HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-01-31, Page 6AN TECO, JANUARY Si, L ' Accounts passed. --••'B• Ringler, b0 Albatross, and olio sailing vessel, the ly the above statement is sufficient to and 5t yards of gravel, $0.24; A. O. Gratuptts. These are especially rindttce otir farmers to go more ex - Campbell, 25 yards of gravel, $1.503 fitted out for the studyie Qr hk Ii e, , vsnsively intplaotthe euletvatl9u of this Ireland, D. Jaaeloon, feneing, $` ; 0. (Walser, and for Carrying an the I ARY 31, 1s9G right of way, $1; Jas. Foster, D. 1 . Corllrnission. The tl e m stateoss ie. aa s` Stifle : a oeini rrentLie 18th 1 the Can d min ..kI.IU......,.Te ...- i , 0. fees, 510; John tl'ndarrvQQd for equilaped with ............ r laetween Wroxeter apparatus for deep sett soundings, witless to coil the cultivation mo v of alba t patting in strive t ' and for studying marine life rind formation ea and Moved by, $1. r. temperature at great ,•their was little known in Canada at Aiaved by Mr. Southern, seconded conditions al: Getup � b Mr. Stewart that the council do depths, At present the ?islrhawk is that time and it la u my return i Canadian i Dy A. naw 1, adjourn. to meet in the Albion itll the for da stud h studying and sameing the ,farmers by holding meetings in diff. Hotel, 1'ordlvillr on the third Wed- of 1 Y l^ b l D ring the summer it,' stent parts of the colntry and sof • IIOWICK. The Colleen elect for the Muntei- paltty of the Township of Ilowiek Ellet on Jain 20th, at x11 o'clock in r sten ec s. %t •ted, ay 1 advantages, At one the Township Ilali pursuant to iiesdlty in Iohruttry, -Gari 1 g the lainln its advan . o . LIrzIE Dr*tira Clerk with the Grampus, sailed along � h 1 cols taQse ineetin Statue. They took the necessary oath of office and (yualifieetiotls as follows: Mr. A. C. Southern, 1st Deputy -Reeve; Nr. John Stewart, and Deputy -Reeve; and Messrs. An- drew Doig and Wm. Finlay, Coun- cillors. The Reeve took the chair and the -inientes of last meeting read and ap- proved. A eoninunicatian from the single tax association being read as to re - (lacing taxes on improvements. Moved by Mr. Southern, seconded by Mr. Doig, that no action be taken in the matter at present but that it l is only a development of kidney the coast of Alaska, is now fitting: up Ve laid. --Carried. I disease, which can positively be eu1- i at San 1 rancisco, for a ``campaign" Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded , ed by South American Kidney Curo. ; In, talc vicinity= of the Santa Tiarbatra by Air,Finlay that \'Ir.G.I-Ionry, paid It is not necessary to wait until one t isands, west of the southern part of $6.25 for gravel used on the boundry has Bright's disease to take this 1 California, between Howick and Minto and 11'.. medicine. Why not take it when Hainstock bepaid $5,00 being some of the earlier symptoms of 1 i..or rho purpose of distributing' supplying his customers in Canada. .Tos the Commission owns four rail- A visit to either or both of these balance on contract for gravelling kidney trouble haus become manifest? 1"8") roaears all fitted up with tanks, air 1 works would surprise you at the ex- on said boundry as per statement of There is only one way to talk of this pumps, 111d r ' tent of business tarried on. While Air, Tolton. -Carried, } medicine, and that is tq�eall a spade about • fram� Mr. Livingston S Atlantic coast following the set .. . I of mackerel, in order to learn some- ; Waterloo I was met by A r Iarl't James 421'it?'1'IZER-novVf. of ' thing of the mysterious life history i Livingston, now member of Porins BaleriiT'S DISASE. 1 of this important fishe After the 4 merit for that `entity, and A V Cart ytng oli Orton in the county of guarantee their share of expellees, the Association will be pleased to appoint tt competent instrnetor and assume control of the work. The Secretary will issue a Circular letter to factory- men actory men shortly, giving ill detail the. syndicate echeute, Arrangements will be made for a meeting of eheescrnakers at the Dairy Sthool, Guelph, about the close of the school term in March. Copies of the resolution passed at. the convention re branding eheese, will be forwarded to the Minister of Agriculture and Dairy Commission at Ottawa. 