HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-27, Page 1k
ti S
OL. XXIV,---NO. 1250.
for a Big
Maxey lines just opened up,
that 'lust claim your attention.
Values always in touch with
the .tmes. We are more than
pleased with our success in the.
ew store, even in'the face of
eneral cry, "No Business."
11 round we have increased
rs. Our sales show a .mark-
ed increase over each month,
hich must speak volumes for
pu and values this
eason. You can rely on
etting the most reliable makes
d up-to-date goods with us
prices we defy you to beat
Special. Values
all Departments
st rece'.ved,,,a, fine stock of
r Xmas Trade, . Drained
mon Peel, i 5c. a lb.
five us a call and be con-
e only Direct Importers.
SELL C111/141kr.
The can he nothing non sensible or us ul than
someth 'tr nice in foot wear,
Invites int'ection of his nramniotll stock of
Ladies Warfel Lined Felt Alippers,
Ladies Fleet Lined Overshoes,
Ladies WarmL ined Felt Gaiters,
Ladies Felt Linkd Skating Boots,
Ladies Fleecy„Lilted lfoccasins,
Ladies Fine DongOka Kid Oxfords,
Ladies Fine Chrome, Kid Button and
Lase Boot./ `
Gents Tan GGtit Opera,,Slippers,
Gents FancyPlush Harvard Slippers,.
Gents. Fieeey Lined Overshoes,
Gents Felt Lined Waterproof Boots.
Boys',+'Gir1s and Children's Overshoes,
Moccasins, Leggings, and all
kinds of BOOTS, SROES and RUB-
Allot of Men and Boys' Winteir< Caps
ahalf price. ..
GEORGE G000, ',
Wingham. /,.' The Great Boot and S1ioc''fan.
Dors North of Post Office. ty
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 33, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
72 COArrk
Canada's Greatest Commercial School.
Large faculty ; Superior courses ; Students assisted
to positions every seek. write for circulars.
• SIIAW & ELLIOTT, Principals,
Reasonable rates, Iurproved courses, Efficient
teachers. The only Practical System of Business
Practice. A thoroughly equipped Shorthand De-
partment. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re•
funded. These are some ohfouncjatkns on which
we build up our attendance. We will have a good
one,during the winter term. Prospects show It even
now. will you join us? wintst opening, January
6th, 1506, write for tree catalogue.
Proprietors Principal.
—A happy New ar.to all.
Pure Pepper 15o 1 . Kerr & Conery.
Cash for butter and eggs at Griffin's
Our Xmas. candies are daily arriving.
W. A. Johns.
—Over 700 cords o wood were delivered
at the salt, woj' e d int; the couple of
weeks of sleigh ?,, th a winter.
Apples, Celery and Vegetables, at the
City l'uestaerant. W.. A.. Joints.
C. E. 'Williams sells pure drugs.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mr. David D. id, a former student
of Mr. John Wilson V. S., has passed a
very successful final t the Ontario Veter-
inary College, Tdro to, and is now a full
fledged V. S.
Kerr & Conery sh you 'all a happy
New Year.
Black worsted s its from $15' up, at
Geo, H. Instars, City Tailor.
F. H. Bern y will move his barber
shop into the shop tely ueoupied by Mr.
Thos. Drummond a it butcher shop. Mr.
Gregory, tbo owner of the building, is
Whig it v.p tor Mr, erney.
---Private moneys to loan on mortgages
eft reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
Jona N10 LANne.
Tbo following o4leers were elected at
the regular convent
No. 84, G. R. C.
Wingham, on the 1
McGuire, Z. ; J. S.
stone, J. t T. L. Job
Treas.; J. A. Morton
S.N. ; J. Flonty, Ji
will take plaoe un Ti
Ilfiweet cider at
A. John's.
—Rain has falba nearly every day duripg
tiles past week, and s a consequence busi-
asa hos been very ' ull,
r e- a ton of mi .:d candies, at J. Mc-
a sins 6 lbs. for 5c. 'Y.err & Conery.
e —Ata special eeting of the Town
newton, on Monde night, Chief Bullard
tendered his resign tion as chief of the
fire brigade, and Mr. f hos. 11. Manuel was
appointed to the po- ion' +='
See our leader in ixed Nuts.
t W. A. JOHNS.
Iii. Mr. A. Griffin son of Mr, C. N.
Griffin, of town, w . has been spending a
term at the Philadel hia Dental College,
has just passed a ve successful examina-
tion, being at the he d of his class in many
of the branches i ,
For a good, cool : oking pipe, call on
Patterson, the leadi .g jeweler, Wingham.
,-Prof.. Dean, Gu ph, has been carrying
ou elaborate experi ents during the past
two seasons on the butter -fat system of
paying for milk. ' : will give the results
of his investigations to the dairymen at
Woodstock on Janu y 7th, 8th and 9th.
