HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-13, Page 3HIMNIA1
Fruit -Growing,
ek tend Batrying,
nitro+, departments 4
r,Pon!tri'Yard, kntotno-
gneisticis end Answers,'.
Economy, and summary
it att r artiontieipaid to tilt
rl 1estions lighthrowing Wben,tplR
harsh+, llluytrated, as
OP than ever Wore. Tragi
,or year, but s►o offer a
EOn isoo;
one remittance e 4
tt at
rs for MOO. Payinein
he paper weektu, frotar
to Jannary let as06
tri.. Address
eoet, Publishers,
l a
'� ra
• Wftighain, •cant
ar. W, eon'.
i and Interest.
to Farmers an4
VI en,
ua endorsed notes
Sale notes bought:
they remitted to all;
•noble charges.
Given to Col-
s and Notes.
ritoreiaartts' sunk
to 6 p• o,
.S" TF1, 4
oR Modicble1 nm
'est 011ie& +,address• x, A.
in, Out
et 0 0
the etnis d-
w,n. ctsrr:v (.4
. .a.yai ,inetytaa0cram
r mnuntrnaer.
,n, Intl•
or side eor
Cox az.AL. , �'lr
`toes btu* Pine
and earpectorant
orbs and barks,
r POI?
is, Sore'Throrie
nICH/41. ani!,
r:au hawhr'
inaptly P y tc this.
tT gait /tee
tO.� cent albuinialoids, and fate qd•'
froeuv lee Iii ill , 1alxaacnat nntycn.I Casually observed, rl ton of fete,
>looatscaanta Inilttc�naea
'Per God mut 7rurT.rletad .\"lett+,a it ani+d." • stilruhy matter 4,11 1 • r p J i r,nT` n itto t;s ore /cos eel upfor and
contains nearly three times its rrzttct: insult are like counterfeit money',
d nearly twice itll1ecotr whether be y
o c•
a 1 t
the ^^�^w
at 0 e
t� f ca a
[much us0 they , n i
et, that the yrnnaan'L tlhrtatisan elxtorslconsequently til fit tluCthey'
eS offered abeing t
trace uidon 110 part � U 0 ,
a leo o'clock . An at• crcrr.
Corrin or %%ought,
eq i,l
ue n
t n i ie a at
P the rA Pare
to b h
tla o n l u 2 i
0 of ni
n o ; e
i1 n i 1 fade
h d r
a l
co e
Q a them e
a t anti
satins tical feeding wi e4 of tl g
I bpsiness teen or because to ut we
ale not compelled to
t th ntt ass the thirst ar d 1I 1*e thole
harp P oris, at 3iaa, mean; a is farP hold positions of honor and trust
remelt arrest tit l dt more than twic0 as �''reat z
a xnncace a for i
et could Anly realize
how iilUeh ill- To ei cel others $ a proof oftalentt
to In actual praetic : fluciaee thr y are el0rtinn o ,
,dtor has ktndia• t Initt a) b1a
however, site ct is tical value
but to knew
01 our work, tre osis trleudx of the cense to F,'r yen fodder crops is not .the to j as n ; ell" ,er i ulnen to conceal that
syeend iteuts at A,tar'est on all uawni Rnustloua of tau
hien, they would ordinarily be niueli superiority' is a
des taanrot our aroUtbara• A more d;'yt'cfill es to the ilia••• ilenee greater proof of pro,
foetal to be ealiSid
- t• aro mail° w ,
a of
en, i given Ot
that of Swedes. re
' na •
" . • tired. The wet
. exactly p ytt
- _..:-...�. contaln0d in greet' crops pure
Wouldn't Use. r i cAu exact! the Baine as ure wet
else Keys• i fr om any other .sotu'ce ; but in
The notion that alcohol may do i unexplained way it 'acts so
good, because for an instant it seems: benetieiallly on ail, animal- Tal
to do.good was well answered by a for instance' a ilea pasture o
physician's response to cattle f n whi
00 )Hoch given ul inter''vathout a
.tete+, of i
their trouonce. Young leen, full oft In any work that is worth careful.
