HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-20, Page 2ado} the euunet. truth': . 1. Lett lie town ball, k a, ft., on Taber. Warden ed the chair. The and all the members nt except Messrs. Saun- 'eene, The minutes of meeting were ream and The Warden addressed Morri:r r, Huron arbi- h i THE. W1NGIIAM TIMES, IES, DECEMBER 20, 1896, slit( some I bridge, early ,into a Pollee Village and assigning .iu• tin •!x 1" is's (arid a thereto as its limits the lands men - `lq r» over thts liaytiel(, river, al, bridge boned in the petition and that the - - • lof Police Trustees for . lnT > e Line infirs erection I llc over at `lc,.l, on elle , 1 t tile t,ltvnship of Flay, also a bridge such village take place at Joseph over the. Maitland river on • the Stephens wagon shop in the said Collate boundary between the village and that Samuel Caldwell be tutvnship, of Ilowirk and Minto. I the returning officer therefor, 11n :•t, cul responded with the warden In reference to the communications id' the County of Wellington about from the Counties of Perth and Nor- ! cilia bridge. lie expressed their folk, we recommend that no action i '"'to have it rebuilt. at an NI ^ UL'$ earl Haste. Cedar would be quite f County. Solicitors and atlit•tblu for the bridges I have men- minutes o : the Warden's committee, tioned. I think It would be well to dealing with the Morris. v. Huron hove tenders ready so that the arbitratitien.•—Scut to Special Caul. I eentra'.te could be awarded at your lllitt`•ce. next January meeting. There will 2.'h.. ClerkCounty sent I, ssmall '1 Cul 1. of Perth C ttlttC . n ,Tint lilzely bt. ,Data more stns 1 Memorial, seeking amendments to 1 bridges to rebuild during the year j the (liar(►epi and Water Courses Act ,f• t8; ;, but I think it would be well and asking that this Counell co. t to weir,until we know the results of operetta' in getting sue!).change.---! the freshets that might occur before • Referred to Special Committee. t uudertatking any more than those 3, 1•'reei John Lorree & Co., asking mentioned, Cannell to purchase a business direc- tory. --Filed. 4. Memorial frim Silnncoe County re protectionof municipalities in Acase,s of aceideutst,n public highways. Special Committee. 1t.snaorial from Norfolk County :re. 1.lendary line trips. ---Special 'Coli :.-„,cc. $ ' .,ataunicatiion from Secretary News -Record, $1; Town of Clinton, of Est.. Ilurou Teachers' Association .$15.25 ; Wino i am TIMES, $5; Cars- re gra^`.—*Execulire Committee. well tS Co.. sta(tites, $71.55 ; freight, A petition. from residents of Helnsl ll 82e, ; W. Leen coal, $1206.50 ; do , asking that a by-law be passed erect- $24.40'; burial of S. Fisher, county ing the village of IIensall into a ward, $15 ; Fraser•&.Porter, $60,40; Police Village.—Special Committee. telephone account, $10; J. Stoder, 'Some fortyonb accounts were $1.50; John Butler, $45 ; G. Porter, read and referred to Finance Com- $116.77 ;.. express, 75e ; D. McGilli- mittee. cuddy, $2; telephone account, 60c; Communieatio from Judge Doyle F. G, Neelin, on account $50. re providing a room for Law Library I COUNTY PROPERTY REPORT and agrant tower d the establishing was adopted asfollows :—In regard f reporto ?'> o f such a Library.—Executive Com-' to the Special Conitnittee mittee. it•IN.13:CE REPORT. The Finance Committee report was adopted a}}',, follows : W. Smith, 1;3.50; R. Hefiderson, $2.60 ; G. N. ',)avis, 60c. ; do., $17.20 ; W. M. Creatb, $8.40 ; D. Robb, $6.75 ; J. E. Tom, $6.23 ; A. Wallace, $1 ; Exeter Advoeaute, $1 ; New Era, $11.34; Brussels Post, M5; Huron appointed at la$ June session for the ing to repairs on water closets and e beg to recommend ed. --Special COmmittee. ;that the report f said Special Corn - Report of Gaoler Dickson, rend as mittee, which is attached herewith, follows, was suit to Property Com-', be accepted, fully believing that the et mittee : i same has been properly • attended to GOALER'S REPORT. I by then(. Herewith I submit for your con•; In regard to the Gaoler's report, sideration my report of the state of dated December 4, . we beg to report ! as fellows: Thep the order for cloth - your county goal, also of prisoners at I ing approved of by Robert