HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-27, Page 7,j Ing ani -1S PUBLISHED EVERY ]'RIDe1.Y MORNING -Ar TIli -- WES QFFIOE, JOSEPHINE STREE WINGIIAK, ONTARIO. ascription price, $1 per yoar,ln adlvan%) • ADVERTISING RATES: Speee 1 1 yr. I it we. 1 li mete` i 1 mol• columnT eta/00 flee 00 I $ 0 804 r " • I 40 00 re 00 00 0 00; rter " s0 00 15 00 irk CO • inch i • 5 001 3 00 e‘ 00 x00 i,aland othercadba Salyer laments,Bo. per line lest lusortiou, and do per f ,eforeiwh suesoquone •ti \ 7 s 1 •cy seen,. �ItlilliR. 7'. a• scale. by toil i . gg11 lane noticed 10u. perl�ffv, for eat insertion,. and ler lite for own sub �I, 01,4, tuserticr ivortlson ieiusofUo7t,P'ound Strayed, Situations, li,isiuessOhencei'anted, Mit exceeding 8 lines pared, 5i for�tiret month, and 500.. for each iequet•t intently' oases and Ga $ s for Salo, not ,exeeedh,K 8 linos or 'flat math, i 'h li GOu per , } tlt subsets}tent month. ger advergikements lu p•aportiou. hese St USA Will be strictly adhered to •eeial talcs for larger adrertiyomentsi or foil ;fir peii•,,lods, dvetlyIsuiuents and local notices without specific Walls, will he inserted till forbid and charged irdingly. Transitory advertisements must be 1 to advance ?r. aanges for contract advertisements most bit In office by Wednesday nosh, m ordorto appear week .... T AO RBTORAD AND PUBLISH** ACDUNA LD CENTRE: STREET. .i ONTARIO. l B. TOWLElt, M.D pM,, nber College Physicians'and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron - se iIp•stairs, next tor'llr Morton's otleo, Vying 1, Ont. Mos HouRa.-9 to 12 a, m„ 1 to 5 p. m., idence, Diagonal street. -ENNEDY, M. D M. C. P.S. 0. Supoesaor to Dr. J. A. Meldr i Medal : Western Chihli ate Rouse goon inon.o sanora` - ital. Special often.I paid'trldiseasen , •men and children. ›iruniPory occuplu Patric! street*. iAti • 0NT "THE AUTOQRAT." Wendell Helium Born WA Plea 180.4, he Last Leaf l" Cm it bo true, o have turned it, and on you, Frfeud of all? Tliat the years at last have power? That's life's ffolii ngrx i fall? ts flower Was there one wile ever took Eremite shelf by chance, a book Penned by you, But was fast your friond for life, With one refuge from its strife Safe and true? Even gentle Minn self Might be proud to share that shelf, Leaf to leaf, With a soul of kindred sort,. Who could bind strong sense and sport In ono sheaf. From that Boston breakfast table, Wit and wisdom, fun atul fable, Radiated Through all English-speaking places. When were Science and the Graces So well mated? Of sweet singers the most sane, Qf keen wits the host humane, Wide, yet clear. Like the bine, above us, bent; „Giving sense and sentiment Each its sphere. With a many breadth of soul, With a fancy quaint and droll; Ripe and mellow, • With a virile power of "lilt;" poet, wit Finished scholar, p , And good fellow I rare• Sturdy pat li ot, ar'"i�iy et True world's citizen l Regret Dims our eyes As we turn each well -thumbed loaf; Yet a glory 'midst our grief Wtll arise. Tears your spirit could not tame, And they will not dim your fame; England joys In your songs, all strength and ease. And the "dreams" yoti "wrote to please Gray-haired boys." And of such were you not one? Age ohillod not your fire of fun. Heart alive Makes a boy of a gray bard, Though Iris years be, "by the card," Eighty-five -London Flinch. xloicirum,Oorner VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., 'ate and Company tunds to loan at•lowest rate rent. No commission charges:. Mortgages, took and farts property bought and eold'r. r10E--Deaver Block WINGUAA r"M J. A. 1IOI4T01•F; .. BARRISTER, km, \Winghani, • Ont. ,r • L. D1CK[IiSoN, BAE.BISTE1 STC. ICITOli TO MOM OP II.WILTON. MONEY 'T0• TeoAyr dice -Meyer Block, G. CAMERON, ,.. • MUSTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c,. lice -Corner Uamllton and St. Andrew strode,. nsito Colborne Hotel. 