'tire E eeative Committee for the 1.e ,l nd e p year will be President, A. Il'. Mae- Laren, lfeasur0rl by nonpareil regia Laren, ' John J. Pearce, Andrew Lonnr notioea Iva^ iter line tut Hrat tusnrtion, and l Eo^ par inti for each ru egini ant htsertims Pattullo and R. 14'1. Ballantyne, Advertleamantxatl,ovt,.Suld,l3trayed,Stbuations, A eOmmneticatioll was read from latttt.1lusinesxChxnra, Wanted, notexcosdinfi $ i1ns. ni'Z'i , Eel Eur first MOth, ani ti0o. for cher. the oitlzens of Tilsonber g inviting i xnit�+rgnent at� i rrn for Sale wet 4xr adtng A line . inact;ercl season was over the Grain -1 an metican, not the on xe n- ziEc•+u5E s>r IIA NOT LL+`A.XtCUR or . us wont to the New Foundland ( sive flax works in from Galt., Locking A `he st ASL =CNN)/ after l p of live codfish which' Doon some three milds Locking the stable door after the lie d kloll Masa. whore be inanr be,nks for caro ' ' rfaietures the seutehed it conveyed to Wood's ilarge ropes, binding twine and.l There the eggs were expelled by flax intowrapping horse is stolen is disappointing, , a of .id- ' compression, as .were done 111 securing 1 and .down to wra ing threa s;. yet in the particular matter 1 I eggs of all kinds of fishes, and while at the works of Mr. Livingston, e trouble it is done in many cases. • gg Icy lratctted, Daringthe year sonic • at Bornen, on the Linc of the Grand Every day the newspapers are tell- sixt - mililons ofyoung Acod. wore I Trunk railway, he not only ina ufe- ing of the death of people from distributed, chiefly from this station. tures the seutehed fax in a similar Bright's disease, and Bright's disease ' TMr. he rhe Albft tlas5, after a season along tures thea seedintolinseed oil, but n both raw and boiled, and finds at ready market for it throughout the Domin- ion, and also into oil cake for feeding cattle. which he exports largely after —IS eneiTaI7lt» EvB.t�X irBIW:t',".i' a40lttzr'Iz10 Tea— TIMES OFFICI L JOSEPHINE STRM'r WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Sai7garip�tionprice, $t ver r(ksr.Gla stdlraEato ' ADYSL(TISINO 1tATBS: - Sllaet 1 1y r. 1 t 11.e, 1 3mo, 1 Itoo; Una Uoluntlt 00 001 *0) YO 1 820 00 $ OS 1111; " 40 30 Sa 00 12 00 0 00 quarter "' 20 6v 12 90 7 Of/ Ore one s00 _ LOO 2I. a� 00 —Legal _ ~d oth r 01011k advertisements Pe. per Ilse for !trot lneet•tivn, and So )70riirtetor each3ubeewtle,tt items an a 1s e the,AssoeiattOU to lipid its next an -1 3l or fltat oiouth, Sae. put subsequent month,. nusl convention in that town, The I Lt:Cileaeat<rine81111ex10, Par dto time and place for holding the next( Spe ial ratt8 for larger advertisements, or for annual convention will not be deetd- l local r liedr. Adrtrtireme,4 and local nuti0oa without rpeoifle ed until the next lasering of the dtr,utioue, wilt he inserted till ;0rl,id and charged a0corcth,[,ly. Trararitury a,lvertiaerntltts mnetb. l3oard to be held about the beginning paid ie amenor. of the cheese season. Moved by Mr. Southern, seconded by Mr. Stewart, that Mrs. Lizzie Dane be paid $5.75' per charges in the Day ditch appeal being the amount allowed her by the Judge.,— Carried. Moved by Mr, Stewart, seconded by Mr. Finlay that Mr. Wm, Plant be paid $.00, being half his contraet for gravelling on Blaine.—Carried. Moved by lir. Stewart, seconded Mr.. Doig that the account of Mr. Dane for poll books amounting to 4$2.28 be paid. ---Carried. Aroved by Mr. Doig, seeonded by Mr. Finlay that John McLaughlin be paid $5.00 for wood for Mrs.Walker, she being ill and in destitute dream - stances and not a proper subject for the House of Refuge.