HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-27, Page 8,g JC y►AS' d'uti.a, pray e4 `among. 4 and . F rN spiritually, y, t c may o 1 th tern. REs N S T CA spiritual �, Lo tic IriaT +v'o . Mina t4 tlixtet[:rn fell rrsh r an r., • I UV!) 1'4 1 And l4 ease accept • thl..m all token o' our esteem and r9.*ard for you, and tray every Melling attend log a tho earnest i ---AT--- i prayer of your :dondefa the S..10 111 The proceedings w lv You , stripping the tree, w t little " decorated with us chase.We prneentg, given in novelty yenerable cos le lines, but all being sung t ving---forimatber, her or lover, ight's Bargains. :}y're claimed to be herr, eve can pick from all t' -r t$ and prices gut to Saturday night big g here:. Gents Fa De, for 10e; G 20e for 15e ; G ' M1.25 for 85c; Gxcilt s Carpet the total trade for November to for 45c; Gents Full' Dress amount to $23,577,017, compared 'or $1.25; Ladies' Carpet with $23,250,729 last year, an for 35e; Ribbons for le per increase of w$.500,000. The increase 'ongee Silk for tae ; Cash- is in imports. In exports there is a >ves,15e: Silk Handkerchiefsdecline of $1,250,000, largely in ney Linen tHandl erchiefs, `agricultural products. Tide imports for' 7e -,mid Gloves for show thatthe duty collected on rice Fi;' two p cg Suits: age 4 to was 50 per cent.,on sparkling wines ?:.50, we th 43.50'; Remnants 28 per cent,, on coal 32 per cent., on Goo for 25e worth 50c; coal oil 64 per cent., oil many classes art 8, for $5. The above of agrieultural implements 35 per e Saturday night only, at cent., on earthen and china ware 30 MCLN®OO,S per cent., on cotton clothing over 32 per cent., on woollen clothing 35 per cent.,on hardware and tools used by workingmen 30 per cent., on paper ;neeting of the Town Council and envelopes os•et• 30, and on sugar the Council chamber, at the 23 per cent. In the face of this the Chairman of the Fire and campaign orators tell the people that pmmittee, to consider Chief the tariff taxes the luxuries 'chiefly. `esignation'as. Chief of the Fire The duty collected on silks was not 152enlb1rd present—Mayor Brock- half that on coal oil and little less cputv.Beeve Holmes and Coun-. than that on rice, the light and food Iiintarr, Reading, Colley, Nee- of the pools The average duty on can, Gordon, Hanna, Wilson all dutiable articles was 31,1-5 per ra.` The Fire and Water Com- , cent. The duty collected on man- nrted as follows 1st—That 'we ufactures' of gold and silver was of Bollard's resignation as Chief 1 smaller ',than the duties on the re Brigade and Caretaker of necessaries of life. ks. 2nd—That we would re. tit Ur, Thos. Manuel boa _ ! W ha was the trouble with Bari-er • and his wife ? Well, the beginning is place and that he be hired �. 3rd—That as part of the of it was when she used a Ganiem- v Chief of the Fire Brigade bell cheese to bait the rat -trap. Then ie duties of the Chief of she made a plaster for a sick servant tlltl commend an increase .Ont • 0f his imported mustard, and the work is done to the satis- I capped the climax by smoking in - lie town. sects out of her rosebushes with a les stated that there had Been boX of his best Perfectos: nplaints laid - before Lim and ! 'Earl's Clover Root, the great Blood • spoken to the Chief and then purifier gives freshness and clearness to ad handed him his resignation, the Complexion and cures Constipation, lie meeting was called. i 25 els.. 50 els., 81. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drag Store. . Dawson, seconded by C. J• the resignation of Jos, th School. me enlivened by usely l otimaLLL's ul and ornamental ante Claus,in artique o and the doxology • ergs company departed, t after appare tly spending a very enjoy. alxb evening, IMES, DECEMBER" 27 18%5. • The largest and most ole, gant assortment of WHAT CANADIANS PAY, ' FANCY U CLASS PERFUME BOTTLES SOME REMARKABLY HIGH TAXES ON he NECESSARIES AND LOW TAXES ON efft,: LASUUIES.. I 'pie, Linen- Ottawa, Dee. 23.