HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-27, Page 2WINGBANI Tim -Es, DECEMBER 2O 1895,
Or the d, rk side. Maybe I do. I hope Abigail's face when her brother
Tap so, I'm ure. Lucy's a city woman, ; Ephraim. and his wife entered her
with el 'y ways and bringing up, and .kitchen that morning,
on she's no manager.' So glad to see you!' she cried.
► 'hone is poor Lucy ?' inquired 1'Somehow I was expecting you, So
liked Matilda has gone to see Jane, has
Might, when the
d to show,
calmly, while life's.
dim leis blue ayes, and
ilia r 's pulse almost still,
whisper: "Father, if it be
t.hy.hoiy will,
Thy lift a little longer, leave our
treasure by our side,
a rev of life light o'er him e'er leo
feels death's. chilling, tide,
Ephraim kindly, I al
Lucy. ( she ? Take off your things and sit.
'Well, that accident to her knee is ; down by the stove. I suppose Ma-
' turning
a-`turning out bad. enough. Slio is ; tilde has told you all about her visit,
lame for life; has to wear A machine ,and perhaps I shall be 'bringing
• to keepthe bones in place, and it coals to Newcastle' if I tell my story,
;weighfive pounds. I guess it 1 but I had such a lovely time that
Makes her about sick alt the time.11 can't keep still.It's such a happy
1 Joe has a helpless wife on his hands 1 home, Ephraim!
. Pwould do you
for the rest of his life. She can't get 1 and Sarah Jane good to see it, and
reminds nee of wish you could go, and they wish so,
about and that
$ut a wltfnper deep and solemn, sweetened another rhino Sh stays at home 1 too ; they sent a thousand loving
by the wings q u e s from the ticause she Ise ..
b 'comfortable in the le« and so e toturn all thelia blessings into
r I
1 I
Pett like
by the Heavenly hive; from church b 1 't I messages to you beta) I've been in
'Waftedg f g g 1 f Jo some places where "stile folks seemed
better land a oulp,
cteiv drape gently; felling on a has to go alone
w� t to �
worries, but it seem as if a trouble
babe, sweet fragr nt flower, r tel _ext thing we 11
and naturally e ,
� o•
f vi of war, and our , eon after it
darling felt its p�iwer, hear will be that Y doesn't g � '
Could the prayer of heafts uplifted ward- And talking of the;ehildren, they set � got into Joe s house,` for before it
ed off the Parti `g sigh, 4#
',Twee tete call o le g,1 1 d ern t o either. couldn't
bo a tr Dube
x rdsunspoken, as silent, though
broom on fire in the parlor° grate, knows what has ha
blessing in
ome a ble n
it all
Words with g
.. grief.__ z,_ one day and then ran out
Iablaze and laid it on tbo sitting room 'Now that's good!''
o try, "Colne thou sofa. If I hadn' been there the heartily.
earl, n i will whole house wo Id have been in 'But Matilda says
of fear the flood ofj Jordan, I believe it, l a • more, and Haat l+ie is growing
,..� . . flames, And if you'd ny , b
ed"ufe his waves to part,
L l 1 have fromescenes. immortal sent the, those children w en't punished one old. She says he is gray and
l rh'lden promise down. ' bit. Lucy just took them into the ; wrinkled too,' said. Mi . Grant.
Little el„I'lren here shall he jewels for, my bedroom and talked with them a 'ltphraim was as 'ay as a rat
Imperial crown."
Cold and silent lay our darlinr,beavenward little, and when the told. Joe about welch he was thirty •es, he was,
'chanting angels soar, . it she actually laughed ! Oh ! those Sarah Jane), and To, 's thirty-five.
mut where daylight, ever lingers we shall children are coming up in a sad way. And Ephraim and Jo both have the
see dur boy once more. I must tell you another thing they same trick of smiling up to their
0.............--........... =–` used to du. The bate posts are high eyebrows and makin wrinkles do-
THi POiNT OF VIEW• and hollow, and i ;
came the call of Jesus a
loved one, to my
fitted them neatly together+lDeaeon
Potter sat down first in one of them.
