HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-20, Page 1Ne •
VOL. XXIV.---NO. 1249.
far a Big
efaiVii,46.411,41v ;
Thereon be nothing more sensible or useful than
aOmothintr nice in foot wear.'
ISweet eider at W. A, Joh
Raisins 6 lbs. for 25c Conery,
Invitee inspection at hie mammoth stock of
Ladies Warm Lined Felt Slippers,
Ladies Fleecy Lined Overshoes,
Ladies Warm Lined Felt Gaiters,
Ladies Felt Lined Skating Boots, .
Ladies Fleecy Lined Moccasins,
Ladies Fine Dongola, Kid Oxfords,
Ladies Fine Chrome Kid. Button and
Lace Boots,
Gents Tani Goat Opera Slippers,
Gents Fancy Plush Harvard. Slippers,
Gents Fleecy Lined. Overshoes,
Gents Felt Lined. Waterproof Boots,
Many lines just' opened- up,
that niust claim your. attention.
Valties always in touch with
the times: -We are more than
• a
4. pleased with our success in the
iiew store, eVen in the face of
general cry,- "No Business."
All round we have increased
Boys', Girls and Ohildren's Overshoes,
Moccasins, Leggings, and all
kinds of BOOTS, SHOES and RUB-
A lot of Men and Boys' Winter Caps
at half price.
Wingiutm, The flreat Boot and Shoe Man,
2 Doors North of Post Office.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic-
toria street,Whagham, Ont. No witnesses
—Sellool will do
today (Friday) until
the fith of January ext.
See our leader in ixecl Nuts,
W. A., Jolters.
For it good, cool smoking pipe, call en
Pattereon, the leading jeweler, Winghara.
—Alr. Geo. Orel (shank shipped a ear
load of live hogs to ngersoll, on Wednes-
Fine Malaga Grape)), at J. MoKelvie's.
Fresh oysters always on hand ; sold in
bulk or served in any style. W. A. Jones.
—Mr. Geo. MoKe zie shipped a car of
dressed hogs to M treal, on Wednesday
last, per G. T. R.
Oysters arriving daily at the old reliable
Star restaurant, and served in any style.
JAS. Melimevut.
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
cure headache. Try them.
—Mr. and Mrs. os. Bell gave a very
enjoyable "At Ho4" at their residence, on
Tuesday evening la t.
We make special effort to please every-
body; give us a trial. W. A. Jones.
—Rev. Mr. Hop in, of Listowel, con -
ducted the services oi the Congregational
Church here, on Su day last.
Overcoats from $12 to 825; cannot be
beaten in. the Dominion, at Geo. H. Lim's,
City Tailor.
Canada's- Greatest Commercial School.
Large faculty t, Superior courses; Students assisted
to positions every wet*. Write for eirculars.
SHAW & ELM= Principals.
:'• large bers soup 25c. Kerr Liz Conery.
R. C. Sped! g is in Kent county
this week. He has t ree pressing machines
pressing straw in th t county. •
Cooking Figs 5o a lb., Kerr ale Conery.
Christie's Biscuits 20c box. Kerr kOon-
—The G. T. R. am 0. P. R. will give
special excursion fa s during ehe Christ-
mas and New 'Year's endears.
Tioasoutible rates. neprevee courses. Efficient
teachers.. The only Practical System of Bus Win
Practice, It thoroughly equipped Shorthand De-
partment. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re.
funded. Those aro some of thefoundations on which
we build up our . attendance. We will have a good
oneduring the winter term. Prospects show it even
noW. Will you pie us? wintare (mother. January
eth, 1800, Write for free' catalogue, .
our ur sales show a rna.rk-
slum lig'2LLIOTT, P. XcIgT0g1I,
Pro rietors Principal.
ed increase over each month 7 --
which must speak volumes for
our selections and values this
season. You can on
gettino- the most reliable makes
and up-to-date goods With us
at prices we defy you to beat
in Canada,
4111,11t,411•40 and Walkerton
Teeswater, Wingha
—The mild' we her of Monday and
Tuesday finished 'lir sleighing, and the
wheels have been r orted to.
Last season's Mantlee, 85 to $8, we sell
for 82.50; 88 to $12, we sell for $4; 01.2
and 15, wo sell for 86. M. H. Melntoo.
i the members of the
resters of town, at -
ft" demonstration at
Wroxeter, on Thins ay.
fortable dwelling house wanted to rent.
