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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-20, Page 7Who is the Owner. t ]?RED'S OFIANOE.
to law of finding is not general- fly pills, O. w. SCOTT.
nderstoad, but it was declared
y years ago,
and it is well to 1 It }vasa great thing for Fred
the case and 'the decision. A' Brown when he was hired as errand-
' itor. to a store found a wallet boy and carrier -of -bundles in Mr.with its contents to the merchant, to' Andrew's stare, His mother, allard-
. be returned to the owner. After! working widow, was delighted, and
three years, the owner having failed said to the minister
! to appear, the finder (remanded the • t 'lir. Andrews says if Fred does
wallet and themoney from the
well be will give him a chance to
merchant. The latter refused to de -.remain with im and learn the bud -
liver them on the . ground that they ; nes:
were found on his premises. TheAir: ' Preston, the minister, con -
finder thou sited the shopkeeper. It? eTatulated her, for he had been in -
was decided that, against all the terested in her boy. In fact, Fred
world but the owner, the title of the I was an object of quite general in. -
ander is perfect. The receiver e, , terest, partly because he was father -
an article found is only a trustee, I less, artly because he was so quick
first of the owner, then of the finder, 1. and bright. He will male a very
if the owner does not appear. The good man, or a very bad man, pee
receiver has no right to keep an I pie said.
tiele against the finder any more Fred's work in the stare was to be
n the finder has. to keep it against I done mornings and nights and Sat-
— uffaoad
I3he h
e . _ ut days until vacation, and stood
You can believe entered the High School a
e testimonials published in behalf of well in his class for a boy of fourteen.
od's Sarsaparilla, They tae written One Saturday morning after the
honest people, who have actually first duties of the day were done Mr.
and in their own experience that. Andrews called Fred aside,
god's Sarsaparilla purities the blood,
eates an appetite, strengthens the eye- `I shall have a speeial sale the first
and absolutely and permanently of nett week' he said 'and have had
res all diseases cause by impure or
THE W1NG.L .,J r;' TIMES, DECEMBER 20, 11895.
the olfene() "light never be- repeated ;
but Mr, Andrews only shook his
,You see it is just this way t. I
haven't time to give him moral train-
ing, nor ean. I water hila all the
time, If I cannot trust hien in little
things there's nothing to build upon;
and I've no use for" sueh a ' boy, I
am sorry.'
The minister watehed the merchant •
as lie walked away, and said to him-
him -
self :
'Fred has lost his chanee.'
In a few days .Fred's friends know
that he had left the store. When the
boys questioned him he said;
'Oh, I wasted some of Andrews'
flyers !' You'd think I had been
throwing away tive dollar bills to
hear -hien talk.'
Fred's mother thought he had
been unjustly treated, and others
were inclined to thiiak the merchant
had been too hasty ; .but when the
minister heard the matter discussed,
he recalled Mr. Andrews' troubled
face, and his words ; 'If I cannot
trust him in little things, there's
nothing to build upon.' '
As I write out this story I leave
my boy reader :to decide whether
the merchant required too much of
d a lot of advertising bills struck off to
ardent blood. scatter through the town. I want
Hoop's Pxr.ts for the 'livor and you to take these and go to every
wale, act promptly, easily and eiic+c- house on every street between High
.Ryer for each family ; on y one, -
RINGSmember, for I haven't'1had any prirent-
i' !q ed to throw away.
ire b and Main. And Fred, leave one
'Yes, Sir,' Fred answered; and talc-
'; ing ` ing the package, he passed out of the
step• for a A lively story of the doings of a
'Little Brown is just cut out e is. told
business man,' said the head clerk, I novice
e San Fr Oalifo inia m. inThe reado r
followed they
noticing how- bo Mr. Andrews gaze f the
perhaps think that the super -
'Yes, he is,' replied the merchant, intendant deserved to be well
thoughtfully. If he proves trust frightened. If he really did intrust
the estate gold, manufactured as per worthy, there is no question as to bis such
a Vacate business to so ircompe-
, ,. success.'
the; Major McLaughlin put a new man
'By leaving your order with me, you !re passed'Hallo!'� checked at drying out dynamite m his mine.
am the only Jeweler north of Lon- store with his usual quick, decided
ion. who can and does make rings on the
zemises. —
I make and finish all work in the best
possible manner, and guarantee satisfac-
tion in every instance.
