HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-13, Page 4C. E. WILLIAMS, —AND— DRUGGIST. AA N D �-ryy p�.y� T?��y� �••ry� DRUG 4.+1IS J. • ACT. G. H. W. TELEGRAPH CO opp Brunswick House. Wingham, - - Ont ( h gijann 'laws ..l FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1895, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Those who have received ac- counts from us will please remit the amount, or call and settle, at once. As we expect to leave Wingham on the 2nd of January next, all accounts not settled by thz.t time will be placed in other bands for col- Iection. "A word to the wise," &c. Remittances made by P. 0. Order or registered letters will be at our risk • wi10X1 l.'I 1 . Mr. Farrow, of 1;lyth, is her at present taking Dr. Fortune's praetice, while the latte°; is in Guelph. ---Rev. Mr. Anderson 'v ns here last week, looking much better, He left again this week for the Old Country, and will not be able to preach again until spring. His physician gives him good hopes of complete recovery. —The Rev. Mr, Moss, of 13luevalo, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here, last Sabbath. --Capt. Bentley, of the Salvation Army, is in town this week taking up the work of the army.—John, Hooey, who lately returned from Scotland, brought home a fine heavy draught stallion, The animal is a fine one, but received hard treatment on its voyage.—Mr. Wrn. McCutcheon,wllo has been salesman for Mr. Hazlewood for some time, is leaving for Penn- s ylvania.--Mrs. W. C. Hazlewood is visiting at ;lir. A. R, McDonald's, Wingham.—T. Rae, R. Ross and J. W. Sanderson are sportsmen of no small celiber. On Monday of this week they shot 17 rabbits and one partridge, which, we trunk, beats the record.—Mr. T. Sage, while out. chopping wood, last week, nearly, severed three of his toes with an axe. —While out driving witb a horse of Mr. A. Paulin's, Mr. T. Malloy met with a serious accident. The horse became frightened and ran away, upsetting the cutter and throwing 11ir. Malloy out, cutting his head badly. — Don't forget the monster meeting of Foresters to be held here on Thursday, the 19th inst. A R. ELLIOTT. great many of the High Court ofil- TI IEs Office, Wingham, Nov. cers will be present and address the 27th, 1595. meeting. Members from twenty dif- ferent courts are expected to be pre - EDITORIAL NOTES. sent. A good time is looked for. THE election in West Huron will!WINTERINGSTOOK IN KENT. be held on the 14th of January, the nomination being held a week earlier. BRUCE FARMERS SENDING THEIR CATTLE TO WINTER THERE ON DISPATCH from Ottawa says ACCOUNT of THE SCARCITY OF that Hon. N. Clarke Wallace, Con- FODDER. troller of Customs, has resigned his office because be cannot approve of The Grand Trunk is doing a good the course of the Government on the work for the farmers of Bruce and Manitoba School question. His re- neighboring counties in bringing signation was sent to Premier Bowel), cattle here and contracting to return on 'Wednesday. them in the spring at greatly reduc- ed rates. Last week a train of fif- TEE Conservatives of West Huron, teen cars, containing 400 head, was at their Convention on Tuesday, brought down from Lucknow and nominated Mr. D. Weismiller, of other shipments will follow during Hensall, on the first ballot. Messrs. the next two weeks. The Grand John Butler, mayor of Goderich, and Trunk carries cattle each way at $1 Mr. Jos. Beek, of Saltford, allowed per head, and farmers in the neigh - their names to go to the ballot. It borhood are wintering them on corn was decreed from Ottawa that IIlIr.: fodder and straw at the rate of $1 Weismiller was to be the candidate, per month. The .heavy crop of corn and that settled it. - in Kent this year has supplied an immense amount of fodder, sufficient WEST HURON will be over run for