energy, without much experience, ly reading there is scene -
looking forward to their life work, thin thatgenerally setae
are ver Basil v g is worth remembering y moulded by leen o£ curately. mbei'ing ac, }
high rant and mature age• Tile! An opportunity words that spoken carelessly by twee i P ty is like st pin in the
older hien, falling. areP tts seed p rigs; you catsI
into the h sight of it just
Soil of younger' minds, have a potency QS it flies away from you, and gets
for good or evil that can hardly be buried again.
over-estimated, I The perfection of conversation
Not long since, travelling with' not to play a regular sonata as
one of our mast prominent business ua a but lik
then, who is now about •itCy years
old, we were speaking of the men
we knew when we were soldiers
together in the army, before either of
us had reached his twentieth year.
This. man, who is a model of business
integrity and moral purity, said,
calling the name of a well-known
officer in the army, "`Captain
once said in my presence something
that had a great influence on my life.
A company of officers were spending
the evening together, and one of the
younger otlicers told a lewd story,
when the Captain said to .hint, in a
itinely bat very stern way, 'I never
want any man to tell in any pl'eeeece
a st6ry that has in it the. least ele-
ment of impurity or indecency. No
rum who ever tells such a story or bud, slowly but surely expend
hes one is as pure and good a man beauty and
aft Lenin or
hearing bgPa�e," g carie„ it as he was Every day and hour we're sowing
the seeds of character ;which one day
hese words, spoken thirty years wilt astonish even
bef ' e, had made a wonderful impres blossoming forth in actions sof whicelves h
n thisyoung
I)had d
well very helpful in moulding the �capabie, ot, supposed ourselves
cbarTlcter of the younger man. The !
ma%who uttered them will -over be; IIs that lacks good sense is rte,
heid,in high esteem by .the man who ,thereby in having learning, for he has
head them, On the other hand thereby only more ways of exposing
specking of other officers in theSame�himself ' and he that no sense
regibent, the name of a young offi- + but ratheers r thet art of is not knowledge,
cer has called, who was notorious I of using it,
amc g his boon companions as -et With energy we make an interest
tell � of indecent stories. He ryas for ourselves, ill spite of the poverty
re oinbered with loathing and dis- . of our circumstances; without oppor-
gu a : tunities of rich enjoyment pass
this will illustrate imperfectly unutilized, and we slip all chance for
we we mean by unconscious ' in- bettering our fate.
fla�,ce. The man who is upright There is nothing so •delightful as
an"pure_end honorable, always and the hearing or the speaking of truth.
eve ywhere, is exerting an influence i'or the reason there is no converse -
for. ood that can be hardly over- tion so aggreeable as that of the man
esti ated ; while' the man who is of integrity who hears without any
lin tire, dishonest and dishonorable intention to betray, and speaks
in et or conversation, is either without any intent to deceive.
alis ating from himself aII good and
truenien, or he is helping mightily
to ,ake them as corrupt, impure a ld
dis t, norable as 'possible.
I, pure, profane, and false, words
are often found on the lips of men
wh a are noted for their polished
ma !ers ; but in such eases they
alw ys advertise their author es e
whi d sepulchre. Impure and pro-
must be found in thesays you. non t Hraro to s coot" US
fou ain which sends forth. such a
editorial 'aboute Noir- iiau�the Ynaa nuts tobbOco;habit will bei in�ore of the 0. aC. e.
stye in. •cure, "" Wu know or nuns' cases cured byconstant 8tte11ClanCf
liar, orae, a prominent st Lucia architect, smoked. Prices right.
It may be said, on the other hand, "Ii (hawed far twenty )ears; two boxes cured him
that many men simply use impure No•To Bso that ao cold the am)il$maranEc�rtottnot�ureinno pay.
and profane forms of expression Book free. Sterilise' Hatnedy Co., 874 St. Pani St ,
Witt a lit having any 112eaning, alioutreaL sell by C. E. Williams Wingham.
