HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-13, Page 7t.r
ii'tooled Legs and "Scratches,"
A great many farmers have trouble
with their horses' legs for some time
after autumn work ceases. In fact
that seems to be the commonest sea-
son for attacks of "weed" and
"scratches." At a recent farmers'
club meeting several good horsemen
testified to the value of giving a
small handful (a large tablespoonful)
of Epsom salts in eneh evening's feed
for a couple of weeks, The effect is
to keep the blood cool, and the
animals in healthy condition.
Make 'Loused strong
Ifyouwould resist pneumonia, bron-
chitis, typhoid fever, and persistent
cougbe and colds, Theee ills attack the
weak and run down .system. They can
find no foothold where the blood is kept
pure, rich and full of vitality, the appe-
tite good and digestion vigorous, with
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the ono true blood
Hoon's P1LLS cure liver ills,• ognstipa-
tion, biliousness, jaundice. sick head.
"Oh, boy, I'll give you a dollar to
catch my canary bird." "IIe's just
caught, ma'am." "Where—where is
the precious pet?" "Black eat up
the road has got 'im."
• Karl's Clover Root will purity your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your Bowels and snake your head clear
as a bell. -25o., 50o., and $L Sold at
Chisholm's Corner Drug Store.
I am the only Jeweler north of Lon.
-don who can and does make rings on the
premises. •
I make and finish all work in the bust
possible manner. and guarantee satisfac-
tion la every instance.
Where gold is found, I always return
the same gold, Manufactured as per
By leaving yourorder with me, you
can save from 25c to S2, according to
style, weight and quality of ring.
We also make to order Engraved Coin
Broeohes, l3angle Pins, etc., etc., at
Moderate Prices.
Jewelery Repairing and En-
graving Neatly and Prompt-
ly Executed.
Opposite Macdonald. Block, Wingham,
Do you know a mat in Canada that
!repairs watches any better than Halsey
I.' ark, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Wingliam?
Capital, $1,250,000.
Judge Dudley's Charge.
Daniel Webster used sometimes to
read the conelusion of a barge by
Judge. Dudley, a trader and farmer,,
a manuscript copy of which he had
for many years in his desk. It was
a treat to hear him read it, in pure
and undefiled English, as it doubtless
came from Judge Dudley's lips:
You have heard, gentlemen of the
jury, what has been said in this case
by the lawyers, the raseals 1 But, no,
I will not abuse them, It is their
business to make good cause for
their clients, but they are paid for
it, and they have done in this .case
well enough. But you and I, gentle-
men, have something else to consider.
They talk of law. Why, gentlemen,
it is not law that we want,. but
justice, They would govern us by
the common law of England. Trust
me, gentlemen, common sense is a
much safer guard for us—the com-
mon sense of Raymond, Epping,
Exeter and the other towns which
have sent this ease
1 t us here to try e
between two of our neighbors. A
clear head and an honest heart are
worth more than all the law of all
lawyers. There was one �,
thing said at the bar. It was from
one Shakespeare, an English. player,
I believe. No matter, It is good
enough to be in the Bible. .It is this: mean yes, you may rest assured that
Be just and fear not. It is our bust- you will not be the one to get the
ness to do justice between the parties, benefit of the doubt ; but think
not by any quirks of the law out of before you say no.
The Importance of Firmness
We are doubtless familiar with a
eonvorsation similar to the one
claimed to have been overheard by
two boys; Said one to the cotlier,
Aro you going fishing to -day?'
'No,' replied the second boy, 'mother
won't let me.'
'Fudge,' said the first boy, con-
tem.ptuously, 'tease her and tease
her, and if she won't let you go lie
down on the floor and kick. That's
the way I clo, then she will let you
The first thought is one of indig-
nation against,the little rascal; the
second, no, the child is not to blame.
