HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-13, Page 111/11111,1ww"'""'""r'01.111,1111111•1111111611111essteen•—• 4.7 r7FliniirnMEr VOL. XXIV.-;-NO. 1248.- PIPAIWArninnar d to a T. hich it is brought ing, and r nothing er to fit to $35. s to $24. to $26. )r Pair. OR, M, ONT. ___nrlltsrDtltXak%rtattMDDDIDWP and . , and is payable ,tzfiltan. Payment of stopped. ass Wawanosh. 00MINC. '(S711101i,ESALE. sr 20e yard. ular 100 a yard, 20o PO Square Yard, 25a or 60'.n pound. nust be right. VirAngbalti Ho PR. TR. Many thatAnus values the time -••-jr pleased ne,w stol ;, general All rou ours. ed incre wliich rn our selec season. getting t and • up- . • .at prices n Cana Sp iIIaU.1,MIL odor!, Ontark4 et a it. We drill; nd to sustain it b reaping and B tar if not sa B, 13, )1MT, Prittretral. Just rec GRI For X Lemon jor Bu .AS CASH Give vincecl. OVID The o wJ WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13,1895. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANC ' a a f g 8 13 5. • 1 a 1 , , , - dov,„•:*te,..„. ''' • " a `Vara'la *. n .1 :i Vi. 1p. .-...i 'ay.' . rt. '•.' . 4 ' r4,....- . , .ne,..... a . ii t vrays i • L ed 4 k, 101),%/41.41141.• ' IUTH 8i BOWLE EPARE B* ' yra ig AS kDE. alealtetwate11/4 • lines just opened up, , . „.... Clalltfay0111' attention, diVays in touch with - . . .... a We are more Malt, • . a a ale .' „-•!,,,,ae ktith Our success 11-0n11;a 7e, eVen tfl. the face C3 "'No- Business d we have increased , 0 • ur sales show a marlt- ase over each month, 1st speak volumes for tions and values this You . can rely !ie most reliable makes ;o -(.late oroods 'with b we defy you to beat a, . . alleabotAalli/Ite eial. Values' .., ' ' ' -' • Departments ta@errelItalivile ' LINERY AT COST. lettateketiteciato :ived a fine stock of ' D BRIMS Das Trade. Drained Peel, i sch a lb. 11,1141.44/fielteand TT.t.' E R. AND f,r„• S .tAls.,E .a•11 ' 44114,Wthili,1-notpaidGo us a call and be con , ' " B ftly Direct Importers. a 14ELL 01111MAP. . , • . '•':,,f'..'• Of • on us . ' • -dere . ' , SHOES Felt BOYS Rubbers v.. Wingham. , / •era 1 • 4- arke ' :r:: , 0 :, \...,... 'a rk, • Olt - 4' S. ; • , A - Ad,, ,... .., - . . \t, ,..,,,...,,. ,.......,.,..,... for all kinds of weatee, SHOES for all kinds of SHOES for all kinds lAned Buckle Boots, Felt Lined Long. Boots, Felt Lined Laced Gaiters and GIRLS SCHOOL and Overshoes, Trunks and Stock Con3plete, Pricefk GEORGE GOOD, . . . ',:f#0 . a a tt* '..t. \ kero. • , %at ,.., . .a., people, of pooeets. and for Ladies. BOOTS, - Valises, Right., . 'rho Shoe man. Sweet cider at W. A, John's/ Baisins 0 lbs. for Ma Kerr & Conery, —The machinery 1 r the Union rurni-cattle bum factory arrived Wedneeday, and it ,i,,, now being placed i position. I . I rane Ma age, Grapes, at Ja MoKelr1010- 8 large brims soap 25e. Kerr er Gonery.. —The Western Ontario Veterinary Medical Aoseeiatio helci a meeting in Guelph, this Weelt, Nr. 501x11. Wilson, V. S., of town, was in ttendance. Cooking Fi a 5o a lb. Kerr & Conory. g Y Finest fine of Preach Bon Boos ever seen in town kr Xmas, at J. MeKelviess. —The Goderieh' ookey Club has been organized with . 'McIver, seeretary. They will be glad o hear a ofa ' from hockey te irks djacent wns, eta they say. Ai]eiaullieszters for all kinds' of nuts, at S. Servant waste r general housework. Apply to Mrs. John . easri, corner of Edward and Alfred treetih Wingham. —Mr. A. EL Mus rove, Principal of the Public School, e ertained the Trustee Board to an oyster supper, at Mr. Jas. bleKelviceet restaur nt, on Tuesday evening. It is needless to se, an enjoyable time was spent.V Christiee Biscuits 20o box. Kerr & Con- ery. Oyster e arriving daily at the old reliable