HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-27, Page 5-.4e. ig Road , profusely ,over one a 4 -Witten SALE ish- ARY Christ - )NS are, ed any - [en's and prices as ome and ) for $8, 8, worth ;n's Suits g at the disposed .sh. We must go, d satisfied. e. ?s has just [OUSE, TINGHAM; Ott" ••••••••• kRE ;nth be sold by td Free. • Ail 11 " OA I t lilYtieitikti .4 1 igrommaram••••••••••MMIN.P.1................. oinamma, NOTICE, the Annul Meeting et the Turaberry ricultural Society will be Neild at 0Arman's Hotel, Wingham, on Wednes- iy, January 8th, 18111.6, ate one o'clock p. /11., for the eleotion of•Ogleers andiDiree- /tors, and any other business that may .4 p' 0000 before the Illeetiing. C. HENDERSON, J. ANDSUSON, President. Secretary. IT PAYS TO make g•uod redo attend those who r time while attending ,CANADA B MESS COLLEGE TR PLII, (ONT. hIsist week's otico showc the placing ottve stud. ..evits in chol 3 positions ; week three: Belle Mitchell, p ted oi OCOliii onograghenwith Van Mitten $t in Speoialtv Co.. • Ohicago. •Tho first iStanogr her ii, same Oleo, h Anne Moffat. is also a f rmer pupil, James Wivrr ,fts eteek.keepor and, of oe assistant, with 'Vin 'Gray SonsiChathaic. FrOfl, 'hompson changed from :Wei •graPher with rGoo. B. Douglass to Stenovrollher vith iilessrs. "%iL on. Rankin, MoKeough it Neil Barristers, Ch them. Mays to Attend the Best ' 'hoo1. Cellego re-opees for the now iyiear, Janu y Oth. 'or Catalogue of .cither Business or.Shortha d De- partment, address, D. MOLACULAN &.00. Chatham, nt, 4corirmilito TEN MSE Initli1IPALITY OF T. A A public meeting the, Teo whip of Tar in the he Electors ,of 'y, will be bald Fatatters' all uevale, Medal umber 30tho 18954 At 12 o'clou noon, for the nomin iou of candidates ' for the offices of eeve, Deputy -R eve and three Councillo for the year 90. JOHN BURGESS, Blues- e., Dec. 17,'95. Tp. Cler OHANGE BUSINE • DA SP E. OAT W311309 to ansa to the ople of Belgrave arid surrounding couutr that 1 ring bought the stock of the late Jas. Bend on, nd having since added large sorting orders, 4. now prepared to offer good value in all the di e ent departments. .GROCERI We have just to hand la e and choice selection of XMAS GROCERIES corn sing RAISINS, CU RAN 8, PEELS, ORA.NG S, LE ONS, PRUNES, .APRICOTS, S CES, NUTS nd CANDIES, elides full rang of ED GOODS;' SUGARS, TEAS. CAN SOAPS, &o., DRY GOODS For the b ante of the season we h ye decided to offer the Bowing lines AT COST. no iely Furs, weeds, Dress Goode, F annals, Cottonades, Prin s, Hosiery, Gloves,Scarfs, ies, 8ra„ Best ea host of other things too numer to men. tion Also a large stock of OTS and SHOE P ncipally of the Celebrate' John Merthers 'e will not quote prices as we are convin call will thew you that our prices are right, ope. by fair and honest dealing to merit a haro of your patronage. Yours Respectfully, DAVID SPRO n make ed that nd we liberal N. B.- Butter, Eggs, Lard and Tallow take in, exchange at highest prices. YOU'LL REGRET If you don't call and examine, and while you are there, get prices of that immense pew stook of Which has just arrived from Gertra1174, It is the most beautiful assortment pvet shown in town. ,„. GROCERIES cniopia.t.ii,,exefi hal; We 10 igaidi tof yovi.ttltoi :rou nee ready to -clo.your. Xtn .,biliturt. OUR TEA$44,*46, Are linuotning more fa:04RA syery„.,f,:liii• • 'I, BIAAN to ,erf •, ,Fr 'ind Oltfookti,dp1;•„!‘", I "i ;, • • ,,1 THE WJNGHAM TIMES, DECEMBER 27, I 89i5. WIIITEOHURCH. Tins 4.1111**1 Meeting of the -White- church Creamery 'Co. Was held. in the Foresters' Hall, ;on Saturday, the 21st lust, at one cklock in the after- noon. The hall was crowded with the sharebelders.and patrons •of the Co., indleating the ;interest that is taken in the impoitant, lucratine and steadilygrofrviing 'industry., namely; Creamery butter. The .company have had very successful and prosperous -year, notwithstanding the "bard times" and '"tightness of money." The output .of butter has been large, :and the prices received have beeneseeptionally high, in fact, Whitechurch Creamery .has sold their butter at a better price than any other creamery in the Province. This speaks well for the .quality of the article manufaetured -and for the tact and business ability