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The Wingham Times, 1896-02-14, Page 6
TILE WINGIIAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 14, 1896. ty.0:41in.g, 14,, illl►li FRIDAY F1 1 RTJ!.It OlitA', to West. but failed to slake it work, and got.. Horticultural Notes. out of the place before t1,1`ey were . The ready statistican estimates suspected. --Mt. Forest Represent- that the loss from insects and fungi ative. • amounts to $400,000,000 annually. Inspeetions of the new prop sod route for the electrie road to the lake from IIespeler were made on Tues- day. It depends on eifcllillytaneve whether this part le built ur not. Mr, A. W, Stewart has sold lots 45 and 46, concussion A., Tiverton road. to Mr. Neil McArthur, for $4,250. The farni comprises 100 acres and is the very bet ('f soil, r1r. Stewart has accepted a hiah salaried position with Air. Geo. White 8; Sons, engine builders of London. B. G. Hodgins, Clandehnve, while chopping in the bush Friday, wits struck on the head by a falling limb causing injuries which may prove fatal. Ile was unconscious for hours after. It is said that $25,000 worth of Remove all weeds, trimmings and pressed hay lies been imported to surplus rubbish. from the garden. Marton dealers this winter, and sold See that every plant and bush is in that section. The freight charges properly protected for winter. Cover amounted to $4,000 additional. , the ground with finely composted It is estimated that there were manure and than you may look for - 1,185,000 pounds of pork shipped ward to a fruitful resurrection in the from Tilbury this season. Besides spring.. this amount the local dealers also • The cala is a very desirable win - shipped considerable quantities from don, plant. Give it rich, mucky surrounding stations. . soil, good drainage, and water liber - For the first time in the history of ally. With this treatment a strong the county of Peel the statutory $12 plant ought to give at least half a bounty for two pairs of wolves' ears dozen flowers during the winter: was paid Saturday to trapper Con- Begonias are splendid winter plants, nor, of Belfontaine Caledon. and as there are so many varieties DI r. Anthony: Shelter, near For- one can have several kinds The mesa, sold his 100 acre farm to Frani. heliotrope is one of our best house plats. It blooms profusely, and is Kiefer for $4,000, and then bought very beautiful and delightfully Bernard Zuber's farm of 170 acres s7veet. in Carrick, for which he paid $8,200, At the sale of cattle of cattle held in the McRae House yards, Glencoe, ira number were disposed of at prices ranging from $15 to $20 per head for dairy cows, and from $9 to $10 per head for yearlings. From fifteen to nineteen thousand railway cars per month have passed through the Grand Trunk Railway tunnel under the St. Clair river dur- during the past twelve months. The smallest number was in July, 148S9: the largest was in March, 19,514. The total was 212,265 equal to 1378 cars per day, or 228 cars per hour, night and day the year round, Last Tuesday as Mr. Jas Steven- son, of Lucknow, was walking alnng the road near his residence he was struck and knocked down by a pass- ing horse and cutter, and dragged several yards. One arm is badly in- jured and some of his ribs are brok- en. Messrs. Reid and Bradley, of East Garafraxa, have been at law for two years over possession of 20 cents worth of land, and the costs now amount to over $2,000. On the 24th of December last, Mr. ' It should be borne in mind that purchased i hogs, earth placed on the surface above L. Day, Exeter, purchased the roots, but not so as to come in weighing in all 820 pounds, and contact with the stem of the tree, is f feeding them one month they h Cream Cheese.. A. writer hi Farm, Field and Fire- side gives the following receipe for making eream cheese ; ''Take half a- pint of very rich ,cream and a cheese cloth. Pour the cream into the cloth and lay it over ono, of your dairy pans for an hour to drain; Then take a perfectly clean knife and serape off any cream that may have stuck to tlio sloth and lay -it on the top and sides of the mass. Tie it somewhat loosely and hang it up to drip ; open it from time to time and remove ;Any cream that has stuck, to the cloth, placing it as before. When it stops dripping the cheese is ready and will turn out easily. The cheese should always be used the same day as it is made. In Summer a few hours will suffice. If you tell your dairy -woman the day before she will have a thicker cream for the cheese by keeping 'some of the milk that is used