HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-01-31, Page 4:ro 11N E WIN GRAM 1'IMES, JANUARY SX, 1890. E ful way for the FreePress to acceded l hint for any work orduty connected t . WILLIAMS this defeat Could have been to have i with his office, That John At i1 strong be Assessor, salarykr() for all the kept. a,ruur and not to wiggle and � '.twist like a school urchin 1yicag out 1i duties of the office, including equali- '� ; of a fault. A paper that poses as the ! Zatton of schools or any ether .duty r leader of thought in Western Ontario and that he be paid no extras. That --AND ' should not depend on. every partisan! Robt. Marshall - be. Collector, salary v 1 report thatcomes to its notiee, and ; 00 for all the duties of the office DRUGGIST,' make these the theme of editorial and that the Clerk: have a by-law comment. One would suppose that a prepared at next sitting of Council mews ofttee in a live city would have confirming— appointments .._.�.... parliamentary records showing the Carried, Wm. Boid—}L McKay— . members for the different constituen- That the Cleric send for one copy of AT. C. H. W. TELEGRAPH CO cies and their political complexion, the Municipal World for eaeli Const- If they are not, we might suggest cillor, Clerk and Treasurer—Carried, that they purchase a Canadian Al- J. Welwood --- Wm. Reid —• That Opp. Brunswick Nouse. manae or beg one of William's Pink Henry Mcliay be a member of the s fill's circulars, in dither of which Beard of biealttr far three }ears ; Ingham, - - . Ont � they would find an abundance of in Peter n for Eons, yeare#1fcorun date. formation, where in the Free ee Pres J 'seems dst1 lent. Henry MeKay, chairman, and that a by-law be drawn up confirming their `~' liana,' appointment -Carried. ,1;I jt a ng ani _�:. iana, i rIYPER-LOYAL, —J. Johnston—That as David Bee1e- Mr. McNeil has given notice in ing has made application to have the the. House of Commons that he will west half of lot 29 and the north half of lot 30, concession 10 removed from introduce a motion expressing School Section No. 7 and placed in 1! ttliaAY, JANIJe1RY 31, 1896. THE V1ITNGHANI PRINTING,Canada's loyality and devotion to the No. 10, that the Clerk write the OFFICES NOT IN IT. British throne, &e„ &c. Such Secretaries of said sections by regis In another' column will`be found 'nonsense! Does it never.occur to these tered letter and if there is no objet tion, that a by-law be prepared and passed,making said•ehange—Carried. P. Kuutz—H. McKay --That as the bridge opposite lot 11, concessions 6 and 7 and also the ,bridge opposite lots 11 and 12, concessions 6 and 7 need covering, that J. Johnston have them covered with two inch elm plank, 10 ft. wide and have any other necessary repa.irs done—Carried J. Johnston—J. Welwood—That by- law No. 1, 1896 -be, now read a first, seconcl and third time, passed, signed and sealed -Carried. Wm: Reid- H. ilieKay-That the Reeve. arrange with the village Council for the use of the Town Hall for, Municipal .pug - poses for the year 1996, provided the terms are satisfactory — Carried Wm. Reid—H. McKay—That as the Collector has not yet all the collections made, that a by-law be passed ex- tending the time to the 1st day of February, and that the Collector have the• roll then ready for the Auditors, as according to statute the roll must ,be delivered' up . at that time --Carried. P. Kuntz — Wm. Reid—That a by-law be drawn up before next meeting of Council to have fence removed off the-boandary between Culross and Kinloss, conces- sions 3 and 4 and that Kinloss Conn- ell be 'notified of same—Carried. J. Johnston—Wm. Reid—That by-law No. 5,. 1896, be now read a first, seconcl and third time, passed, signed and sealed—Carried. John Seheistel, vvork on concession' .A., $4 75 ;,,Lane & Lane, lumber, $$S; J. D. Kuntz, sink hole, lot' 3, concession 14, $1.5o; Weiler & Son, cedar for cul- vert; Corrick to' refund their share Of '$4.01, $8.02 ; John MeRae, gravel, ;x4.69 ; Chas. Thompson, fixing road and road through field, $8; Robert Campbell, work with team and shoveling 'snow. $6; D. McCormick, digging drain, $1; Benjamin Thacker, Weaning drain, 50e ; Chas. Button, Municipal World and stationery, S.30 ; Rent of Town hall for 1895, $40 ; W. R. Thompson, plank, ;,13,36. Win. Reid—J. Johnston --That the finance report as just read be adopt- ed, also finance report of last meet- ing of Couneil-Carried,. J. Wel- wood—J. Johnston—That this Coun- cil do now adjourn to • meet again in Town Hall, on. Monday, February 10th, a, 10 o'clock a. m.