Oysters arriving ily at the old reliable
Star, restaurant, and served in any style.
Jes. McKenvn,.
The weather w:: beautiful on Christ-
mas, but some time wring the eight snow
beece, falling, and a thio ,writing (Thurs-
day afternoon) upw. ds .of six inches have
fallen, and with in'ications of a lower
temperature, it is a together likely that
we will soon .have sle hing again.
We make a special v of Suppers having
the largest parlors in towb; give us a trial.
W. A. Jonxs.
*or • first-class alluring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one door south of
R. A..Graham's grocery store.
i}1r, D. M, Got n's residence had a
clOe Call• oe Mond] evening. The fire
originated•in the pip sand drum up -stairs,
setting fire to a clot es -press and destroy-
ing a considerable quantity of clothes.
The window curtain and carpet were also
badly scorched. Tit ugh the presence of
mind of the family t fire was got under
control, before any
was done.ii
re serious damage
Heathfleld's Healing Balsa a
sure cure for the worst e At
Williams' Drug Store.
V= -At the last regu .r meeting Wing.
ham Lodge, A. O. U. "., held riday,
December 20th, the f Mowing ofh s were
elected: Master W rkman, A. H. Mns•
•grove; , Foreman, J, .. Smith; Overseer,
Ge6..Good; Recorder, . Vaustone; Treas-
uier, 1. W. Walke. ; Receiver, C. N.
Griffin ; t'Gsside, W. Fo .ton; Inside Watch,.
S. Vitn:;toiti�.f, '`Outsid ;;;Watch, R. Weir;
Medicat E3 i ttJilieri,D. 'Tamlyn ; Delegate
to Gran .Th d ea`Dr. 'arulyu ; Alternate
Delegate Valk= ,S1The officers will
be installed ori the th •d Friday in Jan•
Ladies, clean •yo r kid gloves with
Josephine Q3ive Cle er. For sale daily,
by G. E. I frig, headq arters for the Perrin
Frerea laid Gloves, in .11 the most desirable
ashedes for street or e -ping wear.
. —In our last.issne •e reported the ser-
ious illness of, e.e am Gordon. The
first attack ef'Jiemori age which be suffer-
ed on Wednesday w s followed by others,
terminating fatally on Friday night, and
on Monday afterne° his remains were
interred in the W nghane cemetery, a
large concourse of f fends and relatives
following, among whom were R. D.
Cameron, Wm. Coni =11 and David Taylor,
1 of Luckncw. Decea d was at the time of
death in his 86th ye. •. He was a man of
excellent character a d highly esteemed by
all who knew him. '! t n aceount of failing
health, he had been unable to mingle with
society or take the ; etive part in social
life that he might otherwise have done.
For soma years he as been in the employ,
as salesman, of 11 . John Hanna. Mr.
Gordon's death, is : grounded by many sad
I eircumstances; h leaves a young widow,
i having been marrionly three years, and
his death is the fir, t ie his family,• the
father and mothand four brothers still
surviving; the for er aro highly respected
residents of St. Mal ns and of the latter,
two are Drs. (Toed of Teeewater and
sn of Lebanon Chapter 1
t the Masonic hall,1
th inst : Comps. 3.1
with, H.; It. Van-
, P. S.; 1B. Willson,
S.E. ; R, Mainprize,
.`j ".`he installation
sday, Jan. 21st, 1896.
The Chane° 6f the Seamen,
Dia you ever know of anything so r oan-
dalously cheap? The Tutus an'd tite Week.
1y Globe to the let at January,18l7, for $1.
Just think of it 1 A pithy, Nfi-to•dato local
paper and a good old reliable 12-pilige
weekly for less than two cents a week.
Subscribe at once ata gs: tho full vs lue of
your money.
A Protein° Lawyer says:
"X have eight children,, every one in good
health, not one of whom , but has taken
Soott's Emulsion, in which my wife hos
boundless tonlIdenoe,”
Fine Malaga Grap
Fresh oysters alw
balk or served in any
—Services wereh
on Christmas day.
3 large bars soap
Buy your girl a
at J. MeKelvie's.
—The muricipa
town will be held
Monday evening n
s, at .T, MoKelvie'a.
ys on hand ; sold in
style, W. A, Jonxs,
d in St. Paul's church,
>.5c, Kerr & Conery.
x of French Bon Bons
nominations for the
n the Town Hall, on
t, commencing at 7.30
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
euro headache. Try them.
We make specs&l effort to please every-
body; give us a trial. W. A. JOHNS.
The Teens will begin a bran -new con-
tinued story in a fewS weeks. Subscribe
now. Globe and Criers to 1st January,
1897, for $1.
Overcoats from 112 to $25; cannot be
beaten in the Dominion, at Geo. H. IIWIN's,
City Tailor.
