HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-20, Page 6ER, Se, 1895. E. A.PFY FAMILY. XeCartlay G'vea Montague a ) Roland If r Ms Oliver. TEE RALDTSLI.ND AWN NEVER TET .. ELECTED, MCU%RTHY sAys, EXCEPT BY CORRUPT 1113ANS. TELE WINGRAM TEA:ES DECEMBER 201, 1895, THE DAIRY SCHOOL. ILondon, Ont., inspeetor and instruc- tor for West= Dairymen's Associa- A Two attontes' Course on don. Eutter-idaking, 3. Cream separators—lsiark Spra- - .. gue, Ameliasburg, Ont., iustructor 1 rasa:vest, ixsTnnearox ON DAIRY- ING ESPECIALLY PREPARED FOR : for Creameries' Assoeuition. 4. Butter inaking—T, 0. Rogers, VARMERs' SONS AND DADOUTERsIGuelph, foreman of butter depart IN °111"111.10—nEmicG AND etatING !merit ; I? J. Sleighthri.lra, B, S. A., POE DAIRY STOCK. . instructor :with Traveling Dairy for ( Bracebridge, Dee. 13.—The closing Tl e buildinos and equipment • are and cheese -malting ; the ram .e in, • 1.804-35. The Dairy School in connection ! A course of 'wanes will bo given with the Agricultural College,1 as mews :. Guelph, will reopen on Jau. 14, I Professor of Dairying — Twenty - 1836„ and remain in session to the !four lectures on milk, butter and 14tb March a period. of two mouths. cheese; milk -testing, butterenaking, • meeting. or the North Ontario cam- paign was noteworthy for Mr. D'Alton McCarthy 's onslaught on his foliose - Conservative, Dr. Montague, who Wailed the :member for North Simeoe in bitter terms at a previous Meeting, Mr. 'AlcCarthy Mentioned the faet that he had often been called get 'Dr. Montaguebnt of tcouble. ever did. be carry. on an election withal:it bribery," said Mr. Me- Calthy, "and he was unseated in spite of my efforts. This is the gentleman who undertook to stand on a platform and say my constit- uents in North Simcoe did not pro- pose to return me. 1 do not carry the constituencer of North Simcoe in my breeehes pocket, and 'Noah *mcoe will do with 'me as North boe thinks proper; but I have n elected to Parliament five times AS often as Dr, lIffontague has, and I have been eleeted without the cm!. rtipt expenditure of money. Dr. Montague was never elected from first to last without a vast expendi- ture, and he has cost the Conserve- t'sve party more than, all the other Conservative members la the House of CoMraons put. together. As to Dr. Montague, he is a man for whona I can express nothing and fell note- , ing but the utmost loathing and contempt. He says I am a political afpossibility. I may be, but I am not seeking to make my bread out of polities. I can. live without it. 1 bave said to my constituents in North Simcoe: When you. are tired of isle I will retire, bat so long as you, send me to Parliament I will do my duty, irrespective of party, and if that renders me a political impos- sibility ia that I can never get office. • I intend that my children shall know that at all, events I have taken an bo ' t part in the things which 1 dl have dvoeated in -public life." Mr. Me0. thy alluded to the accusation at lie had. betrayed the secrets of ir John Macdonald in that he had •aid he was not a "protectionist." If hat was blackening a man's chem. hen he was the one that desired blacken it, The man who black- & Sir John Macdonald's- character the,- man who called him a rtionist." Sir John was forced is party and against Ids will to t "protection." Sir John had im that he accepted the policy rotection" with. doubt and mis- ...........a.......—..--_—_—_-- Cowardly 'rarities. 'nullity will overlook: is cowardice West Huron was practically na. and Sir Mackenzie and his colleagues represented during the last session of have laid themselves open to that charge by the manner adapted in Parliament, Mr. Patterson, the late bringing on the byeelections. Minister of Militia on the eve of the In Canada, as in every other meMber, resigned his pesition as assembling of the House, and went country, there is a section of voters, his health, Tao useaernmeat papers attention of this clement of the elee- who do not vote as party men. The to the Pacific! Coast for the benefit of announced that on his return he torate and of fair-minded Conserveweid take the Lieutenant -Governor- fives ie specially directed to the un- ship of Manitoba. As that pro- 1311-tis1/1 unmanly style in which gramme has been carried out, and as these bye -elections are being held. Mr. Patterson put in, only a perfunc- Such voters should ask themselves tory appearance once or twice in the the question whether it is for the House towards: the close,. we are public weal that the game of politics justified in considering that West should be played with stacked. cards. Huron was disfranchised durhig the The answer must be in the negative, last session, and it will remain clis- for if such courses are to be allowed franchised for a time in that which is called to meet on January 2. Why is it that a constituency which has practically been open for almost a year is allowed to remain open while election day has been appointed in other constituencies that have been open only a few week, Even if it be held that