Star restaurent, and served in any style. Jae. McIreevin. —Dr. Camphel of See:Ionia brother -in- law of air. H, D 's, of this town, has • „ disposed of his pr etice in Seaforth, and bas purchased a ractice in Brooklyn, N. Y., and will rem ea, there in the course of is few weeks. Get a free sample of Williams' Little Dandelion Pills and be convinced. There is nothing like them. —Dr. Shaw, of linton, it is altogether will be app nted physician of the Heine of Refuge the January meeting of the County Co neil, as Dr. Campbell - tends r i nin havin de ik1 dto re. in ce g g c ..e nrove to Brooldy •New York. Last season's Mantles, $5 to ss, we sell for 02,5a; 88 to 51_. we sell for 84 ; K2 and 15, wo sell for 06. M. 1-L Mortmoo. rii 'd Society of the Con - —Tile La.....es i , gregational Churc will hold A Bazar, for . the sale of useful household articlee, on Saturday, the 2 t 'inst., afternoon and ev , ar---- otong, in the Ca elle; Block, in the store lately occupied T. C. Grckham. Pull particulars Will 1 - given next week, . Overcoats from 812 to $25; oannot be beaten in the Dominion, at GEO. H. Invites, pity Tailor, • —The' following officers were elected at She meeting of Vai ;ham Council, No. 222, ono Ian Guder D a 0 ae, f oh.. Friends, held on Monday evenin last : Geo. M. Ireland, ' , . C. . ; A.. J. Irsa V. 0. , jos. GolleY, P. C C. ; W. D. Prin e, R.; A. Ross, T. ; W. Mitchell, AL ; M S. Galley, NIT. ; Mrs. J. B. Ferguson, P.; F. H. Rodents, G. R. Meson, S.al,e,a ' Lathes, clean ',-our kid gloves . with h• ' Ga a r 1 1 Josephine owl caner, 'or sitlc on Y by G E Kirke head uerters for the Perrin 3' • • . e, .61 . Freres Kid Gloves, in all the most desirable shades for street or evening wear. a -There was a g d attendance at the.,. Anchor f Hope Lodge, I. O. G. ofmeetingi, e , T., on Tuesday e mug, Several propels's- tions were eubmi ted and two candidates — ' ' 1 e `n by initiated. A deb e was indu g d i several of the irk bees, after the routine . besmear, had bee c000luded, The meet- are held in eyer's bleak and the in. ings , ., . . dicatiOns aro th the ledgeavill double ite inemberehip betoro whateris over. Ditlisstaktun—I wish to inform Maladies of Wingham that I ain prepared to do first- elate work at my borne, or to sew by the (ley.. I guarantee satisfaction in all work intrusted to me. REIM, P/4.011 Franees St , . —The following eference to the marriage. of Miss Eva, G.11 63033, daughter of Mr. Thos. liession, is ellen from the Toronto Saturday Night : e.A. very pleasing Ore- mony was Mohr ea in Toronto, On Wed. nesday, Novel:lib 20, it being the mai-the age of Dr. I. . Cunningham, of St. ornas, to is t a et in e mien, Th Ili' 11 . G t • d n .. of Toronm to. After he cereony the happy ceuple tvere At onto to many friends on Thursday even lg. The bride was it well,. known lady Cunetist of Toronto and lent valuable mods 000 in coneerts, as well tte i to church end her orchestras. aat it MA r,,,, r ye 1 to *tforrn tho I liniEghakt-ir; and'svieinityllthat 1 am aird W prepared to dO Wed* At my home„ 151r. Jos. ' Aden's' or to sew by the (ley. 1 ' . f . I guarantee • ti perfect sake °thou in all work m rnsto.d ' to ut.. e. %hosts Itororox, Corner ioranout , Ara maLtlyiesi sta. Rely & Conery wish yen all a nierrY X'.1144' —Messrs, Gr y, youog & Sperling ehipped a tier Ma of malt to Tonanto , on Wednesday, per. , w, Fa .A.pples, Celery and Vegetables, at the c t ja t W A i y es anent, . . Joints. FOR Saes,—A nuniber of Brown Tuoghorn fowl, Apply et the Tams office, —1‘fesere. Jelin 0 er & Son shined a car load Of flour to ebec on W One d y , Wec]» 3 laat, per Grand T'ru t Railway.........s Buy Your aid a box of Frew Bon Bo s - - 