Apply at the Tines Office, Wingham..
—The retiring sehopl trustees this year
Abrahara ; Ward 2,
3, J. H. Hiscocks;
We have not heard
their re-election, and
Headquarters for all kinds of nuts, at j.
Fon SAve.—A. number of Brown Leghorn
fowl. Apply at the Thies office.
—The annual rnee ing of the Turnberry
Agricultural Soviet will be held at
Korman's hotel, Wi gharn, on WedRestlaY,
the 8th day of Janu ry next, commencing
at one o'clock p. m.
Finest line of French Bon Bons ever
seen in town ice Xmaa, at J. McKelyin's.
—The faxes in to n have been pretty
well paid in to the Town Clerk. Only
about 81500 remain unpaid on Saturday
night, To these ta s live per cent will be
added, which sum vill pay for the col•
lection of the whole f the taxes, and more.
Before buying yo Xmas Candies look
in at the City Resteurant lines whioli are
large and well assorted. W. A. Jonse.
—Quite tenurnber
Canadian Order of
tended the Forest
Ray your girl a box a French Bon Bons
at J. MeKelvie's.
" M
the — ay, t seye year-old daughter of
Mr. John, Davidson, ad leer arm broken
as she was coming fr ret gelled, on, Friday
last. 4,00
10,000 Oranges and Lemons coming in at
J. McKelvie's,
—"They ss•y its ele
at; he stopped befere t
light, "but I'll be ha
they make the hairpi
There is no room on top. for we are there
in Confectionery, Pipes, Tobaccos, Cigars,
dzo. W. A. JOHNS.
are : Ward 1, Thos.
,Wm. Moore; Ward
Ward 4, a N. Griffi
of any epposition to
no doubt they will •be re-elected by ac-
'We fnake a specialty of Suppers having
the largest parlors in town; give us a trial.
V. A.. Joinis.
be had under the
s' Aid Society of the
oh, in the Queen's
turday, 21st instant,
and ornamental house-
s to be a most silo -
—The Bazar, t
auspices of the Ladi
Congregational Ch
Rotel Block; on
for the sale of usefu
, hold articles, prond
Pure Pepper 15o lb. Kerr (Is Conery. cessful affair. It w be open during the
—A merry Christts to all: enr readeris. afternoon and evening.
Cash foe butter and eggs at Griffin's —Prieate moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf • ,Tone Resume.
—According to law the annual meet-
ers of a rural school
be last Wednesday in
ear, however, the last
month is Christmas day
11 be held the following
tea should make a note
ing of the ratepa
section is held on
December. This
Wednesday of tai
and the meeting
day. Those intere
of the fact.
Kerr & Conery wish yon all it merry
Williams' Little Dandelion Pills
euro headaehe. Try them.
—Ex -President arrisan receives a
artieleC on "This
hich he is writing for
urnal, than bee ever
tic man in America
of a similar nature.
We Christmas _number
d over 100000 extra
ine, of which 725,000
as a first editioe.
thrietty," said Pat,
incandescent street
ea if I see how 'tis
Lurn in the bothle."
*—An effort is
establish a flax mill ii
indestry that should
menu Of our townsp
derivable from the e
an enterprise in a toy
all classes•of citizens.
larger sum for hi
Country of Ours,"
The Ladies Horne
been paid to any pu
for magazine work
His first article, in
of the Journal, s
copies of the mag
copies were printe
—Division Court as held in Wingnam
onTharsday, Judge oyle preeiding.
• Our Xmas. candies are daily arriving.
W. A. ,Johne.
—The Wingham T ning Company have
closed down for a few ays to make needed
Mali a ton bf mixed eiindiee, o.t Me-
-Arrangements ar
the children of the
School a sleigh ride,
inst, if the roads and
C. E. Williams sells pure draS.
—A. public meetin WaS held le the town
hail, on Wednescley vening, with Mayor
Brockenshire in the chair. Mr. Pew, the
promoter of an de do road from Port
Perry to Kincardin with branches from
Walkerton to Meafo a end Owen Sound
• Goderieh, touching
end Lucknow, gave
ed. The inunielpali-
re expected to take
ise to the extent of
preliminary surveys,
will be asked from
r Bros., of Now York,
the scheme, alter the
The townspeople
•y impressed with the
the tegeired stock
Special Vali
being made to giv
Methodist Sabbath
Friday, the 27th
eather are favorable.
his yiews on the pr
ties along the wide
in all Departth nts stock in the enter
$500, to make th
but that is all tha
11•Whealelle theme Messrs, Mil
Satisfaction guaranteed,
—The electors of isighain will say by
their votes, at th coining munioipal
electiona, whether th
16rs in each ward re
two, and. al° wheth
sidewalks, in fature,
looal improvement system or as at present.
undertake tefinane
charter ie eeoured
AT OOST. seemed to bo favora
just received a fine stock of
For Xmas Trade. Drained
Lemon Peel, 15c. a lb.