of' our wide-, awake salesman in disposing* of the butter 'at such good prizes. Ttie creamery butter industry is, coin- partively speaking, a new thing in our progressive country, but is one of great importance and one that is destined to take a leading place in the domestic manufacturing prOducts of fair Canada. We have a country that is unsurpassed for developing and fostering and bringing to the very highest state of perfection this useful and every -day -necessary of life—Butter, namely,fertile meadows, fine pasture lands, and abundance of good, pure water. These, with the best machinery that active brain and skilful hands can construct for the manufacturing of creamery butter, Canada should take a leading place. The farmers- of our country should take an active interest in developing the butter industrY, as it will pay them welt for any, trouble they take or any outlay they make. A "gilt edged" article will always command a good price, and will .be ,sought after by the -consumer and never go a -begging, and the patrons of our creameries, and those engaged'. in the manufacture of our creamery butter, should each and all vie with one another in leaving nothing un- 'done,•so that the very best article possible may be produced, and Ontario stand head and shoulders-- as she may if she will—above any other country in the production of the finest 'butter. We hope the patrons of Whitechurch CrearOry will one and all try to do her and his part to make the year 1896 more successful than any of its predeces- sons, learning from the experience of the past and with all the energy, skill and brain -power with which they are endowed resolve to do their part in producing an "A 1" article. "So mote it be." The Treasurer of the company, Mr. H. D. Henderson, paid out the 10% dividend to each shareholder before the meeting was convened. The popular President of the Direetors' of tie company, Mr. Venry,i oporied- the meeting with a few pertinent and wiseremarks, after which Mr. Robt. Currie, Sr., was chosen chairman, of the meeting. The chairman gave a short address, when the Secretary, Mr. R. W. Sirup - son, read the minutes of last annual meeting, which, on motion, were sustained. The Auditors' Report was then read by Mr..11..D. Hender- son, from which we glean the follow- ing facts,: Total output of the factory, 73483 lbs. ; price paid for butter- milk, 8120 ; total receipts $13,408.53; ainount paid Patrons, $10,520.10; total expenditure,$13,165.91, leaving a balance of $242,62 to pay share- holders' dividend and needful supplies for coming 'season. Liabilities, none. James Gaunt and Malcolm Lament, Auditors. A discussion ef some length was then indulged in by some ,orthe patrons, in reference to "tests" and other matters in connection with the successful running of the cream- ery. The Directors for the com- pany for the coming year were then chosen, when all the old members were re-elected unanimously to fill that position for 1896. This •speaks volunies for the way- the Directors have performed, ti onerous duties in 9i,e,past„ and how well. they ''aiave pleased the shareholdnrSA14.,"pgr,Ons. of the institution. The folleiring are the, •J3irector3 for 1:89'6 : Prank, Hii'John 'Gillespie, Richard rettypiecc, William Marti* and Gavin ,„James Gaunt was, ehogit:'," Xutlit6fElititlfeldpaiz A su flan *RS nion oting $41, LOWER W1NGHAM, Sehool Report.: In the following report of the standing of the pupils of Lower Wingham Public School for the month of December, the names appear in order of merit, IV Class 5r—Jennie Dey,Geo, Ansley, Milton Graham. IV Class Jr.—Geo, Johnston, Rosia Johnston, Fanny Green. III Class—Verona Phippen, Rhoda Elford, Lizzie Potter. III Class NO, 2.—May Ransom, Spence Currie, James 'Murdoch. II Class— Wesley Ansley, Mamie Mainprizo, Cassie Murdoch. II pt, Sr.—Gertie Manser, Almeda, Ansley, Maggie Currie. II pt„7r.—Ellener Mitchell, Gertie Cruickshank,Clayton Phippen. pt. Sr.—Joseph Finley, .Lizzie Murdoch, Cenclair Phippen, I pt. Jr.—Georgina Phippen, Ivy Main - prize, Pearl Leckeridge. J. W. EfOGARTH, Teacher, LONDE'SBORO. Purified Blood Saved an operation in the following case. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when all others fail. It makes pure blood. "A year ago illy father, Williana Thomp- son, was taken suddenly 211 with infiam- motion of the bladder. }Ie suffered a great The many friends of Dr. Agnew , deal and was very low for some time. At were pleased to see him back again last the doctor said he would not get well on Thursday last.—Miss Maggie unless an operation was performed. At Hodgins is very 111 with typhoid ; this time we read about Hood's Sarsapa- fever. Her sister from Loudon is . rilla and decided to try it. Before he used Dall a bottle his appetite had come back here waiting on her.—Last Frida37.1 i h to him 1.ovIlirea b r e could eat but t WhNectmedielue he was as well as ever." or Liverpool Lodge, S. 0. E., of i A s J. TECOLIPSON, Peizinsuln Lake, Goderieh, paid a fraternal visit to ! Ontario. Remember the lodge here. After the business! Hood' Sarsaparilla served by the members of Londes- was gone through, refreshments were! " ' boro lodge, and a couple of hours were spent in songs, and fraternal ' greethig§; at half -past twelve one of! True Blood Purifier the most pleasant evenings ever spent • Promineutly in the public eye today. ins, mass. by the S. 0. E. here was brought to a I tz ,d, 7:5:11,. cure all Itver close by all uniting in singing' "Godi 9.%-` ?. g "4149 Aims. h'iadaells.. Zoe ... save the Queen." The .Londesboro I ng ta out twenty of the members ; little. en hehad taken three bottl Ls the Only brethren intend visiting the Goderieh , nirpncoanarraormnnwres.a.ams.....nsaw..4.1.•.m. brethren before long. Next meeting 3.50;8Win. Deacon, cutting hill, night will be installation of officers. and filling up west side of bridge —Owing to bad weather, -there was on river, concessions and 9, $25 ; a slim attendance 'at the Hme Circle, Jas. 'McGowan, gravel fur road last Thursday night. The election divisions Nos. 4 and 15, 1895, 82.15 ; of officers was postponed till next R. Coots & Son, Clinton, clothing meeting.—To-night will be. election furnished Tas. Conk, per 01.ier of' D. of officers in the .Foresters Court. • A French, Keeper H.onse nf industry, good attendance of the members is $7.50 ; John Walden, feueing gravel 'desired. There will be an oyster pit, and repairing bridge, concession supper at the close of the meeting.— 2, 82 ; Robt. Menurnev, ditching on Rev. dr. Paul, of Brussels, is visiting sidelines 33 and 31, concession 10, $5; friends in this vicinity. Edwin Wightman, rim rnages, road Division No. 41, drawing gravel from BAST WAWANOSH. . pit on lot 41., concession 8, $2 ; John • . Cole, overcharge on . taxes . per The last meeting of the Council assessment 6r 1895, .59c ; John Bee- fbr,1895 .was held on December .1.60. - croft, jr„ repairing culverts, side - Members .all present... Minutes of lines 30 and 31,concessions 9 and 10, last meeting read and passed. .Re - $2.75; Alex. Porterfield, taking Jas. port of Dr. McAsh, Belgrave, Medical - Cook to }lease of Refuge, Clinton, Health Officer', for the current year, 1th November last, $2; P. Porter - received, stating that the township field, use of house for Council room, was in a fairly healthy condition, and and selecting. jurors, 1895, $15; that the Board of Health (with. one 'Andrew .Auld, refunded• dog tax, single ,exception,north end of the 1895, ; Joseph Stonehouse, 35 township) had not been called upon yards gravel for road division No. to trasact any business. during the 65, concession 7, $1.75; John Pugs- year—Filed. Messrs. C. Johnston ley, sr., refunded dog tax, 1805, $1; and John Dingwall, of lots 40 and M. Lockhart, concession 2. special 41, con. 4, were present, and made a services transferring township pro - somewhat lengthy statement and pertv from Win. Carr, ex-rrreasurer, complaint against the township to *Finlay Anderson, Pf; ; John engineer, regarding action taken by Craig, St, Alignstine, ee•4r and elm him last fall, in the matterof order - lm uber fn!' t',11k7e,I31-s. concessions b. ing certain work and repairs to - be and 8, ; Hugh .1i cl3urney, done on a ditch running through extra cedar timber at approach to their lots. The Clerk was instructed bridge on river, concessions 8 & 9, O.; to write Mr. Marshall and get his McAsh. Belgrave, services as M. version of who called him. out to look II. O., 1895, 89 D. Patterson,Reeve, after this business,also what authoy- attendance at CounO, letting, and ity he had for doing what he did inspecting jobs, seleeiing jurors, this case. John Cole, lot 40, con- trips to Blvtli and Goderich,&c.. 840; cession 8, was present, and complain - 'rhos. Brown; Deputy. Reeve, attend- ed that the assessor had made a mis- a.nce at Council, letting and inspect- ing jobs, &c,, 32(U0; Walter Scott, Councillor, do., $28 ; David. Robert- son, Councillor, do„. .28; Wm. Sutherland, Coil -nein:. y. do.,$31. By -Laws Nos. 11 and .12.. 