—Carried. CIIAS. BUTTON, Clerk. the report of Morris Township Coun- cil from which it will be seen that the Municipal printing is to be given. out by tender; but the peculiar part is that the competition is open only to the Blyth and Brussels offices. We fail to see the justice of this. Neither of these towns is situated wholly within the Township of Morris, but like, Wingham lie on the boundary line and like Wingham too, each „forms a separate municipality, being incorporated. We have many reail- ,ers in Morris, and we have, as far as we can see, just as much interest in that Township as Blyth or Brussels. Many of the ratepayers of Morris are readers of the Wingham papers and are more interested in Wingham than fn either of the other places, it being eir market town. We print the inutes`of each Council meeting to eeomodate the Council whose duty ``t Is to keep the ratepayers informed. gaff z qunieipal matters. To hundreds of our readers these minutes ai'e of eio interest and without being either , garrulous or scurrilous we submit our case to the thinking public and • ask why the Wingham offices are thus shut out from competition. t Perhaps the Council will explain. ..✓"` CHARLEVOIX. v -tAt the last election the Liberal was'returned by about four hundred ajority, and Charlevoix has ,for ears beon regarded as a Liberal lip -loyalists that the uninity ' of the British Empire and respect foi;,ber majesty cannot be maintained by' wordy protestations and that the British people are already nauseated with such slop as this.. In view of the disrespect lately. shown Her Majesty's representative, The Gover- nor General, by the members of the Cabinet,it would be more apprporiate and becoming for these ardent loyal- ists to hang their heads in shame or introduce a motion condemning the Cabinet for acting as they did. A man who is continually parading his devotion towards another.is'the man to be suspected and watched. .After leading an army to London against the. Queen -elect, Northumberland could not save his neck by throwing his cap into the air and shouting "God Bless Queen Mary." A' little more of the..genuine and not so•much palaver is what is required. ED1TOB,IAL NOXES. Ix Tag bye -elections for the. Legis - .:on Friday last, Wentworth went liberal with a majority of over 800. West Wellington 'gave their patron candidate, Mr. Tucker, a majority of 220. Ore of the essential qualities in .a horse is good action. There is no use of putting au awkward. . animal on tits market. The buyers on Tuesday, paid particular attention. to this quality ; we therefore invite in- tending stock raisers, to read an article on this subject, found on an. tronghold. That this majority inside page of this issue. Could fall to 150 and that it was my saved by the Liberal candidate CULROSS. oing back upon his leader, it was The members elected for the yarning to Mr. Laurier."—London Municipal Council of the Township 'reg Press. At this rate the Press of Culross, net on January 21st,pur- ili soon earn for itself a notoriety suint to statute. The necessary declaration of qualification and of f12is ingeniousness rather than a office were glade and subscribed by eputation for reliability. The arti- Joseph Welwood as Reeve, Henry le above quoted to us a very _mild MeKay as Deputy -Reeve and Peter tatenieut is absolutely incorrect. Kuntz, Wm. Reid and Joseph John- t might be well for that journal to stomas Csouncillors. The Council ici`o"lt t:l some reliable records and by being duly:organized, the Reeve took pthe chair. The minutes oflast meet - doing they will finch that Cherie- ing of Council of 1805 were read Foix was carried by .Mr. Simard, and adopted. H. McKay--Wn. 'ouservatkve, at the Inst election by 'Bela -That John McRae be Auditor to audit the T: cesurer's books and majority of 357 against Mr. amen accounts for the year 1805, also the mvho ran on the Reform, ticket but Collector's roll for last year---Carria etterwards became an. Independent, The Reeve appointed Robert Watson ippon which ti ,tet) .1'•i, the. the�— p i,t i c 1 e ran in e bye- as } other Auditor. H, i1icILa� Iectiou just passed, Though he was P. Kuntz—ThatJoseph Welwcsod, bupportod is every passible way by Reeve; Henry McKay, Deputy -Reeve the Conservatives and had pledged atld Councillors Peter Kuntz, Wm. himself to support the Government Reid and J. Johnston, be road eom- in passing remedial legislation should missioners for the Township of Cul - he be elected, Again the Free Press ross and that they now take the i`is wrong in saying that Mr. Auger declaration of office—Carried. +(changed front. This story has been Reid—P. Kuntz—That the Clerk most emphatically denied by Mr. prepare a by-law to be passed at tiger and below we give an extraet next meeting of Council for the pur- pose of i o u the Toronto Star, a journal bydisposing n of trees the on to p p � o means friendly to Mr. Latrrer, road tllovrueo between Iots 30 and dhich will show that indepent,jour- 31, concession 15, also on road allow - Is t,i.lcr, a different view of the nice between fats 20 and 21, con - lection from the Free Press: "Yes- cessions 7 ;ind 8, or any road allow- rda.y's Liberal victory in Charlvoix anee in t]iis Township where it may as unexpected. Mr, Angers was a be necessary to sell timber ---Carried. fattrler candidate, standing sow rel held—J. Jonston.