HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-13, Page 6I THE' WIN GRAM TIMES,. DECEMBER 13 1895. 1)10: insole for etivice on Gerrie F Arains Count as lduolt in p'arnaing I, _) 11 . s,s ,9eetionatl Lanus t, •-iatw and Board ass"in Any Other Field of babel.. I Q of i'. Ith; Mrs. Angst, ;'1M, charity; , Farm, News says that it is a great 1 W. 11. Newton, ;1, for repairing mistake, but avery. common one, to : approach to It ordwicIi bridge; C. suppose that good farming, can be g llclv1 k don° b • alinost anyone. prove 'FRIDAY, 1)I:(]EMDER 13, 'r6:le. „p 1 ilun;', lel.so, for ulteliin y , 'ded NOTES. l and Wallace botuzdary ; A. Orth, t;3,' only t111tt he has the proper physical file true measure of your own little. l l]ITCI],i1al 11ti41FS. I fur gravel; 1'4 m, Ila; deli, ,1, for:strength, On the contrary, no. man ness. THE I`;.incardine Review, Con-' rttpalring culvert sidelines 1 and 15, I has a greater field for study or more vatt''e sans :-..,„,“ la °meial des.. I concession 1 ; B. S. Cook, Reeve,'encouragement in careful and well That Is a queer moral process by ser patch from Ottawa to The montrt.al l' i ea2.50, for sending J. Saunders and directed labor, than the thoughtful H Refuge, also His business is almost r I m ' clothing for J. Saunders, J. I'i olden, ,wholly With living, gl'orvuir,• pro. Mere Sparks. Whenever .you are tempted to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, look up into the. face of the Infinite God, and get } t the Government ll.�i e'ey to the . Hume ofe Fuge, l 5 . farmer. iS a a ue says the li fa i �7r �° t S will accept no candidate who will Ie3, for keep of J. Sautelers;: Mr ,”ducts, and the IRws of vegetable` andd ziot accept its sehool platform, Now, + Dane, $5.40, for Day drain, seleotin„ annual life have much to do r; " ' express• Reeve and of is labor.. The that is coal and refreshing. Ilithel to i layers and , of 'the final results h we bad slept soundly in the assur• I Assessor. l 9, for selecting jurors for' manufacturer' wbo has a definite p • !1.804 and 1595 • E. Cooper, $,6.00, machine to construct, works alinost once that the party in each riding a , � • p � h tt perfectly had the nomination and election of for gravel; James Perkins, x,11, for entirely with dead matter, p ly its eancli(laites. ;Vow we find that Iclothiug for F. Birtch, indigent; R.! under bis control, measures and the Government must be consulted in Ross, $9.J7, for tax remitted as fol -1 weights determining what he shall the matter. And bete we want to repeat that the party should meet in national eonVention and call the lows: C. Hewitt, $1, dog tax ; W. L. ' do, with mathematical certainty. Brownlee, $1, dog tax ; S. Geller, "kris final result can always be seen $1.57, personal property tax ;, Mrs, ; from the beginning; no element of Government down.The gentlemen Slnitli ,2, statute labor tax ; this tax life in the machine he is construeting 'who compose troubled with big head. Considering Moved by Messrs, Doig and Gra , the farmer it is not eon he has con- tbe personnel of the Cabinet and the Ilam that this Oouncil do now adjourn , tinually to act in connection with stupidity it has so frequently dis- to meet in the Arlington House, either vegetable or animal life, plaScd, it is hard to discern just Frlydwich, on the third Monday in neither of which can be accurately ,.. what they are or what they have December—Carried. 1 measured or easily understood, and done to give thele 'big head,' but L.DANE, Tp. Clerk. !yet they must be carefully studied, if they have it sure, else why should WESTERN ONTARIO DAIRY- ; success would bo attained. The they assume dictatorship over the MEN. seed to be sown must be carefully party in - this *ay ? Can a inore sub- 1 selected, the soil in which it is to be line example of colossal impudence INTERESTING INFORMATION SUPPLIED deposited must be of the right kind • and gall be furnished. by the ages lir THE. ASSOCIATION SECRETARY. 