He was a quiet, steady little man,
and the chair held up all right.
Then Mrs, Bond came in (she weighed
a hundred and seventy-five pounds)
and sat down puffing and ,panting,
with a kind of bounce, in the old arta
chair. Down she came, and Deacon
Potter gave a great start, and down
he came too, and being a thin little
creature he broke his collar bone,
and you had US pay all the doctors'
bills, Ephraim, for he was a sort of
skinflint and insisted on it, I sup-
pose Matilda told about , the broom.
Well, those children really had a
notion of helping by ibrushing down
e hurrying out
e broom when
em and seared
pped it on the
,' said ber hus-
from his chair,
ve got what we
ght as well be
pened, it has
aid her brother,
Joe isn't jolly
amusement to cli
I ,''` the top of the post
'There they are, A3� phraim ! I see kitten in clear do
Matilda's purpleftonnet; How that Then they'd Iet d
locomotive does screech 1 I'm afraid to come up on,
the colts won't stand it., This way, trained that poor ll
Abigail! ,Hurry in, Matilda 1 Theseup on that rope.
colts are restless.' .'rescuing' the peris.
Ephraim Grant' sisters, hiss ilia nothing under h
tilde and Miss Abigail, were pro- didn't do with the
cuing to obey' the injunctions of wasn't its natural 'size while I was whatever in the ram
eir sister-in-law when alad with a ther'e.' 1 see.'
great flourish of. whip antd many 'Oh, dear !' sighed Mrs. Grant. j :Did Matilda say t
:urgent 'get ups' drove up \to the 'It is really dread ul to think of the l Miss Abigail. 'Now,
'1 r • little railway station, ' .children running lvild like that, and Jane, Toes you, onl
h -' i !' exclaimed allowed to be crudi too!' was a youngster yo
. - 'Why, there's Jim ,,
Miss Abigail..'Now, phraim, we'll `Lucy means w l,' continued Ma- ought to have everyth rig he wanted,
go right on home.' tilde, 'but she's qu er, not a bit like 1 and as far as you' could, you gave it
'You. flan speak for byourself, said her folks. Now s e doesn't manage to him,'and you kept right on that
Miss Matilda. 'I'm going to stay at right, she keeps tai girls.' 1 way as long as you had him at home.
Ephraim's all night. +I never was so 'Two girls !' interrupted his sister- It is natural enough you should not
much shaken up in. my life; that's a in-law.
was • a favorite ing.it. As for. his being jolly, he is
up and take off something better now, Sarah Jane.'
and then drop the 'Matilda.says he carried heavy
n to the bottom, burdens,' continued. Mrs. Grant, in a
awn a rope for herdespondent tone.
tnd they really 'Most of us do iif we live long
ast to be drawn enough, and don't i sist in slipping
They called it them off our own ba k onto some-
ing:' There was !body else's,' replied . iss Abigail.
aven that they 1 'He's got a helpless! wife,' said Mrs. grass in front looks
cat, and her tail I Grant mournfully. he's of no use green, and the .posy beds are
ly tlha. I can so cheerful, and th vines over the
porch make everyt ng seem so cool
at ?' inquired and shady, that I th nk there never
q ut when I take
ee here, Sarah
on. When he
thought he
the soot, and they w
to the kitchen with t
Matilda, shshrieked• at
t t
them so that they dr
spfa and ran.'
'Well, Sarah Ja
band slowly, risin
'T rather guess w
came for, and we m
starting for home.'
Sarah Jane sat v
way to the old
Ephraim felt enc
little himself.
'It all depends on
the point of view,'
fully. 'Now, here's
the summer when I.
„au -4a
Some School Statistics. Short Journeys on a Long Road
The Minister of Education recently Is the characteristictitle of a profusely
sent to the Public School Inspectors
circulars requesting information in re-
ference, to the health of the teachers
and pupils; also a report of the ani
tary condition of the rural school-
houses and school sites, etc. The
following is a synopsis of the report
"sent by Inspector Robb, re the in-
spectorate of East. Huron ;—The
number of teachers is 89 ; of those
GO are males and 29 females. The
average age is nearly 25 years, and
the average time of teaching a little
over five years. The health of 58 is.
reported as excellent, 28 good and
three inferior , only one ease of sick-
ness is reported as chargeable to the
unhealthy state of the schoolhouse.