Mg fs a great misfortune. Utieon- Read Best.
seio ly they are Being a great in- What do you read and leave un-
aur to others, as perhaps uneen- 'read? What time do we give to the
8e10 •ly they have received injury Bible? No other book, let us be sure
frot others, "The good elan out of of it .
e$11.1 equally avait to the good treasure of his heart us for that which Bee before Pis; for
brin eth forth that which is good ;. the unknown Anxieties and sorrows,
and he evil man out of the evil which are sooner or later the portion
Beth forth that which of 'most Wren and women ; for the
is e �1; for out of the abundance of gradual approach of death ; for the
his $ ' art his mouth speaketh." period,- be it long- or short, awaiting
In order to dot good we need to, be and preparation for the throne and
Every i thoroughly rb
y UI)
g' pare
and ncl
l? face of the to
good roan is a centre froin which back from cite world,
radi • te good mfiuences. He creates desire to have. made the haw shed ourr
uneo iseiously a pure man -ennobling best' guide to it ! rrest Oen
atm ..phere. Every bad man con- grudge the hours we have
shall we
tam Ates the moral atmosphere in. airy -.--lee the though ire wasted or
whin l he lives.'—Presb tern b thoughts oons ae
y an Dles> to
h �–
s �
son only
I .
things of time! =Canon Liddon.
m t
was t an who a ittten in r
g n to the pleasures 1 outside assistance, then try te le
of the table. The pian had said to `animals on the hay from the sal
lldoctor; /pasture, supplying the water In
hat clo you think of the influence! bucket instead of. in the form
of lobo ou the digestion doctor?"' natural juices, and a
'I think its influence is bad," said , result is obtained. Th fats differ
the physician, a animal
i not starve, at the 1341110 time it 1,
"Brit •a little whiskey taken just eat fatten, no matter how tench
before a meal is the only leas that and water are riven it. .Yet,
will open, my appetite, doctor." 1 tioall.y, water is the only costit t
"`I don't believe in opening things llost In the practice of havnna[ci
with false keys," answered the doe, I don't need to grow turnips n
tor.. I I've got a windmill," p
This response was remarked
plicable for . P Ytioulariy ap, nnclividual who had fallen into
a false! stimulated; erroneous notion that his wa.
a Apatite is -sl, sure prelude to indiges, - furnishing stook water would et
ti on. One very; hopeful feature of Nature's plan, as found in. the
te iiiperanee tefoi•ni is in the . feet - culene turnip. Treating. .
that thirty.nine out of the forty-five .• other side of the question, #t e
Suites have made . scientific temper- beliydrates q : the
anee education mandator in the , ttlbumech a trod
can be supplied more cheaply II
public sehoofs: --New Yor•kyEva fort f
le -
age- n cereals and other colleen •t t-
ted food
• s than from potatoes; bu
• ++1 value of the extra succulence of
It's the Sure End. !potato diet marc than makes u
As my husband was riding ou the deficiency in constituents.
ears one day, he had his Bible with W. J. Malden in The Pota
him and sat in his seat reading, and] Field and Garden":
a young man who aceupied a seat : "The full value of potatoes is
near looked up and made some re- • brained unless they are cooked
mark which opened a conversation, , the ease of sheep, large siunntiti
noticed the scum' m•l ' retry
• .ln
kept his Potatoes produce mours• in
ads in one position and wondered
pigs and ltol'ses hides t'
as to what h
mig- t be the cause. Bat our personal espericfeu to have
soon the young man said, "Drink is to feed large quantities of loo
what got these things on me. "Sure • which have been injured in on
enough, he was handcuffed to the or another, have,
as'tu spoil thea
arm of the ear seat, and another market but not for feeding pur
glance easily detected the officer in florin which we have I
t is
g0 of rho pllsonel•, And then two tons of Swedes have more , that
followed the sad story,. how he had than one ton of potatoes. It iseasier
taken but one glass too much and to grow 25 tons of Swedes than 12e,
had never thought to injure anyone tons of potatoes, besides which there
in all his We, but his brain was is the cost of cooking the latter, •We
crazed, and the crime committed have gone into the subject of the
and now he wastaking' this"journey relative feeding values of the two
into the city, thence to the great crops, because results of a. few experi.
ison on the hill to spend two years Inents are frequently taken as data
Ind stone walls and iron bars, to show the exceptional value pos.
vall be far away now from all sessed by potatoes as a fodder crop.