1 and must be put in a proper con - than this? The men who have I clition. The time for sowing must brought a party strong in numbers, The nineteeuth annual convention I be understand .and all these things .strong in the affections of the nation of the association will be held on Inust have the best possible adjust - and strong in the weakness of its op- Jan. 7, 8 and 0. Among those who. I.ment to each other ; the kind of onents down to the verge of despair are booked to address the convention stock to raise and feed for the market, cl disintegration telling the party are Hon. John Dryden, Minister of ; must have the most careful attention, emergency is' easier than to be a ich they were suppose to serve Agriculture, Toronto; thedifference g y true man on the dead eve o- every- theGovernment are uncollected. • enters into his calculations. With which some men persuade themselves that the meanness of others is a warrant and justification of their own evil conduct.. To keep back the sbarp word which you aro tempted to speak may require more grace than to face danger or resist a terrine a great daug temptation. When you find yourself inclined to think i11 of everybody else; you would do Well to make a close exam- ination of your men moral state. GAMES GAMES Fill your hind and heart with choice passages from the Word of God, and there will be ,no room left for evil thoughts. Every sin that you commit creates a fresh difficulty to be overcome in prosecution of your religious life. One of the best ways to cure an old feud is to quit talking about it; and 'to quit listening when others talk. To play the hero in a great d A l T t Theodore as herein often lies level f ;d represent that the candidates of Louis, Wisconsin ; John Gould, Ohio; 'between success and failure. All party ust have his day life. Government unless such candi- I commissioner, Ottawa • Prof.,Dean constant care, ifld have the s support the Government in the 'G•vernment's stupidity ! Such cheek s unparalleled and monumental. et it henceforth be a standard for e nations." t a •ty will not be accepted by Prof. Robertson, Doininon dairy , these different thing's m he won ,- 0. A. C., Guelph, and a number of I best results. But added to all these, other =practical men. !he must see that he has a well regu- IAs Woodstock is in the centre of fated farm, without which all else , the oldest and most important dairy ' must fail. 1 district in Canada, and has good I Unable to Work. GENTS,—..1 was troubled with Liver mplaint so much that I was unable to work because or the pain and sickness it caused. The pain under my shoulders iLand iin my sides was very severe. 1 am glad to say that one bottle of Burdock 1 Blood Bitters completely cured me and I am now in perfect health. E. DAGENATS, Ste. Rose de Laval, Quo. HOWICK. railway connections, a large attend. ance of representative dair• t men from all parte of Western. Ontario is expected. The official programme will be issued about December 15. ` More co-operation is needed among' cheese factories, and if factory repre• - sentatives in the various sections would tneet to discuss, and, if possi ble, adjust, some of the existing • i Pulped oo s o g Z. One of Ontario's most successful hog breeders (Perth Co.) writes :— "I have used pulped turnipsancj mangers for swine with the best results. It not only saves grain, but it keeps breeding sows and store hogs very healthy. I am satisfied that a liberal supply of pulped roots . fed to growing pigs will give more imas t difficulties, such as the ov ei-1a ppng growth and healthier an1 , no of milk, routes and cutting into each ,liable to .founder or become crippled, other's territory for milk, and also to than if an exclusive grain ration The Connell met in the Township promote more co-operation in the were used. Another advantage is Hall, Gerrie, pursuant to adjourn- ment.. Members all present. The Reeve iii the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. ,z1 communication of Mr. W. G. Strong being read as to culvert opposite his house, tbe matter was -referred to Mr.'Doig. A. communication from Mr. Wm. Fraser as to Jacob Fry's road work received. Moved by Messrs. Graham selling of cheese, the paying for milk by test, and the general management of the business, the manufacturing of cheese could be carried on more economically and a better quality of goods produced. Quality is the essential thing in the world's cheese trade, and to im- prove upon and keep up the quality, the heartiest co-operation is needed - on the part of the patron, the cheese - that the pigs are not liable to Indi- gestion, so that when fattening time comes they are not only larger but • feed much better than grain -fed pigs." may add that the above letter verrfies our - own experience. For , several years we hay a carried a considerable number of