HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-01-31, Page 81 H. MCIND00.1 M.* • r THIS WEEK. We invite you to a &at look at the maw spring Dress Goods, Laces, Em- lorddery, English, Prints, French emmbries, Ss.teens, Seale; Zephyres, Grepons, Colored Spot Muslins, Lace Curtains and Carpets. They're the prettiest lot of goods we ever started a season with. They are good quali- ties, perfect cloths and dainty cle. signs. Facts Werth Remembering No house is in a better position to buy well. No house knows better how and where to get the be st values. No house can give you better satis. faction with your purchases. These are facts apt to be overlooked. Bargain, Sale 13ovs* Clothing, Mantles, Furs, Overshoes, Underwear. These goods can be be bought now at Bargain Price and paid for next win.ter. GROCERIES A large number of people have been sailing their way to our Groeery Counter for the past three weeks and tiIi they come and every customer carries away a few parcels of our Cheap Groceries. Inspect our stock. M. H. McINDOO. ,9-4.51W THE WINGIIAM TIMES. JANUARY 31 1898. LONDESBORO. will be held at Turner's appoint - The good Templars here are pro- gressing nicely there being imitations nearly every night. There were three initations a week ago Tuesday night. - The Members here have accepted an invitation to visit Auburn lodge on Monday evening next. A week ago Tuesday night was election of officers .and last Tuesday was instalation. The following officers were elected; O. T. James Young; P.C. T., Albert Me - Gregor; V. T., Hannah Riddell ; See., Ida Priley ; F. See,, Fred Johnston ; Trea., Addie Crisp ; Chap., Arthur Woodman ; Mar's, Geo. Gald well, Gard, Aliee Oliver; Sen., Jos. Addison; Organist, Addie Crisp. There will be a grand concert gfven here soon, keep a look out for the date, which will be given next week. The contest that has been going on in the L 0. G. T. Lodge closed on Tuesday night, Mr. Cole's side gain- ing by 30 marks. -We are pleased to see Miss Hodgins able to be out again after her long illness. -A certain young gentlemen and two young ladies went to attend a tea, meeting last Monday night as they thought, but alas, when they got there to their surprise found it had been several days before. -The Methodist pulpit was filled last Sunday morning by Mr. James Young and in the evening by Rev. W. E. Millson. The regular quarter- ly service of the Methodist church ment on Sunday morning next. There will he regular preaehing 1 service here owing to the quarterly ' service being held so far Rev. Mr. Fair, Rev. W. Millson, Mrs.away. Ashley and A. Crisp attended the Sunday School and Epworth League convention held in Clinton last week. -The• Londesboro League intend visiting the Blyth League on Tues- day evening next. -The second son of Mr. George Snell is dangerously 111.-10. J. McFadden, of Hallo& was visiting friends in the village on Saturday and Sunday last.. an-YR.SSR "S.D !Ng SSSESM el44411.11•1111.414471/44,00,14.440410PIMPPOW SuitN. lawny --In Beet Wawanosh, on Janu- ary 19th, the wife Of Mr. R. W. Irwin; a SOD, corlersnar84•=1....1.eummearihnsamessamomensul arrottEr.r.-In Lower Whagham, on January 28th, Mrs. Robt. ditobe11, a Bon. NAltIttiED. MoDolvaaa-Knsto-At the residence of the bride's mother, on January 28th, by the Rev. A. Y, Hartley, Mr. Geo. Mc- Donald, to Miss Bella King, both of Bluevale. PATElmor -WV= -At the residence of the bride's father, on January 1Gth, by the Rev..Tas. Malcolm,Richard Inglis Paterson, of Pilot Mound, Man., to Marv, third daughter of Mr, Robert Wicks, of Culross. MOORAOKAN-GARDIDER-At the resi- denee of the bride's parent, Bluevale, on January 23rd, by Rev. W. IL Moss, Mr. Fred. McCracken, of Brussels, to Miss Fannie, second daughter of Mr. John Gardiner. it F*DWART-In Turnberry, on januar*,, 28th. son of Mr. Donald Stewart, aged 440, years,:, FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS AT THE BIG fri' • ruOCK a , VOLII01•0114.1414414••641•410414.1•MIMMIMAMI44,...114 =DM_ T.IT'IT ,44 3(0"Vv DES v Is to re 0 CS Do the Tiio)z .can the tro CI On the lst of March we commence taking stock and to reduce the . * 6 stock and make room for new Spring Goods, we are going to cut down the . prices in all departments to a point at which everybody will want to buy. mile prices tell the story. Read them. „1-- 1082111•0111:11111 OU CAN 4E "SUITE BY 9 5 JLU1-1, I VII\ "THE" TAILOR. '°44;011.4141,41.41.11ylvitelbleo SILTS Are made to order. Thaes why they always fit, perfectly, admirably, and to a T. There's more in our suits than a perfect fit there's first-class material, which it is always easy to select from our superb aggregation of the finest goods ever brought into Wingham. Our suitings are unequalled. So is our high class tailoring, and in clothing, the tailoring is everything. Material, even the best, counts for nothing if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for you in order to fit you. Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains : -FRIEZE OVERCOATS IN LATEST STYLES, FROM $9 to $35. 1.1k111,11,16,11.11.-11.11.11-0, MELTON AND BEAVER OVERCOATS IN ALL SHADES, FROM $12 to $24. 40/011.41AVt"W/41/th, BLAOK OR BLUE SERGE SUITS FROM $8 to $26. .1111111110111,11041.110%411.010 BLAOK WORSTED TROUSERS FROM $2.50 to $6 Per Pair. 44.0.0&s4s. *Vrir11 C.A.,1\1-1•1-0T s T...Ti\TD:oi Its or..,b GEO. H. IRVIN, "TIIE" TAILOR; WINGHAM, ONT. ITT': BANK OF HAMILTON. 11841117 SS92.8q GENTS' FL! Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price 50e, sale price. Men's Wool, extra quality Shirts and Drawers, regular price 50e, sale price 39 Men's Wool striped Shirts and Drawers,regular price 75e, sale price 55 Drawers, $1, sale price 78. Men's Arctic Shirts and Drawers, regular 65e, now for 45 Men's Wool Hose, regular 25e, now... - ... 16 Men's Top Shirts, regular 90e, now. ... - ... 65 Men's Kid Gloves, lined, regular $1, now ..... 78 Boys' Wool Gloves, regular 20c now.... .... 121 - Men's Ties, regular 25c, now.... ...... .... . 13 Men's Ties, regular 35e, now Special prices in White Shirts and Collars during our Clearing Sale. . 144111411414.44,4141•441444 • F'11.7 sonalsomssmosissmai,,solatirsosmatm Men's Persian Lamb Caps, regular $7, now. ...$ 4 90 C t 44 14 5, " ... 8 75 Men's Australian Beaver 0.,ps, regular 3, now. 2 25 Ladies' Astrachan Capes, regular 30, now..., 22 50 Ladies' Greenland Seal Capes, regular 26, now 20 00 Ladies' Persian Lamb Muff, regular 10, now.. 7 00 Ladies' Astrachan Muff, regular 5, now 3 75 Ladies' Grey Persian Lamb Gauntlets, regular 5, now 4 00 Ladies' Greenland Seal Gauntlets, regular 4.50 3 50 Goat Robes, regular 9, now 7 00 Saskatchewan Robes, regular 9, now.... 6 90 4IIIMMCINICIEZE• ,13011411•62.1==11ffie .4.1•Mairmatimarell READY-MADE CLOTHING. Men's Overcoats, velvet collar, fly front,regular $5,now 365 -Men's Freize, double breast, regular 5.75, now 3 95 Men's Fine Worsted,regular 9; now.... 6 50 Men's Fine Light Melton, regular 9, now. 6 50 15 Overceats„odd lines, regular 6 to 10, n w for 12 Boys' Overcoats, odd lines, 10, now Boys' 8 piece Suits, regular 4, Boys' 3 piece Suits, regular 4 .1 C 5 Boys' 2 piece Suits, regular 2 Suits, regular 3 3 25 a4 4 49 regular 2 50 to 1 63 and 2 35 now.. ..... 2 49 50, now.... ... 2 99 50, " 339 25, " ..... 119 00, " 1 63 75, " 2 75 TAILORING DEPARTMENT Men's Tweed Suits, regular 13, now.... .... 10 50 Men's Tweed Suit, regular $15, now 13 00 Men's Tweed Suits, regular 16, now..... . . 15 00 Men's Pine Worsted Suits, regular 16, now18 50 20. " 17 50 22, " 19 50 All Wool Tweed, regular 35e, now ...... 25 ;; ' 45e, " . , 32 65e, " 50 STAPLE DEPARTMENT. All Wool Sheeting., two yards wide, regular 80e, now Union Sheeting, 2 yards wide, regular 70e,now All Wool Blankets, 7 lb, regular 3 50, now... Ladies' Fine Wool Hose, regular 500, now.. ‘; • 45e, now. .. Ladies' Cashm.ere Glov. s, iegular 20e,now.. ‘, ‘; 60 46 2 80 40 85 13 25e, now.... 18 3 Toweling, regular Price 5e, now Also Special Values in Cettons during our Big Sale. .M.404.1• CRUMP LADIESMANTLES. ALL THIS SEASON'S GOODS. Ladies' Mantles, regular 15, now 9 Q0 s 4 11, 9 00 7, " ... . . - 5.00 o 4; ‘, C c r, 44 . 3 75 ....... . BOOT AND SHOE IDMPTIVIM1\711 Men's Laced or Congress, regular 2, now.....1 25 1 75 1. 60 1 50, " .. 1 15 Men's Felt Boots, half foxed, whole stock grain regular 2, now 1 85 Men's Felt Boots, 4 buekle, whole stock grail). regular 2, now 1 85 Men's Felt Boots, split, half fixed, regular 1 75 1 60 Men's Felt Boots, 4 buckle, split, regular 1 75. 1 60 Ladies' extra satin laced or buttoned, toe cap, regular 1 50, now..,.1 24 Ladies' extra satin, laced or buttoned, toe cap, regular 2 25, now . 1 75 Ladies' Tan, felt lined Skating Boots., regular 1 75, now It • 1 45 Misses Tan, felt linedSkating Boots,. regular 1 50, now.. 1 80 Ladies' Felt Tweed or Congress; foxed, 1 85.. 1, 10 Men's ,‘ 1 50.. 1 05 44 48 g 44 „ -• • • .4 11 44 2, “. 4 mmiisimnsomonsousos MILLINERY,. 25 Trimmed Hats at Half Price. 50 Felt Shapes, regular 40e to 75e, now 25 DRESS GOODS. In this department prices have been slashed to our loss and your gain, You reap the benefit, but we are going to cut down our stock and will sell these goods at prices of whieh are bound' to make them go. Remnants at half price. ••1111111•17111•11MINIMISSIIIMIIMMMISINIIIIIII GROCERIES, We have pat the knife in this department 'AO prices have lowered as a consequence to a notch they have never reached before in Winghatn. • L.IF-311 Clort Prirti213030 liomuth & Bowies,P; C I-1 M A :E) •1 Cai to) PM. th tee 1)5 OV f ba tu D ti 3