HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-20, Page 4LEORAPH CO upg. Brunswick Nouse. - - - Ord tttaingiyan fimrs PRID4 y, DBOBBIBB11 20, 1895. TO Wgo T /A)r Cozro las.. Thane who have received rte. - counts frons us will please remit the amount, or call and settle, at once. ' As we expect to to Wingliatnl on the 2nd of- . January next, aiii accounts not settled by the,;: time will be placed in other bands for col- lection. "A. word to the wise," &e. Remittances made by I'. Order or registered ° letters. ' 1 lI be at our risk. r R. ELLIOTT. a az,.s Office, Wilighazn, Nov. li • .ass t'LT 1'1 Canadian assent hi La on, Eng- Iland, arrived at Ottawa on Sunday last. lie says be eatine over to eon - suit with the Prouder in. accordance with leis request regarding the Fast Atlantic Steamship and Pacific Cable schemes. Time will tell if he had not another objeet in touting over just at this time. THE West Huron election catn- paign will begin in earnest next week. From what we eau learn there is a disposition among the local Patrons to allow the two old parties to light out the bye -election, and to reserve their strength for thegeneral election. The Grand Board of the Patrons, it is said,are desirous of contesting the bye -election, but it is altogether likely that the view of the local associations will prevail and the candidate of the Matrons, Mfr. For- rester, will not enter the lists at this election. M. C. C An1E110N, the old L war horse, will mak fight and carry the Liberal col victory in. West Huron, on the of January, or we will be much mistaken. - Mr. Weismiller, the Government candidate, it is said, has changed his views again. .Ile seems to be willing and ready to adopt any ery that he thinks will carry him 'nto ofliee. His is. quite a unique ecord. Be first appeared before the eIeetors of Huron as a Liberal, then s an Equal Righter, next as a eredith candidate and an Opp, of Separate Mees, and now.. h hiek And thin Supporter of • W i 'G, .AM TIMES DECEMBER 20, 1895 at from de C 4ic per ib., but g: stock was scarce. Butchers' ea were in demand for the holid traclo, but the quality of offers was inferior. Very choice solei high as .tie per lb. Less clesira lots sold at ale, and quite a f brought 3:}e (,' 8.1c per lb. ,lift were in demand, for export, an sold at 3c Ole. Stockers wei dull. One buyer offered 2c per lb for a lot averaging 800 lbs. Slice of good quality for export f better sale at 22-c G Se per lb., btt poor quality were not wanted cad t MARKET =PORTS. ttlth marlan.t I. Winsliam, Dec, 10, 1895. ay , Corrected by 1. Deans, produce Dealer. ngs 14`lour per 100 lbs., .. ,..... 1 75 to. 2 00 es Pall Wheat... , ..,..,.,,. 0 G8 to 0 91 ble Spring Wheat...—. .. ..... 0 68 to 0 64 Qat.,, .........,..,, 0 23 to 0 24 e1 w iiarlo , ... 0 30 to 0 35 IIs Pea. , ................. 0 47 to 0 48 d Butter,. ,. ..01.1to015 d 1 Eggs per dozen 0 16 to 0 10 1Viced pot cont .. 1 25 to 1 50 i-Iay per ton......, ........15 00 te16 00 p l.'etatoe., per bushel 0 15. to 0 20 foun d 1 .Fallow, per Ib . 0 4 to 0 4P t i Dried Apples,..,per Ib 0 4a to 0 05 (Chicken., .. , 0 20 to 0 35. . I Ducks iJambs sold better at 8.c per ib. Calves steady, at 474 G $6 each. Asher cows were firm on light offer ings, and four sold at $33 each Hogs were in light supply, and prices were about steady at he pe lb, for best, and 31e for light hogs Montreal, Q., December 16,---A the eastern abattoir market the re- ceipts today consisted of about 600 head of cattle, .700 sheep and lattubs and 20 calves. Prices were higher ' fared was much better than last week, i.' rime animals for the Christmas trade brought 40 t✓ 4 e per lb. live weight, and lower grades all the way from 2e ®3 c per Ib. according to quality. Small meats sold fairly well and a moderate amount of sell- ing was done in cattle, Following is the general range of quotaations:--. Cattle, butchers, choice, per ib., 4e 4r•o, Eye weight; medium fair, Be C Bic; 'cu11s, 2c