'bF.Rz08, f ONTARIO . EN Y. -J; S. JEROME, L. D. S.,WnjofAM. Iejnanufacturing arst•ilass sets or teeth as cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new less, guaranteed perfectly nate. s - MICE :1n' thie. -Beaver moon opposite the, eswick ouse. n•o•lrs RTII .'i J. IRWIN, D. D. a., L. D. 8., . C•Gr o0 Dental Surgery' of the Pennsylvani al College. ,FIOQF..MAODONALD BLOCK. FIN RITCHIE S "r 11 GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT u Ant, tt ONTAEI FRANK SCELI'S, 131; You on 12 mattes AND 1 IrInt $1. OUT Opposite rormsn's Hotel, .. WHAM, - - - ONTARIO).. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. DEANS, JR., WING11An, ;LASED AUCTIONEER FOR THE - COU1V'Tje OF HURON, es attended In any part of the p0; . °bargee' rete. HN CURRIE, WWINOaAtx, NSEb AUOTIONIIII1 on THE oOHNTrSy xenon AND 331331011• orders lett at the Tian mice promptly attend Tonne reasonable. bronze .and clay were discovered, which illustrate the. condition surrounding our race 4,000 B. C. "The Temple of Bei, I ani Whitened, is • POW being deg amend and laid bare, land when finished It will be the first Temple of Bet ever systematically excavated. With over 200 Arabs, its colossal walls, contain- ing 190 rooms, have heels laid hare, and its slaughter-laortse, altars, tablet archives on. stone ail treasury -house leave been res. vealed. The excavation extended dowsl,'4a. feet below the surface to the foundation of the i}nmenso temple. Ali in8001t1o4' on stone stated that tide foundation was 'es- tablished lir the bosom of the lower regions, In the neC•1;laborhood of tl;e subterranean waters. Nine sarcophagi have been ex - hunted and transported entire to the raid seum here fu Constantinople. Many crumbled when first: exposed to mtlners- pherle influeucc. • "It is estimated that it will require -O volumes to contain all the valuable cunt - torus 'tests land their translations, with philological, arcbaaolegidal and historic es - T iff the cus- toms; •s with a description of A er, c t:t3p torus of its people, their religion and their social and political life. 1 am in- formed that the first volume of this work, edited by Prof, Ililprioht, has recently noels issued, and that ,it has, received geller el encomiums by eminent Europeen scholars. "I au assured by the American College that the seientifie world now owes its old- est Senitfe • texts to • this expedition, and that they found, over 00 feat below the -sur- face • i evidence that Niger face of the earth, 1,000 years older than scientists had be- lieved formerly. • 3"1 em also informed that of the 125 Baby- lonian kings whose names and era are known, eight were found inscribed on tab- lets excavated by this Amcric:au enter- prise. 'Meuse of glass made in Niffer to im- itate lapis -lazuli existed 1400 B, C. "The list of Babyloniaii rulers from 2800 B. C. to the fall of Babylon (558 B. C.) has been Mede known by this expedition, and now we are able.. for the first time today solid foundation for determining the age of undated tablets from Paleography. 1 feel that the enterprise and intelligence of our scholars and public-spirited citizens iu sodistant a. field tie Niffer, and the value able discoveries Blade oftlze earliest history • of 011e race, deserve more than a passing notice." -.Buffalo Express. since, even the shadows on the tweestorin tombs neve not prevented the men Prole salting up poles, It was the year before the Eastern FAX* tension eftrlie4 its Cable to Iloiig•InOng that it concluded to go on tQ. Australia, on con- dition that one or fall of the colonies eonn- bined would lay a land line across the con- tinent to meet it. The offer was accepted by the South Australian Government,. This colony then uuubered1.70,000 inhabit- auts; it was in debt heavily for rearmed and telegraph lines in the settled parts of its territory, nut it bravely set aside leis money for the new undertaking, The work was begun early in 1870. The history of teloglap1a time not include an- other so dramatic chapter, All but 200 or $00 miles of the' 2,000 front Adelaide on the South to Port Darwin, the c ikile termines, ell the north., was through a land of either