Last season's Mantles, $5 to $8, we sell
for 62.50; $8 to $12, we sell for $4 ; $12
and 15, we sell for $6. M. H. Molxnoo,
—The Methodis�
hold the last quart
Sunday afternoo
lessons for the qua
five gentlemen to
There will be the
well as a service
Orchestra, and sev
service will be shor
out and spend an
collection will b
philanthropic pur
Sunday School will
rly Review for 1895 on
next, at 2.30. The
ter will be reviewed by
(ners of the school.
blackboard, review as
of song, led by the
:al sacred songs. The
and profitable. Come
inr at this review. A
taken up for purely
Get a free samle of Williams' Little
Dandelion Pills and be convinced.
There is nothing like them. •
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.23 a, m. and 11.20 a.
m., via W. G. & B.; 6.35 a. m. and 3.25
p. an., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con-
nections by all trains.
—The Western
held its 10th Ai
advertisement of w
column) iu Woodst,
and 9th, when it is
Conventions 'of L
Stratford will be ec
and attendance. T
John Dryden,Hon.
dore Louis, Wiscon:
Professor Roberts°
Dean, Guelph, and
the programme, is
that the dariymen
the convention wil
taiued and materi
There will be t
practical talks on
airymen's Association
nal Convention (an
eh appears in another
k, on January 7th, 8th
pected the successful
don, Ingersoll, and
psed both in interest
e names of the s Hon.
hos.. Ballantyne,Theo-
n ; John Gould, Ohio ;
, Ottawa, and Prof.
host of others upon
a sufficient guarantee
nd farmers who attend
be instructed, enter-
ly benefitted thereby.
sessions devoted to
eese making only.
Dam> sSHAKINo—I wish to inform the ladies
of Wingham that I am prepared to do first-
class work at my home, or to sew by the
clay. I guarantee satisfaction in all work
intrusted to me. ETHEL PACE, Frances St.
Don't get excited! After all the Senator-
ial blunder -busses have exploded, Canada
will atilt have a place on the map and you
will want to read the latest news. TIMER
and Globe for $1 till the lst of January,
A Pleasin
A double surpris
evening lately, at
Ritchie, Wingha
Hogarth, Lower T
A dozen girls, mem
Sabbath School clas
vatted and comf
parlor, when Mrs.
room were Mr. H. v
that a young lady,
was in the parlor.
H. NHS asked to be
girls stepped to th
One of them read
and the other pres
fel leather cuff an
briefly replying
Hogarth asked to
and presently rete
dainty napkin ria
were for them ; b
little too soon for 1
not yet •engrave
neatly engraved e
her ring, and the
are delighted wit
above shows that
ing of his elate, his
were kindly rem°
There is no too
iti Confectionery,
We don't say th
stock of Confectio
see for yoarselfs
party took place, one
e residence of Mrs.
, where Mr. .1. 'W.
vn teacher, boards.
rs of Mr. Hogarth's
were stealthily ad-
tably seated in the
itchio went to the
s and informed him
to wished to see him,
fter salutations, Mr.
Bated, and two of the
centre of the room.
neatly -Worded address
ted him with a beauti-
collar holder. After
o the address, Mr.
excused for a minute,
ed with a supply of
whiolt lie told them
t, he said, they were a
at, as the rings were
Mr. Halsey Park
h Firl's first name on
girls, as well as Mr. II.,
their presents. The
hile Mr. IL was think -
late, unknown Le hien,
ring hien.
onto, for we are there
pes, Tobltecos, Cigars
W. A. 3 sits,
we have the largest
y in town bat call and
it. MaltEnvn:.
Cooking Figs 5c a b, Kerr & Conery.-
10,000 Oranges an Lemonfiooming in at
J, McKelvie's.
—The salt works se born' running day
and night for some t no.
Christie's Biscuits Oo box. Herr & Con-
C. E. William sells pure drugs.
--The Tilos Carrier oys are calling on
their patrons tbie wee
Headquarters for all Inds of nuts, at T,
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
cure headache. Try them.
The Presidential war vhoop knocked the
bottom out of Wall Stret1, and down came
the price of reading matter. Trams and
Globe for $1 to the lst of January, 1897. '
Finest line of Fren
seen in town ler Xmar
Before buying your.
in at the City Beate
large and well assort
—The superinten
the Wingham Presby
acknowledge, with de
some present from a
not allow her name
booklets for the chil
School. May she be
h Bon Bons over
at ,T. McKelvie's.
'mss Candies look
ant lines which are
W. A. Jonas.
nt and teachers of
rian Sabbath School
gratitude, thehand-
dy friend—who will
:o be given—of 100
ren of the Sabbath
ewarded ten fold.