for cream twelve r,hours or more beyond the usual time 'for ordinary purposes before skimming it. The quantity of Bream depends, of course, upon the number of your party : half a after ee lag pint is enough for six to eight people. tipped the scale at 1,180, an average rather beneficial than injurious— Cream the cream be rich and the cheese gain of 72 pounds on each pig, that is, of course, if the depth depose well made, it will be soft, but with- ited is not too great. W hat causes out losing its round shape in the Mildmay mourns the loss of an- an unhealthy condition, probably leltst. Though tied up loosely at first it should be gradually tightened after being opened from time to rinse as directed above." other of its citizens in the person of followed by death, is the piling of Airs. Andrew Gissler. The deceased soil against the tree stems—an evil lady had been confined to her room that no specimen can for long sur - r tt year 'id an incurable viva, Where surplus earth midst be for ova disease, but on Friday evening the deposited contiguous to growing angel of death in kindness relieved trees it is always advisable to keep her of her sufferings. She and her such hack, from the stems to a dis- husband have been residents of , tante of fully a yard; but in damp Mildmay several years and were'• retentive woodlands the practice is vial, MIGHT HAVE 13EEN AVOIDED closely identified with the R. C. not to be commended, however care- nX THE USE OF DR. AGNEW'S CURE church. A loving husband, dough- fully stem protection has been follow- FOR THE HEART. ter and son are left behind to mourn ed out. her demise. The funeral took place Promptness is the first essential from her late residence en Tuesday' Fruit trees need manuring at the in all cases of sickness and especially morning and proceeded to the R. C. approach of spring. The trees then in heart disease. Minutes may church where Father Halm celebra- commence to bud. It must then mean everything. The use of an ted mss and from there the remains have increased food, especially as the effective medicine may mean the were conveyed to the cemetery for fruit harvest of the past season ]las savingof a life, where the use of severelyintermthe drained its strength. With -i largestefunernt. Tlslthatever s Was ntooi:e fpiece out losing time, therefore, it is ur- l :simply leaver deaths to takeitscourse in Mildmay, there being over ninety gent to give a generous supply of i One great virtue of Dr. Agnew's Cure rigs in the procession besides the manure. Old knotty trees should be • for the heart is that it gives relief host who walked, testifying to the encircled with a trench in direct ratio i almost immediately, whether the hi .11 res act in which deceased was to the highest point of the tree, boles ( cash be that of organic or sympathe- DEATH FROM HEetRT FAIL- URE, C •Q TO. -------- FRANK SCELI'S, waxes Yoe O10 13 5HJX S AND 1 Walt. Cox roll 01. Opposite Ii;orIt1 n'a Rotel, WINGHAI, - •• ONTARIO, Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry, A. E. SMITH, PA-MT-CC:al JR_ Successor to HALSTED 8z SCOTT, Josephine Street William, Ont. " p ihere and there due in it and filled 1, held u the village a.ndlsnrrounding a tic heart disease. The numt cess heldcountry.The bereaved friends have with liquid manure. For younger 1 testimonials received by the proprie- trees it would be better to trench 50 ;tor of this medicine bear the stronest to 80 inches wide around the base. mini r��gq;y l L BANK ofHAMILTON VV'INGHAM. Capital, 51,'50,000. Boot, 0650,000 President—Joax STUART. Ytoo.Preaideut—A. U. amulet, mracr OXtS Jon PROCTOR, Goe, Rosen, Wu Guises, M P, A. T, WoOn, A, B. LEY (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. savings Rank—Ileum to 3; Satnrdayn, 10 1. Deposits of Sl and upwards received and Interest allowed. Dopotlits also received at current rates of is ,rant. Drains o„ creat Britain and the United State& bought and meld B. WILLSON, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOHN PELTON ,lanufactnrorof all kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, which can be supplied on short notice. Eklt ingOt ova , —15 rUBLllsfIua, EVERY PRII)AY MORNING --Ar Tnt-- TIMES OFFICE, JO E""HINIE. STREET WINOIiAMMI, ONTARIO, subsoripttou prioe, sl par year, in advunloe• ADYE1UTIS11:U RATES; � . Spare 11 y r, 1 0 mo. 13 mo, l 1 mot One Uolumn b30 00 840 00 1 $20 00 , 8 00 Half tt I 40 00 I 00 00 i 12 00 6 00 quarter " 50 00 12 00 7 00 00. one incht I s 00 3 no n 00 100 Local sod surer oasua advortlse.niente, ao, per lino for first insertion, and 30, porline