the worst reputation or utterly unknown, save from.tho reports at the one explorer who; after infinite risk and hardship,1iaU traversed it nearly 10 years before. °'.l'he expaditiou was to be baffled by moth- feverytech of't cert li s It1 •°r + however. . iIi ,1 out f 1 f its. supplies, l wire, most of its pole. all o t pp es, acrovs a country aftc a waterless and so hot that a thermometer burst and pork melted in the brine, The men saw their ioatele die of hunger alrcl thirst. They were forced literally to crawl throubh miles upon miles of scrub of the most exasper- ating character. The natives harassed. them constantly, steal,ng their supplies, rigging tip their insulators as spear heads; to use when the native boomerangs' wore ion and threatening up to die occasion, t lg not their 'finished work. The northern per - tam of the work was once abandoned, so hopeless did it seem. Again terrific floods drove the expedition entirely. frons' the field. In spite of the loss and discourage- ment, the line was finished in two years and a hair, and after October 21, 1872, the.: Loudon papers were publishing 'daily des- patches from Australia, On. November 15, 1872, a grand banquet was held in Lon - doe, celebrating the completion of the work, and at 'it was rend a telegram of thanks in reso�nce to one of congretulatioa which had be sent to Adelaide just two hours before. SECRETS. OF THE PAST. WHAT MAN DID AND HOW HE LIVED CABLE AND TELl•RAPH or'4,000 YEARS B. C SOMETHING ABOUT THE NET -WORK 'wonderful Results of the Explorations on; • OF WIRES AROUND•TH E WORLD. t Sit f ti a Ancient City of Niirer . mei. members on all boards of education. WHERE -WOMEN HAVE SUFFRAGE. Inc Grout Natty Caiusetrles They Mayo a Say at the eoiis. The countries of the world where wo- men already have. some suffrage have an area of over 18,000,000 square miles, and their population is over 850,000,000. Polit- ical Progress enumerates the"following: In Geed Britain women vote for all elective officers except members of parlla- ,metit. . • . In France the women'' teachers elect we- ,ataaority, Congress refused to require the disfranchisement of women and a }d- lilitted the state July 10, 1800. In the senate of the United States, Feb. ?, 1889, a 'select committee reported in t' favor of amending the federal constitution so as to forbid states to make sex a cause of disfranchisement. Congress adjourned, however, on March 4 following,without reaching the stibject. the o o i Ili Sweden women vote for all declive Noor Babylon -Much Valuable Iuforfna- tionand Huudreds of Antiques. Man's curiosity concerning man is daily adding to our store of information of the • past, and the more we learn the more ap- parent it becomes that we are aheap older explain, as a rule, the oxtraordin i1y. sys- than we thought. Minister Terrell has tern of label and cable lines. 'they have ' sent a report from Constantinople relative been laid to meet the c{eniands of business, to the extension explorations of the ruins !and for the most part a business already . t of Niffer, near ancient Babylon. These ' assured. Not that there are no exainples ' explorations are being made at the ex- of that admirable daring which, foreseeing pense of Philadelphians, and Dr. Peters a chance, makes its Venture, .preferring to • and Prof. Ililpricht, of the University of ' create a demtind rather than to follow one. • Pennsylvania, have supervised the work. A. remarkable case of just such a renters Many tolls of tablets, vases, inscribed was the laying of the first cable along the brick, sarcophagi and the like have been .Chinese shore in'18"Il.. exhumed, the sensual and •revolting wor- gnssia heel flllished the land line nerds! . ship of the god Bel is more .clearly known, Siberian -the line which, it will be reni':ni his colossal temple with its 190 rooms has. bered, was intended to be part of the r+rtxte ' been exposed, and the religion, govern- so long projected into the United States bj 'Bent and customs of men who livecl4,000 ' Bering Straits. But the American end of pears before Christ have beeu revealed by the project had failed, and she found she the translated inscriptions. Minister Ter- , had an interminable •stretch• of line aeroSs . rell says that that'll' require sixty volumes :her barren steppes and now had nothing to to contain the descriptions of these marvel-.