Where gold is found, I always returp
1; vat
Maxims of an Old Teamster.
Bad tempered driver—had
pered team.
as,['here are snore
than balky horses.
131g loads, little profits.
Whips are like emetics,
used very seldom.
Noisy drivers are
wagons—both empty.
Axle grease modifies the
.A. horse's
to his food.
Regular and plentiful feedin
good economy.
Five cents' ;'worth of sugar
better than a dpilar in whips.
Blinders are a worth more on the
driver than onthe horse.
He who etnnot govern
cannot govern".horses.
The .blacks ith is father to
Few farm horses need. shoes.
Horses neck food and water
whenever the tIhriver does.
The golden;ru1e applies to. horses
Weak and Tired.
Dena SATs,—I can heartily recom-
bbll a ong time Id Milburn's Cfelt ori lsorweak Iil ucould
hardly keep up, every little thing tiring
me out. I took two bottles and the
fatigue and tired feeling left me and
have never returned.'
Mize. E. Chlurc ill, O1iL.-
Sp'ing ,
Watching the Thermometer.
tem -
balky drivers
to b
like empty
power is proportionate
1� d briskly along e
a blain save from lac to $2, accordlui, to dNow said the -
street until
a lou „ major,"you must
tyle, weight and quality of ring. him. ' p your eye on the
We also make to order Engraved Coin . 'Are you going to the ball game be sure and kin the eep
roaches, Bangle Pins, etc., etc., at this afternoon ?' inquired a comrade. thermometer
ao ne r degrees, heater. you're 1 able
oderate Prices. off,'replied Fred.
a noise round
Rheumatism Cured in a day,• --•$oath
American Rheumatio Cure of Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
of the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 95 cents.
Warranteed at Chishoin'sdrug store.
'Yes if I can get rep re here.When
'I'vegot some work on hand,but if to hear
ewelvin Neatly
ring and 1:111- tI can nish before two o'lock, I ;it reachers 82 degrees work,
you have
a e justt
graving and Prompt- guess Mr. Andrews will give Inc two three minutes
ly Executed. or three hours.' t take it just three minutes to rise to
�A 'It's going to be a fine games, ilei 85Ah Hour later j t d
"lt''�f}.LY PARK
d 'it for >u
the ma or re urne.
say. I wouldn't
t miss t0 see how the man at the heater
JEWELER. Be sure you get there' doing
,. , izOpposite Macdonald Block, Wine ham,
Do you know a man in Canada that
'repairs watches any better than Halsey
i1..:'Park ,Watohmaker and Jeweler, Wingham?
'All right,' returned Fred, already' was •' . along?"
several yards away. Well, how is it getting g "
At noon be returned to the store, • he inquired. I The TMES and ikoronto Weekly Globe
"Oh first rate." will be sent from:now until the 1st of
p "Do you watch t $1.28. Subscribe at
'flyers' all distributed. "You bet your life I do, and I'm once if you want ceap reading.
Pa t h had been ae
the same as to' men.
The more whip the less horseman-
An BO Follower.
Consumption fa
Norway Pine 'tf
asthma, sore thr¢;
��lows neglected colds.
syrup cures cougbs,
t, bronchitis and lung
trouble, Price 2 and 50o.
Teacher—N `' Johnnie, can you
Teach +
Sixteen Pages, 96 Columns, of
Attractive Family Read-
. ing Every Week.
tell me the nap of the most precious
as .
Johnnie hest.ted, whereupon the
teadher suggestively tumbled with
his watch chalet; Johnnie caught on,
El PPER3 D 1896 ei f u l6
and yelled out't'Brass."
The WEEKTX FREE Pnnss and
FARM AND HOME, conibined in one
issue, uniform in size and appear-
ance, is offered to subscribers from
now until the 81st December, 1S9'', for
The FREE Pimps is the Leading
re orting -his territory covered, 1 the thermometer?" January, 11397, f^
nc + ++
.Liberal Conservative Journal of West-
ekages ti What is your
rating were soon carriedto their keeping her down. Business Bih i —
d into the .heater and
destinations, and by two o'elc ek ! He r eache in o pleasure ?