21 at J. MeKelvieak. House WAIll'80 TO1 N' —A good, COM- fortable dwelling ho s wanted to rent, Y Appl at the Times cc, Winghean. —No definite au ngements have thus far been made with a 11. Coleman, of Paisley, who desire to remove his pork. peeking industry to own, We make a specialty of Supper* having the largest parlors in town; give us a trial, W. A. Jones. A comfortable frame dwelling house on Shutter street for sale. Apply at the T fa ran 0 CO. , —The Rai'. R. 11 pkin, of Listowel, '11 conduct the ser ices in the Congrega- " tional ample on S clay, 15th inst„ both morning kind eyeriin Before buying your Xmas Candies look in at the City Restaurant lines which are largo and well assorted. W. A. Jones. Ileathileld's Healing 13alsant is a sure cure for the worst cold. At Williams' Drug Store. —Thu Secretar of the Local Board of Health has receive a communietation from. Dr. P. H. Bryce, oronto, Secretarr of the Provincial Board of El ealth, intimating that a coynplajnt ipas been lodged with hire as to a nuisance t atn Wng- exists iin aan, and asking the ocal Board to report on Marie. Lemon and Orange Peel 20c lb. Kerr & Conery. ' _,.....nvaby .rate moneys to loan on mortgages at reason bl f ' a e rate a anterest. Apply to tf a - .()fl 1•12=INDS. —Mr. A. Brisbo , telegraplt lineman for the G N ICL ,. ., . received, along with bis inontins pay, o Wednesday, an inti-, =don that hie pa would be increased $2 per month for the utnre. This was unexa pected by Mr. Bri is, as he had not asked f . • f ci any increase o pay, and is a recogni• t' f M B • b' 1 131 • iou o r. ris s vs, ea e services to - the Company. 'Williams' Little Dandelion Pills cure headache. Try them. —For first-01MS teiloring and cheap gents' fUrnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of Br A. Graham's grocery store, i ---At thelsat mee ng of Camp Caledonia, SOMS of Scotland, li Id on Tuesday evening, the follown ce s were r the en. i 0 offi elected fo . suing term : Joh Murray,Chief, ; C.has. Elliott, Chieftain; hos. M. Henderson,Past Chief ; IL A. Gr Itttrit Chaplain; H. F. Gordon,' RecordSecretary ; Walter 'Taylor, Pinanoisa eoretary; J. II. Boomer Treasurer ; Tho. Carruthees, Marshal ; Gavin Davidson, tandard Bearer; Hugh - Hamilton, Senior ward; Arch. Campbell, Junior Guard ; P. Macdonald, M. D., Physician ; Ang s Sternal, Piper. 10,000 Orengee aud Lemous corning in At .T. XeKelvie% -elgesere, McLean Son have a gang of men irk the bush takii , out saw logs, 0, E. Williams sells pure drugs. SatiefaCti011 gitaran,teed. —Tbere is little p Inability of increased mail service bet en Kincardioe and Palmerstou at prose , igif M L a. Seen, INt to lets been working — r' • in Goderieh for SO time. ran rived 1118 Welly to that place 11116 week. , There is oo r o 0 m ()Atop, for we there in Confectionery, Pipes, Tobaecos, Oigers, (ko• taa, A. Jon. aa ' _The Wei ' ' * glung re st,elass. and business an nearly all lines is god, Large quanti- ties of wood and '' noidereble farmerke produce is tieing brou lit into awn.. We don't say that we home the largest stock of Confectionery in town but ea and see for yourself, j. licKnevm. —The Minister of dacation has issued a circular showing thol number of teaching days for the year 18 5, Li cities, towns and incorporated villages the number is 305 days, while in alpublie and separate school the number I, 214. A very large stook of Candy, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, at bottom prices, at Kerr & Coney's. --At the regular eeting of Wingham Lodge, o. 60, A. & A. M., the follow- • in officers were el ,ted for the ensuing . year: Worshipful • master,Jos. Golle • Y : amen warden, R. V netone; junior warden, Peat, Palvell ; e ' plain; J. S. Smith; .. treeaheeV:‘Beni. W Bork ; secretary, J. A. MaketOna• anditor H. Hiscocks, A. J. ,,a, Iona. 