West Huron was not open until Mr. Patterson had actually his commission in his pocket, there still remains the fact that the Govern- ment has not yet bad the courage to submit itself to be judged at the polls by the electors of West Huron complete, and students are offered o, ! of dairy products; seleetion, ree - very broad and thorough course of !ins! and feeding of dairy stock, etc. theoretical and. practical instruction! ing lectures on in dairying. In addition to tha! general agriculture in relation to ordinary appliances, there are in the i dairying. • dairy stables close ,to the school, a Professor of Veterinary Science— herd of 30 cows of different breeds: Three lectures on the diseases and for observation and instruction. in ! treatment of dairy stock. the methods of feeding and caring I Professor of Biology — Four. for dairy stock; and a cream separa-llectures, tivo on geology and tivo on tor run by tread. power in a room botany. attached to the dairy barn. I Professor of . Chemistry —: Four The course of practical instruction ' lectures on the nomenclature and consists of two branches, viz: Factory i general principles of chemistry and dairying and home dairying. Factory I ite relation to dairying. . . Course: In this course students, I Bacteriologist—Five lectures on under conspetent instructors, make lacteal ba,teriology. . cheese and butter on a large seale, Mathematical Master—Seven lee - learn how to run cream separators,Itures on mathematics and bookkeep- and. are given fall and repeated. in- , ing, explaining fully the decimal struction in the use of the Babcock!. system. . Tester and Lactometer, together I Certificates of standing are given with instructions as to the simplest : to those who pass all prescribed and fairest methods of paying Pa- written and practical examinations— •trons for their milk in factories where , some during the course and a more. the Babcock Tester is used. There !difficult one at 'the close. The stand - are five large eream separators .in i and for passing is 40 per c,ent.; for this department, the Danish Weston, !second-class honors, 430 per cent,, and the Alexandra, the Alpha de Laval, ' for first-class honors 75 per cent. To the United States, and the Sharples' obtain'this certificate students must Imperial Russian. • Full and repeated : attend. for at least seven weeks dur- instrnetion, with' practice in the ' ing the . course and take .regular running and general management of - work in all the branches of the these machines is given daily !factory course. throughout the osession.. In the i To any who bold a general certifi- milhatesting room, there are eight of !cate of standing, a special dairy the best makes of the Babeoek Tester,leertificate of proficiency in butter - of different capacities, some run by i making, cheese -making, or both, will hand and others ' by steam—all for i be granted when be has proved his the use of the students in attendance ' ability to manage a creamery pr from year to year ; •and in the butter cheese factory. room, there is constant practice ! (1) By at least, two years' experi- throughout the session in churning,lence as manager, one of which must and ill the working, printing and.; be subsequent to his eollege course. packing of butter according to thel (2) By sending monthly factory most approved. methods. • i reports (hiring at least one season to Discussion on practical dairy I our Professor of Dairying. topits, especially on the difficulties ! (3) By passing a.satisfactory in: which arise in making cheese and .spection as to cleanliness, tidiness batter, are carried on in the cheese and quality ot goods made by him room for an hour every afternoon.. daring the season. These discussions have been of much I No entrance examination is re- value to students, and •they will be! quired. Tuition is free to residents continued in the future as in the : of the Province'of Ontario ; to non - past. From time to time during the !residents, $5 for the- course. A pay: session, this hour is devoted to the , ment of $3 in advance for incidental judging of cheese and butter by !expense is required of all students in experts brought to the school for' tho regular course; also a deposit of that purpose. The scoring of the; $2 to cover possible breakage. This judges is compared with that of the ! sum'of $2, if not required for break - students, and reasons given for the i age, will be refunded when the conclusions in each case. In this: student iea.ves. way, students get a clear conception i Hoard and lodging in Guelph (a TIM GEREMANDEns. I of the difference between poor, me -/1 ' mile and a half fronathe Co e e or College), t idium and first-class goods. •• I close to the College grounds, may be ling next to Dr. 