HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-20, Page 8ger .crowds will re than ever before. lday shopping will ith. This week you op lug here, save t little y thi you purchase. We he toy: y, good, in novelty Ines and more" staple lines, but all suggestive of gift-giving--forinother, father, sister, brother or lover. Saturday • Night's Bargains ;re alt they're claimed to be here. The best we can pick from all de- . partmeuts and prices cut to the quick. Saturday night big benciit. in buying' here: Gents Farley Tie, worth 30e, for 19e; Gents Linen Collar::, 20e for 15e ; Gents White Whirts, $1.25 for 85e; Gents Carpet ilpers for 45e; Gents Full Dress Shirts for $1.25 ; Ladies' Carpet Slippers for 35e; Ribbons for le per yard; Pongee Silk for 15c; Cash- mere Gloves, 15c: Silk Handkerchiefs 5e; Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs, •vorth 121e for 7c; Kid Gloves for 5c ; I'oy s' two piece Suits, age 4 to $.2j, for 2,.50, worth $3.50; Remnants o'Dress Goods for 25e worth 506; ntles worth $8, for $5. The above lo''lees are for Saturday night only, at MR u R CI ®oOs house which was destroyed by fire at the . H. lit . time of the Union factory fire. Moved by J. Golley, seconded by John Wilson, that 1V/eating of Furniture'Y1ten. the communisation from T. L. Jobb be The Canadian T'urniture Manufacturers' filed—Cariied. Moved by John Neelands, Etseooiation held their quarterly meeting seconded by J. Golley, that Thos. Bell, xn the office of the Secretary, lir. J. R. Button & Fessant, W. J. Chapman and $haw, 30 King street east, " Toronto, last the Union Furniture Company be refunded week. President Anthes oceupfed the ,the taxes which are exempt—Carried, chair. Among the firms. represent t were Moved by J. Golley, seconded by ,John the following : The Anderson Furniture Neelands; that Miss Wilkinson be refunded Co. (Ltd.), Woodstock; Gcelluer & Co., $1.20 taxes, which she had paid—Carried. Mount Forest; Slempn do : Bros, Manu- H4oved by W. Holmes, seconded by John featuring Co., wiartou ; American Rattan Wilson, that the parties owning farm Go., Toronto; Snyder, Roos & Coa,Water- lands within the town limits receive their loo; Anthes Manufacturing Co., ;i3erlin; exemptions the same as last year—Carried. Tbrl>a: Bell, Wingham; 1Vateon &;'4llcom, The Street Committee recommended that Kincardine; Dowling & Leighton, Harris the Council have obstruotion on Edward ton Knechtel & Co., Hanover ; Hibner ctt Street, at livery stable, removed. Moved Co., Berlin; John Mundell & Son, Elorn ; by John Wilson, seconded by Wm. Dore; Ellis Furniture Co., Ingersoll; Jas. Acton, that the report of the Street Committee editor of 'The' Canadian Furniture and be adopted—Carried. By -Law, No. 261, Upholstery Journal, and the Secretary, fixing the polling places and appointing Mr. J. R. Shaw, were also present. The the Deputy Returning Officers was read main xe;tgre of the business transacted three times. The polls to be at the follow - consisted of a discussion in regard to pro- ing places : Ward 1, Jos. Golley's office, ggsed new factories. which are being. started Jas. Fleuty, Deputy Returning Officer ; in various towns in the Province. The Ward 2, Advance Office, John Cornyn, Deputy Returning Officer ; Ward 3. Town Hall, W. B. Fergnson, Returning Offioer ; Ward 4, Korman's butbher shop, Wm. Robertson, Deputy Returning Officer. Moved by John Wilson, seconded by Wm. Dore, that By -Law No. 261 be passed— Carried. By -Law No. 262, to reduce the number of Councillors from three to two -in each , Ward, was read three times. THE \ `` ' Cl1IAM TJMES, DECEMBER 20 1505. cis, re airiug fire alarms, $2.5Q. Moved by W. Holmes, seconded 0, J. Reading, A that the report of the Finance Committee ; bo adopted, and the accounts which, were n r laid before the Connell, be paid—Carried. ; N An account of $5,50 was preseuted to the Council from Mrs, Brock, for scrubbing —AT-- and -A,rTand cleaning clothes for Sadlers, Moved' by John Neelands, seconded by Wm. s Dore, that the account or Mrs. Brock be paid --Carried, The Special Committee appointed on exemptions reported as i follows : That, the Union Furniture