foroach subsequent, lasertinu 1l'aanrod by nonpareil weals. Len•tl 5Ottued 1uc. per Ilia for Nrst iaseraoo, ,tad: 00. per line fur moll snbsegtrent ivaerticr.. , Ad verttsetnante of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations. Iand Liminess Uhannes wanted, riot exceeding 8 linty nonpareil, SL for first month, and OOo, for each. subocquent month, 1lonses and 1i'arms for Salo, not ;exceeding 8 itow fit for that month, OOu, per subsequent month.. Larger advertisements in p•oportien. Thesg terms will be striotiy adhered to Special ratan for larger advertisements, or fele totyer period,,. `Advet•tiseulonte and local notices without spoollt& directions, will he inserted till 'forbid and charged: accordingly. Traiattut;y advertisement" must bee paid to advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the °nice by Wednesday noon, to order to appear.' that week 0. 0. )tItOWN, PaeIrtr aj Attu runtisY7F IRON AND POROB PUMPS supplied to order'. REPAIRING promptly attended to. Prices reasonable. Agent fur the Brantford All Steel Pumping 51i11. Ii you require anything in the above lines, give Mr. Pelton a call. SHOP— Diagonal street, nearly opposite Beattie's Livery, Wingham. JOHN BE LTON. The by-law to raise $172,000 for the sympathy of all in their sad be - waterworks was voted upon i)1 reavement; Petrolea on Friday and carried by Last week we noticed the death of The ground thus dug up mixed 236 majority. The water will be thoroughly with well. rotted stuff and Mr. John A. Smith, a promising brought from the St. Clair river, thrown back into the trench. This young man, son of Mr. Samuel Smith about fifteen miles. Having 'no ''same treatment is favorable to. well- of ell' age of the letters received by the water has been a serious drawback oltos orplessn. Jvet ewe s �elapp apprised had trained fruit trees. Agoodly supply proprietor of this remedy. Sold at to Petrolea for years, goneof lilac may be used, and not omit Chisholm's Corner Drug Stole Wing - testimony to t11is fact. "I would not have been alive to -day had it not been for ,your medicine." is the cheering refrain of a large percent - Mr. Andrew Monseith, ex -M. P., County Treasurer of Perth, died at Stratford. Mr. Angus Kerr, of the Durham road, has sold his farm to his neigh- f the same disease, as her brother, con- E deposit. bor, Uriah Roswell, and intends I suniption. She .was a most estimable moving into town. It was a fifty ( young lady, and was much and de -1 acre farm and the price we hear, was servedly esteemed by a large circle ' THANKFUL FOR SPEEDY AS - i of friends. Her earlydeath is else SISTANCE. a2,300, but we are not quite sure I ly regretted by many, by whom her about the matter. amiable disposition and many .virtues will secure her an affectionate re- membrance. Much sympathy is felt for the•bereaved parents and friends. —Seafoi'tih Expositor. the death of his elder sister•, Miss bone and other fertilizers, either well Maggie Smith. The brother died on :mixed with the earth or sprinkled Monday, and the sister on the follow- I over, and then well turned under. ing Thursday. Miss Smithwas illi Water will gradually soak better and for about a year, and fell a victim to I deeper into this thoroughly manured • The supporters of a number of cheese factories and other farmers met at Lansdowne, Ont., last week and it was decided to ask the farm- ers of Canada to sign a petition. ask- ing the Dominion Government to take steps to issue to the farmers of Canada the market value of cheese and butter and recommending the following plan. That the Govern- ment send a commissioner or agent to England to superintend the selling of the Canadian. dairy products; that the Government arrange for trans- portation and storage; that an inspec- tor be appointed for the Tort of Montreal, to inspect quality, weight, shipping, etc.; that the appointment of officials connected with the scheme THE TESTIMONY OF THOUSANDS WHO HAVE USED SOUTH. AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE. A friend in need is a friend indeed. It has been said the way During the year 1895 there were to test our friends is to try them. It filed in Waterloo County 2110 chattel is .so with a medicine. So many mortgages, renews and bills of sale. medicines are tried, but found want - The total amount secured by such ing. This is never the case with mortgages and bilis of' sale was $284,- South American Kidney Cure, if it 559.48. 