HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-02-14, Page 3is
Its; T, U. COLUMN,
(CONotr Tin hr #'4114 aTieliA14 r11iAYOr1,1
ate Gad and dolls an \'
,mire Land "
We eau the atientro,s, of the atothore and enders
to tho met, that the ivunnoi's Chrletlea Tuusper•
• 4400 Unren mote the third Monday oscry month
•t three o'd 'k .harp, for onehour, at Mu Holm's
rosidenne, Patrick caeca. An ladies are made wet.
Aiitho N,,Nor has kindly rr[ren al part of hie
upare, ter our work, we ask bloods of the cause to
voila items or interest on uninorar 41100191e of the
41 y to guy or our mloumbei•a.
1 often think 1 nnnnat spell
The lesson I must learn,
And then, in werariness and daubt
But pray
the page
and goon 1 dud
I was learning all the while
Aucl words which seemed but dimly
Shine out with rainbow smile. .
�'. Hnzi.nmit.,
* * .*
"Every matt will count for all he's
"We aro more likely to find distruc-
tion by going afoot than by riding."
The growing good of the world is
partly dependent on unhistoric acts,
and that things aro not quite so ill
with you and me es they might have•
been is .110 owing to the number
who have lived faithfully a hidden
lite and rest in unvisited graves. --
George George Eliot. —
>E . * *
In these later days when woman
is in the foreground in el1 stations
and occupations of life; sometimes
-credibly, sometimes not, we need to
stop sometimes and consider to what
does all this tend, Oh i wives, R
mother's, slaughters, sisters too many b
I fear are forgetting' the holy C
influences of those "hidden lives" ou
in their striving for publicity. be
As Ruth Ashmore says, "Bather love in
our children and our God, teaching dr
thein what God means and what re- at
spect they should show Him in their br
lives. I3cing womanly axed that gr
means being the dearest companion
of a man, the mother of sons and the
Have got, it frarxi a prominent Citi
of Iilil�ois that hell is closed up.
M f
'. E WING NAM 'f1M ' s, FE RtTARY" j4, t$9t ►
:en WASHING �x ,lit LE'T
!The Dopertrnellt of the X
I t
Spon taneousF Caxubusti,pu..
The medical literature of th
country, as well as that of I�nglen
France anci Germany relates man
instances of the spontaneous colnbu
tion of the human body. In ti
majority of cases the victim has bee
a slave to the liquor habit, formed b
an over Indulgence, either in t
way of using it ns a beverage or i
the form of a bath, 1<ri .t$86 Si
William Gull, the great Lr'itis
surgeon, testified before a cotnaaittc
of the House of Lords on internpel
ance that such a thing aq alio spore
taneous combustion o#' ri drunkard'
body VIOLS neither impossible nor iln
probable, In support of
TER. To X eop Yon:ist..
ntexzor. Avoid dysllc'psia.
Play with the nbildrfirr,
Ri« cIS 811411 Mt' "prohltu►r" novel,
ANgE13°111' n Don't wit telt for gray hairs,
liENTGD Never dissect our omotiolnS.
yA13IOU$ Take exercise suppleness,
Cultivate an i.nlliere mi hobby.
1 Never lose eliei, without making I
he In+ it up.
ea to
HOW ITS ARMY oi' J,000 {:III;
y DOZEN cure xh"GSA hOW
TO ACCOii3rODATre T131
y 1 The mine "Doptirtruent of t
Ie' terioe" eonyeys very little id
n I most minds of the variety a
e � portance of the duties perform
1e said ;
"In 1876 a large, bloated man,
who was suffering from difficulty of
breathing, was broaght to Guy's
hospital, He died that nigh t,.andat
the post mortem on the following
day •thb body was noticed to be
much distended, as if made with gas,
When punctures were made in the
skin the vapor of alcohol could be
plainly smelled, and alighted match
applied to the places where the gas
was escaping caused it to bung with
a bluish flame. As many es a
dozen of these little blue flames were
burning on his body at one time,
There are several cases on record
of drunkards going to bed to "sleep
off a spree" only to wake to find
themselves enveloped in alcoholic
flames, the result. of spontancons fir -
in g of the gases in their tissues.
