HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-20, Page 3rd iy Ile of )y of ry nt rs' lat ch nd d, 3s, 18,61 THE CUI4TIV. TOR 1896 Ni)A NITN1117 GCPIT6EMRN Tim HEST or TIIE AGRICULTURAL �Y WEEKLIES. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit -Growing, Live Stock and Dairying, While it also includes all minor departinents qt he Rural interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entotno"• logy, Bee Keeping, Greenhouse and Grapery Veterhi"ty Replies, Farn, Questions and Answers Fireside reading, Domestic Economy, and a summary ;he of the News of the Week. Us 51arkct Reports ar his , usually coulplto, and snuck attention is paid to the prospects of the crops, as throwing Th htupon one ost of the mos. iutportantof nil questions—when to Buy anti airs' to Slt, It its)) s libontlit' llinstrated, and ;be enntntns morn nendh,g Matter than ever boforo, Tho irk subscription rrioe is $$ 50 per year. but we offer a Special Reduction In our Lis I CL1UB RATES' FOR 1896. is , Two SnasealrTloxs, in one remittance $ 4 „ tr 10 6he Tex ow , SIx „ W. 0, T. U' COLUMN } THE IVINGIIAM' .'IMES,, DECEMBER 20, 1895, makes it quite unlit te repair the waste of the body. 4 (COyIIUCTriP BY TUE wiNGIIAir aI. sit.) u, ---Does the heart also become F'uh Clatand mw «u Nettii'e Lancs." 1diseased. _N. A. --•-Yes, It begins to beat ir- Ive cult the atleutlan, of the mothers Ruhl sisters regularly. Its walls become weaken - to the fact, that the Woman's Christian Temper - !wee Union meets tho third Monday overt'ntontit ed and worn out, and its valves at three o'clock sharp, for ono hour, at Mrs, lieltn's diseased. Many people die from 'residence, Patrick street. Ail ladles ore made wol• heart diseases produced by drink. parvo. As the Editor has kindly (riven us part of his ( —What other diseases does 'apace, for our work, we ask friends of the cause to alcohol produce?pond hems of interest on ail moral questions oP the day to any of our menibere. A. ---Consumption and other diseases _..-, m.-.__ -- -- of the lungs.. ratty changes in the THE FATHER'S cEstlorr, muscles, producing dropsy and other fatal diseases, Indeed, alcohol A little, lad satin his own high chair, makes every part of the body sick, from head to foot and snakes a man half dead while he is yet alive. Q.—What, then, is the only safe thing t0 do about alcohol,? A.—To let it entirely alone. Q.—May we not take a little safely? A.—No, for it is the nature of a little alcohol to produce an appetite for more. 't ,t 15 gn tree To all New Subscribers for 1806, paying In syn, advance now. we will send the paper weekly, from our receipt of the remittance, to January let 1806 :in- without charge. his K 'SPrCIMEM COPIES FEEL'. Address rsi LUTHER TUCKER S� SON, Publishera, tell Albany, N. Y. as; er, 'Ler Ick HALSTE SCOTT the i�.�- lon , • Josephine Street • - '!Bingham, Ont 3W, I J. A. I{ALST5D, eSS, Mount Forest. les' !Deposits Received and Interest :cal 1 allowed. J. W. Score, Llstowo ive Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, 'I'm On long or short time, on' endorsed notes of or collateral security. Sale notes bought toss at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all fish parts of Canada at reasonable charges. sus. Special Attention Given to Col - be letting Accounts and Notes. it is d." )nd of Canada. lose yell Agents In Canada—Tho Merchants' Bank ani - the for- 'azusimusamanaorm Offico Hours—From 0 a, m, to 5 p. ni A. E. SMITH, Agent. h� Can r etionN Valuable treatise and tw;4bottlea a medicine sent Free to and any Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address. T A. SLOCUM CHEMICAL 001, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. ins :old nth end 'his few Dne tliti- for low- atly lr a cca- put ery- but st I )nth ob- had sdy, tical at ;ore, Bad ;lish old 'ave heir ikes of one lark , as lave ion, Inds pled and ,.test has ;ban ?ills tury 'idly 10ng d a 1 011 1 be the Itaci.