1895, both read and passed. The. Council then adjourned. take this year in charging him $100 more on assessment roll than what Was /marked on the assessment sehedule. Ordered that 59 cents be refunded to Mr. Cole to correct this mistake. Thos. H. Taylor, sr., paid over to the Councii, through the collector, the sum of $8,34, being the ainount of taxes on E lot 35, con - P. cession 4, on non-resident roll, Mr., Taylor having purchased said lot in f the month of July last. Moved.,,by. Mr. Robertson, seconded :by • Mr,: Brown, thatthe treasurer be author ized to pay over to the trustees of U., 5i,Hullett, East and •West Wiwanosh, the sum of $207,64, ,for, School purposes,oe same ,1404,0e athoutthis COUncilcOnsfcfors: du o IyeunihOlots'in EAU `:Wa.-ifaiiesii, pOrtibri.dqlaict ytho .16t onee..441611,qiniil'6611 tiii a fin ti -110gri-led! "f011i414 oilii6rs On' 1 We invite every person in i SILJI(Or, 4italfillEJEtc210..PIL AND To come to D. M. Gordon's, whose stock the largest,—and offered at co —is tainly the cheapest in Wingham. OUR STOCK MUST BE REDUCED . t And giving the profits to our customers our way of doing it. Our large stock of MEN'S FUR COAT is sold clean out. The prices did it. will have some more in shortlyto fill o orders. You should see our SLEIGH ROBELII •.' Examine the quality and get our prices. 'Thr ae. .1 the best and still the cheapest. 1 Our great .1 MANTLE AND CAPE SA + Is bringing customers from far and near. Cut pri • does it. . Our display of 11 i CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES Is very attractive and our • GROCERY t I.) k--) A TR Tm NT • f' f Is !laving special attention as the holidays appri i us. We vill be pleased to see all who require goods as we early and we are confident that our g fi and prices will please you. . . 44 Ever at your service, . D. M. GORDON, . , The Anchor House, Wingham„ ilhithlt/treitAn•W""tiff/tyX 0 °Mr 1E; la s irc-i iL=. izu 14 Are greetings that are being heralded from one end of to the other, and rightly so, for never have goods bee so low a price. \Vt-• are asked almost every 'day----1M- not make a sale and slaughter good's, like others in t Our answer is : W.E DONT HAVE TO - Our prices now are some notches °lower than some slaughterers. But. for the benefit of our customers from now until the end of the year, we will quote will stagger the most skeptical, and set our rivals w Never mind. It is our business. Come and see us: A Beautiful•Christmas Card or Calendar give each purchase, during Christmas week. Caine and DRESS MAKING ASPECIALTIZ. ' •G. MCINTY mAcDoNvp 10*, • . .• • 1116-dieaS'es. of thihness. c2PT7141r1)109r,14''141'C. igilOrweila.: • people, poverty of, blood in either: ...-They',tlirive '' on leAtuy66g: 'nkt''IS 'the bet1 rii:6„if6'.of''c'oirer0i,hint4ern;' E4f,:er*'b(i4Y k;noivs,cod.liVer , I , .. ,. ., the., tMaetitee Wet% •-liwIte laa 01).ma)cp,0 tbe,hesatblest.fat.: Cgoed, ile ''!iiiihn '"ititinond, "gtY ,.,Tri, 'Scott's .'etrinisiOrt I of y*rdsigriroel„ptitnitavAI. atiiiiptal, cod-liyer -zn---G;---ca-a-g, 1411)4ith:),:tner::?15-1025°:07;ittlirio—i,r..84,11',,3,;,6'66efielia id.den, the !vit. i.,s,_,drixesteci, 189, 0;50'; ' AdViititee.afibd,' Wing!' it1*„ ,ree„att* • in,. ,aic.t',It* MA'AM ,Leicsluntm; SertlOa'ras '-iti hani'i'elfetteinsitiOn Obtided:1895, $1,20f W 04,1ftr*stri stilo mid it ?se y00 a pickite tic -"Protp0er tbik.plOs olSedtor-of bridge Ott r • •••rilk• Mit 4.11--0.4 Cal . 8canai, work *..Ae‘ "' ''" t141 80160 h '" asH4`""14° $ . rwler,under-ftizarn4 • oix idellnos Amtktil 34, di:4664410d b°4"*JWIIU CI.",ImulYwe'4" • ' • .• • • .3 ° , • 3 !, • . • . .• .• 0. • . 3 ' • -* ' ' • 0,.; " , • ' • - ; , • - You tte• invited to II r4.34 , . 4114 t 13n0S. * . . • 3, •