HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-12-06, Page 8ABER 6, t895. WSW ANd SUITE or 98 Gond splendid business apes are a special uffs at half price. No M. H. McIHD00. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. —The statutes of anada, 58 and 59 Victoria, 1895, have een issued by the Queen's Printer. A comfortable frame dwelling house on Shutter street for sale. ' Apply at the TILES office. —December 30th will be nomination day all over the province. Elections will be held one week later. The Tines and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent from now until the 1st of January, 1897, for 1°,1.25. Subscribe at once if you want cheap reading. —As we go to press Wm. Kerr, builder, dead in his bed with his residence, on. Min we learn that Mr. vas found lying is clothes ion, at 'e street.,] -2` Ladies, 'clean your l kid gloves with Josephine Glove Cleaner. For sale only by G. E. King, headquarters for the Perrin Freres Kid Gloves, in all the most desiraole shades for street or evening wear. —Two full moons will come in December. The Second Adventists occurred since the con 1 years ago, and from t i argue his second comic proaching holidays. --An odd scheme of tried at a certain churc ago. Every persou.pres put in a plain envelope their equivalent, as the The envelopes were not cation, and the givers honor not to cheat the c ing' their age. The resr tory. say this has not g of Christ, 1896 coincidence they during the ap- rising money, was i a few Sundays nt was asked to s many cents or giver had years. narked for identifi- ere put on th lir urch by mis-stat• Its were satisfac- We have on sever former occasions made reference to the !success. attending pupils of the Canada usiness College, of Chatham, Ont., but the report received from the College this week shows a state of 'things which must be very encouraging to the proprietors of this far-famed school, and shows moat conclusively that its graduates must know their business. The Sutherland Innes Co.w a firm doing busi- ness'in the millions annually in all lines of Cooperage stock, and with almost every country in the world, has recently engaged three former pupils in the Chatham Office, and have sent another former pupil, who has been engaged in the home office for the past two years, to take charge of their Moe at Munising, Mich.; still another to take charge of their of%io in New Orleans ; while another former puiril has had charge of the books of the same ;firm in their New York office for the past three years. Such e►idences of competencybas this cannot be gainsayed. The Collegeadvertisement gives full particulars of the, appointments, and intending businessor shorthand stndeiits wanid do well to look it up. -..The December number of the Delinea- tor is called the Christmas \number and is nod with holiday good things. The gxposition of winter styles is complete, and the Bcutson's Millinery is att actively pre. lusted. There is a special h liday article On dolls and their dressing, a d another on novel homemade Christmasifts, a theme pleasantly supplemented by t conclusion of Tillie itoome Littell's actio nt of how to =aka crepe paper brownie , and by a chatty glance et eurrent novelties in ipr+pvmidt' the tea table,. M Boger A. Pryor delightfully chaperon s her readers breakfasts, luncheons and The practical bide of the darner hes wa exposition All ite lbs Chriattlaas turkey itself n Norwich visiting rd ,Goad-, of Hensall, was in f uesday. . A. Gingrich returned from Manitoba Friday last. Thos. Hamlin,of London was a visitor in 2 Doors town during the week. ELL'S is the best thing you can use. 25CTS. PER BOTTLE What has cured others will cure you. TRY HIS COUCH CURE. COLIN A. CAMPBELL Chemist and Druggist, Rev. D, Gordon, of Toronto, is visiting hits son, Mr. H. F. Gordon. V Mr. Wm. Marlowe arrived home from Manitoba on Saturday night. e/ Mrs. McGregor, of Algoma, is visiting friends in town and vicinity. Miss Sadie McCreight, of Doon, is call- ing on friends in town and vicinity. Miss Mary Johns was at Hensall this week attending the funeral of a cousin. Mr. Jas. McAlpine, of Brussels, was in town on Friday Last, calling on friends. 