HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-02-14, Page 11-3
Mania:CO Licenses
Issued by PRANK PATERSON; WO 2e, Vie -
Once more at it. Invigorated by a conplo Of Weeks,
rest• Gladdened by the sight of many WV faceSs
Down to hard work for another year. Perhapeyou
thought of n course but conid riot got hero ou the
onening day. Remember we are open for the teeen-
don of students the year round. Oenie When )011
can. Now students will ho entering every week,
the meantime write us for free catalogue. It is, Mr
trouble to us to give information.
Canada's est Comme
to positio every week. Write for cireu
--Mrs, Geo. E., g and. Miss aennins
are. on the sick list,
ng after his brother' store here during the
etter's absence.
—Appreutice want (I, apply at 13eldert's
photo studio.
—An "At Home" be held in the
'3:ensperance Hall, a Thursday evening,
Feb. 27th, ander the anspices of Maitlend
—Josephine Stre presents vatber an
uncouth a,ppearane on aecount of 'the
banks of snow. ,T Rtreet „Committee
would do well ,.eio ave thesp' velled at
—We notioe tbat 1\11 Ross is mak-
s. slaughter in his N , 25 cent hooka
selling for 10 and 1 e
V—We are plearted t know that Mr. Fes.
sant, of the firm of 33 tton and recreant, is
around again after th injer received in
the feetory last week V
—If you are in need of
' should call at Ross'
I splendid lines sellie
invoccrtnemal.1.111malloonawircm. -^ ,, ' miaaruped hi the wet.
. water it turns over
0, as high as tel petits . of their animal fest
le street here.. ' ! evening. It is aftla tht
, Diagonal Ste geve ' Overcoats from $12 to $25; cannot be
I beaten in the Dominion, at Geo. H. Lim's,
ay last.
City Tailor.
ire, Grand , Chief
—St. Valentine's.
—Wheat is on the
having been paid on
—10 packeg
Kerr's Grocery
Templar of the I. 0
last week, where
with e f.air "limb
of green her
" sale at the lo
hand sleigh you
Store end see his
et a great reduetion.
t there is only one
a that cannot swim,
en it falls into the
feet tipwards and is
aansPanY at Y nag PeaPla aniaYscl a [ —Mr, Peter Deans again confined to
two hours "jingle -b Ils" around town on i the house through eiei nese,
Thursday evening,
—Geo. Ittaesn wi take part in the
—Mr. CI, A. Camp 11, of the Telephone special .A.rmy meetinf in Clinton on Sat-
DtorntsigilitSiot.ore is off uty this week with urday, Sunday and uday next.
Williams! Little Dandelion Pills
• —For first-olass tailoring and cheep Mire headache. Try them.
ixental furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one aoor south of
F. A.. Graham's grocery store.
party celebrated one
ar, number of "Moll -
it and assisted in the
G. T., was in Ripley —Dancing is looked
China. One day, oi
re -organized ..iciedge
Commodore Anson
uee—We have it quentity
wes 'present ventured
d, (beech. end maple) for
st price. "It ig very fanny to,1
MeLmeer & Sox, Wingliam. see why you go io the
in of Best Narbwanosh, about yourselves; fa
hs 'been in Quebec, and servauts do it ior you.
John Ma
has for some mon
the St. Thomas a
in pressing hay
—Mr. John Farquh .son, brother of our
is eeting as the "presi ing angel" of the
Teeswater News genet in the absence of
Mr. Stewart who is tending his fathers
funeral at Lucknow.
sure ,cure for the worst cold. At
Williams' Drug Store.
—Edison hos ma
photograph the brains
need not worry the du
more than the genius
stronger Medium then
poss the 'brains of som
errangentents to
f people, hut this
es. It will require
en Ediaon and a
cathode ray to ex -
of them.
—It has been decide by an American
judge that a girl is just' ed in concluding,
after her young man h a called 25 times,
that be means besines.. This is altogether
for the clispositiou of the girl. There are
terbium; who would justified in thinking
that business was cant, even after the -
second visit.
p as hard work in
a festive occasion,
sere a ball on board.
aerie of Canton wilt.
politely to remark:
k at; lent.Lifail.. tee:
trouble of juniping
better make your
trict of Ontario; engaged —G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
He returned home last leave Winghtim at 6.23 a. m. and 11.20 a,.
p. ea., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con-
nts per pound at neetions by all trains.
—Pare Pepper 1
Kerr's Grocery,
—We notice the
nounces the death o
town. The Doctor
pal Musgrove.
