HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-01-31, Page 31 4. A TutEs., *J A N UA R • Q. T., U. J(LUMN•. p fn: ostseer nl as was .w tNSOLAaa w AS041. f �h'lax God ctlad fitontr,ulkii' \[lt$i' Lufi'fl•" W. call the aVeratrirn. of•to& mothers and sltrts,le 1414/1„,_014.o;, , that tiro Wvr.'uaa'c ltkristian Temp/tr. wnotnoo Ingots Ca) ,tiiit 1 •rlkondai etury month 'at'hht 0 o'clock ,hats, dor enw•hour, at 11 rx ia.knts rreeidcneo, Patrick Monet• allniadies aro ,nada *vol.; some. 4acthu Uttar has ardudly.ptiaau as part o4 tklr ..,noels. for our work, oo oakt4niaudr of tho CAUS1.10 rqudtf torn, .of interest en ultnnoA4 questions of rtuo' •ittptie any of our woI * grw. STRUM, ''Staikes are quite prQ.psr, only atrikoi Y:;l jarl1 t ; Strike to, borne purpose, +but not Air .a, eligiat; ;Strike for your wanbeodl for honour, and; ;time; ;Strike right and heft till „You win agoodCAMS ; ;Strike for your freedomnfroin all that`is, .tc]le; Strike of companions whe often beguile; Strike with the harov aer,tthe sledge, and the axe; Strike off bad habits with burnensome tax; Striate. without gloves, •and, your fool ish- ,a1e s smother; Strike off• the fetters 4et fashion and .prixde,• Srtnike where 'tis best, 'hue let wisdom detxide; Isar lce,ra good blow while (the iron is hoc; Senate, .Icesp striking, ,t,iltl you hit the alight spot. ▪ A Clean Record.. •;l avails to say a few .sserds, and I . shall ,adtlress myself pantieularly to the young men. In the starting of - life snake up your minds,ia this, lirt3t, to keep.a4clean record. .`4 a are all authors every one of us, We cannot help but be .authors, In the rxierning a fair, cleaaa. white i page; at ,night it is written ';Jt11 over. Other authors can change what they have written when they choose; you cannot. .°tiler authors can a••emove a blot or statin tlor a spot on their ;manuscript, you cannot. Wihaat you write is written, and there is not a word you east,' change; there is not a word you eAua remove to save your soul."—Extract from Mr. - Gough's address to the graduates of Pierce -College, Philadelphia, June 18th, 3.885. We mourn a macs of sterling worth, A leader ie the ficrht, Whose thrilling tones and earnestplea . Were ever fcr the right. ' • Though dead he speaketh yet to us, And in the battle keen, d We bear the eubo..oe his voice S "Oh 1 keep your record clean.” We all are. authors.—every one— m The authors of our deeds; Each morning turns a fair white page, We write—our Maker reads. And that ,which once is written down so Must wait the final scene, a With every blot or stain, or spot— eOh 1 4irep your record clean." And oft times we shall feel compelled To read your record o'er, And on each page,'neath memory's eye In quiet though x to pore: n 'Ten every stain will cause regret a That o'er it should have been, Action a Necessary Qutstitty. .'At the preser xs nmrc than st dime in the past,. action in at, Ikore teaiost eagerly.saailght. While thi •wi•ore particate *,V true in t#terns Wight ha.rncss:sta;;k, there is se do Live Stock Notes. ny It met possible to lay do WTI so f1 hl rules 111'114AM 1, feeders are „t10 11 s 18 gavennetl, or to prescribe a give e of floss!, fiat!. ubt ,that the quesbier_ of action days iiesportarlt part in estimating w►v+orth of 2111 Kather sorts. lfiowc •btt,ndSOlne at 1!tusee may be, G}fklle 1 '11ad mover heaves, aspect ales) fa rola t1 judge ees buyer who tulle Otis business. The action al9' a horse' ir; either tnatnral or stl titiciel, ur a l ittle. f>t ,th; the lac`, iperhaps, being m 'iel�lnruonl}� tlresease. This is so tllllesimple remits that however a fi rrirlover a horse sway bo, his method moving. his limbs can usually die co :siderably improved by schoolin w bilst on the .other hand, even t •rlgost handsonteeof horses, if hetes 'action to continence with, is scarce ',worth taking a great deal of tsoub ,aver, for seldom., if ever, does su :antaniinal imbibe a faculty for ;pr .entry using his Sega. 