HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-27, Page 4THE W GUAM TIMES, ECEMBER 27, 1S95.
ott.' AB.' rtik.lif•
Iof Great Britain, Can-
ada an the'Urilted States has been
greatly convulsed for the past week
with;11.4 talk ot wait between
glaud and Wilted Statek \over the
1 puteel. territory in.. Ineztiela„
Newspapers are 11110 ith .,war
nintelligence 'and exeitenk!ntrfor.ome
Illdayti WAS At A fever Iteat. :-Wheh it
tb : -f has all -Siminered‘tiNvir, (110‘tevei, it
°P will . not' .amount to anything, so
SA wttr. i'
concerned; but it has
' - • busirtess places are lit up, It works
already cost the "liniteaS ates you.
;nullions of dollars'iu the tlepreletion
..."' ,' i : .' ' of her bnds,. and Wall Stret was . Live stems, rear1rets.
Ingam las, for tellle &Vl' in a-regniat stamPecie, East Buffalo, N. Y., December 23.
, The facts of the case arethese;— --Cattle closed, very dull and slow
" ' ' For some years°Past, ' lugland for all kinds, with best lots sold.
rorAY,n4r,11$V,.R• 271 182; , and Veneatieik laveVadaVrolong. .Hogs closed very dull and lower;
ed dispute over a. Arant,304 leountrylate sales fully 5c off; mostly 0.45
lying on theongnes opTg_uela on e $34'4 and a good tuany heavy
the British Guiana sile;--In this
With this issue we sever our lfover. Sheep and lambs closed
territory s�.12,00 subjectS OW steady, with sheep sold ; old
nmeetion 'with the TIMES, having have • settled;:!,belieVint it to be rough lamey ewes very slow, at 82
Id the business and Plant to .1/r, S..British... Trrteryt,,t211,4tters went •, 0,25.
Brown, of W , who will tke Oil 0111 '. until ' last summer,- M
ontreal, Que., December 23.—
atford, 00 tlily . )
seson on the 2nd." Of jantiafy.- When the ''.. -'Venezuelan officers The receipts at the Eastern Abbatoir
arrested .. and Tabirstt':) a British ,inarket.were 500 head of cattle, 1,-
.,, .).6,„..puring :the eight„ years we subject.England
... „ „
t ''demanded
ave controlled the destinies•of the ,. 500:slieeP and lambs, and 5 calves.
rparawsm, og. f, the .,17eneRejans, Only:a slew demand was shown for
Imaspiii..,k-buye ever striven to make OEM -Ming that this oecurred on- their
a tveleetne.vis.tor to the homes. of beeves, and small meats were quhit.
le aickent's- oE ,t1 gitilh4) rdfilitid2zarke:btoPtiAheir rices oficattle were a trifle lower,
Wingrbam 9,11‘' enazs; -,Tlin;flitett .Stlittiealien itAnging•Ifrom. lin as to qulity.
ir rit'eonntry,' and are plats- Following:is the general range of
roli e .,.ent:a,staessaZe.tO Ellgar411r-gpound-
in '4ili all§- kiiiiijl lig , tTie7yeroe guarationst: :---- Cattle — Butchers'
i to lay that our efforts wer
ppree,1 fed:and, a..lu•ge: patronage f,,,&itwe434.4,Alicii .111t ::.
-atm• the choice; ..:pe,r; lb., 3e @ 333; live
.tCO"tiinTheJi ;VtpOr. s. riol-44t1;,t
elli•NreT&1? nb- weight, MCdium to fair, :le @ 3c,.
as _IC naqincert aun Sound on all litzysa1nstoEni:oPiti1nalgxeSS1013, croll, 1lt*C3, 20. Sheep—Common
uesti ns thit Ve'.%considerd for.- the --A-- .‘,,p- - ----,A gl.pAii; V submit ,t0 good 49 50' lg. 88 40 • lambs $2
lane t of Wingham and. distrieNAa ,M?Iteg-,,4414")d-9 _9,_. a to'good A, -,, • • • , „ ,
h', -of displit'e"tbibitration, ,@! $4. , I !Calves-4Good to choice, $7
'ev#Ance,A.Ataltaarbitrate in GENTS
The annual meeting of the East
Wawanosh Agricultural Soeiety will
be held in Livingstone's hotel, iu
this place, on Wednesday, January
8th, at one o'clock p. in. The
officers for the ensuing year will be
eleeted, as well as the annual report
will be submitted, and. any other
necessary business that may come
before the meeting will be transaet-
ed. A full attendance of members
is requested,—The electric light is
running now, and, the mill and other
Winghe,m, Deo. 25, 1805.