—Mrs. Helen Mu
has purchased the S
—Mount Forest
in a supply of new
mailing machine
present: That jou
—Messrs. Butt°
million feet .of mcbe h
placed in their y rd
they had paid out
—The Anniversary
arrie Examiner an- with the Presbyterian
Dr. Arinstrong of that . brated on Sunday and
as an uncle of Princi- Sunday the Rev. Dr.13
! will preach morning
iollaud, of Hamilton, Monday evening he w
aw homestead, lot 27 brated lecture on Pale
will he furnished by
• tion will be taken up i
take effeet about Apr
England to reside fo
foemerly of Wing-
() Anglican Church,
i his resignation, to
ist, and '11 go to
—A. quart hettle of
for 30c.
L -About fifteen tra, ellers were unable to
get out .of tewn on T
the stormett
--Teke a peep at
Crockery window, the
the prices,.
--The, Young Libm Is had an interesting
%meeting on Monday vening last. Mr. G.
F. Blair, 01 Bruseels was present and gave
a, short address. A. the elobe of the meet-
ing a number of the members repaired' to
ed in that appetiein
City Retteurant.
entertained a limbo
day evening,
—The reguler
of C. Be wits held i
to A largo audience
the work. The sub
"Witneseieg for
into five topics, a p
topio by the fcllowi
for Christ in the W
in the Prayer meeti.
the Public, N. A
Social Gathering, M
n, Josephine street,
of friends on Thurs-
ting of the local Union
the afethodist church
lad, when an tnterest-
f people • interested
ect for the evening wen
rist" and was divided
per being read on each
g persons: Witnessing
rkshop, Mr. A. Lloyd;
Farquharson; Li the
es Angue MacGregor;
. W. Hogarth. Solos
o. Cline and Rev. Dr
ort comment on the
eating was Feebler/
rr, President wielded
ovet by Mr. John K
Gifford made a s
cc!' papers read. The 1
by Mr. A. Ireland,
step inside and get
--Tim latest excha
"The -Hustler," pu
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills oilalln;iirlion,Mbie.Alria'vlliingdb
cure headache. Try them. ship of Usburne. Mr
—On one occasion y ng man,gredua.te ef sterling worth and
of a Southern Medical liege, fresh from no doubt he will mak
the halls of learning end much addioted to morethan ktustler i
the use of large words an high sounding
phrases met a, reporter, he, wishing to get
furtlser light, after the.ar Omen's method,
asked the fledgling if e ever safes en
part of the country they re often killed in
the woods. They are no quite as large as
s black snake but can ri very feet, and
are considered poisonou " It is needless
te say that the reporter fainted and the
doctor had to apply rest8iatives.
Black worsted suits from $15 up, at
GEO. H. IRVIN'S, City Tailor.
1. John Ritchi
Ritcht, , epee Sim
Wei -.erten.
sea, spent it day in
ere oysters were serv-
styly peouliar to the Kincardine to visit it
Miss Therese, Gerr
guest of Miss Gertie
Mr. Manley Mord n, of the 13ank . of
Hamilton, drove over to Clieton on Satur-
day and spent ,Sunda, with friends in that
Rev. Mr. Melie of Lucknow, was
"snowed in" at Wine iam on Tuesaa.y.
and Guelph.
me, is visiting Mrs,
ge en our table is
Milled Hamiota,
eton, whole a native
en born in the town -
Middleton is a man
marked ability, and
his paper something
rvices in connection
hurch will be cele -
Monday next. On
ed. evening and on
11 deliver his cele -
the choir. Collec-
aid of church fund.
surcilas— ladies of Wingliam an I. vicinity that I am
type and 13
s ' a kind of birthday prepared to do work i my home, Mr. Jos.
nal is now in its twelfth Ads.ms',or to sew by ie day. I guarantee
• perfect satilifaction it all work intrusted
to me. JESS= Rox,s ox, Corner Francis
& Fessant continue to and Diagonal sts.
s in, iogs, over one ' —The new and obl ging President of the
G. T. R. has issued i striations to the le
argrgip to Feb. lat 11. &B. division to 'how all members of
$0,000 fer logs. .,Good-bye" fraternit passes to the juue-
}iced Smoked Beef, tient/provided these n mbers wear the regul-
.s. ! ation badge which 1 ay be obtained from
elf the Dominion Ex- i the local agent or ft i the concluder.