'Montogue's Cheese and butter factories should ' had for $3 per week. errymander bill that he had I encourage their makers to devote a,1 Special provision is made for ladies hat Mr. McCarthy had. pro- l Id hive the Grits front Sar-1couple of months in the winter to who wish to take either the factory the sea, the third party leader Ithis course. It is not intended to i or the home dairy course. Special "The man who can stand on a! take the place of practical experience !apartments have been fitted up and platform and make that state- I in a factory, but to supplement it, !famished for their comfort and. con - not fit for decent society -11s of much practical valve to those venienee. take it, and will undoubtedly In the home dairy cosine there is is not a shadow of foundation!whe At has not even the pretext of result in material advantage to the no eharge for tuition, but students alne.ss." Mr. McCarthy admit- : factories in which they are em - at. he had gone with his party 1 Ployed. in This course is intended especially • wandering the country he said that in 1891 he I for farmers' sons and daughters, who fitted to: Sir John Abbott, I wish to learn something about run - Prime Minister, a draft bill . fling eream separators, using the which would have taken ; Babcock Tester, and making butter • f rrn The departmerdis fur - a - - rushed vvith hand separators, butter- i dairy department, as it affords an Abs county , prints, etc., and full in- bution. This fair pro; workers, a competent n rejected by the Gov.! struction is giver" by later the whole strength butter -maker in every detail regard- rvative Parliamentary i trig borne dairy appliances the a employed to defeat : handling of milk and eream, and the t moved by him in the making of butter. Special instrtics the expediency of tion in cheese making is also given tribution upon county , when required. Dr. Montague, Who Home dairy students are admitted 3wardice, wanted to to all lectures and discussions, in. might have. waited eluding practical drill by the pro - o his presence. He fessor of dairying on the points and un in the IIouse of peculiarities of dairy cows. In a O Dr. Aiontague always live -stock elass rootu provided for a to speak after him. in the purpose. He might have said. Front 15 to 20 students can be ac. 1?, k Ingi am qtAtilts —IS PODLninno EVERY FRIDAY 140111SING : —AT TEE— TIMES OFFICE, JosERHINE STREET WINGHA111, ONTA140. Subscription price, $1 P Or year, in v,dvanot ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr. 1 0 mo. 1 3 Imo, 1 1 mo. One iiiclumit fill:1'00 —340 00 [ 320 04 --ii 00 I Malt " • 40 00 pa 00 • 12 00 6 00 quarter 1. ,20 00 12 00 I 750 CO One inch ^ 6 00 300 , 500 100 .41he 4 who is the Own( be law of finding is nc nderstood, but it wa) y years ago, and lt the ease and, the di tor to a store found with its contents to the ut be returned to the owl three years, the owner bo; to appear, the finder den wallet and the money merehant. The latter ref liver them on the .ground were found On his pren finder then sued the shop was decided that, agiti world bat the owner, the finder is perfect. The au article found is only first of the owner, then o if the owner does not ap receiver has no right title against the findei n the finder hes to ke e owner.-13affalo Coi --- • You Can Belies Legal and Other ottsua advertisements, So. per line for Out insertion, and 31.1, per line 1 °reach subsequent insertion. Measured bY nonpafell scale. Local noticee 10o. per lino for first insertion, and 60, per ilne for each subsequent insertics. Advertisements of Lost,Foind S ra od salsas= there is nothing to prevent an un- :as Ilusiness.Ohances VI an e ,11' t 3' a ' 8 liner, serupulous Government so buttress -I"' P.S. a.?:sruele14 "IUIL, first month, and 60e. for each ing and. protecting its hold on power Houses and Farms for Sale, not ,exceeding 8 lion that it might be enabled to maintain ' sLi..40:r as:16,.teglisse,:ts, aqui; per st3bsequent month. ! Pts i roporton. .. its position althouois overwhehningly a . . spootal rates for larger advertieemente, or fel 1 These terms wiliebe strictly adhered to while in North Ontario the. election day was fixed in less than a month after the death of the late member, The Government's purpose . is plain enough. Six vacancies exist, and instead of adopting the decent and courageous plan of holding all the contests bit one day they are arranged to come off one by one, those in • which the Governinent's chances of success are best being held first, so that in the event of a victory. it might serve to influence the resalt in constituencies where the outlook ;appears *more doubtful. There is another advantage .which must not be overlooked. It enables the Government to throw its brigade of workers into one constituency after another. Mr. Hugh Suther- land, President of the Hudson Bay Railway, and a resident of Winnipeg, has cultivated a sudden interest in North Ontario, and in company with Major McLennan, M.P. for Glengarry, who is aid to be a director of the same enterprise, has been in the con- stituency foasome time. • It is not unnatural to suppose that MaSuther- land is not in North Ontario for his health, or for the purpose of en- couraging the Federal Government to interfere in the domestic -concerns of the Province to which he belongs. He is an expectant applicant for Goverament favors, and would doubt- less like to perform some genial service for the tottering bonus t'dis- tributors on Parliament Hill. A body which gives sueh a free interpreta- tion to what may be done by order in Council is one that a gentleman in Mr. Sutherland's position might well seek to put under obligation. Should victory perch upon the Con- servative banners, Mr. Sutherland, it is to be supposed, will move into • Cardwell. His sacrifices in the cause of Toryism would entitle him to something pretty handsome when be got back to the capital. It would be an ungrateful Minister who could refuse any order in Council that the situation of affairs seeraed to require. eondemned by honest and paw public opinion.