HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-01-31, Page 111^7``7 , „ ,. VOL. XXV,---NO. 12J3 Marriage L4Qef5eessl1$d by IWlite amt, tuVic- toria itoria Street, tugl , OnNo wes required. • "i- tf,rt,.`tf'�' .., Once more at It. lnvigorat ed by a eon* f reeks rest' gladdened by the sigh' at many new facer, Down to hard work for• another year. Perhaps you thought of a course but conki not gat here on the Opening dap. Remember sic are open for the recep- tion of students the rest round, Orme when you eau. New students Kill bo entering every week. In the meantime write ns for free catalogue. It is no trouble to no to hive information, CENTRAL . BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. f SHAW & BLLIOTT,P. Moinvoq, .Proprietors;Principal. COR. YO4QE-:%No GERRARD STB,, TORONTO, Canada's Greatest enilllercial SeilQQj. Large faculty • Superior courses; Students assisted to positions ovary week. Write for eirouaars. .r SILr1W .,,. ELIdUTT, Principals. LOCAL. NEWS. --14nuokle-down, fedubs, oriseerose. t*ilofe baton o 1e -B lie's' over this Week. —Good Lemons a Orange, 1).0 cents per dozen at N. A. P etiaansox's. 11ttI1 consumers eh incl read the Rdol- sxtein Dairy "ad." —The doughnuts pr seated to the Trues office by the Fleisob a Baking School Were lovely. Thanks —Large quantities o salt arebeing taken into the country for us ng on the land in the spring. Satisfaction E. Williams sells pure drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed. ` eParthers are raid ' • 'advantrig ' of the good roads and fait either, to Haul logs and wood to town. ludreds of logs are coming in every day. Black worsted . suits from $15 up, at taiao R. Te nn's, City Tailor. —The fired meeting of Young Peoples' S ►vel' be held in tare:/ Thursday, Feb lith, for the evening is "W of the Local Union ietiee, of Wingham, thodist church on 8 p. m. The topic messing for Christ." eaualfi Balsam isSurreron thHealing Wod At Williams' Drug Store, —We. unadvertent ztteetieg of Tnri berry for Satnrday Jany. 25t 1st ss is should have be —The Directors of '.Curnberry .Acricilitural at Swartz's Hetet, Wini Tab. lst at 3 o'clock. requested as business of brought before the meet y ennoenced the tericuitural Society 1, instead of Feb. the Township of Society will meet ham, on Saturday, frill attendance is itriportanoewill be ng. L'oon's Mantles, $5 to e8, we sell for $... 't,:$8 to $12, we sell for"$4; $12 and 15, *a sell for $6. M. H. laforensoo. —Central and East rn Ontario had a. ]Host disaaterous stet on Friday'last, and R great. amount of dal age was done to the property'of the telop one and telegraph companies. Terentes completely isolat- ed from the other Citi as far as that.wire communication was oneernseid and the Street Railway Compo y w paralysdd. Apprentice wanted pply at Belden's photo studio. -Miss 'Nellie Bell g &'home to her nutter evening lest. The kindly disposition of t lelways ensnres a ple entertain their friend was unique in e breathed around tar 'e a very successful s frieiuls on Friday ental mariner and e host and hostess ant time when they and friday evening ility. It is gently others will follow. IN WINGI.LA. 4I, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, e ANTT A --The Union facto received the last 1 —1 fr, Geo, Masora 0onsignmeet of machin xy to•day,t,3 i oonvttlesnent. —The standard 152 t rniture factory w Satisfaction g C. Williamsse Is ' Th pure. drugs. not sold on Wednesd, y, ms teed, C. -0Regular meeting f -Court Maitland, F.: this (Pride) evening, Williams' Little Dandelion Pills cure headache. Try them, —Mr. and Mrs. N. Griffin g Geta free sample of Williams' Little "At Home," on Th da evening', on Dandelion Pills and be convinced. n Nicol, of h There is nothinglike them, Mr. and Mrs, d 'T, R,, entertained : numbere ds ---Brussels °urli