Such eases always end in an agoniz-
ing death. The l3ritish "Annual
agister" of 1789 records the death
y spontaneous combustion of the
ountess Bandl of Cesna, Italy. Inii
r own country such cases have
en rare, indeed, the last occuring
San Francisco in 1877, when a"d
unkard who was lighting a cigar 0
h 1 the nine thousand employees 0
e i branch of the Executive Depar
{' of the Government.
- ! The leadquartors for this
s ; army of clerks. is the Patent
im- Decline to think et' yourself as
ed by elderly,
f that l Don't fall vee' deeply in lova
anent 1, until you .have been asked to do so,
'• Never, never', never deelhle to do I
vast anything an the ground of edviarc-
Office ing years,
trcity l
0,e of "I felt never,
once, never,
butsata ttooQtokl lto
cost now,"
alley' Don't search fin' wrinkles. Mass-
ents. age your face and trust to that and 1
r has Providence to keep it smooth.
pp the theory
building, which covers two
block with the intervening• s
The building is of white marbi
Doric order of artiteeture, and
nearly $4,000,000, most of the nl
beim; taken from the issue of pat
Hero the Secretary of the interio
established his personal force of
clerics, taking up the best rooms of r. rt
coarse, although the Patent Office
force sorely needs • and right.
claims the entire building.
Here also the Land Office, wi
475 Works, perforans its multifarious
duties connected with the survey
sale of the millions of acres of pa
lands. Congress has directed
the Secretary and the Land Offic
move out, but has •failed to prov
other quarters, and so they s
The Patent Office force number
some 600 people, is crowded dam
about one-half of the space it rea
needs, and tons upon tons of pub
records, and thousand of origi
patent drawings and models
stored in the corridors. The ends
all the hallways have been turn
nto office roows, and near all t
models have been stored in a rent
building to . make room for cler
esks. Still the building is ov and the condition of aff•
constantly growing worse. So
5,000 patents are issued a year,a
ie hundred extra copies of ea
tent are kept on hand for sale,
ake room for this constantly i
ceasing stock, the number of sen
ate patents, now exceeding 650,00
a very serious thing, and the one
road hallways are narrowing t
nes scarcely wide enough for tw
ersons to pass edgeways.
In another building, called th
nsion office, are quartered th
000 clerks of this branch of th
terior Department. The building
of brick, and is of enormous pro -
dons, as one could imagine from
fact that 17,000,000 of briel
tered into its construction. The
ilding given the general idea of a
at barn. The offices are arrang-
four or five stories high on four
es of a central covered court, the
ne of all recent inaugural balls.
e roof is supported by eight col -
th its Ok' SCIATICA IN I''Ivx; DiU5.
endl "I had so severe an attack of
bine sciatica in May, 1894, that I eonn
the hardly walk. I was recommended
o to ,• by G. W. Specimen, druggist to use
ide :South American Rheumatic eure. I
lay, , followed his advice, and within five
ins days was completely cured. Three
n to years before, when troubled with the
11 same complaint, if took doctors three
he months to cure Inc.
nal (Sgd,) "S. F. BYCEMAN, Hamilton
are Ont,"• '
of The first dose of South American
ed Rheumatic Cure gives relief and
he absolutely convinces that :t cure is
ed certain. Sold at- Chisholm' Drug
k's Store, Wingham..
ver- _ __� ---- - .
a gas get actually lighted his is
eatii and clied in a few moments in+ 2
eat agony, I of
silent ruler of the whole world," Pig,
* * * 5
Quite an interest is being RE
aroused sT
by the exposures recently made in
Bamilton regarding' the indecent P
pictures sent out with cigarettes. • It . a
may not be a pleasant topie to dis- 1 A
cuss, but parents who have been
fancying that they could ignore the
purity question, because neither they
nor their children were in danger,
have bea, awakened to the fact, that
indifferenee is a crime, for there are
ways of polluting innocent children
they never dreamt of. Parents are
only now beginning to realize the
perils about their boys. Nor are
these perils confined to cities; every
parent should make investigasions,
as to the moral influences surround-
ing their children.
