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The Wingham Times, 1896-02-14, Page 4
R.1.1 ARY 14, 1896. a • le. E. WILLiAMS, CHEMIST —AND— DRUGGIST, ACT. G, N. W. TELEGRAPH CO app. Briu swick House. Wingham, - - - Ont beiltn 0031 'lbws FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14„ 1806. STARTLING EXPENDITURE. The chief features of Moil. Mr. Foster's financial statement were that the net debt of the Dominion. on the 30th of June, 1895, was $253,974,927; that ,illi the two last financial years expenditure had ex- ceeded the income $6,364,000; that the expenditure in 1894-95 has been $38,132,000, being the greatest in history of the country and more than Half a million in excess of the preced- ing year, and as the revenue only totalled $34,000,000 there was con- sequently a deficit of $4,000,000; that there has been a decrease in revenue of $2,396,563, a decrease in imports of ?7,841,472, and a decrease in exports of $3,386,146. As to the future Mr. Foster could hold out no slopes that the steady growth of the debt would cease. Without doubt the most serious part of the financial situation is found in the enormous national debt. The total is $418,- 000,CCO. Even the net indebtedness of w253,C00,000, is an increase of X7,000,000 , over last year. The interest alone on this indebtness absorbs, • as above stated, ten and one-half millions annually; and if we add sinking fund and cost of man- agement, we have $2,165,000 more. Here is a total of nearly twelve and three quarter million dollars a year, of considerably over one third of our this additional advantage, and we Callings From the County Caunoil. * * * I WARDEN, Ma. STRACIIAN, ()11107 Another bill that is in the course' Tr. trt.st the bill will become law, of preparation and will be brought, The following' were elected the down next Thursday, is one for the committee to strike standing coin - purpose of reducing the number of: mittees for the year ; Cox, Mooney, County Councillors. It seems absurd' Watson, Girvin,. McDonald, Holt and that we have submitted to being Sherritt. The following is their loaded down with so many Coun- report, eillors for so long a period. 1'i e, in Exeeutive.—Alessrs,Eilber, Crutolt,- the County of Huron, have fifty-one shank, Holt, Watson, McPherson, County Councillors: nearly one half Sherritt, ,Herr, Holmes, I.oehart.— 9 larger than the Legislature of Mani- members. tuba and what use are they. the • Finance. — Messrs. Proudfoot, work they do might be done in about Stewart, Cox, McDonald, Gunn, one half the time by one man and Shepherd, Kennedy, AleEwen, Mc - one or two clerks. It does not "leo Illveen.---9 members, great ability to appoint commission- Equalization.--Sparling, Bawden, ers to examine a bridge to see,Alex, Young, Girvin, Hyslop, Car - whether it will stand a spring freshet, ling, Hicks, Mooney, Churchill. -9 or engage an Architect to draw members, plans for a House of Refuge that Road and Bridge, --Patterson, will cost any where between two or Bickley, Morrison, Brigham, Erratt, three thousand dollars of the origi- Turnbull, (Hav), Tuurnbull, (Grey), nal estimates, or pass a sewer that McKenzie, 1)elbridge.-9 members. would not carry off the sewage. Education. — Sanders, Birkby, We have too many debating schools,, Meed, Robertson,' Sothcran, maintained at the public expense, Geiger. .6 inembers. where worn-out "war horses" champ County Property. -Messrs. Dul- 3 BETING Q P THE W. Q. D EXECUTIVE, ,COlYINEITTEE. all volt nnernusr R OTHER MI aT- ARR kNOBNI4NTs AI Cil.NVENTIONS A., INOS, The executive committee of the Western Dairymen's Association met in London, on Monday in the secretary's office. There were present : President A. F. Maclaren and R, M• Ballantyne, Stratford, and John S. Pearce, Loudon ; T. B, Millar, Guelph, and H. White, Hawkesville, were also present. Arrangements were completed for the district conventions to be held at Dunnville, Feb. 25 ; Forest, Feb. 2G Listowel, Feb, 27, and Elmira, Feb. 28. will1 give The Windsor salt works through the association two gold medals, valued at not less than $50 each, to be awarded in the cheese departments of the Industrial and Western Fairs next fall. Arrangements will be made for a meeting of, the directors of the cheese factories in the Listowel district, to be held at Listowel on Feb. 27, at 10 and foam in their anxiety to con- Inage, Cooper, Wilford, Archibald, a. m., to organize a syndicate of vince themselves that they are doing Reddy, Burns, Andrew, Youngs -7 factories in that section for the the country a service. The bill members, purpose of more uniform instruction should be radical; if we are eager Wardens.