W I N G ti A M . , Fred bad finished his work and re- - pulled out the thermometer. licant--
eeived permission to visite. the ball i " h 1 she's up to 84!i' he re- App
Th that'll fix it
walking along High street and pans a bucket
ed to speak with Mr. Preston; his dobacred on the
Beater. .linewas n h ran- me. pp
pastor, who was sitting on, the lawn.--- Relief in six ours. *��listresaing I�id-
'I suppose you.have seen the an-' ning for, d bladder diseases relieved in six
Rid -
a of my special sale ?' ' In theBunny. ho by the "Gee s South el neat
'd hequestioningly.Fathers s and Children all
nay Cure. Th' t emedy 1a a g
n ale
Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, 0650,000
President—Jena STtJAar.
Vice-President—A. G. Ramat.
JOUR Paoorca Oxo Erman, Wu Gtnsos, iI P, A. T.
WOOD, .b. ll. Lag (Toronto).
enabier—J. TURNBULL.
avlUge 7lltnig—Iioure,10to 3; Saturdays, 10
1. Deposits of 4d. and upwards received and interest
Special Dopoait5 also received at current
rates of west.
mraftn on Dreat Britain and the United Mato
bought and cold
L. DIOXINSON, Solicitor.
„ you were
ground. (`` . marked. "There, Business Ma
On Monday, Mr. Andrews was He.jammed the thermometer into alt the work n
t of cold Water and hung it 'leant—
ern Ontario. It contains each week
a complete summary of the news
and comment of the times.
The Commercial pages of the
came to. inquire if
nt of an assistant.
i—Very sorry ; I do
'hat would just suit
WEEKLY FREn PRESS are up to date,
and ample for the country merchant,
farmer and dairyman.
The FARM AND HOME contains each
week able articles on Agricultural
subjects and Live Stock. The farmer
and cattle and horse breeder will find
in its pages abundant topics of special
A Serial Tale of absorbing interest
will be an interesting feature of the
Both Papers Combined for $1 from
Nati/ Until Dedember 31st, 1898.
Agents wanted everywhere. Address
all communications to the
Break !ip a Gold in Tito
Dy USING ��yy pg
i too for CO'cGU8,
The (Mick C
C1 ITIS, MOAIISE.'ti •3' a etc.
MRS. JOBEril 1'lo+,r!OK,
of GB Sorauren Avs , rvrouto, wr tea
"Tynyy:'e,•teral has nrvrr railed to c- a4 `''.,
my children or crump ni r a few dna 1
rut ••Spat ding r^,
raved). other
slue pr o• d a ev a r• a bud h cu fee' m
fatalrovadenex.tllenttnuothermea o
saint)'. I p•a'i'r it to nnv other i:+cdhauu ac,
for coughs, croup or hoarseness,'
II. 0. DAnn,uR, `
of Little Roohcr, N.D., writes; 44
'As a cure for coughs rr,7•t'ertnnil is t.
the best toed toe I Level toy cos-,, h
touters. will havoauother.' �,.
Largo Bottle, 25 Cts.
,�,�,a Proprietors, MoxTa:Err,
yam." ,�j,p,�P, a L
ppromp,rtt answer sand an honest onion, write to
li1UNN & CO., who have had neariyfiftYyearV
experience in the patent business. Oomnauntca-
tions strictly c cabin tial. Aft" dbook or In-
formation concerning Patanti bow to ob-
tain them sunt free. Alcoa catalagtle'or raeohan-
icat and scientific books aentlree.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive
epedat notice in the Scientific American, and
thus ere brought widely before the pubilowlth-
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper.
issued weekly, elegantly iltnetrated, bas byXar the
largest circullation of any EeientiSC work in the
W33.1ld. C13 spl'ear. Sample copies sent free. •
uilding 1lldition monthly, Xs .50 a year. Single
COPIes, Y. Dente, Avery number contains beau-
tiful plates, in colors, and photogrnrobe of naw
},ousel. with plans, enabttng butlders show the
latest designs and secure contracts. • Address
UNE k Com.. NEW YO1t1I. 361 BnO DWAY^
For sale, about COO acres of land; 200
of it nearly all in pasture; with first-class
t tt
underdrain ,
buildings; large par ,
the balance, about 400 acres,
mos lytinew
land, with a large q
still on it. About 150 acres cleared and
seeded for pasture. Land will snake a
first•clnss pasture. Form situated two
miles from Winghttm.. On the premises
15 a good saw mill int run niug order. All
Will be sold on reasonable terms. For
pparticulilr�, apply to Post Ofiice Box 125,
Wingllatu, Ont.