—The trade re - 'White turns in the Official Gazette show Call and inspect before you buy your Xmas gifts. in town. Town Council. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, Chemist and Druggist, 2 Doors South of P. O., Wingham. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the m of the East Wawanosh Agri Society will be held in Liviugst( Belgrave, on Wednesday, Ja 1896, at one o'clock, for the receiving and adoptinthe port and the election ensuing year. All attend. CHAS. PROCTOR, F. ANDERSON, President. Secretary. East Wawanosh, Dec. 26th, 1895. bers ultural a Hotel, ary 8tb, urpose of Annual Ra- cers for the requested to NINETEENTH —OF TIIE— i Will7117 WESTER ;•10`TA.lftIO, —WILL DE RFLP AT— WOOOSTOCK, ONTARIO, —ON— JANUARY 7, 8 and 9, 1896. Practical Addresses by Practical Men on Practical Cheese and Butter -making and Dairy Farming. SPECIAL RAILWAY RATES. met of the Fire Brigade and GRIFFITH—In Howick, on the 18th ved by D. M. Gordon, second- ; a daughter. ivtaialtT1r:D. J. W. WHEATON, Se cretary, that clause one of the I ;1IowAT—GRov.es—At the residence of 361 Richmond Street, - London, Ont. oted—Carried.. Clause' two, the bride's brother. Mr.. E W Groves ti ater'Workn be accepted—; instant, the wife of Mr. Wm. Griffith , address, For official prograwme,giving particulars s Manuel as Chief of Fire' Toronto, on the 250 instant, Is y the aretaker of Water Works Rev. L. G. wood, Mr. John A. Mowat of eves! by John Neelands, : to ingham to bliss Kate Groves,daughter of Mr. Jas. Groves, Wingham.`;' liey, that we pay Thos.! B T • EC$ING— IIOMPSON. — At the reel - Caretaker $10 as Chief of ciente of the bride's father C 1 u rose 00 Caretaker of Water Den. 17th, by the Rev. H. �V. Reed 'D2r OTICE is hereby given, that the Corporation the Town of Winghem will apply to the ssembly of the Province of Ontario, lou thereof,for an Act to legalize and 250, 1506, of the Town of Win time for repayment of the un ade to Gilchrist, Green an or the issue of new deb e report of the Fire 1 John Becking, of Culross, to Miss Anon _-_ the 81st Decembe daughter of M Th e I, represer Con 'of the said loan. lativ nextec. by.Iaw tending t of the loae and providiu seven yearafro was then adopted as ; ,t g r• os. Thompson tures of to said to DIESU. o. 264, appointing ! GoaDos—In Wingham, on December Wingham, Ont., Nov the Fire Brigade 20tb, Adam Gordon,,,; aged 35 years, 1 er Works, was read . month and 22 days.;!'` }„ Moved by John ohn -McLean, that' Sealers by D. M• the interest— prdon,second- adjourn to meet )try lath, and have till the 1 his roll -1 Political •eti gs in he interest ourned.of M. C. e 11KERO + , Esq., the I Liberal Standa •d Bear r, will be held as follows : ber 206, a i De'acon's Sc OLITIO ST E ON entertain- i Wawanosh Th tarryCon- + eetidn with Dec. 26t11. , er by the I Martin s S aried and ; Wawanosh, 'ed out, ; .Dec. 27th. lalogues, ; St, Het is by the Nes by . e=vening, e able' Belgr and Tuesda sink ` 15teetin the cry M. g 11'1 c I t MA othr or 1 House, East rsday Evening, ho n Fra s Hall, ec. 3oth. e, Foreste Evening, • D tato cots thence at7.3 House, East y Evening, 1 Monday CAMERON, OHN ',LAN, M. P., DR. DONALD, M. , and, rs, will Address the :lec- Hall, 31st. sharp. . of the onfirrn am, tut - id portion Company, 'tures to run 1808, for the standing deben. g the unpaid por- r GUSON, Town Clerk. 4t 1'6. FARM OR ALE. ing lot 41, c nosh. Good buildi rd and rail fences; go school; within 2% mile ofWingham. Fall nlowin s reasonable. For parti y on the premises. S. C. HUWLET, Wingham P 50 acres, East Wa with bo close tow Te 0 cession 13, s; fenced water; of the done. lars, SOCIETY MEETINGS. C F - COurt Maitland, No. 25, Canadian ■ ■ ■ Order Forestera,meets the second and last Friday evening of every month, in ere. gory's Block. Visiting brethren welcome. John Nealands, C. R. H. B. Elifott, 1t. S. LL „ __Wiragharn L. 0 L., No. 704, meets thelOramreRoll;Rt sitors�welcome.'eJ.G.Stew'art, W. M.; W. J. Fleuty, Rec.