29 assignments were made is kidney trouble that is the ailment. for the benefit of creditors. It does not cure anything else. There The Clinton town hall narrowly is not a case of kidney trouble, how - escaped destruction by fire an Tired.ever be it ever so distressing, where nesday afternoon. The hot air pipe quick relief will not be given, and by got unduly heated, setting fire to the a little patience altogether removed. cellar joist, and the wonder is that it The proof of the pudding is in the had not happened before, as the joists eating of it, and what is here said is are fou near the nine far safest=. A what thousands say who have used be subject to the approval of a board well directed stream of water soon this medicine. Sold by all druggists. of farmers. put the fire out. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store Wing - ham. Ivan Johnston was quite seriously The level of Lake Huron and the hurt while skating at the rink on St. Clair eontinnes to recede. The Tuesday evening, by running, with other day an island that nobody had considerable force, against a wire ever seen before showed up in the that had been tied up to keep the skaters off the curlers' ice. The wire caught glint about the head, and the little fellow was thrown down with such force that he had to be taken home. He was unconscious for some time. --Brussels Post. -swindling Two crooks su seeded in n �'c one of E. Murphy's elerks out of $5 on 'Iluebday in what is known as the fiillrfia in change deal. The mode of operation at Murphy's consisted of a purchase of fl plug of tobacco, for Which they tendered a $5 bill In payment, after which they got the the clerk to change them a $10 bill and managed in the transaction to get oft' with $5 snore than they came in. with. They tried their game at I tveral other business places in town Practical Suggestions. "Cows do not like to be kept too river opposite Si. Clair, and.a party long waiting to be milked, and they of patristic citizens of St. Clair went I are even capable of jealousy if one (011 atri. tiplanted anns of St. an flag on cow is milked out of her tarn to the the newly discovered territory, in neglect of another. Regulal'ly in vnuiicatian of the Munroeclocttine. - feedipg, in milking and in perfect Sarnia Canadian. gentleness and kindness in dealing • with cows are essential to success. f ieorge Leverage, reeve of Feuer. Any breach of these rules is inevitab• l marked by a falling off in the r � v ton township, t ash has been appointed the p, dlcg treesurcr of the county ofp Perth in yield and a consequent diminution pia( e of the late Andrew Monteith, of profits. In a large dairy, where wlu,-c 1 'mains were interred 'Pees. perhaps 50 or 150 cows are milked day afternoon. Mr, Leversage re- it would pay well .to give a salary to ceired his appointment from Warden a foreman of the milkers, whose sole Ryan. who is given au TOrity to slake duty it should be to see that the Cows are properly treated and thoroughly milked. Ile should test each sow and also keep a perfect yield of eaell Shiloli's , Cm* is sold on agearantee, at every milking. The scales alone It orireo Insipient Csnsiimptitylr,, It 18 should 'tell hint whether the milkmen the best Lough Cure Only one cent a dose 25cts,, :f0cts,. and fit. Sold at Chia. an appointment Ilio t of death, as in this i?JLance t:, irr the east;` vere o ng e 1 u s. a u y. --- holut;s Corner Drug Store. Exchange. 0 ham. • Deh.orning Calves. dehorning fever is still spreading. The other day my, near- est neighbor, who had until then held out, had all his cattle dehorned, ex- cept his young calves. In my case, it has worked the other way. I have not, as yet, had the horns taken off the old cattle, but for the last two years have dehorned the calves Two years ago I tried caul tit; potash on same, but It was not a success. I gave several applications, a little at a time; slow process it was, and the horns were only checked. not com- pletely stopped. On two calves, that year, I used dehorning tools, and was so well pleased with the result that I repeated the process on all the calves last spring, and my present intention is to treat the calves that come in the same way. The horns are taken out coinpletely, and do not grow again. The operation should be performed at the age of six weeks to three months. One of the toolsresembles a gun wad cutter, only larger, which is pressed down and cuts the skin at the base of the budding horn. The other may be described as gouge pinchers, which, when used, leave a hollow where the horn had been. I generally fill each little hollow with pine tar. In only one case was there any exckssivO bleeding and no harm eallle of it. In some cases the blood never flows