Of the pupils 16 are reported as
weakly, 50 as suffering from an oc-
casional headache, mostly of a ner-
vous' nature, ten are near-sighted and
18 are of defective hearing ; of those
reported weakly, nearly all enjoy
fairly good health; and will be as l and pain in passing it almost immediately.
robust as the others in•the course of I If you want quick relief and, Dom i to i.
a few years. Of the schoolhouses, 19 your remedy. Sold at Ohisliolm's drug
ry silent on the
armhouse, and
raged to talk a
what they call
ie said thought -
our place. In
take the front
road I think there*as never any-
thing neater and prettier than the
old farmhouse with 'its coat of white
ith the orchard
the orchard on
e trees on each
nd your high
all grape vines,
an a glimmer
he house. The
so fresh and
and green. What
on the up side and
the down side, and t
side date house,
trellises all covered
I can't see more t,
of the barn back of
illustrated book containing over one
hundred pages of charmingly written
descriptions of summer resorts in the
country north and west et Chicago, The
reading matter is new, the illustrations
are new. and the information therein
will be new to almost everyone,
A copy of 'Short Journeys on it
Road" will be sent free to anyon(rho
will enclose ten cents (to pay poste e) to.
GRO. .1.3.novoun, General Passenger
Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway, Ch maga, Ill,
Spinks •-- Young English guest
seems to be enjoying his visit to this
country. He looks very happy.
Blinks—Yes. He's found more
things than he expected to grumble
Beliet in six hours.---a)istressing Istd-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on a0 -
count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
ing,pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in x male
and female. It relieves retention of water
dreadfully rough road we've just 'Yes, two g
come over.' lame and in the.ci
'Now I was glad of the shaking,' 'have one. But in
ii I want anything to cross him now, but
iris. Of course being bless you! if Joe is going to have
she'd naturally
ease of doing the
laughed Miss Abigail. he( eaten plain sewing and 1$ending she keeps
such a hearty dinner, apd'shaking is a girl to help• with; the room -work
good for rheumatism,A4tilda.' and children and do the sowing,
'It's very easy t sep the silver while she sits debt:fling with paints.
lining to somebodg else's cloud,' re- She said something once about selling
torted Miss Maeda, 'and it's down- the pictures, but our Lucinda Harris
right irritatil7g.in you! Abigail, to paints far better, and you know
be al.ways,glad when' other people Lucinda tried to sell hers and
are sorry. Guess tha
e. siclCbaby didn't
uch better tela
Good-bye,' called
old phaeton. `P
night, norht , i
Matilda; who 1
elf in the wag
t like Abigail a
n she knows
g to split, an
atism so that
ces squeak
a Frit just
alking I've liv;
week ! What's
Ephraim? Yo
()nth since
I was just
' nothing P
r about
began M
,. just a
r for yo
e tber
me t
was t
woman with couldn't. Aud I know Joe's busi-
ke. the rough ness worries him a, sometimes, and
IcTt4!' that he has hard work to make both
er stss er ...from, ends meet.' •
asant zlight to 'Dear me !' sighed Airs. Grant.
'I'm.' afraid things axe in abad. way
deed!' repeated there, Ephraim. I guess we'll. just
'd finally settled have to go there and see for our -
'Now if that selves.' It
d. nobody else ! 'Not to -eight,' replied. Mr. Grant,
hat my head's calmly.
that I've got 'Herewe are
can fairly hear Frank ! Bring a la
en I bend them, 'I'm going straig
onclout with all Miss Matilda, as s
through this the house. 'I'm ac
he hatter with speak. I hope I he
haven't opened thing to worry yo
ve got off the
waiting for my
brash slowly.
tt last. Hallo,
tern !'
t 'to bed,' said
m as she entered
tally too tired to
en't said any -
Very likely
was such a place.
the back road there' isn't one .old
shed that I can not see way up the
road, and while 1 trir to keep things
there's no use
w is nowhere.