Corrected by P. Deans, Proctuce Dealer.
Flour per 100 Ibs.. .. .. .. 1 75 to 2 00
Pall 'Wheat .... . 0 03 to O. 04
0 03 to 0 04
Oats,,.... ..... ,,.......,.. 0 23 to 0 24
13arley... ... • . 0 30 to 0 35
Peas ..... 0 47 to 0 48
0 14 to 0 16
Eggs per dozen.... , ... .*.. 0.17 to 0 17
Wood per Ord.-. 1 26 to 1 50
Kay per ton,..,., .15 00 to16 00
Potatoes, per bushel.. .... 0 15 to 0 20
Tallow, per „ ....,..... 4t to 0
DriedApples, per ...... 0 4i to 0 05
Chialcens .. 0.20 to 0 25
Duoks., „.., .. . ..... • 0 40 to 0 50
Geese 0 5 to 0 5
Turkeys....... 0 0 to 0 7
Dressed Hogs,. „ ,... 3 75 to 4 00
Ern lit I 3 3 IS CI.Zflei a 12 EMCISZIM11-1
Special Bargains all Month.
4110/401141,0111,W11,401421bilkolliell4W";`, ortg Road
• protusely
Great Excite wert°tr
,4he• Anon
44 ruum's If
1.,Y, Januar)
A., for the el
(to, and no
4, p`oene before
0, iknsas,
"..O..r.,-.1;:v"fr.• iD't>
aLuthimg, Gents' Furnish.
tags, Hats and ik Cap
4ke pride in having ha • d a Silage Is° t„„, the ke.$11•4 common to far, $2 @ $6.
ItOgitigf'°verft1131,101 '`1... tli' in tteic if a Th -,reply was to the
, •frthe tS,F,tit..ENV.-SUC'.3"-gilect 11-ihrtlierwould submit to
'‘) issue. We have to tbanit the
mess ine2f Wingliaal ,,Eindt Tarte the.Adork-t4,3itilidiald inines arbitration the dispute referring to a i
'°. lil, 1/15
ouad14 n_ffistrustzTor the. +at baverecntlyIvou„. d,,,Rgs:e:1:0-1,-,;.?ut
ltiVe----I'''' xLelThdrl:ibtejiau15:4;prtaturclo-nrle il2tItaii'Sritn"the-ethti--"teflitnit ivas ,.a.; tok-L,-., .., -,
aws 'of the Construc-
occupied by her subjects, she could. "
7:"''tili of 8(ifea1ks as Local
stowed On our suceesm7119 is
--; ntconsent-otr mir ground2-tr111111 pr&V'eftien't#.-
Unft iii0:ii.::a.'.are4,puin ate thse:oerttay9tgillilyfr- c :..: : . , i •• ,. ••••.:LL,
Ity. Wehave'fo thAltrostir corps of al ralituidiarov.s. ,,140.0,,
losl Wialii`PO'we'rli'Li'Ve by the lluni
,ospotidents fcr he great assis tiVerflut ne is" as-Wstab ..,,.1115 cilia} ActIo the•Ociondiref any town to
k'',....iesr have given ils 1 in 1 hi
41- -..11--g wind '''';:findiii&ept of this repl,! prolOsbyBy-T4iPassedtwith the aSSOnt
1!S , ..W ii. a V it •1 as ,,,i, ,b emi, Timing. 1.1,.efilitOitailii"iliintliWOni'zii-inegag4401 of •the.electars; accorslirig-,ito, the provi
eune.::,tOnce";-4,9,ga sinhsdf ttielaidatht all future ex-
iYav6 'te enae, asking that body to set paidttuie'llif thVINItiuleipality or the
.4,4illt 0,D'w..1te- haOA..aided ailc1 .
.,14 part a surn of Money SnEcient to contimetiOn',‘ot:IsiiiewalkiLiiiiall be by
..•,e4:jioiri. an.YiwAy:44iPg'• Pi". I:len:ay ,.thq expenses of a iCoplrialslen, 'sr:04M assespMeat,po, tlie property bene
iice in Wingharn, .and: wiiitte0, and .not:prxen1 pt by 1/1„w groin assess
hich. be..glieurd Iiarde,,t0. investitgate t
as We .began iLlGood.7be. 'the facts in connection -vvith the 'di s- el.e t; '' • . • r - , .- .. ^ ,
And'Wbereagilt hi,ettiiidient.tO pass
..',.?' . . .. .. . 4.....gP497g, putt. --..-Thq..:„haefleY ......rwaa„.;-.OSqCti blaw of the Towd.ot •Wingare for the
itseattroammtestostmltomosomatmo kt.