If he knows he can get What lie
wants by teasing, why should iso
not tease? Or, if kicking upon the
floor will change his mother's no into
yes, he would be a very ,foolish boy
if' he did, not kick. If he was not
confident of getting what he wants
by teasing and kicking he would
not do it. The mother has only
herself to blame for her son's naugh-
tiness. I believe that right hero lies
three fourths of the trouble and
anxiety and wear upon the nerves
in the bringing i upof children. dren. Let
your no mean no, always, andit will
be accepted as. final; but if some-
times itmay be possible for it to
Coke or Blackstone, books that I
have never read and never will, but
by common sense and by common
honesty, as between man and man. of a certain pleasure may cause a
That is our business, and the curse bitter disappointment.
of God is upon us if we neglect or When your little daughter comes
evade or turn aside from it. And to you brimming over witn some anti -
now, Mr. Sheriff, take out the jury, eipated scheme that promises such
and you, Mr. Foreman, do not keep lots of fun, enter into the plans with
us waiting with idle talk, of which interest and be glad with her" If it
there has been to much .already, seems to you not a feasible thing, do
about matters which have nothing' to not say so, but tell her that you will
do with the merits of the ease. Give ; think it over. Then think it over
us an honest verdict, of which, as carefully and the difficulties may
plain, common sense men, you need disappear. If not, and you find that
not he ashamed. it may be unwise to grant her re-
quest, tell her so lovingly, giving
Short Journeys on a Long Road . I her the reasons, if this is wise, why it
Is the characteristic title of a profusely , is not best and let her know that you
illustrated book containing over one are sorry to disappoint her. If you
hundred pages of charmingly written
descriptions of summer resorts in the :have taught her by your daily actions
country north and west of Chicago. The that her mother is her truest friend;
reading matter is new, the illustrations ( if she knows that ,you love her, and
are new. and the information therein !that you will grant her every happi-
A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long ness that is in your power if it is best
Road" will be sent free to anyone who
will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to
Gl;o. I . HEAI'TORn, General Passenger
Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway, Chicago, Ill,
Remember that what seems to you
a foolish trifle may'mean a great deal
to your little one, and to be deprived
will be new to almost everyone.
Health and Household Hints.
To take kerosene oil stains out of
carpet cover the place with blotting
paper and. rub with a moderately hot
Celery is invaluable as a food for
Rest, $650,000 those suffering from any form of
rheumatism ; for diseases of the
nerves and nervous dyspepsia.
President—Jon:; Simm r.
vlrle•:'resident—A. ti, RAmssY.
JOHN PROMOS.. flan. ROAetf, ‘VU Orna.N,. M 1', A. T.
Woou, A. B. Las (Toronto).
Cashier -3. TURN BULL'..
-SAvI,3gs 7itanlr—I1our•s, iti to 3; Saturdays, 10
1. Deposits of 51 and upwards r;reit ed and interest
Special Deposits ala; received at eurrem
rates of is . >rest.
Drafts o .,reat Britain and the united State>
bought and sold
E. Ii. DIOIKINSON, Solicitor.
For Attie, about G00 acres of land; 200
first class
!earl- all in pasture;.- with s
of it i l 1 e
� t
large part of
it u o
the balance, about 400 acres, mostly new
land, with a large quantity of timber
''..still on it. About 350 acres cleared and
seeded for pasture. Land will make a
first-class pasture. Farm situated two
Miles from Winrham. On the promises
is a gc.nd saw mill in runniugorder. All
"le will be sold on reasonable terms. For
particulars, apply to Post Office Box 125,
WVingham. Ont.
An Agreeable_ Ltxatitenand'NltiWili IONIC).
nucd $1.00 pergpackaga stSamplee free2o., 500.,
KO NOforthotvetaantBreab113,25e
Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store.
Pio% fteetedy Jbr Catarrh iA tate
Bast. Ensleet w t e,'t+ Meanest.
by drst bots
sent %'y
Maseltto Watson,
Figs are aperient and wholesome.
They are said to be valuable as a
food for those suffering from cancer ;
they are used externally as . well as
To make a mustard plaster for a
child, take one teaspoonful of ground
Mustard and three of flour, with
enough water to make a good stiff
paste. Spread between two cloths.
For an adult use one part mustard
to two of flour. Mixed with the
white of an egg it will not raise a
Apples es
are useful
hi nervous
dyspepsia; they are nutritious,
medicinal and vitalizing, they aid.
digestion, clear the voice, correct
the acidity of the stomach, are valu-
able in rheumatism. insomnia and A woman' lot is made for her by
liver troubles. An apple contains as
much nutriment as a potato in a
pleasanter and more wholesome form.
From a Reliable Eye Witness.