otr Tuesday of friends club defeated the 3 y eveein Luelfnow and Wrox ter clubs at the Wing- 147—Mr. atad Mrs. ham rink. ay Theaywrdill.there- were bur,yed out 1 fore play for the W to T, on Wednank —33eardeley's,08 r dad Codfish at N. A. Farquhersons, —The Presbyterian try services in two we '--The Methodist 0 Teeswater Friday eve concert. will hold annivera ,hestra will go to leg to take part in a kir ;31,1896, s r he carnival en attended and there eighty skaters appe were very pretty prize=winners were: Miss I+. Stottard, W dress --Miss Ella Iiia race --1st, H, Sboebo A. D• MoOorvie, Luo A. D. l'ZoCoreie, Be Cornyn, Wingham, Flannnagan, Wingha --Remember that ... ring the dull season, like tbe beginning of he new year, when everybody is nlaki resolutions to out" down expenses, an live cheaper, is the very time the wise •robant does the most • advertising, Anybo y can sell goods when I the town is full .of p:ople with plenty of money and anxious o spend it, butthe shrewd and success£ 1 merchant is one who, advertises in dull se + one, and offers his goods at prices that lake people carne and buy, Try this plan .nce anti in the future you may continue it • r --We are pleased to say that at latest report, Mr. J. Vanet ne, Chicago, is pro-, gressing,favorably fm the seigeof typhoid fever. 1 F— eLeod, of Seabrth, won first money in the live mile rage , t Lucknow on Tues. day and Mr. Santee' Elliott of Wingnam, second. el Overcoats from $12 to 025; cannot be beaten in the Dominion, at Gem. R, Tnvzz�'s, City Tailor. _,Mr. Thos. Stra an, Grey township, is Warden for 7duron r 1896. —Ex.i'Iayor Br kenshiee attended a meeting of the Goo Tetnplars at Porter's Hill, in au official pacity, on Tuesday. Deese M axrvc;- •1 wish to inform the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that I am prepared to do work at my home, Mr. Jos. Aperfect ,or to sew satisfaction by 1 all the clay, ork intrusted uarantee `Taxes. n, Bluev . to me, Jhsste Roxsros Corner Francis (S gndforo some t and Diagoaaf sta. cling for some t —ReeveOn Tueeday his fri Sparlin and Deputy -Reeve be was very low an Relines are in oderich this,, week expected, but on T1 attending the Coot Council meeting. r;: �•ecefved that there went in his eouditi Saturday ni»ht stns iu shoes and 1 Town kipperirr' 41. 0 sI or $1.15 ton for $2.10, Everything • ,$�e .75. But- •�irrsuant to reso thing special in shoes. etular meeting, the M. H. Mclr,noo. r rts of the C —Lucknow has a sensation arising. out ,and Public Worksomn ,of what was intend•, for a practical joke, I Members present'. but which • resultedf the narrow escapeIDeputy-Reeve Rohtn,: from poisoning of t o young ey town and the conse ueet sudden zdeparture !Herdsmen, es of that rson, ng,GoSh —A number o young people enjoy of a youngIlttee, n coasting on tbe ion Pactory hill, dor- '� loan to more congenial clime The committee on ing the moon lig nights,, On Wednesday oriring there died at , duties attached to eae —A. party of a attended a uron House of Re ge,'John Sadler, aged' report and after being party in 56 years. 'He had b en in poor health for I clause by clause, Lucknow, on W nesdayevening. some time.. He for ham and he and h down soon after the The body was br Wednesday evening hn Linklater, who t fall, have moved into one of David ringlets cottages, on Edward street. Williams' Little Dandelion Pills sure headache. ry them, —"Oh, dear l N • ody known what a ruarrfed woman be to go through," she exclaimed as she di ed into her husbands pockets in search stray leash at mid- night, —.For first -tease tailorma and gents' farnishin cheap gs' try Webster & Co Remember the d place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. c'"`P -^Cn Wednesday fternoon while Alex. McNevin was Ong ged in ripping some lumber in McLean Son's saw mill, he had