lel.t,rt, NT tr6 i niii, A ., xtrti47-o C. numbfir Of Senators speaking strong- purpose aforesaicki,, A ., ,i 0 •
S,V•1104•TAINit.4.1:.1 .1%./.13ALT4M." -,444"" ''''''' ';'"'. y in favor of the !Pee.316:ent's course, ' Be it,therefore enaetefl,bY thsi, Cor- SliE SA1
....,,... ,
ere is no doubt but that West And recomniendilie folio. of arms, Fetatetll'clitt11.#,..K.n?g'4•"`'
a.lbst!tn the" iiiierisiitlie should Englaink ".refue to eemPlY ..1••• That- at) future OPenuittitS:iii the ,,,_ .‘
xo,election through lack of ,With the fladitirof the 'Commission. Townot yYingliani in 'condlickibp '4412 one w 11 11 accept him if he 1' u._.
. .. ... ....... • i - =4.4*.
ifizakon„ ....analioitAtifbagii •aii.v.-1, The Conimission was appoincd, conetradion braideViiffig ithali' ibe "hY the
special assessment ork the Bropsrty benp.
• 'and soihe niattee•rests • except that flttedcan.diiotexenifit bylaw tiorntsids-
W6t;Confidenee ef.the...eletors in ' •'
fent blusterers still boaSt of what „1,- ,,,pt.. 4Etheipsuppii?FovicIocl for in.ffie
• '
Dioy of the Liberalsns Dozeof eonlii be done in the event of war ; Munfcipai 'Abr.' ' - • - ' ' r
in neailY teverY pilling divi- , all .seber-minded; people .know • L2 ': Tla'at bylaw
)roughout theriding 4:aild ..te- that' neidierVngland- or the :United. effaeenI"eed'"dniltliei %
tl:1t 117 Of February, 4,..p.,„1sn, and..
* Votes either through ''"ear 8tates are foolish enough to etigaot till?equeqse,p,tipnaithall :, \
ic4;„ petty load' jeatitiq' , in a war that would cost inestimable talate ei;escrilig
eauitelY. „ 1
1 '44 ° ...3...,13e votes of thetilbor3 7tci , •
riding been tho igtir destruetton beth to life and property:
the sixth day of ,Jan,uuy, A.1..,: 1806, 1806, .P ATT RSO S
and -under ha these • • ,....- Town hereon shall be taken On BIOndiCAI i .
have been po and M. . : ,..- 'GLE.NA.NNAN... :. . ",..::: comnieneing at nide Ofelooli in the Ore- ! ,,,
.. . Afr. D. R. Dunlop, who for the past noon ancl closing at 'fire e4OlOck in the
e had a
crity-firi- „dofhavin. g _.
three years „hat 'been engaged ,as afternoon`, at the follo*ing pellinir plases It yeti Want a 11 x that vill wear
Deputy Iteturning Officersirespectipely: sou 4. life time, Uri it of ATTERSON.
,,, ,'•,a(i: , l3ad the teaeher in our school, aad . who has in tbesaid. town and •by the ,following
ann.. .,' eitAuty, had now gone from among us to pursUO ' - WARD 1, • . , ., . . . .„. ,
r'Mpd the treet " r. -4-
•-•,',..; •!..2,n4m1,9 :, sting tibia studies at Niagara Valls, Was, we At Joseph GollesOffice,Victorm $ , .
atues Plenty,' •DeptitY: -Rettirning , ••••••) 'J:
av be sare dumb-ibunded when bY J
‘,.•:-.7,'",---- ,..4,,t, --e I on returning from Mr. A. E. TliCm- Ot lip as quickly a you can and
°Meer. • ..• ,• - ` ',' *, • ••' '-
;Iria 41:6Wiiitx th - " :. • t
140 044.s:eletion. examinitlons, 011 Monday even- At the Advance Offic, 'Jciseplitie Streer, ge.One ,e our magn ilcent engage-
as,s,,,,-We,i'wald not son's
naed all this ficent gold ring, a beautiful celluloid. °ffia°r".''' ' ., '-----P- tnent rings. Any yo ng lady would
ibg last, to find ill his remit a, makill.; by John Cornyn, Deputy eittrni a
.;s4).enie;. we weold Photograph album and a pearl At the Town Rail, by . Jobnston p.Fer-.
wAnn 3, be proud to wear oil y them. We
a r.r4ri amia$ ,ii#ri;: handied'pifk lidChhiPnibd by the guson, DePatY Returning Oflieer. ., will whisper -the pnice \ to you—we
MR. DUNLOP • • At. Korman's Butcher 'Shop, by. William ha:V.4,0034S low
hard teelifigS;:ithit,
following'noncise little note: • - .,WAnD 4. ' •
,,,, DEit. TEAOHE\t,—We , take this- Robertson; Deputy Returning Officer.