•.1.c.to, ix'ceee-A.cfrr. Sciatic ;neuralgic Jnsti: o. L�:tln 115 the Sidle, etc, Promptly IlvIleved Iwo' Cared by ' u reiithc Master nnving'used your J. & L. l,•tnthnl Plaster for selm'n fin In ilt 11:o loth sod lumbago. I unhesitatingly re, mamma r ;on ,as n. Ito smn and rapid r,•nlr.ty hPlot, leey nctltLe tnag[a—A. LArtaxii L t :aloud...1m. Out. Price irks, DAVIS fc LA.WRE' Ce. CO., LTD. Proprietors, [M•.l r»rat, t1:°1,b ee\a��'fi'ks'4vh;L434e� ti py 7f L,%f°'' ' w. •1 fir "iv Tho most prompt pleasant and per. feet cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cnt' t, Quinsy, Pain in the Chest atcd nil Throat, EBronchia: and Lung f)iscados. `.Che pestling anti -consumptive virtttes of the. Norway Pine are combined in this medicine with W.1.1 Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and itaisums to inttke a true specific for oil £nrtns of disease originating front [.olds. Price 25c. attd roc. it in lobes • the VES RELIEF. z The modern stand- ard. Family Medi- cine: dicine: Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. Y Blue were his eyes and golden is has), ; But the sunny smile had Lown from his face, And an ugly frown had taken its. place. The table was laden with dainty food, ' But nothing could tempt his naughty snood; His tumbler sparkled with water clear, While that of his father was filled with beer, There ]ay the grievance; and soon he said (With a saucy toss of his curly head :) "I metvn to grow up as fast as I can, And I'll always drink beer when I'm a man!" But the mother's cheek grew bland with fear, And she glanned from her boy to the glass of beer ; Till now it had only a beverage been, But her eyes were opened, and lurking within. She saw the germs of folly and crime, apidly swelling 'neath the touch of time ; iding all trace of a once good name, Beveling iu a drunkards's shame. She glanced at her husband; his face was sad, • The willful words of his little lad Had reached his heart ; ands he stopped to think : 410 God I ani I tempting my boy to drink ? "In me it awakens no craving for more, And stronger spirits I loathe and abhor ; But nay son may be tempted though„ I be strong, And through my example he may go wrong. "Please God, he shall never be able to say -- began to love it when, day by day, I saw any father Ms tumbler fill, And knew that in him it worked no ill.' " Then, meeting the anxious gaze of his wife, "Will yon join," said be, in a pledge for life, For the sake of our child, and because it is right To shield his life from drink's ourse and blight?" So the pledge was signed ; and that lurking fear Vanished for aye with the glass of beer. And the boy grew up to make them blest, And took for his motto, "water is best." —K. E. C. CONTINUOUS SUP S'ERING 0 NNECESSARY. WASHINGTON LETTER,. 1oeioty ! Good Rules, and House,Shut every door after you without 'WHAT THE. FASHIONABLE'S OF THE NATION'S CAPITAL AIBE TIHINKING ABOUT. ONE OR TWO DOSES • OF SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TINE MOST DIS- TRESSING CASES OF KIDNEY TROUBLE. A NEW CATE::HISM. I. LESSONS IN SCIENTIFIC TEMPERANCE By 'AIRS. HOWARD M. INGHAM.— DISEASES CAUSED BY ALCOHOL. Question—What part of the body alcohol � � - - • - - Tl brain. It Seeing to dish. Then she saw that instead of Gould, and the recklessness of a One of the customs of life at the Nation's Capital which a housekeeper, o the especially when she hails from le north, is obliged to get accustomed to is the one which fixes up the fall rather than upon the spring as the proper period for going into a new home or establishing the household gods. As a rule the term of the rental season for .the begins • and ends in the fall,. and it is at thus sea- son of the year that good housewives perplex their brains with intricate questions of how to make the house interior look as good as new at the lowest possible expenditure of money. ..There is of course a species of housecleaning in the spring but it It is fallacy to argue one's self into the belief that suffering when it comes upon us must be patiently endured. Usually suffering can be removed, if one knows of the means and way. Much suffering is borne by those, who are tt'ouble with kidney disease. The distress at times is keen. But in South Ameri- can Kidney pure,. medicine that is a kidney specific and nothing here though nothing less, a sure, safe and speedy remedy. . is to be found. Relief is sure in less than six hours. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store, Wingham. slamming it.. Never shout in the house. Never call to persons upstairs or in the next room ; if you wish to speak to them, go to. then). Always be kind and polite to the servants. When told to do or not to clo a object, 'ect thing by either parent, never b� , but obey cheerfully. You may tell of your faults and misdoings, but not those of your brothers and sisters,. Carefully clean your shoes before entering the house, Be prompt at every meal hour. Never sit clown at the table or in the parlor with soiled bands or dis- heveled hair. Never interrupt a conversation. Be equally polite at home and abroad. Short Journeys on a Loiig Road consists mainly in taking down hang- Is the characteristic- of a profusely inns and taking up carpets and rugs. i illustrated book containing over one o hundred pages of charmingly written and in fact Stripping the interior of dnseriptions of summer resorts in the everything except the articles of fur- niture of barest necessity. There is nothing left to obstruct the passage- way of air through the window openings and through the rooms, and in fact after the spring undressing, as it may be termed, the house has a cooler appearance, and this is a great, consideration in a climate where hot weather Fartically continues for five or six months. Abraham Lincoln's Peach. A young lady sends to the Chicago Tribune a little anecdote of Abraham Lincoln. She says that . a good many years ago, when her father was a• small' boy her 'grandfather brought Abraham Lincoln home one night to supper. He was then a poor young man practicing law in Woodford county, I11. It was a cold, stormy night, and grandma hurried around getting supper: To have something nice, she opened a jar of preserved peaches. Lincoln spent a long time over his peaeh, and finally left it on the plate. Grandma noticed this, and as soon as 'he and grandpa had gone into All the furnishings and bric-a-brac which is now required in a fashion- able ashion able interior are stowed away, and the winter clothes are also packed out of sight. and camphor is •used freely. The family, •or such frag- ments of it as remain in the city dur- ing the summer, then proceed to "camp out"`in the denuded house: Everybody of course is net out of town during the summer, although that is the common belief. A great many people spend the large pro- portion Of the heated term in the city and enjoy the comforts ot'their home. But whether they gay away or remain the practice of preparing the house, for the summer, 'as ' above described, is a universal one. country north and west of Chicago. The reading matter' is new, the illustrations are new. and the information therein will be new to almost everyone. A. copy of "Short Journeys on a Long Road" will be sent free to anyoue who will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to Gro. H. 13CAFFORD, General' Passenger Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Chicago',, Ill, It can be readily understood that the task which confronts the house-, keeper on her return to the city in the fall is a rather formidable one. This is what the society leaders are looking forward to,now. It is pos- sible that the furniture and hangings which are taken down in the spring will not be suitable for use during another' 5CMQ1.P, They must be re, placed. does especially poison? • another room she welt to look at th9 Unlebs one has the fortune of a Answer—The ra is 'r a great deal a fly through the body to reach the a peach she had given the visitor the "coal oil Johnny, g' brain just as quickly as possible. little muslin sack which contained Q.—Does alcohol produce real the peach kernels and the spice. disease of the brain? She hastened into the other rno m " A.—Yes, by taking away the and began an apology, necessary moisture from the brain, it Lincoln said: in time produces a brain paralysis, "That was all right, Mrs. ' Perry. when the person ceases to know or to feel, and loses all control over his movements. By the weakening of the blood vessels it often produces apoplexy, some little blood vessel bursting and allowing the blood to flow out into the substance of the Mrs. Roadhouse, of Williseroft P. brain. By the crowding of the blood 0., Out.; writes : I have used Dr. vessels it produces other dangerous Agucw's cure fur the leas since f h heart diseases. Q.