'The Trst„ and ar„aa wealth Globe Glob, Will - be 'sent fr 1 now until the let of Jarman, 1897, for $1.25. Subscribe at once 11 yoke avant cheap reading. —Word was rec ed in town, on Wed- on, t a ewes,theseven- nesday afterno t S teen year old son o Mr. John Teugher, of Turnberry near B more, had met with a shooting accident, ,hile out him ting that afternoon. From t e particulars at hand, appears that two the Taugher boys were out in the bus and had s, gun with them. One of them at firing off the un 1),nd Jam the younge boy, ViltS shot in the e neck, the £110 g1, ing in one side and coming cut the oth . The young mart ?lied almost instanal . —G. '1 .f treble for Toronto and east leave Wingliere at 6,23 ta in. and 11.20 a. tn., via • ni; la na, via Clinton mei Guelph. Good Ceti- neotions by all trains. ' I —Ur, :t. Mega. to Toronto, Froth ()yam hulk oreerved irk —mr, a. 13 . oro cattle to Toronto, WillXams' cure headache, —Mr. J. L. Coutt disposed "C' 1"' prop at present occupied. W. Wader, to We make special body; give 08 a trial. —Rev. W. E. ed very 'aceepteb ehuroli in' , tMs lest, Rev. Dr. Giffoi Belmore. See onr Jeader —Mr. Alex, Holme ham, but who. boa for some ear y s, now overseer of 1.11., with Image where he removed —There hi but - - to municipal mat Most of the believe' offer .. for and oneor two • said will not be , The Time and al will be sent from Jortl?,17, 1897, ce if you want officers ham Methodist of the orchestra, and leas. Towle Monday Avenin served and a, ve ail regent P • indent of the - re -unions ars'a . —The annuel and offieers• of t School, Wiugh, School room' o ,Dec. 1.6th, at 7.3 usual good OM eake, at the clef will not be overi ' ' cultivate the see well as the Ment The Trims me will be seut fi.6.0 in January, 1807, OBOE if you want —A local aides given the corp which it has acted likely to prckve vain, civic authorities for damages froro having a: shading local pa,pers reitie broken plauks to . to the street inspe —1.tr. • Macdooa Tein erence mee p . week, eed the Een ' in 1.0 eten 'ce,to 'Ms the.eVeningaytkaa.,) of *ingliiimaa"., else manner, alie and figeree, ohm, prisons and houses 'alielving that the owed their preseua thighs. He said people of the court for the existence standing firm in prohibition, they before temperance teMperaoce Men COnntOlni to repre i " proh Innen would He attributed the act ma the Scott paesing thew bine their opponents the macbiriery by be made effeetive, he made inst. on 1 so long as trafildiont inotiork to eilloNe .eriminel leave aro in Malt, he cited 1 18,410 -vow, e unto tf044110. The inito by making a Oren 1 people to stand i Men at would vote I. Isedittft tattt,tturt4t1trtak km ohrayA eutetyle. la n . Little Mr, Kerr pia in bp has . ' a i is li OM p1' .ent • i electron, o the candidates Toronto for cheap l ra urea', were, at last. enjoyable r • blurt • Onnear.occurrence. -.a... meeting e ; Monday ., In of the'business ite,..,, I, aidifittaat a:aAil-Ai& Tozi*Ve ••• • iip.orlu &nil, cheap a- to t, , ting p • ' ingin :e . .. ,. aP, is - oetoz.prestioted .f gr at itWiti3 of th a w b f a ha i eft: i t Cr shipped a ear toad Thureclay,per G. T.) on bond ; sold j W. A, Jonas. hi a s ppe e car load 4 on Thursday, per f Dandelion Pill Try them. of St. Theme!, lie tY ookroeePhirke stree by F. Kerney and r las. latoGuire.ta" effort to please ever) W. A. JPM•. of Wroxeter, preset. in t the Methoeie •, on Sendety mornin taking his work i Mixed Nuts. W. A. JOHNS. fortrierly,of Wier resitting in Fk ergu een promoted and i iig of men on the c