� attach' the end to: In fault of •anytlziiig ons discoveries. better to do with the straggling terminus, Minister Terrell writes in the course of it was carried to Vladivostock. ,t.••. his report: The Northern Telegraph Company. of "Iu the number of tablets, ;bricks, in- • Denmark saw the possibility of utilizing scribed vases and 111 the value of cuniforin this and for a European communication ' texts found, tlzis American enterprise • with China and Japan. Not that China equals, if it does not excel, t{ie explorations.and Japan had expressed any desire for of Layard, at. Ninev th, and Rassam s ex- such a union. The wily Danes took care eavations at Aba-Iitbi�a. not • to ask permission, but slipped. the "Dr. cholaieltt, the distinguished .shed As- land end of their cables into shore in in- eyrian scholar of the University at Penn- offensive drain pipes, and quietly' made •sylvania, is.remn{ning here at the mu- their connections until they lead a cable ileum, tat the regnc st of tete Turkish Go -running from Hong Kong to Amoy, Gotz- vernment, to translate inscriptions and ar- latf, Woosuug, Nagasaki (Japan) and upn- range tablets, inscribed bowls and vases nesting with the land line at Vllitiiress used from one to four thousand years' be - stock. 1 Mow the Work 1!'irst Get is Start' In China Getting a Line Across Australia—Ile officers except representatives: also, 1n-+ Yawning as a ILetnedy.. • Yawning, though contrary to the canons of good society, is undoubtedly very none - natal to the individual. Muscles are brought into play during a good' yawn 'which otherwise would Stever obtain any exercise sort ofnatural 'kLill a nat n all, and its ens at a mmassagetge is considerable. The muscles which move the lower jaw and the breath- ing.muscles of the chest are the first ones used during the process of gaping, then •the tongue is rounded and arched, the pal- ate tightly stretched, and, the uvula raised. The,eyes generally rlosit tightly toward tho.termipation of the yawn,. the ears are, raised 4,4 -shay and the nostrils dilated. The :Creek sometimes heard in the ear proves that the antral membranes are also stretclhed and.exeroised, something impos- sible by any process but a yawn. It has recently been recommended by some doc- tors that' sufferers from nasal catarrh should make a practice of yawning six or seven tinges a day and good results will follow, • It is also considered valuable in inflammation' of the palate, sore throat and earache, directly, for members of the house of scriptlun of tete Work sef construction lords. • Some of the Lines Now'operating. In Norway they have school suffrage. • In Ireland the- women vote for the har- It is commerce •and competition which bor boards, poore law guardians, and in Belfast for munieiptil officers. . In Russia women householders vote for all elective officers and on all local mat- ters. In Finland they vote for all elective officers. In Austrir Hungary they vote,by proxy, for all elective officers. Iu Croatia and Dalmatia they have the privilege of doing so in local elections in person. In Italy widows vote for members of fere the birth of Christ. Many • tone' of tablets, vases, inecribed brick,' sarcophagi When the Chinese wakened up to the pre - and the like have' Areas, arrived at the settee of the cable it weantpo late co objeet. They simply profeseed. theinselvee utterly inusenni borer where they are now being examined, translated atid -.arranged hy skeptical ofrats 'meanness and refused to Profs. ITilpricht and Handy ' Bey, the have anything to do with it. However, learned :Mohammedan in charge of the they soon had a practical demonstration of