G� 2;,c. Sheep, common to good, $$2.50 ® $3.50 lambs, $1,50 ® $8.50. Calves, good ne•iht l go choxee, �7 G $12 ; common to fair, visa $2e"$6. the Geese 0 40 to 0 50. Turkeys. , ,• • , 0 5 to Q 5 armed Ilog.. , �, , ...... • 3 75 to 4 00 TRUNKS iberhi f today, but the quality of stock of gorous ors to 14th t.. 27th, 1895. A. riiAX 1/11141L. An effort is now being made by a iumber of our enterprising citizens °minion Government, an;d. desirous of establishing Separate School ianitoba, West Huron- basno r men of such changeable vi and will return Mr. Cameron wi ad majority. have a 'flax mill established in fa wn. A stock book has been. open- go rd and Mr. George McKenzie has headed the list by subscribing for wenty shares; or $1000 of t"fhe. stock, ': ° 1e7Kenzie, in addition, offers to e a site for the proposed mill, if tient stock is subscribed.. We rstand it will be necessary that to the amount of ;6,000 be n, in order to put the enterprise good financial basis, and we t our citizens will take hold of. matter in earnest and make the posed industry a certainty. The industry has been a paying one, tothe producer and manatee- , an there is no doubt but the mere in the immediate vicinity of •n would be glad to embrace the ~tunity of raising a quanity of Last spring, when the' agitation 0 erection of ; A flax: mill in awns in progress, the in- • seed. were numerous: Our ,Z4AP. l op e2G3,.►�. th a Mr. Wm, Doig is ill with typhoid's fi een the ever. -Mr. W. A. Irwin has b appointed a -Notary Public. for. Province of Ontario. ST HELENS, Mr. Thos. Todd is placing a n sixty -horse power engine in his s mill. --A harmonica band bas b organized in the village. -.4 entertainment given by the L O. T., recently, was . a most success affair. A By -Law for the Construc- tion of Sidewalks as Local Improvements. cipal Act to theeCower og ncil of any town to provide byBy Law,passed with the assent of the electors, according to the provi- sions of the said Act, that all future ex- penditure in the Municipality for the c enatruction of sidewalks shall bo ear 'enamel assessment on the property bone aw f fitted and not exempt by law from assess - tient; ten: .And whereas. it is expedient to' pass a he by-1aw of the Town of Wingham for the G. purpose aforesaid; fill Be-it,therefore enacted by the Cor- poration of the Town of Wingham, and it is hereby enacted: 1 That all future expenditure in the Town of Wingham in connection with the construction of sidewalks shall be 'by a acid er y exempt y law from assess- es - flan:, in the manner provided for in tho oh• : ]Municipal Act. red 2 That the foregoing section of this r. by-law shall take effect on and from the first day of February, A. D., 1806, and by that this and subsequent sectio.: shall ip take effect immediately. a 3 The votes of the elector= f the sah3 Town hereon shall be take, on Monday, the sixth day of Ja.eery A. D., 189 er commencing at nin: o'cl.,k in the fore noon and closing a ti.l o'clock in th afternoon, at the f lo 'ing polling place in the said town • - d by the followin DeputyReturnin. 0$'Icars, respectively WARD 1, At Joseph Golley's Office, Viotoria street by James Pleuty, Deputy Returning Officer. At the Advance Office, Josephine street by John Cornyn, Deputy Returning { Officer, At the Town Hall, by Johnston B. Per- auson, Deputy Returning Officer. WARD 4. Ai Kormati's Butcher Shop, by William Robertson, Deputy .Returning Officer. 4 The Clerk of the Coattail alien suis up the number of votes given for anti LOWER W11'fGiIAii�i:, The following, which refers to father of Mr. J. • .W. Hagar teacher of the school in this plat we take from the Huron Exposit Another of Huron's most hong pioneers has departed this life.