nay an merican ]Iid-
.a urs
sal ! n is pea r
Mothers, in a org h aicians o
The minister smiled. `I suppose speak in praise of gagyurd's Pectoral surprise and deli i to p y
80. I wife and daughters Raleam as the best, Cure for coughs, count pain
in eexceeding
he bladderrkidneys,Osbaolc slid
calculating their chances of getting colds; 9sthalt bronchitis, sore throat, ing
f to It ladder,
something for almost nothing this quinsy and all throat trouble. Price 2-c' part of the urinary passages in male
SO lets. and
$1.00 Jlottle,
One cent 1'ddea.
o . every retentionoves of water
ail ems
{ and pain in ,passing it almost immediately.
in India earns 40 P • g relief ad cure this is
morning. ' I am sorry the times call A native painter . ai wa .I quick r such sacrifices on ,your part. • cents a day.
'Well, it is a little hard for us just for her slipper)
yt:, •r^t'asr' 14�.....,.,
ur remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
now, but I am more disturbed to -day I Mother (leaching
r the I —Soyou have been teasing your A Boston woman, who was
d trying
over one boy, than I am ,over parcel that
money market ;' and Mr. Andrews:sister Son—Don't
't have
, Let's settle under an eletric ear, turned appre-
hensively • thoughtfully at a tall oft So to the conductor and fn-
crumbled papers that' he held i. his , it by arbitration. lien ed if she would receive a shock.
hand. 'See those ?' • I sent Fred I Nirs, T. S. Hawkins. Chatta's Vitalizer aveodo inn a her foot touched the rail.
Brown out Saturday to distribute ;_Toup,.eays, `•S erbt the host remedy fora "Not unless your other foot is on
these 'special -sale flyer's, tolling a i 1life. 1 consider the trolley wire,"b Y
' but One in i debilttated system I ever used." Porgravel, replied !
to leave b • L• or Iyiduey trouble ft I
lace I did It partyforAxeels rte
It it sold on a gt*s tintee by all QMYgBiete.
11 auras Taoiplent Miaow: and 1p 111*
lit Clough and Croup Cure=
Sold et Chist,olm's Cerner Drug Store.
very particularly 1 a test. Dyspepsia, Iver
a P e 75 lets Sold at Chisholm's the official.
Jusp t now I found these on the lawn i Corner. Drug Store,
A Liverpool merchant above you. I wonder how many he I The- young loan bad gone into a went to his head clerk and said:
left here.' department store to buy a fountain John I owe about 10,000 and all II
Mr. Preston left his chair andI en.. The girl in charge of the
sae ed •into the hall, Ina moment p
pp ,- fountain Pon showcase had supplied
returned and handed the mel him with a sheet of papers a bottle of
chant a crumbledsix
roll, 1 ink and several of the'pens; and in
=There aro six here;' said lilt. try ing' then,, one after another, he
Andrewsl counting diem, ' 'l s this covered the sheet with the `words,
other roll there are ten. I m sorry. Tempus ]ugly, the girl looking on
'I have often wandered if those' with a kindly Interest.
1 who ernploy boys knew how their
"If you buy one, and it doesn't
work was done, remarked Mr. suit leu
I+'onit," shed remarked,
Preston. 'It is a 'very common. thing ,=you can bring it back and change
to find 11 half dozen pamphlets on it:'
the piazza or in the hall.' Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes,
'Yes, 1 know it is a eatnmon die- Cith
honesty' among common boys; but supplied with each battle o!
I hoped little Brown was different. O tae hal Lowder, diffuses
I hoped anis expected I could trust
a boy who will go wrong th
all patent
Caveats and Trade -Marks P
business conducted for MOBERATIS FREH, MY
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent0e
and my facilities ler securing patents are unsurpa se
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, WWI
description and statement as to advantages claimed.