A small tent blossomed on the
village green the other day, and
upon a flapping canvas blazed forth
the words:
Morover, there was a freehand
representation of a marvelous mon-
t r doneto doubt
e , in yellow paint—no d ubt
the identical calf in question.
I saw old uncle: Abel Binley com-
ing out of the tent, and when he
crossed thestreet Isa d i :
"Has it really a human head,
Uncle Abel?"
The old man smote a fist into his
other hand,
"Human Plead, be jiggered!" he
snorted in a tone of intense disgust,
"Tain't no more a human head than
ming is."—Now York Recorder.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A„ S an Diego,
Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is
the first medicine 1 have ever found
that would do me any good." Price
50o. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug
Store. t
What's Jim a-goin' to do when he
leaves col lege ? Well, if he's got
eddication enough he'll teach school,
but if he hain't I reckon he'll edit a
Liz, said youngest brother, do you
say woods is or woods are ? Woods
are, of course, she replied. Why?
Cause Mr. Woods are down in the
parlor waitin' to see you.
Yellow Oil used internally cures or
relieves croup,asthma, sore throat,
bronchitis and similar complaints. Used
externally on .man or beat it cures
rheumatism. sprains, bruises, galls,
chilblains, frost bites, lumbago, lame
that she should have it, she will ac- back, cuts, wounds, insect bites.
cept the decision because `mamma,'
and, when a request must be refused, Any one may do a casual act of
there will be no 'scene,' no outbreak good nature, but a continuation of
of temper, such as all mothers dread. them show it a part of the tempera -
A child brought up close to the ment.
mother's heart with perfect confi-
deuce in the strong mother rove, will
give her unquestioned obedience
when that obedience is necessary, be-
cause it will not enter her mind to
doubt her love, in the demand.
Share your childern's joys as well. as
their sorrows ; be one with thein
when you can, and the battle is half
Indealing with children, a little
strategy 'may sometimes be used
with marvelously good results, and
before the self willed little puss
realizes what she is doing, the point
at issue has been so skilfully turned
that she has done exactly what you
wished her to do and forgotten to
rebel over it,
Shiloh's cure, the great Cough and
Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses. only 25e.
Children love it. Sold at Chisholm's
Corner Drug Store;
is but the
A good inclination ly
,tele dtatof 1 f
Truth is everlasting, but our ideas
of truth are not.—Beeeher.
the love she accepts.—George Eliot.
I have seen a, young girl marry a
young man of dissolute habits, and.
Snowball Pudding.-13oil a quart repent of it as long as site lived.
of milk ; thicken with three table-
spoonfuls of cornstarch. Beat the Pat, in a crownless bat, on a hot
yolks of four eggs with half a cup- day, was toiling ata windlass. Said
ful'of sugar, and add to the milli the visitor to the Irishman,. aren't
pour into a pudding dish and set in you afraid the sun will injure your
the oven to bake for ten minutes. brain ? Pat paused in his work, and
Beat the whites of the eggs until looked steadily at his questioner.
stiff with four tablespoonfuls of sugar;. Brains . said he. Mo brains, is it ?
.add half a teacup of boiled Tice; An' do ye think that of 1 bad any
flavor with extract of lemon, and brains I'd be runni.n' this windlass.
drop in little balls over the pudding: An Irishman's will I give and
set in the oven until a slight crust is bequeath to my beloved wife
formed, but do not let color.
• `'Bridget, the whole' of any' property
. ' ' rectorial Balsfiim cures t without i esat•ve and to my eldest
kiaa4 and e, load fir
cnuriis colds. nsthniel. bronchitis, soi•e'sorl,. Patrick, one-half of the remain.
throat and all diseases of the throat, der, and to Dennis, my youngest
lungs, and chest: son, the rest. If anything is left it
"It may be'weakness,” said the:may go. together with the old eattt
dying editor, "but I can't help but without wheels, to fay sincere and
feel grateful to this town.'" "What Rfi'ectionate friend, Terence Me-
ier?" "For life enough to leave It." Cattily,. In awed Ireland.
Pleasure and pain spring not so
nuch from the nature of things as
from our manner' of considering
The Truss and Toronto Weekly Globe
will be sent' from now until the let of
January, • 1807, for $1.25. Subscribe at
once if you want cheap reading.