up as tidy as I can
denying that the v
near as_ handsome. Abigail always
takes the front road when she comes
here, and she's always talking about
your geraniums or your vines, or
Now Matilda
d as natural as
she has control
s comes driving
and she's • sure
chicken house
at pig sty smells,
in the barn
pails out on the
sty. It's all my
are classed as excellent, 52 •as good,
7 are inferior and two very bad ;,
with three exceptions all are in good
sanitary locations, and with four
exceptions each has a well. • The
average size of the school sites is half
an acre, though' 16 have each a site
of one acre. The total number of
shade trees is 1730. The school-
houses built recently have a base-
ment for a furnace and good struc-
tural and effective ventilation, and all
built in the future will be of similar
some fixing or other
the joys and comforts of married life takes to that back r;
he is bound to have • the cares and a duck to water. '1
burdens too. I supe se you would of the rein she alwa
like to cover his pat lfl, with roses, but in at our back gate,
if you did there'd b some thorns to .find out that the1
among them and Jo would pick his needs painting, or tl
toes. Mrs. Ames, ucy's mother, or the glass is brok
feels just the same a out Lucy.' window, or the mill
'I'm' heart sorry f poor Lucy,'
said Ephraim.
'You needn't pity ucy ,' replied
Miss Abigail. 'She's a happy wo-
man, with a husba who adores
her and those loving
I know there is a litt
the old elm tree, but
say it has brought
They have had slake
you haven't taken it as I meant it.
I'd rather not havet
' said a word, but
you would have it.'
Ephraim Grant and his wife re -
like better than tired late that n!gl't, and poor Mrs.
bey and his Grant had a restle , uncomfortable
night. She tiros
next morning
s Matilda, 'in the feeling still more distressed in mind,
I said before we and firmly resotved. to take the first
ve been a great opportunity to visit the disordered
and Sarah Jane household of her so .
instead of sending `I've had a t readful night,
visit them. They Ephraim,' she sal almost crying.
about it, I'm sure. I dreamed that al the eats on Joe's
a years since you place (and there were dozens of
them, too) had br ;.en their knees
out like kanga-
l jammed both
te post, and put
d then set fire to
bench are getting
place front and bacl'., but most things
in life have the two sides . to them,
and why on earth don't folks choose
the point where kthey'1.1get the
hildren. Yes, prettiest view ?'-Si. san Curtis Red-
grave under field, in the Interior':
oe and. Lucy
avers nearer. A. SAD CASE has
s, but thereDome to light in
are worse troubles th, that. Money connection with tole recent bank
is a little scarce sometimes, but they failures. A youug.ellow was deeply
managed to live very comfortably. in love, but the lad'e's father refused
Joe going to give up his religion and his consent' until?be young fellow
stopgoing to church ! Joe says should have aecunah.lated the sum of
Luy'life is the best sermon he ever £500. For nearl!r six years he
worked early and ate, and recently
heard, and beside Lucy is going to t
church next Sunday for the first informed the Pathe of his sweetheart
time. She will go right along now, that the task was ' ecomplished, the
I presume.'
money being
safelt banked. Then
'I'm sure I'm wonderfully relieved came the crash. T to young fellow
that you look at everything in this found himself penni ass, and unable
way,' sui-
cide. said Airs. Grant, 'hilt mte ui-
comt why does to face the blow, . h
Bide. The moral o lithis is, only put
your trust in such things as never
fail. The list is a 'short one, but
Holloway's Pills and Ointment will
be found at the very top.
store. •
Poor little Fido, he's . se dreadfully •
hurt that he can't eat.
Why, what's the matter ?
Don't you know, the poor little,
unsuspecting fellow bit a wooden -
legged man yesterday and broke off
five teeth.
A Significant Departure.
With the departure of another year
when a review is made of the condition
of'afFaire, it is only right that 'some
thought be given to the physical body
which enables everyone to battle with
life's problem and figure for themselves
the profit or lose on the trial balance
sheet. Though the bank account may
be large and each one's material gain be
great, it would not be surprising if it
suddenly dawns upon many that goon
health has been greatly impoverished by
the low condition of the blood. It is
in this state that the lactic acid in the
vital fluid attacks the fibrous tissues,
particularly the joints, making known
the local manifestations of rheumatism.