Give us a call and be ,ton
Bata 1‘
The only Nita Importrs.
WE SOX elitEA.P.,
wish the Council- schem ttnd no dou
min being made to
Wingliam. It is an
eceive the encourage-
ple, as the benefits
ablishment of such
n would be felt by
elp it along.•
Lowlirs, ci,tan your kill glove with
Josephine Glove Otoeuer. Per oak) iney
by O. R. Kele', headquarters for the Perria
Freres Kid Gluvee, in all the most desiraele
shades tor street or evening weer.
ile34-In the issue of last week we nodose('
the ead bereavern nt to the family of Mr.
John Tanglier, Turnberry, through the
sudden death of his son James. Sin
then we have obta ed further partioula.
Ira Lewis, Esq., Clerk of the Peace f
edDr.Towler, Correia
n inquest, which he
g die fatal occurrene
it appears that the ti
a James, went tO 1311
on the father's pl e to split wood -on ti
afternoon of the 11th, all the famil
heieg away but t • . girls. The boys too
an old gun and their deg with them
They had not b en out but a short time •
a, rabbit. John picks
his eyes on the rabbit,
of raising and cookie
the hammer eithe
catch, and the gun was
tents striking James,
g at the game, about
away, on the right Bide
,kbout 30 shots en
nil. c tusing &nth in
gun was not a very
defective lock. The
au as follows "That
the County, inetru
to go out and bold
on the day followl
From the evident)
boys, John, jr, a
when the dog rais
up the gun, keepi
We don't say that we have the largest and while in the
stook of Confectionery bo towsn3bianKtuenalvlira.nd didme ti. no
see for yourself. istliaptpothdeorsa
—We have a co munioation from a discharged, the co
correspondent signi g himself "Towns. who was also looki
man," in Which char es of incompetence two or three roads
and neglect of duty o made against cer- of the heed and neo
tain members of th fire brigade. Our tered the nerds ant:
correspondent also starts that not hall of '6' e fme, becem.se of
fewiminutes. Th
the members of the °replay turned out 19a
. verdict of the jury
at the fire on Mon
Apples, Celery and Vegetables, at the
City Restaurant. W. A. Jouxi..
• A comfortable frame dwelling house on
Shutter street for sale. •,A.pply at the
TIMES office.
f—On Monday
eight and nine o'ol
in the back kitche
John Linklater,
The back part of ho house was pretty
badly burned. Me of the contents were
got out, but not be
considerably clama
belonged to Mr. Jo
stand, was insured
ante on the con
Linklater were aw
fire occurred,
originated from a
e ening last, between
o , fire was discovered
O f the residence of Mr.
o Minnie street north.
Chairman of the Fir
of the Town Council
giving a good deal of
pany of late, and no
this matter at once.
y night last. The ; the said James Tee.. ler oante to bis death
on the lith clay of member, 1895, en lot
and Light °emulates `,
. 7, concession 12, Tu nberrv, through the
we know, has been
I accidental discharge el a gun in the bawds
ttention to the Com- of his brother. John augher, as he was in
ubt he will look into the act of raising said un to shoot rabbit, '
land that the death w s otelvd by purely
I accidental circumsta
The TIMES and Toronto Weekly Globe , "Signed, ones Beenneroan,
—G. T.A. trains for Toron"Fte"eemndWitast' . •
will bo sent from now until the let of
January, 1897, for.81.25. Subscribe at
once if you want cheap reading.
leave Wingham at G.23 m. and 11,20 a.
large number of itivited guests as- in., 'via W. G. (t B.; 6.35 a.- m. end 3.25
sembled at the re idence of Mr. Peter p. via Clinton. and Guelph. Good con- •,,;-•
neotions by all keine.
Deans, Jr., on Mo day evening last, to
celebrate the 20th a, niversery of Mr. and. e'er nets.
Mrs. Deans' weddin is spending a few '15
were relatives, exc
Perrie, aud number in Hamilton on -beef.- ee
evening was most
ran, of Teeswater, w
games, plays, and o
ruents, and all see
themselves. kit mos is visiting friends in.
provided, to which
The presents were a of Chesley, was
busineits. •
numerous, costly a
Mrs. Deans received he hearty oongratula- kl Miss Jennie Du • Id returned this
tions of all present, the hope was ex- after t month's visi in Lonaon.e..--''
pressed that they m ght live to celebrate Mr. -1";,:bard Arse tt, of London, was.
many anniversaries of their wedding day. town alt Wednesda, , business, en,
Among those preseu from o, distance were Mr. Wm, Censer. f Toronto, is sper
Mr. and Mrs. Vana ter, of Goderich. the holidays with ft ends in tOW11.
DeessmAerse—I ish to inform thelo.dies Mrs. Simpson a d daughter Ether
of Winghatn that I am prepared to do first- Chicago, are visitin Miss ;feline.
class work tit my home, or to sew by the Rev. ,
moon use, oa. .e.,ertuon
Mug on friende,
ft to -day for
Sialley Roder=
f aeltouth
their trip toli
who has been
in Strati()
n this week. a
uto, rottener
r an extene,
Sea or Sun . M8i1.18greeatt,'
last audit, 489.56;
colleese,t ;ours '111s2s8ioan72, f'Wriienegdisl adulegiagi 1 telate °lontura
, 42.53; balance VA' „anWa.:Vraafivaitat
Secretary's report
few days during the
ngs, that the aggre- • gave the TIMES E Erie
I large, bet the Me, 1). Beepeeea
day. Those present Mr. pe Gore
pt Rev. mid Mre-- D. days in Toronto.
d about sixty. The Veer. B. Wilson we
njoyably spent with nevi, on Monday.v.
er modes of amass- Rev. Father Corc
ed ko heartily enjoy
bountiful spread was
11 did ample justice.
of china, and were
l useful. Mr. and
in town on Tuesda
srMiss Kate Groye
Hamilton and Tor
Mr. John Brenn
town on Tuesda,v,
re some of them were day. I guarantee satisfaction la
intrusted to me. ETHEL Ewe, Frances St. in town on Friday c
Airs. Jno. Norris
ti. by fire. The house
—The annual mee 'ng of the Wingliam t''
months' visit to Lon
In Watt, and, we under -
Presbyterian Sabbat School .was held in
elite. Mr. and Mrs. the lecture room a t e ahurch, on Monday Misses Sophie en
There was no insur-
y from home when the turned this week fro
evening, December 16th. There was a
L :Miss Mabel Kent,
good attendance of eachers and officers
is supposed the fire amovusd.on, is home for
elective chimney. present. The meeti g was opened with
singing the 117th h mn, "Vila a friend Mise Mary Wilsote
ing the Model Soho
we have in Jesus," ., and prayer. The
auditors' report we, en presented giving
the following details receipts and ex• on SaturdaNst °el
penditures during t e past year, viz. to her sister. Dir'. j.
Balance on hand at
received from Sabbat
total, 5212.73; expen
5; for School suppl
on hand, 8135.20. Ti
hows, among other th
gate attendance has b
average is not quite e
being only about two
is well suppliedwith go
and is very efficiently
managed. Considetabl
to the selection of lasso
supplies, after which th
was proceeded with,
Superintendent, D. M.
Superinterident, G. Me
Miss Johns; Secretary,
Organist, Mrs. Ward;
Geo. Cline; Librarians,
Albert Morrow; Ushers
Farquharson, Pa J. Gora
and Alex, Ritchie. The
tent nearly every the meeting being ovr, t
g represented tit the hana with fragrant coffee
ascattance. from and delielotia stindwiehes in abundance.
bioh they are sit. and m very pleaaant toe 1.titne was spent 1Y Star is certain
Of one of them at i in this way. After hich, all joined Paper, great value
corns Woe the heartily ill tinging the 8 a hymn, "'RIO it it meeting with
outing to corirn4 i as I Mt, Withoet on • ea," Me Pre,yee Family Herald an
y of a loan. Ot I having been Offered, ttarted for home, OB4 of the wond
jewel. I fervently ' wishing an
ensuing year may be 1
A very large stock of Candy, Pigs,
Dates, Oro.nges, Lemons, at bottom prices,
at Kerr at ()entry's.
—For first-olass tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster et Co.
Remember the place, one door sonth of
R. A. Graham's grocery store.
—Ia another co mn we give a report
of a meeting of th Canadian Furniture
Manufaeturers' As eiaton, held in Toron-
to, last week. Fro the report, it appears
that the Asseciatio has decided to make
an effort to defeat he legislation asked to
confirm the by-law passed by the people of
ced from three to . Winghtian during e past summer. Of
will be subcribed.
Thiess Mmtreal- I wish to, inform the donne, the Union I dory is not named,
des constriletioe of
prepared to do work at my ome, Mr. Jos. but that is the fac ry aimed at, there is
11 be done on the ladies of Wingham and yideity that I am
Adams',or to sew by. the day. I guerantee • ••
no doubt Th onp sition to the specie].
perfect satisfaction in all work Wrested net asked for by nghara will not likely
to Old, JESSIE. ROLSTON, Corner Feencie have much weight ith the Government,
on, of town, had a and Diagonal sts, as the Union is not nev.• enterprise, but
of hettelorrhage 01 1118 • ' — • the re.establishing f a former business
veiling of last week,' IL Great Oirer. which Was stepe( on account of the
faetoey being buin . The Legislature
feont hits work. lE le With a view of booming the eitculatino
has corifirrned severe by-laws of a similar
tome, and medieal of the Truss, we will send the Teens
nature, tied there is o reason why they
thn Lb lutfi luta to any addrepe in Canada or the United
now very low, and States from now to the end of 1896, should refuse in this case. A. noticeable
entertained of his 1 kr elle a0110.1:, or wo will sma the TreiSs thing in tonneetion th the opposition of
Black worsted milts from. $15 up, at
Geo, Iavv's, City Tailor.
VIMr. Adam Gori
very serious attac
Tangs, on Wednesday
while on Mt way ho
succeeded getting'
ala v.4w:allEtl. Sine
seveial attacks, and i
bat sligb hopes ar
recovey'!" During tileweek, his bothors, ' and the weekly Globe for the same ngth
Drs. Gordon, of Tee ater, and Lueknow, i of time for 81.25. Just think of it. IleThe
visited hitn SOVOZTE1 times, 1 Globe is a 12 page paer, full el solid
• Get afros samplo of Williams' tittle • reading matter, and 00 TIMES is now one
Dandeliott Pills and b0 tOiVifieed. of the hest weeklies in the country, the
11101'0 is nothing like them. two /or 0.25. Don't Miss it, send in your
oruere at 005.
A Protainent Lawyer sews: , • ,
"X have eight children, every ono in good
hnt/cm and Toronto Viol& Globe
health, not one of whom but has taken will be loot from now until ihe 3.9t Of
Stott's Emulsion, in. which my wit° bad Januay, 1897, for $1.28. Substribe at 0. g. us pure drugs..1 prosperity bna Holier
boundless OiMail01300."• 011CO if you want cheap reading. Satisfaction guaranteed. year Jost now closed.
the ftirniture men,
firm Mentioned as bei
meeting have receive
the ninnicipalities in
fisted, mia in the case
least, a special act is
• Legislature at its nex
a by -taw to aid it by
consistency, thon art
S. f 11 adfoot tt Box. firm,
metty old
r, of *ape
atter, we.
eek. Mr." Su
dly elle,
al to lad year's, ' arrived ita tewn on ressday.
narede The libraty legactnntiwiLrlut hit8ef' ,te pa
• 111 FL
and satisfactorily Blyth Standard:.
• Mr. Mereggan rotor 1/cl
books and papers
time was devoted . Sharte visited Winh
'„"Alr. Thras Doaa
helps and school
election of officers 1 young
Sunday wwiatehttBvliyisithor
e follows, viz: on Tuesdey—Mesisrs
orden ; Aesistant i Cade spent Sunday
ityre; Tretisttrer„ir•ellieent nvitt:g'%Mvir
. A.. Farquharson; 1
Leader of praise, A Great Nat one,.
. J. McLean and The Venally Her n an
INIOSSTS. X. A. Of Montreal is (pot by t
to, J. D. Stewart, all over tlie world, and i-,
high class anthori y on
taining.to dairying or pt
profit, gardening f
for prfit. The V'
S. Eft°
m frieofy;
usiness part of
ladies were on
beeutilul cakes,
hoping that the
arked by greater
lessings than the
ago. 11 11 only
tains one bun
Woman a week,
shwa volunasali 'r.
y lUr
a mag
or the
ed and
naI to