4 The Clerk of the cobnoilshall sum • •
irly ) or .1"dispassion-
. ,,,. ,,,. ,
ir; aiiu beg yOnto 'accpt these small eighth day of January4896;'at the hou• ' .. ...: o, ,..'!
, 'It's ail so Su den"sontimes that
114„..410•3‘'.il'?....‘".- opprtunity;lof expressing Ourv'Tegret. up tbe number of Votes given:for. and
46.,....pFit.i.okr. 4..x !at ipu depiki',:tilrel groi 4,41§gg; gi, against this by 1n, on •'Wednesday, the,
St';innyit01)y•re3111t •1",
deettoill „ttri'd''''y'rth tokens of our regard for you. Nish- or telye. oclock, node; at the Town the yen,ng,mariiloesn't knew where
Hall, in sofa tow 0.. • . . : . . . , • • , - .
911tr a''6?.IeNve irie yenaveystieeai in the future,: ' 5 The fourth da Y Of Jannari; '0396.. at to get the rin . --If you. ire in this
r04',Lr'"id*"01.?t)_Y',,. we bia sliiifareWellSignal in. the
i hear of sten eclook in the forenoon,. Pliglitlyoix ywome vvithout in is
IR .... '"Kalgt 91::'--,, e'S' behalf Of the'seheol. -',.%
. , f ,
.,, ..., L, ....,:. ,at the said Town Ball, is hereby fixed as .
ofporsous to attend at,t e lYgitl?US..:Our- 'goods And"' our guarantee is
guaran4e all of
ateir Pusluallin106 ' • • - ., ' ,AmaDA: moLpAt, the, timCand placefor: thecappantinent 07 -II, ;11.ii ff6..},;),..76ir
p011eY- -.. .The ' '' .'• ' ' '''''... - 3i1ll1 SNItTn, . . II
pe..tfig pluees (meet the fine striaili- d.
'''' '' ' 4S.GGIIt AnICEN.. : - up of votes by the saicr:0161 ieflOup-
„, r,,-,, . •i. , . y,,, ,
'...-the demi% is - .-..,
The sehool could , in no atpcillger tiVelron behalf' of' the',,perinne'inteleat- ,' ., i• I tr., -,‘....ty •
e PluP'?„, 1.t4.l.ilY' t the serv iceS, of a ' teacher; ' who ha 'il/htebtnyP-liaPsfrevs;e°oPttliveslinyftl'I111.: I., ',....:;,,li '..
., ..
--.,..,- _„--„,- -, .:„..1,tetrts:eprestiri tlieir:, appreciation . of i' di's" in toir *-ir • .-.1' .3 ,i
,i• ..-....... •
. , be Shown In
e c'.6'19- •.TI., saerifieetr all: other lateests to those ' ,lL.0(10-1ir.OPE'') -'" ! What hewaiita'' Is . one of our
eryconceszt of his pupils at sehool. Mr. Dunlop Tlit:theafAve in n'tiii, eon* or'S, pro .1-PlatleP '.- `_..?.r0,•.....
- ''•• . ,., , ,:i vt.-.:i'll. ...it•‘.• . .,..u,. - ,.., I. ,. ,. _,,
Karats fine
. '11,1:irony so Ile teaher; IlaS preyed himself a POgdabY-lat.wliftili'.hlis "ligelfttlite6 into With; tfi. int thn,Arle. never changes,
$44 Prxvk' success.: The:pupils have made OX- connidetiltiettiiand which *ill be thialli,, „ _,.., .• ti AL
cellent progress while under his in- iinsfaesl, 14Y.,,theqpounoili ot,:th, lifunil AnY Y ting....ag,19,ovis her ring will
paljty,,in the fiyntxof :the afneb,b••of. 00% not I 91x46110 ..if it Comes from
ho got .ont_
#11s on the ' straction, and 4)07 one , in the seetion 'elietore' heirg' °booed thereto.atter. One.
ill/V.44 ;ptlit4,. at sehoai have ever :1110ittliiiiiithii'lltstlitAiIiCatioi theinnt 1-"41P7VROTf.,- I. v., , .