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Southern that this council go Into committee of the whole to ap- point Township officers, fixing saline with fresh and salt water life, ap- - arr•ied. predate the magnitude of import - les etc. 1 o • tried on by. tile Moved by Mr. Dlilmage, seconded ante of rho oldie ea byMr. Finlay that Mr. Doig act as , Commission. During the last fiscal cairman. —Carried. I year there were distributed from the The committee rose and reported 1 twenty or more hatchings stations progress as follows: throtrghout the country 629,23",, ,n:. be the sante as fish eggs, fry and adults. 3y -fry" That. the salaries young fishes a few weeks lust tiet1T, � 13 meanty u b Tile council resumed with the old, some five hundred millions being Reeve in the ehaire of this class. The varieties range Moved by Mr. Southern, seconded as follows, in order of number dis- by Mr. Stewart that the report of lake • tbe committee be adopted. --•Carried. The report of the committee is as follows: That errs. Lizzie Dane be Town- ship Clet•k; Jas. 'Perkins be Teeasar• a spade, and say that it positively and absolutely cures all features of kidney disease. It's most dangerous and its most distressing. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store Wingbam. WASHINGTONLETTER. THE UNITED STATES FISH CObtraisSIOTT }vn kept in large tanks- on I these few hints, however imperfectly living quarters for their crews. These ears go station to station and convey the cans of small fish to convenient distribut- ing points from which tbe cans are shipped by express.. To keep the fish alive while in the car fresh ail• isforced ' t tl e water lite means of i g gets a large supply o seed from the Germans and others in the counties of Waterloo,'Wellington, Perth and part of Huron, he gets large supplies from the North West where the Mennonites grow it large- ly. He has had from there this sea - 111 0 1. the pump. The car can usually 1 son alone one shipment of 100,00 convey the fish to within twenty-four hours travel of their desination, and the consignee is notified as to the precise time at which his can of fish will be expressed to him.-. Some AT IT DOES TO EidcouaAGn dint, varieties are e FISHING INDUSTRIES, AND HOW the cars until put hi the ten gallon put together, it is not my fault.— ITS WORN. Is GAMED OUT. I milk cans for distributing. Globe. I The Fish Commission bas nothing ` From our own Correspondent, far' sale. Everything is given away; { Ford Wolsely ell the J�rin3r+ Very few people who go through the party securing the fish, paying About ninety per cent of the crime the old ,Armory on the Mall, the pre- the cost of the can, unless he is able Is owing to drunkenness sent headquarters of the Fish Com- to return the same, and the eipress- mission, and visit the grottos' in age from the station or the distribut- in which are arranged tanks filled ing car to its destination. When a request comes- in for fish, the appli- cant is furnished a blank to fill oat, giving location of stream, lake, or pond, for which tbe fish are wanted, character of its bed, etc., and the number of fish asked for. This is endorsed by a member of Congress, and, if satisfactory, the party is notified that his application has been entered, and that he will be inform- ed. at the proper time as to when the order will be filled. • Exposure to cold, damp winds, frttly result in pneumonia unless the system. is kept invigorated with Roud'a Sarsa- parilla. G-0 TOS -- - FRANK SCELI'S, Vann Ton 01T 1l =Ma Ain 1 Wan YOB $1. opposite I ,,rmun's tXotol, WINGHAla, - -• ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam LauudrY. bushels, and later one no less than 150 car loads, each car containing 7,000 bushels. This has all been carried over four lines of railway. If the farmers will not beuofit by OUT tribated : pike, pereh, white fish, 1 lob:;ter, shad, cod, herring, tront, and fiat fists. TThevarious hatcheries are specially fitted for the propaga- tion of the different varieties : thus