'Says the E .gITi ih Live StuelUh irrual un this f8oin •"'What action is there is capable tieing improved span; but Wllat'd0 not,exist is extremely hard to cree to Regarding the t uestion • of aetie fneen another mist of view, it is n teni4US that contributory negiigenc ovi tithe part of an owner, or groon naaiy,speeclily and ,effectually rec uc this Wirtno to at.na^.inlrnurn. A los; late ley or two, followed by a perk) Df idleness, and • steeeded again b at pend of hard week, will soon etfee degeneration in.tine action of the finest grower, and consequently, it is ncuzn ent upon those who have the charge of high -movers to see • that. their et* rges Fare not neglected in the father of necessary aim constant schooling, Whatever method of schooling is resorted to, whether it be t judicious alteration in the weight of the sboes, or exercising in deep -straw yards, or over bales,- must, of course, be left to the discretion of the responsible person. It will often have been not- iced that front action, as quitea• large proportion omit to tuck their hooks under them. This is a serious fault in any breed, for it must be obvious that propelling power of the hooks ust materially affect the fire and ash of :a horse, to say nothing of the innothness and ,regularity : of his eticn. All horses should be good overs behind, from the draught animal, that has to shift heavy loads o the Hackney, who presents but a rry appearance when he proceeds round a ring, all go in front, but trailing his hind legs as though he were ashamed of moving them so badly. For a business road horse it should of be forgotten that a high, flashy ction not only 'tires the 'horse, brit estcs time, and, except for park or haw purposes, is -not so popular as e lower -going trotting bred animal. the case of roadsters, however, hen speed is not always so import. art I''iltiuess is nota desissIIIc C d� tit. �l the cation e'er heifers intetr;.lecl fa the Blr•' "I",n .,anew. 1 :I t i' t;i'r11 ll. 1,t+t, dail'y,,eepecially for the first w ar of Craw, 3''.> ri . '1811 reel}. • known ftlt. et,% reeitla:.. flttie Tarn, 1696'. .�,�,...We. A, ... ,-...,.,... ,.� 'L..14-9:' +'.a' y,i:a. aria .wast, t II1,.1fr'r 111;h::n.. . ` ire,' firsu1•'-Il e f i.ses•!`i1NJ:s a els mi t .);:).k41' 1tZ:1.I II f 41131,1, Si)/t. •- it;:r.rr.t+ 1. .Ielk'rl all area. "s O. their'gltlkwth. If fed food rich in vote WS. nitro enoirs substances, they can be `Oris.. eels tri" fl,;l„.x t. •u., ement, indite -ed to lay on flesh with but tittle l which hu ell . i •"~ 1"'t'.i�„e.l Fur fat a;d ectthe last ten ears l .4141' h'ft'recl , pales the issues in excel- ' . lent condition, and lvit'!t 110 extra it- 11'0111 pnlpititti:'ll mid P..'11;41 ,,.r•rtt• of of gent Weeding, est #'al• ne of 11- g+ he 00 ly le ch op- t; of es r1 o- 1, e d And- we shall wish to. write it o'er, 11' And keep our record clean. - S Alas 1 tho'pages 'we have turned I th Show many ugly smears; In And 'cold we clean the dirty page �y We'd wash thetu out with tears, • a But only one controls the past— On his strong arm we lean, a • And cry with humble contrite hearts In "'Lord, make our record clean." k ALFonD' MouLa . th nt a factor in the selection of an nimal as in style, it i§, of -course, ost necessary that a winner should' eep the way to bend his knees ; but ere is a right and wrong way in carrying out his movement. A horse that picks up his feet until his knees are almost to his bridle, and then smashes them down again about a foot in front of the spot from which he took, them, may be all right in his way, btit he is not a likely animal for good judges to fall in love with. This is the kind of horse that disgusts the trotting fraternity with the mod- ern Hackney. The long, sloping shouldered animal that gets away and straightens his knees, to say nothing of his posterns, in the momen- tary poise that takes place when the fore leg is perfectly extended, and then puts his foot squarely on the ground, possesses the