• 14f Septirnus Hogarth died on Tuescl , at his residence in the `townsh Stephen, near Exeter, after r1 illness of inflammation of th Ts. I tr. Hogarth was a memo brigade who were promin- ent in public Iiia some fifteen or twenty years ago, but who are now rapidly passing away. When quite a young man, iia Settled on the farm on the 2nd concession of Stephen, on which he continued to live until his death. It was then a forest, and its owner Jived to see it one of the finest homesteads in Western Ontario, Ile was not only a man who I'd well for himselod f and andsfatmily !! but he also did his share towards :, his neighbors and the public. as prominent in political, rnuni- and ;. grieultural circles, his 1 disposition and shrewd coni - Se`, snaking him a popular it man in the community: ryed ,for many years in the 11 of his lnitnieipality, and 1 times represented Stephen in olinty council. He was a con- bens - th, p l assessment on the prop t b 1s ed and not b and and business men would of (rood deal of benefit from she . hlnent of a flax industry tun it would give employment --small boys and irls—' of th rtain. season of the g now :unemployed. year,Our generally' would be y the ft= industry being ere and we hope all will as their means will tock book is at the f J r. S. Gracey, and k holders are invited as possible, As soon stock is subscribed, a shareholders will the provisional directors I Ideiw ppointed, and arrange- cipal t put the concern on a n xis, amenia pion and He se caune severs the e L 15TbT'JfiS. old, 'ti. P, for 'Vic- ceepted aseat in Cabinet as Con - Revenue, in the 1. Wood, ap. f Customs. The, have seats in the Patrons ed a. resole. y Mr. Joseph the next meet - elation, to ofessions to d abolish all dges& uron should. d keep their boodlers. constituency "Influence" eaflment Cmrdwell: in North sistent member of the Methodist aura; an active and enthusiastic Liberal in politics, and a rigid advo- cate of temperance and prohibition I�r:. a each will be a distinetive loss to ethe community where he has lived I so long. Personally, be was a true' friend, a genial, intelligent compan- ion, and in every sense of the term a worthy man. Ire leaves a. widow, five sons and two daughters, to all of whom his "death will be asad be- reavement, and an irreparable loss. Ile had passed man's allotted span, being nearly 71 years of age. Lica Stock b10,*kettr, Toronto, Ont., Dee. 17.-:.ireceipts at the Toronto Cattle market to -day were lighter, beinlog 700 sheep and lambs sandclud750 hogs. Good cattle were in better demand. There was some demand for export, and few sales were made 6, e ' j against this by-law, on Wednesday, the eighth day of January, 3896, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, at the Town Hall, in said town. • the h5 our of tenhcloc ina the forenoc at, at the said Town Hall. is hereby fixed As the. time and place for thn appointment of :screens to attend at the various. polling places and at the final summing edvynfntheafeisnetrestitielobho thpeoinc- e promoting or opposing the passage of the by-law respectively, T.1Ec NOTION That the above is a true copy of a pro- posed by-law which has been taken into consideration, and which will be lnally passed by the Council of the Munici- pality obtained t eref the to, after of one month from the first publication thereof in the \Vinklusei Trt 1�ssvcrs newspaper, the date day of December IA. D ,189 g and that the votes of tho electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on Monday, the Gth day of January,1893, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in nfoheuaey;ntho forenoonn of day8d at the hour, day and places therein Hied for taking the votes of the electors, the polls will he Betel. Dated at the '1'oWfh of Wingham, this 18th day of December, 1805. J,1rt, p'ERGUSON, Clerk. 0 VALISES, LEATHER BAGS Special Bargains all Month. GEORGE 000D THE .B EST. ---AT TIIP.- ! SMALLEST' COST EF CI NT TAILORING GENTS' FURNISHINGS • —aT i CEO. G.' .' convineinspecting ays to bny theyoo beetill be when it can be had at such a very moderate cost. Our prices cannot he, beat anywhere for good, reliable workmanship and ma- terial. A Perfect Fit and'satisfaction guaranteed. Always the latest at the lowest price in Gents Furnishings. . •. GEO. CARR, Opposite Chisholm's Drag Store, Wiugham. SAIr'vll, Great Excite AT THE. BIG C C ;) aaataa eo-fano.