Thousandsof people have found in
Hood's .Sarsaparilla the great blood
purifier, a positive and permanent cure
for rheumatism.
The induction of Re.v.Mr. 'Bradley
to Knox Church, Mitchell, took place
why,' said her and were going a
roos, and Lucy h,
stet scarlet fever, y
cry other catch- children into the g
r, and all the the top on tight, at
tting help on the it.' 9.
Sarah Jane so 'When we get the chores done up
er sick mother, well drive over to
her husband. 'Y
like ,Ther inter.. aren't as bad as yo
indignantly. 'If going to spend the
must have put , Loomis, so we'll ha
elied Miss Ma- `Things may no
p Matilda never m
lots of burdens Ephraim. Tiror�
th a jolly boy 1 mueh stnoke withi
yott, and. he's: Bat Ephraim o
nkles on the :and went to feed ►
e eyes. Lucy I
I look on There was an
ee Abigail,' said
it'll find things
think. Matilda's
day with Jane
e Abigail to our -
be so bad, but
de all that up,
couldn't be so
Cit some fire.'
ly whistled softly
ie ealves.
r ,
Lucy keep two girlsainting nd amuse her-
self with painting instead of doing
the sewing ?'
'Lucy found it much cheaper to
keep a girl than to deo the work her-
self,' said Miss Abigaiil, 'Lucy sets
a good price for her:: pictures, sells of getting up a row
all she can paint to one storekeeper ladder on your sho
things, �s n
there. She paints alsorts of + ed thoroughfare,
calendars, dinner cards, china, and minutes turn aroun
on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Leitch,
moderator of Stratford Presbytery,
presided. The sermon was preached
by Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Listowel.
Rev. E. W. Panton, of St. Andrew's
Church, Stratford, gave the address
to the minister, and the address to
the congregation was delivered by
Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, of St, Marys.
Plan Facts,
Burdock Blood Bitters purifies, reno-
vates and
eno-vatesand regulatesthe entiresystem,
thus curing Dyspepsia, Constipation,
Sick Headache,ho, Billo snesa , h
tism, Dropsy, and all diseases of the
stomach, liyer, kidneys: and bowels. It
also removes from a common pimple to
the worst scorfulous sore..
I am the'only Jeweler north of Lon-
don who can and does make rings on the
I make and Finish all work in the best
possible manner, and guarantee satisfac-
tion in every instance.
Whore gold is found, I always
the same gold, manufactured
order. ,
By leaving your order with ' me, yon ✓
can save from 25o to 02, aceording,ti
style, weight,and quality of ring.
A joker says an =s peditious mode
s to carry a long
a crowd-
dern and every few
to see if any
t you.
so on. She wantedi
all about it, but Mat
right spiteful, got m
heard.or saw paint
Lucy's feelings ver
to tell 11Iat1lda one is making faces
oda was down-
d. any time she Catarrh relieved in
ng, and hurt One short puff of th
the Blower, supplied
much. Then Dr. Agnew's (,atnrrha
Lucy helps Joe agre't deal with his thisPowder over the s
accounts.' passages. Painlossan
it relieves instantly,
'Matilda doesn't se very much titres Catarrh, Hay loot
pleased with the hildren,' said
Ephraim, nope, Sore Throat,'l'on
nese. 60 cents. At
'Those children ar the dearest, Store.
brightest little things I ever knew !' One question of I
cried Miss Abigail. 'likely to arise any
'Dreadfully lnisehi' ous, I should her bloomers will ins
say,' remarked Mrs. rant, 'and not of promise.
well brought up; Shiloh's curer the
'Irlphraim,' said Mi Abigail, burst. Crone Cure, is in great
ing into a hearty" lac it, 'do you, re- size eontt'ins twenty -if
member tate time we
protracted meetings,
neighborhood prayer
house, andJoe saw
d smile on Miss off the two easy -ch
here having, Children love it Soli:
nd there was a; Corner Drug Store. Store.
heating at your ' In all mythology and folklore A flowering plant is said. to abstract
the fore legs white flowers are supposed to spring front the
soil 200 tunes its own
rs, and then from tears. weightwater.
to 60 minutes.—
breath through
th each bottle of
Powder, diffuses
'face of the nasal
etightful to use,
nd permanently
r, Colds, Head-
litis and Deaf-
isholm's Drug
and eustom
ay is whether
ify his breaches
88 per
We also make to order Engraved Colal
Brooches, Bangle. Pine, etc., etc., att,
Moderate Prices.