Com- pauy be exempt to the extent of e8,000 for 10 years, commencing with 1820; they to employ 50 bands, That .MoTavieh t Co, be totally exempt for 10 years, to com- mence with 15:15 ; they to employ 20 hands, That we do nothing with Mr, T. Bell's exemptions until his present term of ex. emption expires. Moved by John Ranee, seconded by W. Holmes, that as Thos. Bell has a less loan from the towu by $3,000 and that he employs the same number of bands as the Union, that he be granted the same exemption as the Union Furniture Company—Carried. Iv oved, by John Neelands, :seconded by D, McKinlay, that the report of the Special Committee be adopted—Lost. Moved by W. Holmes, seconded by 11 McKinley, that the report of the Special Committee re exemption of the Union. Furniture Company and Mc- Tavish & Co. be adopted and that the remainder of the report be. amended by Mr. Hanna's motion—Carried'. A com- munication was read from Mr. T. L. Jobb, asking for exemption of taxes on 8 rn' -town ,in which the factories are to be startel1 have been asked for bonuses or loans, and in all cases thetowns in question will ask the Local Legislature at the next session for power .to grant them. The Furniture Association considers the state 5e business to be such that a course of s kind on the part of the towns will be ous, as trade at present is at a very bb and few of the concerns now in Moved by John . Neelands, seoonded by J. ;ion are paying fair profits on the Golley, that By -Law No. 262 be passed 1 invested. After a thorough dis- and published three times in one of the on of the inatter the association de- local papers—Carried. By -Law No. 263, a to take a determined stand ite';otposi• By -Law for the construction of sidewalks to the passage of the necessary; as local improvements, was read three tion and instructed Secretary Shaw times. Moved. by Wm: Holmes, seconded ever effort to prevent its enactment, by D. McKinlay, that By -Law No. 263, being placed at his disposal for this be passed and that it be published three An informal discussion after- times in one of the local papers—Carried. it illaoe ori the trade situation Report from Town Treasurer Dickson, ratrour plans for improving it stating that he had sold 10 cemetery lots, present. se,no action being taken,upou also an account of $11-50 for malting and registering deeds, was read. Moved by W. Town Council. Holmes, seconded by John Wilson, that gnlar statutory meeting of the the report of Mr. Dickson be received and ouncil was held hi the Council his account paid --Carried. The' Council ou Monday evening last. then adjourned. s present• -Mayor Brockenshire, •Reeve• Holmes and Councillors Ne- eding, Wilson, Dore, Neelands, d Golley. The minutes of last eting were read and adopted. of the Finance Committee was ws: John Clegg & Co., water Feat supplies, $21.76 Alex. ies, $24.88; Geo. Russell, orae ble, $1.50; W. A. Johns, ents, $1.G7; Jos. Bullard, $2; John Dickson, salary, Hard, salary, $35.41; Jos. 5; J•. Ti. Ferguson, salary 75; Britton & Feseant, ; W. Pattisou, teaming, ithell, work on streets, fie, charity order, $5..",0; ring water works, $1.15; oe premium, $15.75; t=r water tank, $12.67• amended that $1.50 Chief's salary to pay mt. ' The Committee that Mr. W. Belden's to $600 and the asi d by hint be re- seeounte were laid Simmons,100 t e "1ilecrnr wheels Mason, sta. f for tramps, ms dioine aaad ; A. Brie- ]3ELMORE. Miss Etta Rush was the guest of Miss Lila Anderson last week.—Miss Laura Mulvey was visiting friends in Wingham last week.—Miss Cassie Barton was visiting her brother in Mildmay last week.—At the last meettng of L. 0. Y. B. Lodge, No. 11 the following officers were elected : Bro, J. Fleming, W. lli; D, II. Mar- shall, D. M. ; .i. Abram, R. S.; J. Tferkley, F. S. ;; J. Campbell, Chap.; W. Hall, Treas.; T. Douglas, r. T.; J. Adams, 0. T.; 1I. Douglas, 1st Com.; W. Hartley, 2nd Coln. ---The annual meeting of the patrons of the Belmore Cheese Factory was held on Saturday, Dec. 7th. The meeting was a largo one and the patrons all expressed themselves rs being well satisfied with the way in which Mr. Barton managed the fee- tory ee tory during the past season. At Chia meeting the cheeks were given for the September and October payment, and over $1000 was paid. The following fs a condensed report of the years business: Total lbs. of milk received, 758,192; total lbs. of cheese, ii8,8O9 ; lbs. of ' ilk to make a lb. of cheese, 11 ; tot 1 amount & looney received 561r 8. t t 10 61N A. CRMP9E6CS Tho largest and most ele- gant assortment of • FANCY GUT CLASS PERFUME BOTTLES in town. Call and inspect before you buy your Xmas gifts. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, Chemist and Druggist, 2 Doors South of P. 0., Wingham. Signs of tli . Times. Useless is the Galen ar When December': here ; Takes but little rec Hing To tell the time:o year. Johnny's sudden wil tngness With chores at ni • it and noon, Tell it, plain as priu could do-- "Christmas o—"Christmas pretty -eon," Everybody's most pol te; It's a perfect joy Now to meet the jani .r Or the little boy. Merchants more than 'racious, All the town's in to e To proclaim the tidin s, "Christmas pretty s ou." Successful Pupils of a Miss Bella. Mitchel ada Business College accepted the position the Van limiter' S Chicago. Mr. James Warre position of Stock -keep ant with Wm. Gray & Mr. Fred. Thompson the position of Stenogr Douglas, Barrister, Oh position with Messrs. Keough & Kerr, of Ch leading law firms of 1 ccessful School upil of the Can itham, Ont., has tenographer with Specialty Co., as accepted the and Office Aseist ns, Chatham. . as changed from bar with Geo. B. liana, to a similar son. Rankin, Mc - ham one of the tern Ontario. BOR Sri:Ncsu—In West t lath, the. wife of Mr. t!P'PEILLIrs—In Whitec llth, the wife of Mr. E. LUCAS—In Gorrie, an wife of Mr. Adam Luca ELLIOTT—Iu Gorrie, the wife os Mr. Jas. Elliott MtlRlst CA]IPI37tLL—WAItR'IG'i: Wingham, on Tuesday, Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. Cl: to Mies Winnifred Wa Mr. Robert Warwick, al awanosh, on Dec Spencer ; a son. rch, on December hillips ; a sone ecember 6th, the a daughter. n December Sth, t ; a daughter. D. At tho Manse, ecember 17th, by es G. Campbell, ick, daughter of f Morris. ;;-' T TCTICE is hereby given, th 1V the Town of 4 tnghn ii w latir-e Assembly of the Provinc next session thereof,for a,i Act t by-law No. 250, 1905, of the To tending the time for repeymen of the loan made to Gilchrist, and providinu for the issue of seven years from the 31st De purpose of redeeming the no, tures of the said terra,, repros tion of the said loan. J. 13 FE Wingham, Ont., Nor, 4th, 11,9 the Corporation of 1 apply to the Legis• of Ontario, at the legblise and confirm n of lviut:ham, ex. f the unpaid portion .ree0 and Company, w debentures to run other, 1898 , for the outstanding deben- ,ting•the unpaid per. USON, Town Clerk. FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, being lot 41, concession 13, East Wawanosh. Good buildings; fenced with board and rail fences; good water; close to school; within 2% miles of the town of Wingham. Fall plowing done. 'Terms reasonable. For particulars, apply on the premises. S. C. HUWLET, Wingham P. U. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Court 7d itland", No. 25, Canadian eO. ,` -Older Feresters,meets the ascend and last Friday evening of orery month, le Gre- gory'slflock. Visiting brethren wcicotiio. John Neelands, C. R. Ii. 11, Elliott, It. S. L O. L—1Vineham L. 0. 1,., No. 71)4, meets first Friday in every month in the Orange hall; visitors welcome, J. G. Stewart, W. ht.; V. J. Fleuty, Itcc.•Sce,. TO SMOKERS To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Out., have placed upon the market , A Combination Plug of B" " SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies e long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 dent piece or a 5 cent ,iece of the famous 44011 & Eo brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag"'T ,& B" is on every piece. 