__. purchasers of thee
spent Saturdcby and ;
A. Prominent Lawyer says:
n town. His son who ! , Get a free sample of Williams' Little
h his grandfather Mr I "I have eight ehildren, every tine in good Dandelion Pills and be convinced.
time returned home . health, not one of whom but has taken There is nothing like them.
: Scott's Thoulsion, in which my wife has
boundless confide_ec_e.'
itation was Sarnia, formerly of
Dr. Gifford to1 various bicycle meet
a third year. 22 diamonds, 2 gold 1
1 gold ring, 1 bicycle
66 and their friends I handled umbrella, 1
sexy celebration at Ifive.o'clock tea sett,
, on Monday, March unknown, equal to 8
es them a pleasant seconds and 6 thirds,
times. The totel va
—Shredded eh
Bakers Cocoa, Ke
press Co., Montreal,
Sundae, with friends
has been staying w'
S. Youltill, for some
with him.
ness meeting, of
held on Monday eve ing, an i
extended to elm pa or, Rev
remain in the paste ate f
—Mustard 15 - ce
—The Volunteers
will held an annive
Point Farm, Goderie
9th. Tho Tints Wis
\ day. ,
Seturday, Robert
—There died at
and 6 months.
diabetes and old a
native of Engle,n
les ' County of Huran
dift4latterly in the tow
the body wee cow/
streeseth and fragrene If you hove not
used it yet get it trial peckage at
The Great Tea Rouse.
—A very vicious tack on the Funk &
Wagnalls Standar Dictionary t peered
some time since in eMinneapoli .ribune
seemingly with edi rial authority. It new-
er:pears that a rive pnblisher was respon-
sible for the attack The following editor-
ial note is conspic ously printed in the
Minneapolis Tribu e: "Ie certain adver-
tisemeets hereto ei published in this
paper certain stat ments reflecting on the
Standard Dietiona , published by Funk &
Wagnalls Company of New York, have been
res,de. Lest the i ression should be had,
that the Tribune eginated these stete-
meets, and has giv them circulation 011
its own account, we wish to say the
Tribune was not an is not responsible for
these statements; nd that the Tribune
does not endorse th charges therein con-
tained. These oho es were ens.de by the
10 House of Refuge last 61:211'56'
a.rdner, aged 101 yeats Soda
he cause of death eves The "Social Box:
e. The deceased was a.
end had lived in the' Lueknow propose g
r over half a century, tainments on the
Feb, 20th, A cord
ship of Stephen, where tO all and every on
i and gide to come t
ed for interment. In
_ presented by Oche
the 8eason. this district. it p
Did you ever know of terlything so seen -lit in. Admission
The Ohenee
Just think of it 1 A pithy, up-trearbto local I,, receive it. Admi..
paper and a pea old reliable 12 -page parohasers of boxes.
Antis McLeod, of
noardine, won at the
the following articles;
ond pin, 1 opal ring,
1 pair shoes, 3. gold -
et of fruit knives, 1
sett euff links and
prizee; 30 firsts, 10
Prizes withheld five
a of winnings was
—The Clergymen oni neighboring towns
who were expected give missionary ad-
dresses in St. Paid chereh, Tuesday even-
ing, were Prevented rem coining on ac-
count of the storm. In their absence, Rev
Mr. Lowe, the Rect. r, addressed those who
had turned out. T e
service in conneetio
he held ou Sunday,
mons will be preach
ing by the Rector.
Death of Mr. Ang Stewart, Lue'snow.
Last week we mild mention of the illness,
Stewart, of Luakno stating that Ms con,
dition was very muel improved and thatke,
would soon be rotted gain,....kittererefftl4to
thkic.:::44,3,940,44,„dval ou,lid duty to
record hie death in Tot issue, but the
day when 11.e -suddenly
worse enddied, Early
Whenahent 20 ye
Americo, 'atitteeette»
ship 09,tlicless le 1.
Ltbeval polities
, and Miss Mary
ay with/frierias in •
, of the 13lyth Stand -
, of Brussels, was the
ussell, last week.
Mies Saddler, nt
Miss LeneeOreViin;
Mre. Dr. Horsey a d her daughter, Miss
tbey will reside unti spring.
Miss Emiritb-Wood oak, left en. Wednes-
day to attend the Co, ado, Business College,
ondon, is *jelling e.t
he has :seen yisiting
-to he'riffirtieln,
with the church will Miss Annie Tals'ot,
hen appropriate ser- , Mrs. G. M. Duffield's
a morning and even- Miss Strathdee N
:Offertory in aid of i friends in town, war
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs.