rtes at Southereptor family this week. le to report in regal: 111 -town, as ye . Connell will, av but the 11faye Councillore, it i • 'Weekly Glob now nail the ist e 81.2'5. Subscribe a reading. ,. a'' a teachers of the i ana tha n2eniber enterteArd, ' by Di their reitiderice, of Refreshments wet evening sea Tovfler is th su erin - 0 P, ela I ,h .E3, ,00 , and. thee - oi,the teacher Presbyterian Sabbatl . will -- be bid irk tin eve' ' g t . , um 1.18X It is Impel • that. thi of ,Itiving toffee ani meeting 4Ali #' a .,.ke , ,,,:We Bee e - ' a ni, being, a . . . a fir kl C lb '4 '21e)if. -7 3'. ' ° 1 tri tite 1st e - 4Subscribe a' ren,sfing, ' Smith's Falls ha, f that totvn a NA ., i non, and which -a cle. He advised th forestall A11 itetiort decay° sidervalke, le advertisement in tit • all persons Bridim omptly report the fat' or. • M.::B,, !Spoke at 1 8 oforth his e , 0 or ,has the following e . a, dr st : The sue ker. o Mitodonahla M. P, neeel elear end, con feet 04 frorn: the varien correetion in Ontarit xnajority of criminal °nation to the lige° the Chrietial who were responsild he tektite. Insteati e ir demands for tote owed party to corn It was not mit e tent to tbe piques t .nt the people, the ' ' . ati ecconiplished lac ihire of the bunki t, to the feet that i shsougli Parliantet stripped them of a 10s1 such a lM aw ed . prohibitory Inv end live ea an other talk y, nitteitittery VOW put i as stringently 48 (AN nforced, and, et a cai wonderful work dor . , have in tee state 4 clued his ale aidre apas.i te ell Glaristia dAte only for eat I Partimatettet itt Se] , i atIttatItt_ , Marriage Licenses Limed by Paitaiit PATZITS0N. Na 23, Vic7 sarin street,Winghana, Ont. No witnesses require . d . AP., cv COR. Canada's Larc•e tO po .410' - / • STS', TORONTO, Commercial School. courses ; Students twisted Write tor circulars. b Eutort Principals. CANT"? ..- Aid ./ lir emcee AND GERRARD .- Greatest faculty ; Superior ns sitioevery week. easw --..„... [likely, . a'' 7V / , / in these days at tan< ahout advanced titethoda% Instruction in ,-,COIMIXONigi work, iet us show 'eon :what twci large i‘nd successfully cOnducted schools 1 sl, :one nutnavertent can otter you. The only --n-, a' a method in existence. Write us for oarti•it a -re a'•shorthand and penmanship courses wit -lolly = i and up to date. Oursohoolis nosnrpassed ,• eateumet and our staff of teachers all men hold- ' *teachers (=Milt otos. Pend for catalogue. CENTRAL .DUSINESS COLLEGE 1 . . ' 't,,,s, . 11 , ' - W T ottn ONT. tnusly 8-strort' , r. MoINTME4ipa.. pceters . 1 • Gash orooety. —Mr. Tal for Pure —The Fruit Woodstock, Our —A Cannity purchasing Ralf Rely' 4 . '''' x . tirt'ti St. last, , •0:- 'Sittlaii.40,12k - -Me. town, Presbyterian week. Black G•20. —To by toanoirow added percenteg Servant iroting. ---Bev, of 15. of Adelaide, land, father's Por Patterson, --The et HOMO vf re 01 of defacing oe- atm went LOCAL NEWS. .. at Griffin's the reater-44/ Conery. ' the Outaalo was held in arriving. from Kent, this week, at J. Me- . - of Heron services iri on Sunday drugs. i of this ' sunday Bramtford, $15 up, atone not' paid cent will be and tswe the washing or rector but now from tea. . his late pipe, cell on Wingliam, Were triea for mooring in Duckinne, harged hy , one outing ,,,,a and was Bud . in. jail Ito for latittee. and - - - Geo. Shawiis his new brio& Pe pper 15c lb. annual re Growers' As °dation this we Xina,s, candies couple of were in fresh m leh a ton of mixed ' -cc,. l., Grave) , • • e, London onducted Paul's church, n E. -;1011 :: .'','Oelis ' . -----:.1 J. 