friends, a ike all such captives, Experience shows us that there is no
life will be made "bitter with special advantatee to be reaped by'
d bondage." substituting potatoes for Swedes as a
thought as my husband related crop ; nor is it more profitable to buy
sad incident of his past life how potatoes at double the cast per ton
was brought up, dearly loved by ; that would be paid for : Swedes at
is parents, and of the time when he the same time,"
ever_ could thiel: of such aa thingeas ' As before stated, potatoes should
eating drunk ;" but a little delve-' be cooked before feeding. They
rd step at a time took him farther should also be washed free from dirt,
iii•thor from his real manhood, which is easily done by placing a
nti.under the awful influence of loose wooden grating
b or
the terrible drink the deed was done, long trough. Fill half the ttrough
hien costs him two years of free- with water, place the floating gratin
free -
one But will two years atone for ou this, then throw in the potatoes;
he past ? Or a whole lifetime bury ,stir_ and rub them with a broom or
the act into forgetfulness? No I, no 1 hard brush, and i22 a short time the
blighted life and a lost, lost soul,, potatoes will be clean and the dirt
less he gets to the cleansing blood will have sunk beneath the grating.
Jesus Christ. And think of it • Cooked potatoes are readily eaten by
11 from the first glass of liquor I ' all kinds of stock, and poultry thrive
Then I thought of my brothers, { on them. They are .particularly
d my own little: boy, and our ; suitable for horses which are being
el �'htours, bright manly little i fitted for sale, as the
eliows, growing up to face these i aPpear<rllce to the skin and a brig ht
erfui temptations, will theyHess to the coat, g
number to fall into this Snare of -----------:—
enemy ? And again I cry unto t AN EXCITING GA,Id8 or FCOTSA:LL,
d, "Hasten ? the day when the word 1 gives Inose real pleasure to the on -
the Lard shall be fulfilled," Ite_s.t lookers than is provided in a 'eon-
-"A_ ke, ye drunkards, and weep; a,t almost any other sport. It is
owltill ye drinkers of wined ausing to watch the interest dis-
se i s
f the new wine; for it is i played in one of the great- Iaea ue
ti from your mouth."
For a nation is come up upon m.
landd,strong, and without number,
whos6 teeth are the teeth of the lie.
and he hath the cheek tees t
matches. Row many of the spec-
tators seem as though they would
delight to participate in the struggle!
Unfortunately' for man of t g
u active exercise ofy hp.,m,
God means p ppossible. In this happy land of
great lion." Surely any kind f ouumrs,
legal prohibition, r heumatism, gout and 1utnba
'ilius !'seting Value of Potatoes.
tato erop vtril! have to be disposed
other ways than ler eu inary
poses. I+`ortunately, almost every
Ielaitn their victims by the thousago
If roti happen to be one of these
victims, get some of IIolloway's bins.
went without
and dtake
way's Pills for ` omplaints of the
liver, impurities its the blood, dis-
pas a market of its own. 1 order s of the stpmae
h, t c,
winter feeding value of allI
inky fodder crops is ver Nene )3etter Yt.i ecva,
y Thorn is no better known traveller in,
ent oin a supply of turnips orthe Maritime Provfnaog than M. G.
vegetables. The aver f pied Andersoe tiz
fire Aeolian harp, to wait the inspira-
tion of the passing breeze.
There should be as little merit in
loving a woman for her•beauty as a
man his prosperity, bout being
equally subject to ehange.
Weigh the sense of what you man
to utter, and the expressions yon
intend to use, that they may be.
significant, permanent .and inoffen-
Many of our cares are but a iter-
bid way of looking at our privileges,
Remember also that contentment is
more satisfying than exhilaration.
Gentleness is a sort of mild atmos.
phere, and it enters into a child's
soul like the sunbeam into the rose-
into vigor. i
Weare wise if we learn• never to
waste a moment in worrying over
what no human power can give to
us again. Tbis is true, even in
sorrow. Sadness only fits us for
duty. We need alI our strength in
order to be faithful in our more
lonely condition.