Make the Titus mhn's heart rejoice by
renewing your subscription early. Trues
and Globe to the let'of January, 1897, for
51. The Globe is a 12 -page weekly.
A comfortable franc= dwelling house on
Shutter street for le. Apply at the
THIIES office.
—The January nu er of the Delineator
is called the Winte Holiday Number.
The fashion articles . or toe mouth are
timely and complete, •ovaring the entire
field of styles for • ' tidies, Misses and
children, millinery, ngerie, dress goods
and trimmings. Th- rich holiday display
in the shops is intere]t ngly described. Mrs.
Roger A. Pryor's girt on the social code
relates to society b. 1s and parties for
children. The space evoted to woman's
work and advanceme t includes a thought-
ful conversation bet sen Edith M. Thomas
and Dr. S. R. Elliott1.n woman in business,
an interesting paper . y Miss Margaret Mc-
Naughton, discussii • architecture as a
profession for wom.! , a graphic descrip-
tion by Lucia M. i obbins of woman's
work at the Adapt exposition, Harriet
Keith Forbes' directi ns for burnt decora-
tions upon cardboar and the continuation
of Sara Miller I irby's kindergarten
articles. The first f a brief series of
papers on the care of the teeth, by a well-
known New York de dist, will be found
exceptionally valuabl , Mrs. A. B. Long-
street describes the c rving of meats, and
in seasonable cookery impromptu luncheon
menus receive attenti n. In Mrs. Wither -
spoon's tea -table gosp are noted some
new home-made hol day gifts. The re-
view of holiday ublications includes
mention of many tine icularly intended for
young readers. The novelties in knitting,
tatting,' oilobheting • cl lace -making are
illustrated and desc bed. Subscription
price of the Delineate $l per year or 15
cents per single co y. Address The
Delineator Pablishi g Co., of Toronto,
Limited, 33 Itiohmon street west, Toron-
to, Ont.
A very large atk of Candy, •Figs,
Dates, Oranges, Le ins, at bottom prices,
at Kerr & Conery's.
surprise, express it ilia. wsluiast tLllu3 cs for
their beautiful )resent, and particularly
for the very kind 0c -heroin; and touching
language in whithe presentation was
made,assuriug all resent that their uniform -r• e*
kindness, sym'pat. i aiadcheerful assistance;
mode his duties t rough so many years a
pleasure and a Sale -tug to him. Ile would
alwayslook back • . this evening's gather- ,
ing as one of the •oat pleasing events ,ot.
his life.
.s see
The followin ase among the manes
visitors to friend in town,, to spend the
Christmas holid ys
Mr. J. Stills,' , f London.
Mr. Jas, Fox of Brussels;
Miss Sample of Brussels.. •
Mr. Lee Yrc. QLLQnp;:on ,
Mr. J. Niche ;o£ LgTJsnoly
Mr. D. Wells 'ef-TeesVerater
Mr. J. E. Da is, otGorleri:'a
Mr. F. Angu of Kincardine.;
Miss Alice J. ng, of Toronto.
Mr. Jas. We. ter, -of Toronto. " 3•
Master Wm. : ray, of Laudon.
Mr. Geo. R, ooriey, Of Ripley: •
Mr. F. Davis'. , of-Ge6kgetowwn. -
Mr. Art. Stew, rt, of Ho<rrrgton. •
Miss Bessie P: ker, df London.
Mr. Thos. Mat hie, of Lucknow:
Mr. and Mrs. over, of London. •
Mr. Colin Ken dy, of Brncefield.,
M7•. Crowell Wi !son, of. L uekuow
Master Robert ' illson, of Termite
Master Fred. D mond,'of Toronto. • -
Mr. and Mrs. 0- o. Allen, of 'London.
Mr. W. H. Mc a it.oheon, of Wroxeter.
Master Clare V nstone, of.Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. \ m..Irwin, of Listowel
Mr. and Mrs. ' , Drew, of Kincardine.
ve, L. D. S., of Niagara.-
obt. Henderson,'of God:•
ampbell spent Christmas
fisher was 'visiting frieud
seek. -
ton, of Blyth, was in town
nday. -
Air. Geo. Musg
Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Chaniberl
friends in town.
Mr. Colin A.
with friends in
Miss Maggie
in Wiarton this
Mr. Allen Bai
on business,on
Mr. H. J. Tre
town on Tuesday;
Mrs. McKibboi
spent Christmas i Teeswater. x
Messrs. 11. E Jameson and Sorbet
Ashhary,of Blyth, ,ere in town on Monda
is rMr..Ios. Kincaid• •f Chico ,o, is spendi
the Christmas holid ys with his fatni
Mr. Win. MoMull
• in town a couple of d
nese.` = Mr., r. frank Masa
spending the holida
Miss Maggie Hal
the guest of her br
Messrs. Jas. Hugs,
of Kincardine,epen
this week.
, Miss NellieeGray, ;