit% Reporter, gave the TIMES call on Satur- plaeo. Thi lowest poi, Any tender'. .. day. not necessarily accept& Messes. Colin Kennedy and McDonald, ou friends in of Brucefield, were eallin town during the week. The ?disses Talbot, of been visiting Mrs. G. M. viSiting friends in this \ Wilk. a turned home, Mr. E. A. Ainbrose, ac ing managet of Air. AV. Noble, of Kingsbrit the Lucknow branch of ti Danitofilanail. was buried in the 11 O. cetnete ton, a -as in town on Wed esciny I here, last week. ho bas been Mr. II. West, of Owen 'ound, organizer Mr. J.,ilieGreger, of the A. O. V., has been in town during ill with typhoid fever r some time,* the week in the interests f thot order. i able to be about ag „ The meetings of the Literar " Death of Alex, L ingstone. ! Society continue to be well anemic three bundred shocked, when a mess sometimes upwards o IiIrrArt, ndon, who have he people of this t. a were deeply ge leached here i .persons being pros, nt. The+_ri.. about -l0 o"C1tlek°flittrttrd• y*eventngariuoun•' .gramme for the last fan};.,n „„r.a;,af ting the sad intellige ce that Mr. Alex. I ed of a debate, 9t1b -et, "Reso1''e i Livingstone, brakesm n on the London 1 that the bachelors 13h •uld be taxed. Tinton and Bruce wa freight, had mat a .The affirmative WA taken. by Mr. horrible death in t e railway yards at: Morgan Dalton, ass ted:by Messrs. Iiensali. The acid rt occurred through . J. Long, 11 Melte) ,ie, C. Stew Livingstone micta ng, in the insufficient and M. 3. Dalton, while Dr. ' g Len113 champion d the ne ,ati� ' light, a cattle -guar • packets with snow as p g part of the solid r• . The ing in the shttnti • of •care, find the tvoek Ilan and T. Johns as backrsis beinghurried as tlto crew was a day' discussion, if' not rill%atilt, alis at - wae a r.t • eiall the "ream. late because of th -heavy show storms. A least tttnusina, y Car had to be " eked" into the Hetieall Jog" of the bash ; tors who foiroreti ay inari:'s parlance, and the affirtnativeand malted 1st favocof in the oat of drawing n, the opposition. / • { dbed, lie was assist, ' with Messrs. P. Sty es, G.. L.'O1Callztg-