the misfortune o come in contact with the saw which save d two of his fixgers. t' vv LWhile going ho ie from meet- ing in the Prehbyte fan church en'iVednee day evening, Mrs. leg on the sidelva1k. —We notice tha sent a quantity of featured by W. G. don and Canada, Expedition. the Government have aking powder. u ana- unz d. Co., of ucdy- with the Ashantee leave Wing rami atns 6.23 or Toronto m Land 11.20 a. nn., via W. G. & B.; 6.35 a, m. and 8.25 p. nn., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains. Friday night was well vas heaps of fun. Over red in costume : Some ;ad grotesque, The Ladies—Best dreesed, gleam. .Bost comic man, Gents mile tom, Lucknow; 2nd, nott'. Barrel race -- t dressed gents -R. est corgo dress, J. Pero 'nate. Miss Coutts, lvfr. ' eid and - Miss Mc. Murray, of Clinton, attended Miss Bell'a "At Home " Miss Molntoeh a' . Mr. Wilson, Luck - now, were visiting f fends in town, ' Bliss Gavin,,of Se forth is visiting bliss Dinsley. rr fell and broke her J Mr. A. Roe atten, ed the funeral of Mr. I W G. Hny, 0110 Llstowel's leading I citizens, on Wecine day.V ' , Dresden, son of Wm, I Miss. Alice Tal .t, of. Winnipeg, is le road, has been suffer-, visiting Mrs. G. M. Duffield. me with malaria fever. l' ;; r. John Neelan s has been in Brant- nds were notified that I ford, in the intere.ts of the Canadian 1 his death was hourly Corder .Foresters. i ursclay a message was f Mr. E. Gartung, sacral Organizer oft as a slight improve- tff the 0, O. F., is in t wn, 0. orinth. tion passed at, last Council met to redeive hies on town officers lnrnittee. Mayer McKenzie, Councillors, Read- iison,Dore, Y arbes, w and Gordon. films' salaries and office, presented its lead it was discussed —Do, tags ar requested to pre new broach. A. I2trominent Lawyer says: "I have eight children, every one in good health, not one of whom but has taken Scott's Emulsion, in which my wife has boundless confidence.' here and citizens are eat the "purp" with a —Winghanr and played of a mately on Monday, resulti home club: wnoxrra>~, G. ,Pantie, R. Ross, Jno. Sanderson, Thos. Roe's ship 84. John Bray, R. Black, A. Penile, E. Biack, ship 18 52 srtercn-lmtetedi 14 or 15 years old, t Re meet possess a g and be able to spell, the Entrance E Apply at the Thus —For some day rally advertised th townships that bo town on Tuesda ereetttAi r:ee -.I w ah to inform theladies• 1 that our st of 'Wingham that I nl prepared to do fleet- lroarance 0 mass work at my li are, or to sew by the day, I guarantee a tisfartfon in all rvorat �' eoule time, ,intrusted to me. Es can PAM:, .Frances qt. .-The Young Lib zooms in the Macdo ityening next for tl aokzoere. A profit A full attendance The fres die 'txi#t Pills Wil t t Store he att- in iii arcus off r on -01 t1 ire rernerkale Went Appears in a Ms will meet in their aid ]Took on'Monday turpose of electieg e will also be given: .. -.'ed, can's • Willi:Vms, 8 ire "to dais et of the proptiotors edy. The announce. r column, roxeter Curling clubs the Wingham rink g in the defeat of the Wrrtoaut. W. Taylor,. Dr. Macdonald, J. Neolands, X. Inglis, eklp 15 T. Gregory, W. Ilele, D. Sutherland, F. Paterson, sk 41 41 tely. A smart boy, learn the printing. d general knowledge one who has passed urination 'preferred. ee. past it has been .gene- 0110 ene- of gli the surrounding Subscribe at once an.` =e get the full value of buyers would be in ! your money, and , the result was reets p esentecl a livelier ap_'` n that 1»r than they had for' —Tale majority of Run. reds of frtrmera were the, to witting know wh in tawny and the . tel'shede were erot ra- they aro ntly it the t ed with aeimale ;`'tired for sale. There. consequently ft hate a were n number et uyers, but they seem. We to send out lieble ed hard to sult, e . least many a termer • publish a reliable eque thought they we e. Not maty elfiuiala '.ret fvinrin ewnseatsl changed hatMs, t where ii, gnitttblq pages are devoted es anfutal .wi*g ;Xou i it brought a good of the fernier and pried; ae high ,as 1 being' paid for coo. 