pigs over the winter with very little grain. Our practice' is to mix a peck of ground and Sotheran, that a debenture be maker and everyone connected- with . mixed grain or shorts with a bushel issued to Thos. Walker, president of the industry. of pulped turnips, and allow it to the, People's Cheese Factory, as a �' `''tiitd for taxes on factory it having An Interesting Case. remain in a box from about twelve to twenty-four hours. Pigs thus fed WINTER EVENING,GAMES games jt st to khd the following winter evening A. ROSS' BOOKSTORE LOUIBA, 5T$L'WACIIA80, TOM BALL, TAW/111111W, Rams", Omega!, Go BANG, ZNNOIDA, BOY TO DANRNa, TENNIS JONIea, SIH I,AnoaloT, TUM UI'raa TON,. Ur soon TWO RANKS, L00011IADIIY, CANADIAN EYHNTB, Pimp/WI/ORM, OLD MAID, l olt1ISWuT, - 1'E'1•Ea Conr,ss, Lor MDR, Flslr POND, RAILROAD PU4zI.14, BAMIto,UTITi0N, Lb1 lA, LOTTO, CUOaOO, NATION%, SNAP, Da, Busily, BOn1IMs, OUROMIR :WARDS, 11ItOWN:151s Beams, $1.50 $1.00 Games for 50 cents, 50 Dent games for 35 and 25C, 25c. games for 15 and 10e, 10o. games for 5o. To begin any day without prayer is to leave yourself exposed to the assaults of the devil. The hardest of all hard tasks is to be tolerant of intolerant people. When troubles come upon you, draw humbly close to Almighty God. • d roan is no better tin burned—Carried. McCabe vs. Middleton and A. O. should have a tolerably warm house, Droved by Messrs. Gregg and Doig, U. W. garnishees, came on for trial well bedded with dry straw. After at tbree debentures be issued for at the Division Court, St. Thomas, filling themselves on this toothsome each to A. Burnett, R Butchart d ;T, J. Wallace as a refund of dog •x,es�--Carried. A eommunication of Peter Me- ' fren, Treasurer of the Township of urnberly, as to the cost of putting pp p Y In us. train on boundary between. Howiek • supposed to be due under a olic on ,nd Turuberry, Turnberry side,being the life of the late Mr. Middleton, of Of plain common sense life's -cur- sad: Moved by Messrs. Graham Orillia, his widow, the defendant, rent coin is made. - id Doig that tbe matter be left over being the beneficiary. The case was A heavy purse in a fool's pocket is farther consideration—Carried. first set down for trial in Toronto. a heavy cut-sc.—Cumberland. moved by Messrs. Gregg and Objeetion was there taken to the berm that the sunt of $2 be re- jurisdiction, and the' case was trans -1 That remains to be seen, as the ded Mrs. Richard Joules for road ferred to St. Thomas. When it came boy said when he spilled the ink on rk for the present year—Carried. up at St. Thomas,thejudgmentdebtor the table -cloth. loved by Messrs. Sothern and took exception to the jurisdiction of s Teacher: What is an Epistle? haat, that the sum of $10 be the Court there, on the ground that After a pause a boy answers, Please, stinted to Miss Denny as charity, the action, so far as she was concern- sir, the wife of an apostle. ed, could only be hear% cause of action arose,. or where she resided. His Honor Judge Hughes,' who was on the bench, decided that the court had no jurisdiction, and refused to proceed. The pritnary debtor intends to move for a manda- mus to compel the court to pro- eeed, and this will settle along vexed question, which, strange to say; has never been decided under ,the Divi- sion Court Act, viz., Whether before judgment a (lfendant can be Stun - moiled all ove the province to dispute a, elaim sit'nply because the garnishees reside In different places, and the towith result will be looked forward a good dealt of interest by litigants in the Division Court and their' agents. Christmas Goods Arriving. -•IS PUBLISHED - EVERY FRIDAY MORNING ---A'r '1'Iia - TIMES OFFICE, JOSEi'HINE STREET WINGZ{IAM, ONTARIO, ISSASIVISIKe subscription'prioo,$ per yells. GIA `S: ;'RTS RATES: ADVERTISING lel bpaoo 1 1 yr, 1 11nmo 1 3 mo, 1 1 mor Ono Qoluinn SOO 00 040 00 1 $20 00 $ 00 Malt " 40 00 20 00 12 00 6 00 Quarter " .'d0 00 12 00 7 00 G0>• One melt 00 8 0 00 n 5 0 2 I100 Legal and other owns advertisements, 80. por lino for first insertion, and 8c. por line toroachsubsequent insertion. :Measured by nonpareil ecalo, Local notices 10o, per lino for first insertion, and 50. per line for each subsequent inserticr.. Advertisements oMLos , round, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8'pee nonpareil, $1 for first month, and 50o, for each subsequent month, Houses and Farms to • Salo