1 _ � y�'.�,`1.4w.F....ai��:-r • ;r'rw .rnFy.. p w•t. !+n *.._ .,v.,
NEWRY' 1'1gZ'R.G''.,- , '>t, „ta ,,a a'... ~ • •- st s2yasn�,$..•o.t
t .,ate,w,
tlee wOrTil Ins cv t .,rrx• t 7R, i .1.7e n4P. 1 Children
4AA t};flttt &4Ct,Z�it � %�htG ' •;. . ,try,1, C r +, �` ��" �' �t
uoaao' i^. v,x., , t. Xznt $t. liFdotha�rtt have
oh#I c a ... _..._.._r��.m;::1,7 �oz•:oo$ gas r6
OttotorP7. Y ;Y _p Fret trh->s s.
CCastnrs, px3 m>r:.T�, tt,-'
fi'ceotorirl ettr r ;+ting,:r„F ra »s� i uw'ind-t"?ir.
is relimirne !i;3t3f^szao ' rOttYS1r�R_
�',AOtpx'�;a ttR^Udfi''tG71a1.A*..^+•fxca„�r�;.d F.'7r�+;
°asto,riln zt�n4rr,1izns the) nf%otn eti o rboxilu nefel.gas wr vsoisoaorea air,
Castoxla tiooa,aoS; contain,-
ari.or. rAine, eppm y'ts n�hm rnxo;,tia ro Emir,
Caetoria assimilates alio food, reguletop tt'zo ston.:aalz axiom lye ,�
givinghealthy. and atnttara3l clean.
°asteria is tet r. in once•rizo bottles; es lv. xt i„ t ;, x�oiYr,.
Don't allow any ono to cell ori an 'ling oleo otz t_he Plea, or wremise,
that it is "jest as good” and "will a ns•wor c•ve "
See t'laet you got C-� ,+os'ry'"�ci.
The fa--- odic
signature of
e c� lmrra�p®r,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cistoria.
rs India rubber used for erae
inc pencil marks was known in England
c ch square cost .,s. 13 not a dangerous thing when it directs your attention to the fact that the
oc ,.At 7-777l.7- • lo
= `2= sem, ': --ate .= ==<� . . --•'sies
d as early as 1770. A cube of it �; .
h in p
Mrs. T. S.
To square
n Tenn, says, `Shiilloh'isrVitali•Gor'sated toy
ai- • lira' 1 consider it the best remedy for a
0, i debilitated system I ever used." For
el Dyspepsia, Livor ur Kidney trouble it
a , excels, Price 73 cts. Sold at Chisholm's
o ! Corner DraK Store.
1 Gambling is the child of avarice,
e !but the parent of prodigality,--Col-
A Desirable Amendment.
Why should merchants, supplying
the needs of a people, be compeIIed
to close their places of business upon
a 'subtle holiday, and the saloons that
trade upon the vices of the citizen be
Licensed to carry on their work of
ruin? An amendment to the license
•laws closing saloons on public holi-
days will be in order. Who will1
champion this reform ?
Which Shall It ?
The church and the saloon., says
the Montreal "Witness," cannot walk -
hand in hand together and both
prosper iri the way. Either one or
the other must eventually be blotted
oat. There is an irrepressible con-
flict between them, and it is growing
more intense every day. As the
colored preacher said, "Dose two c
' things don't paralyze." One of i c
these does, however, and the churchc
Should see to it that it is not the one, in
to get paralyzed. "It cannot be
legalized without sin."