sort of fore - action that . should to inculcated, if possible, upon the minds of the Coit] or filly; and it is this class of horse that is generally the biggest goer behind, Consequently, it may be suggested that all owners of horses would be acting wiser' if they insist upon a proper amount of attention being paid to the schooling of all ung horses, especially when they A Scotchtnan named McGregor, jiving ih Saar Francisco was accosted early one morning by a foot pad who suddenly bolding up a pistol, said: "Throw up your hands !" "Why?" asked Mr,, McGregor, calmly. "Throw them up 1" "But what for?" "Pat up yourbands 1" insisted the footpad, shaking 'his pistol. - "Will you do what I tell you?". "That depends," said :Mr. McGregor. "If ye Can show me any reason why I should put up my hands, I'll no say but what I wall; but yer ,mere re- quaist wad be no"justification for ole to clo so absurdd a thing. Noo, why should you, a complete stranger, ask me at this 'oar 0' the mornin' on a public, street to pit up ma hands?" "Dash you," cried the robber, "if yo don't quit gassin' and obey orders, I'll blow the top of yor head. Colne, neo, poor bubby," said McGregor, soothingly, coolly catching the pistol and wrestling it with a quick twist out of the man's hand. "Come, now, an' I'll shot' -ye where they'll take care of ye. '[Zech ! I)inna ye try to fecht, or, celled, I'll shoot ye. By the way, ye might as wool .put up yer sin hands, an' just walk ahead me. 'c'hat's it. Trudge awa' neo." And so Mr. McGregor marched his mart tb the 'city prison and handed lihn over to Captain Douglass. "It wudna be a bad idea to put ltim in a atealertjaeket," helaidllserenelyto the officer, "There's Utile doot but the budd's daft." And he resumed his interrupted homeward walk, Yo are being fitted for the market or the show ring. gslint to six hours.--�)istressing bey and Bladder diseases relieved itr six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac- count of its exceeding promptness iii relieve i1)g pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages hi male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately, if you want quick relief and euro this is your remedy. Bold at Chisholm's drug store. Good 'mutton sheep are now t most pietitable fruit producers—a • !the heart, end t1nr'1r1';el tris r. 4..1ino !have: doctored t.,,,,.l a 1.1 , Iep:l1.' 10 Ile ' wain for n etn't• :tome t ,::v ;,,;�r,a I r'e''Saw a tor)1111.10i;t,1 1tlrtll a "a tt d. eon regesdirlg 1Jr. A :e'\t `+, .J ,ry for aY the Heart, and llt:chi• tl tit tr\ ;t. .St i the tiln/s nt tYPltlug' ] 101'0 11S(d ly I font' hurtle; of ti.0 miserly, and ifs never felt better in n•y life.. If I am is i not already rill of the tri-lsese I stn 10 positive this reined;,- 11111 et,inplete n- the cure,” Sold ,it t;l.isheI it's d- Corner 1)rng Store a To polish a Ile cal is to make him all the mare a rascal. Shiloh's Core is sad rn n?itoraltlttt>. It cures Il;ohne to (4e. •.,u,i,tiori. 1t is the best Cough Cure Or.1t- onb cent a dose' `.!.5t:tt;.!il1c•t�„ and el, 5.,18 at Claire hol'e's Corner Drug Sherr. It id a long step toward heaven t� be born in t,1 home where Christ is e loved. , I a. S 'The Chance of the ii.3ason. e' Did .you ever know of nn, rhil,i* :n Accu. dalously cheap? T1n. '.!tat:;, nnrt .)t• Week- . • ly Globe to the 1st of .114 a �,y. 1s 7, for $1. d 'Just think of it! 1 pit I,' , p.,r,.,he1e 1ooa1 paper slat ,l horn! • i• I . • 1.a, hh' 1'i page - ; weekly for loss t.l:ort two ,•. ,.,,, s week, r , Subscribe at once air! g' rho full value of your money. paying Ione largest profit per poun Witisoat ;any wool, sheep are toed the most :remunerative of farm an mals; with wool, the sheep is tru the "golden hoot?' Farmers in ti country are slow to recognize th fact. They look 'longingly to t past, wilco •high wool was their mai stay, They have made their sten and and forget that mutton wtt almost unsaleable.. Now there is good demand for this