—Messrs. holt, McDon- and inspection. Efforts will also be made to organize elsewhere. T. B. Millar, who has so efficiently filled the position of inspector during the past five years was re-engaged for the coming season. Particulars concerning his work and other de- partments of the association's work will be given in the annual prospects to be issued by the secretary shortly to cut down expenses at, home is a good place to begin. * * * Reference was made also to the ald, Mooney, fiber, McEwen. -5 members. Special,—Messrs, Cox, Watson, Girvin, Proud foot, Sparling. = 5 suit which grew out of the dispute members. between the brewers and distillers, and the Province, as to whether the Province had a right to charge then license fees. The opponents of the Government try to make capital out Goderich Collegiate Institute was of the long delay, charging Sir $6,270.38, and expenditure $6,883. - Oliver with insincerity. This is a 97, of which =omit $5,625 was favrrite trick of the Conservative paid out in salaries. The total papers ; when they can find nothing receipts from Seaforth Collegiate by-law reducing the number of else to criticise, they hoist the old Institute were $6,100.40, totalhotels . from five to four. It is flag and shoat "traitor" or lash expenditure $5,848.51, of which sought to have the license taken themselves in feverish excitement $4,874.74 was paid out in teachers' away from the Farmers' hotel. As over the insincerity of their oppon- salaries. a month's notice of the by-law had ents; we have not space now to Prom the Treasurer's report may not been given it was not consider enumerate the examples of insin be gleaned some interesting facts. but it will be introducd again later cerity drat have been brought to Surplus this year, $3.41.7 which was on light during the present session, but added to the sinking fund. £54,- s ,-- „ . a House of Refuge.—llltessrs. Holt, Eiger, McDonald. -3 members. Collegiate Institutes.—The total receipts in connection with the At the last meeting of the Mitchell town council Messers. Phinnimore and Dufton introduced a we can assure them that all such 000 sterling or $264,000 f 11 due talk about Sir Oliver parying next August. To meet this there the temperance question is the veriest will be about ;;',208,000 and in order rot. In the test case, judgment was to meet the balance and debt incurr- given in favor of the Province in the ed by the House of Refuge and Court of Appeal, and the brewers Industrial farm, which will amount and distillers carried the case to the to $ 13,885, over the Government Privy Council. Now in the name of, grant, the county will seek power common sense what more can,. any _from the Legislature to raise $75,000 Government do than wait until the by a twenty year debenture, bearing Privy Council gives its decision. .interest at 4 %. John C. Morrison, Do these parties wish to convey the of McKillop, and Isaac Taylor, impression that undue influence is Clinton, were appointed. auditors. .419as income, for debt charges. This being brought to bear on the Privy Rev. Dr. Ure, Dr. Shaw, and Dr. Id a serious condition of affairs.-- ( Council. The thing is childish. • Scott, were appointed trustees for Reporter, Kincardine. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. The Legislature was opened on Tuesday with the usual formality a large number of citizens of Toronto . and visitors being present. It is generally believed that the session will not be a long one but judging from the speech from the Throne it Will not be an unimportant one in -so -much as some of the proposed bills will provide for a long felt 'want. One feature of the speech, whi.cll strikes us as being something novel in the science of government of the present generation, is the announcement that the receipts of the Province are considerably in excess of the estimates and the expenditure has been kept well within the appropriations. We are so accustomed to deficits in the Dominion Treasury, and that of the sister Provinces, that it makes us think Sir Oliver inust be falling be - bind the times. • Itis probable