—Globe. Burdock Blood Bitters Purifies, renovates and regulates the entire system, thus curing Dyspepsia, Conetipation, Siok Headache,. Bilious- ness, Rheumatism, Dropsy, and all &souses of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It also removes all impuri- ties front the systetu, from a common pimple to the werst scorfulous sore. IPIGHM Sal MILLS The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stock of longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific, • dlrootione, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Trabsitury advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the Wee by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that weak - R. ELLIOTT PROTRI1TOR AND Vanuatu LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &c., on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to meet the requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles,$1 70 per ' Square. Wood 75cts. per Cord, delivered. DR MACDONALD, man STREET, wisou.sx, W 13. TOWLER,M.D.O.M.. . Member College Physicians and Surgeon', Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office IIp-stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing ham, Chit. °rpm 11 onas.-9 50 12 a. 1 to 6 p. in., Residence, Diagonal Street. ONTARIO. Everything else equally low. Come and -see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. T P. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P.S. 0. e(Suconesor to Dr. J. A. Meldrum.) Gerd Medalist of Western University: Late House Surgeon in London Generaillospital. Special &Mew tion paid to diseases of women and children. Oilice—Formerly occupied by Dr. Moldrum,Cornes of Centre and Patric), street". it iscnien - Oxr R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Private and Company funda to loan at lowest rate intermit. No commiscon charged. Mortgagee, took - and farm property bought and sold OFFiek—BeavermoOt WINDHAM .1. A. MORTON, EARRISTER. &o., Winghstr, Ont. lideLEssx Jr SON. E. L. DICKINSON', Wingharn, June 7th, 1803. are charged 01 for incidental ex- penses, and a deposit of $1 is requir- loaded dice in every election since ed. to eover breakage. This latter. 1878. They have had the franchise if not required will be •refunded act and the gerrymander. They when the student leaves. Farmers' have unscraprilously used their con - sons and daughters who are engaged trol of the Dominion purse to in - in the malting of butter should be fluence constituencies by whatever means fitted the locality. They have had large campaign funds' to influence the individual voters. Sure- ly they might have the courage to rely on these aids without resorting to practices that is not too stron,g to characterize as cowardly. They are fond of proclaiming their admiration for British precedents. Is a co,nstitu- eney ever kept open in Britain for months without rhyme or :reason, save such reasons as dare not be named; and whet would be the verdict of public opinion there if a constituency were wilfully disfran- chised during the whole or any part of a session because the Government feared to submit its record to the judgment of the electors? It is not unfair to impute the Goveonment's • avoidance of a conflict in West Huron to want of courage. What other reason can be suggested? We would be glad to hear of any other, but feel pretty ore that it will not be offered. The public will forgive some faults in an Administration,but ono whieh no Anglo.Saxon emu - MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in- terest on terms of live years or over. Principal payable at end of term or annually, if desired. JOHN BURGESS, Bluovale P. 0., Ont. Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Co., London. Ont. JOB PRINTING, TN0LUOING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bil 1 Heads, Oiroulars, &c., executed in the beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT. TIMIS Office, Wingham. Would it be too much to astt the Ministers to be chivalrous for ones)? Tbey have bad the advantage of back" to sound. principles especially interested in the home opportunity for them, at little ex- pense, to receive valuable instruction in this very important branch of farming. An Enemy to Fear. Which one is going to withstand the chilly winds of autumn and the piercing blasts of winter the better, the Wan who is in good flesh with a good circulation or the man who is thin, pale, weak, and without physieal vigor? If you are below par arid feel unprepared to face the trying days of cold weather, • take Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil with the hypophosphites of lime and soda. The eod liver oil will increase the flesh and give you good blood, while the hypophosphites will tone up the nervous system and give you greater resistive power. RAO'S Clover Root, the great Blood say before his fate, eontmodated thia coarse. Appli- o 'behind his baek slander. cants may enter on or after the 14th n ciRpkrectnity instraetors are: people who might of january, and remain as long as of hearing they Wi811-4W0 WeekS, the- entire 4 , session d two months, or longer. treld on a ghltratteeThe. 1. Cheesb making—A. T. 13e11, and clearness Omostmputon- It 16 TavistoL ek Ont.;amistant, •% cpurifor levee freshness $1. saw at obismalt a Stratton, vamp Ont. " the Complexion and cures Constipation, Only oa25 eta., 5') cat, 11. Sold at Chisholm's as ts 2. Milk tes II. Miller, Corner Dreg Store. BOOKBINDING. We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will ban our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to the TINIIN Office. Ig4..0.4(bgtttitzAttfAftt 3. tit! IF IN THE MOOR TOOK, SICK WHAT WOUID lit. DO? Is Just spend his Four 3, Quarters for a bottle of 64 Burdock Blood Bitters Ot ler, od, as all sensible people do; be- * cause it curet Dyspepsia, Coil. at stipation, Biliousness, Sick headache, had Blood, and all Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, * its4 ,aia =nears, Bowels and Blood from CoMMon Pimple to the worst * Scrofulous Sore. ) 14-dir0-4114)\441#4-#1 --........—_—__ For Twenty-five Years DUNN'S BAKING • POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANANA. BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO AMYX ON •RAIIILTON. MONNIC • LOAN. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. • t.,:ixeeottnitdte,estinimotnhieailrs pou:nlishee: ood's Sarsaparilla. The; by honest people, who I se aSnaraspa4atriitlela, stpruein'igti re: 1 and absolutely and res all diseases caused eficient blood. ! ,l' Hoop's Pitts for t wels, act promptly, eas lively. • • ,v, GOLD R am the only Jeweler t• • On. who can and does au Oemises. RINO, • ' I make and finish all A At, possible manner, and gui Don in every instance. Where gold is found, I the TRIGle gold, mane; :By leaving your order an save trom 23c to i tyle, weight and qualit: We also make to ()Mel .roeches, Bangle Pins Moderate Prices. lewelery Repairil 1‘, graving Neatly ly Executed. TO HALSEY Itif G. CAMERON, . 111. • sAatusTER, •SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o, Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets,. opposite Colborne Hotel. GODBRION, ONTARIO • DENTISTRY. -J. $. JEROME, L. D. S.,WisenAss. Is manufacturing first.class seta of • tooth as cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted, absolutely without pain, by his now ' process, guaranteed perfe, tly ante. OFFICE: In tho Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. *Sas riga 1 ARTHUR J. TEWIR, D. D. 13., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvs.n6 Dental College. oFmot---itAcooNALD BLOCK, JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT ONTARIO ‘t, c3 -o TO— FRANK SCELI'S, WHERE YOU GET 12 SHAVES AND 1 RAM OM FOR $1. Opposite Rernian's WINGHAM, – ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. f• DEANS, JR., WING/IfAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER //OR THE Comm OP HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co, Charges Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, Wutortmtr, ONT., LiOnlistin AOOTIONESP. ItOn TEE COUNTIES ilunON.AED =reg. Alt orders left at the Toms Milo promptly attend, ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES StENIJEESO31, .11111WIt ASO n All sales attended topromptly and en the ahortesb Nthitstar.ges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements Oen be made it tin Titoge *Moe Ont WinottaX Money to Loan ort Notes,„ 'Notes Discounted 11EASONABLE Roney advineed ItOttgiOal Pot seEtWit pirilase of ming at the end of toy you. Mk and necounts collected. 3t.ONT. 114410100, lietVer itself 00.7 p Opposite Macdonald BI ' Do you know a man o'.:4repairs watches any 1 'Park,Waichmaker and J 1,!4 13ANK of HA WING} Capital, 1,4250,000. President -3011N STUART. Vice•Presh DIV.201 Jou; PELOOTOlt, ONO, ROACIII, WOOD, A. 0. La Cashier—J. TU Savings lirtnIE-11oure . 1. Deposits of 51 and upwa ulloWed. Speouti Deposits al rates Olt orest. ,t Drafts on Great Britain O bought and void 13. . L. DICKINSON, For sale, about 60 • of it nearly all in pa$ buildings; largo par the balance, about 4 land, with a large still on it. About 1 seeded for pasture. first-class pasture. miles from Winghiu is a good saw milli, will bu sold on rea particulars. ripply 1, Vtingham, Ont. 25 ct11., DO ots, and $1,00 Dottie. Ono cent a dose. O It is mold on st cures Incipient lt.I5 Cough and Oro Sold at iltdsholm's