:i''. ae"'„ •N✓a•xtlL rr�::i' !'9'!'.�°'•s i .C'; a
for Infants and Children*
OTHERS, _Dai You
Hato � Know
man a Fops, Godirere 4oll ial ma that syrup.
elm team** for .children are composed
o Soothing t3yrulss, $nd
Do To* Klnow posed of oprnm or morphine t
....... * Enaty that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons t
without Isbeupg thou# poisensi
o"Yo s, that In most countries druggists fl & sale not p0zlnitted to soli tr4tcoticg
Do Yo�•�•-mow that you should not permit any x11
litel s.you or y.tux physician knowoi' what it is composed P ed$e to be given your
f;srngsedlsn n mthat fastens Jo a purely voaetaable preparation,
published whit every bottle t and that 8 not et
iia y o o ,? thAt 11C toeria is t:1 'eSerlptfen of tine famous Dr.
That ithas been muse for nearly thirty years, and that B10w 5 hl than.
of au other remedies for children combined t more Gaatorta !o pop, tsoid than
Da You, Emmy
.- 'Pitcher-
-,., 111 that the Patent Moe Department of they 'Gaited states, and of
other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr, Pitcher and hfs &Ss1g„e. to use the
014140411,"and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state word
Ti0 You ,'F.Lno to prison ozreaae r
____,,_.,,.�,-s? that one of the reasons for granting this government protectionwas
because Castoria had been proven to be absolutelyta salsas?
Do Yo—^- o?t Itzin`v that 35 average doses of castoria ere 1
otsZc4tl, or otto cent a dose orals ed far Ili
Do 7t'oa 3tnow that
ration, rour children maY
"�--- -,- when possessed of this perfect props
be slept well, and that you may have unbroken rest,
Well these `33n c aro worth knowing, T47=0 1.100.
The o •Paye= =`s'ai3a
Raalae+,o _:•_
i - :, Yea • ?g , `� PitzL sae4..1
'�w•' : r ..-. ...^•=.e:6+�+,,:,.. .. •
1FRTysA •ass
'J'' ~ G
Y nab)e;raaffm and bottle of modlcina sent Fr
iuRer.r. intra I:x,rross and Post Office address
9e ZFnst Adelaide Strc"t. Toronto, Ont.
,,ao to any
N. G.
Who runs it? Gordon &
Where is it? Opposite the
Queen's Hotel.
Why will it pay the people
to patronize it? Because every-
thing is new. No old stock.
f For Otter lriit,V "Years As Gm) awn giant, -Tartu,, lttrtrhnr.–Dtraa Wine
Mr over fifty
years by millions of mothers for their chiidreti
low's Sl.othing Syrup hoe been used untie,. ,when htibyevaa 4k, errigt►vo her CastortA,
teething, with pertain success, It soothes the child, . When.eho won Oidfd,- he tried for Castortl ,
006ns-tile )pilus, ail:vs tan. Nath, ,sures Wind cbne•
and ,s the best remedy ter Diarrhtea. Is pleasant to li natal ahe.b°calno lit
the taste. Sold by Druggists in sooty part of the the clungto e t Caathta
world. 'rwontyiit'-e canto 'a nottlo. Its vain° is. e�$be Children, 611e j bv0thefb 4r'd;tbkjjy,
lr,ealaalabrtr. Re tare and ask Mr Mre, Winslow's
Soothing Syrup, and take he, other kind.
Mrs. A."Oar leagtie bf ()menet-
i o ng to have x lir
We will be pleased to see
our old customers and as many
new ones as will favor us with
a call,
ELLIOTT BROS:. of the �vinstitatin
Brickyard, have lots
of B
l{ and
N 'i'
hand. It )a said that
other parties are Selling` at reduced
prices,. but we canna be Undersold,
and our brick and the are tut good
its any tuade in the province, We
bythe car
t1 1
1a+,obo file fully no Tow as can h' phot.
chased anywhora. We hove slue u r
quantity of ail kinaim of lniiti.atr -tor -44 ,
Wit:wham, May l . 180.1 > Li,tiy'tl
A complete brig: cattaaae in the Town
of Wingham, on' Minnie street, one of
the most desirable streets for is residence.
Bested by a furnace; as large wood shed;
with hand and soft water in wood shod;
a good stable. The lot hal till feet front-
age and runs 163 feet, back to a lane.
Terms easy. Apply to
GEORGE fHO1,t SG14, Proprietor.
Lumber of all kinds,
First -Class Shingles,
and. Cedar Posts.
Gar toad Orders a Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any part of Wing -
Qa Orders by mail promptly attend eo
Box 126, Wingha,n Ont
Family ml y Meditr2l�e of the Age.
TDitirrhcea,n Cramp,I and+, It
Cures nthe
Stomach, Bore Throat, Sudden Codi,
etc., , et .
Used Externally, It Cures .
Cute, Bruises, ,burns, 3oaids, Sprains,
Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia,
Rheumatism, frosiml Peet.
i, o ettainu i to au�h banal/Wed ivadad hopniar
bee as
t N, u•
Xtrie117 to hs els a in of the
r. Wohile aro ,i Ito toughs e!r•Y;ra in sAntlat Pala
eerhreatpain, and know It to L. o good art! 1o.-4 uCi t
*cat b4rxaten.
Yotlrinp hat yot m000tsud rho rhitallltot, whlah it
thaawn altyabiutarutlymediaWenokinusod-re°aNtn
It has rt�atiaotit I -aa a moon* nt retnerin- path,'*
,aieateine has aeq, 5.4 a r0putatloa na1 Co rem' DIMS
rUln.Killrn-..1`.apntt otic "y
air.ri.e,.�ra »Om"avo14 eroty,rhawr :.tom 'bottles. "ban
A Blessing to Every 2- "
� P�' �3oltzsehbld.
• - 1 Arte Ytbiedtse b6ve steed the teat et ffttY Years exp°rlthea, sod tiers pronounced the Leet H
Totem •-wPU W' what is the Nardi
4 /acuity use. edteraar foe
I ,
Y pular reeretienta n s >g I cw io r. I""igg ,.Izi the IZIT , 1, • .'
d`> B. Boning � Co., •S� tare on the social equality of tl2eselr. �,,.r,t�,ll •
ndorseakin O! Norway IrtlDS; 1+,411 insist be sure to Cblit4,'t Yells,, j3 r"i' , invaruabie 111 Ni abtaptarnte ihlltd°ntat to felb; t , � tx,io�
yn ass's "it lily the ...,+••+rC,
po t patecT •twomli t of h'dueat n � bt
tits of water in rt Swede is 801 t o a ers.
met. ; of ,carbohydrates, 7 yei� $
ru Mr. A
�, of aib'uminoids, 1.4 per cent • be let
days when I; went to Schaal it woe •a lhttta the blood, eor•Ye°t all disorders of the DIVER ��
pine shin le r sTOIrrAG+•Yi
est ooligh salts Z lravo over aged ihnd I
1,rofei It h ° it arbor. r have ive . Iiss as
aurog S• 0011 luilttNATISM,' OLADOt.ilit h s, LIADELOtiC
tit jinpei's �
blSitAglig 1 IiAS <tS t 'DAD Vann,aetureA r twdtLLitOv i
track cut tri° , i •
, The average in the
!isf1;Y at lily iy
know site" i9ti't' 'Mrs. "S��intetrblotll�-No, �i �0t sad rWd by a113iedidine Vtcadorat tl h fir' r d.
75 per cent. of water 2(T trieudg of rulne Aird it
DOVE rad
dear- ar.
y 'shall bring! • Cls -r
Smith with ane, - she ll bry g i enough ottblooixy,� 'Phere i5' ozlly
soeiai t3tltialit Mrit. fill this
��eiha sting• tenia6t° t°mtdy for bad aqs, rorr•b use°Ysa A.>•"�`rtl�`otWl2at aaa�rs cations, rear ns r° tad ,tea *MIMIC it
the shall 2 do, fill it w �irx
tf ori It in .
of carbohydrates; ,2r por Imp. es would be
a difilcnit mote) t1 for t gild.
11toW tb iib'dUQQ the RIMdi ult ni in our sot," ?'oft t °rr Oxford trt* rsxfora
f`attuer paelc It soli+, �".Pnrotittlerr should took to rise Lite* nn site %I,r�rnt eke i'+rtea. I%
, II sts Wore Street, '+need, *bey AO*I US Ms,
t t.. yew