HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-20, Page 5NOTICE The Annual hleetin . of Agricultural Society w` Korman's Hotel, W' clay,. January 8th, 1,8 i ., ttt one o clonic p. ;n., for the election of Officers and Direc- tors, and any other business that -may come �rV before the mooting,-r T 0, �I,IENDErSON, J. ANDERSON, President. Secretary. T.TRNBERRY, e r.I'urnberry be hold at am, on Wednes- IT PAYS TO 'A Jhk.4101 el e1JO CESS is sure t frond those who make good use of their Min while attending CANADA CU, I SS COLLEGE CHAT : M, ONT. Last week's notice . "owed the placing of ave stud. ants in choice positions ; this week three: Belle Mitchell, placed as second stenograiher with Van Anken Steam Specialty Co., o' Chicago. The first Stenographer in same office, Miss Anne Moffat, is also a former pupil. James warren,as.stock•ireeper and office assistant with'N,n. Gray k'Sons,Chathaw. Fred. Thompson changed from Steerographer with 4olth Messrs. een, rtenkiDouglass Bs IVIcKeough Stenographer & Kerr,a Barristers, Chatham. It Pays to Attend the Bust School. College reopens for the new year, January 4th, For Catalogue of either Business or:Shorthand De- partnremt.'addfess, D. MpLAOII1LAN & CO,, Chatham, Ont. NOMINATN trot MU1ICIPAEIT TURRBERRL A.public meeting of the Electors ,of the Township of Tarnbarry, will be held in the F.oresters' Hall, Bluevale, -ON- • Monday, December 3Oth, I895, Ai 12 o'clock noon, for the nomination of candidates for the offices of Reeve, Detuty-6',eeve and three Councillorai-for the:year 1896. JOHN IBURGESS, B1tt,evale, Dec. 17,'95. Tp. Clerk. A CHANGE OF BUSINESS -AT- BE L A V E . .DAVID SP BOAT wisb. to announce to the people of Bclgravo and Burroaaa:ding country that having bought thernccok 'or thcJ to Jas. Henderson, anti ^having since added Jorge sorting orders, he is now prepared to• offer good urine in all the different dgpar•tments, GR:OWillRIES,®„a,®, %, We have, just to hand a large and choice eelectton of XMASriaROCERIES, comprising RAIMNS, CURRANTS, PEELS, ORANGES, LEMGNS, PRUNES, APRO'TS, FIGS. SPICES, NUTS and CANDIES, Besides full ranges of SUGATS, TEAS. CANNED GOODS, SOAPS; &o., &e. DRY :GOODS. For the balance of the seatlon we haye decided into offer thctfoctowiug lines AT COST, namely : Furs, Tweeds, Dress roods, Flannels, Cottonades, Prints, ,Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, Ties, &c., Besides admit of other things too numerous to naso. tion. Also allarge stock of BOOTS and SHOES Principally,of'ete Celebrate 1 John McPherson mak We will noL.,luwte prieoa As We 00.'0110,1CM that a call will show you that our prices are right, and we hope by fate and honest dealing to merit a liberal share of your,pwtronnge. 'Yours Respectfully, DAVID S eROAT. N. B,- Butter, feggs, Lard apd Tallow taken In ,exchange at highest prices. . THE WINGT,TAM TIMES, DECEMB. R 20, 1895. An examination in Holmes' school will be held on Monday next. A number of teachers and others are expected to be present and take part. The teacher, Mr. A. E. Thorn, son, severs his connection with the school at the end of the year, having been engaged as Principal of the. Bayfield school for 1$96. -The. funeral of the late James Taugher, who was accidently shot last week, was very largely attended on Friday last, -,Municipal affairs are not being talked much yet. It ishard to say whether there will be a contest this year or 'not We have heard Mr. Robert Miller's name mentioned in connection with the % eeveship, but have no authority to say that he will be a candidate. Mr. McPher- son, the present Reeve, has made an efficient officer, and if he desires the office for another year, there is no. doubt but he will be re-elected. Minutes of Commit meeting tr'e1d i 1llEcDonald's Hall„ Bluevale, on Mon day, Dec. 16th, 11895. Members o Council all present. The Reeve i the chair. The minutes of las ?meeting were read, approved an :signed. Cotnanunication was rea ifrom Jas. Turnbull, Deputy-Reev Township of Grey, regravelling o G-rey boundapy-Filed. The Reev reported that the had inspected th Powell drainealong with the Cler the drain Inns ector;. Mr. Jas. Powel and others, and as the Drain Inspec ,tor, protested against any measure ments beifsg made, as the claim ed the drain was completed u to bounda i ylline between dots 14 an 15, concession