HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-01-31, Page 5WAWANOSH, Will Paton Ms been appointed caretaker of Calvin Church for ,the ensuing year.—Mr, Robt. S. Reid 'took a drive down to the 4111 last Sunday, the moonlight evening was favourable for the trip,—Mrs. T. W, Auld is visiting her parents this week. Minutes of Council meeting held Jan. 20, 1896. The Municipal Council of the Township of East Wa- • wanosh met pursuant to Statute, The members thereof being Donald Patterson, Reeve, David Robertson, Deputy -Reeve, and Messrs. Wm, Sutherland, Walter Scott and John Ooultis. Sear., Councillors, Having each duly subscribed and signed the declaration of qualification and '.of office, the Reeve in the chair. The " minutes of the Dee. meeting 1895, were read and passed. Moved, by Mr, Scott, seconded by Mr. Coultis, that P. Porterfield be reappointed Clerk at his usual salary. of $80 per annum—Carried. John T. Currie lot 32, concession 13, ;was appointed auditor on behalf 'of the.Council,and Matthew Lockhart, lot 29, concession /3, was reappointed the other auditor by the Reeve. Finlay Anderson was reappointed Treasurer, salary $70 per annum. The appointmeet of an Assessor was laid over till next meeting of Council. Board of Health for 1896, the Reeve and Clerk, and fn conformity with Sec. 2, Chap..49, Ontario statutes, 1895, Walter Me- Gorran, Blyth, was appointed on the • Board of Health for three years, and James McGee, concession 10, Fordyce P. 0. for one year. Dr. McAsh, Belgrave, Medical Health Officer. The annual certificate from the Registrar General Toronto received, certifying that in 1895 the Clerk had registered 48 births, 7 „marriages, and 24 deaths, entitling hint to receive $7.90 for same. Communica- tion from John Willson, See. Tres- + surer, Un. S. S. No. ;5, Hallett, East, and West Wawanoslh, and from See., of goodroads Association St. Thomas, received and tiled. The Treasurer reported cash on hand Dee, 1G0 1895, $2687.49, receipts since that date 8194.74, total $2882.23 Paid. out $284.84 leaving a balance on hand at date of 82:597.39. Applica- tion of 11irs. Coates lot•37, concession 4; received, asking for some assist- , ance, being at present' in indigent circumstances.. .After .h.earing terein herself a. statement of her case, it was resolved that she receive $5 • in the meantime for .charity. • It was urther resolved, that no more. appli ations of this sort would be coup- nanced by this Council, now that. e Hous° of Refuge tor the county as in full operation, and' open to eceive inmates. An account front "TIMES" office Wingham $7.50 for printing 200 Financial statements of 1895 received, ordered, that $7 be paid for same. Debentures were ordered to be signed for payments of the following accounts viz.: "Tlatns" office Winghant „ ,printing finaneftil. statements 1895, $7. George Gar- ton, filling hole in approach to bridge on river concession 10 and 11, $2 ; R. Coats & Son, Clinton, balance of account for clothing furnished James ook ill Dec., 1895. $1. P. Porter. eld; salary as Clerk,. 1895, $80; osta.ges, stationery 189:1, 554.26, services as Division Registrar, 1895, $7.90, expenses of last Munieipal. election, $31.50; Alex. Nixon, repair- ing culvert on Eastern boundary, 1895, $1.50: Mrs. Coates, lot 87, con - 4; charity, $5. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Coultis, • that this Council now, adjourn till Tuesday llth February next -Carried. ' P. Porte eerneD, Clerk. * MORRIS. The members of the Municipal Council elected for the current year, namely :—IT. Mooney, Reeve ; Geo. 'Birkby, Deputy -Reeve; and James ownlan, Thos. Code, and William sbister, Councillors, met pursuant to tatute, in Town Hall, Jan. 20th, 896, and made and subscribed the ecessary declarations of office and a.lilication and the Council was duly organized, the Reeve occupied the chair. Minutes of last meeting for 1895 were read. and passed. Moved by Jas. Bowman, seconded by. Thos. Code, that Wm. Clark be reappointed Clerk at a salary of $130 per annum ---Carried. Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded by Geo. Kirkby, that Richard Johnston be reappointed auditor. at a salary of $S Carried. The Reeve appointed McClelland second auditor. ved by Thos. Code, seennded lav . Isbister, that John Watson be !reappointed assessor at a salary $70—Carried. Moved by lh i Zabister, seconded by Geo. Kirk that Geo, hood, Thos. Laidlaw a 1 W. J. Johnson be appointed to . I along with. the Reeve and Clerk as Board of Health, and that Dr. M i Ash be Medical Health O.ffiicer�-, Carried, Moved by Jas, Bowman, seconded by Thos, Code, that t Township printing for the current year, bo let by tender, and that the Clerk be instructed to send, a sketch of work required to the offices of the Post aide llerald, Brussels, and the Standard office, Blyth. Tenders to be opened at the next Council meet- ing to be held on the 17th February next—Carried. 1H,oved by Jas, Bowman, seconded by Wm, lsbister,, that the two bridges known as Bloomfields, and Rattan's bridges by rebuilt es soon as possible and that the Reeve be instructed to interview Mr. Ainsley respeetiug plans and spe.ciIleation for rebuilding the same ---Carried. A petition was presented from a number of the ratepayers of Morris and Turnberry asking for the formation of a Union School Section, comprising a portion of said, town- ships West of the village of Blue - vale. Moved by. Geo. Kirkby seconded by Tnos. Code, that said petition be entertainedand that John R. Miller be appointed arbitrator to act in conjuaietion with an arbitrator to be appointed •by the Council of Turnberry in the settlement of the matter herein referred to—Carried ()remotion of Wm. Isbister, seconded by Jas. • Bowman, • the following accounts were ordered to be paid viz: , Deputy»Returneng officers services at election, each $6; Robt Gibson, repairing* culvert,. $1; W. H. Cloakey., building culvert, $5 ; Van • Va,nnnoernan, repairing:scraper;•$4.50; J. and P. Ament, lumber, 84.25 Dr. McAs'h, services on Board of Ilealth, ;. Duff &'Stewart; repairing Riit- tatn's bridge, $9 ; Geo. Jackson, gravel, $2.75; School Sections No.11, 9, u; 7, and 10, use e!1' school houses at elections, each $3:; J. Smith, diteh on sideline, $6 ; P,. Cantelon, pare. payment repairing . approach ' to Ciatrke's' bridge; $3 ; Brusselg Hetaid; balance on printing:account•for 1895, $7.90; John. Mooney, • Collectos'•s salary, $85 ; W. Clark, posting financial statements and election expenses, $11. On motion of Thos. Code, seconded: by Wm. Isbister, the Council then adjourned to meet again on the 17th Feb. nest. W. CL.uucn, Clerk. Tin VT:INGRAM TIMES, JANUARY 31 1$9,6 of Snap Sbcts,. 'm. Atwood Bee is 7 going on 8. b Lucknow stage driver has a new t,. act ou tgt. °V a Coilingwood had a Leap Year ' - Carnival, Mildmay married ladies are leaf ing to skate, Mee he . Straw is worth $10 per ton Wroxeter. The latest established post office Boothville in Egremont. Clinton Collegiate Institute had narrow escape from fire. Ai) eeteee at is a INervotus Prostration It is now a well established fact in medical science that nervousliette is due to impure blood. Therefore the true way to cure nervousness is by purify - Mg and enriching the blood. The great blood purifier is Hood's Sarsa. parilla. Read this letter: "For the last two years 1 bave been a great euffero>; with nervous prostration and palpitation of the heart. I was weak in my limbs and had smothered sense - tions. At last my physician advised ram to try Hood'ss Sarsaparilla which I did,' etre r amd well.y I am still usinant Hood s Sarsaparilla and would not be without it. 1 recommend it to all who are suffering with nervous prostration and palpitation of the heart." MRs, DALTON, 56 Alice St., Toronto, Ontario. Get Hood's, because Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blend Purifier Ash Wednesday, February 19th, Easter Sunday, April 5th. The little daughter of Dr. McLeod, Goderich, has scarlet fever, Chesley's vital statics show 32 deaths, 16 marriages and 16 deaths. Henry Herrn of Goderieh, spends 3 years at.Kingstou for horse steal- ing. Listowel Piano Company will not employ as many hands until trade brightens up, Cardwell needs afire to thaw out the lire engine, which was frozen up in the last storm.' In Forest council