Gibbons, present in custody. The water Slterlff, be gr.lifted and his closets and drainage as ordered at ' S ort les coca'( the goal thatbe hes your January session have been com- i p p Committee ce ►ted, as your Committee has not plated and so far have given entire ; 1 hod an npportuulty of inspecting the satisfaction. I may say that I have i had a careful supervision over the ' g p „<tl 'r durinthis scsstun of Council. .closets to see if there were any, .1'rTICUED REPORT. defect and have found none. The I Your Coninlittee have examined dobr on the east side of the gaol and i the doors and gates in the jail and the gate leading to. the outer wood- I find them properly repaired ; also yard have both been carefully and the eonnections to the water pipes satisfactorily repaired. We have at land closets properly put in with resent fifteen prisoners in custody,' proper flush to pit. rteen males and one female, the i We have examined the Court atter, May Gibson, is under sentence 1 House and find the roof repaired r 30 days as a vagrant. She comes i with new slate and the stairway from Brussels. Three of the males i leading to the garret has been put insane. They have all been ex-' in • also windows placed in gable ined and are awaiting removal to! ends of building and necessary re - asylum. One roan for absence! pairs to brick work completed. In the House of Refuge is under ICOMMXTTEE'S ROAD AND BRIDGE tence for 20 days, the remaining are all committed as vargrantsRPORT. , erms from 3 to 3 months with i Adopted as follows :—We have ex - labor as folows:—James Mar- amined the County Commissioner's Blyth ; Hugh .McPherson, Dun- report of work ` done and orders on ; Daniel Desmond, Cornwall ; issued on the Cle k since June meet - as Clark, London ; Joseph Day, ing and recommend said report to be ark Falls ; 'Vhomas Ryan, Chat- printed in minutes. ; George Wilson, Hamilton ; We recommend that the Commis - Roberts, 'Stratford ; George sinner ask for 'tenders for cedar bridges over Maitland River between the townships of•'Howick and Minto and have the wine hnilt as early as possible next spring; providing, however that the County Council of Wellington ;iav'hnlf the cost. Report from 1+Sheriff Gibbons 1•e : purpose of atter appointment 'of matron for county Court house an goal in place of Mrs. Dickson, deceas-'mains at .goal, v burial ground on. the Industrial Tho Anniversary of the Standard Farm. Your Committee would I Dictionary. further recommend that the Inspee i The Funk & Wagnalls. Company tor furnish thefollowing es,',celebrated An Novembertubal ,7th, he Light sleigh, long flat lounge, two',first anniversary of the eoinpletion of large tables for day rooms and i their "Standard Dietionary,'t by rubber hose necessary for fire pro• putting to press the 90th thousand of tection, and further that the Inspee=.I this great work, This is a very tor be granted power to hire such !large number of dictionaries to print. help as in his opinion is necessary, !in a single year, The publishers' In the report is included accounts of mathematician has figured out that, be taken. In reference to the coin- furnishings, &e., which amount to if these 90,000 sets were piled, flat municatl:on of Sheriff' Gibbons as to $1,881,45. one upon another, they would reach the appointment of Mrs, Logie as Moved by Mr. McEwen, seconded nearly seven miles in height; and Matron to the goal, we recommend by Mr. Geiger, that the appropria. the printed pages, if laid end to ono', that the same be filed. tion to the County wards terminate would extend over 40,000 miles, In reference to the County Soliel- on the 16th of Nov., 1895 --Carried, tor's letter as to the case of Morris Moved by V. Ratz, seconded by vs. Huron, we recommend that the T. Kar, that this council most highly Solicitor,, having given the nature of 3 '1management g nd the appeal to tile. Divisional Court approve of the Refua from. the 'admment of Chief Justice labors of the I3ottse of Refu„e Coln- e Meredith, he proceed with such ap- mittee, and we believe the members peal adud Abe thewithjudgment of the of the said committee deserve the iisional Courts highest praise for the way they have displayed their able