G, Mr.. Burgess road some meascrements, but did not tak any figures, as • 'we ti ought . th Engineer tie the only ,person t decide the point: raised by • Mt James Powell. The Deputy-Reev reported that he had examine road opposite drain fon Culros boundary, rand if the +earth front drain wasllevelled, the woad' woul be imprawtd. He therefore paid th Stapleton:account. He ailso examin I ed large culvert on west. gravel road in 12th concession. and found it needed h,:good deal of liepairs. employed ;Edward Jenkins to mak the necessary repairs for .the sum o ten dollars. Mr. Dimwit reported that he ,tial sent out "plank and emir pioyed jos. Walker to repair' curvet on B line. Mr. James Dallis report ed to. Coiaciii1 that Mr. John Nichol had not removed his fence off side road as directed by Connell and also that the ratepayers want the use o sideroad for a winter road.' Moved by Mr. Geminill, seconded. by Mr. Cruickshank, that a By -lacy be pass ed, at nett meeting of iC.ouncil, to authorize .the opening et' side road between lots 30 and 31, asoncession 11 - Carried. The Treasurer's annual statement was laidtbefore the Council. :D:Ioved . by, 11/..m11/..mCruiek- shank, seconded by Mr.. ,Geminill, that the ''rcasurer's 1t4port be 'adopted, ,stnd that the clerk be in- structed to .g t 150 copies printed and distribted-Carried. ,IVeved by Mr. Gernnniill, seconded by Mr. Mus- grove, that tthe following Deputy - Returning Officers be appeiiited for holding erections, should poll be demanded: Polling Division No. 1, Thomas Nettertield ; Polling Division ATo. 2, •John Burgess; Polling Divi - ion No. 3, T. K. Powell ; Polling Division No. 4, Geo. B. Scott - Carried. Moved by Mr. Musgrove, m ;seconded by Mr.. 'Gemill, Mau', By - Law No. 16, 1195, be passed for !holding a public meeting of the electors in the ]Foresters' Hall, Biue- vale, on the 30th day of December next, at 12 o'clocko'clocknoon, for the nomination of candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and CQnncillors, for the year 1896, and should a poll be demanded, that such poll shall be opened on the 6th day of January, 1896, at 9 o'clock a. n1, and remain . open, ,until . 5 o'clock p. m. and no longer, in the following: 'Polling Sub -Division No. 1, in the School -House, W. T. Plot., Thos. Netterfleld, Deputy Returning officer; No. h, in the Foresters Hall, Bluevale, John Burgess, D. R. O, ; No. 3,' in School House, Section No. 9, Tom. 1 . Powell, D. R. 0.; No. 4, in School House, Section No, 3, Geo. 13. Stott, D. R. 0. By -Law read three times and passed. The following accounts :were passed and orders, on Treasurer ,issitecl: Thos.. Pope, $t5, gravelling on Grey Bonn.: dary ; Robt. Elliott, $4,75, printing.; John ,Mel)ono d, $1, flog tax irefuti r rd, and $7, relit of r00111; James. Anderson, $1, dog tax. refunded ; Peter Anderson, ;I15, repairs to Jobb's bridge; Amos Tipling, $1, 'dog tax n f BLUEVALE. n . A Christmas. entertainment, in -aid t of the Presbyterian Sunday School, d will be given in the Foresters' hall, d on Monday evening, December 23rd. e The programme will consist of glees, n by the choir of the church ; choruses, e by the S. S. children ; recitations, e dialogues and drills. • Dear old Santa k, Claus will not gout his !presents on j; a tree, butbutsays he will call at Blue- .. vale 'for a few ?minutes :that evening • and distribute the candiies and other - things with his own lhand.• This p enter'tainmen't its going to be better than any other effifrt made by e amateur ,performers in Bluevale.:- e Mr.. David Kay, of Listowel, former- s ly, �of. Bluevale, was visiting old o sehot imitates nn the village last week. •- i-Mrs.,Dillan, �df Charlottetown, P. E. e ' L,, was visitii'ng at Mr. John Burgess', d last week.=The Misses Copeland, of s Teeswater, were 'visiting at Mr. John. Robelrtson's on • Sunday. -Miss, d Wprane and Mr, Daniel Lewis were: e ! vis�i'ting in Brussels, on Tuesday. -''Tae iOosgws've Concert Company winet give - an ,entertainment in the; Foresters''tintli;on' aaturday evening, He ! Dee,,.:21•st, :under the auspices of e : (Court Douglas,.Douglas,.C. r0.. F. The coin f,i.pany•comes :highly recommended bar lbepress;and'no,doubt a treat is in - :sstoare for: the audience. -Mr. atad '. Mrs. •, James Burgess, of Brussels,. - wesre-visiting at leer. John Burgess'„ 1 ; bast itlonAay. - The Methodist; 1Su nday -Scholl tslifidren will perform; mal caintata,•on Oh:istmas eve, entitled,. f ; "Saznta 'Claus' `Palace." Twti ;Christmas ristmas trees wilil he put up aiad i loaded whh ;presents. The children i - ( have Worked lhard.'to get their parts" Imp well :and it will likely be SGOOOSS.:- , "Bait thinds n' 'uv the tbinge you'd like t I see upon that tree, des," ";fore`Oliristmas,,be as good as you king 14r_ Jam iDll:iviit, of Wawanosh, was:visitiin at Mr:. R. N. Duff's, on Mondlay.