I been heard to Utter a eomplain. hi th7Winglirarit:TtaAn:neviplipr,-•the. 1 , • 7 • ., .
dattpf4binhAltat! pnbliolulien<1;wasithe is ; ''..' !'' ''', —-- "t
numat6) ' dented in .the hiatory of a teacher, tht. tile :
20th, da3v,...pr.r.',000elbeic.. A. Do 1§£15t•pp4 ''...1..1 "c,......71.,.1 :
iit, .., ,,,„. I Th13, We AllaY, say, is almost unprece-
ri 'rue -land the excellent standing of the said'itunlYe6l;:fitY°!*11'11C'betn4gntt9hreeth" ife.VVI/o I •
,..R! i._ PAIRING
er 200; 1 Elemor as reiofted, by the Inspector 611 Monday, the OtilLitarojEitidgifk,
// . the rig* of -the perfect harni011y sOrAnienaing at the4lott-of nine e'elo014 i
a in thellerenothanndelosing,attflco efoOk ..F0 Fine Watch Repaiript. i'. a
•), .
tire --.1' g, beteen,. parent; .and children and. ia the, atteiiaobli Of .the,saine 'dy, i 'and biopettildirfi7"..1';';'
. °people i htfamehterr: e6,' Btfeer- Dortittibopvecoaptive!Orvtilithes raotrttbaek hi netto r.h,. doalotadsiptliteoe; 4$409hereitoi !Li, ilete i . ,, .,..:.., ..1;', tI.RJ Per.•;:,,h
11.1146! ' .
2 . . . ' - 4 ‘ 1 I 1 tplV 14t RS
04* Glitir 6 .1$etiomi • • t polls w,ifillie Ole • ,:, -- - - - ..- "
f '
.• Dated atihe.Toilt of-.Winttiutt d
k latla ot ' • : :- -....=.--;., .t.. ' . . 1...801.4,layot+Peeottller4 1805. !'; .,:i :
Tho•Ttlauff 4nd GlebeSI ti,rearl;;:.' clop • pposlte tank of 114141t611.•
, . •
) , - •
. G RR'S
By ins eating our Sto , you will be
convine • it pays to buy be best when
it oan had at such a ry moderate
Our •ricds cannot be be anywhere
for god, reliable workmans ip and ma
teria A Perfect Fit and tisfaction
ways the latest at the lowe price in
ts' Furnishings.
G; •
Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store,
Our whole stock must be sokl before
To make room for our large Spring, Importations. Christ
mas is coming, but JOHN RUETTEL & SONS are
here to offer you the greatest bargains ever offered any-
where. Two hundred Overcoats, 15o Suits in Men's and
Boys', and our whole stock must be sold ,at such prices as
will astonish everyone. We are bound to sell; come and
see us.
Men's Overcoats worth $8 for $6, worth $to for $8,
worth $12 for $1o; Men's Suits worth $9.50 for $8, worth
$1 2 for $io ; Boys' Suits worth $2.25 for $1 ; Men's Suits
$8.5o for $6.o, worth $io for $8, and everything at the
same rate till our whole stock of winter goods is disposed
of. Our motto is—Quick sales and cheap for cash. We
keep no goods from one season to another; they must go,
and our customers will get the benefit.
make 4•,ot 41
fitanogr her in
:tnid'01 '0olans01
mG71 . 1BL. tDmonuarai
CI them.
Coitoaa mopes
WayS tO
or eataloguo of
parkuleot, addr
We defy competition. Our customers must be pleased. and satisfied.
In fits, workmanship and price we excel anyone in the trade.
• pur new stock of NECKTIES , SHIRTS, HATS and OAFS has just
arrived for the Xmas holidays. Come and see them.'
Macdonald Block. WINGHAM."
A poblio it
Th a Tewnsh tp
in the
ciatnam'eidoatel:0 t
DePuty -R. eve
the year 106.
Bluev •, Dee,
TFAIA- g • MC.= @ff •41._ ij _,,N•Tra .3•••XL I, q•r, 4-da-•sa d
, 1
Now Is
Xmas. an
A.T 0 Sir'
As I am remodeling my store all goods must be sold by
that time.
N. B.—Repairing Specality.
Eye Sight Tested Fre.
tie "
• DA
W1141109 to anuousie
eurroubtling maw
of the late Jas. He
largo sorting order
good value in all 4.1
We have just to ha
For the b ance of
offer the Rowing
Furs, weeds,
F annels,
13esi Etet host of o
Om Also a large
P nelpally of the C
will not gook
call will show you
opo r by fair and h
hereof your patrc
N. H- Butter, I
=change at highest
If you don't ea
you are there,
new stook of
Which has jus
it is the most
Shown in town.
Ooptm,r4t, 13x,
Xtilafa ,hioktur.