many hundred of outside cattle with an army of outside Tory besides the home stock, and the feed- eleetioneering agents daring the ing will be so much clear grain to first two weeps of January 'those the home farmer. The entire cost of heelers have been in North sending cattle here, wintering them, partyand returning them in the spring, Ontario doing their peculiar work will be but e6 per head, which is a during the past two weeks and will great deal better for the owners than be in Cardwell for a couple of weep importing; feed, or selling them ,just before going to West Huron. Those now for what they would bring.— emissaries of the Dominion Govern-' Chatham Banner. ment should be given the cold 1 shoulder by the sturdy yeomen of, The annual meeting of the Domin- West Huron. lion Draught Horse Breeders' Society --- I was held at Clinton on Wednesday WHITECHURCH. last. The depressed and changed The annual meeting of the White- conditions which have characterized church Creamery Company will be the horse trade for several ),years held on Saturday,the 21st December, past have of course affected the at 1 o'clock. 4 full attendance is volume of business done by this as requested, as business of importance well as by all other horse registering will be brought before the meeting. societies. —The good sleighing has made things lively. CULROSS. Mr. R. Marshall, in his own and the interest of his neighbors, was away last week in the direction of Monekton, in search of liay, and succeeded in securing some 14 or 15 tons, which he is pressing with the intention of moving it up as soon as t:onvenient.—Gladnessreignssupreme in. the home of Mr. Walter Marshall, over the birth of a son, which event took place last Sunday. ---Mr. Thos. Ross, on the 4th concession, is run- ning his grain chopper to its ftillest Capacity, in order to keep up with bis eustom.-Several of the farmers have got their cattle dehornediately, but one of Mr. R. Marshall's steers J:elet with a. mishap a„ few days after the operation and had to be slaughter- ed.—The G, T. L. on the 8171 11 is in very prosperous condition having BU1tt , CLEOo—In Garde, on Der. lst, the wife of Mr. Richard Clegg; a son. • tkILrrno—In Wroxeter, on Nov. 28th, the wife of Mr. A. Munro; a daughter. MAItsHALL-In Culross, on the 8th inst., the wife or Mr. Walter Marshall; a son. MP.FID. NIeaor.soN.-•-Jrrnms-9a' , the llth of December,, at theresidence of the Bank father. Daisv Farm, Turn - berry by the Rev. W. H. Moss, assisted by Rev. I. B. Wallwin,B. A.,Miary Grace, I second daughter of Mr. Thomas Jenkins, to William Nicholson,of Toronto.. CVNIONGHAA1 —Iii sslox. On Nov. 20th, by the Rev, A. f1. Baldwin, at All Saints' Church, Toronto Dr. Cdrinirag halm, of St. Thomas, to 4 Va G., second daughter of Mr. T. Hossion, of Winghain. Brcicatt--MOYER—idays Nov. 20th, at the manse, C oderich, by RE,v. AJas, A. Anderson, B. A., John Becker, of pintail, to Christina Moyer,of Wellesley, Waterloo county. 'bllay. K1,:11R—In 't'vinghatn, on the 4th inst. Wm. Kerr, aged 01 years,' THE WO GUAM TIMES, DECEMBER 13, 1S9r trade seemed to be more active than for several ti'ecks past, with slightly higher prices being paid for the better kinds of cattle and lambs. A few head of the best cattle were sold at about ale per ib. with pretty good animals at from 2 is to 31e, per lb, while common and inferior beasts sold at from 11e to 21e per lb. The supply of calves were rather small and prices are advancing. Mr. Bourassa•bought a pair of pretty good veals for $13 ands two others that were better for$18. Small young calves sell at from $3.50 to $G each. Sheep. sold at from 2c to 2 o per ib. Good lambs sold in lots at from ale to a little over 3 e per ib. Mr. Joseph Richard bought 45 good lambs at $ c per lb. and six good cattle for ,226, Fat hogs sell