—Can the mind remain healthy and active in such a condition of the brain ? A.—Certainly not, since the brain is the organ of the mind. A little alcohol is often seen to affect the mind very strongly, the person be- ,. , .teoming very silly or very cross and angry. He laughs or cries or raves, saying things that are not true and imagining all sorts of foolish. things. Q. --What often happens if he con- tinues to drink ? A.—Often he becomes quite insane, and in his madness injures or' per- haps kills some one whom, when in his right mind, he loves. Q.—Have we any proof that al- cohol often produces lasting insanity? A. ---Yes, the records of the asylums prove this. In one asylum it was found that forty out of every hundred persons admitted had beeome insane through strong drink. Q.—What other diseases does alcohol produee ? A.—By its poison in the stomach it 1 produces terrible ulcers. Itso hardens the food that it cannot be digested, and so burdens and weak- ens the poor stoinaeh till it can do almost nothing of the work it 'vas made to do. • - Q, ----What does it do to the blood? A.—It steals the water from the blood, kills the little air cells, and soetbiwg syrup, and take •no other kind. My mother used the same thing, and it was so good that I wanted to get 1 the home coming of . the society all the juice out of it. leaders marks the beginning of a time of considerable anxiety and a Death Seem.od Preferab_ le to the I good deal of hard work. This con- Agomzing n. dition is common to all, whether they are at the head of a large establish- ment or one of rather humble dimen- sions. last fall, having taken in all. nine I The fall months in the ,experience bottles, and I now feel entirely like, of the people who adorn the social another woman. I am 54 years old, circles of the Nation's capital.is the and have been troubled with heart period of preparation, and also one disease for more than twenty years ; of enjoyment of the superb weather sometimes for five hours at a time which is suffering such agony that death seemed preferable to the pain. The cold sweat would stand out in , great beads upon my.face. The Heart Cure gave me relief from ahnost the first dose and has proved a great blessing. "You are at liberty to publish this letter if you think by so doing any good may be accomplished: Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store, Wingham. The Important Part. A. young typewriter had just been hired by a prominent lawyer. She had never done regular work before, and was somewhat nervous. The lawyer settled himself back in his chair and began dictating from mind a brief. He had pegged away for about five minutes, when the girl stopped, with a•horrified look on her face. "What's the matter?" asked the. lawyer. . "Would you mind saying that.all over again ?" the girl asked, with eyes full of tears. "Why?" , "I forget to put any paper on the machine !"—Syracuse Post. time and thought must be devoted to the fitting up of a house for the fall and winter season. It may be neces- sary to secure a new corps of ser- vants and to make other changes in the domestic arrangements. All this requires personal supervision, and What is R i t��\�'tic'\��c'Q�.��`��1��"��"i�a`�+w''a�i r — Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and .Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute • or Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 011. g ears' use by It is Pleasant.,Its guarantee is thirty y Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, 'cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relievers, "teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Case toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Criteria is an excellent medicine for chil- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good Wets, upon thulr children." Du, G. C. ()swoon, Lowell, Ilene. " Castoria fe the bent remedy for children of which I uta aequain:ed. limp's the day fd t.ot. far