'R. ;Fri • ' preached il ebur Mr. Friend worsted suits H. luta" City all town tax ' ' ' .ii nag , and collected 6• . . girl w Apply at rl., W. riu Paul's Church . bee jut where. he Wes estete. e.. good, cool s the leading three paling %IMAM, on Br' jewelry from11051316 found not ttilt Judge. After them was ore a chest in ooste or tw todail. eggs laying in block. Kerr & ting of k. are daily entlemen iek vicinity, cows. oandiet, student the this placte, pure Used. na, . lormerly hes, Faraey, esides in from Tailor. a which are ,o per ,' 'Peavey ,to th no , Willson's. bus, formerly of this,plate, returned, . Diking after ricking jeweler, Inert who sy last, Alla di ing diseshearged a for a ,littl, onths -- nceon Special Anum Every lady in W gbam a vicinity is recretested to call G if6 grocery on Monday, Tuesday r nesdey, Deem- ber 16, 17 or 18, to ee e cooking exhibit by a celebrated Bo et Chcf TRE Boyar, Gnoonny. . —The Rev.A. Gal' 1 a very interesting lea ing in the lecture ro church. The room utmost capacity. lecture wee entitled Helloed," The loot ing the physical fen giving some details dykes er embank country is protected ing on one of these d on the one side the only teki Met benetal other side the land i: The country in those below the level of th: occasiou the bra pair have opened the the sea to rush in to a cruel and oppresst • and dornesticlife of dealt with. Their , • t f quaint e'.yle o dyes: courtship and other • . • heirkg discussed mucl audience. The r rusbyterim. Itis church and the Prat are National and Sep schoo s are those for whose litho and Iola mite port of the National enlegfiee William zealous presasaarnal, principles .of the 11, thomplon of religious Ur, Jansen leeturea . the Young People's Unaryttier- ,, sen, o ur am, gave f D h ure on Monday even- m of the Presbyterian was crowded to its The stibjest of the W. p , x edema of Life in rer.began by deterib. urs of the tountry,. as .to the artilioial elite by wide.% the rom the sea,. Stand- kes a person may see , mere of the .0eemi hitt, While on the twenty feet below. parts being, ten feet sea. On more than - Hollanders in dee. r dykes and allowed , elp them to overcome . enemy. The social he people was then roverbial cleanliness 1 ; t lei mien of I 'r MA , hases of home life, . . to the enjoyment of ligion of Holland is 'videcl into the State hurch. The sehoolet rate, The 503055550 e nreent brit •y v r , i nefit they are Main Mite also to the tap. 1 el, hoole. The leeturer 1 lime of Orange, it e &fouler of the eratien and the in iberty in Stirtt:03, der the auspicea of lety of Ghristian t t ' ' Prices of 31"Cea sirtgt abc.voternighain Pack- &weep, teeth, 4 .be. for cents. Tenderloin, 4 lbs. for 25 ants. Ribs, 10 lbs. for 25 con . Headcheese, 6 lbs. fo 5 cents. idoehe, 8 lbs. for 5 ents. Ffani makings. 1 s for 25 cents, ' Pigs feet, ea a for 25 cents, pigs henc,i, 5 i r 25 emits. Lard, 0 cents per lb, Ham& 9 cents per lb. , Beeakfast Beam, 0 eents per . Geo. laicKlbnezie, • , ' , . .e. Groat Otter. With a view of booming the eirculatilio of the Twee, we will send the Trims el,ny eddress in Canada oi• the tinited States from now to the end of 1896, we will seed the TIMES for One dellari or , the weekly Globe Me the same leligtn of time for $1.25, jest think of it. The Globe is A 12 Page Pn'Pe, Inn- of solid readies rnetter, end the Tates is now one f the best weeklies in the toiletry,. the .0 , „ .. , „ , .„ ten m 3005 two foe 411.24. Den aMlee it, aby at onto. kor ,. , A Prominent Lawyer says: "1 Inive eight children every one in gond 1th not one of whom but hes take) bee , Scotea gfooldook in Wille11 my wire has boundless confidence." ..***........ . e dWelln' hood on A comfortable tram g Shuter street for sale. Apply et the ePtArtort naindt. ' a a f g 8 13 5. • 1 a 1