The rector of St. Matthew's Church 2'
Hamilton, Ont., holds a warm place In
in the hearts of his people, not alone
because he is a faithful pastor, but
for the work he has done for the
children of Hamilton, as principal of
St. Matthew's parish school. As he
has sent forth his influence through
church and school, so Ile extends in
a wider way the good properties of
that wonderful medicine, Dr. Ag-
new's Catarrhal Powder, by telling
the people of Canada how much it
has helped him. There is something
uinique in this medicine that secures
favour wherever it is known and
umns, 8 feet in diameter, and 100
feet high, and each containing 100,-
000 bricks, These columns wore at
first covered with white plaster, but
e recently been covered to re-
ble Mexican onyx,
be Indian Bureau has found a
e in an office building on 1+1 street
re 100 clerks are employed. By
the greater part of the force of
bureau is stationed at the Indian
cies, reservation schools, or
ing, schools.
Ire fifth great branch of the In-
t Department, i. c., the Geologi-
urvey, which has about 200 em -
which just now is making a host eel sem
friends because of the certain relief T
it gives in cases of hay fever, a hom
trouble that afflicts many at this whe
season of the year, As a cure for far
catarrhal trouble it has no equal. this
Sold by druggists. Sample bottle ager
and blower sent on receipt of two train
three -cent stamps. S. G. Detehon, T
44 Church street, Toronto, Sold at terio
Chisholm's Corner Drug Store cal S
ployeee, has its force divided betwe,... I
Dints for Housewives, the
To remove the fire and relieve the Slnit
pain of a burn, soak at once in cold `-''
water in which plenty of soda has
been dissolved:
Dainty,candle shades are made by
nted building on F street near
Treasury Department, and the
hsonian Institute building.
e Bureau of Education occupies
a rented building across the street i
from the Patent Office, and the
Bureau of Labor occupies a building I
an F street near the Geological Sur-
vey headquarters. These Iast two
1 bureaus have some forty and sixty
clerks, respectively.
The l3ureaus enumerated are the
important branches of the In- J I
Department, but besides these
ie following minor branches :—, fr
of Railroads, Interstate Com -
Commission Pacific Railway I
overing the frame plain with bright
olored silks and applying cream
gloved lace guipure over them. An
ch wide lace pleating on the .edge
and a still narrower pleating at the most i
top fzriish them. The shades made'
l terior
The Way It Works.
Two brothers, says the Dominion
dd-Follow, kept a saloon in fl j rn
ail it loosely Wrenn side zap to an r
-- m
Yon Can Believe
The testimonials published in behalf of
Hood's Sarbaperitttt. They are written
by honest people, who have actually
found in their own experience that
Hood's Sarsaparilla purities the blood,
creates an eppetice, strengthens the
system and absolutely and permanently
{ cures all diseases caused by impure or
' deficient blood.
Hoop's Pants for the liver and bolaels,
act promptly, parity and etfectivsly, .
Forest, City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontarior
Is giving the most practical and,•business like course in Canada, Every-
thing strictly high grade. Write for Catalogue and College Journal.
College reopens January 2nd, 1896.
_ _ d• W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
Nature is the time -vesture of God
that reveals him to the wise, and
hides him from the „foolish .--Carivlp
Karl's Clover Root, the creat Blood
purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and cures Constipation,
`2d cts., 50 cts., 81. Sold at Chisholm's
Corner Drug Store.
They who speak ill of themselves,
do mostly as the surest way of
proving how modest and candid
they are.—Anon.
Relief in six
ney and l31adder diseases relieved relieved ingsix
hours by the "Great South American Kid.
ut u Job
33ut it is done so quickly, and at the same
time.so neatly, that all are pleased with it.
•]3ring along your Job Work to the 1 y �_.S
Office and see theles do it. Prices right
Tears are sometimes the happiest
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great smiles of love.—Stedhal. 1 I i+ t RE ■ IT
surprise and delight to physicians on ac- Remorse not Only turns Gad : valnnblattoetiso and bottle of 114(140* tont f'm to an.
count of its exceeding promptness in relieve f n• 3 rtcrur. Oivo Txprest end Post "'ea
addzost. H. t#r
int pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and a�,ainSt Us, lint turns us against our- eer,West Adale{de Strce! mato
every part of the urinary passages in male Selves. ---Thomas.
and female. It relieves retention of water
and pain zn passing it almost immediately
If you want quick relief and cure this i
your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
Spiritual force is stronger than � � f � 9
s I niaterial ; thoughts rule the world. ---
I Emerson.i sirorttwa Krtotif tint r
He that swells in prosperity will
be sure to sink in adversity. --Colton.