at about 31c per lb. Dressed hogs at from 3 is to nearly Se per lb. East Buffalo, Dec. 9,—Cattle—The receipts were lighter than a week ago -190 cars, against 284 cars; the market ruled. with a fairly good demand. Hogs — Yorkers, fair to choice, $3.60 @ $3.65; stags, coir) - mon to choice, $2.50 a $3 ; pigs, `l common to fair, $3.40 C 53.70. TH BEST Sheep and lambs—Lambs, choice to [� prime, $4.50 @ $4.60; Canada lambs, fair to prime, $4.15 o $4.70; sheep, choice to selected wethers, $3.50 @ $3.75; culls and common sheep, $1.25 @ $2.15. Cattle—Total offerings, 200. cars ; strong and a shade higher for good . butchers' ; slow and 10c Ca; 15c lower for heavy; best steers, $4.20 @ $4.35; light to good, $3.75 @ $4 ; bulls, $2.40 @ $2.75. Hogs --Total offerings, 200 cars, market easier; Yorkers, $3:60 @ $3.65 ; light Yorkers, $3.65 @ $3.691; mediums and heavies, $3.G0 @ $3.65 ; pigs, $3.75 @ $3.80. Sheep and lambs—Total offerings, only 130 cars ; market active, and closed 10c @ 15c higher for best. Ca.nadas ; some sold up to $4.75, the bulk at $4.60 @ $4.70, and poorer stock .down to $4.50; Canada sheep, $3.50 @ $3.75 ; all sold. MARKET REPORTS. wINGHAat.. Wingham, Dec, 12, 1805. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Plain per 100 lbs .. 1 75 to 2 00 Full Wheat. .... ... 0 03 to 0 04 Spring . ,, . . . . .Wheat.... 0 03 to 0 04 Oats, ............... 0 23 to 0 24 l3arley.. , .. 0 30 to 0 35 Peals 047to048 Butter,.... 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen 0 10 to 0 16 Wood per cord.,.. .,1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ton ...... ... 15 00 toto10 00 15 P0 otatoes, per bushel... Tallow, per ib Dried Apples, per ib Chickens Ducks Geese Turkeys..... Dressed Hogs 04 to 0 05 020 to 025 040to050 0 5to0 5 .... 0 0 to 0 •7 a '75 to 400 _,_ TRUNKS, VALISES, LEATHER BAGS Special Bargains all Month. GEORGE GOOD A CHANGE OF BUSINESS BELa...A RA. \/ E. ?.AVID SPROAT Wishes to announce to the people of Belgravc and surrounding country that having bought; the stock of the late Jas. Henderson, and having since added large sorting orders, ho is now prepared to offer good value in all the different departments. • GROCERIES,sozokni, We have just to hand a large and choice selection of XMAS GROCERIES, comprising RAISINS, CURRANTS. PEELS, ORANGES, LEMONS, PRUNES, APRICOTS, FIGS. SPICES, NUTS and CANDIES, Besides full ranges of SUGARS, TEAS, CANNED GOODS, SOAPS, &o., &e. .DRY GOODS,,%,®, For the balance of the season we haye decided to offer the following lines AT COST, namely : Furs, Tweeds, Dress Goods, Flannels, Cottonades, Prints, Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, Ties, &c., Besides a host of other things too numerous to men. tion. Also a large stock of BOOTS and SHOES Principally of tl:e Celebrate) John McPherson make We will not quote prices as wo are convinced that a call will show you that our prices are right, and we hope by fair and honest dealing to merit a liberal share of your patronage. Yours Respectfully, • DAVID SPROAT. N. B.— Butter, Eggs. Lard and Tallow taken in exchange at highest prices. —AT TUE— SMALLEST. COST MERCHANT TAILORING —AND.— GENTS' FURNISHINGS GEO. GARR'S By inspecting our Stock, you will be convinced it pays to buy the best when it can be had at such a very moderate cost. Our prices cannot be beat anywhere for good, reliable workmanship and ma• terial. A. Perfect Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Always the latest at the lowest price in Gents' Furnishings. GEO. CARR, Opposite Chisholni's Drug Store, Wingham. SHE SAID "YEr She would accept frim if be bought the A Ansa — w 8! LLO ! WHAT ABOUT OUR NEW CLOTHING HOUSE J' HN RUETTEL & SONS. IEY ARE JUST IMMENSE. THEY MAKE TH FINEST CLOTHING TURNED OUT ANY- WH'RE AND THEY ARE MIGHTY CHEAP TO If yo eed a ,bitt,,iv SUIT OR OVERCOAT. Be sur and try them. They will please you to perfection. They are doing ,, immense business and bound to do more, and such a stock of Tws , s, Black and Fancy Worsteds and Ovcrcoatings you have never , ore seen in Wingham. Be sure and give them a call and see then a way, for to save money is making money, and you can do it by buy:. g from them every time. And sue a stock of ,e,®,®,o, ADS' -MADE CLOTHING -- They kei• the finest and cheapest you have ever seen. I tell you it has been ucky for us they came to Wingham anyway. Our money is kept =re and we can be better suited by getting our Suits from John Rua tel & Sons' Palace Clothing House. And wha about jett,./1, c�S •EIRTS, COLLARS AND I'JECKTIES_.a Por I do art like to get angry on a Sunday morning. Then get your Shirts, Co ars and Neckties from John Ruettel & Sons, for their Shirts and Collars are perfection. You cannot go astray in anything you want to billy, for John Ruettel & Sons keep the very best in. anything that a gentleman wants' to wear. PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE, facdonald Block. . WINGHAM. kV01"Ate%gam �J .G E' R I N —AT— I PATTERSON'S r Jl If you want a ring that will wear you a life tine, buy it of PATTERSON it it Get up as quickly as you can and get one of our magnificent engage- ment rings. Any young lady would be proud to wear one of them. Wo will whisper the price to you—we have them as low as $1.25. YOU'LL 'It's all so Sudden"sometimes that ! REG RET IT -� the young man doesn't know where Ifou don't call and examine and while to get the ring. If you are in this plight you may come without mis givings to us. We guarantee all of w our goods and our guarantee is good. about seventy members in good Live Steck Markets. aginstud gacre now imakng ar. , Montreat Dec 0.—There Were you ate there, got prices of that immense new stock of I r xtta- Which has just arrived from Germany, It is the most beautiful assortment ever shown in town. GEOCERIES Complete in every line. We are ready for you, when you are ready to do your Xmasbaking. OUR T.EASi,vv►, , Are beoonling ttiore ramous every day t far a Mammoth bore , trocar 575 bead of butchers cattle ii pecia1I r "8418(18'" and- Obr'istmaa. and 20 )raters and 2e00() sheep and , Iambs offered .der finale at re last NORMAN k FA QUHARSON wla ge.. Ittid ,; tarot iii .n Teirm westai • ri Mina HQU50, Wing harxi. "Ira t lli '1".) g1I61 r 111 l)5'Ce , ��1% t—Gao-d Goods at Harlot Priebe. What she wants is one of our Diamond Rings, 14 karats fine. With them the style never changes. Any young lady knows her ring will not be out -shone if it comes from PATTERSON. REPAIRING,,,,,, For rine Watch Repairing. I defy competition. M. lt.'Arjt'rxttiltgUY1T, "„Wingham. Opposite Bank of Hamilton, ;-t M is N. B.—Repairing a Specality. Eye Sight Tested Free. MUNSHAW, ]"1 1 Wingham. L. EET-f •S�JC•'ftnd 'Xit ' gi i tilTraLttaT.'�L: 7'-gt+-L "L�•JLu Gt417Vt� RI 7 Erg r�1 learing Sale OF -- ATG TAT ES', GLOGKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, FROM NOW TO JANUARY IST. OW IS YOUR TIME TO SECURE YOU): mas. and Birthd.ay 'resents .A."11 C 0 ,8 As t ant remodeling my store. all goods must be sold by that time. TWO A gc West 1 held hi was g( first Institu of the Mossbi meetil Mr. IP unable of the of the fill th( Prot poultr: Sleigh, pig rat on "Po of the testing out tic Wyant most l T he T fed as beton fowl feed a towar scatte pen, e each feed f to eat like r The shorts ed wi when Witte least time and I shad( was dose. set se eggs are f a sp( spide chick good ferti 1 one I then To g the r is ov mucl M: the c a pr time the men fail. won' taret oats The' and fed Cow day day MD( and that he g Bail Mr. Mr. The ta111 pro; enj4 c10; sin) to -t in stri spe Sle the Ho He mo tht shi an m1 go rel vel ho w!' wi re' ler ill ev kt til