Museum. The Sultan, in recognition of its capabilities. An Oeiental, more bold the services of the Amerieen professor, than his compatriots, resolved to act on has promised that the Univereity of Peun- the price of rice ; telegraphea down to sylvania shall receive one a all duplicate Shauglial from Pekin, and to bny' up a antiques. quantity. He did so, and made 4 big sum. "This enterprise has revealed an enbiqui- Soon after a lottery drawing came off in ty for the human race 'nearly ten centuries Pekin, in which meny residents of Shang - older than science had kuowledge .of be- hal were interested. The lucky numbers. fore. The religion, goverantent, habits of were telegraphed down, but the majority life, ancl, to e great extent, cuetoms of men of the holders felt it unottliodox th trust tsslio livea 4,000 years before Christ are re- to the impioue Western contrivance which disdained time and space, two things which vented by the inscriptions, which are 110W the Intperial Dragon. himself had always eas s, Prof. Ililpricht. respected, ahd. they let their skepticism go nit Delaware suffrage is exercised by wo- being tilt -fielded helm and arranged by "The worship of one god (Ben, who was so far that they sold their tickets for a men in several municipalities. inaested. with sensual end revolting ettei.. soug to more peogressive gamblers. The In Kansas they have equal suffrage with next week when the reeognized ixist at- men at all municipal elections. butes, is more clearly known, and the ex- ivea the report of the telegraph was con- Abont fifty thoiteand women voted in ple nee uow revealed. fitmed. The new contriVance could not 1800. In 'Montana they vate on all loestl tent and arrangement cf hie immense tent- r Thus far 110,000 inscribed. tablets ef cley have had ti, more impressiVe advertise- taxation. Mane InNaav York they can and do vote at The 811008/38 of the Danish companY in eellools elections. The question of thee leying its cable along the mad induced it conetAtionality of the law is still tt , b to min Wire.; inland. It /made a decitled.'t They vote also in many 1.9.' ces euccessfel beginning, hut Wes stepped' in the.; stab. on local ineproveintit , such oddly enough. There are no burial grounds es gas and el eteit street lighting 'awing, in China, eitch huffily inakiuse rasepalchre sewerage end nalcipal bonds. 'n for its dead 'Upon its own Mena:tea Dead In Utah wom o votedenitil ; efranchised Mice:tors are 80 reverenced that tashitdow by the "Ednuititislave," whe ' they prompt - upon the grave is looked tipennA all insult ly organized to denlend it " viral, Whieh must Italie passed by, Now, when /n Pennsylvania naltefs was passed in the //Mee began to put up pries for their 1$89 limier which Wietheli Vote on local Wires the shadows Were stun, tit some time iteprovernerits by onatinnea4pr refusing te of the day, to fall oh the grave of 'sortie ohm petitions th 'foe. ss disputes hetiveett Workmen end natives, same tensis th uteu since 187b The con - and the enterpeise was eatiotiely inter- volition i 880 to form 11, gate tionStitti. Misted for it time, IloWeVers the coavenis tion intottely inserted it envision ' them fall etiffeage. This ch sti- election by almatt theatetei Where Paatoes Caret I3e :When the barometer. steeds' at thirty mhos Rea level, shoadne' an atutospherie pressure of fifteen pounde te the square ineh, the boiling point of water is 21e de- grees Fahrenheit. When part of this pres- sure is removed by ascending- to higher levels, water will boil befeae . coming to a heat of 21,2 degrees, or if a deseent is made into a level below the leiel of the sea the boiling polut will rise accordingly. Thus it is plain to see thews he highly elevated re- gions, where thereals less atmospheric pres- sure npon the wateenthe hotlines point is' much lower than at sea level -in other words, it will boil before ft. Is safficiently eievatiimbf but 510 feet Makes a diminu- tion. of one degree in the boiling point. At the Pity oe Mexico, where the elevation is 7,471 feet above:sea water•will bon at 198 1-9 degrees; at Quito, which is 0,541 feet, the boiliag Point is melted at 104 de- grees. It. will be seen, therefore, that boiling is not always equally hOt. At the places mentioned and. in several localities in our own country, many arCacles of fool. cannot be cooked..at all by bolinea; or, if they can, it takes eeverel houree where a few minutes should suflice.