management in REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE connection with the erection of the was read and adopted as follows :— House of Refuge.; --Carried, In reference to the letter from Air. Moved by W. H. Kerr, seconded Scott asking for the grant for the by B. S. Cook, that this council East Huron Teachers' Associationp1esent Mr. Eilber with the sum of for 1894, we recommend that $25 bo I $25, as a return for the arduous and paid as that is the statutory amount. Re request fi om the President of the Huron Law Association asking for aceolllmodation for Library, we would recommend that the room at present used as a Grand Jurors,room be granted to the Association for a House of Refuge be empowered to Libra'. room as the] a is another receive inmates into the House who energetic servie' s rendered during the present year kis. ehairman of the House of Refuge Committee.— Carried. Moved by H, Eilber, seconded by Mr. Holt, that the Inspector of the Ids, St.Marys; Robert Wallace, rslnith ; all committed from rich. All are ablebodied then two, .James Marshall, 71 years who was sentenced to gaol to ards removed to the House go, and Daniel Desmond, 11, who is in bad health. A We also reeninniend that the Com- missioner eel: far tenders for cedar n for 6 suits of men's gaol bridge and abutments for Turner's nd cloth for two dozen bridge over the; Bayfield river, and a certified to by the Sheriff'. bridge over a geek on the Sauble ooney—That this Council line in the township of Hay and have teased to haves statement the same built early next staring. Treasurer of the total REPORT OF tiPECIAL CCMATITTltu. on expended in con- The report of the ?special Conn• h t e erection of the mittee was adopted as follows :--In vin t and that the reference tothe petition ass a esu e, en c • demand on the have Hensall aed a Police V111tt e , tore for grant; also reeornmencl that the by-law of 1884 rer prepare a state- repealed, also eeommend that a by- hithertofore paid, $8,100.00; balance eth Will be defieient law be passedyereeting the village of still due contractor, 81,939.27, mak- room vacant that Grand Jurors' rc In reference t the Association t conld be used as a om. the grant asked by wards the purchase of the Library,wp would recommend no• action, In reference to tenders for wood for jail we would recommend that the tender of Wm. Vanstone be accepted as it Is tate lowest. ROUSE OF REFUGE REPORT. The House of efuge . committee. report was adopte as follows : I That the contract for the erection 1 of the barn hes been completed, and that the work has been passed by the Architects, and the building taken off the contractor's hands and paid for. That during thle month of October the wind mill wilis damaged by a storm, your col imittee holding a guarantee from the company that de a are in a position if to pay for main- tenance, or have iafriends or munici- palities willing to pay for them, at such weekly payments as the Inspec- tor may deem advisable, not less than $2 per week, such 'persons, nevertheless, shah only be accepted and kept in the Hosue so long as there is ample room in the building ; the Inspector to use proper safe- guards in all eases of this nature.— Carried. erected the sam at demand on them o repair the dam- aged edparts. We are.leased to sa :, ,Y p that the company':complied with our request and that re same was re- paired without coto the County., Your committee have furnished the building as per instructions re- ceived from yoa last June and the cost of the respective furnishings will be found by referring to the list of accounts herewith audited by your committee. Youe committee have made arrangements with the. Bell Telephone Co. fop'. connection with the House of Refuge for a' term of three years at a etist of $60.00 per annum. Your eortmittee considered the advisability allaying down some rule as to what clothing the inmates should be in pnsseSsion of when re- ceived by the Kee r into the House and therefore instrt ted the Keeper to receive no roma s unless in pos- session of two snits R of underclothes, one pair of good boots and shoes,, and that every inmate should have the privilege to bring one trunk. one bureau, one