'tonna relittilis and 'pjle it�'erage prat:: paid was .about•. 6. ,inside and ytsu will b ''Hoed buying :w fie 'Mast's. El'le'n l publishing too, an iu al`ohnstnn, Currie 11'Io •rirria,•141t;x,aug'h.. famed author, ,itobt. lit. Smith' and < is ker. We understand being commended by that six oar loads 111 be shipped from Subseribe at once, an here on Saturday. hers, 'we have a few e —Tbe Presbyteri of members and au meeting Monday, e the congregation ha lunch, which i'aa s- had been transacte• port Shows the finai good shape. The to al1 sources, ineludin, and other organizati #2,639.09 and on balance on hand of appointed were: Ma son, Jas. Caine, Win term and John M. Trustee—Thos, lien °ahoy caused by the Treasurer, G. lireInty Cline; Caretaker, R. orly lived at Wing. Clause 1. ---'Prat the salary of the Trees. brother wor — sent.t urer should be $100, opening of the house. ! financial statement. tight to Wingllam on `` The mayor explained or interment. V i former iy been $100, bu ns had a'lar,�e number 1 had received pay'for ex by porters at tbo annealj It was 1 ort i c m the ;fling The ladies of I w}eole Work incumbeet provided an excellent r lth tale p#iice of Trees 'bed after the business The Treasurer's re: es of the church ill • a al contributions from the Sabbath School es of the church, was any. 2nd there was a tor 0100 -Clause passed • -clause, 2—The salary ba fixed at $80. Moved by Colin. Sh Coen. ]sore thtit clause 2 amended • so tis. to..: pia salary the same as last y 'ncluding propering that the salary had that the Treasurer ra work, whereas, clause that 'the pon and connected •er should be done 1 the Assessor to w, seconded by 1 the report be e the Assessor's r, viz 00. Councillor Galley thou let that380was x53.71. The otiieers I sef$efent for theamount 1 work and far ager,ager, Mr. A. Da1v- Qn for 3 year in pexc'ss of whab wa paid in town. Currie for one year. ships w..ere•the week was more ardureua ergot), to 1111 the va• ath of Walter Sloan. e; Choir Leader, G. ilson. ., • The Chance of the fleason, Did you ever know of anything so sean- dOlously cheap? The Toots and the Week- ly Globe to the let of .Tannary,1807, for $1. Just think of it 1 A pithy, np-to-date local paper and a geed old reliable 12 -page weekly for less than two cents a week Anrenti ment.carried. Clause 3—That the sa be $500 and that the fee f dogs be 5 cents. Moved. by Conn. Cord $1. YEAR IN. D% „C+ When they had met :ey agreed to retrench expenses and eeonot ize as far as .they possibly could and h• would lileto know why tate committee 1 ad eeetningly retio- graded from this det rmfnatien. Deputy -Reeve sal the committee and 11 nteeting;ecause at t looked t'je office of o Lary. He had called store twice to get him him, The Conenritte I avoid Cohn Gordon. ing a Mete when he do thought that the pre sat1sfaotion. He had looking after the job b not worth $100 it was Conn. Gordon had n 1523 any reflection on nor (lid he think that intended towards him of the Council was in. efficient man at the he pany, but he thought for $75. jubilee of Rev. '-utherland's ldiu reported through bf , Malcolm; the re was received and itsrecomfn:. adopted, and the f• lowing me l ireousiy carried : • That this meet in Ripley Ko, :t church on evening, March 1t h,0 , the jubilee of lieu. zit ? SQ to a:' �rz4te Messrs. hurray and ale hrt be a, eo mit tee to prepare en ad rase o o IL a 8U t b1t illuminated and dyer s tithe, land on that occasiar seated to 11fr, Surlier Z. onand that ,Messrs. J Murrayy and D. B McRae be the speak. ere together with .Ti- . Mr. lifer/Try, of St. Catherines, who