Child (watching a regiment of
soldiers pass)—Looe4 mother, what a
lot of cousins nurse $las !
There's the proof`V/111y new photo-
graph, said Grim.'What do you
think of it ? Don't 4re for it. Doesn't
look like you ; you've tried to look
pleasant, said Hicks.
For Oyer Idif 'Years
AN OLD AND Waai.•TRlR RRMRUY.,. YrIYs: Wins.
low's SothIn•
Syrup has b 11 used !Or over flft
years by millions of mothers or their chilaren while
t,ethinlr, with perfect snows . It soothes the child,
sotfcns the gums, allays all In, cures wind colic.
and is the best remedy for D `rnccea, Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by Druggis in every part of the
world. Twontyflve cents bottle. Its .value is.
incalculable, Bo sere and a k for Hrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind,
Jewelery Repairing and Elis:;
graving Neatly and PromptI.,
ly Executed.
Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham;•»-,
Do you know a man in Canada that
repairs watches any better than Halsey
Park,Watchmaker and Jeweler, •Wingliamr
He who cannot' ;ive and take will
not be given mueh f this world's
goods—or the next ither for that
Heart Disease elieved m 30
Minutes.—All cases of organic or sym.
pathetic heart disease relieved in: 30
minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag-
new's Cure. Sold at bieholm'e Drug
tore, Winghasa.
Miss Bullion—Papi<i says we can't
be married until yo are able to sup-
port me.
Adorer—Great S ott ! Does he
want his only daugh#er to die an old
maid? I
Captain Sweeney, U'
a ., says: " o
Capital, 01,260,000. . Rest, 0650,000
S. A,, San Diego,
neat Cough tend Skil h'li atarrh Remedy is
emand. 1'oeket the first medicine l ave ever round
doses, only 25o. that would do me any good." Price
at Chisholm's SOc. Sold at Chisholtn's Corner Drug
President—JOHN STUART.
Vico•Prosident—A, G. RAHSAY.
WOOD, A, B. Las (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings )lanes—Hours, to to 8; Saturdays, 10
1. Deposits of $l and upwards received and interest,
Sp,loial Deposits also received at ourrenl,
rates of M. oast.
Drafts a, Great Britain and the United states
bought and sold
B. WILLSON, Aetna ►
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
For -+le, abottt 600 acres • land; 200;'
of it nea all in pasture; w h first Claes;
rdr '
e part of it nde atned
buil 1 g , g' ,.
the balance, a out 400 a. es, mostly new
land, with a 1 e q ntity of timber;
still on it.- Abou 1+b acres neared and' .,.
seeded for pasture Land will make a
first-class pasture rm situated two
miles from Wingam,the promisee
is a good saw .. 1 in runnin rder, M1
will be sold o reasonable to us. Pori
, PostOffice ox
particulars', 1 to 0 125
ply y'
p� �
Wingham,• q tet.
Farm Oro!
wiill'u it also
logy, Bee K
ate,ln ry Ito
Fireside roadh
of the News o
usually compel
prospects of of the most in
When tohen
contnins more
Special Reda
Two Sasso
al* Toa
advance -11 v
our recut 01
without harp
J. A. I-1,IBT
1V .oney
On long o
or collate]
at a fair'.
putt, of
Office H
any Sufere,
or c,
e erg
® an
0 21
ow C,.
gat SH-
A . c , haat ° h i IV'';
. • ri3''' Ci7,'E'V 5.'i,P71'UN .
"- tl(1D(3EST1t'')'FDIZZINFSS. •:$,,
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