-Messrs. Will and Jack Gardiner,- frf Teeswater, spent Sunday under the Ipiirental roof. refunded ; Alex.. E. Porter, $1, dog tax refunded ; David Hastings, $3, repairs to culvert and gravelling; E. Farley, $1.25, charity, wood; Robt, Leggatt, $1, dog tax remitted; E. Farley, $5.22, refund- taxes, charity ; Robt. Currie, $1.80, Statute Labour tax refund ; Wm. Deyell, $1, B. of H. account ; Jennings & Co., $6.50, personal property tax remitted; John Black, $40, part salary ; Wm.. McPherson, $4, making annual state- ment and $60 salary as Commis- sioner, fees and postage, Wm, Cruickshank, $45, salary and Com- missinner fees ; John Diment, $44, salary and Commissioner fees; John Musgrove, $38, salary and Commis- sioner fees. Wni. Gemmfll, $40; salary and Commissioner, fees, Peter McLaren, $40, part salary, $7, postage and stationery, $7, mak- ing annual statement ; John Burgess, $60, balance salary and $12, postage and stationery. Meeting adjourned sine die, YOU'LL REGRET IT-• If yeit don't call and examine, and while you are there, get prices of that immense • new stock of Which has just arrived from Germany. It is the most beautiful assortment ever shown in town. GROCERIFSivedivs, a Oomplete in every lino, Wo are really for you, when you aro randy to do your Xmas baking. OUR TEASt.,s.," Are becoming more famous every day. 'lletieeially "Salads" NORMAN A. FARQUHARSON, usaregr .MateGGoodMuse, ro LOl 18 ORO. On Sunday newt, the Rev. Dir. Lock, of L Teter, wl:ll preach the annual Sunday Selioail sermons and will visit the school i.ti the afternoon. ---There will be .a ekristmas tree and entertainment ,giiven in the Methodist Church, on Christmas night. Admission 15 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. -Quite a nuinher of the young folks from here attended the concert given in Auburn, last Thursday evening.- About twenty five of the members of the I. Q. G. T. Lodge here paid the Clinton lodge a visit last Friday night. They intend paying the Auburn friends a visit in the near future, -A number from Liverpool lodge; S. 0. E., Godericb, will visit Londesboro Lodge on Friday even- ing. A pleasant time is expected.- The Foresters will have an oyster supper at their next meeting, on the 27th inst. A good turn out of the members is • requested. -Mr. Thomas Hill returned from Dakota last Saturday night. -Miss • Maggie Hodgins Is on the sick list. ---The Rev. Mr. Cain, of Ethel, preached in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening, -Miss M. Bell and E. Adams take part in the- concert on Wednesday night at Blyth. -Dr. Agnew is expected here this week.----- , Miss E. Wheatly and A. Cudmore, of Clinton, were in the 'village on Sunday. -Miss. 14t. Pell and E. Adams spent Sunday with friends in Clinton, -Quite a, numher of the ,villagers took In the eitaminatien aft j S. S. No. 5, on Tuesday, 1' D. M. GOR dots I. Catarrh in the llead Is a dangerous disease because it is liable to result in loss of hearing or smell, or develop into consumption, Read the following: "My wife has been a sufferer from catarrh for. the past four years and the disease had gone so far that her eyesight was affected so that for nearly a year she was unable to read for more than five minutes at a time. She suffered severe sine inthe head times and at t nes was almost distracted. About Christmas, she com- menced taking Rood's Sarsaparilla, and since that time has steadily improved. She has taken six bottles of Hood's Sar- saparilla and is on the road to a complete cure, I cannot speak too highly of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I cheerfully recommend it." W.73. Funsusn, Newmarket, Ontario. Flood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Purifier Arominsntly in the public eye today. Hood Pills cure habitual constipa• ties. Pries