at. Gloucester and Woods Holl, Mass., • er; Geo. Paefieltl, Asseesor;11. Russell they hatch cod, at the two Maryland be caretaker of Hall; Air. Jas,Roe be stations end at the Washington a, member of the Board of health for station, shad, mit the Northville, one year; Mr. Arthur Spitton- be a Michigan, station, the various varie- e ties of trout, and at Alpine, Aliethi- . member of the Board of health for � p , two years., and that Thos. Aikens be gen, whitefish. At the Colorado, a member for three years. The ap- California and Gregor stations they pointing of eollcetors being left over r give their attention especially to until the September meeting, ' raising trout and Saluron. The Moved by Mr. Doig, seconded by prrspeets are that -tile "crop" for the Mr. Stewart that P. Keating be paid present year will exceed one billion. $1.1.. as Deputy Returning Officers The eggs after Ilaving been ex. fees and polling booth: Wlir. 1'ioKer- tracked from the fishes and fertilised eher :111 for Deputy Returning are given the treatment required for Officers fees and polling, booth; John the various varieties for hatching:. ' Corbett $10 for Deputy Returning Shad and white fish eggs aro placed booth; tiV in Iltlrly glass jars and agitated by a Mews fees and polling , , A. Irwin 10 for acting Retuning] stream of waiter introduced at the officer• and D. 11. officers fees,—Car-1 bottom of the mass by means of a tied, glass tube and rubber hose. With Moved by Mr, Doig, seeonded by lir. Southern that the council decline to e:ctond the time for collection of tax(+s,---Carrie(l. Moved by Mr. Southern, seconded by Mr. Stewart that the Treasurer pay his securieties before the council at the February meeting.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Southern, seconded by :lir. Doig that tenders be accept- ed for the printing and advertising for the township at the February meeting and that those applyingbe asked to furnish security for the due peri+ir thanes of the work. ---Carried. Moved by Mr. Stewart, emended by Mr. Doig that the aceount ofJ.11;. Williams of $113 for coffin and shroud .,ler tie°. I)iekett b(' paid.—Carried. Moved by ib .. Imig that in our army' i a 1 and when our men are removed from Capital, e1,550,000, Best, $650,000 the temptation of, intoxicating liquor President-aouN STonxT. and•crime is practically racticall unknown . vice -President --A. 0. ItU11BAY. among them. During the operations I conducted in South Africa, ney own personal escort was composed almost exclusively of teetotalers. They had very hard work to do, but grumb- ling was never heard from them,and a better behaved set of men I was never assisted by—a fact which I at tribute to their almdst all total} ,ab- stainers. A. E. SMITH, Successor to HALSTED a SCOTT, Josephine Street ' Changes for contractadt.ortisemeute must be in the once by Wed/wad/4.Y moon, In order to appear" that reek S. 0, 'MOWN, Y'Ier4lin'ea Alin PVBFIMWR - ibig{iisnl, tllll, BANK of HAM LTO WINGRAM. In The Beginning Of a year, when the winter season of close cotifinernaut is only half gone, many tied that their health begins td break down, that the least exposure threatens sickness. It is then as well ;as at all other -time. and with people evens in good health, that the following facts should be remembered, ; namely: that Rood's Sarsaparilla leads everything in the way of medicines; that it accom- plishes the greatest cures in the world; has the largest sale in the world, and requires the largest building in tbo largest building in the world devoted ex- Western Dairyman Meet. The new Board of Directors for the Western Dairymen's Association met �k i&I,.OPO ALD; CVNTgi; &TRr:'.IAT, WINOmau, • . oHTAatO.