-St.• Lout-, Re - Rheumatism Cured fn a deg. -Souk American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to i3 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause of the diseasoimmediately disappears. The • first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents. , Warranteed at Chishom sdrug store, .1 TH-E LONDON sales a e. aka WiNoilam ptly and en the Shortest, advatioad en iforitageiet la pets central lee et esylite ist the end SI say year• Note titiesits stow. Illettf7)00. t Meek Wieselielal, lista Largest 17nnrily on liecord. In the Harldin Manuscipt, Nos. 080 and 78, in the library of the Baitish Museum, mention is made of the most extraordinary, family that has ever been knoWn in the world's history. The pardee were a Scot& weave); and his wife (not wives), who were tlearathor and mother of sixty-two child- ren. The majerity of the offsprings of this prolific pair were boys, (exactly how many of each sex is uot known) for the record mentions the fact that forty-six of the nude children lived to reach maahooa's estate, and only tot • of the deughters lived to be grown-up of the eons were 1080, the majorit in and about rNee%rdcaeleintaitt eertyne gentleman of large estateted" rode "thirty and three miles beyeindthe Tyne to prove this won- ry." It is further related thet. were adopted ten of the sous, and ee other "landed gentlemen" thole. ch. The temaining members of thiz exyltotdinery family were breught up by the patents. the Wirth in Miniature. Four leading Ereuch scieetiste, ceedea itt making a wonderful model of the eerth. It is a huge sphere, 42 feet in diameter, and has paieted upou its outside ell the details of the eeeth's geography. At Paris, where this pigmy world. is being exhibited, an iron nod glass dome. lute been erected over the globe. The building is eight-sidea end is well provided with ele- vetoes and stairways, which make it .an easytask for the visitor to thoroughly ex- amine "all paets of the world." The globe 4 ahs tone but is eo nicely balanced that it ean n'e easily rotated by m small slituutwheet The entire surface erea is 515 feet which is sufficient to exhibit all the mountains, rivers, islands, cities, etc., ‘..0011 to the principal thoronghfares the latter. LY rREEP —AND— FAR AND Sixteen Page Attractive • ing Eve). BOTH PAPER ME lumps, o y Read - eek. 91st i mber foR G The WEEET FREE' PitESs and FARM H ME, cone bled in one issue, maw u in siee nil appear- ance, is off ;ed. -to subse •ibers from and of :stone have been discoveied. these are inscribed promises to pay debt, deeds anti centracts, and r000111 of all caw clit Inicc which was inscribed It 131`01111h0 tO pay 'borrowed money, with in - About 150 Hebrew,. Mitadie, Arabic, and Syrian inscribed bowls have been dug up, There are more thee all the museums in the workla poseeeeed before, They have else found litahli,eds of Babylonian seal cylinders, many go& and silver erne. mentea maths thOusande of aced°. ago by the inhabitants et the Melons betweeo. the Tigris and Euphrates, About 1,000 Vases of alabester. Marble end other stem have been discovered, With *tithe offetenge of lapis magnetsitei and agate. Many ence et the telegraph hepatic at lad Ad mettle Meets, tuid betteelteld objeeta hs Matt des:hied to go au With the Work; itha. omen. • Thirty -ante living in the yeto• of Them then residing ew-Oastle on -Tyne. It is e of the old histories of DOLL The F Leading of West - ern On a cent and col Sir J. that t ten E Pieuss is. the maservative Jennie rio. It contains ea th week ete summary of tl news Y FREE PRESS are up