not ex0eedin $ lino* ai for first month, 500, per subsequent month. Larger advertisements in proportion, 1 These terms w,ll be strictly adhered to. Special rates for larger advertieemente, or for 1 longer periods. }Advertisements and local' notices without opeoine directions, will he inserted till forbid and oharged I accordingly, Traneltyry advertisements must be . paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in tau otiiue by Wednesday noon, In order to 'appear that weak R. ELLIOTT PaoPOIMTOR AND PUBLISHER" g n A. ROSS, Wingham. DR MACDONALD, LNGHAMSA' MILIS The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stook of • LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, etc., on band, which will be sold at very close prices to meet the requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $ I.10 per Square. Wood leets. per Cord, delivered. 'Everything oleo equally low, Came and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. A middling goo - than a middling good egg. MoL1;AN What Hot 'Water Will Do. - According to a prominent • New York physicain, it • Will 'cure dyspepsia if taken before breakfast; Ward off chills, when one comes in from the cold; Stop a cold if taken early in the stage ; - Relieve a nervous headache ; Give instant relief to tired and in- flamed eyes ; - - Prove efficacious for sprains and bruises; • Frequently stop the flow of blood from a wound : It is a sovereign remedy for sleep- lessness,; last week. This and another ease of diet they will lie contented and - Cause wrinkles to the same naive was brought against happy in comfortable quarters and aches to vanish, a person resident of Orillia on notes, grow rapidly.—harmers' Advocate. which were made in Orangeville and payable there The A O. I.T.W were garnisheed for money that was We carry our worst enemies with - e being 111 and without means, and said sum to be placed in the ds of Mr. D. S. Cook for her use cried. ved by Messrs. Doig and Gregg following taxes' be refunded: Hewitt and. W. P. Brownlee, S. Geller, tact onpersonal also John Perkins, tax on property and $2 for Mrs. ad work Carried, d; . Isaac Wilson, elines 1, fi and G, os 'Walker, -$5 hos. W On - people's cheese . Gregg, $i, for re - sidelines 1,and , R. Caudle, 50 cents, culvert sidelines 1 and 12 ; L. Murray, $7, dine* 1, 10 and. 11, T. Shearer, $6.10, for 'k, $1.810; for gravel; for gravel r , L. rigor. Little Girl—What is tact, papa ? Papa -Something every woman has and exercises until she gets married. Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes.—All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart 'disease relieved in 30 i minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag - 1 new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug tore, Wingham. Who is the master of this house.? asked the agent of the man who answered his ring. Well, was the curious response, in a resigned tone, •father. the he husband and Catarrh relieved in 10 to CO minutes.- - One short puff of the breath through the I31otve r, supplied lied W.th each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal ori htf ul to us0 d Painless and , es. Pg I pews nently 1 it relieves instf►ntly, and 1rroa y ' cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds. Read. nohe, Sore Throat,'Ponsilitis and Deaf. nese, 60 cents. At Chisbolm's Drug wtorh% +'r am cured since taking Hood's Stir sat arillia," ie what many thousands ars saying. It frlves renewed vitality tied r flee and-back- Jack—To feather yournest you must have money. Tom—Yes, there is nothing so delightful as cash- down. What the matter with that horse ? said the animal's owner at the race track. lie's fast asleep, replied the stable boy. Well, leave him that way. It's the only time be is ever fast. Diu. s MAxnro— -I wish to inform the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that I ani prepared to do work at my home, Mr. Jos. Adams ,or to sew by the day. I guarantee perfect satisfaction in all work Intrusted to me. JBssti; RoLsxoN, Corner Francis and Diagonal sta. Wingham, June 7tb, 1808. SON. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Mortgage at low rates of -in- terest on terms of five years or. over. Principal payable at end of term or annually, if desired. OHN BURGESS, Bl-uevale P. 0., Ont. Agent for Huron.and Erie Loan and Savings Co.,' London. Ont. - If you contemplate.taking a tour abroad, do not overlook A:nglesses, and remember that "Llanfairwllgwy- ngyligerchw yrnb wilgog ereh wyrnb- willlan disilioggo gosh" is the first station past the Menai bridge. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bil Heads, Circulars, dcc., dee., executed in the beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, TImRm OiRce, Wingham. BOOKBINDING• wiNcu ui, CENTRE' STREET, ONTARIO. V V B. TOWLER, 51,D.0.51., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Optarie —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Upstairs, next to Mr Morton's otiiae, Wing ham, Ont. - - 017IOB HOUES.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m., Residence, Diagonal Street. We aro pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will haveour prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to the TIMES Office. A. Great Oirer. With a view of booming the oirculatino of the Totes, we will send the Tants to any address in Canada or the United States from now to the end of 1896., for one dollar, or we will send the T1MEa lend the weekly Globe For the samelength e gth of time for 61,25, Fust think of it. 'The Globe is a 12 page paper, full of solid reading matter,' and the Tn&s is now one of the bent weellliee in the country, the two for $1.26, Don't ntieB it, Bend in your orders it once. JP. KENNEDY, M, D., M. C. P.S. 0. - - Cad to Dr. J, A. Moldrum.) 0012 Medalist ,of Western University: Late House Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special atten•. tion paid to diseases of women and children, Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Meldrum,Oorner. of Centre and Patriei streets. 11. odium • ONT OURES 'DYSPEPSIA, BA® BLOOD„ CONSTIPATION, (KIDNEY TROUBLES, IREADACRE, BILIOUSNESS. B.B;B, unlocks an the secretions and removes all impurities from the system from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. 331(1RD0CK PILLS actftently yet thoroughly on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels �j�L . VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds, to loan st lowest rate interest. No commission ohargcd. Mortgages, took and farm .propert,, bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WINonAN J. A. MORTON; BARRISTER, &c., WInghun,. - Ont, E • L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. - SOLICITOR TO BANK 00 HAMILTON. MONEY TO LOAN.' Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. M G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, deo. Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets, opposite Colborne Hotel. Gonsa,OD, - ONTARIO... DENTISTRY.—J. S. JEROME, L. D. S.,WU WnAe. 1l Is manufacturing first•olass sets of teeth as cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new Iprocess, guaranteed perfectly safe. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the _ I Brunswick House. - I .40. et For Twenty-five Years DUNN'S BAKIN' _ POWDE THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LA>fl'tiC$T SAi.i ;iii CSM NADA. ARTHL'ii J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvani Dental College. - OFFIOE..•MAODONALD SLOOK. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINGHAN, ONTARIO GO 'roar FRANK SCELI'S, WIIEnE YOU GET 12 BRAVES' AND 1 HAIR OCT FOR 11. Opposite i{orman's Hotel, WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. PDEANS, Ja., �v,NoSAfl, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY ON HURON. • Salts attended in any part el' the Co. ()barged Moderate. JOHN CURRfl11I, WINOHIE, ONT., LICENSED AIICTIONEEU POR THE COUNTIES HURON AND IIBUCE. A11 orders left at the T1M1 office promptly attend ed to, Terns reaeonabl6, JAMES HIENDERSON,. tunutsan Myo lo:ass Fos C611IITi ss Hun* AO All sales attedded to promptly and on the Shorted. Ratko. Chargeb Moderate and Satlefaotitel Guaranteed. All neccseary arrangements Carl be made Ai t'h Tunis'office.Orrr Money to ifonti on totes. Notes Discounted ter REASONABLE lfiATE Mosey advanced on Mortgagees at Si poroenteii prilileee 'of paying at the end et any year. Note and accounts fiolleotad. Bearer Mack Wilieheln. Oat. y .. wit •aft° that son "ser club testi sma of E for o anin If' chit) con' weal find pure tite Hoo puri $1 tion, ache tate eau the the 'K bloc you as a Obi I; -don prer 1 pose tion w the orde B. can styli Bros Mo ' Jet 1 opl D rep. Far, B Ca Pr aoa -s 1. silo s Tate boa E•. of bu 1h • sti. se firi Illi is 1114'