ata. per bor., CULROSS. In this township, it is reported that there will be a lively contest Tor all the positions in the gift of the people. The old council have held office for three years, and have served the people faithfully, and no doubt will be returned again. Heathfield's Healing Balsam is a sure cure for the worst cold. At Williams' Drug Store. KINTAIL. . Our. popular tailor, Mr. J. A. Becker; has 'surprised the boys by unexpectedly bringing. to town a blooming bride. Congratulations, Alex. -Mr. Cornell, of Goderich, has purchased a lot front Mr. M. Mc- Kenzie, and will erect thereon a furniture and undertaking establish- ment. -Mr. D. Matheson has disposed •of his property in the village to Mr. J. Hutchison, for a good figure. - Mr. R. McDonald has returned. from Buffalo, where. he was fortunate .enough to strike a good market for This lambs. --Judging from appear- ances, the lake shore district must be !better supplied with fodder than the neighboring sections, as scarcely a .day passes without a call from some ;parties east, of us, and good prices are being realized by those who are .fortunate enough to have a surplus. -The Kintal.ii Cheese factory has dosed up business for theseason, and the foreman, Air. M. O'Connor, has departed for his glome. in Walkerton. -Mr. C. Stewart, of the lake shore, had the misfortune to lose his house with all its contents, by tire, last week. Mr. Stewart is secretary for the Kintail Cheese and Butter Com- pany, and hacl the factory books in the house, all of which were lost. Cause of fire unknown. -The pupils of Kingsbridge school intend holding a, concert, in the sehoolhouso, on Mon- day, the 23rd instant. The Tsaera and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent from now until the 1st of January, 1897, for 1;1,25. Subscribe at once if you want cheap reading. Sctt's Emulsion is Cod-liver Oil emulsified, or made easy of digestion and as- silnilation. To this is added the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, which aid in the digestion of the Oil and increase materially tiie potency of both. It is a re- markable flesh-produecr. Ema- ciated, ammeinic and consumptive persons gain flesh upon it very rapidly. The combination is a Shoat happy one, Physicians recognize its su- perior merit in all conditions of wasting. ,tt has had the e:a dorseinett of the medical pro- foosio:m for io years. //ma's up:terrixc:6a Co Cala SCalt • L sowne, 'Clelleviite. 5Lk, ;Ai $1, re 0 0 W O z 0 rrl 1:4114 Vj 41 r W rzlA W � A We invite every person in need of t, AND " To come to D. M. Gordon's, whose stock is the largest, -and offered at cost ---is cer- tainly the cheapest in Wingham. OUR STOCK MUST BE REDUCED And giving the profits to our customers is our way of doing it. Our large stock of MEN'S FUR COAT is sold clean out, The prices did it, We will have some more in shortly to fill our orders. You should see our SLEIG-HROBE'S Examine the quality and get our prices. They are the best and still the cheapest. Our great MANTLE AND OAPE SALE Is bringing customers from far and near. Cut prices does it. Our display of CHRISTMAS HGELTIES Is very attracti;ge and our GROO;Ry DEPARTMENT +4 Is having special attention as the holidays approach us. We will be pleased to see all who require such 4 goods as we carry and we are confident that our goods and prices will please you. Ever at your service, D. M. GORDON, The Anchor House, Wingham. 415,4 1 14L 1 Are greetings that are being heralded from one end of the ran to the other, and rightly so, for never have goods been sold so low a price. We are asked almost every day -Why do yo not make a sale and slaughter goods, like others in the trad Our answer is : WE DON'T HAVE TO. Our prices now are some notdhes lower than some would slaughterers. But for the benefit of our customers in gener from now until.the end of the year, we will quote prices t will stagger the most skeptical, and set our rivals prices Never mind. It is our business. Come and see us. nderi A Beautiful Christmas Card or Calendar given away w t each purchase, during Christmas week. Come and get one. DRESS MAKINGA SPECIALTY. A R, MACDONALD BLOCK. G. MCJ NTYRE, WING Christmas = argai In all Departmen -----A'I'- T. A_ Ni3LLS You are invite&to call end, take a look thio and get prices. T. A.4 M*..,1, J i