-cam.-aaa.ata. V1INCH4M3 GREATEST CLOTHING Ol thin , Gents' Furnish. in, Hats and Cp. Our whole stock must be sold before THE FIRST OF -FEBRUARY To snake room for our large Spring Importations. Christ- mas is corning, but JOHN RUETTEL & SONS are here to offer you the greatest bargains ever offered any- where.- Two hundred Overcoats 15o Suits in Men's and Boys', and our whole stock must Abe sold at such prices as will astonish everyone. We are bound to sell ; cone and see us, , . Men's Overcoats worth $8 for $6, worth Pio for $8, worth $i2 for $IQ; Men's Suits worth $g.5o for $8, worth $12 for $Io; Boys' Suits worth $2.25 for $r ; Men's. Suits $8.5o for $6.5o,; worth $ IO for $8, and everything at the same rate till our whole stock of winter goods is disposed of. Our motto is ----Quick sales and cheap for cash. We keep no goods from one season to another ; they must go, and our customers will get the benefit. eat IN OUR ORDERED . CLOTTING DEPARTMENT We defy competition. Our customers must be pleased and, satisfied„ In fits, workmanship and price we excel anyone in the trade. Our new. stock of Nroitn iEs, SUIRTS, HATS and CAPS has just arrived for the Xmas holidays. Come and see them. JOHN CUETTEL. & SONS, THE PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE, Macdonald :Block. WINGIIA:�I. sHESAID bi rd.1! I�''�....m�..ar ._ii��,. a2rac.�,"z:^tc.,,,��:�a>.?�"��.�4 �c..� She- would accept him if he bought jCleari]ig- the • •Sale ,,,i ki ti IA��. air Al Ir. r� it i PATTERSON'S ERSON'S If you want a ring that will wear you at life time, , 9, 3 me, buy it of PA I'TERSON' I( r opt will whisper the price to you—we have then as low as $1.25, Get up as nuickly as you can and get one *of our magnificent engage- ment rings. ` Any young lady would be -proud to wear one of them, We --- n, N gi - "It's all so Sudden"sometimes thatthe young man doesn't know where Idb' to get the ring. If you are in this b. ;y plight you may come without oris ri givings to us. We guarantee all of our goods and our guarantee is J good.j What she wants is: one of our Diamond Icings, 14 karats line. With them the style never changes. .Any young lady knows her ring will not be out -shone it it comes from ?or rine' Wauteli repairing. I defy competition. PA TTIMRSONt ''Viringham. alta rafzlt of Ilamilton, .PJ rr1 rAATGHES, CLOG}(S, -. JEWEL ` y, SILVERWARE' 9 �} FROM NOW TO JANUARY rST. n s� L r? i]. OW IS YOUR TIME TO SECURE mays. a irthday Presents COST As I and remodeling niy store all goods roust be sold that time.* by N. ;J, Repairing a Specality, Eye Sight Tested Pree, MUNSH--W, wino. The O,itiela lt. Wi The Annut Korrea 's r}i day, •T4nuary M., for the elf tors, and any come before t .. antionjtso Pre im,k, good use CANADA DI Lust Wcek'e notice' ants in ehoioe peai Mitchell, placed as ,Stenog apher inpacli nn up aid Oleo'asefstan i�v Prod, Thompson et, Doo, 13, Douglass t, wilaan, Hankin, 1.1 Chatham. it Paye -to ,At College re•epens fc Tor Catalogue of oft purtmentaaddrens, A.public Ines the Township of in ttte Foresters' Monday, De At L2 o'clock not candidates for Deputy -Reeve a the,Tear 1896, Bh ayale, Deo.1 A OH OF B BEL DAVX iwislm to announce surrotus:ding Country "^- 'or ti,cilate Jas. I3and, urge morting orders, good urine in all the GROCER We baso, just to hand x11As,Ylito0ERIES,. RAIMNS, CUR GRANGES APRIOOTS, 1'I( Beside, SUGARS, TEA SOAJ DRY GO Por the balance of the offer theffehowhmi; aim Furs, Tweeds, Di Flannels, Cot PrInelpally,offte Cele We wilt not.guote Can WM show gou th hope by far ant/ him abate of yonr,pistrona Tot REGRE If ye% don't cail you aro there, new 'nook of Whieh has just t It the most be shown in town. GROCER 440ot:opiate in ever, for you, when Yo Xmas baking. OUR TE .Are becoming 'Especially- "Sala NORMAN Motto :—Good