The greatest truths are the
simplest, and so are the greatest
Rheumatism Cured 1n a day.—South1
American Bhenmatic Cure of Rheumatism I
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to i1 days,
Its action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious, It removes at once the case'
of the disease immediately disappears, 'J'lae
first nose greatly benefits. 76 t•tmts.,
Warrantee(' at Chishonesrlrng store.
v :
ADrr t ., tra6E Ltmf,..EA�
Sixteen Pages, 00 Colhrnns,. of
Attractive 'Family TR;cad-
ing Every Week.
30111 PIIPIRS o r69ober ! {c.)1.
The AVEuicr. r FREE PRESS aua1
FARM AND HOME, combined in one
issue, uniform in sire and zi Ji nr-
aLnce, is offered to subscribers front
now until the 31st December, DM, for
The FREE PnESS is the Leadii.g
Liberal -Conservative Journal of West-
ern Ontario. It contains t?cell �v c•t'l.'
tL Conll)i'te summary Of the new`'
and comment of the times.
The . Commercial page., of t1t,•
WEEKLY FRET: 1'REss. are 1.p to date.
and ample 1' ir Lite'o un try toercllitlit.
farmer and dairyman.
The FARM AND HOME ma -aims e4ivit
week able articles on hgricnitur:.l
subjects atld Live Stock. The tarili••i•
and cattle and horse breeder will
in its pages abundant topics of sln•el.r i
A Serial Tale of absorbing intt'rt+>t
will he an interesting feature of t11>•
WEEKLY FREE' 1'aie .
Both Papers Combined for Et fr•on.
Now Until December 31st ISoo,
Agents wanted everywhere. Addre.a
all communications to the
Positively Cures
In a surprisingly short lime. It's n set+
entitle. certainty, tried and true, soothing
and healing iu as affects,
W. C, Mcco mum & Son,
1,ouchette, Que.,
report Inn ,otter that 1>''y>y.Yentarai .,ted:Wry.
fl, Con .•au vt.1.15410 1.0141 in,l>retsnit brotrb:at
lathes, and also ,,tied 5. 5, 5;,cUumber of a.
taus .►anoln cold.
Ws. J. II slurry, chemist,
S 5 lenge St., Toronto, wrlt'es:
'•.ir,agrueraleasel awl has; syrup trey.
roetund is a most invelua)do preparation. 5
leas Siren the utmost aatlsfartton to all wl.e
Late t> d 1t na lowing ;spoken to m . of LL
1 1 t4.o K f t_
las-Alia uraQdrrived ztwn lt� use in thole families.
14 is .Wtabttt r 3d or yours bolo)„ pleasant 'CO
tits tato. Its tale wl h urn 1 ,s been wonderful..
cud T r:m ab> sy s, r.•,.. umtead it as a tom) and
t ritrbie soul,.;>acdL•.iva
Largo 0ottic, 2,: sus.
Solt Proprietors
vc t>< TS,TE M R;cs
pprrompt1tt answer Sud 0n honest opinion, write to
SUJNN du Cub., who have h i 5ftyyeara'
experience inthe patent business. ommunica-
tions strictly confl:tentfal. A. Rand b ook of In.
formation concerning Patents mid bow to ob..
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of meehan.
teal and scientific books sent free.
speclalnoticeintbeb 1 outlfr 1.11100
to a ieancand
thus arc brought widely before the pubile with.
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has byfar the
largest circulation of any scientific work in tiie
world. i33 a year. Sample copies sent free.
iiuilding Edition monthly, $2..50a year. Single
copp1es,'eteege e. 'Every number contain be0n-
tlful plates, in colora, and photographs of new
houses. with plans, enabling bnilderato snow the
latest designs and secure edntrnets. Address
MUNN & C'".. NEW Yeas. 361 $noenwAY
Caveats ana Trade•Marlt's obtained, nod all patent
business conducted for MODERATE FEES. My
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office
and my facilities for securing patents areunsurpasse,
Send model. sketch or photograph of invention with
description and statement as to advantages claimed.
No oha rfye is made for an opinion as to
patentability/ and my fee for prosecuting the
application will nob be called for until thte
patent is allowed. "INVENTORS' GUtnE,'
tarring full information sent free, All Communis
salons Considered as Strictly Confidential.
a , 'C"•,;"KLI!': H. HOUGH
^>•.:`cs>nx. K1'.132II_Rit?TUN, i8.CT.