chair and nothing else without the recommendation of the Reeve of the municipality' which sends the inmates, and all such goods shall he subject to the approval of the Keeper or Inspector. Fowler & Fowler, Architects. of tbe Rouse of Refuge. having rep ►rted to this com- mittee that S. S. Ceoper, contractor, has completed the11 erection of the House of R.efnge .according to the contract, and further reported as to amount of extra work done by the Contractor as well las the cost thereof, your committee would respectfully recommend the following settlement with the Contraetziir :—'The contract price as per tender' being $9,874.00; amount of extras, 795,27; amount county indebtedness I•Tensall into it Pollee Village and of this year are paid. assigning thereto as its limits the lands mentioned In the, petition and 's; Ra An AND ',BRIDGE that the firrit election for Police Trustees for Sixth 'village take place oner Ansley re - of $8525.06 and 0. The report roveinents and &red have been my building ve+ry'' good state time I be- ry I think a - nditurt' of $5,2 The im have or The at school house number 10 on the Main 'Street ilt said village and that John, Blatchford be the returning officer therefor. In reference to the petition asking that Manchesr be erected into a . executed by the Police Village a recommend that al "Warden of this by-law be pAzi, by this Council mittee would erecting the village of Manchester Inspector and ing a total of 4110,669.27. Your committee would txespeetfully recom- mend that the above sum be paid to the contractor, and the work taken as completed,ur eomnnittee have made arrangeintits with the Clinton Electric Light (jhOmpany to light the building for a t ni of five years, and a contract h been drawn up by the County Hefter, and duly Committee and” the 'ttnty. Your Com•• itcomend that the caretaker select a Moved by Mr. Watson. seconded by Mr. McLean, that the hearty thanks of the members of this council be tendered to the Mayor, council and citizens of the Town of Clinton, for their exceedingly kind and courteous treatment to this council during the present session, in pro- viding thele a convenient place for transacting their business, and en- tertaining them to a complimentary concert and bantquet, the clerk to send a copy of this resolution to the Mayor.—Carriedf Moved by W. H. Kerr, seconded by Mr. Watson,y. that this council express its regrets in parting with stalwart County Councilors in the persons of Reeves Ratz, of Stephen, and Cook, of Howick, in their deci- sion to retire from municipal life, and desire to place on record our high esteem for these ;gentlemen, as we have proved thelp tobe faithful servants to theirtrespective munici- palities, and the county at large.— Carried. '. This concluded the labors of' the council. one and three fifths tunes around the globe! But the most significant of the triumphs of the first year of this remarkable dictionary, and themost gratifying to Americans, is the wonderful reception given the work by the most exacting of the linguis- tic critics in England. Especially is this so when we remember how reluctant, naturally enough, the English .are to look to a foreign country for a dictionary of their own tongue. It is something extraordin- ary for an American work of this kind to elicit words of such enthusi- astic praise as those uttered by such scholars of the Oxford University as Professor Sayee and Max Muller, and well known scholars of other English universities, and from such journalistic critics as those of the London Standard, Saturday Review, Notes and Queries, Nature, London Times, Westminster Review, Atheneum, Mark Lane Express, Scotsman, Liverpool Post, St. James' Budget. The latter closes his critical review with the following superlative indorsement : PRIEST AND PA€tISHIONER. MISS MAGGIE MELODY, OF HAMILTON, USED DR. AGNEW'S CELEBRATED CATARRHAL POWDER, ON RECOM- MENDATION 01" REV. FATHER HINCHEY, AND 1¢OUND IT A GRAND REMEDY FOR INFLUENZA. Having himself been benefited by the use of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, Rev. Father Hinehey, of St. Joseph's Church, Hamilton, Ont., followed the counsel of the good ie news to others. ers, Miss Maggie a sufferer from r Hinehey knew his remedy had ' done in ease of colli in the head with himself, and recommended it to Miss Melody for her case, who, over her own signature, has written: "I have used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder for influenza and found it a grand. remedy. In feet it gave me relief almost at once. allu I can with pleasure 0 highly recommend it to all who are suffering from. this malady." One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in ten minutes' and perma- nently cures eatarrh,hay fever,colds, headache, sore throat,tonsllitis and deafnesi.