• 0 E. vAlisTo) s, riAltit11T131i, SOLiCIT011, Rte.,. Private 1.nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate interoat. No %minimum charged. Mortgages, tools: and farm properkl houaht and sold OFFICE --Beaver Eloek W1301418AM . . DI1aSCTORS Joss Paocroa. Gxn. RoAoir, Wx GrnsoN, M P, A, T. WOOD, A. Ji. Lux (Toronto). . Cashier --.i. TURNBULL. Savings Banle- Iiours,10 to s; saturday8,10 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed Special Deposita also received at current rates of io .crest. Drafts on Orcat Britain and the United States bought and sold S. WILLSON, AG$NT E. L, DIOXINSON, Solioitor. on Monday Jan. 20th in the Snore - present: RINGS' Gary's office, London. There were RINGS' i V present: President, A. T fol T.n i cn RINGS I • J. A. MO1tTON, BARRISTER, .ta, Wingbam, (Int. iE. L. DICKINSON, BARIBISTEIt, ETC. SOLICITOR x0 BAr c of IIAi14ILTM MON= TO LOAN. Oiliee-•Meyer Block, Wlulatam. and R- N:. Ballantyne, Stratfort; Jno• I am the only who can and does ler noakringson Lon - S. Pearce, London;' Ileritid Eagle, dondemishs. the Attercliffe Station; J. N. Paget, Can - born, H. White, Hawksville; John I make and finish all work in the hes Prain, Barriston; Thos: Gibson, cord- possible manner, and guarantee satisfao- wlch and J. W. Lymington, Cain- teen in every Instance. Jackie. A large amount of business W here gold is found, I always return elusively to tbe preparation of the pre- cwas .transacted pertaining to the lusivey medicine. Doss net this con -during the elusively' prove, if you are sick, that work to be carried on B.00d's Sarsaparilla is the medicine for year you to take? Flax Culture. Sir, --We are favored with the in- formation that a wealthy company has located in or near Victoria, two other places that may be demi - fax Columbia, to start extensive upon. A good staff f speakers Otis woaka t, as is the 'best news known will be provided for all these gather- ingswell and they will be made as effect- ive as possible in promoting the bet- ter quality of dairy products in west - flex lr ern Ontaria> faX o about gat poundsium abrins The schema discussed at the Wood- reardily ton, the over one hula- stock convention of organizing. all reads .y the factories in Western. 0uttlrin into dian about $200, In the dred pounds sterling; and out Caur the groups or syndicates of from 15 to 25 Cana - II. ultimately be carried out Local conventions will be held at Danville, Forest, Listowel and Almira and if suitable arrangements tan bo made, joint meetings in connection with the Supt. of Farmers' Institute and be held at Mt. Forest and ono or this treatment the shad eggs will i that the Belgians produce the best hatch in a week, while the white fish witched fax in the world While in eggs require a period of "nearly Six Ireland the best quality of scotched months. Salmon eggs require differ ent treatment; they must be placed in lad ors on shallow trays and placed just beneath the surface of a flowing stream of water so as to be subjected to a gentle eurrent. Lobsters should be set at liberty soon after hatching, or they will begin devouring one another, and in a few weeks there will be in the tank a few big fart fel. hundred little when the l3elgiulns commence aper-1Lacu a,tions, Ontario as well as the North by the Board if the factories will ea- or SIS ear West may benefit materially by their operate and guarantee their share of ? € r Twenty- tate expenses. A competent instrtc operations, as their steeping System gt'Oit stern for wilt be placed over each group, is different to ea dee setting; foI io will be under the instruetiott of. the same gold, manufactured as pe order. By leaving your order with me, you can save from 'leo to 2, accordiog t style, weight and quality of ring. We also make to order Engraved Coil Brooches, Bangle Pinta, etc,, etc., a Moderate Prices. Jewe•lery Repairing and En graving Neatly and Prompt iy Executed. HALE PARK, J I 1 WELE ' c Ingham. Opposite Macdonald iii >ck, k Do you know a maxi in Canada 111 repairs watches any bettor than Raise Park,Watohreaker and Jeweler, CVittgha (otos instead of a hun re Itt e {I� on the grass. Though last, not least, ahead instructor, employed by the ones. I the operations