clatant whtnmothers will consider tiwreal interest of their children, au.1 use C.sturi.t (.,- stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying heir loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby send.h ahem to preseason+ graves." Ca. J. 1'. R1Nor1ELog, Castoria. "Cam -torts rs so well adapted to cb ThL en that I recommend it. as superior teauy prtascription known t0 MO," .11. A. Anorren, M. D., 111 So. Oxford St., s.,roottlyn, tL Y. " Our playsleiaac in the children's depart. iut:ns },:.v apu:ten highly of their expert. .nue ha their outside pr.sctiao wdb. Cactor'la, ,:tl ,.itbour.h wo only have among our iutvlicat supplies what is known as regular products, lot we are free to c.)nf+:d that the merits of C'astoria has woe t,a to 1t�::. With ...nun i.," t. �.....i) ZV:.:•:T.,L ...,P DIs'a)iaaav, Boston, flan?. - Conway-, art , 1 ALLEN C. SMITH, Pres., The Cefotan' Cempnny, ' f Merray Street., New Yn !s. .-ser..e°"'1a+. ' 14,7.r "ti�ri.;gri "�" • i ' rz�r" •`.� �. "rens - {r„, ,.4 j'•; a INIManlillaNOWNIMMIIMMOZNEKR FITSi r ; Talaakle treatise and bottle of nedloine sent Prep to, rosy 'offerer. Give axpren. tad rout Otlee edema.. `f100T, M.C„ 158 wqt adetatde Atreet, 'jer.a,M .Ont. ,—e,..re.,,, A. Significant Departure. With the departure of another year when a review is made of the condition of affairs, it is only right that some thought be given to the physical body which enables everyone to battle with life's problem and figure for themselves the profit or loss on the trial balance sheet. Though the bank account may be large and each one's material gain be great,. it would not be surprising if it suddenly dawns upon many that good health has been greatly impoverished by the low vog411ti011 of the kloed, It is in this state that the lactic acid in the vital fluid attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly -the joints, making known the local manifestations of rheumatism. Thousands of people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla the great blood purifier, a positive and permanent cure for rheumatism. Neither Actor nor Gentleman. It is stated that the costs to be paid by Mr. George Tucker- in con- nection. with the West Wellington election protest and appeal will amount to. nearly $3,000. Heart Disease ,Relieved In 30 Minutos.—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic- heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag- new's Ours, Sold at Ohreholm'a Drug tore, Wingham. usual at that time of the year. The social season, however, does not open until after gives January u I 1st, when the President it re- ception to the Diplomatic Corps, the 'Members of Congress, and the rest of the world. This is the signal which sets going the wheels of society, and from that time until Lent there is a constant round of parties and receptions and teas whieh occupy fully the time and attention of; those who indulge in this sort of life. In the fall of the year, however, one may witness in Washington the business side, as it may be termed, of society life, and the conversation of those who are the social leaders is apt to be mainly of prices and their troubles and tribulations with paper -hangers, furniture men and decorators. Por Bronehitia, CittinEnrrit4,•u--Vice half° Deed Yellow Oil as a family remedy for Bronchitis with every seecesa. My husband also used it for a still' Huger that he thought he would never be able to use again, but it is now as well as ever through using Hagyard a Yellow Oil. Mas. D. <1• W Whitehall P. o., Ont. WELL1 WELL I ANOTHER • DRUG STORE 1H WHiGHAM! runs it? Gordon Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. i3yr load Meme specie There had been a caller at the boarding house of the ingenue of a season while she was doing the theatrial exchanges, and she was catechising the maid. "Dirt you ask him to leave his name, Marie ?" "Yes, lnurn ; but be said you would'nt know hint by it." "Maybe he's changed it." ;,.Yes, mum." "Did he look like an actor, or just a gentleman ?" "Neither, mum ; he was very nice; he said he' was a newspaper man." "Oh, pshaw ! That's too bad ! I'm almost sure he wanted my picture for the paper." Who Co, FOR SALE. .a t•olsipieta brick 0,1tta,se in the Town o( Vs'u,„haut, uu ll Ionia street, one of tits' Iet),st tlesirtblei streets for a residence. Boated by a furnace; it large wood shed, with hard anti sort water i11 wood. shed; - t1 ;:tells Pt.ilhie. '1'h1, lot has fi5 feet front- age tants run» 1.15) feet back to a lane. rant easy. Api+ly to JOHN NEEL.5NDS, Wingham. ZETLAND SAW MILL GORGE THOMSO 4, Proprietor: Where is it? Queen's Hotel. Why will it pay the pet )I . to patronize it? Because every- thing verything is new. No old stock Wer Over IF'lfty VOat$ Ate 0L4 AND Watt•ratnn Rlsaanv..