• 60 cents. Sample bottle and Blower sent on receipt of two 8.cetlt stamps. S. G. Detehon, 44 'Church. St., Toronto. Sold aft Chisholm's Corner Drug Store, Wingham. book, and carried . One of his parishio Melody, had bee influenza, Fath how much good 18:31 THF OULTIV,A.TOR 1890 COVNi Y NTLAll TIin Bala or was AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. nJYO18ln TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit -Growing, Live Stock and Dairying), while it also iuolades all minor departments alt Rural interest, such as the Poultry 'Yard, Entomo. logy, Bao I{eeppinc, Greenhouse and 4rnpery Veterhl'ry Replies, Farm Questions and Answers Fireside reading, Domestic Ncouomt', and a summer of the Nowa of the Week. Its !Harlot Reports ar usually complete, and much attention is paid to the prospects of the crops, as throwing light upon one of the most important of all questions—When to Buy and When to Soli, It is liberally Illustrated, and contains more readingmutter than ever tleforo. Tho subseripttort rrtae is 82 60 per year, but we offer a Special Reduction in our 01411313 RAISES' FOR 1896. Two SunsoaIrT" " loxs, in one remitt"anoo $ 1Q 4 SIS Tax " • „ „ 15 8 To all Now Subscribers far 1890, payinit In advance now, wo will send the paper woolly, teem owiturhout receecharge•pt of the remittance, to January let 1896 SPECIMEN Corns Fnxn. Address LUTHER TUCKER d: SON, Publishers,. Albany, N. I".„HAL T 1F SCO TT Josephine Street , - Wingham, Ont ti "To say that it is perfect in form' and scope is not extravagance of; praise, and to 'say that it is the most valuable dictionary of the English lag gnage is but to repeat the obvious. The Standard Dictionary should bo 1 the pride of literary America, as itis the admiration of literary England.” May the triumphs of the second year of this Dictionary equal those of the first; they could not well exceed them ! Another feature of this first anni- versary of the publication of the Standard Dictionary was the for- warding, from the Pennsylvania depot for Michigan, of a big freight ear :loaded wholly with Standard Dictionaries. Large letters on mus- lin across the sides of the ear told the public of the contents. "I took One-half Bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure and Obtained Perfect Relief"—This Remedy Gives Reliefin a few Hours, and Usually Cures in One to Three Days. J. A. Garrett, a prominent politi- cian of Liverpool, N. S., makes for the benefit of the public, the follow- ing • statement : " I was greatly troubled with rheumatic pains for a number of years. , On several occa- sions 1 could not walk, nor even put my feet to the floor. I tried every- thing and all local physicans, but my suffering continued. At last I was prevailed upon to try South American Rheumatic Cure. ' I ob- tained perfect relief before I bad taken half a bottle of the remedy, and to -day regar it the only radical cure for rheumatism." Sold at Chisholm's . Corner Drug Store, Wingham. BAD NEws E*074 AFRICA.—Bad indeed! Englishlood spilt, English lives cut short. Fighting for the old flag in savage warfare, our brave countrymen have gone to their death. An incidbnt like this Makes one think of he thousands of Europeans who h ve perished in one part or other o the great • Dark Continent. An. yet in Africa, as elsewhere, the s ord and spear have ; not wrought the greatest destruction. IThey have claimed their thousands of victims, but disease has claimed • its millions. Conquer disease, and i you have east dwn the greatest :enemy of manki d. No one has tyrant nt low than d r done mo a to lay he y l the proprietor of Holloway's Pills 1 and. Ointment. "on half -a century these remedies have been successfull Ifighting disease. t 'Wentworth is the Croesus among i the counties of Ontario. 