'ti Mies Mable Kent le
Satisfaetibn guaranteed.
11 for all persons who 1 to visit friends in St.
deign illness to provide Will Farquharson i
ttle of Perry Davis: ton High School tl
going oat to spend an I list.
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. '''
Satisfaction guaranteed.
of the Ingersoll Sun I
tied to any subscriber,1
The regular mon
in advance, who lays
School Board was
Mable and honoreble
chamber on Tuesdey
ng the publishing of his
vithout receiving the
—It might be. w
are predisposed te
themselves with a
Pain Killer when
evening. Sold by
—The publisher
offers "a. liberal re
not having paid up
before him a pra
scheme for continu
paper twice a week
subecription price,
have not been able
but from the Blown
scribers wo are feel
think we have disco
pense of others,"
es" of the village of
ving oee of their enter -
evening ot Thursday,
aI welcome is extended
, old and young, boys
the Town hall on that
n is a fine one and willbe
t talent in ratcknow and
niece to be good, take
mly 10 cents. Ladies
ion fee refunded to hmla from whiolib
So get up your crowd He was in his 60th
n the 20th, you will i mid feetiily of six
Water NewS-1111
dalously cheap? The Truss and the Week.lfree, but they are r
ly Globe to the ist of January,18111, for to the door, where
1 weekly for less than two cents a week, to go to Luoknow
Subscribe at once and get the full value of 1 never forget the pl
your money. store for yon then.
o has been visiting
lied euddenly home
count of her mother's
t town on Tuesday .
home from ,
is week, on the siek''2'
, ref Blyth, is visit -
e weele
Schoo Board.
bly meeting of the
held in the Connell
yening. There were
1, Griffin, Galbraith,
eting were read and
ne dollar year. We
o solve the problem,
s of some of our sub -
ed to believe that they
ered the secret of ran-
i]: benefit at the ex.
present: Messrs. Be
Batton, Abraham, M
Minutes of last
The Principal's mo
hly tepee., was read
and on motion was re ived.
1 36 30
—D. M. Gordon has ve indueing 2 . 50 51
bargains in new spring goods, eople from 3 52 45
far and near are p .kin riem up fast. 4 54 47
50 40
While they last we w I pleased to have 5
you get IL share. 8 the 7 cent Factory 6 e... el3 51
selling now at 5 cents, every tunny used 7 52
8 68
Total nember on roll
The following acacia
n motion the chairma
grant his order for pa.
Neil MacGregor, r
$1; John Scott, wook,
Sas. Duffield & Son, 5
Moved by Abraham
that the Tretestrer
end. that he be vertu'
Board a moethly eta
Moved by Griffin,
that the Seeretary is
arias of the teach
Moved by Griffin,
that the Secretary
printed. the required.
monthly reportefor
Moved by Xorto
that the meeting ad
A triple renneve,y. seised great excite-
ment for a short tie e Monday morning. 3
Mr. John Currie, son of Mr. Robt. Currie,
had left his them stet ding in front of the °
Bank of Hamilton; th y becoming frighten -
t and ran into the
ugs.1Ps sleigh; one
the hind bob over,
d man seemed to roll
.r; all who witnessed
. McDougell would be
ht selottieer.e. killed, but he came o t of the frame.; tin-
e eiblerQo the town- butt. In the scramble hie team got ttway,
9, and taing,„ and running againstl. Viola's butcher
tie wee a 'gt.s,uiviik sleigh lamed hie horse and dettoliahed the
na has been 1Glease. sleigh and herness. They were stopped
e-reeeettelser-if aa they turned the e tner At Swert's hotel.
on the baolt of the second sleigh arivei by Mr. Caldwell. One
took blood poieoning. hots° was thrown d
year and leaves te wife 0.1 the sleigh aro
bia and two daughters Otero Celderell's te
be-ofetkereffalta- horse released from
dem Currie's tea
ook a change for the ea took down the stre
ondaymorning,rele rear bob of Mr. MeD
ee-ekaiirerintriede.1 and horse, aleigh
lerke'tberlin College the affair thought M
wn aria trailed front
na into the betel shed
tu was stopped and the
Was badly mit. 4
465 and the average
was instructed to
ment of the same.
a, piling weed,$5,63;
pplies 08.20.
tecended by Griffin.,
be paid. $25 pet year
d. to render to the
ne orders for the sale.
and officers of tha
wooded by Dutton
be inetruotet bee*
number of irttee
he ttehool,--
, seconded by