Clerk : Yes, sir ! That's one of the
best clocks we have iii the store. It
goes eight days without winding.
Hayseed—Is that so? How long do
you figure she'll go when you do
wind her?
The Trues and Toronto Weekly Globe
will bo sent 'from now until the 1st of I
.January, 1897, for $1.20. Subscribe at
once it yon want cheap reading.
A minister in Arran is said to have
made the following announcement
from his pulpit : My friends, there
will be no Lord's day here next
Sabbath ; it's the sacrament over at
Kiimony and I'll be there.
A Seoteh woman returning home
from cli'n'ch a little earlier than.
usual was asked by her husband if
the serrnnn was all done ? And she
replied, Nay, Donald. it is all said,
but it is nae begun to be done.
At Guelph on Monday John
Fraser, of Erin, was tried. before
Judge Chadwick on charges of
forgery, writing and sending through
the mails obscene literature and
theft. He was sentenced to two
years. Jatnea tdmondson, grocer,
was sentenced to five years in peni-i
.tentiary for arson. At the trial it
was shown that Edlnondson's daily
receipts for the lust six months aver-
aged only about 25 cents. The
value of the stock taken -after" the
fire was $180, insurance $1,000.
—G. T. 1t, trains for Toroutf. and east
leave Wingliam at 6.23 it. W. and 11.20 a.
n'J., via W.' G. tti ii.; 6.85 a. ri1. and 3.25
,p, tn., vin Clinton and hlelpb. Good eon•
notions by all trains.
g p of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body inditc I'
1 1' L U ES 111 T ed by !net and expoanre are constantly wreckin the Jives an:i ntttret<t1,
.orhappiness of thousands of romisin young men. Sono facie and wither at an early ago.-e''"',�
`A",.t the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, f uatleee gnu
melancholy esietenee. Others react) matrimonybutfind no solace or comfort there. The
victims are found in all stations of life:—The farm, the office, the workshop, tho pulpit,
the trades and the professions.
o war. A. WALKER. iG vt. A. WALKER. AIRS. MIAs.T1'EP.ii1, CItA$. MIRY, eit
BEFonr; T0EAT,31.1T AFTER TREATMENT Divorced but united again
er of.
agonies for m "gay
life. 1
untold e g
nota y
ttli ,
Young and ignorant. As "One of the Boya !contracted
'Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the
month and throat, bone pains,, hair loose, pimples on
face, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin end"�r.�`
despondent. Seven doctors treated mo with Moreury,�
Potash, eta. They helped me but could not cure me.
Finally afriendinduced mo to try Drs.Kennedy &Korgan.rta
Their New Method Treatment cured mo in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderfnl.gi711
,You feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing; to cure in asingle+
hens singles
a Capt. Chas. Ferry says:—"I owe fly life to Dre. S. & IL
i'%At,11 I learned a bad habit. At 21 1 had all the �syyanptoms
e f t3c)ninal Weakness and Spermatorrhoea, Emissions
yweru draining and weakening my vitality. I married at
jet under advice of my family doctor, but it was a
�e•td experience. 1n mghteen months we were
v suffered
w A.
walk 10hS
divorced. I
consulted Drs. 1(. & Ii., who restored me to manhood
"'rby their New Method Treatment. Ifolta new life thrill through
six years ago. Drs. It: & K. are scientific specie lets and I heartily recommend them."
rir We treat and cure T>arieetele, Emission,, Nervous Debility, S'entittf i�
1•i<eakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syyhilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abust
• Kidney and Bladdct Diseases.
Are you n victim? Have yon lost hem? Movie contemplating mar
REi�DEffi ringer ciao your mood been diseased? itnveyou. any weakness? Out
KNowMethodTreatmentwillcurevon. what it Misdate for o'l'eos it will do for 30
wCONSJLTATION'r-REE, No matter who httetreated Ion write for an honest oitinion1
at Charge. (;hargesresaonablo.BOOIS FREE• -•"The toldon 11lonitor" (ilauetrated),n
Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 3 cents. Sealed.
NATE. No trledtolne cone C.. . D. eio amese oln boxe,s'o • r.vtll
epee=ytbIflg(3ont'ld0nitial. QuetstIon lint and co9t of s ro t
meat. FREE.
Only nerves We were united again and are happy. This was
Not, I48 Sl ELBY' S'