that a bill will be session, introduced during the present making monthly or. quarterly fees coin pulsory for pupils:attending High Schools. This is a right step. Tim Province owes it to every child to 010 him an education, but only so far as that privelege can be enjoyed by all. It is wrong to maintain at publie expense, sellools that are pr'aftien,lly close 1 to the masses, as out' High :Schools must always be. To r.sceive instructii•ri in the high€r branches of study is a great boon, Ina -ince it can be F'njoyed only by the few avho are thus better fitted 10 1dt'Sn1, r+. r.ht' 0bir,UC•le4 of lire, it is •i 1 t th ut these few should pay for' sitar, • Collegiate Institutes in Goderieh, EDITORIAL NOTES. 1 Clinton and Seaforth respectively. SIR. CHARLES' majority was a little Local Board of examiners for school teachers, Messrs. Baird, of Stanley and R. C. Chesswright, of Seaforth. Inspector Coats report of the Rouse of Refuge shows that the drainage from the kitchen sink, bath room, and hospital closet was defeetiye and that the drain would require over - majority was 449. hauling'. Stones are to be provided GEORGE JOHNSON, Patron candi- I the jail to keep the able bodied prison - date for South Victc:ia and Alex.; ers at work. The County assumes the ' t I bridge at Grand Bend known as the McLeod, Patron candidate for Mist Whiskey Bridge. Commissioner was Victoria, have retired. instructed to have the Myth bridge SIR CHARLES TUPPER will be the repaired. leader in the Commons. A few min- -•• .---_ uses after he had been introduced he C ease and Butter-I'iakers Con- t volition. over 800, according to the latest re- turns. THE Hon. Peter Mitchell was de- feated by Mr. Robinson in the Nor- thumberland, N. 13. bye-dun-ta . The and the Hon. Foster exchanged seats, Sir Charles taking the seat that is always occupied by the leader. The Western 1)airymen's Associa- tion in conjunction with the staff of the Provincial Dairy School will WE ARE told that in Halifax "Sir I hold a convention of cbeese and •Charles Tupper spoke in glowing I Guelph on Friday, utter -makers at March dairy, 1800.school, terms of Mr. Foster's budget speech." This meeting is being arranged Mr. Foster's budget speeches are not specially' for the benefit of makers bad, but it is his budgets that the who are urgently requested to attend. country objects to.—Advertiser, A programme consisting of short, Exeter bye -elections have been held practical addresses, bearing iron the since Sir Charles Tupper returned to various phases of cheese and butter Canada. The eight vacant seats were making, will be given by members of the dairy school staff and other all held by Conservatives. But the competent leen, and considerable net result has been the defeat of the time will be given for discussion. Government in five out of the eight, Reduced fares at one and one- or a loss to the high tax party of ten third for the round trip on the on a division. Three seats—all held certificate plan will be given over by Conservatives until death or re- the railways, providing 50 or more signation---are yet vacant. attend. There will be an afternoon SIR 111ACIiF:N'/.II•: DOWELL was Trot and evening session. In the morn- ing delegates will have an opportuni- the choiee of the party ; neither was ty of seeing the school in operation. Sir John Thompson ; neither was The secretary of the association will Sir John Abbott, The er:igeneies of shortly issue a circular to makers, the times made then usurpartion of giving particulars regarding this power permissible, but the line of pre- meeting. itIARKET REPORTS. WINGHA\f. i'i ingham, Feb. 13, 1803. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 2 00 to 10 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats, Barley Peas................ ....... 0 50 to 0 t.`0 Butter,.... 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs per dozen 0 10 to 0 10 Wood per cord.... 1 25 to 1 60 Hay per ton ...... .•. .•••15 00 telt; 00 Potatoes, Per bushel 0 15 to 0 20 Tallow, per Ib Dried Apples, per lb Chickens Ducks Savo Stmou Marl ta. East Buffalo, Feb111ary 10.