1t had a surplus of $26,000 in hard cash on ' hand last year, and to this will be added the purchase money of the jail. Nert•otls women will find roller in hood's Sarsaparilla, because it enriches • the blood stud thus etreingtherte the J. A. HALET1ID, I J. W. SCOTT, Mount Forest. Idstowe Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on' endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada—Tho Merchants' Bark of Canada. Oifioo Hours—From 0 a. m, to 5 p. m A. E. SMITH, Agent. Colossal tion. Valnab,e treatise and twp bottleo of medtcine sant Pre to an SnBaror. Oive Ex rasa and Post O1dce d ad r Y P e,s. T. b eLOCUTf CHEMICAL IIO,, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. lt c (tits+, lt'nce•A.cne, Sciatic Po. i.ta:t, Xe.tttalgio rains, • rain in the ;Rule, etc. Promptly Relieved luso' Cured by The D. (! ." Piaster 'Menthol Piaster !laying ,:srtl yam. D.& 1. It'en:hnl Plaster faraow-arn pain nt tea bat lc and Anntagn• I unhesitatingly Tw M, mrnA r:nen rx :.ansa, sirs and rapid 0(110(711, 1'-.•', limy netlike magta—A. LArvi,91 I::i:sh,1ai...srn, Oat. )rice 2::c. DAVIS ec LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietors, M•,I.rex.,i. 1 > ` ray► .`` ~` C;i5T, ';.7)` The most prompt pleasant feet euro for Coughs, Colds, I‘athnut, Bronchitis, Hont•sen Croup, Whoopingze ...._ , Pain in the Chest at tI as Throat, Bronchial and Lung Discuses. Tho hettling enti•consutnptive virtttos of the. Norway Pine tt•0 combined in this medicine with µ',.1.T Cherry and L pectoral Herbs and Balsams to make a trite specific for all forms of disease originating front Loids. 0,,, ,.Prric[e ,sge. nod II.GoloAly :1 a, rieltea. 1, GN R GIVES RELIEF. R'I'P'A•N'S arise The modern stand- ard. Family Medi- cine : Cues the I.I tr..w common every+clay Ms of humanity. (00:10t1Or11A Iv TIPi WI' 'pot God -and Home s1 We coli the at!entlon, of tl to the fact, that the Woma, pilo Union meets the third at three o'clock sharp, Porous peeidonee, Patrick street. M woo, As the Editor has kindly II `space, for our work, we est fY pend ItOme of Interest on all n day to any of our members, TEM PATIiER' A littlalad sat in his ow Blue were his eyes and But the sunny smile h face, And an ugly frown had The table was laden wit But nothing could tempi His tumbler sparkled w1 'White that of his father There lay the grievanoe (With a saucy toss of h "I mean to grow up me And I'll always drink bei But the mother's ulnae fear, And she glanced from 1 of beer ; Ti11 ',low it had only a But her oyes were o within. She saw the germs of f apidly swelling'neatl wing all trace of e o Beveling in a drunker She glanced at her hu lead, • The willful words of h Had reached his heart think : "0 God l ani I tempti "In me it awakens no And stronger spirits I But my son may be t strong, And through my e Wrong. "Please God, he shall '1 began to love it wh I saw my father his t And know that in hin Thele, meeting the wife, "Will you join," said life, For tbe sake of our o right To shield his life fFo • blight?" So the pledge was sig fear 'Vanished for aye wit And the boy grew ui And took for his mot a,. ANEW C c. LESSONS IN. SCIEN' BY MRS. ROWA DISEASES CAU, Question—W ha does alcohol espec Answer—The 1 fly through the 1 brain just as quie Q.—Does ale( disease of the bra — A.—Yes, by necessary moistu in time produces when the pereon to feel, and loses movements. By the blood vessel: apoplexy, some bursting and all: flow out into tl brain. By the c vessels it produf diseases. Q.—Can the i and active in su brain? A..—=Certain(: is the organ of alcohol is often mind very strol „teeming teaming very sil angry. He lat saying things t imagining all s Q.—What of tinues to drink A.—Often he and in his ma: haps kills some his right mind Q.—have v Bohol often pre A.—Yes, thf prove this. IT found that for persons admits through strong Q.—What alcohol prodm A.—By its produces ter, hardens the ft digested, and ens the poor e almost nothin made to do. Q, ----What A.—It sten bleed, kills t