date. iple for the country me thant, - and. dairyman: FAEM AND HOME contain. eech able articles on A gricu tailed cts and. Live Stock. The fa quer attle and horse breeder will fiud e an interesting feature of t Papers 'combined for $1 fro ow Until December 31st, 1300. . Positively Cures QUGHS and COLDS in a trprisingly short time.. It's a 0.31 00 i cuts e t i t tris and true, s th ran d to Y, and S 't sets h n seA' t W,, cCosnr.R k Son. Bouchette .Sufi report 1n a' in hat old la chetoral n rod Atte 0.Gnre ajto 9irdbi..ra:dfnc,e&Sand bronelil Ituwibge,a, qhanu,dl tan,;1 BooldCure .d W. O. McOomber or, Ma, J: 1r. flurry, Chemist, 5¢8 Yonge St., Toronto, writes •' As a general couch and lung. syrup Pya Pectoral is a most invaluable bprepsratien. has given the utmost aattsractlop to ail wt have tried It many having apeken to me ort. benefits derived from its use in their famill, 31is imitable for old oryoung, bri,gP1 oas s t --II e tasto its Rale lat+m a leas boonwoa er4el el l ran always rotnmiand!as a sane at reliable CoughnedloWo." • barge Bottle„ 3:5 Cts. DAVIS ..!Ie LAWRENCE CO., Lro. Sole Proprietors MONTittnz 1 sasealtesellfaltaa CAN T °DTA 'A TENT experience bathe pat business. books sent ee. special notice the Scientific mer out cost the inventor. Wahl issued w Lily, elegantly illustratod. largest troulotion ch. any scientific world 83 Etym.. Sample copies a dhag Edition, monthly, =Ma y co s, .25 cents. Every number con 1 1 plates, in colors, and pbotograP tires. with plans, enabling builders to test designs and secure contracts. _Ai MUNN C•0” NEW YOall. 361 SN WEET- and a farm Th wee subj in it in te A will WE Bot entswanted everywhere. Address ommunications to the F EE PRESS PRINTING CO. LONDON, - ONTARIO. Caveats and TracieZlark1 obtained. an business conducted for MODERATE office Is in the immedia te vicinity of the and my faciiities for secur ing patents are Senpl model. sketch or photograph of in description and statement as to advance ZIY-No charge is tnade f'or an, op patentability, and my fee for pril application will nob be called fo milling full information sent free. Al cations Considered as Melody la FRANKLIN H. The Jenkins, Three4r.yed Cot The ,TenIdas family, who resides at Lees- ville, yillage south of Massalort, ere possession. of it eitt which luts three dimin et eyes. The eat is neer a year old mid great pet. People visit the Jenkins home daily out of curiosity, eta the eat is the centre of attraction. The two eyes nee in is dieectly heck • of the cat's left 0%. The eat has peered use of the time organs end blhiks all at mice. The cist is invaluable h f it can see before and le the tear at the mine tbne..-Cleve- ITS LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD 5 MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED M isE ..happiness of thousands of prondmag young men. gome earie and wither a at tho blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony bat find no solace or com Ivictims are found in all stations of life: -The farm, the office, the works the trades and the professions. S RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. Divorced .if ' untold agonies for my "gay• h SYPHILIS yonng and ignorant. As "0 Syphilis and other Private die 4 EMISSIONS /i month and throat, bone pains 4= STRICTURE ladecsep,ofinndBeenrtasilesvceanmaeorto,rir Potash, etc. They heiped m p CURED ',/ Finally afriendinducedmete "tac't(1.2!sael eourselt gain ng every day. 1 have never heard of th re.:7-CU •S GUARANTEED OR MONEY 7:ftunneidr:V:v ul vi ithodic:'retnit7setifta.aliaallel" td:ncet°wr'lif:ttlirjitlItwhar9oca,a o bug nerves. 0 were united agaie and aro happy. This w gtg- We! treat and cure Varicocele, Emission 1' YEARS IN ormnorr, zpo,00 must—a Tamen ant will cure vou. What it has t ATIM FREE. Bowater who has treated rad Char e. Charges reasotable. BOOKS 1fREE-a• 4 Disease ol Ben. Inclose postage, 2 cents, Seale 1\lb NAMES USED WITHOUT RI t it01,43Ae4 No medicine eprit C. O. ID, XENtiEDY lbiEfi gea..• a:-Maaaat Sae