RTXo charge is mane for an opinion as to
padentat+ititf/ and my fee for prosecuting the
application will net fee galled for until the
patent is showed. °IxvaaroRs' Guinn,' con-
catlpo�n��s$@uCon@stdeggregqdpas Strictly CConlldeCntmlalg,Ij.
il,^,r !i, .r.toaa, WASPS2,11STcN. Hd. Q'
"$i't v.,, '� :niz`fl'�..v.
e4 Y km 'r Nervous and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mor inns; io a +
1 � C bloom—htolesr; men d- bpoor: Willy
>os ecnkeagrod and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and ntghi
'sarr,,woeol restless; depto haggard looking;
annd dra ns ata stool dei uetfal; want oains: hair f confidence; iaeulcers; sore ont
energy and etsengi.h -- WE CAN CURE YOU
iir,l Ja•IL.REA'1.HliYi'r. At' in o. Tut.v.0312NT. SEI!ORE lral.ta.11114NT.. AYTatt..enifanat..,.•
John A. Manlin says:—"I was nae of the count's
time of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of t
tried eevon. medical firma and spent $t100 without
,tl$ ra,t ANh+, Igave np in despair. The drains on my systtn
i i ,,r,,.,., weakening my intellect as well as my somal end p
Et al. PO-. E i c'yI Iiia. My brother advised me as a lust resort to
vJ Drs. Kennedy k I ,-tgitn. 1 commenced their How
Fa� O. Treatment and in arca, weeks was a new. mast,
? a i-1 f� ., 0.V . life and ambition. This was
rout years
J those
ani married and happy
specialists to all ray afflicted fellowmen.
"tj €i,ri CO(rELE,
44,000; �rllich is locked up "Tho vls,en ac 55rly boylife" lai} the ti lee re to lrlo d dr� S4/11111110 �' �
possess is nt'n. S nGn a n 'Kay
in the safe. I have beets thinking ,,,,,catnnitalat*dthe'1vrrck. Irindn1t•the symptoms of t
a > o*vet ,aio"a �Rtaatr 'Ikon
c :lyph'.lie csueedmS heir to �a icoce1ey,�
an sig is the right time t0 malts ziiftiIl nut bane UaiilN, alters in iitetiDrb I tr ds
` 1
an assignment, but what plausible i,tn!r les on body. Plc. I thank
God :i Rer4an. 'J.11elr restored inc to 1lo5dth, vigor and happinoes." CIIAS. PC
pretext 1 can give my creditors I �"
tent of 1 x fi"e treat and cfcee Varicncclt, £misaiasts, �Vi!~ /dU$ hdility,
know not. You have plenty t- ink the matter over, and (" Cd/r•rrkomess, t'r" reY, Slritttelrr, .Syphilis, Unnatural` Disclfargts, Se
brains , h 1>''irifrcy anti 131addcr b%stases.
know year decision in the i 7 YEARS IN DETROIT. hurl ofSCb CURED. NO RfS
• n �letint . R7P . 4?
2jY ,. rl*0
SO, On entering the OiiiCe nett Now lltctland Tieatmt+nt is irl cern you. whit It hna no for others 1 , a
No rrtnttor who haat ti. Rf:d writs for on limiest oniniom
let me no'i - '
morning. The clerk promised to do
�p,�+ �-��w rit you last horde? Ate you tesitftn latin5
61ti ria i i 1ta e? nlihe your 131O0d bt en dutenerd? Have you nn r will dfor ?
1loldan No -niter" (illnstrtted).
8 .
morning thhu morel: nit found the
•'' et charge Charges reasonable. BOOKS 'FR
• Die kelt of Mot1, inclosopostfutO, 5 cants.
= Vi.. II. Notv'ssdivine a ntC.0. 1),
ot,,.e, f>veryLhlrtg Oenfldetitial. QUO
t;. coo. t. FWist , •
i %a: txx. t r-
°Jl '..5:'i: i'.tAtg ° _fin , ti
One short puffs of 'the breath therm safe
open, thg money gone and in
Dthe 3AoWeW Catarrhal
letter which 'read as
thisAgndW s o a r' ' lace a
this Powder over the ad deli i cf, the nasal' ul to liege, f lows I have 'taken the 44,000,
hl[I(1 But it's no use 1 cannot keep I p� r Ile ei3 nsttintlatldand lg ermanently slid have gone to South Anlbt`ica. It
Head- he is Out of sight.X
e minute cures Catarrh,
llaq- ever, , olds' eat -
anhe, Sore Throsrt,•'f'onsilitis tiny Deaf- i5 *oust crouse roil ean Ve Yorit
+red's- Gd cents. Air Chtaholm'a Drug , dltol•s.
Mr. Preston thought of F teems, e
Mother',. and suggested that possibly' Store.
ty ern bbXise or env
tin* .cost of'Tees.
I Ria. '><B
ti X14
► l t3