out of the wound and all heal up without any dis- charge. But this is no new practice, A friend has told ale that when he was a boy in Scotland, fifty years ago the farmers used to grub out the horns of calves with a knife, and sear the wound with a hot iron to stop the bleeding. The objection has been raised that dehorning calves will cause frontal bone development and an ugly habit of bunting, but my experience leads ' to the conclusion that there is nothing whatever in that idea,—.earmers' Advocate: Tines. BATY. a ThI ELLIOTT BROS., of the Wingham Brickyard, have lots of BRICli and DRAIN TILE on hand. It is said that other parties are selling at reduced prices, but we cannot bo undersold, and our brick and tile are as good as any made in the province. We can sell by the car load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a great quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale. J. es E. ELLIOTT. Wingharn, .liay 16, 1805. j tIi M ACDONALD, 111 CNNTAS 0TRI T. 1't•INORAY, . • T�• VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., M ORTAeb Private and Company fund. to loan at lowest rats interest. No commission charged. Mertpag.s, test and farm property beurht and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block Woreffan J. A. MORTON, BAR1tISTIIR, .kc., Wiltgham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF )LtEXLTON. MONET TO, LOAN. Office -Meyer Block, Winghem. 11'1. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVi'!<ANCER, ko. Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets,, opposite Colborne Hotel. Go0RRlou, ONTARIO. C. CAMERON, • DENTISTRY. -J. S. JEitOME, L. D. S„WtxoIItM, Is manufacturing tirat.olaae sets of ” t a 4t1 teeth as cheap as they can bo made 7nr9 in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfectly safe. OFFICE; In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. G., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of tho Pennsylvania Dental College. OFFIOE---MACDONALD OLOOK. NoTs-1Vill visit Blyth every Wednesday. JOHN RITCHIE, GOLDRINGS! I am the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who eau and does make rings on the premises. 1 maks and finish all work in the best possible manner, and guarantee satisfac- tion in every instance. Whore gold is found, I always return the same gold, manufactured as per order. By leaving your order with me, you can save from 25c to 52, according to style, weight and quality of ring. :We also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pins, etc., etc., at Moderato Prices. jewelery Repairing and (En- graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. HALSEY PARK, JEWELER. Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham. Do you know a man in Canada that repairs watches any better than Halsey Park,Watehmaker and Jeweler, Wingham? For Twenty -Six Years DUNN'S K1 C THECCCK°S BEST FRIEND LARGO.CST SALE 1N CAIVi,©A. U f� t� �S ®ne veluabre treetren and two battles of ,nedieSno sent Fred to .any ttetlerer. Cha Express and Toot Office address. T. A, SLOCUM CREM10,11, CO., I•td., Toronto, Ont. c GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WIxouAM, ONTARIO ice DEANS, JR., WINGNAI1, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF IIURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. JOHN CURItIE, WINGBAM, ONT., 1,103N SED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implomente • specialty. All orders left at the Tises office promptly attend. ed to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETING'S. p� Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian C. 0. f ,- Ordor Forestere,,noets the second and last Friday evening of every month, in Gre- gory's Block Visiting brethren tvolcome. John Necialtds, C. R. II. 13. Elliott, 11, S. 1.rt�� pp Wimrhe,n L. 0. 1,., No. 704, meets . LI L,' first Frtrray in every month in 0.0 rauar Ilan ; visitors welcomo .1. C. Stewart, W. 71.; W. J. Plenty, neo. -Sec. JOB PRINTING, TNCLUDLNG Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bili .1. Heads, Circulars, eta., &o., executed in the beat style of tho nrt, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address S. 0, BROWN, Toms Office, Wingham. BOOKBINDING. G. We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prinitfor Binding in any style will be given on application to the Tisits Oflice. Money to Loan On Notes. Notes Discounted AT B,LASON,ABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at, si per contwn. privilege of paying at the end of any year., Notre and accounts collected. IiOBT. McINDOO. Beaver block Wingbam, Ont,