-Airs. Wins• sews St:othing Syrup has been use for over fifty years by millions etinothers for their children while teething, with portoet success. It soothes the child, sotfens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo, and is the heat remedy for Ularrheea. is pietuantto the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the won't. 1'wo» tv.11ve cents• a bottle. Its value la. tncidettlable, xis sure and ask for Alrt. IWinslow's Opposite the .r. A graduate of the 0. C. P will be in constant attendance Prices right. We will be pleased to set our old customers and as mall; new ones as will favor us a call. Plan Facts, Burdock Blood Bitters purifies, reno- vates and regulates the entire system, thus curing Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Rheuma- tism, Dropsy, and all diseases of the stomach, liyer, kidneys and bowels. It also removes from a common pimple to the worst scorfulous sore. Said a little boy, who, during a visit to Florida, was obliged to drink condensed milk, "Mamma, Z just wish that condensed cow would die's When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she Cried for Castorid. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. 'When she had Children, she gavoth, nn Castorla, GORDON & CO.. Winghatr• WOOD delivered to any part of W fish, rrrOrdorsby mail promptly attend eo GEORGE TROMSO Box 125, Wingham. Parmorzl Look atk ELLIOTT BROS., of the Win�ehnu Brickyard, have lots of BRICK. It•,t DRAIN TJLE on band, It ,s said the other parties are selling at rectus r•i prices, but we cannot be undsretrlil and our brick and tile are its sxtt,11 as any made in the nrovinc'o. We can sell by the car load or 10,0i'd) 12,000 tile fully as low as can he r•'r- ohased anywhere. We have also ;, , quantity of all kinds or lumber f„r J..& E. ELLIOTT. Wingham, 111 ay 16, 18115. 'Dont Tob0eoo Spit or Smoke Tour Life Away. x the truthful. startling title of r hook about No -T6. IANC, the barmiest, guaranteed I Abatelhhnites ure Cure hracelt up nicotinixcd us+ Vet, c nicotine poison, ,nnkcs weak ;nen gain `strongtlt, v'itYor And manhood, You inn 110 physical Or linen” dial risk, as \o•Tn.Bao is sold under ruarantec to elite e oedyy, money7. St. Pail St., Meatiest Sold by, C. X. Williams, Wingham. VERY FAVI] - SHOULD KiiOW THAT 4i t•t Is a very ronratkablo remedy, bot TER1tP s and 11:XTR ?r/ .3 ttte.. derful lu its gnl..k action to Tti' PAIN -KILT. i if drier?c, Chill,,, jet,it1'bt n, 4�e ;r•,:tci• pkIN,C'iiuler.a, •Std alt t.owU t c u i..Suts. ttlei:iia•as, Rheic 65eatt;nu ub, /sae!,ur <'.i,,r, 8Ylactts.ttt:..,it10 AZat r'. Tt i, 1st Pry ' n i 1n ail ,canary ,• 1 t asa:+:,.u, 4t1:.:,. �: 1.1'4'178: oy; n 4, l•I P 1'li 7"111 -PT) Q ' ,t� At .tixa.o-tn t tuirIl ''w .5 fn tall c4+earn wn,t.n:r a ) a and ,.spy x+l t' O it,terl_:..-.f0 r Cttt �t Itf Uf soups, h, p,,.,,,,n t,r maitatiolm "l1: n "YbRl;Y ILtVglots Sod ,Very, 1 r A Blessing to Every Househol HOLLOWAY'S PiLLS AND OIN These remedies have 6tbea the test''•SC fifty yearske ly experience, and gee prbnottnced t Ti -i: IpiLtas Purify the bleed, cometdisorders et the dMllrgos 'AZ5 invaluable 'in all to females ettan 0I11911-1111131\1"1, liable YOYaedy tor had egs, Surra, Woos, and eld weurldit. FOR C*Xt Uile d),AuES THROATS, to GHS r0L159,. GOUT, ltPEUMATISM, t1LADUtAR SWEI 1T Balm EQUAL. Mseutabtured only tit 'id,, haw oxiofd. Laic t>ti, Oxf and sold by all 1Cedlcine Vendors throutkheut the: vvt+rtd. tl"I'arehaserd should: loot( to the Label ou the Dox601 a.ttd fats. If t,'. 1im tarty M stionli. tigri ii n ]5 58$ Oxford S1rbFt, fatly r �'