-Sec, Know What You Chew k Plot rdSSSSSSY&SSS&SSSSS YOU CAN : E "SUITED" E i n IIo I l VIN, "THE" TAILOR. Are made to order. That's why they always fit, perfectly, admirably, and to a T. There's more in our suits than a perfect fit ; there's first-class material, which it is always easy to select from our superb aggregation of the finest goods ever brought into Wingham. Our suitings are unequalled. So is our high class tailoring, and in clothing, the tailoring is everything. Material, even the best, counts for nothing if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for you in order to fit you. Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains : FRIEZE OVERCOATS IN LATEST STYLES, FROM $9 to $35. MELTON AND BEAVER OVERCOATS IN ALL SHADES, FROM $12 to $24. BLACK OR BLUE SERGE SUITS FROM $8 to $26. BLACK WORSTED TROUSERS FROM $2.50 to '$6 Per Fair. • W O•a-1\1-1`TOZT.7"1T.7"1\1-17-2-01 sol _ GEO. H. IRVIN, "THE" TAILOR, WINGHAM, ONT. OPPOSITE BANK OF . HAMILTON. ,^I: 8:/ii rac/1 uSw$+�cr 1i-, cY r..t6; s For Suits that suit, SUITS, give comfort to the l�©i� wearer and satisfy OVERCOATS betterrtrydu'sOuour r garment makers know how todo their work; don't think there are any bette and yet we charge no more than others do for inferior work. Hundreds of new fall and winter samples to choose from, at prices about half what you have to pay for old goods.. Work done for parties furnishing their own cloth. If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot be properly made for $1 Spot Cash, call and see our work. Our terns are cash. TROUSERS WEBSTER & CO., Opposite the Macdonald Block, Wi:nham, Ont. pposition Speakers w 1 be orded a reasonable tin to ess their views. S 1411111 CORD/ALL7r INV' ED. (JD SAVE THE QUEEN. /s free from the injurious coloring. 'rhe more you use of it the better you like it. ltrtt ono. 1g, ?t5CIti ' i f10111 Co.. LTD. 1441.21L"rOnt.ONT. Should not on he agreeable t0 the t to end smell, but it should be it so all to be attr ive to the eye. My meats will be nil all that i:. wired in these respects, , c IREE E\; • PO ' n (1 MUTTON always 0 1 and. SAUSAGES ' E :.1 CHEESE and everything t he butcherin • - / d, in season. As 1 supply otels, ail customers e a chance of getting th . , est cuts. Our pri . will always be found -lett ri . and meat w • e delivered to any part of the to J. G. FIELD I 15 iii i, Aug, Mb, 1804. • t , SE AND LOT FO A good fra - el street, containin and pantry t . , i cellar, is ofeed"3 .r sale cheap. whjeh' . tains one-sixth of an acr 1 ao g'house on Shuter I apply to t rooms, kitoben 1 Office, or to d wood shed,l he lot, are Kent Blo od frame stable and shed. Her. nd r under cover. For pa ulars, ner, R. EL •r, Times SA ILL, Real Estate ingham. OUR BICC COST. SALE IS BOOMING. THE REASON—PRICES CUT DOWN TO WHOLESALE. Note a few of the following prices: 72 inch Union Sheeting for 50c a yard, regular 65c a yard, 72 inch White Twill Sheeting, 20c a yard, regular 25o a yard, ,72 inch Unbleached Twill Sheathing, 160 a yard, regular 20c a yard. 32 inch Flannelette', 8o a yard, regular 10c a yard, Floor Oil Cloth, 20o per Square Yard. BEST BLACK SC07.1CH FINGERING YARN, 9ltnots for 25c or 60o a pound. We are selling about 10 pounds a day of the above, so it must be right. Come at once and get some of the bargains at J'01 -11\T G-ALBRA 'lH'S, GOING OUT OP BUSYNESS. Wirlgham. AS CLEAR AS A CELL: If a pupil of the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario, Does not grasp asubject readily we repeat and repeat until he gets it, We drill; some ecboold don't. We got our reputation in that way, andintend to sustain it by giving a thorough grind in all subjects taught. We teach Bookkeeping and Best• noes paper by a new method. Enquire about it. Yonf• motley back if not eatisfled. Catalogue free. Mr. E.A.Coon has accepted a position in the office of E. D. Smit* Winona, Ont. 3. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.