product. What farmers are looking for t day is something that will yield a income outside of their farina Be would make quite an item in the in come of the fernier, and would b received from what are going to was every year, Do rot start on a tug scale, bat let your apiary grow Start with about four or six swarm the first season. You may lose som skeps, but you must expect loss Bees will die as well as cattle• an horses, but perhaps not so often, an then there is not such a large sum in vested. Take some reliable bee pap el• if you intend going into it vers strong. Many a farmer's wife is in the bee business to stay. They find light employment and many a little article has been purchased with the bees' money. Use the frame hives, as more money can be got from then,' than any other. Use one pound sections, as they look neater and are . _— more in demand, as those who buy 1BON ApD Z elft, •E 1't;:,, ILS supplied Is not a dangerous thing when. it directs your attention to the filet that th the sweet nectar like to have the tp el•8er.. combs so they can place them on the 0- n Bee e te .JOHN P lE'� ' M +� " •tii Alan unnlnrarof nll (.i1, WOODEN 'PUMPS, ! tthir h u w bu up1. lel na nh r t ,: .u•u, ' s e sweet se ist'r: �.2,??;tib,.,, �, for Infants and Children. OTHERS, Do Voi� Know that Paregprio, Batem n:1's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Ryrups, end est remedies for children aro composed of opium or morphine? Do Yon Raow that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons? Do You Know that in most countries drug„ fists aro not permitted to sell narcotise 'without labeling then, poisons Do You Know that you should not permit any medicine to bo given your chili unless you or your physician know of what it is Composed t Do You Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle ? ' DO Yon Known that Ca'-toria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel. Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is pow sold' than of all other remediez for chi:dron combined, Do You Know that the patent office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the wort, et, Castoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense! Do Yo.._ u Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protectienwas heeause casuals had been proven to bo absolutely harmless? Do Yon Anew that 35 average doses of Caztoria are. furnished for 35 cents, or one Cent a dose r Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest Nell* these tilinrfs aro worth knowing. They are facts. The i'ao-sintilo � Is r.+1 e�v9ap r / - '.�'� evressapar. l4utrafrre of �•. i Eicirera ryft' r Qv'`'L'.a,ar.€�j•; x$�. c�v.N.�..,..n...,+ey�t� A UTILE KNOWLEDGE table and not cut them. Contripation Cared. GSNTs,—I was in very poor health for Over four years, the doctor said it was Constipation. Not wanting to spend too mush cash, Igot three bottles of Bur- dock Blood Bitters and took it regularly. I can certify that I am now in the very test of beal,h and feel. very grateful to B. B. B. ALFRED TRUAX, Montreal, Que., REPAIRING piorup,ly' attended to. Prices reasonable. • Agent for the Brantford All Steel Pumptng• lvlill. If you require almhine in tis above lines, give .Mr. Pelton a fedi. Shot,- Diagonal atraet, ne'nrly uppo!ite Beattie 'sLivery, \ringham. .JOHN PELTON. Goodfellow—If my clothes were , ! Look not too big for you I'd give you an�;>t �, old suit, Hungry Hank (gratefully) —Boss, if you'd give me the price of a square meal, I warrant they'd fit me all right. Heart Disease Relieved ,'.n 30 Minutes.—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug store, Wingham. 'Tis an i11 thing to be ashamed of one's poverty, but much worse not to make use of lawful measures to avoid it • Mrs, T. S. Hawkins. Chattanoogan Tenn,says, 'Shiloh's Vitalizer 'saved my life.' 1 consider it the best remedy for al debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it Axeels. Price 75 cts. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. - I God's picked nien are always ' chosen from those who are busy. ELLIOTT' BROS.. of the Winghatn Brickyard. litrve+ late or !MICR and I DRAIN TILE un hen,,'. J t ,e said that 'other parties are a:ee,ling ,'.t reduced prices, hot was eatinnct bu undersold, and our t•,riek and tile Ale as good as any road'• in the }•uvieee. We can sell by the car load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low ua coo be pur- ghased anywhere. We have PMNs u great quantity of all kinds of lo'n'er for sale. J. & L. ELLIOTT. Wtogham, May 16, 1895. 1 a 1'or.+uiIsthatSett, ��0�tri.re.e"tnfort 10 the SUITS wearer r.ud satisfy yy�� pp��•� 'our frien,I5,yuuhad Q��tt,®,td g r8a', better try .na. Our a;aernle•nt makers TECUSERS. know how todutheir work; don't think there are any better and yet we charge no mere than others do for inferior work. Hundreds of new fall and. wiuter simples to 'hoose from, at prices about hair wlutt �..•t1 have to pay for old goods. \� ork,.ljr:e for parties furnishing their own cloth. If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot be properly made for 54 Spot Cash, call and see our work. Our terms are cnsb. W%�BSTER & CO., Opposite the Macdonald 'Block, Witerhatrl, Ont. Acts Like a Charm, Wingbam, Ont. ,Ian. 14. 18000. I have used Hood's Pills for constipation with which I have been troubled for years, and for wkicb I have tried a great many medicines, Hood's Pills have acted like a charm being mild yet effective. "Mits. W. H. CONSTAnLE. HOOD'S Pixass cure all livor ills. Wine Opens . the damper to let all the fires in a man burn. The Breath of the Pines. Cougbe, colds, asthma, bronchitis, sore throat and lung troubles are cured by Norway.Pine Sprup. Price 25 and 50 ts. It breethes out the healieg vir- tues of the pine forests. thim pills when yez are well again ? Husband—Faith, would ye be afther having let a dollar's worth of pills go to waste? It's a thriftless family oi married into, sure. allistTL1t1VLEN, --I write to tell you how good 1 have found Hagyard'e Yellow Oil for sore throat. Ih 080 family alone the Yellow Oil cured several bad easee, and my customers now recognize its great vale°. They eeett to prefer it to all others. C. D. CORM/Dity Wholesale and Retail Groeer, Curtain Station, N. 13, 50.0ta, and One cent a dose. 1518 dad on a guarantee by all druggists. st Miles Inapient Consumption and is the beat Clough 9.nd Crony. Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Steve. lo Fold br drthyd.sfs Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario, Is giving the most practical and business like course in Canada. Ever thing strictly high grade. Write for Catalogue and College Journal. College reopens January 2nd, 1896. • J. W. WESTERVELT,-Principal. ut up Jo But it is done so quickly, and at the same time so neatly, that all are pleased with it. Bring along your Job Work to the TIMES Office and see them do it. Prices right. 1 It ie. estimated that 2,500,000 men MA died in the wars of the past thirty • Valuable treatise and bottle of medicine sent Free t. arty E !3ufforrr. Give Express and Post °Mee address. (I, owiatigo The Berlin coloured people held al festival recently that brought out many prominent people. EVERY FARR LY SHOULD KNOW 'THAT *06 • IN THE i ir TIIEMAN TOOK 51CK WHAT WOULD Just spend Ms Pon: 1;;;?, Quarters for a bottle oy to a very remarkable remedy, both for anct EXI/DillstAX; 'ate, and won. dorful in its. quick action to rclieve diatress. PAIN -KILLER "" tat St" Burdock Blood Bitiz3 Throat, Co id kifs,• Chinos, Dintrh‘ra, Dyscriters. Cramps. ruck ex; mide;neouseutuassoasieurebtse* PAIN -KILLER r,,Ic'xifirralrx to Mar ()frond. PERRY DAVit. Sold evorywkore:184 as all sensible people do; ha.- 4,9_, cause it cures Dyspepsis C ens ea ,Es) tieadache, gad Blood, and all , li?) Diseases of the Ste:each, Liver, r.`: .‘,0;21 la:Alleys, towels and Blood front (A I, se a common Pimple to the worst Ocrofulous Sore.