' 't hest manhood resides in
I'11e hie
disposition, not in mere intellect. -1
Rheumatism Cured In a day. --South I
>tican hlieuuiatic Cure of Rlieuinatiam'
n eura gin radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
is action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious, It removes at once the cause
the disease inunecliatelydisappears. The
rst close greatly benefits, 75 cents.
i'Varranteed at Chishom'sdrua store.
Get together a hundred or two
from silk poppies, roses and violets are tl
aro still in favor. ! Office
A good floor covering may be ! iliei'e
Commission, Government Ilospita‘.lI
issouri town. One of them went to N
Chicago to lay in a stock of Liquor, at
When he left a revival was in fall co
blast in the town and he had hardly i Le
reached his destination when he re- c
eeived the following telegratxi : "Bill,'
buy no liquor: will ,join ehureh I ma
to -morrow night t i» asixiess is, taking•i ,lik
us to hell, ----Jim." That night Bill wh
went to hear Col. ii. G. Ingersoll be
eeture. As Soon as lie got back to pat
jy lu hotel hey� sent off' a message as the
fel ,ws a "as iin1 hold off till i Colne. as
Ade from 1m old Brussels carpet,
tie flocs and paint with a thick'
at of linseed oil and.burnt mber, i
t it dry thoroughly and then
Le With it coat of good varnish.
When it has stood for a week or i
re it can be scrubbed and washed
as any all cloth. Taek it' closely I
ere it is.to be used, for it need not,
taken up an many years. As the 1
for the Insane, Freedman's .hospital, m
and the Ai. ehitcet of the Capitol.
To furnish proper quarters for the mo
Department, anatliet building as large
as the Pateet Office sheet be built.
The Secretary could not collect to -
gather the clerks now scattered
thr tr a
ou„h a dozesi Or so rented build-
rib can be suoeessfully treated''
purifying the blood with hood's
arillaa Insist upon Hood's and Il
en, however sensible they may be,1
nd you are very likely to have a
The Breath of the pikes.
Coughs, colds, asthma, bronohitts,
are throat and lung troubles are cured
y Norway Pine Sprup, Price 25 land 60'
eats, It breathes out the healing vir-
ues of the pine forests.
nt and varnish wear ole, renew; Cala
ui, and tTitiS it 'will last foul' times ably l►y
only Hood'tar
long as eommon oilcloth.
•There was speech in their dumb-
ess laughing in their very gest-
For Suits that suit
1give comfort to the i
wearer and satisfy!
OVERCOATS ,oautrefrrtiery dsu,tyln Cid
`Urlnow howtodutheir
work; don't think
e are
any better
and yet we charge io more than ethers
Zs a veld iemarkable remedy, both f
d() for inferior work. Hundreds of new
fall and winter sainnks to choose from,
tit priced about half what you !lave to
'L'It1iN11Z, and E SA,TtNAi, tcetr tot
$errui 3is its qulalE aotioit to rt nova dietre 8,
pay for old goods. Work done for parties
furnishing their own cloth.
you thiels that a Tweed Suitcttnnot'
be properly made for 84 Spot Cash, Call
enol see our work. Our terms are cash.
Opposite the Maedobaid 13Iook,
Wieseteina One
d AI-ICILLC$ta 3e a
:VIA:. MIT' LoMa,ComWtrPhIuNnt,roer1tThr lZ44
iAcrtkt.toer I'I1d8iet`xfia llre,r,e..a_ytr.t.�.ajaSu#rrrrah+w
it? I tit 11Cfb LIME", Rjh lit, {11:Rei
ettillAssacii".1)einwiPnittnillit ant'atlY!'roursiT:1;12d1.ra Ellyst:ndhitn: