HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-13, Page 8r TUE WIN U UA.11 TIMES, DECEMBER IL. 1895. C t N D O O . d Tr Mr. David. of Stratford, is visiting Personale. i XIVIAS f lends in town. h : Mr. B. C. Sperling is at tidgetown, this t Iweek, ou business.' IIEE N T S • t8 9 XMAS i o v 5. 'latayor lerookenshire was at Brantford, ' --AT-- The. Best Thfis go First'. sr As a hatter o `course, the holiday goods are slipping away at a great rate. The displays are attractive, The Novelties are interesting and altogether we're bound to have all few days last week. ' w f Ashfield, s vi Mr, Neil In thi oh, o s h e wa Il l�t � MD �®'l sitingin town this week. Mr, Johu Mitchell was at Owen Sound, FtOLINon Wednesday, on business, Messrs. Babb and Code, of Blyth, spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Emma Mason, of Blyth, was visit- ing friends in town last week. The largest and most ele- gant assortment of I Airs. Wm. Drew, of Kincardine, is visit- 'FANCY isit• 1 FANG CUT CLASS we can do, t, ing friends and relatives in town. Saturday turdal Night,"Mrs, (Dr.) Cambell, of Seaforth, was I Special for Sa y pvisitingat Air H his week. 1 Davis', , A list of things that are marked to Mr. W. H. MoCutcheon, of Wroxeter, go in a hurry. New attractions was calling on friends in town, on Thurs- day On Saturday night day. f Creemore, was here PERFUME BOTTLES in town. every • . Mr. Geo. Kerr, o we shall sell: 2000 yards Ribbon Call and insp worth. 3e for le; 10 dozen Fancy last week attendingthe funeral of his brother, your Xmas gift Handkerchiefs, 5e,'2 for 5e ; 10 dozen Miss Hattie McMillan, of London, was 1 Herm Stitched Handkerchiefs, regular the guest of the Misses Fisher for a few 1:214-e and 15e for7c; a dozen 's'id Gloves, black and 1 days last week. tan, worth SOe for Mr. John Brethauer, of Wroxeter, was I, COLIN A 25e ; 500 yards Dress Trimmings, in town on Wednesday, and gave the 1 Truss a friendly call. 1 ISeaforth Sun : Mrs. John Bell, of W tlie"yy-regular 5e for 2e; 25 Dress Lengths, party regular 50e and 75c. for 25c; 20 lime ef'Lanties, regular $8 and $12 for g. and 3.75 ; Fancy Silks, 15e ; Silk Hand - than 1erchiefs, 5e ; Men's Carpet Slippers, broug 210,e,; Ladies' do., 25e ; Children's do., strong 20e. These prices are only good for and s Saturday night. at onei' . c1 Chemist ing 12 Doors South ham; is in town on a visit to her brother, Mr. John T. Dodds.',` t Ma N. WINDOWS. -APPoperappomomsaio. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. —The County Council proceedings have been erowded out of this week. --Persons should not clip articles or . items from the magazines and papers in the free library. Under the Libraries' Act, anyone destroying journals, magazines, daily papers or 'books, belonging to a public library is liable to a fine of a10 and costs. ect .before You buy s. . C.AMPRELL, and Druggist, of P. 0., 'Wingbam mise, :evert the next year will pre Mrs. A. Murdoch, of Wawanosh, is visit- I sent several groups of Date Greenaway s ing her daughters, Mrs. W. Robertson and bonnie little people; Charles Dana Gibson's Mrs. R. Mainprize, this week. I best work on new lines and some of Albert Mr. Lynch's newest creations. 'W. L. Taylor, or H stone for, the past ee, traveller lfewf yea sr has gone to AliceTB rberdlSteph ens William Martin fill a position in Owen Sound. I Johnson, Eric Pape, W, A. Rogers. Begin Mrs. McCrea, of Toronto, an aunt of . Cdr Birch, T. d Thtk 0strapSmall, B. West B. Frost Mrs. Nicoll, was the guest of Mr., and Mrs. John Nicoll, for a fewE. W. Kemble, lysing R. Wiles, Abby Edays this week. Underwood and other artists ot such Mrs. Geo. E. Ring and Mrs. Jos. Kincaid commanding prominencewill contribute were at Glenfarrow, on Saturday, visiting their finest drawings. In its departments the Journal promises to be stronger than their brother, Mr. Herb. Hennings, who is ever, and more compreher.eive in its scope ill. of practical information. In .this direction Mr: J. A, Laird, manager of the County iitlwil print a series giving illustrated ls tratedee ifs of Waterloo Industrial Farm and House of 00 the a buil construction of plans andne houses, Refuge, was the guest of Mr. H. Davis, for foThe Ladies' Horne Journal for 1800, in a few days this week., • fact, will be complete, and uniquely so. —An`authority on preparing poultry for Mrs. Potts and her two children left for market says : Abstain from feeding poultry Saginaw, Michigan, to -day, to visit her 24 beers before killing. All poultry, but sister for two weeks, after which she will .more especially turkeys, should be killed by hie irg in the neck, and plucked clean •litlfe body is warm, leaving on the head and feet, as well as the feathers on wings and tail. Do not draw the entree or scald the birds.. The last process is return to her home in Indiana. Air. Moore, a traveller for Messrs. Orr 3 Co., furniture manufacturers, of Stratford, was in town on Wednesday and took a look tura factor . IT PAYS TO through the Union furni y " Dr. Agnew, who -has beau ill with typhoid readily detected by buyers, who will not i fever for some time, is' so far recovered as pay within one or two cents per lb. of the 1 to be able to be out. He was in Wingham price they will give for dry picked goods. onWednesday shaking hands with friend, Let them cool. off, then draw the feet up Myth Standard : Miss Criss Tucker, of under.the breast and put the head under Wingbaw, is here at present..Messrs. e ontil the wings, tie them up plump to keep them in-g$od shape. -Th;. "Standard" Delineator has become so familiar that it hardly seems necessary to do more than indicate the good things to be found in its pages. It celebrates the New Year by an unusually interesting number. The colored plates are a fine example of what can be donein lithography when directed by, a real artist. Stories aborted, and brightly written pages . are. devoted to Dancing, Furs, 'Fancy -Work, Home -making, and New Year customs the world over; chatty editorials amuse the ieaders of '-Among Ourselves," and Flori- Alture is, as usual, treated by the master hand of Mr. Eben Rexford. There are pages of Fancy -Work for Little Fingers, iandothers for big ones, including a further number on Leather Work. Dainty calen- dars are .described and illustrated and in the pages on ";:tow to be Beautiful" the hygiene of the skin is- discussed. In addi- tion there are some fifty pages of new designs for niy lady's wardrobe, and excel- lent articles on Millinery and Cookery. Perry and Fred Bradwin, of Wingham, spent Sunday with friends in town..Miss Hattie Reid, of Wingham, was the guest of Mrs. Werry this week,N NeweYark office 'of the sante firm for three ,years, The Ladies' Homo Journal for 180e All of the above are former pupils. It Pays to Attends the Best School. For catalogue of either department. address, D. SfoLACHL CNa Ham, Ont. STYCCSJSS of the highest -order still attends the puprla of the CANADA BUSINESS COLD CHATHAM, ONT. J. e Staple has been sent to take charge ot the SutDherland dt Innes Co's otlice at Munising, Mich. Chas. Ball, to take chart a of sante first's office at New Orleans. Three other former pupils have been added to their staff in the home office, M,1tfcBrati ne l and Bertha Garrett as stenographers and Frank Elliott ss general assistant. Another former pupil. 11 t Tenn¢ has had charge of the books in the 1 Ia a dainty booklet printed in light blue, saimon-pink and gray tones—a splendid illustration of the beauties of art applied to printing -The Ladies' Horne Joernal announces some of its leading literary and artistic features for 1896. There 'will be a series of papers upon the domestic and social side of Washington by General A. W. Greely, 11. S. A. , another by ex -Presi- dent Harrison, telling of "This Country of Ours" ; a third by Mary Anderson de Navarro, who writes of her stage exper- iences, her struggles for recognition and artistic triumphs, with a supplemental article telling of her life and surroundings to -day. In a lighter vein, Mary E. Wilkins will present a series of "Neighborhood Types" papers, pen pictures of quaint and School Board. Regular meeting of the School Board. was held in the Conneil room, on Tuesday evening. Present= -Messrs. Morton, But- ton, Abraham, Galbraith and Moore. J. A. Morton, chairman, presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. principal's report for the month of Novem- ber was read, and, on motion, adopted. Accounts were read from John Clegg.00o., supplies, „12; D. Cook, wood, 325.30 ; John eagle, frieght and cartage, 30 cents; Moore, work, 4)2.25 ; Urias Sherk, work, 3 90; A. Young, supplies, $1.39 ; J. A. Cline, 03 cents; Geo. Mason, 46.30. Moved by Thos. Abraham, seconded by Wm. Button, that the aecounts be paid, et:wept 3. A. Cline's and Geo. Mason's, and that they be refere& back for further in- ft4 rose hdn ..–Garr led. rommunl cation A . Nvois road from W. Holmes, County Treas- urer, enclosing $50 for the Public School eig examination, which wasordered b (filed. Moved by Wm. Buttes, deal by Wm. Moores that this Chair- an.i Secretary be ;%instructed' to issue for the teachers' d111d ofmicere'salaries month 'of'17ovgihhber, and so soon as rreipei shell certify that the teachers faked their work for the year, that paid for the month of Detientber-- ▪ Biova, ber Wes. Batton, eeconded Qat the oheufrman of the e lttlt empowered to Wood for titre nee liteeting then NO:I:ICE is hereby giver,, that the Corporation of the Town of Wingham will apply to the Legis- lative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, at the next session thereof .for an Act to legalize mid confirm ex- tending nding the time, ye for law No. 260reparepayment of the unpaid poof the Town of rtion of the loan made to Gilchrist, Green and Company, and providing for the issue of new debentures to run seven years from the 31st December, 1898, for the purpose of redeeming the now outstanding deben- tures of the said town, representing the unpaid por- tion of thesaidloan. J. 13 FERGUSON, Town Clerk. Wingham, Ont., Nov. 4th, 1595. FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, being lot 41, concession 13, East Wawanosh. Good buildings; fenced with board and rail fences; good water; • familiar personages -- New Englanders ; close to school; within 2% miles o and Jerome K. Jerome will reflect old town of Wingham. Fall plowing done. England life in a.nutnber of ,•"Stories of Terms reasonable. For particulars, the Town"—stories of London—in his apply on the premises. S. C. HOWLET, inimitdble, crisp style. "William the Wingham P. U. Conqueror," Rudyard Kipling's most fascinating romance, is also among the features for 1896, and Julia Magruder's delighting serial, "The Violet," will con- tinue through a considerable portion of the year. Besides these two popular authors there will be short stories by Bret Harte, Lilian Bell, Tan Maclaren, Sophie Sweet, Frank R. Stockton, Sarah Orne Jewett, R. 0. V. Meyers, Will N. Harben, Caroline Leslie Field, Jane Austen •(posthumous) and other prominent writers. Dr. Park - burst will write a series of forcible Articles for young men, applicable to their daily life, while the girls will be Written to by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, and Edith N. Thomas, the gifted poetess, will be repre- SOCIETY MEETINGS. Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian Y. �„U ."`Order Forestet*.meets the second and last Friday evening of every month. in Gre- gory's Meek Visiting brethren welcome. John Neelands, 0, It. II. 13. Elliott, It, S. L 0 • L _Winehrun L. 0.1... No. 794, meets • first Friday in every month in the Orange Hall ; visitors welcome. J. G. Stewart, W. 5i.; W. J. Plenty, ltec.-Sec. TO SMOKERS Mrw. YOU CAN E "SUITED" •C� To moot the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hatuilton, Ont., have placed upon the (market sented by her finest verse and prose. J encsWhitcomb Riley will c ontri buteaA COnhlnation Plug o. f number of poems,veiled in theme and treatment. In its musical offering the :Inertial will ho unusually replete. Among 66 the best things promised is a minuet by iraderewt;ki, the famous pianist; a wilts, by John Philip Sousa, the "March Xing"; compositions by Sir Arthur Sullivan, com- poser of "Pinafore," "Mikado," etc. Beni• mild de' Revere composer of "Robin Hood," "Bob Roy," ate.; Edward Jekobowski, Bruno Oscar Klein and others, There will BY OQ,f YEN., "THE" TAILOR. abasealeilyeeeefsapMeiteelleitelle OUR STTTTSL _ Are made to order. That's why they always fit, perfectly, admirably, and to a T • There'smore in our suits than., a perfect fit ; there's first-class material, which it is always to select -from ou `superb aggregation of the finest goods ever brought > easy and into Wingham. Our suitings are unequalled. So is our high class tailoring, in clothing, the tailoring is everything. Material, even the best, counts for nothing , if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for you in order to fit you. Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains : FRIEZE OVERCOATS IN LATEST STYLES, FROM $9 to $35. MELTON AND BEAVER OVERCOATS - IN ALL SHADES, FROM $12 to $24. "Ale eialeeieeltall BLACK OR BLUE SERGE SUITS FROM $s to $26. BLACK WORSTED TROUSERS FROM $2.50 to $S Per Pair. W 3 G' A.N"1Sf OT Bim, TJ'1\I.16 i' I. IRVIN, V EO• " THE" TAILOR, WINGHAM, ONT. OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON. SUITS, For Suits that suit, give comfort to the wearer and satisfy OVERCOATS, your friencls,youhad. try us. Our garment makers TROUSERS �know how tedutheir k d 't think ■ wog ; on 't BIG COST SALE is ROOM6Ne and yet wo charge no lucre than others B� do fo i f k. hundreds of new ®V R ,osis better good frame stable and shed. Hard and HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. A good frame dwelling house on Shu ter street, kitchen and pantry,igood cellaining r, and wood shed, is offered for sale cheap. On the lot, which contains one-sixth of an acre, are soft water under cover. For particulars, apply to the owner, R. ELnto'.trr, Times Office, �r to SAMUEL YotmILL, Real Estate Agent, Kent Block, Wingham. fall, and winter samples to cboose'from, at prices about half what you ,have to pay for old goods. Work done for parties furnishing their own cloth. If you think that a Tweed S (item cot be properly made for $4 Spot: all and see our work. Our terms are cash. WEBSTER & CO. Opposite the Macdonald Block, Wingham, Ont. SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 be i.nstroctivu musical treatilse by Itftne. cent pieeo or a 5 cent i,ioce of the famous Melba, Mune, Blauvuit Mme. Clementine 1 44 T at, 8" brand of pure Virginia do Vete Sapio,Mrs. Han3iltots MOtt, Mise, Tobacco. Maud Powell, Benjamin Davie, Marled , ii ,, Adams, Thomas u'Beokety1'teleric Peakes, The tin tag T & B is on every George fs,adwiok and oflheifis 1 Ltil only Pira it rule Cfan ricin ts+f.I piece. ATTRACTIVE THE REASON—Plum; CUT DOWN TO WHOLESALE, Note a few of the following prices: 72 inch Union Sheeting for 500 a yard, regular 650 a250rd,a; and, 72 inch White Twill Sheeting 203 a yard, regularY 72 inch Unbleached Twill Sheetninl , 16c a yard, regular 20o a yard. 32 inch FlanneleFloor Oil Clothregular 20o per Squaure. aril. BES'1' BLACK SCOTCH FINGERING YARN, 0 knots for 25e err 601 a,pound. We are selling about 10 pounds a day of the above, so it must gh t .._�VIEAT ll, • oda smell, tc a the taste 10 to Only be agreeable ab not R Should Y eye, 'the ,I but it should be out so as to be attractive to Y My meats will be found all that is desired in these respects. BEEP, rOltik ari.d MUTTON always on hand. S. tTSA.GTS, TEAT CHEESE and everything In the butchering line, in season. M supply no hotels, all oasteniyrs have a chance of petting the best cute. Our pricer will always be found oi t nr trie tright and meat will be dellrer.d to any p wn W /notion, Aug, Utif,1$b. 441 1111:11311)d GOING OUT OF BUSIS SS. Come at once and get some of the bargains a TO STN AI,33RrATTH'Sn Wingham AS CLEAR AS A BELL. it a pupil of the �`.-- = ' MI �,.. �` .�..-;. _ .syr• � 1j�: t�►"" r _ • _ ,lf• r r... :� � .. ,^;rte CityBusiness and Shorthand College, 'London, Ontarl�o�, Forest he; etg 1t. We drill; Does not grasp a subjent readily wo repeat and repand intend t i sustain it } somesschools don't, ewe got Our reputation In thatway, iving a thorough grind' in all subjectstnught. We teach Bookkoepk iCn otea and 13. teas paper by a new method. 'Enquire about nit. nr in obey fano of n s l Catalogue free. Mr. E.A.Coon has acceptedposition 'Winona, Ott. 3. W. WESTEitV LT, Ptin VOL. XXIV • rimmexmlp wAlwa pm PREP fora XMAS TREAD Many lines j 'that niust claire .Values' always the times' W( , ..pleased with•;ou new store, eve general cry, ` All roundwe our: Our Sal( ed increase ov • which. must Sp( our selections season. You getting the mo and up-to-dat( at prices we in Canada. • Specia in. all De w1 iLL . Just received GRO For Xmas Lemon Peel BuT'rio ASASH. Cr Give tis vinced. - ;The only M