5 li YOU "SUITED" Y4 VIN, "THE" TAILOR.. CSTSTT Are made to order. That's' why they always fit, perfectly, admirably, and to a T. There's more in our suits than a perfect fit ; there's first-cla,ss'niaterial, which it is always easy to select from our superb aggregation of the finest goods ever brought into Wingham. Our suitings are unequalled. So is our high class tailrritl€r,'and i:i clothing, the tailoring is everything. Material, evert the best, counts;fornothing if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for you in' order to fit you. Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains : FRIEZE MELTON AND BLACK OR OVERCOATS IN LATEST STYLES, FROM $9 to $35. BEAVER OVERCOATS IN ALL SHADES, FROM $12 to $24. BLUE SERGE SUITS FROM $$ to $26. BLACK WORSTED TROUSERS FROM $2.50 to $6 Per Pair. W Com-.] fITOT 13M ITT L\TI) RSOIt : OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMIL TON. GEO. H. I RVI N, " THE" TAIL WINGHA VI, ONT. ria a SUITS, For Suits that suit, give comfort to the wearer and satisfy yde,had OVERCOATS, betterourfrientry us.you Our garment makers TROUSERS'knowhowotodirtheir work ; don't think there are any bette and yet we charge no more than others do for inferior work. Hundreds of new fall and winter samples to choose from, at prices about half what you have to pay for old goods. Work done for parties furnishing their own cloth. If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot be properly made for Si Spot Cash, call and see our work. Our terms are cash. WEBSTER & GOA, Opposite the Macdonald Block, Winwham, Ont. ATTRACTIVE rte_ MEAT Should not only be agreeable to the taste and smell, but it ehnnld be Cut so as to be attractive to the eye. My meats Will he found all that la desired In these respects. I3EEJ , PORK and MUTTON always en hand. SAUSAGES, READ READ CTTEESE and everything to the buteheting line, iw Beeson. As r supply no hotels, ,<l1 customers heves Chanes of getting the best cute. Out prices will always be found fast tight end meat will be delivered to any part of the town " .T. G. FIELD. W1r ,b.nt, AVM 19th. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. • `' good frame soft water u A good frame dwelling house on Shelter I apply to ti'e street. containing seven rooms, kitchen Office, or to and pantry, good eellar, and wood shed, is offered for sale cheap. On the lot, Kent Block, which contains on -sixth of an acre are z t stable • .d ehed. Hard and' oder cover. For particulars, owner, R. ELLIOTT, Times SAMUEL tr, UEILL .Real'Lstate".4.gen t, Wingham. OUR BIC COST SALE IS BOOMING. THE REASON—Pincus .CUT DOWN TO WHOLESALE, Note a few of the following prices: 72 in h'Union Sheeting for 50c a yard, regular 650 a yard, 72 inch White Twill Sheeting, 20e a yard, regular 250 a yard, 72 inch Unbleached Twill Sheetning,16c a yard, regular 20o a yard. 32 inch Flannelette, So a yard, regular l0c a yard. Floor Oil Cloth, 20c per Square Yard. BEST BLACK SCOTCH FINGERING YARN, 9 ttnots for 25c or 60o a pound. We are selling about 10 pounds a day of the above, so it muet be right, U Come at once and get some of the bargains at GoIXG OUT ole, Dusi tss. Wingham. AS CLEAR AS A BELL. If a pupil of the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario,, Toes not grasp a subject readily we repeat aI d repeat until he gets it: We drill; some schools don't. We got our reputation in that way, and intend to sustain it b giving a thorough grind in all subjects taught. We teach Bookkeeping and Be nese paper by;'x new 'method. Enquire about it. "Your money bask if not eatiiGed. Catalogue, free. Mr. E.A.0oost has nooepted a position its the t'ffficeof TO. D. Sniffy_ Winona, Clot. J'. W. W1'iSTlDIWELT, Principal, QL. XXIY. -N It TY Always Led ltaliobeielvIte HOMUTH C BO,. .PP,EPARJ for a Bi XMAS TRADE.. Many lines just opei that•r' ust claim your att Values always in toucl the Omes. We are .mot pleased with our success ew store., even in'the I eneral cry, "No Rus 11 round we have mc rs. Our sales show a ed increase over each which must speak volur our selections and vale eason. You can rt etting the most reliable d up -to -dare goods IN prices we defy you 1 Canada. Special Valti all Departin M ILLI N E AT COST. st receivecx,r,a:- fine stoc ROCERI r Xmas Trade, , 1 mon Peel, z 5c. a. lb. 4 BUTTER AND EGG'; ASI-. ;pfd+ frYw ave us a call and 1 ed, .. II 11 & BO' e oily Direct Imp SELL HEA