sh I be specially invited; also that the attenti n of the oongreiation of Biwa church, .nit ey, be drawn to the approaching jubilee f their minister with the suggestion that they tale steps in the, celebrating. of the s z • e; also that the oon- gregations o£ Strath • Ihyn P. E. I., Seete-. burn, Picton, Earltwet and West Branch, River John, N. 8 , i.rtneely ministered to by Mr. Sutherland to notified of the jubilee tine. Ti„ • Presbytery having heard 1fr. R. Fla r, i, ,rt, membe, of the Synodical Cole- tte on augrnen +atiou ofstipendeexpresta by z'esclntiun t iatthis Presbytery is of decided opini n that the congregation d receive sin from the 1d according to our form - ti that we now reiterate s appointeff'Moderator of ., xeter congregation dura the Rev. ,Ir, Anderson, ng to ill health. The on representation in that red. ou motion it was tinge be made in the rep - ho was chairman of I be a dear man in the d. considered that Chief Manuel wa a good man and oonsisierieg the am nt of work; he had done would be cheap a 3100. Coen. Kling thou ht that, a man that would be acceptable. teeti,durieet was lo Clause, 6—That the salary of firemen be Clause 7—The sale of the bell riege be same 1895,—Adopt d, Cleuse 8—The duti of the caretaker of the eemetery be the same as 1895, for for which he receive a remuneration the fees attached to the o ening and closing graves and for weal ig to private plots. Moved by Coen, ,haw, seconded by Coen Robleson that 4 clause be amend- ed Exing•Zhegilaty a:t $25 in addition to the fee% Coon. Gordon thou clone for the fees ale Wiloon said man had said he wool the fees alone and w faction. Blayor thought reel since the only fees th gif t were those attach clostng of graves. 1) pleteectred for might person. The vote resulted.in Reeve not voting. carriettla The Public Works mended that the bridge ed inches commentiu oh the eastssiele and COD to thowest end, fluSeatep That thejebahe 'done On motion the Cf•uneil t it could not be int a good reliable do the work for they had in their cl to the openingand •ties Wishing their employ any other ,. Presbytery of This Presbytery naet Huron Church Ripley, ti and, fnducted the Rev. R into the pastoral charge r registraaion of Rev' joint Rose presid . MacLennan acted as alert 8. AL Whaley preached ,charge to the minister I :MacLennan addressed th Mr, MacLeod received a c •froto the congregation. Jens' It 1, seconded by Coen. Tarbes that the Mat se be adopted.— Conn, Goedon gave noti e that at the next meeting he would in educe a motion, to repeal hy•law 251, 1895 nd introduce a by,law levying a regela tax on dogs as Clause 4—Placing th Salary of the Chief of Poliee at $400. The Mayor explained t a this was the samo as last year hot th t the Chief o ople taranot be gul- Pollee h•ad also boon C ef of the Vire is right and yvhen Compemy and oareteke of the Water. rth of their money, worire for which he re ived 375, This 5 heat necessary for could also: bo done again 1 it were rieeined ars for the TE0004, by the Council 'advisable Clime adopted. journal—the peoplee Clause 5—nta the so ry of the Chief tly we are every day of the Tire Company anc caretaker of 00 thers. Our inside Watetwatets be 0100, ially to the interest •Moved by Come Gm very article will he Coup. Rling that the • Oehanan, whieb la port, At the meeting asonahle. just look placing the eatery of this convinced. We are Coun. Gordon tteid he resting stoey,`bi, Gel the eonitnittee that had 11 lovers of stories. the Wary had been 1)1 get the back nuM. would like the Charm hen& to explain why the eh This Presbytery eeici Perrie was appointed Me ensuing bait year. Rev. P. 1 W EIS appointed Clerk, pro ar Clerk being abseot, The Rey. J. Little, of ton being present was invited of Shears, Pt Wanner and were received. The Merk to certify Mr. Pin -lay to Rau Collage Seuitte, Murray, etudent of Divinity lege and Mr. Ireotor Mao Motlill 'University and th College, Montreal; the Clerk 50 grant Presbyterial eektid log them to the Aettertibly' COriliDittde for work in %II field tiering the ettmmer Va The toreirtittse appoints it te seconded by auto be amended offieer at $75: OA 0, t0OrrIbrir of r right fit this M- I6 he attended ed VS and he f the Committee e bed been made, tie, the D the amen mi ed the of Walton sho Augmentation fu our request. tha session of ing the absence o court was °ensile agreed that me c The Rev Dr. tnerville, of Owen Sound was nominated ft*Esor for the ohai of Apologetics a hureh.rastory in Rim The Rev. Prof. Gordon, B. Ay of the Preebyteria College Ratifeaslat. S. was nominated it oderater of the next General Assembly were received and lop tea. Estimates for the year were pas A. circular from e Presbytery of Picton was road, stating t at said Presbytery wilt apply to the Geller 1 Assembly in June eext for leave to re eive as a miuister of this church the Re John lalitelthie, a mitt. ister of the Amerie n Presbyterian cherish, Rev. Mr. Mtur v and his Presbytery eider were appoin to visit Pine River SU end appoint two amerobea e,,ut„. speak on the occasio Luoknow, March 17 clment The following re The Presbytery haei £031t and enexpeoted dea the veriereble and 1 rats- Clerk of the Cello. pier eltureb, expresses raise n Lusted t the mill be at the first wiling:* the 01430 he st 14t• 0 the Moderator to' of the Presbytery to of the presentation elution was pissed t g heard of the sudden 1 Assembiy of our sorrow that by Die Reid s death oer elm ch is deprived of the services which Dr. R id hart so ,satisfactor- ify rendered to the unix as Clerk of the Assembly and agent f the Western brume, - el our church for tla pest 44 years. The ' Presbytery further e teases its profound eyzemathy with Mrs. eid end family' he this their hour of so row and conetnends them te God for cone fiction, and instructs the Clerk to transmit a copy of this resol- talon to Mrs. Reid an lamely, The follovvieg reso Won regarding the Rev. Ur. Jones, retir minister at Brus. seta and a member f Ulla court moved D. S. McRae wee nitnously carried :— Thie Presbytery weal expreee its ,gratitu de to the great Ring au Read of thtsaaterelt for the long extended ife of our ( '*able father the Rev. Same 1 ,Tones at Sase,lx.en. pletion Of his 8,§th ye r. It wattle elect pet on record its oppreola ion of him long emd valuable OirVineg ag a minister of the Chards of Christ arra •ejoices that strength was given bitu, to con nue ie active 'work to the ahnost 'septet ented age of eighty testify to his ability a preacher of the Gospel whose talents were of no mean tutor and would reeor its kindly retnem- quired of him as is r vane • father may he epared many re ye 1,,,tia that the evening of his ci,ys may be full of peace and joy Irene the spirit el presence of the Master and the bestow 1 of ointment blesss The Itew. John Rosa wag appointed 10 toevey n. copy of HI resolution to Mr. the state ot religion,. he Peeebytery Monday, March 16th, 7.80 p. ne. to celet. brate the jubilee of Mr. Sutherlaml, teed at Lueltno Vttltat .1.80 p. at whieh rneetin the annual report of the Ptesbyteritd . P. M.'S. bb delistered, e. pro re nate, in 20th Jan. 1806 cieriek 'MacLeod the congrega. he Moderator, pro tem. Rev. eXcelIent son, delivered. tht rdial welcome °Nan, Clerk, beranoe of hie feithfu erator for the the various duties A., latactentuto member of this 'court 2. ne rittter and brotherly g to ill berth sit with the sion ie favour G. Achieson as instructed son es student To Mr. John in Ittiox studextt of as instriteted ie co -presbyter 11. sincerely prays that o torootentencl- Rome Mission Rothe Missiork to consider the Luoknow, Jan, 24th, 1