1 --bliss Clarke, of Owen Sound is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gavin Wilson, of East Wawanosh. Gerrie Vidette : Mrs. J. S. Found is at present visiting friends in Wingham and Whitechurch. Master John Baxter and Mrs. Anderson have gone on an extended visit to friends in Blenheim, Dr. P. Macdonald was at Stratford Tuesday and Wednesday, visiting his brother, who is ill. Mr. A. Gillies, ofTeeswater, was intown on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late John Cargill. Mr. Malcolm Lamont is in Ripley visiting friends. He expects to remain there a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys, of Mt. Forest, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, Souter street, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, of Listowel, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, S. B. Webb, a few days during the week. Dr. J. R. Macdonald was at Stratford on Saturday, remaining until Monday, paying an uncle; Who is quite ill, a profess sional visit. Mr. H. Cargill, M. P., of Cargill, was in town a few days during the week, having been called here by the serious illness of his brother, the late John Cargill, TEESWATER. About thirty guests assembled at the residence of Mrs. Jos. Erb, of this place, on Tuesday evening of last week to witness a marriage cere- mony. The contracting parties.were Mr. John Duncan, of' West Superior, Wisconsin, and Miss Rubina Hardy, daughter of Mr. ,I3enr y Hardy, of Prince County, Prince Edward Island, and sister of Mrs. Erb, Rev., Jas. Malcolm tied the knot. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss L. Hardy, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. ,Erb. Mr. I. Erb, of Culross, performed the duties of groomsman. The young people will spend a few days with their friends here before leaving for their Wiscon- sin home. .• 1301 111. . MoDoNALn a In Wingham, on Dec. let, the wife of Mr. A. E. McDonald; a son:. CL'NNINGIiAM—In Gerrie, on Nov. 28th, the wife of Mr. Andrew Cunning- ham; a daughter. 'Yrs BARaETT—In Wingham, on November 20th, the wife of Mr Barrett; a daughter. MARRIED. CALnnICK—,SMITH--In Morris, on Nov. 27th, by Rev. A. K. Griffin, at the resi- dence of the bride's parents, 19r. Geo. Caldbick to Mies Kate, daughter of Mr. Joseph Smith, both of I1orris. v' 0 norr.t.—In Wingham, on Dec. 1st, Jahn Cargill, aged 01 years, 2 lnonths, 8 days.V ScaxT—ln Wingham, on Nor. 30th, J emery If, Scott, son of Mr. Robt, Scott, aged 5 years, 1 month and 4 days..r' SAt7ngassort—In Now York, on Nov. 25th, Margaret Alice, eldest daughter of the late Win. Sanderson, of Wroxeter, aged 33 years and 8 months. Woon—In Mullett. on Nov. 22nd, Louis C., son of Um, L. G. Wood, assist- not minister of Church of the Redeemer. Toronto, aged 1 year and 2 weeks, and formerly of Wingham. veWoons--In. West Wawanosh, on Nov, 24th, Mrs. Woods, wife of Mr. Thos. Woods, aged 45 years, to South of P. 0., Wingham, DRESS IVLutrno- -I wish to inform ..the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that I am prepared to do work at my home, Mr. Jas. Adams',or to sets by the day. I guarantee perfect satisfaction in all work intrusted to me. JESSIE Ronsrox, Francis st. IT PAYS TO STTCC3SS of the highest o .er still t.ttenda the pupils of the CANADA DUSINES OLLECE CHATHAM, a NT. .i. D. Staple bas beer ren to take charge of the Sutherland d Innes Co • 'cc at Munising, Mich. Chas. Ball, to take c •e of same firm's office at New Orleans. Three . ter former pupils have been added to their staff in the home office, M,MoBraync and Bertha Garrett as stenographers and Frani: Elliott ns general assistant. Another Conner pupil, willerton Toting, has had charge of the books in the New Y ark ofiice of the same firm for three years. All of the above are former pul.ils. It Pays to Attend the Best School. For catalogue of either department. address, D. SIoLACHLAN & Co., Chatham, Ont. Ivp,TICE is hereby given; that the Corporation of lel the Town of Wingham , P1 ,epply to the Legis- lative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, at the next session tbereof,for an auto legalize and south m by.law No. 250, 1506, of the Town of Wingham, ex- tending the time for repayment of the unpaid portion of the loan ,Wade to Gilchrist, Green and Company, and providing for the issue of new debentures to tun sbven ye.0 s from the Met December, 1858, for the Purpose of redeeming the now outstanding deben- tures oelltidsaid town, representing the unpaid por- tion of tite'said loan. J. B FERGUSON, Town Clerk. Wing -ham, Oa., Nov, 4th, 1891. FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, being lot 41, concession 13, East Wawanosh. Good buildings; fenced with board and rail fences; good water; close to school; within 2% miles of the town of Wingham. Fall plowing done. Terms reasonable. For particulars, apply on the premises. S. C. HUWLET, Wingham P. 0. HOUSE AND _LOT FOR SALE. A good frame dwelling house on Shuter street, containing seven rooms, kitchen and pantry, good cellar, and wood shed, is offered for sale cheap. On the lot, which contains one-sixth of an acro, are good frame stable and shed. Hard and soft water under cover. For particulars, apply to the owner, R. ELLIOTT, 'Times Office, or to SAMUEL YOUHILL, Real Estate Agent. Kent Block, Wingham. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian �j■ ®■ F■ Order Forestora,afteets the second and last Friday evening of every month, in Ore. gra'y's Block Visiting brethren welcome. John Ncelands, C. rt. IL D. Elliott, It. S. P 0 Wingham L. O. 1,., No. 504, meets e ■ ■ first Friday in every month 10 the Orange Hall; visitors welcome J. G. Stewart, W. M.; W. J. Flenty, Itee.•See, TO SMOKERS To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tuckett & So& Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of 99 SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous "T Jit 'I#'0 brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every elem. BY V1 It 1 VIN, "THE" TAILOR. ODTRJ SUSTS� Are made to order. That's why they always fit, perfectly, .admirably, and to a T. There's more in our suits than a perfect fit ; there's first-class material, which it is always easy to select from our superb aggregation of the finest goods ever brought into,Winghanl. Our suitings•are unequalled. So is our high class tailoring, and' in clothing, the tailoring is everything. Material, even the best; counts for nothing'. if the suit be badly made up. Clothing must be ordered for .you in order to fit you. Order your clothing now while we're offering bargains FRIEZE ELTON AND OVERCOATS t IN LATEST STYLES, FROM $9 to $35. BEAVER OVERCOATS IN ALL SHADES, FROM $12 to $24. BLACK OR BLUE SERGE SUITS FROM $8 to $26. BLACK WORSTED TROUSERS . FROM $2.50 to $6 Per Pair. ` v7- G1a..1\T"\TOT EE "_3` "5x OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON. OEO H. I RVI N MEMESIMZEP For Suits that suit, 5LHTgive comfort to the 4d t wearer and satisfy your friends,you had OVERCOATS, better try ns. Our garment maker s know how todo their work ; don't think / there are any botter and yet we" charge no more than others do for inferior work. Hundreds of new fall and winter samples to choose from, at prices about half what yon have to parfurnishing old Moir own cloth. If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot be properly made for 84 Spot Cash, call and see our work. Our terms are cash. TROUSERS. -WEBSTER & CO ., Opposite the Macdonald Block, Wingham, Ont. ATTRACTIVE -� MEAT Should not only he agreeable to the taste and smell, but It should be cut so as to be attractive to the eye. My meats will be found all that 18 desired in these respects. BEEF, rent aid MOUTON always on hand. SA'USACGES, 1t At C1 EESE and everything In the butchering line, in season. As 1 supply 00 hotels, all custohters have a chance of petting the best cuts. Our prices will always be found just right and meat will be delivered to any part of the town .Y. G. FIELD. 1Vin*parr!, Avis, Mb, MS. The pu blic are negotiating a note 1895, and drawn •r nine onths,bearing interest at the -ate of six p cent., as the same ha- been lost. The note is " THE" TAILOR, WINOHA.M, ONT.- cautioned against l25, dated Jute, 'A n rim. .�i �•.' ull drawn in favor against Michae at the Bank of said noteas dh be f Geor Wall L. Walker and , and is payable a Ilton. Payment of stopped. GEO. I. WALK, Wingham P.,0 est WaERwanash . OUR RIC' COST SALE ;BOOMINC1t ' THE REASON—PRICES CUT DO :' + a'°WHOLESALE. Note a few oft the following prices : 72 inch Union Sheeting for 50c a yard, regular 65e a yard, 72 inch White Twill Sheeting, 203 a yard, regular 25c a yard, 72 inch Unbleached Twill Sheathing, lac'a yard, regular 20c a yard. - 32 inch Flannelette, 8c a yard, regular 10o a yard, Floor Oil Cloth, 20e per Square Yard. BEST BLACK SCOTCH .FINGERING YARN, 9 knots for 25o or Me a pound. We are selling about 10 pounds a day of the above, so it must be right. Come at once and get some of the bargains at �OI--3 T .1 LBR.A TT -3'S GOING OUT OF' 13t1SINESS. Winghhni, AS CLEAR AS A BELL. If a pupil of the Does not grasp a Subject readily we repeat and repeat until he gets it. We rill; some schools don't. We got our reputation in that way, and intend to sustain it hm giving a thorough grind in an subjects taught. We teach Bookkeeping and lbrr-.a nese paper by a new method. Enquire about.tt. Your motley back it not satlli*--r, Catalogue free. Mr. E.A.Coon has soeapted a position in the office of E. D. S •' ) , r Winona, Ont. S. W. WIs>; 'TEl'tryV'i3L'T, Tsrinrtp..