--- Oattle—Beceipts 100 cars, against 117 last week. The )market opened with a fairly good demand for good fat butchers and bandy stock, and all kinds of steer cattle fit for the block up to 1,100 lbs, but anything above this was at a discount. Hogs -Receipts, 100 cars; market slow ; Yorkers, fair to choice, $4,50 ta' $4 60; pigs, common to fair, $4.40 @ $4.55, Sheep and lambs—lleceipts, 147 cars ; market strong ; lambs,, choice to prime, tis @ $5.25 ; Canada lambs fair to prime, $4,75 %' $5.10 ; sheep, choice to prime wethers, $3.25 «- $$.50; culls and common, $2 G $2.50. Cattle market closed slow for heavy shipping cattle, steady and firm for butchers'—a11 sold. Hogs —Market closed firm. Sheep and lambs—Market closed strong and firm. Montreal, February 10. --At the eastern abattoir market to -day reecipts consisted of 500 head of cattle, 150 sheep and lambs and 20 calves. Prices for cattle ruled steady ,at last Thursday's figures, and a fairly good demand was shown. Small heats were in moderate inquiry at steady prices. Following is the general range of quotations : — Cattle — Butchers', choice, per ib, 3Ic « 3c, live weight; medium to fair, 2c J3Ic; culls, 2e ® 2?,c. Sheep ---Common to good, per cwt., $2.50 L $4; lambs, $3 ® $4. Calves—Butchers', choice, $7 ® $10 ; common to fair, $2 ® $6. 0 78 to, 0 80 078 to 080 023 to 025 030 to0a.; 0 5 to 0 5 0 d to 0 05 020to025 040to000 Geese 0 5 to 0 5 o 7to0 8 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 00 Turkeys. zw far .or.. BOOTS ei5 SHOES We commence a Clearing Sale next Saturday. Don't buy any Shoes until you see our prices. GEORGE GOOD The Bargain Shoe Store. C' i WE STILL LEAD IN t WATCHES, ) CLOCKSllch 9 C OO J Di ata ,t ti G L Cr J 5 L WARE n rpt,] Fr, I [i -1 '1 EYE SIGHT TESTED FREE.0 AO OF CHARGE. (r , G r' If WE LEAD O`. HEIR , n' fEOLLOW.k tenders is becoming too long. Sir Among the HOW post officesopened iji mUNSHAW; ITrlCharles Tu ler, I3art., is not onl in Januar is I llisdale in 'west , coming in utlinvited, but he is assum- Zorra township, H. .7. Smith being I ins• the responsibility for a policy the first postmaster. The Bost office 1 i?J,w'al .1"741lia-Ai. t5 • +-rbc which is simply hafted. --Toronto of l3roolcsdale has also been made a/ • money order office. THE OPTICIAN. HOLSTEIN a 1.RY IS HERE TO S . ", Wo undsretand interested'parties are lipreading the report that we are not likely to be lora in the business. We beg to assure tltoppeopie of Winghatu that we We embarked In the milk business to stay, that is clean aria pi re. otr business Our customers rsj are ourtour mbest recommendation. MORTGAGE SALE Iv Ttut TOWNSHIP OIC' EAST WAWA- NOSH IN TIIE COUNTS OF HURON. Pursuant to a power of sale contained in a cortafn utortcagu (which will be produced et the time o sale) there will be offered ter sale by Public Audio*. by 1'STSlt DEANS, Auctioneer, at Swarts' Hotel, in Town of Wingham,. ^ON -- Saturday, the 29th day of February, leen, at mho hnnr of two o'clnnY in tho afternoon,the following lands and premises, viz The East half of Lot Number Thirty.two in the Fourteenoncessthe Towship of Bast Wa ran shin the Countyonoof Enron, cont+ininr fifty sores more nr less, The farm is s tented on the pravol rood, about 40 miles from the Town of Wiughant, and one toile from Whitechurch. There aro on the p,emses a comfortable house and a good young orehnrd. A portion of the premises has been used for memo years pest for n market garden, and the balance is excel. lent land for grazing purposes. The property will he sold subject to a reserve bid. Tzaat$ or Sabn—Ten per cent. of the purchase money will be paid to the Vendor's Solicitor on the day of sale, and the balance in twenty days there- after. Arrangements can bo made to allow a portion of the purchase money to remain on list tnurtp'age at reasonable interest. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made know on the day of sale, or may be had on application to the Auctioneer, or to It. VANSTONE, Wingham. Vendor's Solicitor. Dated at Wingham the 4th day of February, 1S8ti. THE BIG s JOHN RUETTEL & S & For the next Two Weeks.--, 0 in C ve coat o At less than Cost. They must be sold. 100 BOYS AND MEN'S SI1 T S For $1.00 up. All at Clearing Prices. Come and get Bargains. Now is the time to get an ORDERED SUIT FROM $10 UfP • FUR CAPS AND GENTS' FUR- NISHINGS AT COST. JOHN RJETTEL et SONS, THE PALACE CLOTHING HousE, '4VINGIrAM. Macdonald Block. ,..' , i .> ,— it..r.' ' r 't '!J".'i "' i ' ?©1 s•!<: •_t—`i: Gtu c ?t•,4. ;:. i=: —GO TO—•-.-- UGS f GOLIN A. GANPBELL, 2 Doors South Post Office, Wingilutmit. 1' 54.-w•rsefets' _' -'f ir' TAsss 9i® .---3.01 fc1i 'fi> er b 1 it