—That the n the platform of his leader ---what oflieials salaries be the same as last ver that may be. Perhaps the sin- year and that Chas, Hutton be ap- rlty of :sir. Laurier and this Candi- pointed Clerk, salary $100 and no tato was put to a better test in extras whatever for performing all na1 i'evoix than anywhere else, luso- the duties of the office and chat the la as the bishops and priests open- registration fees be paid hien accord. ,eslared themselves as opposed to ing to statute. That Peter Clark be Liberal and 1n; favor of Mr. appointed. Treasurer, salary $100 for tr, who was an oet.and•ottt sup- performing all the duties of the moi' remedial legislation—S. in ofitde and depositing or withdrawing to Star. A mach more grace- money and no extras whatever paid 1V RO KLTER. R. U. Fortune V. S: left town this week to open an office in Ayton.— Miss Roderus who has been visiting for some time at the home of C. A, Andrews, has returned home. ---T. E. Saunders, our reeve, has ;one • to Godericli, to attend the meeting of the County Council.—There will be a carnival in the rink here on Thurs- day night, when some good prizes will be awarded.—Our Curlers defeated the Winghamteam by 11 shots on Monday last and will again meet Brussels at Wingham on Wed- nesday.—Mr. J. A. Fryfoggle rc- turned home from Muskoka with a bad cut foot. -4th'. A. Gibson, who has been very sick for some time is now, we are pleased to say, improv. ing.--Miss D. Brown, who has been visiting friends in Listowel, for some time, has now returned home.—Miss Maahto Miller is in. pogonto visiting her sister.—The pulpit of thePresby- tcrian church here will be oceupied nett Sabbath, by the Rev. Anderson, of Tiverton.—Mr. John Green left this morning for Buffalo.—Mr. John Hall, who bas been visiting at Mr. John Green's, has returned to his home. itesseumeteMsaasSaltewsinimemessezor BOOTS rqt SHOES We eonmence a Clearing Sale amt Saturday. Don't buy any S .)esuntil you see our prices .O GOOD The Bargain. Shoe store. aVaCCFCMINSOMMOSNAPN WE STILL LEAD IN ;WATCHES CLOCKS, 1JEWELERY, SILVER c1 �r REC� J EYE SIGHT TED FREE .OF -CHARGE. f ifs 1,1; r� rj ,1J WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. MUNSHAW, THE OPTICIAN. r NOTICE. Messrs. ' Robertson d H. B. Elliott are Guth. ' ed to c. :et accounts due me and give r e for moneys paid.. All parties - . :. ed will kindly settle with eitl of these : entlemen at once, and o 'ge, . R. ELLIOT Late Publisher ).s. W. • gham, Jan. 6, '96. I DOAN'S DSA Kidney Pills .0Remec 0 cr. Kidney Pills ARE THE BEST —FOR SALE BY --- C. E. WILLIA1VIS WINGHAM, ONT. Know What You Chefs 5 Phi Is free froin the injurious coloring. he morn you use o2 it you tike it. the better .� WINGIIAM.J! THE BIG ()c)^a o ^ate JON RLIETTEL For the next Two Weeks . — . • 4 • verco SONS. i4Olt tS• • At less than Cost. They must be sold. 100 BOYS' AND MEN'S D 1 T For $1.00 up. All at Clearing Prices. Come and get Bargains. Now is the time to get an ORDERED SUIT FRO $IO UP. FUR CAPS AND GENTS' FUR- NISHINGS URNISHINGS AT COST. JOHN RJETTEL & SONS, TIIE . PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE, A Macdonald :Block. WINGHAM. 11•11.111111. AIN Jl=.�.�.'�.1�4'�-�•—'L��'i��.�•-P�'.`i�Lt'L�:i�1..���0�`�L�L: �•' Jue�-L.�1.�1_�]_''L��1""LSJ—��i a a s,000. 5,000. REVOLUTIONS Are the proper things nowadays and unless a person can participate in some way, the business world leaves him out. Certainly there are different kinds of revo- lutions, but the one we wish to call the attention of the public to, is one that will interest and please them. For the fact that we have 5,000 NEGATIVES Which cover a period of 15 years of Photography in Wingham, and intend FROM NOW UNTIL MARCH IST TO MAKE PHOTOS FROM THEM AT $1.50 PER DOZEN Will be a boon to lovers of good photos and enable them to give each of their friends one. Bare in mind we intend doing an enormous business the next few weeks and you will do well to order as quickly as possible, as the photos will .be finished in the order they are given in. At this price we cannot make theta unless the full amount is paid when you order, and those sending by mail.should either register their letter or send a money order ; unless this is done the a price will 'be to those, the regular price, $3.00. When you sit for your Photo, we charge you the regular price, $3.00, as every one knows first cost is what 'effects the photographer, and we cannot do work below cost. As tc) the quality of work, we will not allow a photo to leave the -gallery unless the customer is perfectly satisfied, A glance at our work since November ist, will convince you that our work is completely away ahead of anything heretofore done here and above the best in the great majority of gal- leries, now then, as we intend making hundreds of dozens from these negatives, order early. Those intending having FAMILY PICTURES should see the photos of the families of the ex -Editor of the Advance, and one on Platinum of the ex -Editor of the TIMIt+. When you see then we have your patronage. W. R. BELDEN, F 5' Cu Tut Ctu0. Z. K't)CI:E'r'r is SOTSt CO., 1.4 0. . tr 14)41 11.0T0:i, ONT. , Y"+ . +zl 6 1},fix 1`'J, NUra'1 �ii r