there is a print ing and Indigent Committee— Suggestive is it not ? The Chas. Carter 100 acre farm on t'te'Huron road, in the Towuaship of Tuckersmith is for sale. . Mr. John Montgomery, of Orange Hill; and Miss Sarah E. Ferguson, of q Lakelet were married recently. • BLUEVALE. Miss Bella Bing wags ., quietly married ied at her mother's residence pan Tuesday morning, to Mr. George 111iedonald by Rev. A. Y. Hartley . Mr. and. Mrs. Macdonald went to Owen Sound on the noon train to spend their honey -moon. The bride wore a smart travelling .gown .of brown elotb. ,All's. MacDonald was exceedingly popular with every one and we ere sure she.. and her hus- band have many wishes for their happiness acid prosperity.—Court Dot»ias, C. 0. F., will give a social nn Friday evening of this week. A programme will he given.—The annual eneeting of the 131ueuale Presbyterian congregation will be held in the church on Thursday afternoon.—Little Paul, youngest son of Mr. Joseph Pugh, was dangerous- ly i11 this week, with sore throat and croup, but we are glad to hear of his improvement.—A Interesting wed- ding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner, last Thursday evening, when their youngest daughter, Miss Fannie, was married to Mr.. Fredrick McCracken, of Brussels. The ceremony was performed by Rev. ;11r. Moss, in the presence of about forty guests. Tho bridesmaid was Miss Bell Richardson, of' Teeswater, and the best man, Mr. Will McCracken. The bride was dressed in a cream serge gown, tastefully trimmed with ribbon, which became her well The wed- ding supper was excellent and after partaking of it, the company enjoyed. themselves in various ways until a late hour. Miss Fannie was an unusually lovable and lively girl. All who knew her became attached to her and it is the sincere wish of all heti friends that heaven will be kind to her thoroughout her life. The wedding party drove to Han- over en Friday, where they spent a few days.—Miss Maggie Burgess is visiting in Teeswater.—Mr, James Elliott of Turnberry, was injared in the village on Wednesday, by a load of woad falling on him. Mr, G. Prouty has been Clerk of the Township of Hay for 38 years and never voted at a municipal elec- tion. - . The contract for the Blyth new school 'has been let to Rohit. Hownard, jr., and henry Stevens,' Clinton, at about $5,000. Rev. Jas. Livingstone, of Kincar- dine won the prize given by Rams Horn, .for the best story containing less than two thousand words. • A wild cat appeared in the streets of Mount Forest last week. This it is claimed by the Representative, is rather an usual ocenrance, but no doubt the citizens of Haat rural town afro accustomed to the nightly howl of wolves. The Breath of the Pines. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, sore throat andlung troubles are cured by Norway Pine S.prup. Price 25 and 50 cents. It breathes out the .healiak vir- tues of the pine forests. Ontario VTest. Hanover has a population of 1,900 and is unincorporated. W. G. Hay, a prominent citizen of Listowtl,.is dead. • H: T. Battler, of i'Viai•ton, has tak- en editorial charge of the Mosley Free Press, The Cross ,farm, one of the best in •Peel was sold last week to Henry Miller for $4,0e5. Mr. T. W. Hildred, who has car- riecl on a carriage huelting business' in Lucknow for several years past, has one to St. Themes, where he will d'''o business in future. The cheese factory at Birr owned by kr. S. Corsant, was burned to the ground last Saturday morning, togother with its contents. The building was, insured. The factory had recently been leaned by lir. Corsant to a practical cheesemaker. self= eip You are weak, "run-down," health is frail,strength gone. Doctors call your case an- clemia—there is a fat -fam- ine in yottr blood. Scott's Emulsion of cod -live 0l, wtll by phosphites, is the best food -mean:; of getting yotir strength back; your doctor will. tell you that. He knows also that when the digestion is weak it is better to break tip coal -liver oil out of the body than to burden your tired digestion with it. Se ott's Emulsion does that. Seotr & Bowan, Belleviile, Ont. 5o4. end $1.oe Is notwhatwe sn ay be ut what od today. Sari rapariila does that tells the story. Hoods_ PUIS act harmonimrsly with Hood aSbasaparilla. Sao. eontripation erred. G31,`iTt9,—I wis in very poor health for over four years. i he doctor Fnici it was Constipation. Not .wanting to Ppend too much. cash. T. got three I,otxles of Bur- dock 'Blood Bitters and took it regularly. I can certify that T am nnw in the very' heat of health and feel very grateful to' B. B. 13. ALFRED TRnex, Montreal, Que. Karl's Clover Root • will purify your Mood, clear your complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c.. 50a., and S1. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. MARKET REPORTS. WIND tA)t. 1Vinglatln. Jan. 80, 1896. Corrected by P. Deaus, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 tbs 1 85 to 2 00 Fall Wheat - 0.70 to 0 71 Spring Wheat 0 70 to 0 71 Oats, 0 23 to 0 25' Barley0 80 to 0 35 Peas 0 49 to 0.50 Butter,.. .. ,.... 0 13 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen 0 17 to 0 17 Wood per cord.... 1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ton '....15 00 to10 00 Potatoes, per basket 0 15 to 0 20 Tallow, per lb .. 0 5 to 0 5 Dried Apples, per Ib 0 4a- to 0 05 Chioiteus 0 20 to 0 25 Duoke 0 40 to 0 60 Geese 0 5 to 0 5 Turkeys0 7 to 0 8 Dressed Hogs .. , . 4 70 to '4 80 HOLSTEIN LiA-iRY Is RE STAY. We understand ' ef. .steel parties nru spreading the report thnt •ar . re not lilielr to ha len •• in the business. Wu beg , assure the people of Hingham that we have embarked in the neilh loudness to stay,. that we are increasing our.business dilly. that our milk is clean and pure. eanrcustomers are our best recommendation, FREE ! FREE! .21E7 Er:-.311Lit If you sutler frotu Kid y Disease, Lame Back, Diabetes, 13 ' 'ht's Disease or any ailment caused unproper ac- tion of the kid ye o urinery organs, this offer shout attr et,ynn. tieing con- vinced that no .t. . • remedy for kidney complaints e. s ; Duan'a Kidney Pills, as evidenced undeniable testimony received every day In betters from suf- ferers of Laino Back, Kidney troubles and never• ceasing value by moans of these wonrleriul plll4, ore Ile not hesitate to make this offer, for whsle we lose the box wo give you, we teal,„ a friend that assists in the sale of tu;et,•v Loxes. ONE PULL BOX Of Doen's Kidney Pills will he given away free to every Deleon sultering with lkrdnoy ailments ret 111(3 undersigned ad- dress. ]J' riot enure, first served, and only 1,h:s one chance offered. lletnembor this is nob a anmpitr bo+, bit. tt regular full etaed'.)ox of mini's Kidney Pills, which retails at fifty cents. i'1 E DOAN KIt EY PILI, CO., iroltoNxo, 1ienrember,Free Distribution ono pay only, on SA` URDAY, FE9RIARY fill, '96 --AT-- C. E. WiiLIAi;•iS' DRUG mu, , WIN e MIA M. PURE 'RUG —GO TO GOLIN A. CAMPBELL, 2 Doors South Post Office, Wingham, ; a � ',Yi-'..9�+0-- i 9.''Sri.,:. ,.7 f e ',"im...W4'RT riaZ74 .97114. Important renouncement. Advantages all on the side of our customers for tb next five weeks ---or until Stock -Taking: SLEIGH ROBES, FUR COATS, FUR CAPES, ULSTERS AND OVERCOATS will ,all be slaughtered. Now is the time to secure prices. They are here by the score and you may have them if you come in time. Our Iarge stock of M7F1OJEL iIIE 7E) 7E PL. which cannot be equalled for strength and flavor, are all offered at cut prices. COME—WE ARE READY. D. M. GORDON, The Anchor House, Wingham. ow is Your Time TO PURCHASE CHEAP GOODS. I have been purchasing large lines of Goods in all De- partments, and in order to make room for them, I must run off my WINTER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED FIGURES. Having sold out the bulk of my Fur Capes and Coats,and bound to get rid of the balance on hand, I will give you great bargains. Ladies Mantles and Mantle Cloths will surely go when you see the prices. Men's Ready -Made Suits and Overcoats, also Boys' Suits and Overcoats, in all sizes. I have the largest range in town to select from, come and. get them before they go. Men's Fur Coats and Capes, a few left, which I know you will buy when yon see what value you get for your money. T. A. MILLS. STXBSCRIBB FOR WI GETAII TIMES.