of Mr. Stephenson, on a 1IOIISuch a soller�d carried The propagation and distribution `tiro Love farm of 10,000 acres, must out Association. its entirety would be effective of fishes, however, forms bet One not be overlpaked,. since by improved in being about a greater uniformity branch of the work done by the nmachinery and the use of an engine gproduct. An Colrlmission, The scientific branch he is able to plough twenty acres, a in the quality of the p' day, something unknown to the his- effort will be made this year to or- tory of Canadian farming since the ganize one or two groups on trialand first settlers came into the Country, j zt committee has appointed to meet °he d' tors of the factories in the • Finlay, seconded by studies the various Inland waters and e claim of Mr, Matt -the ocean for new varieties to be in - hew Dane for acting as returning' I trodueed, and the statistical features, 1caught,i f half bushel of last year be ]eft over until such as number of fish prices and the sowing o 1a a *lifter y dnumberof d hi d of ,25 ds had no less than 1 Woodstock seetion and if possible 3tllll�s"tt meeting ° The Visit Commission Q1vns two t y tt nt5 per stile /ate 'Wm. Dane's salary.^—Car- , that time, about sevens desire to forma syndicate and 'ill fid, steams 'ships, the Fish -hawk, and the bushel, paid him handsomely. Sure- still and also the contiti;Ini• received, then an ships, see poen r . i and amount of capital employed, rte. ' •,;2 bushels to the nerd. The price at ,arrange group there. If however, f Dane 13roa. as to portion of , 20 or „a factories in ams locality u`UUECO(��E'S BEST FRiEN i.AI1GSS3T 15A1,E IN CA:'lA.DA. G. OAMExoN, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, doe, Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets, opposlte Colborne hotel. GOnxaltlir, -• -0NTAY10, DENTISTRT.—J. S. J EROME, L^ D, S.,%vniar AM, «• is manufacturing first-class eats. of . is +" teach us cheap as they can be made h1 0440 U,ltuinron. Teeth extracted t absoiutety,rithont pain, by 1118 new process, gudran300d rerle, Gly ttafs. OF1I011: In the Bearer Block, oppoolte the 13runawi00 House. N ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. B., L. D. s., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College. OFFICE---MAODONALD BLOOM. , Novi -14 ill rlaitBlyth every 1redncsdey, JOHN RITCHIE, • GENERAL INSUitAt+CJ' AGENT WINOlIAx,� - ONTAxK1 D DEANS. Ja„ wlaunAar, w LL1.CENSED AUCTIONEER Poi( k THE COUNTY OP IIIBION. Sales attended Iii any part of the Co, Chargee Moderate, 7 OEM CURRIE, Fi u(CnOot, Wt., ` e3 s.D AUCTIONEER. I Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a specialty, All orders left at the Tutus (Mice promptly attend, Ged to. Terms reasonable. SOCigTY MEETINGS. - V. �^ COIII Pouts nd,No.24,L'anadian 117 Order Xorester+..n0ots the sc00nd and last Friday evening of 0 cry month, in Ore. gory'8 Block. Visiting, brethren welcome. John Neolande, C. R. Ii. II. Elliott, 1L S, g 0 g _ wingham L. O. I,., Y0. ;114, meetf .s s first b'rirlly in every month In the Orange Hell; vieltnrs welcome J.G. Stewart 11'. M ; W. J. Plenty, 1.tee 980 51 JO PRINTING, _. INCLUDING Gooks, Pamphlets, Posters, 1311'. Jl neads. Circulars, rte.,. &a, executed in the heel style of rho art, at moderato prices, and on 0109 S notice. Appiv or adds. . fOOWN•t, Toms -0111m tVinghata. ---- BOOKBINDING, 1 we are pleased to am,oanee that env socks 41 Magazines lett with 118 for lsiudiug, mill havt nu prompt attention, Pri.cs for Binding In any 61y1 will be given on applteatton to the 'runs Office, gooey tc? Loan or. Note �-e Notes Discounted a1 O011SI ., 't`e,o■bfe keatfee 14404 6 4140 0014104 o s..diaine eel.3 Fres io 4109 8350,.1. Ohs ltapree3 end Yat Olga 144410,8, T• A. �L.OUL4 QMS!4I01L CO., Litt•. TeMtge, hitt. r 0 Motley cuivanard on Mortgages at 5.} pet eont•wlth privilcus of paying at the end of any year. Mies and accounts collected. ROB'. A'iCINDOO. Deaver Mock Winuham, Ont.